- ! i i - Vol. 16. No." 75. Salisbury, N. C., June 26, 1903. ESTA B LIS H ED 188 7 . s . - A STRANGE DISEASE; Woman is Affected' InjT Yery Peculiar Way by-Eating Eggs; :;;.;, An Apparent ly. new.:; and ly&ty pecular d ins is reported ;byI)ri( Harry M c K TTg h t i t h e person" of Mrs MaryBiirus; nf W-est End, this conn ty." It is claimed that nothing f the JciriB has evei: been discovered by the medical pro fession, and noj such case is on record so "far as ho knows.". -It is in all it8ppcuHaritif8 nothing more or less than egg Vpoisoningi If the patient' eats - auy portion', no matter how small, of an egg, J no matter how it is cooked, it is followed by 'a painfnl: swelling of the throat,. ha id and face, an ex cruciating sickness of the stom ach, and at l evdd v with nauseat ing v conditions. It goes even farther than that. If the patient even enters the room where eggs are being cooked., in any manner and inhales the odor of them, a swelling of the throat immediate ly follows antf. severe vomiting: The patien t is in very good health other,; than this" peculiarity,' and the severe suffering attending the paroxysms ia sorhethiug dreadful. .The attention of the medical fra ternitv la callpd to this apparent ly new disease, ifl it may be call ed a disease, - and-a-more careful and scientific .study of the case :will, no doubt, be of value to those,., who.care - for the sick as a profession or. otherwise. South ern -Pines,' N. C , special to' the Greensboro Record.. - - - v ' . Sattlsd Tne Claix , Jr; .-, Washington, June' 16,-Ambas-f&or Clayton ha3 cabled the state government, yesterday deposited to his credit $1,420,682 on account of the Plus fund award. This promptness on , the .part of the Mexican government-in meeting its obligations has broken all records in arbitrations. The ancney will be "remitted to Arch bishop .Riordan, Bishop of San Francisco, the titular claimant as there have been no assignments to attorneys in interest. , They Fear a Flood- Dover, N. H., June 22. The steady downpour of rain during ' the last thirty-six hours is almost unprecedented at this time of the year. Rivers and streams are al ready swollen nearly to high wa ter mark and there's danger of serious damage. ' The telegraph and telephone ' service is seriously crippled in al most every direction and a num ber of bad washouts along the street-railway and the Bsoton and Maine railroad are reported. . Postmaster is Missing. Camden. N. J., -June 18. No tidings have been recived of .Post "master Louis T. DeRouse, of this city, who mysteriously disappeared yesterday. The pos tal inspection department at Philadelphia has been- informed that the books of the Camden post office are in muddled condi tion. Mrs. DeRousse is prostrated. The police have been asked to make a search for her husband, though tio order has been issued for his arrest. A Serious Mistake. . E. C. DeWitt & Co. is the name of the firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt.'s is the Witch Hazel Salve that heals -without , leaving a scar, it is a serious mistake to use any other. :De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures blind, bleeding, itching and pro trading piles, burns, bruises, ecze ma and all skin diseases. Sold by James Plummer. , LOOTED PUBLIC 6UI1.D1N6S. An old Uanlla Scandal cf 1898 Is Bete$, r " Revived in Arc Circles. - Jauila June 22. The charge thatvtherAmeric&n'onicers" looted the public buildingsln Manila af ter. the surrender of the cifey in 1893,: h a s been revived ; and may lead to a.'f brma t- investigation . L ; Recently the " authorities have tried to ' locate certain pictures and 'at objects' belonging to the municipal" museum. Iucfuiry showed that they; had been given to a Filipino to to take care of -after the surrender. The Filipino pfficers prove that the officers re ceived the pictures.. It is. assert ed that a former staff . officer ab stracted the - silver service from the Malacanan palace. - . No More Rice Throwing. Supt: William B. Davidson, of the Hartford division of tiie New York, New Haven " and Hartford Railroad, has decided to put an end to the rice throwing nuisance in the station " directly under his supervision. - He cites several in stances in .the last week where the trains have been delayed, passen gers annoyed - and employes kept busy- for - hours sweeping up the rico thrown at bridal couples. The superintendent was in the Union station today when a bride apd groom were being showered. He immediately issued an order to the station master to call upon the policed to arrest all persons caught throwing rice, i ; , -Bfalf ah hour "later , the station master , caused the arrest of a young man who was pelting a gig lin, shrinking "connl'-, but on become well known the yont h was released. Beginning ; tomiorr o w all offenders will be prosecuted under the " statute against com mitting nuisances. Hartf o r d, Conn., dispatch. And This in Deleware. Wilmington, Del., June 22. A northern mob, led by a Virginian, burned a negro at the . stake to night "within a few miles of the Mason and Dixon line. The vic tim was George F White, a liegro just out of the workhouse who was accused of having feloniously assaulted- and stabbed to death Miss Helen S. Bishop, the 17 year old daughter of the Rev. Dr. E. A. Bishop The crime was com mitted -last" Monday afternoon and ever since there have been mutterings of lynching the m&n. An effort was made last night to get White but it failed. To night, however, as a result of the laws' slowness and much agitation on the part of thosewho cried for vengence a mob that was estimat ed at four thousand men and boys gathered in the neighborhood s of Price's Corner, , four miles fjom here .They came from every where, including Wilmington and the small towns to the South of Price's Corner. . Fight Will be Ritter. - Those who will persist jn closing their ears against "the cqntinual recolnmendation ' of Dr. King's Nw Disc very for .Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, if not .ended earlier by fatal termination. Read ,what T. R. Beall of Bealj Missi has to say: 'Last fall-my wife "had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. Kings New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four . bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed - by all Druggist. Price 50c, and $1.00 Trial bottle "free, - ' ' - - ; Job Printing of all kinds promptly and neatly executed at "this office , TOWN IS QUIET.; But two Opposing Leaders cf lih:i at Gome Near a Clash. - Jackson, cKyf;' June :22. This town was quiet Sunday and last night; ? J Col. Will iams" arrived and today the camp-will be changed, to some point in the center of the town;. .The provost guard is dis continued - and th re"; .officers, are in charge of each detail, making a total of about one hundred .men on "constant - duty, V'policing's. the the town and furniahing guard for various -witnesses and other per sons whose lives aTe believed to bh in danger. - - - t , - j Coming up on a -traiiT,Tom Cockrell and Judge .Hargis came near, a olash. Cockrell .entered, the car , at a small . station and started to go through tie coach. He was believed-: to-be heavily armed. Hargis was seated in :;the rear of the coach and Conductor v. Martin, who happened in from the rear end, ran toward Cockrell and pushed" him back into the wo man's car. , ; , ; ; - Cockrell says he is not hunting Hargis,- says he is confident tho law will attend tqallr concerned in the Breathitt assassinations, and he will not do violation of the law. anything in . Straight Talk Fron Russia ' ' St." Petersburg June-18 i official npte is published -in i o Gazette ; today recognizing - ; Karageorgevitich King of S' and welcoming his'succczsic:.. note declars that it i3 -incu : upon Kin Peter to aveco . sasinatioa cf the IliiiT r.n,' an! ' ' ' " :" gicides, whose misdeeds should nov be visi ted on the entire, Servian nation or army.' - , : Cut her Throat. " Pelham, N. C, Mrs Thomas Chapman, living near Chandler's Mill, four miles from' here, in a fit of derangement Thursday, took a razor and in the. presence of . her husband and family cut her throat from ear to ear, dying to day from the effect of the cut. ; Rain of Mud Spoils Crops. . . ' Rome, June 22." A rain '.of mud recently fell in Giardini, -Italyj which dried up the plants , and spoiled the crops. Geologists ex plain this curious downpour as being of volcanic source, brought from Africa by the winds.-. Oth er savants say it is a meteoric phenomenon, and the mud comes from other planets. , . ACostly Mistake: Blunders are some times very expensive.. Occasionallv life it self is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New-Life pills for Dys pepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Li ver or .Bowel troubles. Tney are gentl. yet thorough. 25c, at Alb Drug Stores. " Hail Destroys Crops. " ; Tarboro, June 19 Farmers in- Nash county, in the vicinity of "V i : - . ... Nashvilte, are said to have suffer ed terrible loss to crops by a se vere hail storm this afternoon; Entire destruction of cotton and tobacco crops is reported, ; . . A Frightened Horse Running 1 ike mad down the street dumpiug the occupants, or a , hundred other accidents, are every 'day occurrences.. It be hooves everybody to have a relia ble Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve Burns, CutB, Sores, ' Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly unAr its - soothing effect. 25c at - al druggists. , . . . . This OfferiHo a 3 $5.66 Cash for. . Desiring 3 It f It arger lis t of subscri bers t h an ever before we have decided " j to offer a cash nrize bt $5.00 ' J to some 1 The condi tions'for a chance at thi s prize are" very . simple. . Any one, :new subscriber, old subscriber or agent who" pays 25c on subscription to the Sem'i ' Weekly TRUTH-lNnEX, during the ClOnlh ' Of June, will be entitled to .one coupon or chance at it. :"; Each coupon will be numbered and registered and the party getting the lucky number wil 1 be given the prize, $5.00. Now isj your opportunity to get not on ly the" . best "paper in the county," but a neat sum of money as a prize. ; . . - -' - The Truth-Index is .published - twice per week, Tuesday and Friday, gives all the news of any importance. The price of the paper is only $1.00 per year. Every 25c paid entitles you to one chance at the prize a 'full year's subscription gives you four chances.' See the nearest agent ..or call at he office of the ; SALISBURY TRUTH-INDEX, 120 W. Inmss St. Salisbury, N, C. It STREETTiAR TROUBLES. i ' 2 Strike in Richmond Assumes a Serious '. : . Turn. - Streets Blocked. , : Richmond, Va. " June 22. The . cat railway strike here assumed raver aspect 'tonight V, than at '-' r ""o'f'r' Crs'trere;"run city aurmr? the dav Ath . something - like regularity end at intervals of about five' min utes.." .On reach car was :a police man and there was an average f about five -passengers : to the car. Toward nightfall , however, sever al of the cars were obstructed by strikers, or strike sympathizers, he object being to prevent their return to the barns and. at one point there was a serious riot, a car being halted bv a mob and pelted with stones, rotten pota toes and other "missiles, by men and women. Nobody was serious ly ' hurt; nor was the car much damaged but five arrests were made by the police. tTonight a mob of a hundred men ia barricading streets through which -: the Main street line runs in the lower part of the city; plac ing obstructions on tiie track that it will be difficult to remove. No carB were run tonight. A.GIue Found at List. New York, June, 22 jr-A clue to the dynamit& bomb on the steam sh)p Umbria was found to-day wen Joseph j Fignaro and George Bruno, of West Hoboken, and two otners were arrested. B, Bertilino, of Elizabeth: N. J., one ojf the prisoners, had a pa per relating to the' uunard pier mystery. - The detectives refused to reveal the nature 01 the new evidence. The men were held. "v Ladies and Children Imited. : i All ladies and children who can not stand. the shocking strain of laxative syrupB, . cathartics, etc., are invited to try the famous Lit tle Early : Ri3ers. They" are diff erent from all other pills. They do not purge the system. Even a. double dose will hot gripe, weak en or sicken many - people call them the Easy Pill: - W: H. How ell, Houston; Tex., says nothing better - can be used for constipa-tioni- sick - headache, etc. 3ob Moore,? Lafayette, Ind.,; says all others gripe and sicken", while De- Witts Little Early Risers do their work: well and easy. Sold by Jas Plummet ' ' 25c. to secure '-a; much ucky. individual. - i 3 It t It DASHED INTO THE TOWN; Train Wrecks two - Buildings and Spokane, Wash., June22.-On the Spokane Falls and Northern Railroad, .a short distance from the center-pf .the city,' -Vf una way without any engine. irusHed four miles down grade through town today, " demolishing a - dwelling house, wrecking the .Crystal laun dry, killing at least four people, injuring eight others and piling up a tangled mass of debris near ly 5Q feet high. . The train began bo slip while standing 6n a heavy grade and soon gained terrific speed.. An empty box car in ; which, two men were sleeping was first struck and demolished, both men being kill-, ed. Then the train crossed the street, ran over a rock ' pile and' crashed into a six-room dwelling 300 feet from the track, occupied by the families of John Slee and Mayer. The house was smashed into kindling wood. v Two hun dred feet further on? the frame. building occupied ; by the Crystal Steam laundry was struck : and wrecked, and the " force of the train was spent. Nine people were sleeping in the S.lee house. James Slee, the father, was pull ed out of the ruins practically un injured. The dead body of his" son Elmer was found near by. Another son, Clarence, and the baby, were in j ured . and "were tak en to the hospital. Ofx the three children; of Mrs. . Meyers, who were asleep in the house, only one was injured Mr. Bruner Back From Richmond. Mr. T. K. Bruner, 'secretary; to the State Board of Agriculture, who is doing special work for the St. Louis Exposition, beings in charge of the agricultural and hor ticultural , exhibits, returned yesterday from Richmond, where Jie went to conf er with the Virginia commission on a state exhibit for the exposition. He says he found every member of the commission enthusiastic, and determined, to make the best posible showing for the Old -Dominion. Mr. . Bruner expect? to leave some time next week for a trip to a number of northern states in the interest of the exposition.r-Raleigh Post -7 f BURIED INiTHr WOODS. florribleLfate of a-llan Who I Neglected . His Opportunity Take Warning. - ' "And they burled hlm:J:;--if'i:: : Jrv: - Away Out In the wood, , s - '. :'. In a.pretty little hole in the gTonnd I Where the Woodpeckers sing . , 'J f- 'A And tlj Janie haga tnmhle around-" - His end, kind reader, was not ' different from" that. of r many- oth ers who go'through life in a sort of dazed way, neglecting or . over looking their opportunities. Here we are, shouting at the top of our voice, trying to save them 20 to 35 cents .on every dollar: they spend. ' What more 6an we do? Are we to blame then if they are buried like the other fellow bur ied and forgotten? With you its different. You know a good thing when you see it you know the difference in 10 per cent, and .50 per cent, profits You know that' a saving of 25 cents on the dollar ; is something today," more 'tomor- row and in several years it means; the difference in a poor man - and a rich one. ' .' . .' We name a few-items to guide' you.. ;;.-v ,;:"; ;r; --S'-: V ' ' '' 1 Oeiit 3ixvs J : Palm leaf fan, cake of soap, 7" balls .laundry blue, paper needles, box shoe blacking, furnished fish lin, coat and hat hookr r coffee pot knob, key hole plate, 2 boxes of matches, rubber tip pencil, 24 sheets paper, 24 envelopes,' thim ble, a safe cigar. : - - - ' ': ;' .";. - 3 .12 clothes pins, 500 carpet " tacks, -'mouse trap, 'safety;' door bolt, clothes line pulley, machine v oiler,caire tnrn'nr.9 inc ' pllft; tea .or ugar,; Ecpopbaby Vbib,U Herald pehciliiorigl cbte r Mor memo book, Eucella cigars, etc. - Octagan soap,. Gold Dust; Cel luloid starch, umbrella rib hold- er, glass mug,salt or pepper shak-' er, bushel basket, etc. 5 Cents GBxxys 7 inch white wash brush,: roller towel rack, scrub or stove brush, - chair bottom, bottle shoe polish, flesh, fork, vegetable; lifter, cocoa shape dipper, 2 quart plain dip per, 8 quart cup, 1 quart graduate ineasure,b oys. knife, torch pulley, 2; boxes shoe nails, 5Jbole tin mouse trap, 1 box put up7 for 100 matches, 3 quart dairy, or pie pan, padlock, 2 boxes - tooth;-picks, nice Japanese fan, 1. pair side -Combs, ladies embroidered collar, 1 dozen good steel pens, box - pa- . per and envelopes, writing tablet, -, story books, large pouch smoking tobacco, box braided picture wire, hair brush, ladies undervest, . pair -towels, 2 bottles ink, cream pitch er, lamp chimney, etc; IO CeiitsHBriYs Childs plated knife, - fork; and spoon set, box paper and enve lopes.,' 50. visiting cards, cloth -bound book, linen or. turkish tow- . el, plated watch chain, gent's belt, large bottle ink, lamp, etc. A 15 Geiits Btiys 100 page ledger, 4 rolled plate , cuff buttons, 6 tumblers, 6 desert dishes, gallon pitcher, pair gents drawers, bottle 25c perfume,; flat bottom tea'kettle,- etc.". , ; SO Cents HBrLs Side lamp with reflector, hand and stand lamps complete, large -pitcher, etc. From this price up the line and prices are. marvelous. We are always glad to show you. ' ; i; J - Your true'friend, : 115 East Innis street. SPOTGASH,

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