X T. LOCAL: NEWS ITEMS. 3 ... fePfePtoPh kF H JtUlL JTMwr .. " V Max Barker has sentiu his re signation as First Lieutenant of the Rowan Rifles.- - " YOU Can have the boat plow on earth by buying the Syracuse from the Rowan Hardware-Co. Purse Snatciier Jailed. " A negru natned Ghas. Graham, iho passes as a vey slick coon is in jaji on a charge of robbery. Last Saturday night at the depot as a nesro woman ' was going to V. P. Lentz has' purchased the the ticket .window to purchase a- meat market of the late David ticket, Graham snatched her Brown. . He,isa clevergentleman purse and made off with it. The and will serve you right . - ' next "morning Chief Miller, Offi- Better Crop$ are made with Syra- cers. Torrenee and, , Eagle learned cuse plows because they turnyour that Graham had been; seen that land right. See them at morning on. a hill . near; Town Rowan Hardware Co. creek.. The jofficers took ; a-hack . Now' is a good time to pay up to the creek? and. taking off their back dues-and take ' advantage of coats th,ev beSaD a 8urvey f th our prize offer. .. Four chances for nc,suu"iUUUU" , DTU 1UUU" ON THE WAR PATH. Graham, but before he could re alize what was up he was a pris oner. He ' had a' hearing before Mayor Boyden and was sent to jail to await the action of the Su perior court. $1.00. . . ; . ; Dr. W. W. McKenzie, who has been confined to his home for some weeks, is now able to resume his practice. - $5.00 for 25c and a good paper twice a week for 3 moaths is pret- Will Resume WOfk. ty good, Scrape up a few old The Brown Furniture Company quarters and come in, which was a heavy loser by fire PIOWiDg is the most pleasant work in March, has erected; new build on the farm if you have a Syra- ings and will. resume operations. cuse Plow.- Guaranteed- or your nrobftblv within the next ten A, Tough CnizinSlic! Down la a Battle ' ' Whh OifiCBfs of the Ltw. Roanoke, Vn., Jane 22. Apar ty of "mountaineers led by Floyd McCoy, a rnembpr: ff the McCoy Hatfield feudists, went to the mining town of Keystone, Mc Dowell v county, West .Virginia, took the law into their own hands and insulted many peopje. ? v.-. The abuse was resented by an employe of a brewery, named Jno, Reynolds McCoy's crowd cross ed the railroad rd opened fire on. Reynolds... A large crowd gather?, ed and the erj tire police ; force .... ..... ' i y . i .- . . we n t i n p u rs a i t: i M cGoy re t r ea t ed 40Q yards;" took bis stand and opened firse on the officers,; awl a pitched battle raged in the dark ness. One of McCoy's men was killed and another fatally wound ed. others being also iniured. The police escaped ; iujury. The Mc Coy crowd escaped toHhe moun tains taking their dead and wound ed with them. " j Oar Beaders Yill do Well r " to seid a self addressed return , en-r velope to A; Lea Wade. Geul, Agt. Boston.' Mass, who wants a man or woman in every town, to dis tribute the nrodacts of a larce Mfg. Co. about home.. The. Co. have many people earning good wages taking or- aers ior iiieir goods, trial; nave oeen . 1 J 1 i- . . OCT soiu wnoiiy uy tneir agents ior jears. If vou wish r.n parn mnnv in vour lei sure hours, it will pay-you to write for 4- f I . . r money refunded at Rowan Hardware Co . days. The buildings are larger than those destroyed, and there is The Southern trains No.' 33, go- mnrft mftfihihfirv in them. The ing South each morning, and No, output of the factory will be con- m, going iNortn at iu:du p. m., siderably increased. have been discontinued. You can hu the best" belts, cyKri- Maetinor at Halshouser and Lverh's School der and machine oil for your ma- House. chinery from Rowan Hardware Company. We carry endless The patrons of the Holshouser thresher belts in stock. Their and Lyerly school district will Grant a Candiaie. ; Washington , Jn ne 19 .Several prominent politicians were herd today and appeared to be suprised at the story published in San Diego Cal.. Uuio'n this jmoruins .to the effect that U. S. Grant would be a j candidate for i the Vice-Presi- de.itial Republican nomination Noue.wouid discuss the' matter 11, to IV- to 11 to U5 i to 2 to .15 to- 70 to - 20 - to Wz to SO - to 2 15 to 2 50 ' to 15 to 50 ; to 7 ' to 5 I to 11 to 12 to .70 , to . 50 i to 50 to 75 . to 75 ; to 814 to 75 J to 3 ' to 85 V to 20 V to 12 ; to SALISBURY MAilkZTS. -PRODUCE , ' y " i. ; Corrected June 26, A pies, per bushel , - 75 to $2 00 Beans, white, ' 2 25 to .2 50 , " ' m5xed. " . 1 SO ' to 2 00 Bacon, sides, per lb. j shouluer, ham, " ' round. .' Butter, choice vellow. Cabbagef per lb , - vymcKenjj, v . Corn, 58!bs per bush., Ducks, -Eggs, per dozen, reathers, new, per lb. Flonr; straight, sack, farailv. tat.. Guineas, ; ' ; . v'. Hay, per hundred" lbs. Hides, dry, per pound Hides', green, : . " Honey, per pound, Lard, N. (J., ' Meal, bolted, pr bu., J, Oats, 321 bs per bush.',: Onions, select. ' Peas, clay, per bushel, mixed," Pork, per poiind; J Potatoes.lrish, per bu Tallow; per pound, Wheat: , - ol. washed, " . i i & f- unwasneu. 12 mi 25 3 40 to 30 15 45 ; 2 35 2 75 : 20 . : eo 10 5 15' 15 90 75 100 i a 9 100 90 25 18 A well laio'wn and highly respected citizen of . ; North Carolina adds his testimony to what Jias already been said of To-Lo-Tan, the wonderful catarrh remedy.' Read' the following letter: - - .. Andrews, N. C,' , :. ; - Nov. 2d, IQ02. Tolotan Co., ' : Knoxville, Tenn. - - - -. Gentlemen : Enclosed please ' find $i.oo for which please" send Vrrie another bottle of To-lo-tan 1 ha,vc suffered with catarrh "for ten yearsand have tried different remedies but have received more benefit from one bottle of To-la-tan than all the other remedies I have tried. . , - Yours truly, , ; . For fifty yeats To-lo-tarL Has been 611 trial and Has never failed to ctire CatarrH. ' .'' TO-LO-TAN TREATMENT $1.00. - If your druggist hasn't it, pend to Tolotan Co, Knoxville, Tenn. meet at the school house on Sat urday eveniug, June 27th, by early candle light, for the pur pose of selecting committeemen. prices are right. , A meeting has been in progress this week at the Spencer Presby terian church, Rev. W. A. Gillon, of Concord, preaching each jeyen- Z-oIWm: Poiteda having vited the South AVorlc ia easv. Send stamned en- em and Eastern section of Rowan vfilone to The Home Workers As- countv last Sunday. It is stated Storm Destroys Crops. A destructive hail storm i re- . .... - . . . I v..., r- ..7".iv.rf v.c-. I vunbuo wiwua;u w""'""" ; r.. niutcr wxiu port news, va. 4. - glKfn- : mu- ;u --la:-c - -PoHK 1 a v: s',:?- -.v. -1 ablv.rcau eet liave their annual reunion on July - u 1 B ' ' Pennysnatcher- Wh'at did you j -sav Vour nrice - on letter heads was ? . , i Printer I can; furnish you 500; letter, heads, paper costing not less than 75 ceuts, work $1, print ed in ttiree colors, wait six months for pay, be thankful and trade $5 in cash with you, for only $1.25,1 Peonysnatcher All right, thank you. I will look' arouoci and see, probably I can get it . for 75 cents or a $1. j v.'" Printer What did you say po tat4es wefe worth? " . Pennysnatcher -Only 25 cents per peck. I paid 22 cents on the streat for: them this morningKi themfor: 10 .cents f free Times the Valueof ?t . . . n in in linn i Gentlemen I'm just a little diflgured, but still in the ring. I got that furniture, and, with out reference to myself, every thing about the house is all right. As to myself, well; I, I feel just a little out of place. I have de cided to reform, really just have to. Do you know there's no necessity for a man sitting in chairs without bottoms, eating off tub bottoms lor toblei his - Fourth. There will be speeches, music, refreshments and a general good time. A Two Edged Pointer Go to Sum every man should i T,a"" : r We believe 7 Mr. Editor: Will you pleaee have fajr pay for his work, every permit me to ask the readers of merchant a fair profit on his your valuable paper a question? g00as, and, prompt payments to .1 . .0 . ........ .jvu . ir , jl - SOUUB. UIIU. uiuuiuv uuyiuou r :i. -tliof . ii v. t x i. I & ' ' r i . . . niyrBBiju o xur mruiume, uuj Mjan -any one veu me now w geu If those who admit the jus- maue oy me diowu jjuiuiuiiio the pnoiic roaa inat leaus iruui tlcQ 0t Bacn wouia try to live up and thus encourage home enter- Mt. Vernon to South River, work- to it we would all be happier and prise. ed so it will not be dangerous to business could be done on.a larger,- . , , . . safer and more nrontaole basis. Fnr Salp A T G. Wilson can- travel it is wasnea out in grpatr ning out. Now is the time to gullies so that a loose mule can get your material together and hardly get over it. It is so bad save all the fruit about the place . . 1tw.oa fhnt. a tvinle would ero 1U f-' W v-'w - T . KJ Jackassess think 'advertising is chanty for the editor. at a very little cost. This is one of the best outfits and brand new. come to see us. . r Truth-Index Obtice. . Agents wanted in ; 411 Unoccupied Territory. r . t -V WHEELER i. WILSON Manufacturing Co, , Atlanta; Georgia. I). W. Snider, agent, Salisbury. 108 West Inniss Street, if you doubt me. He has Furniture and House furnishings of all kinds, at all prices and on any reasonable terms. Refawn, yes. Bymnn-Henderson Wedding. ' On Tuesday evening at "the Episcopal church in Lmcolnton, Miss Mina Curtis Bynum, of Lin colnton , and Dr. Archibald Hen derson, of this city, were united in marriage. Tne weading was . a very elaborate affair and a large number of guests from a distance were present. After the ceremony the young couple were tendered a reception by the mother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Hender son will spend a month at Arden. through a barbed wire fence be fore he would jump the gullies it wnnld bo necessarv for him to jump in order to get along it. If there is any law to have it work ed let's have it. - H. W. MoDaniel. You can bring the charge be fore the grand jury and indict the Road Supervisors. Ed. Change of Road. County Commissioners J. . H. Hall and H, C: Lentz, with Sur veyor., C M. Miller, recently in spected the Enochville road; near Buffalo creek. For some distance here the road goes over steep hills and there is a bad creek crossing A road has been located around these hills where there is much less grade, and it will doubtless he adopted by the Commissioners and opened to the public. - ' Crushed his Father's Skull. Chapel Hill, N. C. , June 22. Vircril Loner, a nesro mail carrier "O O a rom this place to Pittsboro, is now lingering au ueatu b uuui b a result of a deadly combat be tween him and his son Hollis, in which the son seized a hatchet and struck his father on top of he head, crushing the skull. Long is still alive but the physi cians haveabandoned all hope of his recovery. ' : . gurdett Organs are Unsurpassed. They have the pure - " Rich tone that always . ! Delights the j performer and -. s too they are 4 ; . ! easy to operate. These good features cause beginners to ; Take more interest and learn much faster Our instruments . have stood the v, s?- Bigid (est of 37 years in all climates .' - Oodd: organs are cheaper 'than bad ones rperd,ess o' the All Burdett Organs are war ranted in plain words. 1 jo w is a good timoj for you Of the many stock affords in articles our BIRTHDAY AND WEDDING Presents to buy. Oee us and ' ii Thev are low. cret our prices, Shot His Companion. Another case of careless shoot ing, occurred Saturday afternoon a young son of Jas. Heightman "being painfully hurt. The Height man boy and a companion were out shooting at a target. The latter fifed a shot which missed . the target and struck Heightman in the arm. Judge Daniel Removed. Washington, June, 22. The President after a conference with Attornev General Knox to day signed an order removing Judge Daniel P. McMillan, of the Supreme Court of New Mexico, Jon the charges of general immorality. McMillari was orignaViy appointed from Buffalo.Clement C. Smith,of Hasting, Mich, succeeds him. HODS 'Xy IFlLlliibiir Stt Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired by a skilled work man. . . - ; A look will reveal many more, they're here, pur chased and designed for the occasion, 1 in Rings, Brooches, Watches, Chains, Lockets, Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Fobs, Toilet Sets, Clocks, Sterling Tableware, Cut Glass, China and a host of other articles carefully priced to suit you. A beautiful line of High Art -. . 5TERLIWGWAREI just opened. ' Also a new. line of Souvenir 3ooae, Historical Souvenirs of Confederate Prison Salisbury, N. C, 1864. G0RMM GREEWi Successors to J. Horah. ; Jewelers and Opticians. i n i ii' mm mm viTflOW AFTER US1N6. d The great remedy for nervous prostration and aU diseases of the generatlye 4 VTf ifV,0,. la-r .. vrvmis Prostration. Failing or Lost Manhood, Q J Imnotencr. Niehtly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive uso of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption ana insanity, witn every $5 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at l.OOper box, 6 boigs for $5.00. BIS. MOTTS CHEifnCAl CO., Cleveland; Ohio. The Truth-Index Printing: Of fice is the place where Skill, Ex-. perience.and Equipment combine to give you the very best possible results in the matter of all kinds of plain and fancy printing. UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL, . The Summer term begins June 10, to continue three ' months. Thorough in- struction in courses ad mitting to the bar. Spe-. cial lectures by eminent 1 lawyers.- For catalogue address, James C. MacRae, Dean, Chapel Hill, N. C. mm a- Formula tells the story : Not a patent mcdidne : a thLi spirituous liquid, of a pleasant Ditter taste, maae m - y Fluid Extract' PERUVIAN . BARR': Fldd , Extract pOPtBC.: : FlSd Stwct BIK IIOOT Fluid Ext Fluid Extract DOG WOOD, BARK FIxnd Extract SARSAPAIUL It Cures the Chills that other Chill Tonics Don't Cure TEa Rest General Tonic. -No Cure. No Pay Price, sua