.UijJtMtH StltUl-3Jni!CX. j Plean ? divinely .in-cursed WW AX ... Pablisbed Tuesdays and Fridays, i ami nli rrd in the our v . V ' . an recotn "Come tin to me, all ye that la- PUBLISHER'S NOTICE; UBSCRiPTI0MPRICE:n-25per3 If pnid in advance, only $1.00. post'iffice at tialin-1 hor and are heavy laden and id cla mail mat- w:n trive von rest. Take mv voke upon you, and learn of me,- for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your Bonis. For my yoke is easy, and my bnr den is light.1 ' Another point, carefully scan the horizon, then read the follow- PUBLICAT10N OFFICE: Up. tai in building next to James' Liyery b ta ble, 120 West Inniss Street. CROSS W MARK: It is our custom to ing from St. Matthew, 25:10-20: ?Mnu VS FT.? m,.ICri!ln: And he called the multitude, mark after your name indicate that and said unto them, hear, and un- you are in arrears and is intended as I demand : a polite request to settle, or if you do not intend to pay, do us the kind ness tp drop ua a postal to that effect. If this is not done it is supposed you want the paper and we shall expect pay forlt. Correspondents and Agents, we wish a reliable agent ana cocregpondent in every neighborhood m this and sur rounding counties. Tho paper will l sent free to correspondents and a liberal commission paid to agents. For further information address, Wm. II, STEWART, Editor ancT Proprietor. JUNE 23, 1903. ' i- Of course tho lowest creature that moves and has a being, would, so far as in its ability, try to justify its acts. The man who sets his fence on his neigh Not that which goeth into the ra mth defileth a man,; but that which cnmeth out of the mouth, this defileth a man. Then came his disciples, and said untomim, knowest thou that the Pharisees were off ended, after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, Eve ry plant, which my heavenly Fa ther hath no; planted, shall be, rooted up. Let them alone : they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare "unto us this parable. And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth iu at the County Correspondents Peeler. Farmers are through with the harvest and have started to work on their.com again. Geo. D.- Peeler, Who has been ill, is able to be at work. - ' M. F. Cauble visited at Gran ite Quarry Saturday night and Sunday. , . The R. F. D. inspector was here last week looking over" a route, but wc understand it did not prove satisfactory. Alex. Peeler visited in the Low er Stone neighborhood; Sunday. . Ezra. with fer, am ab!f t be up again. Ihe Uiltmore boys nl.tyru a gania of ball Saturday evening. Ktdsl G!m Strccgti by enabling the digestive organs to diceM. ussimilate and-trans it aix of tii wholesome food that mav be catfn into the kind of I tlial nourishes the nervcsl feed the ti?Eu&, hard-n ; ihe mucl" nnd rtcupcrati'j the or- gans oi tne ftiti uoay. Kotioi Dyspepsia Cure cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Catairh of tho Stom ach and all siniunch disorders. SiSTErt Ckab. sold by Janies Plumii.er. 6311 K09&. Everybody is lamenting about their wheat crop, fiiere will not be hardly any made through hero. Oue mau sowed 20 acres and cut 50 shocks, how about that for bread? Oats is fairly good, could ba better. Corn i3 making a poor show aud is needing rain. 'Cot ton is kept back "by ihe cold nights of last week. Fruit is fair ly good as to peacnes, apple3 are not so many. A few cherries, blackberries and dewberries are VERY LOW RATES TO . Many PoirLts REACAEPVIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ."My hair was falling out and turning gray very fst. But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color." Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, Nil Y. Cbestnut Hill. Thines are eettine verv drv and rinening. Garden and truck rain. ; . i A party that was out on a fish ing exoedition on the Yadkiu riv er, near Bringle's ferry, Thurs day, report a good time and lots bor's laud will pretend that he mouth goeth into the belly, and of fish. They say they caught hop:ns for rain. patches not doiug well on account of .the drought. Watermelon plants look well. Irish potatoes better than expected, the crop is being plowed over. Some are making hay. All are at work and It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you arc seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. Sl.t8 a bottle. All arntlsts. " thought that there was the line, the murderer will plead insanity, self-defense or some other cause, the thief will nave you believe some one gave him the article, he bought it, found it, etc., and the violator of the law in whatso ever form generally .comes up with a lie in his mouth trying to escape the responsibility and the just condemnation of all right thinking people, and, sometimes succeeds, but as the public jgrows in enlightenment the chances to do so becomes encouragingly less. is cast out into the draught. some catfish that were four feet But those things which proceed !rmf nr1 fivA WW nmQ the !. f H - f,.iL C !" " - uui ui wiu muutu cuuiu xuriu iioui i , , neaa. the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murderb, adulteries, fornications, thefts,; false witness, blasphemies: j These are the things which de file a man : but to eat with un washen hands defileth not a man. C. M. Cress is arranging to pale in his lot. It would be a good plan for everybody to do this, then the chickens couldn't get in and scratch up the beans. X. CURRENT COMMENT. "But more than all this, busi ness meu are insisting that our The farmers are about through employes must be sober, knowing So it is with these moral lepers at full well that the man who keeps Spencer and their aides and abet- his mind beclouded with alcohol cutting wheat and oats a i i l " ml I. 1 - - ters eisewnere. iney say a sign 19 m no condition to do first class Misses Katie Fisher and' Sallie Vm. T. Morgan painfully snag ged his foot while plowing a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay, of Newton, are spendiug the summer" with P. C.J. Barger. Melville and Lola Phillipa, who have been so low with typhoid fever, are improving. Bethany. Patsy and Pheniesaid their cot- Thauk you, Patsy and Pheny, ton had come up. and sit down. I'm so glad to be with you, all,' Well now, cur cotton hasn't sat and I wish you both much success, down yet, but it is "stoopm a leetle. Phenie was m our town last week picking cherries. Mrs. Katie Harkey, one of the If your drnjreUt cannot sopply yoa. send cs on dollar and we will exres rou a bottle. lie tare and cite the name m .! J J OI Tour nearest rxpreiwi omce. Auarm, l J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mars. Over-Work Weakens The Southern Railway Company announces the sale of tickets at extremely low rates, from points on ita lines for the following spe cial occasions: ilStnillcV . tr-Sonlhern Educa, tional Aisociatiou, JuueSO-July 3. 1903. - ' aSHlTille, N. C Southern Student 1 Conference aud convention 1 . W. C.J A., Juue 12-22 AltesS, 6l. Summer School, July i " l-Augnst 9. AtUnta. Gl.-Nalional Conyentnn i B.Y.P.U. of America, July 9-12. Basfaa. UiiJ. National Education al Association. JulyC-10, KaOXTille, Ttia. Summer School, June 23-July81. Uonttale. TCBa. Bible School, Ju ly 1-Auguit 80, 1903. NlShlille. TtBI.-Peabody Colle Summer Schools, June 1-July 80, 1903. St. LCQlS, U8. Saengerfest of North . American Sacngerbound, Jun 17-20, 1903. TDSkege?, All. Summer School, Juuo 2G.August 7, 1903. Atcie Rates cpsntatSa PcMic. Tickets will be sold to abova points from all stations on South ern Railway. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i ne moneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney troub.e. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady is a trap and a pit, and you are work. Society is also taking a Trexler visited Miss Mattie Miller olde8t ladies in the neighborhood, they had heart trouble, because the heart is forced to obey the directions on hand, and while there is much Saturdav ni2ht. Thev report a died last Saturday morning at 2 allsigns, and, according to the drinking in' social circles, in the Lice time.. We know thev had a o'clock.. She had been in feeble It used to be considered that only urinary Detailed information can be had , Your Kidneys. ! uPon application to any. Ticket I Agent oi ine oouiuum nuuwuj, Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. 0r Agents of connecting lines, or uy alure?8ing me uuuersigneo-o. u. Li. vebxon. t. r. A. t .rr, k I troubles were to be traced to the kidnevs. "v w m w-a v vt wwuaa t m. i-r u liar? ..uA.uAinv MJt m. -t u a. w j m. i i Liui niiw nuiiiriii vi riif'r i ,rn p iniT nar u I I O " 1 1 .1 I . w. w- Wit iiwai IT tnereot. it you see a oar room enness is not tolerated. All of our beat trirls. ... i j i. i. j i . , w . - Bign you are .uouuu w get uruiiK tnia eoGS to 8how that true tern- ut oncw, xjrrtxrtutn-mw aesTroytpefance is making fapia strides, ing the man's property, if you see aui the danger to be feared is the a danger signal that's the place to over zeai Gf the advocates of pro stand, the man who put the sig- hibition. The reform movement nal there 1 is guilty of trapping i8 progressing in a satisfactory you, but if you se a sign offering maimer, and it will continue to merchandise for sale, you are progress and to work itself out, privileg6d to disregard it, or if a if it be guided by conpervative sign such as are seen 111 the wait- meu. But if it be run into ex- T u' ; . i j . are well Sister Dick, Look for. me this week, I will be over and help eat those beans. Sister Martha is well. Mrs. Larinia Brady, who has been su'ffering with rheumatism for a long tinie, is still poorly. IVO WeeK8 ago Bne Was taseil very all constitutional diseases have their beeiri- om'ara nrol i'orl o hi rA n v m nm . ning in kidney trouble. "lU. I II Ml ' j I jit vmi arn dvmi t na'r m!tV Charloito, N. C. have been caused by consumption. She was about 77 years of age. She leaves one sister to mourn her loss. We extend our sympathy. Frank Minsell and wife got their dates mixed and plowed till nine and the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures cf the most distressing cases and.is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-. cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a FARMSTOR SALE. (2) Tho big farm, 800 acres,. bo- -longing to J. A. Setzer, lying nrar the thriving village of ChinaGrovt . is offered for sale, Mr. Setzer be ing engaged in another business in Georgia., This place is in a high a4ntn-ifstltitra itt.ltna.ti n 1 .it f i dance of timber and water on it, a large numberof 'firtclifs dwrdl inge, barns and other necessary ut-houss on it, alsa wII of gor 1 ater and two creeks. 125 'acrrs aiuhTU ib ni vuiuuuiu iimuui. -n as a line meadow and zo acr and silver bearing ore runs through the place. Good wages can I e and have been made panning gold in the branch near by. In - short this is one of the largest and most Prof. J. L. Fisher is at home ing, when a neighbor came visit ing room at the depot,, inviting tremes; if it be pushed ahead from Birmingham We are. glad inS nd informed them you to attend some church is met Qf public sentiment, there will be with, its a horrible trap, it should an unhealthy action, aud the no be shuunod and the schemer drug Dje causj will receive a serious to tho first tree and hanged. In 8etback. The truelremedy for the fact it takos some considerable drink evil-is an enlightened pub skill to properly interpret the lic conscience, and that is to be meaning of tho signs and ihe had by a campaign of education. kind of traps you will be obliged Regulations of law are necessarv, tn hnva Viim linrlr ncrniit I miStaKe. Geo.-Beaver is at home again. Instead of cotton blooms the We guess he came back to Bee his 4th of July as other years, we his old mule. will bo looking for. shapes . and n"- TA- 1 , . . squares the coming 4th. Si&ter Dick, we beat you raising H potatoes this year. You have the JSo, no, Jumbo," tnat s an stalk and bloom and no 'taters, right, I'll not think hard of you. . mm rtmr Kfttt l r.V. mail ITa B.mn.PrvJ fr oicn namnhvt telling vou how to find I vn.1n able nlaces in the count V. o'clock the other Sunday morn- out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. prjce 20 per acre. Mention this paper when writing Dr. runner ox . - & Co.. BtaghaXn. N. Y. (8) .100 acres, a portion of No. ti . . . i i 4 2, will be sold separate if bo de- Don't make any mistake, but J. ft nrt nfl V., - O I WVV. UWtUW m mm- W V. . 1 U Hi C 111 UUI WiO kiauirr.- unuuiii of their Boot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottlo. to deliberately walk in, even after butthy should be the expression while we have the 'taters aud no! Your old uncle 'Lee" is getting seeing them and knowing the con- Qf public sentiment. - Whenever sequences of such disobedience. we attempt the other process of The power that forces you to obey creating sentimpnt by law, we at- these signs isthe signs themselves, tempt to put the cart before for instance, a'l whiskey rdeaTeVs the horse, .and we are sure to sign will just get down and grab faij." Richmond Tiuies-Dis- any one, old man, woman, girl or patch. U or sale! bloom or stalk. Mr. Editor we think you will soon have a new subscriber to the Truth-Index. Aunt Dinah. old anyway, and can't half see tp write any more. That's right, we want to get you young boys in the ring. Coma again. Lee. 7 boy, by tho collar and drag him or her right up to a bar, or telephone. whether he or ahe drinks ornot. and just make him or her buy whiskey, yea, by1 the quart, and for a purpose, too. But good friend, the "advocates of saloons" would call your attention, in a friendly way, to bo sure, to several points thy, and they only seem to hold fn considerable esteem. They are: The means do not jus North Carolina Gets $23,963 From the Dick Bill. A telegram was received in the adjutant general's office yesterday from the war department to the effect that the $1,000,000 appro priation by the Dick bill for the national guard, has been appor .: Blltmore- The farmers are about through with their harvest, there won't be more than half a crop of wheat 4k raised this year. Corn and cotton are looking some better since the recent rains. Mrs. J. u. 15rown has been on We never ask any one to take an incorrect job. We do it over and over till it is right. RsTclotioD Imminent. A sure sign of" approaching re volt aud serious trouble ill your system is nervousness, t sleepless- tioned, so that North Carolina re ceives $23,903 for encampment day night with 3Iiss Roxin Trex- nurnoseS. lhis will be good news -1 1 . i 'm. A-l i'L!..f I w -liO.- my ine enn, out wn.es, a imtu for the military companies of the state, insuring as it does an en campment for this ' summer. Col. AifredVilliams, who receiv- Rev. Geo. Lingle went tof Bur ed the" telegram, said yesterday lington Saturday whero he will that Adjutant General Rovster preach duriug the summer. will be down trom uxtora Wday, We are clad to have Patsy and ness. or stomach upsets. Elec- the sick list for t be past lew uays. tric Bitters wjn quickly dismem- Miss Roxie Linsle snent Satur- ber the causes. It never fails to to catch a thief ; for one to take under advisement tho directions of a sigu is an unpardonable sin, but for some saints to seduce a youth into the purchase of whis key, the like rof which ho never Luther Klut 2-aud family visited J. R. Lyerly Saturday night. did betore, to threaten to boycott and he and Coi Macon, who is al- Phen among our correspondents, an attorney for attending to his rpfldv here, will have a conference o.: t- on One of C. L. Lyerly's children is very sick. 7 Geo. Peeler and family, of Faith, visited Mrs. J. A. Brown the state encampment. It is of people who have opinions of nrniiahlft that thev will decide to their own, the unwarranted ursu- appoint a committee from the of pation of the power of tho prop- ficer8 of jhe guard to decide upon rly constituted authorities and the timet pIaC9 and method of the the stigmatizing 01 unrisi as a Lencampment; that is, whether Saturday night. " "I:, tbey ,t,a11 a" ?asemDle ,n. l?? H. W. Barohardt. of Concord. uiuou i-ji'o v vuuonuu v,uiiVj camp or encamp Dy regiments. and loleration, yea, it is so Christ- Raleigh Post like one can hear the gentle, lov ing words of the Master as they it is the man who says, I will, flow from his pure heart, tenderly that succeeds. spent Saturday night aud Sunday with Miss Daisy Brown. ; . J. D. TrexlerV children, who have been sick for a "long time tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify tho blood. Run down systems beneSt par ticularly and all the usual attend ing aches vanish under its search ing and thorough effectiveness. Electric -Bitters is only 50c, and tKat is returned if it don t give nerfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by all druggists. (4) 40 acres, at Giauite Quar ry, .right' among the rocks, this county. This is good, level farm laud with a good two-story dwell ing, a barn and other outhouses, a well of splendid water, a good orchard of choice fruit, and about 15 acres of thick wooded land. This tract lies just to the left of the railroad, $ of a mile fiom the postoffice. Owing to the many granite quarries at this point and the constant increase of workmen, the location and price of this prop erty makes it an. unusually choico investment. There is a good pros pect of gold on tho place. (5) 00 acres, I mile of Granite Quarry, jn the YndLin Railroad. This tract is divided into thrt o purts: a 20 cere, hat a goodN two-story dwelling and outbuild- rrrm rt- if oli.nf til frrri.n liniKcr. H. Q. TYSQN. Ud: Pfice (XO. l-80 t.cri, no buildings, lo acres uni,-re(J, a acres splendid, meadow, fronts on Craue crtek with 'tiougb ter for a mill; price o00. c 10'4 acr-j xpeti land with lor 5 acres of good meadow, f rents on railroad; prico $200. This property can bi bought cs one tract if desired, r, if a larger farm is wanted, tho 40 J acres nientioued above, which ad joins this, can be added, iimkii g 112 acres, avery convenient placw Irpn Safe, Letter Preas, Trucks, and other. Store fixtures See MM SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE u Traoc Maims nrtir.M aielCr maoeriMin our optntoa irmm ill Mill. I . vwm. UL limjxlbookoa PaTrnta tkni strict l-eonOdntUl. Handbook oo PaTrnta nt fre. Oldest mnry for tMvniif U. Patmta taken tlarworh Mann h. Co. recelT rprrial malic, wtthoot cbrre. In Ihm Scientific Jlmerican. Afean4omry Clwrtr44 wklr. iMrrtrntjr NlaUon of an 7 Mtcntltc ymnxml. Tctsm. m r1llli!l&Co.,8-!lBVYort THE NORTH 'CAROLINA STATE N0EIIAL AUD I NDUSTBIAL C01 LEGE. C0URSESI-'itcratur(e Classical, Scientific, Pedagogical, Coramercial, Domestic Science, Manual Training, Music Five courses leading1 to Diplomas. 'Advanced coare leading to Degree. Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty number 40. lloard. laundry, tuition, and fees for ue text books, etc. 5140 a jear. For non-residents of the State $160. Twelfth annual session begins September 15, 1003. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before July loth. Correspondence mvitca from thoe Gesirinr compe tent teacher and stenographers An t m r nfiAnnn rr.x - No. 2. 2-story, 7-room dwl! iuR. on Wtit Innijs treet. This is one of tho most desirable loca tions in the city. House just built. Price reasonable. No. 3 Three lots COxlSO fronting on the Liccolntou road, just b- neighborhood. Price, $150 each. For futher information concern ing the above properties write to ' Wm. II. Stxwabt, Salisbury, N. C. 7-19-'03.1 If you' want to buy or fell a For cataloguand other information address farm or town lot,. write to nt first. CHAS. D. MclVER, President. charge for advertising unless' a Greensboro, 2. c. sale U made. Tbuth-Iudex.