: Km. L What slip you on your feet not hesd Tho moment you get out of bed? I How would your breakfast taste if "fwl" Without Your Socks? ' 1 Whut Jo you wear throughout the" day, y ' Uojoicing in th fact alway, ; 1 - - That warm and minus holes fare tliy? Good Socks. 'When work is done and day has fled. , When snpper's over anI prayers ju eaid. What friends do you kick unuVr bed? Your Faithful Socks. ' Tho aboye original and classic ode is dedicated to our num erous good friends who appreciate, buy and wear GOOD SOCKS. '"That's the only kind we sell - ' Wo have th solid silks at $ 1,00 to $1.50 if you want t ''blow yourself" for that much, to say nothing of endls styles and pat terns in beaut i'ul Strikes, Volkadota andother fane efTocta at 25c to 50c Our OUR HOSIERY i.i now ready for inspection and it is as good as it is V,ST and VARIED. DON'T FORGET WE MAKE SHIRTS TO MEASURE. ' ' v CURRENT COLIUEHT. A strike for a novel cause is said to have been made in a Conn ecticut establishment. It seem that, the foreman insisted upon baing addressed as "Mister. and the men or at least some of them preferre 1 to call him by his Christian name without any pre fix. He discharged one of .them for doing this and all of the men went out. This raises the ques tion whether men are employed to be polite to the foreman or to ac complish the most for the busi ness. It is a question whether the foreman who is addressed as "Mister" can get any moro work out of men than he who is known to them as "Jack" While in mil itary and naval circles men are or quired to observe forms in ad dressing the bosses, the impression is that the foreman who cannot impress his men with an apprecia tion of his dignity in any other u inner than by issuing a court circular had better drop the man tle and devote bis attention ex. clusivelv to" getting good work. A dignity which will not take cara of itself is not. of much ac count anyway. -Jeweler's Review. CANDY CATHARTIC JKrl) v3 Genuine stamped CCC Never told in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to scH something jus as good." iw rJ2ica Sees It. : London. May 11 YN'ith the ex ception of sensaficiial half penny papers, the entire press of this city takes a calm and sensible view, both of the n ceut American boom and of Thursday's stock exchange panic. In the intelligent part of tha community the genuine pros perity of the United States and :u . . -: ; . r S.raight Flou.-- act, the great intrinsic merits of many! pa y patent savkj railvcnv- -nrnnArf.tpa' ttpta , novprl Hides 'try per 1Q, lTI " i 1 7 I j Vu' I Hide green- per lb. now: but it must be added that I Wool unwashed. ' - I - . a a W,,. hoaM-W ,QM.l frt Bacon-Biue per id, fit SALISBURy MARKETS. PUICES PAID FOB PRODUCE: Corrected by D. MrMlller." 1 75 to 1 85 2 00 to 2 25 J Smoot Bros . k loirs, j Bkll Block, j Leading Clothier, Cor. Main and Fisher treets. ' Salisbury, N. C REDUCTION OF 10 25 shoulder ner lb, ; ham pr lb, round per lb, erica.; it has also indicated very nta-l as ih. rxr hnshl. distinctly what may happen to Peas-clav ier bu,' breign eyes the extaavagance of the recent gambling mania in. Am- Peasmixed, BNITUE. We are compelled to reduced ur stock Our state rooms, bath floors ire packed with . XFORNITUBE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS j ' r AND , New Goods Arriving Daily; For the next ten d ys only we will offer you for cash , Twei)tij-Five Per Cent off Regular4 price? On siile-boards and wall glad to idio.w our goods. Packard and iiellard IJro Attractive, beautiful homes have a wonderful "power, They make better men and women aiid draw strangers and good men tc the vicinity. They need not be costly. Nature does so much for . a country home that only a few touches of art are necessary to re- lieve it of its wildness and to ex hibit taste and - culture. Orna mental trees and shrubs should be planted, as these add much to the aspect of a country home. Down ing well says that aside from the moral, elevating and refining in nuences ot sucn homes, orna mental trees actually enhance the pecuniary value of a farm. The care and attention eiven to them are by no means lost. They de corate and beautify homesteuW and make them fit habitations lor the intelligent and cultivated. They add a charm that makes country life pleasaut and desir able. They bind the children to their country "home,, where they may be-more serviceable to them selves and to their eountry. -Southern Farm-Magazine, ' - 4 The statement that the widow of Vice President Breckinridge has at the age of 76 years, been graut ed a pension of $8 per month, has its pathetic feature. Fifty yeais ago John (J. Ureckinrdge came into Congress from Kentucky handsome and chivalrous in bearing, ana with the reputation of one of the brilliant orators of his State. He took a prominent position in the House of Repre? entatives, and is remembered from a p rsonal encounter in de bate on the floor with Francis B. Cutting,- of New York, like him member of the Democratic , . . 3 .. . 4- ,UYrawra uu bpecumwiB ur Mf alboulted-44 lbs bu, 60 to any momeut, when , the financial eal unbol . --48 lbs bu. 60 to mafffmtos fv1l tn nnflmlin?. Onion select-per bu. " " 1 " I fVrn Sfi ha nar hn . . .... . . -ill vulu w jv " l auis secona impression win Lard C. abide very long in the memory of j Tallow, i -i. i. ' w-i- : t Ducks. I vcuiuicBuuiw ctpecuiators uviv. id i Tpnar)pr head is, rin fact, as all financial Lon-I Roosters-per hea J, don ii savins todav only a recur- l009 wirJt rence in a different form of the old J Geese each. trouble, which has created the Butter choice yellow, deeply rooted distrust of Amer ican investments on i hid market, namely, .-he know b tige from ex prieuce that th ett'.cts of gen uine proaperitv . in America and of intrinsic merits in its secur itif s are too often offset by the work of politicians or the greed of the financial clique. 25 to 15 to Honey strained per lb., Hn'ey coiub per lb., Esrtf, i 10J to 65 to Feathers, new Wheat, 8 to 5 to 20 t o 12 to 18 8 to 10 8 to- 10 10 to 12 9 to 10 7 to - 7 4Ato 47J 100 to I 10 90 to 1 00 C5 G5 80 f o 90 60 to C5 8to 10 , . 3i 15 to 17J 25 to 30 15 to 25 7to.i 9 15 35 20 10 10 12 45 70 WORK 'AND DRESS SHOES. - i 8URQEQH DENT1S7 mil STREET. OYEl EXPRESS DFFICF. For The Housewife To Trj. Try keeping food fresh for late comers by standing the dish in hot water and keeping the food closely covered with a lid. Try keeping a rarge clam shell for s-craping saucepans or pots in which oatmeal or milk has been boiled. Try keening tea, coffee and OF ICE nOUHS From 9 to 5. BLAOKSMITHUS! Call c 1 OR HOmEST WEAR m EVERY PAIR I. G'-T' Peterson s 3 lain Street, Ildlrick Block. JULIAN &. CO., For Machine Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing aud General Repair ing, h Bring us your shot-guns, ri- spicesina tightly closed jar if the Qe3, revolvers; etc., and we will navor is 10 oe retained. mU tKam i.. n.,r .Try putting a little salt in" the Lho is .k,ntrally- located on Main water in which matting is washed. Rtrftfit. Lxt to Foreman Bros1 Liv- Try rubbing the burnt tips of ery stable We guarantee satis- jump wickb wuu a piece m faction J Give us a call. Organs. 4For Casli on Eay Payraoiits. Lurgest Dealer in the South. rbfeks. Come and see. Alwvs s Pianos, Crown and Packard Ko. 108 West Inniss Street J. F. MISENHEIMERi 'Elactrikure Trsafm'ent.- ' ! No Medicine. t C:itarr!iI.aGripp, Colds, Fevers, 1 IhMi ni 1 1 i jm ,1 n d i vest ion , Pi Is, N rvuisj)i-s3. Xaurajgia, Ecznia, Athn.n, CI:iiipr Troubles. Cnrs vith)uta do-. t;f medicine. In st ruiuciits sold or rented. All in formation free. Treatment given while asleep. . J. M. SiRMiHGHAM, Kat'-nat Hotel,'--. j.il.iarringer, Sl!?:bHry, . DEALER IX l Fresh Meats, Sausage &c You are cordially Invited to give me a fi.ll. Prices Right. . iller's Standj t Inniss Strtei il the tissuepaper every morning to keep them in good condition, and pol ish off the chimneys with soft crumpled newspaper. Try keeping the flour barrel raised a few inches from the flloor to prevent dampuess. Try making a good polisher and cleanser of furniture by mixing together two parts of crude oil to one part of turpentine,- and apply with a soft cloth. JULIAN & CO SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE a party, which it was thought at one time threatened a duel. The Democrats nominated and elected him for Vice president on the tick et with Buchanan. lie was popu lar personally, and Kentucky chose him to be a United States Senator when his term of office ex pired. He was then at the acme of hi promise to achieve success in life. He took his seat as a Sena tor but left it to engage in the re bel ion. There was oul ruin be fore him after that, and his fate became a melancholy one. He has long been dead, one of the pro minent victims in the sad mis take of secession. Boston Her-cld. Mr. Pate Fultord, of Beaver Dam township, was building a to bacco barn," and Saturday evening while he was on t p of the barn putting on the finishing touches the building collapsed. Mr. Ful ford escaped with only a few bruis es. He is the same man who last year lost three barns in three suc cessive days by fire.Greenville Reflector. . The seven white boys and seven colored boys who were chargtd with fishing and seining iu tLe water woiks pond, were given a .hearng Friday before Mayor Tay lor, who ordered that each oiie be given a sound f thrnsiug. 0.:e of tha oflicf rs adaiiiiistered the whip ping t the queen's tste. ihjy say Greenibjro f llec.rd. Trade Masks 1 Designs Copyrights &c. nyon sendlnsf a nketcta and desciiptfnn may qnfokly ascerLniii f ur opinion free whether ao uventlon ta probably patentable. Commnnlca tiona strictly oonfitientUl. Handbook on FatenU ent free. Oldest agency for aecurtnffpatents. PatenU taken through Munn & Co. recelr tpecial noiee, without charge, la the StiSMific American. k Ishflstfmelr illnntrated wkly. I-aivest Hr ctilation of any ecientlflo Journal. Terrna. $3 a fenr : four root) tut aj. sota dj ail rewwven. ZHn ieiBroadway.fpyfnrt Hrancfc OfH-t! y St Waabi Hon. D- J- QiitloiisforWonien; inim'i ' '.il i m1rl" -i f Do yoa have periodica paL-u? Do you have frequent Xw' backadici? Art you nervoui? Are you continually exhausted? De you uffer every month? U you answer yea" to any of these questions yoa are suffering from Ills which wine of Caraul crti. Do you appreciate what perfect health would be to you? After taking Wined Cardui, thousands like you have realized it Wine of Cardui inserts freedom from female disuses. At each recurring menstrual period, if care be not taken, slight ailments will appear. Nervous strain, loss of sleep, cold or indigestion start disorders which are not noticeable at first, but day by day steadily grow Into troublesome complications. Vine of Cardui. used just be fore the menstrual period, will keep the female system fai perfect condition end render it invulnerable to tfseuc. The medicine Is taken quietly at home. There is nothing like It to help women cnoy good health. Wine of Cardui costs only $L Tut this remedy, which is indorsed by 1,000,000 cured women. Cairo. Ky.. Sept 6. 1S99. I take pleasure bi writing a few lines hi praise of your won. derful medicine. Wine of Cardui. It ' the but medicine I ever heard of. I am thlrty-ilx years old and hve been skk all my life. I had a dozen doctors, but none of thrm did me any good. I have taken one bottle of mine cf Cardui a4 will take another with BIack.Drauht I have been married sU years and have baby five years old. i had womb and kidney trouble. My monthly pe riod was so had that sometimes it came twice a month. I was too sick to do work for a family or three. I was In bed when I got the bottie of Wine of Cardui. Now 1 am up and can do most of my work. When I was sick I could not sleep at night. I sleep well at nicht now. A friend of Dune advised me to use Black. CAMBUI Draught with Vine of Cardui. Mrs. ETTA WOMAN. Id eases raqalrlof spelal CLc. addrwa. flTln symptoms, "Tha lniiy lrlory De partmant." Tha ChauaawA VUciM Co. Chattanooga. Xena. 1 h.ZL It iO- Iti. i3S ui G!5lJ2. The fanvv of Bncklen's Arnica Salvo as the bpsfc in the w rid, extend- round the earth. Its the one perfect healer of Cuts. Corns, Burns. Bruises, Sores, Scalds, r vtri""ji" . ' . 1 Boils, Ulcers. Felons, Aches. Pains Position Wanted bv vounfflady, , as stenographer. Good reference. anQ 0,1 aKm--ruDllon8- --uuiy m Small salarv. Address B. G. t fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at Nelson, Camden, S. C, . Theo F. Kluttz & Co., ' Mm We extend a special in vitation to the Ladies to -inspect our line of Ladies', W a T -T S m - if. T St if If!! Misses and Children's Hats. New Goods, cor rect styles, J right prices. No. 109 Iunis Street, K Ladies Millinery Parlor, Davis & Wiley .Bank Building, . DeUI1EY & LAKGLltenaPS. 5 tSvejJVyvaCv Cf vSVC?v5Ve aclvrvC.CCvCvC IIN.avNtTvejvas V r 0. a 9. I. 6? 69 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GuTT Ul (A 0. by No matter how von're I) rtssed y ou ea n't oet alono- without ood shoes. ' j ... J" . a' r 69. & 0 0 69 Q' 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 We ar enjoying an unprecwlented fboe trade, and wo feel warranted in aa- eigniuj? as tlie cause tbe iact that our ollering'-, quality for qnalitynnr! prffctrfor A price, are.untqualed by any other etore in this eectiou. 9X ucr raoutuly visits to the wholesale shoe centers enable3 us to pick up bun dreds of ehoe bargains that other merchants never see; and still they wonder how it is inai we sea goods fo clit-ap.. Uur buyer, who will return from his monthly purchase trip about next Tues day, promises some surprises that will prove eye-opener? f.r the tra te, ss welt a? for our competitors. We try each triD to buy a biirtrer bargain than before, and our wonderfully increasing trade is a Dfoof of our fincce?. 49 We carry BOIH SAMPLES and STOCK SHOES, and we sell .them at prices that others.can't touch, lience, this is a busy Etore with no time to grumble and 0 growl about what other etores do. . 69 ; : : - -- Our one thought in selling, - Our one aim in buyino;, is to find your, want and then meet it as no oiu cite can. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 0 Iflfiil lift mm, ill JN. Main Street, Salisbury, N. C. .k?vNNCN..irX.Nrvv?,vTs f5v ?v fls fN rv ffv tv w 0 69 0 . 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 . 69 . 69- ; 69 69. 69 ( 69 69 i W X r"".f X.-'": " r

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