1 . 1 ' ' . '' i it . 3 - SEMI-WEEKLY . p.,. :; tizzy. m rr ri-fl 5 .4 4 1 Vol. 16. No. 49 Salisbury, N. C, MarcH'27vJ903. Est a B LI s H ED 1887, LIKE THE TEACHER. Patrons of bis School Tender H. W. Barn barest a Reception. At tho closing of the school at Holshouser and . Lyerly's school house. Rowan county, on Friday Tarch 20tb, a rHepti n was giv ;n by the. patrons of tho district, in honor of their teacher, H. W. Biirnhardt, of near Concord. It was a complete surprise all the way ..through. Fathers, mothers and friends of thecommunity'and district, assembled at 2 o'clock p, rn., unknown to tho "teacher or pupils, to show-their appreciation CRISIS IS OYER. New No Forthr Daoagi Looked for, bat Vizi- lance is tUna&atei. York. March 24. Press dispatches from Memphis 'say the river thero had remained station ary all day at 89.5 feet, and was then slowly falling. Danger from the flood in this territory is how considered to he practially over, and the center.of interest is in the situation south, of Memphis along-t the, levees of Mississippi, Louisi- aim auu Arkansas High winds yesterday caused considerable uneasiness at those to Mr. Barnhardt. for the. good points along. the soflthern levees that are only a foot or more above the flood. ,' - While engineers feel that there is no danger, to be feared in the territory about Helena, they know of the uncertainties of the Miss issippi and no lessening of vigi lance has occurred. work be has done for the two past winters. Addresses were made bv L. It. Liugle and others on the importance of education and tho responsibility which restrd upon teacher. Mr. Lingle's talk was deep and impressive. lie epke 'in" a wav to interest tHe children, and make, them under stand and reatizM the need of an education. . V After an intermission of ten minutes the crowd reassembled at the call of tho hdL Then (-nn.o the trout for the children,, which was giv3ti by the teacher, and also a prize was given to the made the greatest in writing. ' The fuocessful one was little Miss El- liiu Friclc. At L. Linglo then .; mo, fo rward j and in a few well cl.os.m words presented Mr. Barn- PALUERYILLE PICKIK6S. New Telephone Use Cocaectiag Will AI A tsenarlg and QtberTcms. E.' O. Bostwick, is making preparations to erect a handsome residence here. This shows the great progress of our village. He has a good, substantial residence already, but wants a finer one. Charlie Wyatt', of Pool, Rowan county, entered school here last Monday. New scholars? are al ways welcome and especially from ipifvymplain because they other counties, and old Rowan is say that .the "steward is serving always iii line with a good repre- thm witif too mucH soup and not sentation here. . enougn nans ana nasn. iney dollar a that ninno the new aiew J. B. Palmer, one of our hust-1 , . , i . , ' t urn rnnir nhftTtrA ton Hnrra o cm thov ling merchants, is Baying a tele-had for breakfa8ti 8bup puone line erec&ea to mis piace, Scliisrs LSake afiHckTor Batter Feed, asd ask for Hasi and Beass. New Rochille, N. Y., March 23. Three hundred soldiers of the Sixteenth U. S. Infantry at Fort Slocumuouthe sound, have gone on a strike and refuse to eat till the mess steward serves them with a more satisfactory variety of food. Tht infantry men, who have justrfcturned from tha Phil- f The Dog sat Down. Indianapolis, March 23. Mrs. AVillafd Cott, of Pike county, was shot last night through the win dow of her home and this morn ing searching patties started out which will connect at Albemarle and run by way of Dowd. It will be of untold advantage to our people." ' The wheat crops of our section are looking fine, - and the beauti ful, weather of last week has put a move- on' the farmers. They are preparing for planting. for dinner, and soup for supper. The only variation, they say, is that soml meals they had vegeta ble 8oup,soup made of rice, peas or beans.5 4ri,A vJB rriiwoo3Cas8. Raleigl? NV O., March 23. The CnminaLcourt for; Wake county was convened here todays Judge The next event of importance M. H. Justice, of Rutherfordf ' presiaiug:-, rour witnesses 1 Ape Falls, on CaBe ofiward Hay wodd; chkt0 one who had improvement nit of handsome by the patrons of was leading and the dog, when taken to the scene of tho tragedy started ,at once on a trail that led to the house of young Cott. When it was reached the dog turned awayiand soon came upon the party led by William Cott. The i i i . ... i uuk iciuau lu u.j luibuci uub sub huuue an eieiidiit suoDer. wnich . r . . r. . ' f -... 1 - . ... -I 44tnn in. fimnl- -. fj A n A wa enjrrved fo all -preBcbt. -AM v-- v-v J , ; disappear be- liardt with a.8 riot htt?, given the "school.'' Tb-i ladies t ' i i i t:e ia-n ana s nen assemoled on 'r4ad beneath the tho btiu begau Vo hind tho hills all departed to their homes wisfiiog many returns of such a happy occasion. . A word now asTtoMr. Earn hardt. ' The" writer wishes to sav to ne celebrated dv our the annual picnic at the in an directions to nnd some trace uuuoJ; .1WWUR witn thefmurder of Ludlow smn- of the assassin. - Suspicion rested iowara 10 n witn great expecta- ner on Pebruarv 21, were upon William Cott, the divorced. tl(v1 nod we expect to be there. ined by the grand jury and inlless huslmud; Marshal Sumpter had 'The annual commencement of than half an - hour a true j bill a blood hound Jvith the party he the Y, M. S. Aeademy, will take charging Haywood with murder ed to the court. Hav- wood will be arraigned in court in the mornin"K.vl Solicitor - Armi stead Joiies.iiiecaUse'r of relation ship to Haywood, asks to be I re- nevea oil tne prosecution, inis will ber allowed and Judge" Justice will nacie Walterjrr0aniel, soli bitorroin..he second, districts who is one of the prosecuting counsel, as solicitor for the case. The trial will begin either Friday ! af ternoon or Saturday morning! pJacoApril 29th, 30th, and May was retuJ 1st. Hustler hopes to give sL full programme of tho exercises later on. t.r? fin t.ft ftn ri n tr nnnn h i m Cott was then fv arrested as - the murderer .of his wife and was placed in jail: He refused to make any statement. . F. Eddins, of v this place, D. T. oinclair, p Norwood, and that he hasten; the most sue ; : . .. W"eo up nipei. J fclished men. Upon the receipt of a dispatch pri9ed at the Uislatnre not aee cesaiui teacner who has ever had ; r VVashiuffton. March 2d. Presi- r- T?i;f v. Tn'nmi;.Ttiw from the mavor of MemDbia.'.aD ino fha vonimai, nf u:n ' i - . I i -i ', - ,1 " aio., omivux, Luu inuia-ifluui i -.,. i vmv nuHauvw ui Vila UI1I. CLL. 1 .- 'I ' . " . 'i i' mil'. t .' I -7 I , m ... i I J cnarge oi inis scnooi. im ot a word aeut nooseveic nas decided to ap- i8 a welcome ' visitor here, and it Pealing tor tents to shelter retug- The bill was what we want can hei BaidV.aeaittgt either his point E. E. Clark, of Cedar Ran- vi.c u roo TAn ees from the overflowed districts Ya nnA ;.7 - t . rii . j iw&Auto uuo noun cw r: i w liRHiin vi - - - T . nuauuru iu l- v . . 1. CJ f " f I ' I uur county now nas a new board of education, consisting of the following gentlemen : Pjpf i E. W. j. m. nartseu, oi Jt5ig lick. xny will enter upon their duties in the Slimmer. We may well look for great advancement in the public schools of our county, under the Administration of these accom plished men. Mr. Editor, the C3LURSCESCU:E,Sl2aT.' CRAYOl C!?AT. Ttit Is mil Trestles 4,J:sl!cau ta Mi j nii:s Haia CnssdEIgi 7i!in Fr::;::l m . - m.mm m mm mm a I m la ins vie ei ur. tagii. tar ssn Eanj Ye::i2gs, MbIEditor: I see Mr. Justice We had some very hard rains has attempted to defend Old Josh Saturday and Sunday. The water in a reply to mine. I wish to re- is very high in the river and 1 , : -4 the creek. Calvin Agner has been on sick list but is improving. Henry Kesler was visiting B. C. ply to him if you will give me space in your paper, I see he is like Old Josh so much that be fails to give his name. I presume he is not like him in one respect, being a member ' of the aQDle the other Sunday. , church, but found on the wrong I. C. Pool lost a -fine - horse a side of the fence and signiDg a pe- few weeks ago. Mr. Pool was of- tition against the incorporation fered $125 for the animal 'pfevi of his church. A ouslv. 1 But we take him to be one of Old Josh's sons-in-law, which ex plains to ns why he has so much tender sympathy for Old Josh Mrs. Martha Earnhart the sick list. is on We understand that the boys audthe liquor traffic. Mr. JuH w,li play baI lftttn0 raven tico himself being an employe of ground April 4th. ; the revenue department, of course Bro. Ladder wants to know he sees his god in danger like the when beaf steak was the higheit. silversmith ybemetrius's god, of Answer, when the cow jumped which he will find an account m over the moon. Is that correct Acts, 19th cliftpter. Hope he will Ladder? read and seelfor himself, a sam ple-of him8el: Hesays R. IT. T. found himself outclassed. A say he didnot, but feels very mucp mortified that he has a brother -who is fighting the church lnateqkl of the devil's It seems soma of our young la dies are studying very much of getting married. Put on your specks Adam, and go down the road. Hello, Bro. Zeke, what has be cause -He safld I rushed into the come f yu? Come along with ii i frav and Rfiirifiefid mvftfilf. or as and tell us of Dutch Creek. j , words to th.X. eitect. , 1 want to Miss Edwin Cauble of this tell hikl hatfe not made as, great place, was visiting friends near saennce as. neinas when 1 remain- Gold Knob. ber my effort are for right, but his for-money. But he says I al- low my feelings to obscure my I judgment, etc A I have not got the dollar pressed on my eye so where Victory is. He hasn't tight as Mr. JAstice has, that be through yet. Jfc se.e:Ier enough r to carry It seems Old Josh, of Morgan, his duties "according to law. I has a friend to back him. Come dare say if he Would he would not on Josh. R. T. T. hain't cone anv- . , - o J Henry Wilhelm was visiting J. C. Morgan Saturday night. Bro. Ladder wants to know fell For Flood Sufferers. hold his job tilf Sunday, Well, he seems to not. see where Old Josh has imide an attack upon the people of Morgan. What did he mean when he said he was sur- where. :', . -a ' '. " V ! Walter Lentz.'has been visiting Miss Rinda Eller. . ' VlCTOBT. - a law, the majori- FOR SALE: Retail shoe busineti, weU'establinhed trade. Stock in ventories about $3,000. .Reason for selling, othr business. Ad- brines 1 I if IT ' rftT nl.na n rim I. . I Hn .....,-.-. C i. I f . I - I 1 1 If! . 1 - ' 1 1 - . . t I O . "M4Wv . .-o uo, ,vi uiB pn- iu,.Wwa,i)i.iu.iikui; ma and Friday. Hustler always looks ""."g " issiasippi nver, wuo ty ot the best church members dress Box 79. Salisbury. N. C. 8t. Mfk n. mm. ft .. k lir . A. M Jl l.f I . - I - 1 l l i. . I . 1 i ' 1 I I '. M ... ' vuii nwwr, ;,youia io uoq 01 xvauway ouaaucwra aqu a forward to its arrival with much are congregating in jjiempnis in signing the petition in favor of it we had a world full of such bright member of the coal, s-trike com- eagerness, for the interesting lale numbers, Secretary Root secured its passage whicifdi'd not and brainy young men. , May he mission, assistant secretary of the iiem8 hich -always deck its today wired the Governor of Ten- please Josh, -ind caused him to 6 i : - j -! incut with success in all he under- defpartment of commerce and lab- ' takes. Crescent, N. 0.,March 28rd. fright columns, to a great extent nessee for a statement of the con- J.JL. or. . - ' ? hibnliflVioB fh hinoa nri a ii fc ditions. If it is found that the Mr. Clark was suggested to' the State is unable to cone with the Leases Millions To Found School. , Boston, March 2S. The will of Arioch Went worth, a Boston real estate millionaire who died recent ly, was filed, for probate in galem Saturday. The estate is estimat ed at seven million dollars and every cent, with the exception of a few annuities, amounting to but j twenty-four thousand, goes to found an industrial school, to be called Arioch Industrial School. Wentworth left President by Judge (jrayjand Car roll D. Wright, Judge Gray, chairman of the coal strike com mission, gives Mr. Gray credit for unusual ability and energy in the commission's -work. Mr. Clark represented organized labor ou the commission. life. We only wish it could visit more homes and be read by more people than it now is, for there is nothing that expands the mind and elevates the character as read ing good literature, and in this connection the decent newspaper occupies an important place. HrtSTLER. Ljtrlj. : d. I 111 L. rw m A M mtmt. m mm mm m . express himself as having morel- Ml" .r r1CBB? . sense than aln thechm-chT5eonleUpace iii' your valuable psp'.r to and the legislature combined, ioin the nencil nushers. "and iL - TlrtOO tlm f. Q Hnnr rtr ft it- A I L ! Jl Ii i x 1 j. 1 . will at I t v "f x v uucb i inis quo & go vo ine wasie oasxet -1 w p"pubo vo buui up. I will come again. - - r ; :-7 1 ' To do op The Czar. s Naples. March 24. The police announced today that the search of the Russians just arrested here at Grand Hotel has revealed do- : . . . I . . 1 a daughter, cuments proving tne existence ot Mrs. Willoughby Stuart and two a plot of the Russian Nihilists to grand-sons au olden will gave her assassinate the czar during his the whole estate The later: will visit to Italv. A prisoner named which will be coutested, is belie v- 4 , . . , . . ed to be the direct outcome of a Ooets, who 13 said tc be rich, was painful family trouble, that came arrested at the request of a Rus- to Wentworth through his daught- san on suspicion of being impli- or s husbaud, at that time, British cated in the recent assassination vice consul in that city, -i of the Minister of Interior ABor's Wild Ride for Life. With family around him ex pecting him to die, and a sou rid ing for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, W. The Stonack is tbe Has. A weak stomach weakens the the man. because it cannot tran s- l.form the food he eats into nour ishment. Health and streugth caunot 'j be restored to auv sic H, Brown, of Leesville, Iud., en- man or weak woman without first dured death a agonies from asth- restoring health and strength to I the present ma; nut this woudertul medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him Ha writpar I '.T nnw fllnon nnn T 11 n in It m Vrt . . I ' 4uJ juu uvntJ liuiug uuu UISUS of the body. Kodol Tbe Only Chance. Havana, March 24. It is un derstood that President Pal ma in his message to the Senate will state that the only meaus of sav ing the reciprocity treaty from lapsing is for the, Cuban Senate to accept the amendments by the Americans. This statement ia based on the opinion of Mr. Hay, the American secretary of state. The situation has caused much discontent in political circles. It is said in some quarters that the Cuban government is in pawn the Washington government and to that Cuba has need to have some dignity and independence. It is suggested ;hat the economic socie ties bv consulted as to whether situation, the j becretary once loan the the necessary num- His answer tn nnpafinna nVimua ber of tents. There is a general how. little he values human souls. Lightning struck two trees near quartermaster's depot at Jeffer- Mr. Justicp if you want me to, r. c. Miller's hog pen and nearly II all l" r ' eonville, Ind., and.the tents will .r"1 ,ve ?.?.t8eAc"0 ?r i.aw killed one of bis fine hogs. v.Vii.--t xxr ill nrnVi.Vi!. Vi r rm X probably be Bent to Memphis from " lX"6 . . . , . , j I " "ft" "1 W-JIV. VUUIVUbB, tnat point, in aaaition to iurnj and drinking ot Providence ishing tents, the war departt Stanly whiskey, if you will' ment also will furnish commissi ary supplies if it is found neces sary. Washington dispatch. The Fighting ContI noes. San Domingo, March 24. Tliei revolutionists are practically in possession of the city. Fighting continues today. General Pepin has seized the cable office and government land wires, and driv en back most of the army of de fense. The fort was the first to fall. The attack was sharp and many tell on both sides before the firing ceased. Many of the regu lar troops have joined the rebels. f Prof. Jones' school at Union or I Ar.ademv. will rlnA -nn thm.Q7th. Tliapa will Via an n. a.4. - nmnn commodate me with your name , . o . , and address. afc U18ht ftnd 11 Pcnic Saturday. But you want fairness and Everybody invited to come and christian toleration, so do I. 'But bring well-filled baskets, some men do not realize their , l , -n i danger, hence we have to shake Sandy lchxl will be organiz them pretty rough to wake them, ed Sunday at Union church, and While Old Josh is smiling at there will bt preaching by Rev. the sound of the little pop guns, J, L, Morgan. " let him -not be deluded with the vain hope that he is right. But Wheat and oats are looking when these little guns cease to well in this neighborhood, and disturb him and the small voice gome farmers have ben thinking whuiu FBm, 1 mm near, ana nf nUntintr m-n T rmo.. Viw will wait till they have a few uncertain conditions mc ; owmou. wcuk Hiumacu i should be nrolomred and also re- AAttrtAf tiAiii a .k ATJX m. jf 2I I 1 uuu? u,6Cuuugu ioou vo ieea Eardiue the amendments to' the - r TTcai-r n rm w n . n m . n .... I - soundly every night.? Like mar velous cures o( Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Qoughs Colds aud Grip prove its match loss merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bot tles 60c aud 1 .00. j Trial bottles free at all druggists. 1 Dyspepsia Cure cleanses, purifies, sweetens Liquid Electricity is sold entire 1". . .ft a la . - and strengthens tne glands and j ly on its own merits, and any membranes of the stomach, and druggist or agent selling it. is au- cures indigestion; dyspepsia and 1 thonzed to refund the money when all stomach troubles. Jas. Plum-1 it does not do what is claimed for 1 . . . .... mer. . . I it. -after ao honest trial. - . EVERY CHORGH or institution sup ported by voluntary contribution will e given a uoerai quantity if the Lougmj,n & Martiuez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note : Have done so for twenty seven years, aaies: iens 01 millions of gallons; painted near ly two.millionsi houses under guar antee to repainr. if not satisfac cory: The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, fd.me in two' minutes). Actual tost then : about 11.25 a gallon Samples free. Sold by our Agents, I Rowan Hardware Co. 2-3 2m. he will not raise his voice or use use his pen in favor of the liquor trathc. If I have failed to show up Old Josh and his friend, and the reas on they want to protect tbe liq uor trathc, I confess I do not know how to get at it. I wish they would tell ns some of the benefits their good cause has day's sunshine. Old Zip. ! What Is Ufa? In. the last analyiis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuie that law brought to our peonle. and whv thev favor the still in nreference even slightly, pain remits. Ir- . - . -r ! . to tbe churches being lucorpontt- regular living means a era d pe ed against the still, ment of the organs, resulting in Thank you Mr. Editor, for your Constipation, Headache or Liver fjavor. trouble. Dr. King's New Life 1 Eli E. Eagle. Pills quickly re-adjusU this. It'a In rra r 1 vat 4livnK Hnl order, to remove a misap- .n !i 6 J - Eagle seems to be laboring, it'will not be amiss to say that Justice! The worst form of Indigestion is is net related to Old Josh, by mar- generally relieved by taking one riage or otherwise, nor has beany half teaspoon fal of Liqoid Elec connecti jn whatever with the liq- tricity in half a .glss of water ft uorbusiness. Ed. few minutes after eating.