I V v n. ALWAYS JlVJlJQi ill At a very low Price. us AFFAIRS 1MF.USSU. AtUcjt ta Assuslsiti tie PcIIcs Pnfect cf Usscsw. The police prefect of Moscow. M. Trepofif, had a narrow escape from assassination, yesterday. While receiving visitors, a govern ess named Allart suddenly drew a revolver, placed its muzzle at the official's breast and .polled the J trigger. The w f 4 OO MV ficauuu. UUWBVflr. Values are every tiling to the etVSt A mm mm a. ' . a 1 I - uuyer ana inose wno try the market generally come to the conclusion that they can dp as well, if not j ust a little better, at uu l, iLVJ liQ Hi? UU il It m qiiid. See and fSompare, Waist Flannel?, all wool, 25c yard. mf.-'- V 36-inch Granite Cloth 50c yard. : r " Kid Gloves, 81.00 values, at 49c pair. e,l' Linen Collars, new styles, 5c. ! " One lot men's 0c shirts going at25c. Men'rJ 50c and. 75c shirts, now 35c. v Lace ".Curtails, 7 feet long, 50c. 64-inch, all Linnell Bleach Domestic, 50c yd. New Line Black Underskirts, 50c to S3. -A Beaut if a I line White Dimities 10c .up. . ' ' . f' Just received for the eafly Spring Trade a new line' of Dress Goods, Waist Goods, Silks, Etc. A. W. WINEGOFF. The only Complete and Perfnct. Onnnor' Does its work without the aid of a cook r?ii .ODens the doorH of a hi. ! EveninS Post advises his paper Farmer and Fruit Growers, by Savins that m order to prevent the de? lime, b uhl and Labor. Cooks Emits and Vegetables perfectly. Does not cook the operator. Made of Galvanized Iron.1 mm -Al ...J.- J' r - ggy" . - r vu! ,x- box burrounded by Water. Can't out nor rust out. i ) Do you know there are $25,000,000 worth - of VJ I ' fi'J States, and that the farmers get only one-eighth I . 'UKTC- - . of this hirce inriomp. whil tK 'Ki,r i,.,.- - uik -Hiauuiaci- urers pocket the .balance." Many of you are painfully aware of this unequal distribution of a profitable industry, but the canners heretofore m use you wer unable to correct it. Now. by the invention of the T. G. WnW .1 u . . Fruit Canker the farmer steps to the front and claims his share of these profits. For vvith tin, ?nvention in hi nd his fruits and VTtlft TT8rCmman the '"ket and outsell all others tor two rea4n lat. The heating capacity of the Wilson Canner i unequaled TliS f? ii.V inK .,ick and suvcstul ro"" lnwk " " .' li-Yftttrtoies inio casiiT w- Langs ton, Gen. Agt,, T ,. UlLSUS, Invf n;or ard l'nicntee.. ; Nestor, DavieCo., N. C. cape, but was arrested. It is lm heved - that the attempt was connected with the recent student troubles. The students are organizing a fresh revolutionarj meeting and have succeeded in mailing 10,000 circulars, mostly addressed to persona belonging to the educated classes, imploring them to attend, armed if possible, a revolutionary demonstration in front of the Ka zan Cathedral today. St. Peters burg dispatch. I i Arrested lo California. Robert E. Ford, who is wanted at Florence. S. C, has been arrest ed here by Detective Walker on a charge of making away with some j - t t .' goons wnicn did not belong to nun. y ueu ne prisoner was searched it was found that he was wanted on a more serious charge. tie is accused of a forgery and the authorities of South Caro una naye been sending, out descriptions and making stroW efforts to capture him. Ford is wanted at Florence on charges of forgery and bigamv. He wa$ a tobacco grower. In 1897, it !is alleged, he forged a small check on a warehouseman. He gave bond for trial and disappeared. Me married the daughter Brant Ham, a prominent citizen of b lorence, who claims to hav discovered that Ford had beer married before. The sheriff o that county is in communication' with the California authorities. 1 Stockton, Gal.; dispatch. I (Cam snrtMng yon want ? Most reople can-. not. Vvnrn yon can't. lU called incn- which develops 'MysocDsia" gestion, died the ago nixing terror of the age Coleman's GieLraiYtee positively cores all forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. . "Take it, eat what yon want and be happy." - CX7SSD BT OTSTE BOTTLE. ""I smffered forseveral mocths with indirection aad cnU scnrttljt eat mmytkmz without intense rsfferiac afterwards. I found no relief an til Coleman's Guarantee was recommended. I boarfat one bottle, and took it as directed, and from the very first found relief, and by the time I bad taken the first bottle was not only fccling bctttr, bat was entirely cared. V. W. JEFFSaSOX. Danville. Va. PEICE 60o. A BOTTLE. ' . Sold by all TOruraists. bo substitute. CutS i, Tl, 8. X. JL KLEEJU EEX EST CO- In selecting a paper don't fail to consider the merits of Tmtll-InilEX. ILIE'. You want a pair of mm mm I OR PETERSO m Salisbury, us - - - North Carolina. HIT Utt JIs IPJlowi Will Retire Miles. Washington, D: C April 8. m a - ine corresoont of thn New Vnrt Uncle Sam's Mail Service requires physical and "mental ability of a hieh dceree to withstand its hard labors. The high tension to which the nervous system is constantly subjected, has a depressing ef fect, and soon headache, back ache, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, etc., develop in severe form. Such was the case of Mail Carrier S. F. Sweinhart. of Huntsville, Ala., he says: "An attack of nnftimnnia lft m with muscular rhetamatism. headarh. i and pains that seemed to be all over me. I was scarcely able to more for about a month when I decided to giro Miles' CXXJJL J. JL11C9 and Nenre Plasters a trial. Tn 'davs I was a (rain on mv rnnU mrtA l t-yo wrks I was free from pain and r9inincr in flcVi an A tfr.nr) n Sold by 11 Drucclsta. . Dr. Ml!es Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind' 1 1X1!: 3Xosr x?ja Hoes, Any kind of Farm Toole, Cook Stoves, Steel Ranges, House Paints or anything in the Hard ware line you want, you should see us before buyiug. are what you want, we will raaje them. ' The Celebrated Syracuse Chilled ' Plows, Times Co k Stoves, Cham pion Harvesters, Biudera and Mow ers, J no. Lucas & Co.'s Guaranteed Vf rure rainis. Look for Number 210 North Main St. I OOWAW'MARDW'AR o. x w " v s velopment of an army controversy similar to the Schley case in the . . . - - navy the president intends t n p.m r- I Q barn ry put in a week or so his determi- $ a OOfvovov0eofN(flv mv k k ; T ' mm 1. I X nation to retire General Miles. owcuoii iyes ot tne revised statutes CS ouipowers me rresident to retire any omcer who has served forty five years or reached the age of 62. The Burt Shoe Store: 3. FR SALE IlIIG'Ifflll ERY"! . I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, on the property of the Gold Knob Mine?, on 1 Saturday, April 26th, 1902, the fulloving articles of mining machinery: OnTeT10":Stam MilI One large Cornish Lift Pump, Pne Hoister, 8 Hp., One large Boiler and Engine, Une Large Crasher, One small Steam (feedpump. Fhis machinery is in nrat-clasa condition. Any one desiring to examine it may do so at anS time by call ing on the undersigned. Terms, cash before machinery is removed. TCJ" ITO. HDi2!TO3y, Prop , March 20th, 5w, . Gold Knob, N. C Leading Issue In Congress. Washington, April 3. What promises to become the leading issue of. this Congress has been raised by the unanimously favor- anie report of the House Commit tee on Territories on the omnibus njllforthe admission of Okla homa, Arizona and New Mexico. to statehood. The speaker and umoi xeiJUQiican leaders are alarmd overcthe probable passing oi tne measure which will add materially to the preponderance of the influence of the Senate in legislation. Protect All Bonis Englisli Sparrovs, iueieHfeoiz recorded species of birds in Noith Carolina, and; only eight of them are under pro-! section of Jaw. All but the English! sparrow should be protected from' the ruthless ravages of the varmint? called man. Biblical Recorder. 9 6 9 61 '3 (3 0 69 6 9 69 69. 69 69 $7 49 69 69 69 69 65 69 69 69 69 a 09 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 OUR LOW PRICES IS THE ENTERIN6 WEDGE. . OUR HIGH QUALITY HOLDS THE TRADE. ' "l Tll rTT III I Ml 1 I ! I m, . We ave on Hand a Nice Line of Spring a,nd Sum- mer Footwear .that merits Your Attention. We are out for the biggest business in our history, and all the signs now point that way. TH!f ndif gr0Wu H ?f thla B.tore'8 businesa da8 the past twelve months BlSRARTMDWT. OUR "COLONIAL" STYLES are fashionable, deluuite in appearance and made aatoBtand lnnnKnn.f.ii ii.M s "'"PPJrance and eo well ODR -LLELAND iXdY" OXFOl both made in our nnrn n!7 fnt. i ! ..u"",,u P"1 HI 1.00 marvels of shoe hniMinTfo; i "hri i S,A-"'l,arnte. a' Our Men's, Boy's and Children's Department INCLUDE almost everything new in eboedom and nrmp 5n' .-: r . Children's to ftft.no in mpn', ?Lin5!ange-!n r,c? fro"i 0c in THE enormous quantities of TeAM fteWSS eSflSSf&oirW matrQincent croonn nt nrimni.li l " .vnti mau wC coom oiuerwige do. Seiea Years ia Bel "Will woudera ever cease?" in-i quire the friend of Mrs. L. Pease. of Lawrence, Kansas. They knew) she had been unable to leave her oed m seven years on account of liverand kidney tronhlfi prostration and general debility: X. 111! I . . t m ' utt uire o lines ot Electric a liters enabled me to wait- wnies, -and in three months I leit like a new person." Women! euueriDgirom neadache, backache, ucivuuBuess, sleeplessness, melan- cnoiy, tainting and dury spelli i uuu ii, a pnceiesB blessine. VII. TIDTIIAttMH Ued bT a., druu. On 60c.. j SSSSSS n 111 N. Vain Street, Salisbury, N. C. 6? 69 69 69 69 69 69 -t- 69 69 6? 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 ' 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 0