V. V Tlhiio doM for Um atom atl that wfclrh it tsvsablstotofor Itself, avon If but lightly disordered or rburdened. Id tho iky comes the star of health to the weak and weary daspon- dontdyspepoo, our Ins; all stomach troubles and digestive disorders. .Koddl supplies the natural fuJcee of dlreation and does the work of the stomach, relaxing the nanrotts tension, while the tsfiamed muscles aad membranes of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. It cures Indigestion, flatulence. palpitation of the heart, nervous drsDOD&la and all stomach troubles by eSsandnz, purifying and awoaffthenlnr the elands, I Bmbranes of the stom ach and digestive organs. Tsav fesler Can tssslf Tea. est. $1.00 Six hokftar 2H times m trial rise, which mIU far iOe. I tj I C StYIT? 4 C3t, C2ISAS3 James, Pltjmmer. If You Have Rheumatism , 7- FROM SHAVERTOVN. ' machine which will run by steams " That's something : we have been What the People in This Section of the :?Hii:"g in our fan ;f for.a good - -.'Rowan County are Doig. - i while. - " p. D. Shaver, has'.thp finest 'corn' .the writer has eeeii. - - ' , Our R. F. D. carrier has had a photograph of himself, horse and ; Harvest is. about ever. " Wheat is as light as tho straw'itsel, but we th ink therewi 11 ? be more than: laat.year although hundred bush el crops will be scarce; - - :J Com is moviugup now and trie people are hustling. Mrs.-M. L. Earnhardt is"quif6- sick. Hope she will be. able to bY out soon. V r , " , - ' iUvXPT?fieyerl Hpysis not irnprov OL wagon taken. Zeke was tthe pho tographer i''-" S ' - There will be. a public "debate at Pond's schoolhoueV ; Saturday night before the first. Sunday in July.-. All are invited.' ,.;0 ' One of our farmers says his reap er isnVany good, -it .is "nearly new and he didn't use it any this v ;c;, i;isk, "of Lisk, says hp rarvP8t-; r - -- - " hadpeaobes to eat on the 25th of ) Mr. and Mrs. Nathan G; Arev : May tfyat were raised on his place, of Liberty X Roads. visited p.::C, and beans anqcabbage on the 1st Arey Sunday. ? ?7l day of June. . . - - -. 7i'r-' - i - . o nut D3 iiua ao Miss Sattie Taylor, the popu- he ivas returning from his waiV laf saleslady of the firm of Tay- melon patch' recently, he came.jri lOr & Sons, visited, home folks re- contact with a mink and thev hd cently. v .. . a lively chase. . He grabbed una Mack Shaver contemplites;tak- st.ick and fired into him knockiRg iugtTipnear'Pool. That's right mm down- But be Jumped up Mack, beat 'cut out if you can- and ran off with John after him;" ,r nr n- t Jonu nnany.jcnockea tlie mink's Mrs. Molha Beaver, of Salie- LVA'ftnt nm1 nt,ir. m , bury, visited friends and rela- , - tives in our lnalitv w. w'ppfc Gentlemen can't you scrape tip - - j . ni , . 1 - i. .-.a - and returned home Moudav. a tew OJcl ril8ty "a"?1,8 aud.couie I tvt a w ,r caTi arouna ana sunscriDo:; tor the Mrs. O. W . Keith, of Salisbury, TWTr-Ti . visited J. T. Fry's last week. ' ' . u t ,T , j I nere 18D0TJ manv peaches pr R. Mack Miller, of the adjoin- ftrm1oo - , 4 T ing nejghborhood. ha8 the largest there wiu be a a tomatoes the writer has seen. ki0k: - ' - : v " .Ladder. : j .. i ! i i tar: BOOK MAILED FREE. . I Al Ai ? FEVERS, Congestions, Inflamma- cubjes tiona, Lung Fever. Milk Fever. ' B. B. J SPRAINS, Lameness, Injuries. ' ' cukes J Rheumatism. C. C. SORB THROAT. Qainsy. Eplxootle. , CUKK8 5 Distemper. . , .. : ; Mi WORMS. Bote. Grabs. ; : ? . E. E. ) COUGHS, Colds! Enflaenza, Inflamed cuaas J JLungs. Plenro-Pnenmonia. ; .. - F. F. ) COLIC.- Bellyache. Wlnd.Blown. : cubes J Diarrhea. Dysentery. : - G.G.-JRrevents MISCARRIAGES "V KIDNEY dE BLADDER DISORDERS. 1. 1. ISRW DISEASES, Mange, Eruptions, .cubes J Ulcers, Grease, Farcy. v J. R.)BAD COIVDITIOIV, Staring Coat, ' . , cubes J Indigestion, Stomach Staggers. , 60q. each; Stable Case, Ten- Speqiflos, Book', &c.,f 7. At drugglstSj of sent prepaid on receipt of price. ' - H.nmphreyg Medicine Oo Cor. William St John ' ; Streets, NewTprk. V; ; J FOR SALE. . ,; No. 1? , One' houseand lot, 6ll East Fisher St., in- Salisbury. This is a good four-room dwelling, nearly new, has a good well of water on place'and other improve mepts, .This is a first-class" bar gain. Lot about 50x200. Apply to J- ' Wm. H. Stewart f Every one guarra tory or money refunded. r What ? . SYRACUSE CHIILEO PL01V8. One r)oin-; a SYRACUSR is guaranteed to out wear any. other make, whicli makes it. cheapest - to keep up: - A : .trial; is an vve asK. - ; . - , - - a , r . We carry everything in the . J - ; .Our, prices. -are ? rights : rom'e.andrsee for yourself- - Ask us . to show you----We.;wiil.take',pleaqrVin it r: ': ; .5. HARDWARE CO. S. A. Q ".EGGy vres. - Jl P,'A; HARTMAN, Vice-Prea " ' Tj.T. 8OSSAM0.SeC, & TreasV We have some splendid bargains in- Disc Harrows.- If you want one it will pay . you to see us. -1 - ; . - the great tested and endorsed California you.' It also cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases, caused by an excess of uric acid. It never fails, and builds up . .J n . . a . . . . . . sena scamp tor dook oi wonaermi cer tificates. Price, $1 per bottle. For sale by druggists. If your druggist can not supply you it will be sent prepaid upon receipt of price. Address Uricsol Chemical Co., Los Angelica!. or the Lamar & Rankin Drug Co Atlanta, 6a. Distributing Agents. For sale by Cornelison & Cook. Some sav there was frost tho ml. . ; - Other night. I expect there was, for potato vines look as though they were bitten. Subscribe to the Truth-Index. - Will Not Recognize Mitchell. W. FT. O-fiftr h n.rf. a , nol r It has certainly been a fine time tor of this otv, st.af t. hU mr0n for harvest. . ;nrr fv.af xt. : Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lisk, of operators will not reeognize John r I Lexington, spent a few days with Mltchell when, he comes before 1 home tolks. "UOUJ w present xne : miners; IGearhart says that any one who aDnears hfifoMtW. hntrA : in this community at present. represent the miners in t.h v. Come on Bro. Tom Dodger, let thracite region, and Mitchell does uuu, iuH ucu-uuiou : men ' oeuig much opposed to him. Scranton J Pa., disnatch. ".-r - : X: us hear from your town. . We learn that a nniLber of our citizens have ordered a threshing Dead . advertisements are like! I oead people i ; v' - ' - ' ' - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ;o o o o : 1 !MtIj an!) Jeatlg feecuteir at Cntt Met Circulars, from a 2x4 - to a full sheet, -... ' - Book, . .... A3yDasaa ana srscSl off...... ; ':-;-:;.'T - -;;; Letter Heads, Note Heads Bill Heads; . Statement?, ; Envelbpes, . -1 Blanks, PamphletF,- Newspapers,' Cards or other work, , We print and keep in stock blanks of all kinds", such as: .:-". -Attachment Sale Notices, Bonds, for bonding land, . : Chattel Mortgages: Commissioners' Deeds, -Drafts, Davis & Wiley Bank, Justice's ExicStion,. Justice b Transcript of Judgment, . Leases, property; Obligations, -'Sk . Mrate s Detinue Summons, . . Magistrate's Summons; v - -lEecutlon' Mortgage Sale Notice, Notice to Vacate Premises; Sale and Assignment with Power of Attorney,; - State Warrant Complete, ;'Cr?NPticsn-?arRP ca.rdp' l .Trustee's Sale of Land:. Prices :right.'fc o o o o o o o o o o o o. O: o o o o o o o o O o o. . Do You Enjoy Ynat Yiia Eat? ii you don't your food does not do you much good. Kodol.Dys pepsia Cure is the remedy that every one should take when there is anything wrong with the Stom ach. There is no way to main Opened in J anuary and is a Great Success, mind and body except bv nourish- ........ r . . ... w . 1 . . i 1 - - . ' .. .. v; . . 1 monf. ThorA t a nr nr. " llT DTI II - ThAIIA si--r I. , . . , ... . t wuu oum wicic lis Auuiii. isn except tnrouen the stomar.h- The stomach must be keot heal- . m ' J. . Already applications for ffradnates are hpi wnri l Pur and weet or thestreugtb t n4. , ' , -, , , . . . ' WH1 iec aown and disease will set .uci. ovciv uuiiK uiau ur a v wnn wisnfts a nnit nn novt i nr. .Mn otat,-u ian enrou at once. nervousness. Wiww .Vi:- .... ... ... .. .. I . 7 j VUUOVi lU- .11 stuaents sriven SDecia mstrnftinn in nAnmpnahin or.! ilou aa oreatn, sour risinars. ramd anthmetip.. - mtiug; indigestion, dvsnensia and Thorough instruction in StPnT,. a - ... aiioinacn troubles are quickly u. i i ... - 7 f - -- j fu " j uuieu uy. tue use oi ivodol livi- by actual business nractice. nn text hnnV nnr mAQa - o, ..j ui,rys. uddu, uui tuc lattjst auu -inoBi approved systems 01 mer. lueiructiuii. Day and night classes. Call on or write N -N a. a. k. a a a , ".r ,.- , I 1 vouuuvuuuuyuuooooooppOpOOOOpOOOOOCOOOOOO : ?9 - 0 69 , ' ' : ' :' - a I . " ' . - , m Carolina Business College, Figgerclose Isaac Idle whinh would you rather do, wear -the, seat out of your pants waiting for customers, or wear the soles off- your shoes chasing debtors? . J Isaac Idle MV Salishnrv 'TflT If! FiSSerclose, is that the .shoes 0tllbUUiy,,ll.l. would wear out first. MOTT'S Jr-skF:' PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak ness; irregularity and omissions, increase vig or ana banish "pains You Know What YpuW Taking" . ; W When you take Grove's t n.st - menstruation." Thav j.ta T,Tin?. fiAVi?.Rtt . J L!, r u : 1 1 ti i womanhood, aiding development of organs and bodv. No i , , uo tiii,.tor-. known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do" harm life I muia IS plainly printed on every uecoraes a measure. f;,j..uu liOA. 15X MAIL. Sold W.fl .hnn,;, oy druggists.. . DK. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO. . Cleveland, OhioT Zr """'B " ipiy. xiou ana quinine i in a t vsteJess nn a r ii nn.p Opium. Laudanum. Cocaine and all Hpun LHr riitn permanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no cravme . o nb iuiuie iub uwyuus uiiu puysicai systems 10 their natural condition because we remove the causes of diseaseV A homeremedv VE GUARANTEE A mini? cnee TniAi rnrnrnrriT Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited, t Write today. Mannanan lEicpapcutic Association Dept. A Has Broadway, New YoMc City f ?rm . No cu re, no pay . 50c.; The Truth-Index is no.v offer ing $5.00 cash to its sub.;crlier'p 25c on subscription entitles you to one chance at the pnz. ; r?: To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo OnfriiA Tablets. Ail druffffists money if it: fails to cure. " E. W. Groves signature is on "eanK 1 To Cure a Cold in One; Bmf i tcLiu iuuauuv c Jtii uiuu quinine Tablets. ft Seven M2Son boxes sold in past 12 months. ,' ThlS Signature, jffcjCfc Cores Crip on every boxVSSc ' , av pri -: 6 9 6? 69 69 hi We were dut of a certain size of "BURT SPECIAL' Oxford when a lady called for it. The clerk offered her what he believed was just as good. "Oh, no !" said she, "THERE ARE NONE JUST A GOOP; i and I will waite until they come in again." She certainly was right, at $2.50 and $3. 0 - 0 " 7 0 Ill Main St. SALIRBUEY, N. C. The OF : THE PtOCK . 9 0 0 0 0 g g - - 7 . t i : ..' .f! -4 V" - V.

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