Circulation Books Open to AIL it . n n . . i. . I. in Vol. 1-1. 7- SWIISETJRY 1ST. G., FETDAY, APRIL 5, 1901. WSCMffljllKlK Tlifc' PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO,1 LITTLF LOCALS. No. 76. CHILD RUN OYER. Items of Interest Condensed inii Boiled Dow The Personals and Brief Hews Items of a "Shucks for Salejcall cm Tyson & co. .."..'-.! ; V T Preston, 6f China Grove, wasin the city yesterday. Mr, Robt, E. Lufsey spent yesterday at Mt. Pleasant., v Mr. Jno. F Hodg of Pool, was in the city yesterday aud called to see us. Miss Annie Beall, pf- Lenoir, is visiting her uncle, Capt. T .B Beall. Two negroe? were oommitted to jail yesterday for being druuk and disorderly. - ' R E Lufeey, one if our hiutling business men, went to Mt. Pleas ant yesterday. : : Mies Eleanor Wataon went to Davidson last night, where she will spend Easter. V W F Perkins, of Charlotte, who is representing the Andrews Music Store, of Charlotte, is in the city. Miss Josephine Coit. left last night for Rook Hp I, S, C,, where she will visit Mrs. Prof,, Kin caid, Mr. R. A. Brown's brick ma china hre will start up Monday a week. It is in charge of Mr. Davis Brown. II R Miller, who has opened a ' beef, market,; has an ad in today's paper. He asks for a portion of your patronage. , Miss Estelle Boyd, of Barium Springs, came in last nlht for is .few ;day's stay in' the city. Shn is stopping at Mr. W. G. Wat- -son's.' ,. 'iJ' All are invited to attend the Egg-Hunt given by the children Uttie Uiss Thompson, of Spencer, Serlons Ijlnjared. . The little twc-yar-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roby Thompson, of Spencer, was run over by F. M. Lampkin's delivery wagon late yesterday evening and quite se riously injured, it was thought fa tally. The child at last reports was still alive, but unconscious. A negro was driving the wagon. Good Fr'daj SefTlces. ' Go-xl Friday Services -will be held at a number of,our churches to-day and tb-night. Rev Busby's meeting at the Lutheran church, continues and special serviced will be held at the Episcopal church, by Rev Murdoch at 11 a. m and 7 :80 p. m. For Commissioners of the North Wart. The voters of said ' ward would most respectfully place the names f the following gentlemen 'oiifore the people as suitable men, for the commisioners of the North Ward:TH Vanderford,M A Shank Respectfully Many Voters. i III ns MRS- JACKSON'S SUDDEN DEATH. the dwelling of mrs. brocks destroyed; At bom? for Easter. i v Miss Carrie. Peacock, who has been attending the Mont Amoena Seminary, at Mt. Pleasant, came home yesterday to spend Ea,ster with her parents. Miss Peacock was accompanied by her friend and school mate, Miss Maggy Bern hardt, of Pioneer Mills, N. C. Judge Fnrciies In Uocksfille, Urs, W. A. Cbinent Very Low. A Boning Marri age. " Mocksville, N. C, April 4th Miss Minnie Brock, orWinston, who came over this morning on a visit, wa3 not there long before a -telephone , message was received telling of the destruction of hsr home by fire and . requesting -her return to Winston, which she did. The f amount of damage The Salisbury Gas & Electric Light Com pany Sold. ; As was stated yesterday a. deal for the gas and electric light plant waaexpected to be co'nsumated. ThisWas done yesterday when a formal transfer tfiok ' place " The purchase ra have formed a stock company with E I Frost as presi dent and manager; and Messrs. kJohn S. Henderson, Lee S. Over man, GR Sheldon and G H WaI- bridge, directors. The plant is to could not hi learned. Judge Furches, is spending the day in the city. " Mr. John Howard, representing the Truth-Index is here to-day on business. ' Mrs. Capt. W. A. Clement, is quiet feeble to-day, indeed she is not expect ed to live more than a few days, if that long. Her son. Hugh Clement, who is employed by Seaboard Airline at Norfolk, has been telegraphed for. j Miss Miun'e Douthit. a prom inent young lady of this, place, and Mr. Jesse. Gordou Powell, will be married here i Wednesday, April 10th. Rei. S. T. Hollman Here. 1 The services at Haven Lutheran church on ChestnutHill continue and grown in interest at each meeting, Rev. S. T. Hollman, of Newborry, S. C, ediror of the Lutheran , Visitor, came in last nijzht. to assist the pastor. Rev. Jeffc at in the servicsl ;T services will end Sunday with a celebration of the Lord's supper. v, " be much improved and the price of IM ib, iiernuii, uii ruiLun ou. out' ; urday at 8:80. E M Andrews, the furniture dealer, has a new ad, in this pa per. Mr. J F Misenheimer. the accomni'jdating manager, will be glad to have you call. The bill granting the privilege ; of holding an election in this county in favor of temperance fail ed to pa9s the legislature in case any one should ask. F F Thews, who has held a po- : sition as machinist at Spencer, has, resigned, and will leave Saturday gas greatly reduced. Me Too The biggest Easter egg hunt ever heard of will take place in Grant park, Atlanta, next Sat urday. All the children of the city are invite and there will be from 50,000 to 75,000 eggs,, some of them entitled the finder to val uable" prizes offered by Atlanta merchants. Lutheran Visitor. for Norfolk, iVa., whare accept one in place. the shops he at will that .Don't Forget! f Those Easter goods at Lufsey's 5 and' 10 sent store. The red noseJ tn.iii says his Easter chicks are the prettiest you ever saw. At the Central. The fl I nving parties known here were registered at the Central yes terday and last night: L P Henk- ell, Lenoir; 3 PIT Greeuleaf Eliz abeth City, f f ' An Assignment in Statesiille. Mr. W W Walton, who foryears has been merchandising here un der the firm name of Walton & Qage made an assignment Tues day ofteriioon to Dr. Th3. E. Anderson. A-scriiedule of the assets and liabilities have not vet beea made out, but Mr. Walton efcti mates his liabilities at $4,700; . of this .$900 is due to northern ,fifms f r goods, the balance is nearly all for borrowed mouev. The assets consist of a stock" of goods s timated at $4,003 and' several thousand: dollars worth of ac-. counts the collapse was dae to the credit systemhis inability to collect the large amount of money due him.. Statesvillo Mascot. Prof.' Scott, of Statesiille Preaches it CleTdaDi Snnday. : ' . Cleveland,' N. C., April 4. Heavy rains in this section this week stopped plowing and plant ing. The creeks,-some --of fthem at least, were aid to "be higher than ever, known before." . Last Sunday-Prof. Scott, of the Statesville Female College, "filled! Kev. Arrowooa's polpi at Third Greek at 1 la,,m,i. and at Cleve land in the jeyeliing. ,His sermons were wll received. -.V The-ne preacheoTat Cleveland Was especi ally clear and forcible. , f Mrs. Jackson, a widow about;63 years old, had a chill Sunday, and one on Monday; but. seemed some better Monday evening and asked that somethiug be given her to eat nd the family went ; to prepare food for her. , But in a short time gome one called that she was dy ing and in a tew minutes more- her spirit had taken its flight Her remains were interred at Cleveland yesterday. ' She was well known in his county, having acted matron in quite,, a number ot tamilies.! fone leaves many friends, and one married daughter and son, John Jackson, with whom she was residiug when the sum mons came. - More Anon. - tllSS AD ALE vWlTTKOWSKV . AND J. Bl HART. Asjlght Business Mr. T J L'f tiu, has sold .Mr. R L Cornelison a half intereset. Mr. Conielisou is we'.l known here and it is hoped will do well. Mayor A. M. Lowell, of Ral eigh, has been renominated, whick the Raleigh Times- says, is equiv alent to rr -election. Henry Watterson, editor of the Louisville Courier Journal, has consented to deliver a lecture be fore the Universary, at Chapel Hill, April 23rd. Mr. Reuben East, one of Stokes county's wealthiest, farmers, was drowned in a creek last evening north of Walnut Cove. The body was found this morning near where it went down. Mr. Fast's home is about two and a half miles from the Cove. He and his son were returning home from the village when the accident occurred. They knew the sream was' swollen but did not consider it as high as it was when they drove in. The son and horse had narrow escapes but managed to swim out. Mr. East was about 50 years old. He "was a lar:e tobacco grower. He had an engagement to come here this 'week lo close a business contract. Macon Ga., Apr;L3 Word ig received herefrom Aunistok Ala., that Genrael G. T.(Tigp. Anderson t is at the point of death. He has been comatose two days. He was a brigade commtndftr nu- der Longstreet in the Civil war and was one of the most famous of Confederaee fighters. Items Fro: and Arountf Yerbla Verble N Gr," April 4. We are having a lot of rain now. Second Creek iB about 12 inchee deeo on the bridge, due to the heavy rain falf for tlie last several juaTs.' . Mr JH Michael spent Sunday with his family at Verble ?ihd returned to Statesville Mojpday. . ' There was a Sunday- school - or ganized ht Gray's Chapel M E tttrMaafcSkVrw.w Mr. C A Isenhour was appointed. There will be Sunday school at that place every Sunday at nine o'clock, unless otherwise hindered. The Verble boyd did not " get to South River Saturday, it was two rainy, for them. There was a good crowd at Gay's Chapel last Sunday. We had two good sermons. There were a good many present from Mt. Tober. Mr. James Henderson was among them.,. . he rain has completely stopped the ploughing for ; this week at least. ' "" ' Success to the Truth-Index. " . , - Evekktt; ; A Kegro Cbild Drcmei. A RecBjitioa . ta the Pf; Imi Alplia's 6IfCB Yira Uirtet Acfiie. - Correspondeijce Tucth-Ixpbx . Chaxfotte, N. Ci April 4 v The child of a' ugrd" wouiah Ella Moore, was drowned here this - af lernoon under, very peculiar cir- - ! l ' ' cumstancas,- ! .. ; " . . f - v.; ' -. t The woman senti the . child; out on an errand, and-not' returning th5 mother started out-to search for the missing child. A colored man met her, bearing the body. The child had in some way? slip ped iuto a hole full pf water and was drowned. The hoi was caus- ed by the removal of rock for a well. The place was filled with" loo'se dirt which Settled on ac count of the heavy; rains, and in to this the child fell or slipped. The PiKajfjpa Alpha's continue in sessiou today. They enjoyed a banquet last night given by 'the local members and others, and to- night a reception will be teudered them by Mrs. A S Howertou and Mrs BACavitt: . -. Thirteen active ' chapters were represented at the meetings. The marriage in ' New York on L April z4, ot two Unarlotte young people, t is creating cousidera ile interest here UL..wCE,ACQUinED. It Took tt! Jsn Oslf Aisat 20 tllsstes ta Decile. . Mr. G. W. Pierce, of this place, who was arrested in Greensboro last fall for .passing counterfeit money and tried before tne Feder al court at that place yesterday, has been acquitted of the charge. Messrs, J B Isenhour, D M Mill er, D R Julian and Walter Rose man, went over Tuesday to testi fy as to Mr. Pierce's good charac ter, which proved very satisfacto ry, but did Dot remove the uneas iness of his friends. Mr. Pierce arrived -here last night a' free and much happier man to the delight of his many friends. - Items About -Lexington. . Lexington Dispaoch. Nokomiscotton mills will be gin the manufacture of cotton goods in about three weeTcs. Work on the "Dixie" Furnit ure Factory is rapidly progressing and . the comp iny hopes to begin work by May 1st. . ' , Farmers tell us that wheat is looking fine in this section while we hear wheat is not so good in some other sections. The Lexington Hardware Co. have decided to enlarge their store by the erection of a large buggy house in the rear of their present store building. Work will . be commenced at once. ' 'The Lexington Steam Laundry will be ready for business the lat ter part of this week. Mr. 'Koont ins SUPBEUE COHRT DECIDES IN FAYOROFTHE PLAINTIFF Louisville, Ky., April 8. With the exclamation, "Oh, Pilot 1" on his lips, William G Chaddick, for merly one of the best known steam boatmen in the South, dropped dead here today. -At the time he was doing some work for the wharf master. During the civil war he was pilot on" various notd gun boats on the Cumberland, Tennes see and Mississippi rivers. the pronrieaor. lells us his ma The contracting chinery is all nw aud will do us parties are Miss Adale Wittkows- gn0 work as can be secured any ky and Mr. J B Harty. - where. This is a new enterpise For the firsttime in many days and we trust Lexington will give the yarn market here is reported it their entire patronage. ' as showing . considerable activity I The Dispatch is reliably inform- today-r4Ofie-fe5mmt8siH iian - re- ei)3f a largo number of cases of ports 100,000 pounds today. ' .. ! Ywce mil to Resume. ; The Vance mill, which has been standing idle, for nearly two weeksj is expected to resume wOrk Monday.-'. 1 " ';" i rc based smallpox among the negroes in the neighborhood of Lin wood. Thirty-one persons have been quarantined either as victims or suspects. The disease is confined to the neg'oes a'one. All preau tions necessary have been adopted to keep the disease from, spread ing. . Music Teachers, i .'; : The convention of the North Carolina Music Teachers associa tin will beheldat the. Southern Conservatory of Music,' Durham. April 9th arid 10th ' Mr. G P Mc Coy, Musical director of the Pres bvtprian College of Charlotte is president ; Ferdinand DunkleV, of the Secretary of State Ashevill, vic president, . and George Mears, of Raleigh, secre tary and treasurer. The opening concert will be given by William H Sherwood, of Chicago, and .will include selections fromHaberhier, Bach, Rheinberger, Beethoven, Schumann, Bhopin, ! Schubert, Liszt, Tschaikowski and Wagner. m YHIIIxsj Eelrs tilt Pali JlCCD ly Us Scatteri Utility. The Fcirti Di clslca , The case of the Heirs of the-Wil. son Williams case, of Morganton, against the Southern Railway, for death of Williams in a wreck, the again the fourth time been has decided in their favor. The supreme court in this decis ion only confirms the decision of . the lower court, which ruled that the railroad was guilty of crimi nal negligence in" that it was the roads duty to see to the safety of its employees and patrons, which is considered a reveral, of the cus tom of putting the burden of proof on the plaintiff. This has been hard faught case as such a decision is one of much consequence to the. railroads, meaning tar more than the paying of the .$1000 to the plaintiff's heirs. The attornevs for the plaintiff : were Judge Avery, 'Overman and Urego-y and R Lee Wright, Esq . Capt. Chas Price and A II Price were the railroads attorneys. .Legislature Adjourns. ' Charlotte News. . Raleigh, N. C, April 4. The Legislature to-day passed the bill abolishiug the office of enroling clerk and providing that the work be done hereafter in the office of The number Of commisioners in Iredell and Wilson counties in creased to five after 1902. The legislature adjourns this af terncon The Mangum murder trialres- ulted in acquittal to-day, . NOTICE. ' V- Parker's Indian Herb Pilli are a sure cure forconstipation, bUliousneM, sick headache, dimness, and klndney complaints. They are pretty to look at, pleasant to take. They are the mildest, yet most thorough pills in action ever discovered by medical science. Diesci-ios s: Take two of thwe pills at; bed time first night, then reduce the dose to one pill, each to be taken at bed-time every n ght for week, or more. They will keep the bowels gently open, build up the nervous system, restore the neirous system, res tor a the appetite and make new, rich bloods Sold at J'lommer' Drug Store. , ' GAUDY i'vlTOilEd. ' I have opened a first-class can dy kitchen next door to the Salis bury Grocery Co. 's Store. Apples, Oranges and Bananas I handle the best and most com plete line of nice candies on this market at low prices . Call and be 'convinced. 3-6 tf AP0ST0L0S KAnUS08r Mr. John Bridges, of i Salisbury is here to attend the funeral .of hisx;ou8iu, Mr. Hey wood Dennis. . The Concord people who at tended the Yorke-Thompson wed dine at Salisbury returned this t I I - - ; - UN JOaa toil inproiing. . j morning. Concord Standard Mr. John Coit, who has been at St. Peters Hospital at Charlotte, AuBOUllCeBent, lWic rww.wyy.., u. u. j herebv announce myself a can proving, and t is hopd n he didate for mayor of Salisbury, sub- anieiocome uomw huh cr uei ect to tne action or tne approach week. i ing democratic primary. i A. H. Potden. Mr Geo- Howsoa goes to Greensboro . Mr. Geo. Howson. who has been ' Gct What You A$K For! employed in the shop at Spencer When you ask for Cascarets Candy 1 J , . - . . , Cathartic be sure you get them, for some years has been appointed Genuine tablets stamped C. C C Master Mechanic at Oreensboro. Never sold in bulk- A substitutor is lie left totae up his new duties always a cheat and a fraud. Beware at that place yesterday. j All druggist ioc Have your blacksmithing don- at Browus on Lee Street. Horse shoeing and general repairing. All work guaranteed. d-o tf , Fob Rent 4 room house, Eas Spencer. Call on " Thorns Blair, next door. E M Andrews will sell you more furniture for less money than you can buy elsewhare. !.. Concord Presbytery to Meet. Concord Presbytery has been called in the First Presby terian j: church'.,, to-day 'at 2o 'clock to dismiss Rev. A. Short er Caldwell, of Barium, t Orange Presbytery. - Mr. Caldwell has indicated his desire to accept a call to the Presbyterian church in High Point, which is in Orange Presbytery, Statesvile Mascot, For Sale A gord family horse about 12 years old. Perfectly safe for children and ladies to drivel Applv to W. A. White, Mil Bridge, N. C. 3 24 lw Russia to Forxa China, Pekin, April 8. Ii is reported Viapa tlitftfr PnaaiAn Tiam T i il l j 1 1 I "vio. vuav iiugaiau 1 o BlyttViUIJ 1 t-i rr Ymw AT nil !r 1 t- rl o fniitiahnH I w UUUlUi VA 4li IViUUO 1UA UlSiJvU 1 j . . - ' on short notice. Aonlv to Fnrt eu ab 1H!,, ."" nave gone 10 rort Barrier, city. 8 161m Arthur, is alsonaid arrangementa are being made by the Russians to LOS-T. A small heart shaped Sive a tangible proof of their dom WANT f!d. First class horse- shoer. Gall at Foreman's stable. locket,' blue enambled, attach-d to chain and pin. Rewird if left at this office, j 4 3 WANTEBi . V COTTONSEED, f DRIED FRUITS, DRY HIDES, PEAS, tC. Highest Prices Paid BY H. G. TYSON & CO. The Detroit Journal vtry perti nently asks why should the Jews of Chicago be protected by the police when no one else is? For Uijor. j- l nereov announce myseit a candidate tor re-election to the of fice of. Mayor of the city of Salis bury, subject to the action of the Democratic party. f - . SFLobd. matiou .in Manchuria in conse quence ot tne unmese refusal to ratify the Manchurian convt-n tion. YangYu, Chinese minister to Russia,' has requested permission .o resign his office. He is a Man churian, and the duty of signing away Manchuria, , should he be called upon to perform it, would be so unpleasant to him that he seeks to evade it. ' As the hot weather of summer is approaching this paper will con stantly keep before its known, is beine universally used to trivm: Mr. G W Kestler. the oil mao, 1 and counteract the effects of warm of this place, thinks he will be weather upon .small children, aud able to resume his business by the it is hoped that all mothers of xhi I middi Of next week or the last I ommnnitv will kr f hii .mm. i f .any way and will be g'ad to see I ren in a healthy condition by giv Confederacy his. many friends. I am yours; ing it, for it costs only 25 cents a i?r. R. JL. Ua3isat, 8URQE0N DENTIST, idiss Sinn, oth unni office. OF j ICE R0UA8 Front to 5. ' Salisbury, N. C. Criterion Cafe. : Westjnniss Street, kfi) Salisbury,. N- . -v - t The children of the will have an Egg-Hunt, Saturday It April, 6th, at the home of Mrs. All ftrfl ivitd. i Strayed Two large black sow G. W. , Wanted : Reliable man for manager ot branch office we wish t45 ODen in this vicinitv. If vour record is O. K. here is an opportu- h - .and a black pig. Last seen just uity. Kindly give good reference above bummers still Saturday when writing. ! aew Masagemest, T r Bl ike-, morning. : Any information given The A T Morbis Wholesale ly. of Spencer, has bought out the as to their whereabouts will be re TIouse, Cincinnati, Ohio. Climax Hotel. Everything U warded. Leae information at Illustrated catalogue 4cts stamps, new aud and first-class. T 7 him Miller & Rusher'r old beef stand. 2242t for board, 1-23 tf. j J. K. Bajuusczb. at druggiste; or mail 2o cents to C. J. Moffett, M. D., St. Louis, Mo. Wasted- Lady agents and demonstrators. Call at central Hotel, Salisbury, between the houn of 0 a m to 12 m, and from otoOpm, Bruner Julian, Prop. It la not-a Fake But the Bet Bread on the Mar ket at 8 tt m T" ri TTf VTTT?f1 it w mm Fresh Cakec all the time. m t?L 1 .v..yyvy. Call and be eonTiocL Holler Bros., 8T03K XX D QZXXITZ COTTalcTOEl Roagh and Drd Granite for building and foood itonj, cement walk Uart -! SATISFACTION UUARANTEKD . - ! ...