Vol. 16. No. 80 Salisbury, N. C uly 14, 1903. Established 1887. ANOTHER UNION SUED. THE MOB SPIRIT. AN UNLUCKY RIDE. : SHOT THE WRONG MAN. AFTER CASSIUS ABMN. WHAT CARE WE AFIm In Virginia Seeks Relief From the Iniquitous Boycott. Richmond, Va , July 9,-A'euit for $10,000 lias been filed by the Sitterding-Cameal-Davis C a m pany, ha,nd lers of builders' sup plies, against the Bricklayers' Union of. Richmond. Fritz Sit terding, head of the concern, is also president of the Virginia Passenger and Power Company, wuubo ixivru , oth uov : on 8 unite ior recognition of the union and high er wages, It is alleged that mem hers of the bricklayers' union uuvb uouiiuea to worK ior any builder, using material furnished by the Sittnrding " firm, and that in consequence the latter has lost heavily. A decision of the State Supreme court hold every member' of a union found guilty of such con duct personally responsible. It is the intention of this and other firms to bring suit against every organization where there is any chance of proving a boycot. The business men of this city are in censed by the effort of the street car men to obtain their demands by use of the boycott. . The strike ha? proved a disas trous failure and the men now re alize it. . Fell Into the Flames. Norfolk, July 10. Mrs. Wills, -wife of Bud Wills, a stevedore, Host her life in a fire here -today. S hewas a seamstress of grain bags, on the third floor of Jesse Jones & Sons' hay and grain ware house, in Roanoke dock, which burned at 2 o'clock. There i were liwo buildiSgsJfiTied with hay. ad- joining. Tha fire caught and burned so quickly that the entirej stock was, in flames before the fire department arrived. Mrs. Wills appeared at the window and was ordered to jump into the arms of the nien beneath. She hesitated, screamed' and fell back into t ho hay before the firemen could put tip the ladder. The loss is esti mated at $50,000, well insured. Bryan Going to Europe. Omaha, Neb., July 10.- Wm.J. Bryan is going to Europe to study rsociologicol conditions under mon .archial forms of government. Mr. .Bryan today said to a friend that early in September he would sail for Europe to be absent about four months. He will be accom panied by his daughter. England. Scotland, Ireland, France, Ger, many, and probably Italy, will be -visited by Mr, Bryan, who will pay particular attention to the condition of the working Deonle. Among his friends it is said that he will write a book of his impressions. A Surgical . Operation is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's knife un til you have tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It' will, cure when everything- else fails it has done this in thousands of cases. Here , is one ot them: "I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles for tweutv years. Was treated by different specialists and used many remedies, but obtained no relief until I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have ti)t bad a touch of the piles since". H. A. Tis- dale, Summerton, S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Pro truding Piles no remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve old by Jas. Plummer. Wonderful Nerve . Ts displayed bv many a : man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore -feet or- Btiff pints. But .there's no need for it. Biloklen's . Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. - It's tha best salve on earth for piles, too. 25c,- at all druggists. it Breaks out in the Staid and State of Wisconsin. Quiet .La Crosse, Wis,, July 9. Wm. Beede v and Mrs. Ruby Samples, of Hokah, were tarred and feath ered by a mob of thirty indignant citizens of that village last night, and were ihen escorted to the,vil lage limits and threatened with death if they appeared again in Hokah. The man and woman had been warned to qait town, but had re fused. They were taken from the home of the woman last night-by a .mob, . which broke down the door to get them. Back of the Hokah creamery they were strip ped before a hundred, people, tar red and feathered and forced to run the gauntlet through a line of jeering farmers to the out skirts. Jackson College. . July 7th, 1903. The people are ready to lay by their corn and cotton. - We are needing rain very badly. The school committeemen of Jack son went' to Davidson county to see about getting a teacher. Are they afraid to try a Rowan boy? Black Hawk had the pleasure of meeting Bro. Lee last Sunday. Miss Leia Eagle is going to take a trip beyond the Blue Ridge this summer. We hope her a good time, v ; The school at J will soon start but we don't expect to get as good a teacher as we had last wintpr.' T A "The little son of P . NiTrexler is quite sick, - : . v ... , , - - . , - . . A. . T. Kluttz will visit home folks in the mountains this sum mer, after the work is over. : Our community was visited by burglar the other night. He got one of Will Hoffman's chick ens. Look .out-Will, he will get you next. Callie Kluttz, one of our great fishermen, says he caught an eel 12 inches in circumference in a fertilizer sack. Polly will soon be done laying by and then she will sit back and read the Tbdth-Index . I see Sam Sniggleton that Lad der is not going to crack that nut for you, so I will crack one side and if it not right I will try the other: Georgia excells North Carolina in the production of gold. Let me hear from your side again. Black Hawk. mm mu,6auV . ' July 9th, 1903. As I am in the city today I will give tKe editor a few items. Corn is still looking shabby in this section . Cotton is a little on the mend I think. Texas' Jack was married last Sunday. We wish him and his young bride much joy. A. I. Morgan has. some fine looking cotton. P. D. Stoner visited Adam Mor gan the other day. Ladder was in the city today. ' Habbakkuk. A Standard Oil Defeat. London, July 10 A dispatch to the Standard from Berlin says that the long fight of the Stand ard Oil Company to acquire the Roumanian petroleum fields has finally failed. A group, of Ger man financiers, backed by the Deutsche bank, has bought the largest petroleum well in Rou mania. Doubtless others will be acquired. . w A New Hand at the Automobile Is Jostutl; Killed on the. Rocks. Greenwich, Conn., July 8. Capt. Harry' Hanson;; who-was acting as chaffeur of Harry Hark ness' big 40 horse power automo bile, was instantly killed by. be ing hurled from his seat, into rocks at Putnam's Hill about ! o'clock today. Dr. f O. M.vEd- i wards, son-in-law of L. V. Hark ness, started out about 12 :8Q in automobile with Capt. Hanson at the chaffeur. Hanson had-had I but little experience in aufomo' biling. When the heavy machine had passed over the .brow of Put nam's Hill it began to get great i speed. There a great mass of rocks at the point through' which' the road passes. Hanson became confused, and grasped the lever to check the speed, but it was the wrong one, and instead of stop ping it opened the valve for full speed. Dr. Edwards sprang to the road and escaped uninjured. The big machine, an instant la ter, struck the rocks with terrific f orce - and Hanson : was hurled, a distance of about 200 feet,' strik ing the rocks below and was in stautly killed. ' y . x Trading Ford. July 7th, 1908. Corn and cotton is taking a start to grow since the weather has got warm. . J. P. Crowell and Company started out threshing wheat Tues day. The wheat crop is r" very small. .. ' .; . : v V :-: :, . - ; .. I it's tions we propose, this . plan. 'i TL j Teuth-Index force desires to have a picnic once a year that all the correspondents may .enjoy a day together. We had a, nice .time last year at Granite. Quarry but over half of the force was absent. Now if we all can agree upon the time and place, and all go, we can have a grand time,. Our good editor will furnish ice cream and lemonade, but it's too expensive to make up a lot and just a few present. Now we propose the 4th of August, at the Piedmont toll bridge, as the time and place. Let's hear from all the corres pondents, i 1 Sam SnorTv England and the Monroe Doctrine. - Rq. conversation with American oticers at the king's dinner at Buckingham palace yesterday, members of the cabinet expressed a desire for an extension of the Mnnrno rJrtnf ri no RfiP.ncrni7l (tr I AVWVAAW. . m J the paramount influence of the United States in the Western hemisphere, Great Britain," they said, wants Washington to exer cise control in some way over the imanciai ooiigations oi tne uen - - a Ail tral and South American states. Apparently Great Britain, not de siring a repetition of the Venezuel an affair, favors the adoption of means whereby the smaller re publics will be compelled to meet their obligations without pres sure from Europe. ' Saved From Terrible Death. : The family of Mrs. M. L. Bob bitt, of Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and were powerless to save her. , The most skillful physi cians and every remedy, used, fait-? while - consumption was slow ly uuu eureiy taniug nor iiio.v- uj this terrible hour Br. King's New Discovery for Consumption turn ed, despair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief and its contiuned usjo completely cured her. It's the! most certain cure in the world ifor- all throat and lung .'troubles:: Guaranteed Bottles 50c'and $li0. Trial Bot tles Free at all drifgists. V ll Known Virginia Citizen Mkes a Most Serious Mistake. Torf olk y a. , July 9, Captain . T, Martin is in jail at, Smith--1: charged with murder.; He - arrested for killing George cker, colored at the Bunkley mf Isle of Wight county, ptain Martin, who is a farmer d oysterman rents a farm to a n named Tide well, with whom ill quarreled? recently.' ' Tide . ind Martin kept the oats for' rirA stock in the same barn, i tjn -suspected Tidewell of aling feed, and yesterday, see ; spmone in the barn, (he sup : 3(ljne had caught Tidewell in ther act. Martin 'got his gun, :d at .the supposed thief and lied Tucker., Tucker; was employed, by. Ma r- a and was getting feed for the liter's hors-s. ' Martin "is fifty ars old. He has been drinking )eply recently. . Christiana. Wa Tinva hurl ' anmn niro rains.' aid the growing crops are'lookiug rel. ''r J Our new. preacher from (reorgia h'as arrived and will preach here sjunday, July 12, The congrega tion will meet on Saturday at 1 ' ?16ck to clean off the graveyard J the church grounds. -. Dri Peeler's baby, of Granite :arry," died July 8th,-after a lin ring illness. We extend to them r ; sympathy, : in their ; bereave- it. :nrT a -heavy thunder storm ta:nT"hthihjt ; .vti's residanc'e, i.almost deaf eh ; himself and wife. . -ry : , .... - . Miss Cora Brown and Max rown visited in Faith Saturday 1 n T."v --. A singing school will be! taught re.this summer by Rev. S. J. M. rown, of Salisbury, and will be- tpujyi8th.,:;:i. : y '- Come again, Juno, we are glad pave you with us. - . Tar Heel. 5-'-3 Some More Jingo Talk Constantinople, July 9. In di- lomatic circles here it is believed ai lurco-Bulganan war ls 'inevit- alble An extraordinary session i - " i ....... i. t the council ministers was held yfesterday morning at lYildiz- Kiosh and it considered the Tur- T 1 . Vr f cio- jpuigarian Bituauon. no nne qould'be gained on what were the joints discussed but .. today a ru mor is current, which could not e downed, that war talk at' the eeting was strong, the military arty ; demanding occupation of U strategic points oh the fron tier. . - . - 1 h This rumor caused a small pan ic on the bourse at noon.' " . Just About Bedtime ; take a Little Early Riser it will cure constipation, bilious ness and livet troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are different from other v pills. They do not gripe and break down the mucous membranes of the stomach,: liver and bowels," but cure by gently arousing the secretions and giv ing , strength to these organs Sold by Jas. Plummer. 1 (' Kodpl BiTes Strength ? r , by, enabling the digestive organs w uigesi, assimilate ana trans form all of the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that nourishes the nerves, feeds the tissues, hardens - the muscles - and recuperates the or gans of the entire body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia; Catarrh of the Stom ach' and all stomach; disorders. Sold b y James Plummer. The Famous Kentucklan Adjudged Insane. . Says he Wont be Taken. : Lexington, -Ky., July 97 A ju ry, in the county court at Rich mond has ad j udged General Cas sius" M. Clay of unsound mind, on the testimony of several of his children r and a physician from Richmond," none of whom had seen General Clay for some time. When General Clay was told by his body guard, Jim l5owlin, that he had been adjudged insane, he half arose from his sick bed and, seizing his revolver, declared that he would never be taken' from White Hall alive. He would have nothing more to say except that he wanted his former child wife Dora Clay Brock, to come back to .White Hall to remain with him the rest of his days. He. fully ex pected her to return today, but she did not appear. General Clay will not be taken from White Hall to a private asylum as at first thought, but he will have no say in the managemant of his fi nancial affairs: St. Matthew's. - ' July 8th, 1903. We take great pleasure ' in mak ing the announcement of the mar riage of our friend and neighbor C. G. Troutman and Miss Josie Holshouspt. The ceremony was a quiet affair, and was performed by Rev. JJ. Eadds at the resi dence of Wm. Campbell, Sunday last.. - ,;-'v i Wmr? Eagle, one of our best people, suffered a sunstroke last week. '-37 hope he will fsoon be .Thomas Carter, a very ." clever gentlemen, :; is . now very ill with typhoid: fever. We hope he will recover. . ' ' - Joseph Eagle, our leading church member, held prayer meet ing Saturday with no other audi ence save the Lord. Some of the less zealous brethren would be very glad it the good brother would preach less and practice more of the doctrines of the church. Vance Eller has bought a lot in Garfield where he expects to make his home in future. We wish him well. John Casper Pool's Sunday. visited at Joe Saj- Mill Jake Mills on Short Time. Manchester, July 10. The tab ulation oi reports from .master cotton spinners on the question of reducing the number of . work days has been completed for the first week. The committee having the matter in charge announced that 90 per cent of the members have adopted, the recommendation to stop work for two days a week. It may be stated that 75 per cent of the entire trade have fallen into line ana are reaucing tne con sumption of cotton to the . extent recommended. This, represents ihe adoption of short time that has never before been equalled. 6oy. Crane at Sagamore Hill. - Oyster Bay,- N Yi, July 9. Ex-Governor Crane, of Massachu setts, who spent the night at Saga more Hill, left here this morning J He refused to discuss a report that he might be selected as the east ern manager of the Republican national campaign next year. You Know What You are Taking 1 When you take Grove's? taste less Chill Tonic because the for mula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. . No cure, no pay 50c. How he 6ets His Goods, so the Real Bar gains are There ar?.S' ouuie say ii a uob no : oeiLer goods. -;-V- Some aav hfts cot. ? monv t.o" , . J ; . O . - '"'J Some sav he knows how. to sret all the goods he wants without paying for 'em. ;'. . ; v:;.- ' viuoi.B nay no b nuuguu iuouh ands of dollars worth of goods on credit and is fixing to break. Competitors say it can't be did. The drummers say is - the dod-drottedest closest buyer this side of the River of Fate 1 But what say you ? Who, me? I saj I don't care -who or how, but I'm shure going to . have my share of them bar gains as long- as they last.. L know a good tiding when I see it, I do. Come on, I don't want to be left. .z-::. i We name a few items , to guide'' you. 1 Cent Bixvs1 Palm leaf fan, cake of soap, 7. balls laundry blue, paper needles, box shoe blacking, furnished fish lino, coat and hat hook, coffee pot knob, key hole plate, 2 boxes nf mafAVioa rriVbr .5r -non oil 04. sheets paper, 24 envelopes, thim- hl". pl rata fticrar - 10 ii.t." tutrix uiubiiuB plus, yw . uarpeb tacks, mouse trap, , safety door nn r. nmcnoa nno nn ov rr nrinnio -tem. u . i. i ; r " ; i r i i: 1! 1 U( -IfcA' . 1 iil -LjULillt...! Ill t 4z Gents Biiys ; - .Octagan soap, Gold Dust, Cel luloid starch, umbrella rib hold er, glass mug,salt or pepper shak er, bushel basket, etc. - 5 Cents "Diays 7 inch white wash brush,' roller towel rack, scrub or stove brush, chair bottom, bottle shoe polish,' flesh fork, vegetable lifterf cocoa shape dipper,. 2 quart plain dip per1, 8. quart cup, 1 quart graduate . measure,boys knife,torch pulley, 2 boxes shoe nails, 5 hole tin mouse trap, 1 box pnt up for 100 matches , 3 quart dairy or pie pan , padlock, 2 boxes tooth picks, . nice Japanese fan,- 1 pair side combs, ladies embroidered collar. i aozen gooa steel pens, box pa per and envelopes, writing tablet, story books, large 'pouch smoking tobacco, box braided picture wire, hair brush, ladies undervest, pair towels, 2 bottles ink, cream pitch er, lamp chimney, etc. lO Cents "Buys ' Childs plated knife, fork and spoon set, box paper and enve lopes, 50 visiting cards, cloth bound book, linen or turkish tow el, plated watch chain, gent's belt, large bottle ink, lamp, etc. " 15 Cents Buvs 100 page ledger, rolled plate cuff buttons, 6 tumblers, 6 desert dishes, gallon pitcher; pair gents drawers, bottle 25c perfume, flat bottom tea kettle, etc. QO Cents "Biiys Side lamp with reflector, hand and stand lamps complete, large pitcher, etc. From this price up the line and prices are marvelous, itt i t :'"i'i'" ' we are always giaa to snow you. Your true friend, SP0IiH; 115 East Innis street.

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