lijslmnj CrutU-gnflex. PUBLISHED TUB8DATS AUD KRI AVfl. ud entrel In th rtoffle at &.-ttbarf . fJ., aa second elaas mall matter. Vn .H STEWART. Editor ani Miniger. PUBLICATION OFFICE! N JAMES BUILDING NEXT TO LIVE BT STABLE, I5NI88 STREET. If.. u iihiiitii hi ir.r viiui uuiiin iiilai" rtpb rnRT. vnii urn in ArrearH uuu f Vi o f rnn m n t. r 1 1 nnn TAnAW,nr vorir nanAi will H discontinued. J - Two marks means the last copy - mm - - that will be sent witbout.a renewal JUNE 0, 1902. Come earlv and avoid the rosh- ' i . : . ' .1.' r - ' es is not plagiarism 01 ine aipsaic law. . I . - What's the matter with the Raleigh Post's correspondent at-j Wilson? The Philippine government bill lias passed ' the-. Senate as every one knew it would, bat it sufficed to furnish fuel for Senatorial life most of the passing session of Con gress. , The Irish-Americans' demon titration in Chicago the other day will hardly amount toas much as an echo. What have Irish-Americans got to do with England's any other dependency? If they are Americana tliey have no pow er in England and England no reason to give heed to their wail If they bo subjects of England why are they here in such num hers? Do they wish to control -England' polity and have their "Irish votes" counted here also? Our sympathy is always with tho laboring man, but not to such an extent as to cause us to be un just to others; not even the bloat ed bondholders and trusts. If the cost of living has increased faster than the increase of the laborer' in fVio noo nnnfrn when his special contribution is j County Correspondents. nothing more nor less than A - ? ";v T 'v Thesis on Bible Wines," a title mi y Brf which accurately describes the S K ' topic selected for diWssiou, the- Will Barnes, who lives at the thought of incongruity between v auce mm, lost a cmia cranaay, ubject and author vanishes. blves belDS the caU8e death, r And considering that much has I Jo Faerie, who has been n nit p. . ' I ; o - - - - been written upon the subject from I i8 improving slowly. We hope a tneoreticai sense, and little I to see him out soon. from a practical point of view, it - w wttin viairp Mi. is easily seen that from this stand- L- - , v - , v z a point no one is more qualified to I , , . , , .. ..." L-u u: 4l-J day, and emoyed his hospitality 1 vptxt mnn . j mmm v 9 author, Edward . EmerBon. His treatment of th two-wine theory is direct and convincing. Demolishing a favorite term of the ascetics, "unfermented wine," be proceeds to destroy the foun- of their arguments, how- $25. ing first that unfermented- wine one. Walter Watson has done con siderable work on the little Carter place. He will move there when the work is completed. - J. F. Fester listed , his dog at Guess he must "be a good caunot exist if the term is taVen literally, and that if a substance was in Biblical times made from the grape and could be kept sweet and pure, orr in other words, un-J fermented, why can it not be pro- aucea to-aay little doubt is left in the minds of the reader as to the possibility of the making ofun fermented wine being a lost art. His practical explanation of the quotation, 'No man puts new wine into old bottles '' will surprise many, although but few can fail to be convinced by it. The Thesis is, i;i a word, a com prehensive, practical statement There will be a show, at Ellis school house Saturday night by W.W.Miller. Henry Gullet was taken to the Salisbury asylum to-day. w June 4th, , Bobolink. Rock, . - We are having dry weather now The farmers are taking advau tage of the dry weather by mak ing their first crop of hay; r Corn and cotton are looking good, considering the dry weather. The Irish potato "crop will be our locality. We hope if this be trae.that it be a successful Co. There is also some talk of a corn shredder which could be liandled extensively in this section.' We -are very much in need of rain aLthis writing. Every thing is suffering for: want of rain; Our truck patches are - burning up. corn and cotton are dying. Not long ago a- certain young man was riding bis wheel over the country with a certain petition. -While passing, through Maxwell Lyerly s place riding along, he happened to notice a man in the corn field with the resemblance of Mr. Xiylrly. He dismounted from his wheel, hd to his astonish: ment found it to be a pair of breeches stuffed with straw. Mr. Lyerly tells us that this is the second; man that was fooled, that on one occasion a peddler went so far as to extend his hand with a, hallo; how are you?, , ,My, travelers takenotice, last Sunday while all were at church some contemptible thief broke in J. W. Linker's house, breaking locks to drawers and up turning every thing. Nothing was missed except $1150 1 of Mrs. Linker's money.5 He keemed to be a pro fessional hand and left everything in good shape. Success to the Truth-Index, and its readers. . June 5th. f Lee. rule of Ireland, India, Egypt or of the many questions involved 8lim if we don't get rain soon A 1 t Ck T f A 1 I . ft . . m ..... I ' in the consideration of Binhcal wins and thiir use. of temper ance as opposed .to total absti nence, of common sense as oppos ed to prudishness. A Lay Thesis on Bible Wines is published by Merrill & Baker, 9-11 East Six teenth St., New York City. The Creed of Presbyterians., by .Uev. Egbert W. Smith, D.D., of Greensboro, is a wouderfui little book greatly needed at the pres ent time. The superficial attacks ." Wheat is now turning to a golden color.: It is very short but filled well in the head. John- Barger has some fine wheat. "Quite a number of . our young people went to Catholic preaching last Sunday. Many who never! heard a Catholic priest preach heard onellast Sunday. We have s "i ll - T - - XWWWUAAJM no Catholics in our. neighborhood. ' ' ... ' -. 4 Miss Emma Frost, of Greens- on Calvinism are shown to rattle borp, is visiting friends at Yost use peas on trie solid armor of a this week. modern battleship. It is a book , , . " , , , .1 - e ii i vur oase Dauieampiayea rei,n- 1 ... I nmr Inot'SdtiiT'How iitramnff VV nan Via t u ij - . . jL.. .-.1 '"li--ii1 flli2,.is..viev ed labor, which is in the saddle. One seems to be equally as ne farious aud dangerous to the eouutry's welfare as the other Both should have due considera-, tion, but it should not be forgot ten . that each oue is entitled to justice and the ' protection of the laws, also the great masses which are neither active participants one or the other. Many of our good people great ly regret to learn of the re-election of C. L. Coon as superinten dent of our public schools. It costs mauy of those who are able, besidos their taxes, considerable every month to send their chil dren to some of the many well couducted private schools hflr. which wp believe is r a great injus tice to them. It is uot worth while to say t his condition will continue so long as this man is left in said position. The spots of a leopard cannot bo changed. B.t taking the faculty ns a whole wo nave no reason to believe it la not a very good oue. - One point that deserves favorable mention is that a larger per cent, of the teachers selected are Salisburians. . that is if sevon out of the .sevatjS teen can be o considered, aP tnough .several of these are only recent acquisitions. There is no need to talk of majority rule in such matters, justice is one thing and generosity is another. We do not believe in a Chinese wall for the exclusion of the outside w rJd, let all good people come who will aud let them be receiv ed with open arms; but we should not forget that fSalisbary. and Salisburians is our goal in every part, first, last and all the time. . Chasl Major perhaps the most -.''mm popular teller of love stories amontr living novelists. In Doro thy Vernon,: as his, earlier hovel When Knighthood- was in Flower, time and distance lose their sig nificance under his spell. He has the rare and happy: faculty which brings home to the heart the spir it of gallaiit times and the imper loiis call; of youth's springtime. The romance is the chief con cern with this author; it is tho very -root as well as the flower of his gift. This is a historical tale so far as period, scene, and minor characters are concerned. Indeed ven hikherp and heroine, and the romance itself, are based upon historic fact. The elopement of Dorothy Vernon with John Man ners is an historic-episode; Had don Hall belongs to this, day to their descendants, the Dukes of Rutland Queen Elizabe h visit ed the castle; the state chamber where .s.he rested over night, is still fhDwu to-visitors iri its origi nal itate. Mary Stuart, too. en ters the story, to rouse the jeal ousy of Dorothy. .In short, the over of the accuracy of i:istory in tictioii. may rest contented with the story; but he will probablv carehttU for that once he has caug n '7 tue spirit and treshnessof the w j vernon ot Uaddon Hall., Bv j J 1,lustratetl by riAJt IT , u iany. June 5th, 1902. let Zoophyte. : Morgans X Roads. - Mr. John WJ Bean , of near Pool , is erecting a new duelling house. Who is to be the happy one Mr. Bean? 0- W. Wyatt happened to quite a painiul accident last Saturday tin i "... vv niie rolling a wheal oarrow he stumbled and fellover it and was at first thought he had received internal injuries, but we learn that is not the case. We hope1, he wmueaDie out in a few days. - ; ' We are told that on last Sundav evening a week ago. wnen we had pur last shower of rain, lightning struck a vacated blockade jBtiil shanty of this town, and partly burned it.J , i That Tired Feeling. You haye is caused by worn out digestive organs. "Coleman's Guarantee", heals the parts, .aids digestion and positively cures all forms of Dyspepsia. Thousands of cured people recommend "Cole man's Guarantee" as an honest medicine. Price 50c. large bottle at druggists. , Wanted.' -A corresDondent and aeent at everv Dostoffice in the i ; mf x . countvV! We would be elad if our friends at the postoffices would as sist us in -the matter. . Liberal commission paid to agents. "I have used Ayer's HtirVieor for over thirty years. It has kept my scaip tree rrom aanaruff and n as prevented my hair from turn. i"2gry-"-Mrs. F. A. Soule, outings, mom. Becks Recelud icd Retlcwed. , It is certainly a uovelty, and may at first thought appear start ling, for a maker of winea to en ter the already crowded field if Baking Powder Makes the breed more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum Alum tufciog powtien are thezrtzttst moucers to health of the present day. W. II. Martin of Gold Hill, is preparing to start his new distill ery near this placel , A. H. Graf will shin another u ue car load of 1 u mber this week . There was a match same of base- . . . . " ball nlayed at Garfield last Satur day between the Jackson and Lib erty team?. They qui 18 against 8i 'm favor of the Jackson team. Keep quite next boys. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ludwick, of Gold Hill, were visiting rela tives near here last Saturday and Sunday. . Mrs. Del ia Morgan is on the sick list. Miss Lillie Bean, of this com munity, has beet quite sick for the past week but we are glad to uote is improving. .1 remain yours as ever, . V June4th. Sam Sxigoleton. Again we are with the rjencil pushers. June apples are ripening. Farmers are preparing to tak off their harvest. , It is reported that there' is to be another Qow threihing machin-ia There is this peculiar tning about Ayers Hair Vigors-it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But gradually the old color ' .... comes DacK, all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. Ji.M a fccflle. All inttlsts. if yonr dnircist cannot supply you. snd ns on dollar nd we will express TOU a bottle. R nr init .v . of your nearest express office. Addrers -: . . a r.u v.u Loweu, Mass. MYirri TtmlAr orsrootn Loo of H&l . 'WIU .n Daemsed Hoofs and lsrtehm la boc- Mustang Unlmsntcarec rirssstryU A toad under a harrow suffers no more than tho faithml horso that ia tortured vith Spavins, Swiniicy,!! " Sores, Sprains, etc Most horso owners know this and anplr tho kind or sympathy that heals, known Car and wide as v . ' ; Mexican : ; . Mustang ' v "Liniments Never fails notcven in tho most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a disease peculiar to muscle, skin or joints that cannot bo cured by it. " TVTpyi rnn is the best remedy on tie market for "Wind Oeils, BpraJns and Bkin Lump. Mustang Liniment It keepeborsea and mules In condition. 1 Muv FOR SALE BY H. G. Tyson & Co., Bone and Peruvian AND High Grade Phosphate. JlTHB VOLCANO'S DEADLY WORK PROM n m il i sting b ok erer published. Complete, thrilling and accurate account of greaCm disaster that erer befell hanltr-1 vc, crcu luau rompeu. Tells how vc "i e mcMji oeautuul islands In nuiiu. wilm Hnnnaniw 1 j . Mar- the Terlt- Thekind that give Sat isfac tioh. A. complete ptock of . - COLUQE $40 to S80. IA. CRESCENT :: IV10IIARGH. 822 105. ed wlth nhXaPy disaster. PracUcally only -Martlnlnn -in'vdVre.v?r7nenow Insists on hav author. largesbokTbeTt lllustra, nciuruvtriMt. r4 r . KnnrTn;;; ;"'. "A-ew- wni wanted.- " K'vrxi. wr mow wno act auicklr Most liberal terms. rwt m Vrr.. ana be at wirk. Th ihanu - . 1 ' making monVy. "c-uie xor 190 2 Wheels. New Mode,s New Features. For Sale by G. S. WILLIAMS & CO. Wood and Lumber. Why pay retail Drices for wood and lumber when von can buy direct from shipper and save middle, man's profits? Write us or 'phone us for prices. TJ. B. Blalock & Co., .!Torrood,lT.C. Cubanela clears and common clear cost 70a about tho a a tno t your 3alria v. Over-Work Weakens ! Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidnejs Make Impure Blood, All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. - 1 he kidneys are your uiooa purmers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the, blood. If they are sick or ftiit of order, they fail to do ineir work. . Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric add in the hlnvi sin a 3 kidney troub.e. " " vc . Kidney trouble causes quick tr unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as thourh they had heart trouhu r9,. .u. JT6, over-worklnffjin pumpinff thick, kidney- mvuwm viwu uiiouga veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science nrmm k i all constitutional diseases have their berii If yOU are Sick VOU can rniV. mm i-.-t by first doctorinr your kMn. tv. iu and the extraorriinanr mftm .t rv I T . soon realized. It stands 1 l.T u.8 oiuce . of Clerk wonderfulcurescf themocle I "m, SU.rt uu u sam un 11s menu by ail druggists In fifty- Xihy should you not Have the best for your 5 cents? American' Cycle Mfg. Co., . New York. HARKI Harness of all Kinds Made to Order and Kept in Stock. . My harness is worth more to consumera than any you can boy from stores as I take special care' to pat only the Iegt leather in my 0m J m. m. I mf. p i b me wearing qualities are increased more than double over that of Northern or factory xnad goods. I keep ' - ' 1 J Collars, Pads. Whips, Bri- qies,; Saddles, in fact. Everything Sold by a Harness Dealer. REPAIRING CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. ,12. : V cent and one-dollar sLz. es. You may have a t 1 mp Kwiue D7 man t : . free, also pamphlet telUrr voa how tr HnA out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. jectto the action -of thon.m era ue couniy conyention. J. Frank McCcbbixb May 21st, 1902. . TO VOTERS OF ROWAN. 1 r au kilt JUJS. -ooa er5t TaatoaGood. Cm I hereW annonnrA mrir - aiaate for the ofiim f rt.u r-, the Court, subject to th action of J I the Democratic party in its nri- I I I mary and contention. 'II' r -r. 11 mi ' ' - r. W mIOIIT. Jfl China fMa IfarOrt irwi i a sneciAl fpatna t t Uring your work and come to see mo. - A trial ia all T m asfc, 4 Retpectfully, . C Froneberger. Main Street. Salisbury, N C. Opposite Court House. For b7 a A. JAOKSdll.