V1 SEMI-WEEKLY J A PITIFUL SCENE! Hoatfreiscf Wonsa aadCMIdreu Prailne ' for i Delfmance fron Death. Castrfs, St. Lucia! B. W I May 23.-Cafc off by sea-boiling lava, hundreds of persons.' m, .... i w V w fAn V - wmen and children, are pennea in the village of Grand niviere, near the dvtaA c lierre, facing a terrible death., impossible for aid tcreacb the. terrified prisoners, and now it seems certain that all must per. Msh There was an awful burst f lava from Mount Pelee Mon day and Tueeduy, which hemmed in the unfortunates w'm hA turned home in the Mief. that the danger was over. The lava forms a perfect mass of burning iYiA n the way to the sea. which mon vuiio O., May 27, 1902. LOCOMOTIVE ENSINEERS. PAUMCEFOTE DEAD. No. 65. P , , . , ucia tones oBSsfiSlj, rom breakfast hnm. r nr , . ter dark today there w.. T. h, """i . 24-Lord but b.ineM -for -th. h.i ; "T';-0"11811 mbidorj the Brotherhood If rT. U Stte". died at th Engineers nd G, iXc D" 3 "P'-' tions. Both' bodi ! . L.f .- The "nprovement wh ch Mon almost cont;nnZ "L "B1 Deen noticed in bis condition- .hort recess for InoTh "ag ??e Pa8t we Reived a VhatevertW..,..;' -I'aeu check about 6 o'clock lW. today, th- -gben itwas noticed that thress, according meat- of Assistant Or,i . nu:-g- r" JnnS. his physi- Yonngson. but Chief aV ' KS sent for. ed that no matter v Z" CODM strike order hid come n 7. Z C" P8101", in the the .e,t of hi. Wied , nT teleSr8Pb'S for Dr. wou.d come before t :!L"De " f BaiU I" his stead. '" h. .rroaolis Till. V " """"k"!" T'r'r ----- -u.,; . V. con81dered that more the ambm, ,1 8UUU,a e brotherhood Anu ..r " . . ntto re8llug American Federation of Tb7r sage was sent to hi Cab?6 eed un, ran12,d lAbor would hold tbe Mr' Rrl.lf . -.-? tion .,f our decisi control of tire .,... ,,,.. " ."' ""a". that palms of i,s hands, b, ,. ,1 Z Z T.U ,mmediate Wer. VI3GIKU COAL UMERS. A6I Strike Ordered taBegla Jm Huntington. W V t--.a The United Miners, who: hare oeen ingestion hare for th twodaxs, adjourned tn-nif t. UfuennS a general strike of. all me miners in West Virginia an irgiuia to Dejrm Jane 7th THE U E.CHOHCH. KEY DEPARTURE. Tf 3 BIS&?35 Elects! CflPfr m m -1! swear Dallas, Texas. !. .. . General Conference nA.;: TeX. r 24.An- di'st Episcopal Church sL7 3 .,mPtnt step in the affair. day elected Dr. E . E " n". . M"dt Epucopal II Tennes.ee. and Dr.A CokeSm!. . . Uken to- d of Virgin,;. Aishop nr ,C ,day 4 esion f the general con d ed,t,rofth9 oS Zt"" -'ereuc9 "n the order. of deacon. . ' .uu futtr or tUeoffic ni rn.r "wuer.oi aeacon sii mil li rna rinni...j. . - I - ic ui li RiAaeoa . . 29 nor ; ; auua OI luto Methodists, published t 'v..u LT CraiM- Aftr of percent, increase in wnrrpa 0,AL,;n pu0ll8ni at ash-hh most inter.flnr, ... f! e resolutions snt o .T Vhe conference te , the mine operators are asfol.ows: drix presiding hlahoP- ou necessary to establish th"0T. vZTtaZ e opening prayer th, tlL rate than any other nU u At .. . " rec?u."aerd the vote church anthnri. 7. woHH -"w u . ; w esteruay that in eWtino- i , uv moil world. have decided to cease uew bishopsonlvo S i uTt , 7 advanced and radical step per 7th 7?ld t erSatQrdav. June atatimcL"&d iu the church polio anf "i,tA.the..,e of wageS bevoted oro W , at discipline. ' 7 Ur. Balley's Candldaci Nfcefv cat Mocksville, N. C v May 21, 190 Mr. Editor: Dvie' Co., will present the name of Bailey and know he would n8'1"' 8 tu"nels of the Coal Mr- Radford, one of thee prefer being in the quiet of -8 of the Crow's , Nest tae? to th embass vV 1 v. ' the position. He has hop., f V- to Punish and. no friends to re wura. lie does not ask for the office, and only when' his friend AMI met and asked him by lter ifhe . would, accept the nomina tion tendered him, did he con nt forthemto use hii name 1 his is one time you have t,hf: . : i . , - . ww. ; seeing the man and not th. . , ..man. seeking, the office. I know u r. - " - much t : aw ,'o. .ul.taia v tal k' of .' the judgeship stopped'. But -his frbuds are devoted and will press bis claims to the end. 4 There is no county in the state where the county Democracy is so united on oue man. His connection with the annual Masonic picnic iu the county for so many years has made him a host of friends in this and adjoiningcountiesj. Bailey has beeu our friend and leader in Davie for many years. He is "our political idol. It matWs little to him personally whether he gets the nomination or not. He ex actv no pledges. He makes no promises. To each voter his friends say, if you- like him, say bo. If you like some one else bet ter, siiy po. His friends will be conteut. He knows 'no political creed but that of Democracy, and has given the best, efforts of his life to its service. The news form the district is most encouraging to his friends. He is likely to be nominated. Let every Democrat in ( every pre cinct in the district -go to their procinct and township conven tions and express themselves for their choice and insist that their strength, whoever it is, for, be represented in their county con vention and also in the conven tion in Salisbury on 19th of June. This is fair to everyone.' Thi is Democracy. Let there be no where the whnper of unfairness. , We be brethren. We are Demo crats expressine our rhmVo nA namirg our candidate. Vx should be no strife among us aud there shall be none by Bailey's friends. He would scorn the nomination if he is not the choice of the entire dbtricti The con vention will make no mistake if it nominates him. He is equal in ability to any one who can be named. He will add new strength to the ticket. Davie will elect a Democratic member to the legis lature this year and with Bailey for judge, we will be happy. Very truly, C. C. Sanford. . . 1 U11NHI1 Q.mn 1 ' . . It is expected that there will be feared th, T u Wh hard light on hand iK.I' I, climatic affec- adopted at Huntington. W. Va.. TkuZZZ". ; The new!y e.ected bi.horVY,, ChnTi !Bth' -T2' a ..ution IK 2 :iZwPt E-E-la-'dD'-A.CoktSmTth which is herewith furnished you, Monday Mxt at noT ' " ordained, ith impre.siv. h .been cmpli:d with or yo' The ceremonies at the . first M. zr Tir- -cnrv . naliy agreed unou. I,, notifica, made its repor andlh-7 ? co,,ferece -today that in hi. tion of our decision ,o.. ....... "P" d the paper as o ,,,o ,hn ,n - we desire to imi)re T"' 1'" wf"Pted. without dis- liuish i... WOnm 111 Hiuaii 1 h- . " --MWVVVUl . . - . JJJl HV tor judKe of the th in.v, t ,' , U; ..uo,- um tne en- Soon - after 3 nVWt - 4.- ' 0 luliy realize tl; j J6i ine tne 10th Jiidi. ml ameers no t . . 101 clock -a distinct ', fl.o:u:i:i. , . District. He is onl. . -7 ; ' .,J:,...c7 r J. "Ju;" "PP" weakness of the heart i Z,"" "f 01 sacb " ep. We whb.i lh. . ZrT' ,ft,ni Die of. i.., F-t-Jna nis poise began to collars ' . " . UUW . and report on the war .U5mi ' fk - . r CB ln WDlch Hed edsoDeacefiillTr Ko .. arusnip8 that we and our ed a nr 'r ' rt;88Ul- to re- their strength lies. nr-A c7 that it sur-f families would ...1 a ?ap3.r asklnS -that they' be a hard fight on hand when .fM question comris up for debate and disposal. -Norfolk, Va.dispatch1. HOa WOUld nrnva fki 1 when the end came. . j w.v iTiicii Mm nta. to endure, permitted Estate, in the cJufer- Llres lost in Mine Disaster., Victoria, B. C, May:23.-A ter nbe disaster has occurs io O . J T ' . W 1. . . . . 'V ,c means loss of euce record thf hl tiuguished dinlomat. n0 l" Til , w "ve sought to nroner i " L' .r" ,m' wereLv P..-: " . '-i avom 'n'. by conciliatorv m..J .. .u. I --"uu ,v"n Procur- uuuunn h rnn r . . - ? ud JU.UUT -uio hisses Maude, Sibyl and Audrey Pauncefote. nv t.. Mr Radford, one of the clerks. at-' ter and as a and relatives weep at the tunne mouth and working parties try in vain to get in past the curtain of after-damp to drag out the bodies of the victims. ( Five bodies have been recovered. Fernie. B. C, May 23. A ter rible explosion occurred at 7 o' clock last evening in No. 2 mine, which is connected with No. Sand also with the high line shaft. All three opeuiugs were block ed. One hundred and fifty men were in the mine-at work at the time f the Vxplosion. Of this number sixteen escaped from No. 8 shaft. The remainder are all prisoners and sm hopes are en tertained for their rafety. Good order prevails and evervthinf? nr. sible is being done to relieve the situation, i he fan was disabled, but was quickly restored. No. 3 is expected to be opened soon, one of those who escaped, a boy,w has since died. , -Magnetic Olttartsaijces. "I Washingtr.n, Mv 24 .Super intendent Tillman, of the coast and Geodetic Survey, fumUbes the Associated PrssTa memoran dum of the disturbance of ma". neticneedles bv the There tiou f Mt. P!e, which says that . rtll trio ...V iuuin)S y, Jiay zutn there A Devise to a Rooster. Loudon, May 24. A wealthy woman named Silva recently died atTLisbou and left her entire pro perty to a "rooster." She was a fervid spiritualist, a believer in the transmigration of soulsi and imagined that the soul of her dead husband had entered the "rooster." She caused a special fowl house to be built and orderer her servants' to pay extra attention to their "master's" wants. Th disgust of her relatives over the will caused the story to becdme public, aud a law suit misht have followed had not one of tEe heirs adopted the simple expedient cf i i .... 'i uaviug xne wealthy "rooster" killed, thus becoming himself the next of kin. Hot Rock Falls. St. Louis, Mav 22. A meteoric Btone weighing about five pounds ieu at imrteeuth and Mullanphy Sts. last night. It was imbedded in the earth several feet where it struck. The ground was damp from recent showers and set forth a strong flow of steam. When the aeroihte, . f , . 1 vuo acruiuir), meteor. iOT occurred a slight disturbance of wh the .i, n,ed,es at.he coast Was so HtJEL lot, , , , , 4m' Mary- water where it remained for two land - nnri ahiMit tl. . . w-'vui, i tir- ill I ll II l a ni k. 1 r . . . . ! . r 0-. . ... T v uuura oeiore it couia be touched. May 20th a similar but somewhat Tf u , , . larger a isturidiurt rwnfrJ; tu. , . "l whirh t motho P.,n;am v... first of .th. co.Wi riiii, ; Z !tro?f '? mP with bexxJW wi rTo Wrd sfe'onrf omnt ,. u .... n , i"itu. jxany scienilSW Claim ' n":;r.r V "4 f' that it is a volcanic atnn hnrU , colMrunug in second maeue- nnf f rB. . d r n . lacaea ny three separate mobs tic disturbance it is of inures? to 111?! belng thrn AXT--A correspondent nnd ? The windows wer- broken with "n6teibaUlmt...i...."::.u ?cve. thl atmosphere surroun- agent at every postoffice in the itMpS a ,u,. II - . , ...... .tv-uo cai j u- fl inff gnstine, Fla.. from 9 to midniVTh wthin tho nfineaL.ofj (the friends at the postoffices MflV h y to midnight lawsof gravitation, fell! in St-Uistiis in the mttr f . , Louii. j-J r - WWUM. Bares, and we say to vou LZ r' 01 Wriatio,, . . i :- vuuv uuui VUIJlirPKfl Bidering and if poible Z - these grievance , 4 .r V I" . .. .Lri 1 1 , ;. b-, lor Errors la Moiir stj!i of Etfccitl ca-- More an 1 more there is a ten- xency to over-crowd courses of study. Tiiis tendency is not con fined to schools of a, particular 7 . ' " Peroap, more mark ed in that high grade. Our school, are evidently trying to cover too much ground within a specified time Our children are being hur ried forward too 'rapidly. Thi PQ icy certainly tpnrT. j " . w naiu " asf2Al:,nnmW.V-.- i - . Nn '.'.; . o. " r"?a? grievanjBft farutuaii-asriWBU ' iiijumu . . . i i i rr n m nry.t.1 A1. funeral.rQ.AJWA or , kJ. ,v; k " T IT 1 7 " deuomin ' , ' . . . .T"' . Ao : i i ' . ' tup jvinujuiuai uim recommend- on U4 muua me compauy s coal is taken. An -vv oecame generally suspension has takn n LVi., . . . . I I . i 1 . I - I' tu i 1 j iiaij 1111 I IH TIT am Aamr. -.. l - auuwn T . n n r I .rfr1 L f i I I - ..uvanun Ul I . oAuiuaitiii iii LTM.M iiivnrran a-k-kt . . uvaa x auiiCKi ihH wkh i naoira trnn --. i. J. - . . . i r- . . l wA z. . . - i - o ". wv auuu ai i i twu Liu auueiiL i.iia na a ornnH i i or hnri o f . ... t am uurrviiicr Trrv i. at- 1 fl - . . I " X avuuu- I v. vuwui a 1,9 IU V U.)UIJ. I , J r ""vr. w ItUiU UUP eaa nags were half masted ovr intr i'nV;tof,';n tu.i. , ... I rpo,i m . i3etwe.n the ballots for bishops . uiuer, wiinout master- 1, r linrr tiro o f 1 rr n I 4 a. i ' . m.uers who were at work escaped. At .the Arlington Hotel, learned that the mine workers, in sideratiou of the Finance Con, thV-lct to rise. There ii dan I he. others lie dead in the firo wn the visiting Freuchmen are case a strike is - I . , I ...v, yjjvv iu i o icuuiu propOSlUlT tornupl ui dampclosedmine, while widows ltoPP1Dg' who came to witness have enlisted 90,000 miners and $5,000,000 n ;. poor spellers, readers and wr .iAL; . . the RnfthftmKi.T - , :i.-L . .. .. . ' " "i.iuiciii or ... . ... . 7 rta Tfl , uuviiidr, moorers at tne beginning in Vir- endowment fund, the proceeds of the French flag was placed at half ginia and West Virginia which is which are to go to the .uprt of ma8 "over three-fourths of thn working annRrnniinf.oi . .. i .i . ers. Arithmetic. 7 O O lV J grammar are thrown aside too early after insufficient study, and . ... . pupus are hurried throueh etsen, o-r in w Byj tu tue support oi over three-fourths of the working superauuateil preacher, their - vt ocbiiuns, "iuuwb u"u urpnaus. 1 m""u vu&wugu coscii and tKey will also. enlist in their This feature of the report was tial eabJects to give more time case the many trades unions and adopted without material chance fr exPerine"U and fads. We lue American f ederation of Labor . - re not ",eacninr our pupils thor m t i - wnich are thoroughly organized especially in West Virginia, which will aid them through sympathy. This with those who have to work on account of the closing of thf mines will; reach a total of 125.000 idle men in the two States. oughuess. They rush throturh' their terms and often eraduate. 24. A too vou ue. more oft.n roTA;.i. I , - - "vt,mmij educated, if we run roll ... J Bank Cases Remored. .1 r "'uscrai Ui Asheville. N. C., May 2LThe and ?o:n yjior b;iildiiij:s, but mlr Of COD orrainnf Tl T- i '. . " Storm in Neb aski. i Fremont, Neb., May serious of funnel-iHnl i'- viwuur puMvoicu, ii h can really sa1 pweptan.uiidtiiistown this aftr- they are educated at all -Ph.; noon and moved toward Hooper, les N Skinner, Superintendent of ten im's woat, giving the neonlp P , , - , i i - -- ui'u ui i.iew inrr wuv uii,. .storm which followed thr-ir appearance was tar. rific and blew down Several barns in Ladies Home Journ.il. banK cases against Breese, rpn land and JDickerson. for alleged embezzlement of severa' hundred thoneandj dollars of several years standing, will be removed to CharlM-te for trial. A special term of the United States Court was couyened here 'this morning by Judge Boyd of Greensboro, lor the purpose of disposing of the Breese and Pen land cases. The government insisted on a change of venue, which was vitroroii'lv far as le.ir.jod nor wju ny poreoii injured. Com imiijicatiou with outside towns was cut elf for some time I5' light ning interfering with th wire, and Ud to alarming rport biug 0'it&ut from' tho railroad office" Vi:l' the rrtnration of tt'lgra phio co jmutiic-nion, however, it was learnt d tlit they were untrue. . - Wr-at Tfelo Fcls ' fonght by coul.61 on th oth.r! ' pr.ar poorer of d.gostii.R side, who claimed that removal of j T 'or tbm .the cases would in all probabi.itv J land tbe,r clients in the peni,.,,- !nt the diivan,. gentl; uary. Judge Boyd thought thati"! !! poisons from .th svstem. the case?, in the interest nf l.ti, i'rich th blood, imnrovft nnrv.1 ides, ought to be removed and I !r e' m?,k5 hea!thy flesh'. Only siaes, ought to ne removed and set them for Charlotte term, the second Monday in June. J udge Boyd ordered a special term of United States Court to b held here MofirlnT Jnir 03 which time the Pulliam bank em- t t r m 25c at all druggists. - 1 1 Un Zte; are New York, May 21. Three Eat side meat shop, owned by the United Beef Company.- while doing bminess touight were aV tacked threo HPnuntr. mnL Tte War it aa esi. London, May 24. The develop ments in tho South African peace situation today bear .out all the details . cabled the Associated Pros. A member of the govern ment said tcday : . . ' -VYou are erfectly correct in insisting that everything. is prac tically settled, and .that the war is at an end. It may be, how ever, that several weeks will elapse before a. definite announce ment can be mad. We want to give th Boer leaders every chance in their conferences with their 1-ader, and that takes time. n.ol?tb.t.!,eQuti..J;:::ir 5!t tffice.in tbe.ou9s;dth9an;rhrU: ack within the confine of, s the f riends at the postoffices would Z Ity ie stS t iws of trraviution. fll in fit sistxrnin ihm t T, .Twer? 8tonwl ana t wa only aner a viirorou of rlnha th 1 th mobi were dispersed. HsI's Up A Cesgressnai, At the end of the camnaitm writes . Champ Clark, Missoun's brilliant congrewmao;4-7rom over work, nervous tension, loss of leepand constant speaking I hd about utterly collarHed. It seem that all the organs in my body er out of order, but three bottles of Electric Bitters made me all right. It's the best all-around ftteMiciue ever sold over a . drug gists counter." Over worked, run down men and weak, sickly wo men gain splendid health and ri tality from Electric Bitters. -Tr ham n.l. rA. r , . J tAA5-. voaranteed all druggist. v 1