Published Tuesdays and Fridays,' and entered in the postoffice at Salis 1 bury, N. 0., as second class mail mat- 2 ter. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.25 per year. If paid in advance, only $1.00. P UBLICATION OFFICE: Up stairs in building next to James' Livery Sta ble, 120 West Inniss Street. CROSS (X) MARKS It is bur custom to send the paper to reliable parties un til notified to the contrary. A cross mark after your name indicates that 'you are in arrears and is intended as a polite request to settle' or" if you do not intend to pay, do us the kind- If this is not done it is supposed you want the paper and we shall expect . pay for it, . Correspondents and Agents. "We wish a reliable agent anT correspondent in '' every neighborhood in this and sur rounding counties. The paper will be sent free to correspondents and a libera! commission paid to agents. For further information address, Wm. H. STEWART, Editor and Proprietor. JULY 14, 1903. Double Execution. Carbondale, IUM July 10. Ful ly 10,000 people gathered at Ma rion today, to witness a double le gal execution. All during the night trains brought people. All trains were crowded and the elec tric lines were packed.- The knowledge became general that Sheriff Harris would execute the murderers, Graves and Price, at 9 o'clock. They passed a restless night and arose early. Both had embraced religion and were con stantly attended by ministers. The men were led to the scaffold at 9:31. Both made short talks, warning young men of the fate that had overtaken them. The drop fell at 9 :36. Price's neck was broken, but Graves was stran gled to death. A Dish of Carrots. JNew carrots are among our most wholesome vegetables. They are delicious cooked as follows : Scrape lightly and cut into straws ; cook in salted water. Strain off he . V 1 L 'f'l per,, a little onion v juice and a lump' of butter and return- to saucepan until the butter is melt ed, shaking the carrots about in it until alb- are glazed. Pour into a hot dish for serving. If you have green peas boil a cupful of them and pour over the carrots when they are in the dish. It makes one of the prettiest of veg etable dishes and is as good as it looks. Ex, Conscience Fuud Payments. ' Washington, July 11. A second installment of $500, mailed at Boston, was recived at the treas ury to day for the consience found. Like the similar amounts received yesterday, the contribution is in bills of $100 each, and the envel opes and chirography are similar. Treasury offcials are wondering whether Monday's mail will bring a third installment and how long the remittance will last before the man's conscience is ap peased. No intimation was given of the manner in which the gov ernment was defrauded of this amount. Promotion for Ctpt. Lamberton. . Washington, July 11. it is currently reported in naval circles that Captain Benjamin P. Lam berton, who. was Dewey's chief of staff in the battle of Manila bay and the companion of 4 former President Cleveland on his game shooting expeditions, will succeed Rear Admiral Summer as com mander of the South Atlantic naval station. Admiral Summer relieved in December and Captain Lamberton will become a rear admiral-shortly thereafter. Our Readers Will do Weil to send a self addressed return en velope to A. Lea Wade. Genl. Act. (JN (a) jooston, mass., wno wants i man or woman in every town, to dis tribute the products of a large Mfer. jo. a,ooui nome. xne uo. nave many people earning gooa wages taxing or derg for their goods, that have been sold wholly by their agents for 25 years. If you wish to earn inoney-in your lei ure hours, it will pay you to write for partiounri. Gountv Biltmore. ; -- : ; - July 13,- 1903. ' Crops are looking much, better since the recent" rains. Farmers are about through lay ing by their corn and cotton; w Rev. N. D. Bodie and family were pleasant callers at the home of L. R. Lingle Sunday. . The singing class at Christiana will begin next Saturdav. July 18. The new books will be order ed and we hope every one who ex pects to attend the singing class will be present. ' '.'.- Charlie Lingle has been sick for the past few days. . Look out boys, we think . there is going to be a .wedding in the neighborhood soon. Little Maggie and Viola Lingle will take music this summer. Rev. N. D. Bodie preached his first sermon at Christiana Sun day, July 12, Rev. Bodie deliv ered an excellent M sermon and made a fine impression upon the large congregation present. His courteous and agreeable manners are also highly spoken' of, as he made friends with all whom he came in contact. ' Juno. Yerble. July 8th, 1903. lhe farmers m this section are getting ready to lay . by their crops. Henry Mahaley was here assist mg -Andrew Klncaid to run his saw mill last week. The merry go 'round from Sal isbury passed through here last Friday, enroute to Cooleemee. Romulus Gantt who was hauling some of the horses, had a break down on this side of W. A. Hall's anaselayeoVe iverTi libffire?8. fore last lightning stiuck in the truck ' field of Ernest Miller, de stroying a lot of vegetables. There has not been any wheat threshed in our community yet. Valentine Cook and Jacob Kluttz attended the reunion at Faith, on the 4th. Buffalo Bill. ' Catarrh of the Stomach. . When' the stomach is overload ed ; when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and inflames the mucous membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secrete mucin, in stead ofthe natural juices of di gestion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. "For years I suffered with Catarrh-of the Stom ach, caused by indigestion. Doc tors and medicines failed to bene fit me until I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cure." tJ. R. Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold by Jas. Plummer. y Held up By Thugs. : New York, July, 11. Charles W. Roxburg, a prominent citi zen of Bronx, died at his home at 1817 Crane Place, early to day as a result of a fractured skull and other injunes, believed to have been inflicted by the thugs who held up and robbed him. Roxburg was unable to make a statement when found. His watch and cash were gone. He was a tea tester and owned one of the finest homes in the fashion able suburb, which has been in fested with thugs recently. The Foundation of Health. Nourishment is the foundation of health lfe strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the one great medicine that enables the stom ach and digestive organs to digest,: assimilate and transform all foods into the kind of blood that nour ishes the, nerves and feeds the tis- Nsues. loqoi lays tne iounaation for health. -Nature does the rest. Indigestion, . Dyspepsia- and all disorders of the stomach and di gestive organs are cured by the use of Kodol. Sold by Jas Plum-mer.- - Corespondehts. UR. LINGLE RESIGNS. Some Dissatisfaction Jn School- Oistr: :No; 8,nother4MeepfcCatIe3.; There seems to- be' considerabl 3 dissatisfaction in School District! No. 8 over the 'appointment CI school committeemen; 7 On Satui day evening, June 27thi a meet ing was ;held . atj thefHoIshonseJ School House for the purpose of selecting com m ittee men to b e ' re commended to the County School Board - for I appointment. .Those selected, Messrs . J . C Holshouser M . L. Lingle and A W. Miller were duly presented to the - Board) at its meeting, Monday and -Tries dav, Julv 6-7. 1- But forfibm cause the Board disregarded mi request and appointed others while there is no ill feeling to ware those appoiuted by Board,' thej and the action of the Boaf d;it Beems, is unsatisfactory ; with considerable number of the pal trons of the school district, ;Wffl are told the Bqgrd will be - asked to again meet and : reconsider 't appointments ana. mat) 11 - rane cannot be secured it will be c)ir 11CU UlgUCl) UUU pvJOOiUljr -;;UIUC i action taken. We have bee::. handed the followinginotices ifo! publication : v -r:v:::Pv Salisbury, N. C, July llV'03 xr. m . - i - Please allow me space inf; yonf columns to say a word 'TBrgar to the action of the County Boar oi uaucauon, wnicn met on jui 6-7th, in regard to the appoint ment of school committeemen-foi Tiiaf.rirf. "NTrv ft. Tn fhft firof. rWir ' t.he hnilt tha r.Vinrl JiAr- without one cent of public money 1 the people of the District met' oil July 27th 1903, and elected thre men of good character to serve ;r. committeemen, men who"Tiavet th'e interest of the "district ktf heart V the, pames of- tEe cominitteeri pointed some whom the :du trict would not endorse, de term ml ed to rule or rum. Now isn't thitl. a nice way for the Board ; tq trejll a district? It is said that so ot tne appointees appearea . peri sonally before the Board to secuYl appointment. - ANOTHER MEETING CALLED. Notice is given that the people! of the district will meet again on! next Saturday, July 18th. kttd o'clock, p. m., .to take further ac; tion in regard to the matter.' Thtf district will not allow four merj to rule, that being the numbertirj district who are not satisfied.- Tfc writer does not wish to stir -up! strife in the district, but asks that we come together like men and abide by the majority, which: every honest man should do. The writer will again write" to your valua ble paper the result of next Saturday's meeting. Very respectfully, . . A. L. Lingle. SCHOOL COMMITTJCMAN RESIGNS. ? ' : : ' -To. the School Board of Rowan and all others whom it may concern : : Having been appointed Monday, July 6th. a committeeman for school district No. 8,. Gold Hill township, by the above named Board, and knowing the district' held a meeting j for the purpose ana uiu select men ior tne posi tion, I hereby make known my resignation of said position-in the interest of fair play and hoping the wishes of the majority of tho pairons. win oe graniea as ! it J-is elsewhere. ' . ' - J Very Respectfully, L. W. Lingle. Domestic Troubles. : . It is exceptional to find a fami ly where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, - but -thesa cati be lessoned by having rDr King's New Life Puis around.. Much trouble they save by their great work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They not. only Telieve poinmeni whisaidf5Board ; fusedTobiv instead the baroxpJ you, but dirtf. r 25c, at all drug stores. . -1 J oh h LrLea ch , o f ' , Greensboro; and Miss Ail iiie Ribelini of Salis bury ownshipi were united in ho 1 1 y m atrimony on Ju ly :Sth , Rev ; j R: L-Browii ofilciating. The occas loii Was quite a pleasant one, and i the best -wisher of r-many friends go -With the happy couple Largest steam Boat Eyer Built. .Wilmington, .Del., Julv, 11 : Tbe C.r W.'i Morsej the- largest river steam boat e ve r- built, was aunched here today for the Peo ple's Evening Line for service be tween New York and Albany. r-6rk Weakens " Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. l lie moneys u e your blood purifiers,,they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the bloodj If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. : : 4 -v; Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though ;they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- Dolsoncd blood through veins and arteries 1 . It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to! the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly" all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. - j , If you areick you can mak'e no mistake ipy first doctoring your, kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect o Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases arid is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar sizes.- You mav have a .sample bottle by man Hom of Swamp-Eoot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. f vDon't make any t mistake, but remember the name,- Swamp Root; Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Yl, on every bottle. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having-at ahfied as, administrator -1 - i ..... . . - r::rtT"yrree3 west before the 27th day of June, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. i : " JOHN J. STEWART, June 27, 1903. 6w. ' f Adm'r; THE U!?iyERSlTY of North Carolina . Academic Department, Law. Med 7 icine, Pharmacy. i-V v ' ";" : : -'- ' T . ; - ' i- 51 One hundred and eight Scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 students. - 66 instructors. New Dormitories 'Water Works, Central Heating System, Library ! 40,000 yol umes. . Fall term, academic and pro fessional departments, begins Sept. 7, 1903. Address : v F. P. VENABLEi President, U- - Chapel Hill, N. C. M FOR SALE ! Tie North Siie Boiler Pursuant ' to an' order passed at a meeting of all the stockholders of the Nortn bide Roller Mills held in Salis bury, on July 9th, 1903, the undersign ed is authorized and directed to sell at public: auction at the Court House door in Salisbury, N. O., on MondayrAugust 10, 1903, the brick mill house and i lot of the Ncrth Side Roller Mills Company, situ ated ori the corner of Church and Franklin streets, Salisbury, N. C, just beyond the Westen R. R. crossing and about 50 feet from the side track of said, railroad, fronting 100 feet on Church and extending back 200 feet. The Kill building is 40x50feet with en gine room attached 20x30 feet four stories high, walls 1 1-2 feejt thick with granite corners and granite! trimmings, substaniially built in everyid ascription. The entire building 1 is completely equipped with the-most modern mill ing machinery all in excellent condi tion , practically new, and flow, in good running order; one. 40 horse power Skinner engine and boiler iri first-class conditim, city water and hps on avery floor, in fact a thoroughly pioJern equipped Roller Mills in running or der. There is also a 5 room -cottage, or miller's house, on the above lot nd included with the mill; sale, front and back porches and a good well in : the yard. Also two good; stables. All the above described property tdgetherwith the rights and privileges owned1 and enjoyed by said company by reason of its charter, will bevoffered ft'r sale as a whole and sold to the highest bidder. ..-.;Terms of sale, one half cash, balance iri 60 days. ' l ; .J?:'J "' ,'vV";--:" ' . v Anvone wishma to examine the Mill cau go to the naill building and see; it running. : v v Dated this 9th Ay of July," 1903. v - : ; WAITER WOODSON. ".' Attorney. for theWorth Side Roller i Ha OUT C Twa vAflM mtrtt mv hatf VIS falling out badly. -'-f I purchased a; iottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and soon rhy hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, ill,; Perhaps your - mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why yout must go through life with half starved hair. I f you want long, thickhairf with Ayer's Hair Vigor, an3 make it rich, dark, and heavy. " ' s5; l ' $1.00 a bottle. All dreatfste ' , If your drna-gist cannot supply you, Bend us one dollar and we vritl express' you a bottle. He sure and give the name f vnnr npjirfist exuress office. Address . J. C. AYKK CO., Lowell, Mass. Subscribe to the Tbuth-Index. Sale of Valuable Farm Lands. By virtue of ajudgrrent obtained be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan county, in the special proceed ing entitled J. J. Correll.-Garfield Cor reU and John TJ. Alexander versus PaulCorrell, Oscar D. Alexander and John E. Alexander, appointing the un- dersigned Commissioner to sell certa'n ihnda hereinafter described for Darti- parti t'on, I will expose for sale at public auction fori cash at the courthouse door in Salisbury on Monday, August 3rd, 1903, the following valuable farm lands, the eftnie being the lands of the late Unas. Correll : - First Tract: Beginning at a stake, J. 'J. Sechler's line, thence south 89 de grees east 15.12 charns to a stake, Dav id Uorrell s line, bechler's corner. thence south 1 degree west 46.7 chains to a post oak, Deal s corner, ; thence north 88 degrees west 22 50 chains to a stake, Correll's corner on Deal's line, thence north 19 degrees east 23.75 chains to a post op k, thence north 3 1-2 degrees east 22 37 chains to the begin ning, containing 80 acres, the same be ing the dower of the widow (,f Chas Obrrell and will be sold subject to the same. Second tract k-Beginning at a "stake on the north side of the road, school ; house corner, on M. L. Rodger's line thence west 6 65 chains to a stake, thence north 88 1-2 degrees- we t 28.25 chains to astake, M. L. Rodgers' cor ner, thence south 5b 1-4 aegrees east thence eouth 4 1-2 degrees. West r W Lhei's con: er.' thence north . -85 1-2 de - bert Sloop's corner, thence south 3 1-4 degrees west 47.33 chains -to -a stake, Hileman's corner, thence south 85 de- greeseast b.uo cnainsto a pine snot, pr:A thence north 1 1-2 degrees east 12.50 rr U Per acreV ". . chains to a stone, Jake Sloop's corner, !. (3) 300 acres, a portion of No. thence south 87 degrees east 1 chain to v 2, will be sold separate if so de a stake thence north 21-2 degrees ; sired. Same price as above, east 11.50 chains to a stone, thence, ,4-' south 87 1-2 degress .east 2.12 chains, to (4) 4o acres, at Gi amte Quar a post oak, thence- north 24 degrees ry, right among the rocks, this eaa,40l8o ins to a ' county. This is good, level farm south 87 3-4 degrees east . 14.45 chains : j 7.,t j&. a n to a stone, Sloop's eorner, thence north 1 and With a good two-story dwell 5 degrees east 37 25 chains to the be- i ing, a barn and other Out-houses, ginning, containing 105 acres except-! a well of splendid water, a good ing about one and one half acres here- ; orchard of choice fruit, and about tof ore conveyed to school house. ic r i - -Also a third tract beginning at a ' i;acres hrck wooded land. tone, J. J. Correll's corner, thence : This tract lies just to -the left of south 88jdegrees east 24.90 chains to a ' the railroad, of a mile fiom the stake, thence north 4 1-2 degreed east 1 postoffice. Owing to the many 14.38 chains to a small poplar, Dave 1 - A. . lf"J Beaver's corner, thence north 87 de- i gramte quarries at this point and grees west, passing Beaver's maple j the constant increase .of workmen, corner at 1 50 chains, inall 40 40 chains j the location and price of this prop- tTrr west 10 chains to a stake, thence south 85degiees east 14 72 chains to a stake, thence south 2 degrees west 5.75 chains to the begi: ning, containing 531-2 acres. Fourth tract: Beginning at a stake in the center of the railroad, Martin Black welder's corner, thence north 9 1-2 degiees east 9 58 chains to a stake in said road near the culvert. - thence south 87 1-2 degrees. easti73.50 chains to a stake, Lee Shullenberger's corner, thence south 46 degrees east 85 chains to a stake, thence south. 2 degrees west 9.12 chains to a- stake, Martin Blackwelder's corner, thence north 87 3-4 degrees west 73.50 "chains to the beginning, containing 71 3-4 acres. A fifth tract : An und ivided one-half interest bounded as follows: Begin ning at a post oak stump, J. F. Cor rell's corner, thence north 88 degrees west 3.90 chains to a stake, thence south 2 degrees west 1 chain to astakc, thence north 88 1-2 degrees west 19-40 chains to a stake, J. F. Correll's corner on Lee " Shullenberger's line, thence south 46 degrees east 13.10 chains to a stake, thence south 2 degrees , west 9.12 chains to a stake, thence south 85 degrees east 12.85 chains to stake, thence north 4 degrees east 20 chains to.a post oak, the beginning corner, containing in its entirety 29 1-4 acres, The foregoing lines have "been run and established by the County Surveyor.'- . 1 ' This June 27th, 1903. " : JOHN L. REKDLEMAN, . , .' Commissioner. THE H0RTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL HD INDUSTIHAL COLLEGE. Five courses leading to Diplomas. Advanced courses leading to Decrees Well equipped Practice and Observation QchooK Faculty numbers 40 Board laundry, tuition,, and fees for use text books, etc., $140 a year. For non-residents of the State $160. Twelfth annual session begins September 15 1903 To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before Jaly 15th. Correspondence invited from those desiring compe tent teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other information address VERY LOW RATES TO BEACAED VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ; The Southern Railway Company announces the sale "of tickets at extremely low. rates, .from points on its lines for the following spe cial occasions t . : AttieDS, 6a. 'Summer School, July l-August 9. . : Atlanta, Ga. National Convention , B,Y.P,U.Tof America, July 9-12. KDQXlille, Tenfl, Summer. School, June 23-July 31. - Monteagle, Tenn. Bible School, Ju- ' ly l-August 30, 1903." " NaShTille, Tenfl ,Peabody- College : Summer Schools, June 1-July 30, 1903. v TllSkegee, Ala. Summer Scho o 1, , ' June 26-August -7, 1903. Above Rates open to the Public.-. Tickets will -be sold to. above points from all stations on South ern Railways Detailed information can be had upon . application to any Ticket Agent of Jthe Southern Railway, or Agents of connecting lines, or by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon, T. P. A. . Charlotte, N. C. We can do cheap, shoddy work, but much prefer to get our price and give you a good job. FARMS FOR SALE. (2) The big farm, 366 acres, be longing to J. A. Setzer, lying pe"ar .the thriving village of ChinaGrove, is offered for sale, Mr. Setzer be ing engaged in another business in Georgia. This place is in a high state of cultivatin, has an abun dance of timber and' water on it, a large number of first-class dwell ings, barns and other necessary out-houses on it,, also well of good water and two creeks. 125 acres are open for. cultivation and the balance is in valuable timber. It has a fine, meadow and 25 acres hra ni n a r Htti rx t i : :i j c j ; ; li 7m the branch near by. In short ( this is bhejof the laTgest and most 1 valuable places in the county. erty makes it an unusually choice investment. There is a good pros pect of gold on the (o; bbt acres, 1 mile of Granite Quarry, on the Yadkin Railroad. This tract is divided into three prts : j a 20 acres, has a good two-story dwelling and outbuild ings on it, about 10 acres timber ed; price $600. b 30 acres, no buildings, 15 acres timbered, 5 acres splendid meadow, fronts on Crane creek with enough water for a mill ; price $500, c 1GJ acres open land wit h 4 or 5 acres of good meadbw. fro.iits on railroad ; price $200. . ' This - property can be hnn irVi f n a r ZC j. . it a larger farm is wanted, the 46 acres mentioned above, which ad joins this '.can be added, making 112f acies, a very'convenient place CITY PROPERTY. No: 3 Three Jots 00x180 fronting on the Lincolnton road, just be yound the city limits. Excellent neighborhood.c .Price, $150 each. For futher information concern ing the above properties write to ... Wm. H. Stewart, : . : Salisbury, N. C. CHAS. D. MclVER, Presidents ' Greensboro, N. C Mills Company. 7-19-'03.1