-V. .. ; V 1 Ask for MIltfA and you will get a 10c. Cigar for 5c. For Sale by the Original W. H. WALLACE. IIP 1 1 WW mm n . L!:$ Kit!:a Wi:is Tooeka. Kau.. . Feb. 24. Mrs.' M;ti Vila Battles ill IAN i 1 went v-mne omeera and men . W as . n ' ''v -i -e wrote ir m me r rom to say teat Game Nation, tirme of lail lite. , . ,.. " . I lor scraicnes, uruises. cms, wuuuas t 1 1 has written Judge Bazen a letter! sore feet and stiff joints. Bucklen's 1 hjij- i ur Arnica Salve is the best iu the ueuiBuciue 1 eir-n,tt- jl nam tuu i . . - . . ... k. ,. 0 . I world. Mmn for rnrna. ttin pmrw tH quit your fooling," she writes, Uiona and Piles. 25c a box: Cure "and let. ont or here. If von guaranteed. . bold by 1 heo. . , . w ". Kluttz & Co.druggists . T urnrt f foal liVa m ts r I'0" t forget Dr. Lomax when angel unto you. It is time for vou need eye-glasses fitted. 2-19-2t you to recover yourself before the devil, your master,, makes a clean CQ LI LI I SSI ONER'S SALE OF sweep with you into hell. - .You ' . I A tin Know, you are persecuting' one of duct - . . . . . . . . . . , . - . know, vou are Dersecutinsr one oft i . . We are going ;to take inventory tne 1st. week: in MAKUrland in the meantime we are going tokre-r , By virtue of an order obtained at the l this big Stock we have on hand now. That ia, if cuttiugprices will do it. vxoa cnuaren wno loves you ior February term of . Rowan Superior - - - . - - Jesus' take. Let me out, that- I i t' yn rr v -i i v . r I - I vs. Thomas Lt. Brinffle. the i From 'Monday Feb. 18th, to Thursday the 28th, both days inclusive just 10 days we are going to offer you some .extraordinary bargains, you will be interested in some of tbem. They are unusual values. , may go about my saving ; such - poor you. Write or come to sei me Bead these .:U4. " ed a Commissioner will expose lor sale devils . as house door in Saiisburv. N. C. on Mon- Jackets and Cloaks. A BATCH OF ITEUS FRQU FAIT I j . ........ We are going so sell these for a good deal lea than they cost us. ' Buy one now and keep it for next1 winter, rour n.uu jackets go at fo.uu. inree y.uu jaBKew to go at fb.uu. Four fo.ou ana f i.ou t&oVAia t .i. 4 Art ' . ' Children's Janets. Peeler Bros ii Tkelr Nei Store. F unda- tions for tew House Being Uiii.l Correspondence to Tkcth-Ikdex. 1st Dai of April, 1901. at the hour of 12 m., the following de soriLed real estate: One hon&e and lot in the ist ward of the city of Salisbury, N. O.. bein- nng at a stone at the North corner of the intersection of Boundary andlnniax streets md runs North- Went niss street one hundred feet to a stone KeeUr'a line, thence North-East with his line and na allel with Tiniinrinrv street on'hundred and thirty-five feet Four $5 jackets, choice $2.95. Two $4.50 jackets, choice $2.50. Ons dozen capes at just half price. - . i-. Ladies and Misses Mackintoshes. tU 25 Mackintoshes for $2 95. $3 00 Mackintosnes for $2 25. $1.95 Mackintoshes for $1 45. Walking Skirts. $ 50 skirts For 2 75. hois for 15c. All winter underwear both wool and cotton iust 4offthe regular Drice. Table Linen. nr. t-.v - i , -; . reeu on nunarea ana thirty- Uiuj. uuu vuri bu oia vrtjuiec erate to C. M. Hall s line, thence S.' E. with veteran" who has been : livintr M. Hall s line a d. parallel with'In Seven 352.95 lAckets. choice il.KO. L' tt w "iss Btreet 0, e hundred feet to Boun T ,., ' r" " 4 J. : , pwiui w poBL aary street, thence with Boundary St viii iiMiiii ii m n mnvpn nn nic enn. uunurru siiu Linn v-n VP ippi rn ! n 1.n,nl.: f- Tu v. , stone tne beginning corner and being ln-lawsjplace, Mr. John Rj men, part of lot No. 6, square No 43 of Shaver lsuury, Deing in. name house and lot 1 -m . conveyea nyaeeaaatea October 20th uy j. jm. nail and-wife Ida M Hall t Reuben 2 . Hnl od by Reuben J. Holmes by deed dated fliarcn oin, iuuu. to rn.mias 1. linn subject, ho'vever. to a nrior nnrtutr, a i . ' . - r-- r- in me sum oi 5o7U.lJ. executpd hv l! M. Hall and wife Ida M. Hull in frnr of Joseph Kestler, JOHN L. RENDLEilAN, Feb. 25th. 1901. 4w. Con nmsioner i near China Grove. Last Monday W S Earuhaitand his crowd laid the foundation of a new residence fpr John Yost, and on ..Friday the same carpenters laid the foundation for Calvin $5 skirts for $4. WOOL HOSE : 25c all wool hose for 20c: 20c all wool tWIa'h r.wr hnnaa Th ioaf ! named will be used for a milline ry store. The scholars at the free school We offer vou'another Pond ebflnr tn lmv lVmn nboft rWTinon -fnr 7n WriinoV'frtr Rfv i 9K hei .practicing for a - big time linsn for $1 ; $1 50 linen for $1 20. . on the close of their school. A good many people are now figuring on the weight of the gran ite belt. The most of them have tht correct answer. Peeler - Bros are moving into their large new store house. The JrO U A M have moved in to their new hall cer Peeler Bros Rugs, Crockery and Shoes. for 1 CS, ' -a All $2 Smyrna Rugs for $150, all $2 95 Smyrna rugs for 2 25, all $395 Smyrna rugs for 3 00. CROCKERY including all kind of China and delft glassware and lampsTit 20 per cent discount SIIOE and we have a bigliue All 75c shoes for 60c; all $1 shoes for 80c; all $1 25 shoes for $1; all 1 50 thoes for 1 20; $2 shoes for 1 CO; all $2 50 shoes for $2; all $3 shoes for 2 40. 1 v All 5c Outing at 4c; all outing at 7c; all 10c outiug at 8c. Men's Hats, and shirts 50c hats for 40c; 75c hat for60c; $1 hats for 80c; $!25hatsfor $1; $2 hats for 150; $4 Stetson hats for $3; 25c hirts at 20o; "0c shirts at40: 75c shirts at COci flil shirla AOo. I Comforts at. 2fl rar ' ofint diaf.minf SOo comf r. j at ids : 75c comforts for 60c : ,f 1 comforts for ROc. : 1 fiO rnmforf.s for 1 95 9 mfort. new store? JhePanghters of Liberty of'a distant citv are e-ettincr nric.ps on I "Ti II 1 W T II IN Ci U large rustic granite monument W XlJf -J ( Vi which they expect to erect in m m- II D 1 1 U X V k OTJ of .soine fallen heroes of revo- X S f I lnirrQlir 'farm : T nr !- Diaaing on this handsome rustic monument, It will be different from the one he made for the Rev otionary soldiers, now standing in the public square in Newton N C. : - .- ; Venus. A A! A. JLL. MY MEW ARR VA LS LfU IT All Sizes, - Styles.- AT 1 . pin To) AT HE BURTl SHOE STORE i I i For OierFiftj Years. - Mrs. Winslow's Soothini? Svmn has been used for over fiifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per fect success. 1 Soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain ; wiuu uuiiu, aua is me oest remedy f jr diarrho3a. It will re lieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Sold bv Drueeiss i:i ev. ery part of the world. Twenty-five cents a'bottle. Be sure and ak'for Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. InJD.IRJalian'sSOld Stand. i - - J 'Phone No. 163. I That Throbbiflg Headache;- " Would quickly leave vou. i f von used Dr King's New -Life .Pills. Thousands of sufferers hive nrov. ed their matchless merit fcr sick and nervous headaches ; They make .pure blood and build nn I your health. Only 25c, mon-ry re- lunuea if not cured. Sold by Theo P Kiuttz & Co, druggists. : - . ' . r, - f . r : - Flour We have a great variety of servicable and stylish shoes to offer you this week, at prices much less than you are accustomed to paying lor the sa,me grade of goods. Prominent among them are new arrivals in children's shoes. We have enouth children's shoes no w youths, misses and children's-to make a real juvenile shoe store; but the wants of the little ones are looked after just as care fully as those of the growen up folkl Children's shoes that will stand the wear they will surely g et on the. wearers of the ages they are intended for can be found here. . Many styes of meu and women shoes that will - interest buyers of samewill be put on sale here this wek. In fact our larA tnoh and great astonishment will enable you to find almost anv thi in foot-wear you may want. Any the prices well, thev are to We make a laity of butter, eggs and chickens Bay tne least, ramus me o: per cent pront usually charged at retail. Fall in line and come to see us, we will do? you good. ' The Burt Shoe Store, Salisbury,- N. C. Wanted Rel iable man for manager ol branch office, we wish to open in this vicinity. If . your record is O. K. here is an'onnirtu- nity. Kindly give good reference when writing. Thb A T Morris WnVraitr ! House. Cincinnati. Ohin 1 Illustrated catalogue 4 cts stahipp. 2 22 121 - Headquarters for F. Country produce. ; , . . ... , . - We keep a wagon in the country all the lime buying Chicken?, Esigs Butter, elc. We kee ev erything L inthe Grocery Line -that you iniget call for any time.- We have just received a big lot of HOME-MADE MO LASSES, alsd Kraut Pickles, Beans, Peas and rbRiEb-FRUITS- Of all Kinds. . , . o: :o We have a nice" line of Canned F Goods. We claim to sell - at the very lowest'price, and pay the very highest to farm ers for the ir produce. T Respectfully, J. T. Wood Ull IP r NOTICE. . F Application will be made to the next Geueral Assembly of North Carolina to amend the Charters described in Chapter 344 of the end Chapter 237 of the private public laws of N C Session of 1899. ! January 3 1901. IT, Opposite Court House Highest market prices paid for country t ninrliir " a. v v a Ketailers of shoes at whole-sale. prices. Afujl Hne of everying carried in a First-lass Grocery. Baker s Straight and Mill Bridge Flour. Coffee, Sugar, can. "cu gooag,;meais, etc .Give us a call, all our goods are fresb. " ' . Respectfnlly, T yii parage. Main Street, Hedrick Block. FOR MOTHERS The pcrM hntaedUUly IdOawinz dilU-birth b fraotfii with mAay Uc;en. Th itreogtb hu been toed in tlx cliful oedl ihtwix which the mother Vs exssei oi the find bemlf bdplos and weakened, r.liny motar. Lice Mrv Ford, date tht bevintilnr 3. Indeed of their iHaes from the birth of their chili. the frequent i l M r pccta.de of a heilthy young woman becoming a chronic lay alii alter motherhood Is one of the trigedkj of life. All thb b trarxce. ary, when Wine of Cardul is. obuinable. It rehahiliU'cs the ahattered nervous system, strengthens the orjias and ligaments, and t-tuiuuiuc ncajiay, natural coo3iuon aying years of chronic skkneas and suffering. Vine U Cardui takeo just before confinement ill render the ordeal comparatively painles. It will re-enforce and strengthen the organs for their work. For every trying crisis ia a woman's life, wine of Cardul fe the medicine to take. Ask your druggist for Vice of Cardul and take no substitute. If one b offered send Si-O0 for a bottle to the Chatta nooga Mcdicia Company, Chattanooga Tenxj. ... INEorCAJiD!Jl Claraont Ara Jalr , 18M. After my bby wm born I took ih whlUa and talliair ot th womb, and wm ia a very du Sroui eonditi v. I read on ot your com atmnt book, and eommeneed to Croat mraalf with V bianrnknliii mil RluKI)nn.kt I km thankful for what tho uadlela did for ma, and I am bow la bettor. health than I hare been for a lonr tim Mrs. UA&QA&EX ro&O. For adTle la eaaea reoalrtaf rpe- . lal direeUooe. ClTln ujmp- . inent," The Cbattaaooca atedletae Co Chattanooca, Tean. . DO YOU SEW?- t Then this,. will int vi Cfei) (,u tfe" : n " ; 5' ' W at the Paris Expositto f-''lirC v-he bought in Sslisbury Imu::" -f vV cent, less than ever be n fi:-, - Whitn Bull PerrinK Seuing Ma u i chine Wii-uer of the Gold Mtdel - i.uoivilll, Lilll 1 J I W I I ... . . . at 25 mr .This, reduction is due to hnvintr no lrcal rlliug agents, their prof its remaining with the customer. The White ia the highest priced family Machine by wholesa'e, but lean sell tbfm even lower. than other cheaper makes of machines - cost yon. THE WHITE IS THE k'i-n Any Other Machine can bbouRht of me for 25 per cent le-s than jhewhere I also ibave on hand SeconcMLu.d Sewing Machn.rs for $5 00 audnp. Old Machines taken as part payment on new uis ' o xif. i"" price you caunot meet. A Will trttft ".Tti nio .f ,. ,,... l 'ii " Ult v w...., ujvui ut n lira t,. l tllfJ tr ecu vR.1 we on P. O. B-or. 285. - D. W. SNIDER, ' Mmsion House, Near Fountain, .Saliabdry, N. C. ice boxes and refrigeratory go carts and Sslroj trtf are ana Fnrnitcre Goipy. ran supply everything you want in hard. vare3 .stoves, ranges ami ngricultuni im-ilements. " - - cf jHso mmm eepartct, " you'wilQiid a complete line of bed room suits, book cases, side boards, hat ranks baby carriages. - ; THEIR UiniESTAKIKG DEFARIM2HT, is the most complete and best equiniied ia me cny . l iiey carry in stock everjv turns; irom me cheapest cofiius to the handsomest metal caskets.-Elegaut new funeral car. Gentle horses. Mr. IT. M. Davis, Manager our Undertakig department isone of the bett, most.experieuced einlalmers in .the .tate. All embalm ing entnuted to him will receive tLa UUit and m-wt scientific treat caeni. Prices Eeasona le, ..