-f- SEMI-l. c- ...:?'C' a- VOL. No. 65. Salisbury, 19032 Established 1887. ' .' . 16. . .' ..... " ..; -v - -r. v v. . -. -. ... . GORMAN SAILS FOR EUROPE- MAKES TILLMAN hot;; i WANTS VINDICATION.. He Has no i Opinion to Express Regarding a He Says Suggestion cf Crow's Name is Third Termor CISTelan : Van Insult to Democrats. The Atlantic . Transport liner; ;V ''Ther 'simple V ; suggestion - of Minnehaha sailed Saturday with Cleveland's nomination for a third trie longest nst oi passeneers of Uerm." sava Rpimfnr any vessel of the hue which has been out this season, " Senator Arthur P. German of ' Maryland was among the passengers. -This will be Senator Gorman's ; first traus-Atlantio trip. Hr will go to London where, his daughter, Mrs. Gambrill, lives, and after spending some time in that city will visit Ireland, Scotland and the coutinent. ' - The senator was aeked if he was running away r from ; Maryland as reported, to be out of reach when the slate f for the state ticket; is made up . "Nonsen'ie," said the senator. "I ain not" ruuning away. The Democrats are not iu the habit of . running two men. They, just agree upon one man and f push him forward. Warfield is the man in this instance:" "What do you think of Cleve land's chances for a third term?" 4 Young man, I always try to avoid trouble. Under no Circum stances do I wish- to disscuss na tional politics. New York dis- . patch. Tillman" of South Carolina, "is an insult to the : 6,00,000 Democrats in the country who voted the ticket in the last elections." . The Senator i here on depart mental business for his constitu ents. "It seems to me," he con tinued, "that every Democrat I have met has regarded this Cleve land talk as impertinent and in- GoYernor cf Arkansas Asks Tor a 1 ' : of Office.-J (Jovernbr Davis in an a3drep the rDimocraiy of ATftsod: , announced his ;fcandacy;for J third term. He asks for vuidk ; tion. He says, 4 'Charges in vol ing my honor and the good of my father and mother were.pr-: ferred against me without tl: ri slightest pretext anhurletrjoa'd cast throughout the press 6 nation. My: impeachmenfcWas sought; a price was placed up on my official head, and ac ?L0N8 AND SHORT HAUL re sult ing. It makes us hot under laid, well considered, far reaching the .collar. Why what sort of curs do they take us to be, to expect us to vote for a man like Cleveland," he went on. '. ''Here's a man who hasn't even voted the Democratic ticket in the last two presidential elections. He threw what influence he pos sessed against the ticket. You might as well, talk about naming people of this state. I am ready. a Republican as the head of the to make the fight. Will you stand Democratic ticket. It would be bv me?" Little Rock, Ark. dis- scheme was entered into -to rum me. It failed ; the Legislature nnt, have the conraee to carrv out the program. ; Therefore! am a candidate for governor andT sor licit the support of nly ..friends. If we - can whip , this political crowd once more l think a victory. will have been aohieved for the Aoothor Petition for Mrs. Maybrick. The Person's Rights Associa tion has drawn up a petition ask ing for the release of Mrs. Flor ence Maybrick, convicted of pois oning har husband on August 1st 1889, The Home Secretary re plied to the petition, stating thst when 15 years of the prisoner's life sentence had been served, the qutJBtiou oi reconiineuu ujk uer 10 lercy ; would be v considered. lioodon dispatch. " about as probable," The Senator said he could not! name the probable Democratic candidate, as no one yet had' be come sufficiently prominent in that connection. "In my State,''! he concluded, ."there's been some inclination to look upon Judge Parker as an available man, who patch. The Public Wont RideS S The Connecticut Railway and Lighting Co. made an attempt to run their cars this morning with deputy sheriff and Pinkerton guards on the platforms, but the might prove acceptable :to the public boycotted the service Washington dispatch. ;: : Wanted to Lynch Him. -;s' . ...... - James Dornan, a negro who is from the south, and is believed to be from Charlotte, N. C.,. and who was arrested Saturday in Newark for having attacked a white girl aged 16 at Mattewan, N. J., ex cept for the promptness of offic ers would have been lynched. To avoid lychining he was taken to jail' at Freehold instead of Mattewan, as the .county officials were warned of the purpose to lynch him at Mattewan. Dornan is a bad negro," and has r previously been charged with bur glary and a murderous assault on a Mattewan policeman. New York dispatch. . . Where the War Is Oier. A Union veteran pleaded guil ty in an Augusta court the other day to breaking into a store. . He was old' and in want and said that dire necessity :- bad driVeiKfaim: to the act. - The jury, com Confederate veterans, asked the presiding judge to deal lenientlv with him. His honor, an ex-Confederate major, fined the prison er $1, and the sheriff, an ex-Confederate captain, paid the fine. Before the Union soldier left the court Toom the dollar was in nie No disorder took place during the morning hours. r: ':CM-t. Sheriff Hauley took command of the situation today and an nounced that he would tolerate 119 interference from Mayor Mulver- nt Decisslon - by the T Federal : ; c; Supreme Court. - ; ; - 2The.su preme . court, in the case of the'Interstate . Commerce Com mission vs. The Louisville and Nashville, Western ' and Alabama and Atl a nta and : West Point rail roads;;, laid down thjr theory that railroads" have the right in some cases ; to -charge more for a short haul than-for a long haul.:; 3 jftis jiheldthat the-roadsr in question have .a1, right to charge more for the : haul ; from IJew Orleans Jtq La Grange than for the haul . from 'New Orleans to Atlanta, although La . Grange is 79 miles nearer New Orleans, j Jus bice White, who read the decision, explained. Hhat- Atlanta was a competitive point and that the rate would have tp be based on the-rate to that point, so that the railroad shipping from New Or leans to La Grange would have to charge the rate from New Orleans to Atlanta with the rate : from Atlanta back to:La Grange added. Washington dispatch. 1 " Unpaid Money Orders. " year thousands of drawn money orders "are not paid. In Sngland last year the Postoffice Cepartmeat realized from this source . nearly $500,000. Under L theBntish law monev not "claim ed reverts to the government after one year has elapsed. Under our laws, or postoffice regulations, money i order is. regarded , as an obligation of the govern miit, to t bej" honored whenever presented; f Notwithstanding; "unclaimed mon- EX-LIEUT. GOV. KILLED. Net Quick Enough : With his gun and the Other Fellow got Him. ; - : A shooting affray which result ed in the killing of ex-Lieutenant Governor Clay Knoblock, cccur red early this "morning on Main street and created a : great deal of excitement. The shooting was done by James Garault. a well known barber. - : V , - xThe trouble leading up ;; to the killing is practically unknown. It took place in a section of Main street that, is usually -crowded. The hour was early though, and not many people were out. Sev eral witnesses- of the shoo tine were found but they refused to talk, further than to say that Garault shot iu self defense. The two men ..were eeen talking together when suddenly Knoblock drew his revolver. It seems that he experienced some trouble with the weapon' and it failed to ex plode. Meantime, Garault whip ped out his pistol and opened fire on hiB adversary." That his aim was true is estabished ty the au topsy held by the coroner, .who. found five wonnds in the - dead man's body. Any of the wounds would have proved , fatal. The dead man did not get a chance to use his revolver after the other man. got" his out. Garault sur rendered to the officers. Thibo deaux, La. , dispatch. hill, whose sympathies ; are with tne BiJiKQtBcp0-"jX --r ' r - crira'-'aua pcsstai?; notes - on IhB oitjwnti!c ..... :6,Ti'ntfd poged"of Strikers arroopfU.L ouu li'iuw iviu voixu is uy i amount to anout o.uuu a montn, enaea soon.jonageporv onn, l 0r: $60,000 dispatch.. ; Press. Cashier Disappeared. A warrant was issued tonight for the arrest "of Oliver T. Sher wood, cashier of the Southport National Bank, and son of E. C. Sherwood president" of th9jbank who clisaDnfared; from here" last THE BLEACHED BOKES .. .. of ten Thousand Deluded Lost Lie Scatter- :ed Oier the hot Scorching Sands. ' of King Credit's desert- wastes. V Right there is the cemetery where .'. lie Ambition's jeweled babes. J It is the common end of the haughty - rich and lowly; poor. ; The bloat- ed bond-holder and; the heaving, struggling ranks of poverty, the conqu?rer iand the conquered go hand in hand marching to defeat ; in4.ts depths of ruin; . r:.;' This only goes to show that spot cash, when you sell, spot cash. when you buy, is the only way to : et value received for the life-blood - that falls from your brow : in" big cold sweat. drops. --' :x : 'Tis the almighty dollar that presses values to the lowest notch. 'Tis the weight oi dollars., only that saves you from the sheriff's lock and key and your family from despair. The biggest stock, you ever saw bought on credit is like a last year's bird nest, a poor thing indeed, Spot cash is the lever we . use to press down values and how . well we do it is attested by our figures. We underbuy, we under sell. You have toiled and waited. ; At last your opportunity is here and you have the judgment to know it. : - ' See the argument below against Webster's unabridged ! diction-; ary of the English language, 78c Webster's pocket and school dictionary of the English lan- Webster's high school, diction- -ary, con taining all the new words ,; 23c. - 7:':u:i rUngton edition vilkcloth bound"; boots, 1"conteihing'-i all the"- v-'X1" a year.-pNew York V u i: - ; kt :tles,i auch ai Last; Days of-Pomi J with defalcation of ibetween50,- n;fe Arahia Nights? Amfirfcan: v f undsT Sherwood was Sheep And Cattle Perish; Great'Falls, Mont.,. May:l6. The heaviest cattle and-sheep loss the historv of Montanr?a, the in ; y Boodler. Arraigned for Trial. St.. Louis, May 19, The trial of Emil Hartman, former; Speak er Pro-tern of the iiouse of - dele- of the Wilbur CampiMining Com pany, of Colorado, and the execu tor of a number of estates in this county. It is feared that the mining company and the estates president Aboard Dodo Pilgrim's Progress,; ; ; F- - . f 1 Lost, and - many others '. v" : ' ' ?. -;: tf - n ' 1 1 lYlav n a.va BnTTfiTfin masps aiRO- pocket. The spectators rose aud damage of which will foot as high gates charged with selling his vote Frieud3 of Sherwood sayN that his on we cny ugnc oni, . was caneu disaDDearance is brought about bv 7 1. J. t-J remained standing 'in sympathet ic silence until he passed out. A purse was made up later in the day by Confederete veterans, and as $5,000,000, has been caused by the terrible snow storms which have been raging for the past three days. In - many sections was called in Judge Kyan s court today, it insanity, induced by over-work. is the first case growing put xthe The bauk officials ara authority eluding vertical, 5c a dozen. Paradise 10c each. The 10a line paper novels at 5c. : v. .': ; . ' Memorandum books 3, 5 and 10c. Envelopes 1, 3, 4 and 5c. Writing tablets, 1, 8, 5 and 10c each. . k - - - 2 bottles good ink 5c. . Kubber tip lead pencils 1, 2 and 4c. ' - Good steel pens, any -kind in- ' - Faith. The first service was held in the new Baptist church here, on Sun day May 10th. -v William Frick's youngest child was buried Sunday at the Faith cemetery. - . ' '.. .. , " The public roads are getting good and now is the time ta work them. A good job was recently done by the chain gang near the the Union soldier was sent to his fully 90; per cent, of the sheep .on home in Kentucky. the ranges ; have perished. The '.. On these facts, who shall say herders who wandered away in the that the war is not over in Geor- blinding storm - were gia? " One hesitates to -aver that death. a Conf edejate soldier would have been treated with the same clem ency, and genrosity in a Pennsyl vania town, for if we may judge from the vehement protests to the erection of a statue of Robert E, Lee on the field of Gettysburg that come from Union veterans Pennsylvania, the war. is not $47,500 deal, in which it is charg ed money was distributed to del egates at Pulius Lehmann's, The witnesses .for the state are frozen'; to all former members of ! the house of delegates. in over in that "; State. -New York Evening Sun. - Legislative Rottenness. Testimony before the grand iury today was to -the effect that railroad crossing on the Gold Hill $10:000 was paid to defeat the way w uu, ui bill to rednf.a the fees of th'n fixftiso road. That is the ll 1 J 1 John Barger has been . appoint ed chief of police., and J. T. Wy att, town clerk of Faith. Venus it;; is Not a Sick day Since. ' 4I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of- which re lieved me. 'One day I saw an ad. cf your Electric Bitters and de termined to try that. After tak- - ing a few doses I felt relieved; . and soon thereafter.; was entirely cured, an have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism Neuralgia, Liver and Sidney ' troubles and General ' Debility." This is what B. F. Bass, of Fre mont, N C. writes. Only 50c, at all Druggists. commissioner. of St:- Louis.- This money, it was testified, was dis tributed in blocks of $500. Despite the money Used to in fluence members of the legislature against- the bill, a compromise measure was fiually adopted which gave to the excise commissioner only.40 per cnt of the income of the office. , Just who paid the boodle money has not been divulged. St. Louis dispatch. . - No End of Homicides. . The newspapers of today - are filled with accounts of homicides. It is remarkable to what; extent the disregard for human life Has grown . in the last few years. If one man has a wrif.Vi finnt.Viar-- nAnr ft-dars usually the thing for him to arm himself with pistol or rifle land seek redress in this way and then when' . indicted - for murder ?he pleads self-defense or insanity and generally succeeds in escaping just puuishment'Wilmiffgto ivjessenger.- School Commencements Galore. The following announcements have been received : 1 for the statement that .the books show evidence that the over work was due to his fear of discovery and attempt to fix the books bo that the shortage might not be discovered. Southport Conn., dispatch. Lynched for Murder of Cousin., Naldosta, Ga. , May 19. A University College of Medicine, gpeciai fronT Madison, Fla., says that a mob entered that city last night,. secured the "keys to the jail from the night watchman, took out Washington Jarvis, a white Richmond, Val, May 14-19th Greensboro ' Female;. College, misunderstandine Greensboro. May 17-20. Bacca- . w 1 - . - . laureate sermon by Bishop W. W. Duncan, of M. E, church, south. v Fork Academy, J'ork Church, N. C, Thursday, May 21st. An nual address by Rev. W. A. Smith, of Lexington. i The N. C State Normal and Industrial College. Greensboro, man, and lyncneu nim. jarviB was carried some distance from tbe city, tied to a tree and shot to death. - H was accused of mur dering his cousin,. John Waldrop. The nieht watchman was .blind- 3 i'-T To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.- E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25ci -f. .. .' ANY CHUROH or parsonage cr? iu- stitution supported by -voluntary contribution will be given a liber al quantity of the Lpugman & Martinez Pure. Paints whenever they paint. " ; Note; : Have done so" for twen- ty-seven years. Sales lens i of millions of gallons; painted near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint, if not satisf acto- ry: The paint wears fore periods up to eighteen years. -Linseed oil must be added to. the 'paint (done in -two " minutes) , Actual cost then about $1.25 a .gallon. Samples, free. Sold "-by,!-" our agents, Rowan Hardware 7 Co . . Disastrous Wrecks. May 24-27.. Sunday, 24th, sermon folded and held captive until the by.Rev. Samuel Mr Smith, D. D., mob finished its work. Columbia, S. C. Tuesday, 26th. L.1L.D., Maine. ., ; B " wnuw vHJ. i - Everv seven davs the blood. ' muscles and7 bones of "a man of average size loses. two pounds of - Carelessness is responsible for wornout tissue. ' This waste can- icnahy a railway wreck - and the not be replendished and the health same causes are maKingi .nunian and strengtn Kept up wnnoui per- wrecks of sufferers from Throat feet digestion. When the stom- and Lung troubles. ; But since ach and digestive organs fail to the advent of Dr. King's 'New perform thiir fuuctioiis, the Discovery for Consump t io n, strength lets down,- health. gives Coughs anu Colds, even the worst way, and disease sets up. Kodol r.aRfta can be cured, and hopeless D vspensia Cure enable the atom- - A. & . ... Salisbury, N. C, i J Try the Truth-Indbsx only $1. m resienation is no , longer, neces- ach and digestive organs to digest sarv. : Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dor- and assimilate all of the whole- chester Mass., is one of the many some food that may be eaten into whose life was "savad by - Dr. the kind of blood- that 'rebuilds King's New Discovery. This tne tissues "and protects the health great - remedy " is ' guaranteed for J and strength ;of the mind - and all Throat and Lungf diseases by body.- Kodol cures 'Indigestion; all druggists. Price -50c, and Dyspepsia and all stomach trou 11.00: Trial bottleS free. For bles. It is an ideal spring tonic. sale by all druggists. , I Sold by JameB Plummer. Pen holders, swell shape. 1, 2. and 5c . ; " : Pins 1, 2, and 5c per paper. Thimbles 1, 2, and 4c each.-,' Good, 1 arge combs 5 and 10c Picture frames and mirrors,- 5, 10, and 15c ' Perfume, good quality, 5, 10, and 15c. . Scissors 2, 5, 10, and 25c. ' Flue stops ornamented, 5c. School bags 10c. - r Slate pencils-soapstone, 5 for lc. Umbrella rib 'protectors-save your umbrella, 4c. ' - : '" Whisk brooms 10c... :- 1 qt coffee pot 10c. 3 qt. " 12c' V 10 qt. dish pan 10c. v , , 2 qt. milk' cup 5c. . - - 6 qt. bucket 10c. . v . Ice shavers 5c. ".. ".t: . - Large gold hand waiter or tray 10c. : v . ; ; v.-,-.-: Machine oiler-pump bottom. 3c. Table. knives & forks 40, 60y 80 ; & 90c set. . .. . Tea & Table spoons 3, 6, -13 & ; 25c set. Pocket knives 5, 10, 15 & 25c -Pact locks 5, 10, 15 & 25c. 3 piece bread knife sets 15c Coffee pot knobs' lc .: Steel gimlets 2 for 5c : Clothes-wires 9c.-; 5- -r'-Clothes pins 8c doz. : 2 boxes tooth picks 5c T -Kitchen side Jamps complete 20c. . - ' Night lamps complete 10c Large decorated parlor lamps 69c:- - - - : : . - Bead top lamp chimneys. 5c And BO'it'goes. - Remember your money back if you want it. ' ; " ... . Your true friend. ' 8P0MGASH ,- .9 115 East Innis itrest .-.- : -v..-!!i V. -f ' t

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