4 t X c.WiVr: - II . . c 'K j)rmvymi ( For we Have Pushed another notch, -'hammered ' Why even our forefathers if they were here to judge by the PANIC PRICES we have made on Dress Goods, Silk, Embroideries, Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, Rugs, Carpet, Matting, etc., no doubt would come to the conclusion that our minds were unsound. But to get rid of all winter goods is the one' idea and we must do it quickly lhe prices of worthy merchandise have been ruthlessly and unmercifully cut. Broken lines, odd Jots and short lengths will all be swept c out at once. ability to make you comfortable, SAVE you money and satisfy you with seasonable coods at very low prices iuai win compel you 10 ouy.. . . . ! TOT fen -rt-r lPTrrt-h - I3Dnocaip ..v I SiltibUtU (StUth'iJlUUX. day by the officera- Hft is charged j a piledf rock that bad ben placed 1 - J . I or 1 li rafallinrp iinnnnUlinni Inn 4-V A U C '. FEBRUARY 18, J902. Sheriff Lee, of Asheyill, was in the city Sunday. Attorney R. L. Pnp, of AlbeV marlo, is here on business. II. i C, Ivey, of New London. came up yesterday morning. The grand jury completed it work Saturday and adjourned. The case, of the Mt. Vernon ra piste is on trial as we go to press. J. L. Anderson & Co., Innes street, have a change of ad in toA day's paper. The finishing touches arei. being put' on the granite building on Main street. B.t C. Patton, for several 'year? a resident of Salisbury, has moved to Stateaville. A spelling bee of ,he bid time sort was held at Kepley's schocl last Friday night. We welcome a correspondent, " Uartl tte, of Gold Knob, to our list, of of interesting writers, Owing to the lioavy cruininnl business at thi term of court,, tbe civil casoH will bo continued. I .Owing to the heavy criminnl business lit this terai of court, e civil caeft will be continued. (Conductor Salisbury, who, was recently shot in Asheville by a ne gro waiter, i9 said to -be improve iug. ..; A Lutheran Pastoral Associa tion has been formed in Rowan county, with Rev. J. P. MiUer as secretary. ' Mrs. J. E. McLaughlin, of AVadesboro, who.is, at the Sanito rium here for medical treatment, is improving. with retailing liquor without first going through the formality of paying license. ; The annouocemeut is made that Miss Ida Cecil, of Lexington, aud W. V. Pool, of - Salisbury, are to be married on February 26th at the home of the bride. i - ". " . . ; L. E. Griggs, of Wadesbord, has jopened a grocery store in the building recently occupied by Lufsey's 5 and 10 cent store. Mr. Griggs is welcomed to our city. The Sunday School Conference which was in session for a couple of days last week at the Presby- vmn churchy was of much inter est to those 'engaged in Snhday school work. on the track with the intention of wrecking the train, y The engineer and fireman stuck to the engine until they saw it would turn over, and then jumped. Cauble receiv ed a severe wound on the head. Qeth of Mrs Scott. 1 Yesterday at 11 o'clock Mre. Llelen Scott died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. M: Davis, on Bank street! Mrs. Scott had been in failing health for a long time. The deceased was a most estimable christian woman. Adrerfising Logic Publisher Well, how is busi ness? :: ' I Newdeal Very dull to-day. Publisher Why don't yon ad vertise? ' j Newdeal Oh, my friends know I am here. I speak to them when they call and then I have a sign over tie door. That's enough. Publisher How much cord do you suppose you could shell; by hand in a day? Newdeal Couldn't say.' I sup pose several bushels. I Publisher Don't you think you could do more with a corn-sheller? 1 Newdeal Certainly, it would then be a matter of effort. ! Publisher Yes, and so it is iii selling goods by advertising. , A deal was closed for a half column ad. W go to Wilmington. ' ' The delegates who will represent the Salisbury councils of the Jr. 0. U, A. M. at the meeting of .the week aref JrN;! Maxwell, VrTM. RutTnMA'ffFoglf-man'i G. O. Kluttz and Rev. C. S. Wells. It j . . t . ' i ' i e ! is expectfUttnat a large numper oi and delegates will be present at the meeting. - 4 tracted a large number of persons 1 to the court room who were anx ious to hear all the testimony. Both Folger and the man who was killed .have numerous friends. It iwould be out of place at this time to make anv comments on the evidence, but it may be stated that several witnesses testified jthat Folger did the shooting while Moore was walking toward, or by him, on the way to the door of the re8tai.rant. The defense en I . deavored to show by other witness es that when Moore was shot he pas making demonstrations which Jed Folger to believe he wa8 in (danger of losing his own life. The verdict will be awaited with in- jterest. Items from Faith. A Handscne Colored Sspplectot. The Tbcth-Indkx has made ar rangements for a handsome 10 page supplement, to be enibellish ed with the highest class of six color lithographs, one of which will measure nearly 18x24 inches, sufficiently neat for framing or ornamentation of any one's par lor. These supplements will be sent out each month to paid-up svbscribert only without extra charge. We will 8nd out at an early dat samples of this supple ment to many of our subscribers with the hope that those who are behind with their subscriptions will come in and make settlement and get this supplement free regu larly each month: This is one of the finest things ever offered by a North Carolina newspaper and we congratulate ourselves on. secur- ' ing its exclusive use for Rowan ; county. This is a great induce- The Tables Turned. It is usually the custom for school teachers to whip their pit- hUsJauth other day Waldo Efird reversed the rule andwhip ped his teacher.' Rev. Caldwell teaches a school in thv country a short distance from Salisbury; Efird is one" of his pupils; Mr. Caldwell undertook to whip the boy, who is rather large for. manr tA An tuun a r talra K w of High.Point, has given their or- home pape particnlariy " the der to J. T.-Wyatt to furnish the Truth-Index, as you can not get granite foundation stones for their this beautiful supplement through large engine. ary other paper or magazine The biggest snow storm in 20 ! Gome to 8eG U8 at oncG- years is now upon us. All the quarries are closed down and the ! "Young VTeMf Inproilflg. . gramte cutters are all idle, lv- Groton, Mass., Feb. 15 The erybody seemed to be preparedfnr, remarkable progress made' by the snow. President Roosevelt's son in re J. 1. vvyatt nas sold his two .coVery from the severe attack of st' -ry residence, in the centre of pneumonia continues, rind. today MrsTWyatUnow. occupytneir new ; last night .was the most eatisiac- aricUuce near tne lietorraea ( tory Bj,,ce ni, gickness began. churcli. Sheers at HI: Past. . V I recall now with horror." says Mail Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levavnu, O., "my three years of suffering from kidney trouble. I was harlly ever free from dull aches or acute pains in my back. Tc stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. I felt tired, worn out and about ready to give up, when I began to use Electric Bitters, but six hottles completely cured me and made me feel like a new man. ' They're unrivaled to regulate the stomach; liver, kidneys and bow els. Satisfaction guaranteed by a'l druggists. Only 50 cents. WA3?TH3Bo DRY HIDES, PEAS, &C. Highest Prices Paid EL &. TYSON & CO: MA4 CO YEARS' vv V EXPERIENCE D i "X. W auX" Traoc Marks "flfiiV CorrmoMTS Ac Anror tending a and dMprtpUrm may qnickly arertin S - whtbr an his age, and the: latter object-j Hit With an AXC ed very forcibly . The two Saturday night John Helm, of- wrestled around for awhile and Concord, was . assaulted by Will fi'Uv got out in the yard. The Champ and; dangerously wounded teacher is reported to nave picKea up an axe nanaie ip assist in con- Lawson Ludwick of the firm of Ludwick tfe Gant. hart sold his in terest to Dolph Gant. Mrs.' Roosevelt said 6he is plan ning to -take her boy to Washing" ton next week. Invention 1 Drohov tloni atrtctl y eoniii' $ctn(K.r- m I Mt A . M ...kl . mA Ainflkome!IllnfrlM wk!y. Iaiwtrtw csliuon f any Hfun Journal. 1 erm. a rt frar roonUi,!. bold by all Twdimn. .Mill 8 Co 22&CTIlL Branch Offioa. & V Bt Waabtnctan. IX C with an axe. Helm has since b'een able to go to ,his home in Concord. Officers arrested Champ shortly Rev. John Wakefield was called after the trouble and lodged him to Danville Saturday by a tele- ym jail. The origin of 4 th diffi- gram announcing the critical ill- culty wai not learned. ness of his brother. quering his refractory pnpil when the boy took it away from him and used it on the teacher. The matter was taken before Esq. D, M. Miller for investigation and settlement. ' " Tho farmers are much elated over thesnow. They believe it wI iTwke a marked improvement in thewneat prospect. 1 was arrested . Suu- Hurt In a Wreck. . Engineer Chas. Cauble, of this Fire Scate at New London.- About 1 :30 yesterday morning Why is Baking v Powder4 rfee; ter th:Jiy other ? Because in its mammoth works a corps of chemical experts is con stantly employed to test every ingre dient and supervise every process of manufacture to insure a product ab solutely pure, wholesome and perfect in every respect The most wholesome food and the most digestible food are made with Royal Baking Powder. ' . I - - t . ' c r ' - " - ROTAl tAKINS COu 100 WtlllAM tTMMCW VOAJL nn MOVED! The new Clothing Store has ia8t"inoved into its new quarters where it is preparing to show theSeason's most fashionable things in the way of .men's wearing apparel. 1 in the meantims they are offering some bargains in its winter goods. city, was badly hurt .m a wreck the residents ot new L.ouaon wno on the Southern last Friday near hive near the Culp House, were Clifton, S. C. The engine struck d b a cry of fire and hur- riedly connecting themselves with a few articles of apparel, they rushed over to the residence of Dr. J. M. Peacock where the blaze was. A couple of young 'men oc cupied an upper room 1 in the hou8o arid during the ' night some coals fell over from the fire place and dropped down a convenient Jj crack next to the mantle board. Th"ewoodwork between the floor I and the ceiling was soon in flames. I Dr. Peacock secured an axe and ; soon chopped a wide swath across the floor so that water could be thrown on the flames, - and the fire was extinguished. The dam age was not. serious.' Thbse who were there say it's a sight to see Dr. Peacock handle an axe, for he cut through about four plank at every stroke he made. v m mi D-Egm Shins now m Bents. 1.00 Shins now W Gonss. We are offering some bargains in our hat department. We handle the famous Pointer Brand hats wnich are the best on the market for the money. We are receiving every day large shipments of our Spring' Goods which are going to make the New Clothing Store famous for its high grade goods y at such reasontble prices Ml fifiil III! II Mii STORE Tl! Fclgsr Cast. ' The trial of W. H. Folger, for the killing of Bob Moore, at Spen cer, on the night of January 27tbf is not yet concluded. The evi dence is all in but the attorneys had not completed their area going to pmsJ The case hit at-! r-t" and don't throw away your hard earned but come to the new store and get a fit for the same money. Yours Respectfully, n rv .vv - k . i , - off. r 4 i - . in i . j On Ihnfis Street. cZcS dollars on awkward made Clothii