n "O r SEWII-WEEKLY VOL. 16. No. 89. Salisbury, N. C.; August 14; 1903. Established 1887. FORT FISHER VETERANS UEET. BANANA INDUSTRY SUFFERS. THE U03 SPIRIT. 1 A KEtf DEPARTURE. COPYIHBUHCLESAU. .WAT CARE YE A Re-Union Held on the Rains of the His toric Fort. A Park Suggested. Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 18. The first re-union of the survivors of the battle of Fort Fisher was held today on the 'mine of the old fortification, about twenty miles below Wilmington, and it was the most glorious meeting of veterans ever held in this section of the state. Nearly three hundred vet erans, mostly survivors of the great conflict, and coming from many states, were present to join m the celebration of the occasion. The day was one of inspiration and patriotism and the old war riors lived over again in their memories the bloody battle. Very few of those who gathered on the old earth works Had vieited the spot since the fall o( the fort, Jan uary 15, 1864. The genoral out line of the surroundings was f ami liar to their minds, but all the de tails had been altered by the wear of years. I Of the many incidents of the day was the embrace of Col. Wil liam Lamb, of Norfolk, who com manded the fort, andCapt. James Parker, of New Jersey, who was in command of the marines who landed from .the Federal ships and made the daring charge against the fort. As those two heroes f the greatest bombarbmint the world has ever known from the opposing armies stood on th very grouud of. the battle and viewed ruins, Captain Parker threw his arms about Colonel Lamb and said: "I thank God that westand on this grouud today as friends." It was a scene never to be forgot ten and a hundred , veterans who sjiw it sent up a mighty rebel yell. fry " That one incident expressed the sentiment of the occasion. The program was completed at the pavilian on Carolina Beach. A sumptuous lunch was served by the Daughters of the Confederacy, after which four elegant speeches were made by Governor Chau. B. Aycock, Col. William Lamb, of Norfolk, Captain James Parker, of New Jersey, and Eugene Martin, a prominent Wilmington lawyer. The speeches were eloquentj pa triotic and inspiring,' and they were' received with enthusiasm. . Col. Lamb received a great ova tion from the old comrodes in his command. Captain Parker, a re tired naval officer, who was a hero of the battle and who defended Admiral Schley in the famous case -that grow out' of the Spanish-American war, was also given a warm roceptou. ' The following resolution was unanimously adopt- ed by the survivors : "Whereas, that as one of the most momorablo battles of the civil' war and the fiercest bom bardment since the invention of gunpowder, took plac at this his toric spot January 13, 14 and 15, 1S05, it is eminently right and proper that we, the veterans of the blue and gray, should make effort to have the heroism of these brave men perpetuated o the re motest generations; therefore, be "Resolved, That we pledge our selves to use our influence with our senators and members of the House of Representatives to ask Congress to restore the old fort and create a park, which will re- main an everlasting monument t the brave Americans who took part in the bloody struggle." Tonight at the armory of the Wilmington Light Infantry Col. Lamb received his comrades. A salutMvas fired by the Naval Re serves iu honor ot Governor Ay cock. " ! , Seiere Hurricane Sweeps. Orer Jamaica Organized Labor tie Uost Dasgsrons Ac- Pest Office Departnijat Want to' Haw Great Britali Villi Take Ueassres to Keep H31 teEsts His 6::fs. otts Real Bar- ana uo85 oiw uanage. corciDg is u. u. rany. .an irams nail irains. Qzt Uato rai a crmsts . nht m Tlin far it? Chautauqua, N. Y., Aug. 13, The plans of the post office de- The report of the royal commis- D. M, Parry, president of the Na- partment for making practically sion on .alien' immigration is iust tional Association of Manufactur- every railway train in the United inp Tt rpnmmnV. tfco ha States a mail train, depend very immigration of certain classes of largely on the ability of the post- aliens into the United Kingdom throw away like this. iixii r iru 1 1 u r u i y r onstvi r a fc n v i i i. . i m. a. a a - b-"-" y , owiai oe auuiecieu iu siato comroi. i Some sav he knows how to rt Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. 12. A hurricane swept the island last night. The banana industry is almost wiped out. The city of era, today delivered an address Kingston suffered considerable before the conference on "The damage, especially in the sub- Mob Spirit in America.' Mr. urbs. Vessels in the harbor also Parry took as his text Mob Spir- appropriation from Congress. suffered severely. The American it in Organized Labor. - He said The special appropriation is ne scnooner ltescue and bngantine in part: cessary m view of tho fact that Galea were damaged. The rail- - "In this country - in the last the exnenRPn nf cmnlnvinv hacr. way, telegraph and,electric plants year there have been many mobs J gage masters and other train men were wrfheQd is high of different kinds, but to my will be large today- aifiirtKerr damage 13 ap- mind the most dangerous of whem ever, that Some say hes got sense, and just throw goods. Some say he a got no better away his money to ine specinc recommenaations 1 all the goods he wants without maae in tne report are similar in I paying for 'em. many respects to the provisions of prehendedV r?T4irdamage by the storm will be $3,000,000. . New York Aug. 12. -News re ceived here today has occasioned great uneasiness regarding the fate of several islands in the West Indies, which were swept by a tropical hurricane Of unusual vio lence, which within a few hours is expected to be whirling along the Atlantic coast. Signals are displayed all along the coasts the United States immigration law except that no educational re- It is believed, how- quirement is proposed. In some some useful experi- directions the rules are more strin- stated in the report include pros titutes, lunatics, convicted crimi nals, and any ope who is in dan ger of becoming a public charge. Provision is made for the de- Murderer Will Hang. Statesville, N. C, Wilfred Rose boro, the negro who murdered and outraged Mrs. Dovey Beaver, ten miles from here on th.9 80th of last month, and who was taken to Oharlotta after his arrest by Sher iff Summejs to prevent lynching, was put. on trial here this morn ing before Judge W. R. Allen, and was fonn d guilty of murder in the first degree and .sentenced to be hanged. The verdict gives uni versal satisfaction to the citizens of the county, all of whom have oeen anxious ior tne raw x taKo its course ever since the hot blooJ caused by the horrible crime cool ed down. all is the mob of organized labor, ments can be made between now No man, I take it, can ob feet to and the convening of Concrres. the any kind of an association,- labor expense being defrayed from the or omerwise. wnicn is organizea regular iuuas ot tno railway man for lawful and beneficent pur- service. poses, but organized labor as Although the protection of the it is conducted today, stands con- railways from mob violence du- victed by its own leaders as a law- ring strites is ouly an incident of portation of immigrants who may le3S organization. the proposed extension of the be nroved to be undesirable, with. "In that : it seeks by physical railway mail servico, it is recog- in two jears of their landing, and force to override individual mzed at the post office depart- the vessel imnortincr them will be rights and its continual rallying ment that this incidental feature against tne laws ana denouncing is extremei important, it is courts and public officers for en- expected that labor unions gener- forcing these laws, it fulfills all ally will manifest some opposi the requirements of the definition J tion to the plan. Washington of mobocracy. Unlifee the lynch- dispatch. ing bees and the vigilance com mittees, it is what might be term- Wreck Said to Hare Been Planned. CU I DiailUlllK LUVJLS, UUUC1 1U11 UIO- I . . -y . ,4 0 ' I iTflatrinifl ' N I! Anrr 11 V ...... giueer Black, Firomau Earle and Others say hes loaght thous ands of dollars worth of goods on credit and is fixing to break. Competitors say it can't be did. The drummers say he is the gent than the American-regula- dod-drottedest closest buyer this nous, ine "unaesiraDie" classes M0orfWpma.nf compelled to repatriate them without compensation. The pro posed medical inspection is simi lar to that in the " -United States. London dispatch. Mail clerks Burchfield and Sharp, upon occasion to commit the act9 of outrage and are ou mob spi . . . tilUb . Will IB BUUQ11U1 IU I 1 .1 .i jl ji .11 , . ... - uiaim ,uux, inere is inaispuiauie toms, traditions, r government eyidence tbat the wreck wa8 de. liberately planned. It has been Will Sue Freight Bills. Louisville, Ky.. Aug. 12. Ken tucky distillers are making prepa rations for the exportation of 20, 000 barrels of whiskey to Ham- x.wv.-w... " . nry,n rvn-n hnrf in Vio nrronV nnn I 1 3 T : f . I tward manifestations of the T V " 7 . TT . : uuu ble, i. i- Ti. j i :' ijfi. i o t uuses. xt is uriuciuaiiy ui iuu i ... . cover. It- is said railroad men L, nf iftna ThU will h ih. R i i But what say you? Who, me? I ay. I don't care who or how, but I'm shuro going . to have my share of them bar gains as long as they last. I know a good thing when I see it, I do. Come on; I' don't want to be left. We name a few items to guide you. ; i 1 Cent Buvs Palm leaf fan, cake of soap, 7 balls laundry blue, paper needles, box shoe blacking, furnished fish line, coat and hat hook coffee pot knob, key hole plate, 2 boxes of matches, rubber tip pencil, 24 sheets paper, 24 envelopes, thim- a safe cigar. Cenrera Retires. ; Madrid. Aug. 13. Vice Admiral Cervera, who was defeated by the American fleet off Santiago; de Cuba, has resigned the post of chief of staff of the navy. , regulations, and even the consti tution of the country. .It asserts that the individual has no inhe- rent rigKts that caunot "t)e taken away, from him, and that there- 1UW' ,u r "uu, Ba 'u after the accident confirm this. man snail worK ana tnat no discovered that the switch lock was broken with a rock and the sTgu'al light extinguished. Per sons who visited the scene shortly first exportation in the history of Kentucky of any great amount of whiske j to be matured in Europe. . The whiskey to bo sent abroad is intended largely, for the trade in California and other western states. . Distillers have found it Cents Buys 12 clothes pins, 500 carpet tacks, mouse trap, safsty door bolt, clothes line pulley, machiue oiler,cake turner,9 inch pie plate, tea or sugar scoop,- baby - bib, Herald pencil, Jong counter or memo book, Lucolla cigars, etc. shall run without its no industry consent. "In its attempt to compel re cognition of its pretensions to to sovereignty1 it relies not oh reas on, but upon coercion, intimida tion, and the bludgeon. In its continual preachments against j law and its constant appeal to the Sent to the Penitentiary lie Manages to baser passions of men it is doing Gite Officers the Slip. . more than any other agency to " Charlotte. N. O.. W 11.- inculcate the mob spirit and to . --;- o Will Harris, colored, the most dangerous. criminal 1 Mecklenburg flaS of anarchy." has ever known, is at large again. , To Care a Ccld in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2fc. " ' costs less to send whiskey to Bre men and Hamburg and ship it 4z Cents !BliyS irom tnere to oan r rancisco uy way of Cape Horn,' than it costs to ship it from Louisville to San Francisco by rail. Octagan soap, Gold Doit, Cel luloid starch, umbrella rib hold er, glass mug,salt or pepper shak er, bushel basket', etc. THE TABLES TURNED. A DESPERADO ESCAPES.: 5 Cents 33iiys He has escaped from the Stata's prison where he was sent for 80 years, and is around bis former haunts in this county. He ap peared near Derita last night and. shot Sam Bowe, colored, inflict ing dangerous wounds Sheriff Wallace is preparing tor go in pursuit of the fugitive. No negro hasr given the officers in this county more trouble than Will Harris has, and it is doubt ful if any has ever fcgiven the peo ple of a community as much anxi ety. For the past three or four years nujmbers of fires in Meck lenburg have been . attributed to him and in addition he has been guilty of other crimes, the shoot ing of 'Squire John P. Hunter. be ing one of them. At tho May term . of Mecklen burg Superior court Harris was tried for burning 'Squire John Graham Alexander's barn and as saulting Jim Crockett, colored, with a . deadly weapon. He was pro mptly convicted and sentenced to the peniteutiary for SO years.- Officer to be Reprimanded. By order of the President, a letter of reprimand will be sent to Lieut. -Commander Fidelios encourage the unfurling of the red Carter, U. Qi N., for neglgence in navigation in failing to have casts of the lead taken frequently while under way on soundings. Carter was" tried by general court mar tial on the Asiatic station last winter, on five charges in connec tion with the grounding of the United States tug Piscaaqua on December 28th last, near Subig Bay, Philippine Islands. The courtmartial found him guilty on all charges and sentenc ed him to dismissal from the eer- vice, nut tne matter was recon sidered by the President and the secretary of the navy. Washing ton dispatch. - 7 inch white wash brush, roller towel rack, scrub or stove brush, chair bottom, Mottle shoe polish, flesh fork, vegetable lifter, cocoa Nearly Forfeits His Ufe. Secretary Root's Resignation, Washington, August 12. Men who are in a position to know, discuss freely Secretary . Root's impending resignation today. It is uLderstood the sooner Presi dent Roosevelt accepts it the bet ter the secretary will be pleased. But it is not certain that his suc cessor will be announced before fall, possibly not till' December. The resignation is said to have been hastened by the friction be tween the President and Secre tarv Root over the manner of an- nounciug the retirement of Gen. Miles? Sate t&e Children. Ninety-nine of every one hun- dred diseases that children have are duo to disorders of the stom ach, and these disorders are all caused by indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is just as good for children as it is for adults. Chil dren thrive on it. It keeps their little stomachs sweet and encour ages their growth and develop ment. Mrs. Henry Carter, 70a Central St., Nashville, Tenn., Ourpmeof $5.00 will be award ed September 80th. 25c on sub scription entitles you to a chance. A runaway almost ending fatal ly, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of Jv B. Orner, Franklin Qrove, III. For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. , But Bucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Burns, Bruises. Skiu Eruptions druggists. and riles. 25c at all says: 'My little boy is now three years old and has been suffering from indigestion ever since he was born. I have had the best doctors iu Nashville, but failed to do him any good. After using one bottle of Kodol he is a wall baby. I rec omend it to all suffers." Kodol digests what you eat aud makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Jas. Plummer. Wadesboro Goes Dry. Wadesboro, N. C, Aug. 12. The election held here today to determine whether whiskey should continue to be sold in Wadesboro after January 1st, resulted in a victory for the prohibitionists of seven majority. The question as to whether distilleries should be located in the town went against distilleries by seven vctes. The election passed off-very quietly. One Application Glres Relief. One application of Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil gives relief and its continued use cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, internal or Exter nal, bifnd or bleeding. A sam ple sufficient for a test will be Uen Charged With Conspiracy Will See tbe Street Car Conpany. The so-called Fulton conspira cy, in connection . with whichjit shap dipper, 2 quart plain dip- was alleged that street car stri- per, 8 quart cup, 1 quart graduate kers attempted to waylay and meaaure,boys' knife,torch pulley, murder a trolley crew, has assum- 2 boxes shoe nails, 5 hole tin ed an unexpected shape. Today mouse trap, 1 box put up for 100 Commonwealth's Attorney Rich- matches, 3 quart dairy or pie pan, ardson said he would make every padlock, 2 boxes tooth-picks, effort to bring back Newman and nice, Japanese fan, 1 pair, side Hanks, the missing detectives of combs, ladies embroidered collar, the Virginia Passenger and Pow- 1 dozen good steel pens, box pa- er Company, "who were shown to per and envelopes, writing tablet, have bad a large hand in plan- story books, large ptVlch smoking ning the Fulton riot in which sev- tobacco, box braided picture wire, eral of the striking street car men hair bnnh, Jadiei underveit, pair were ambushed and arrested on towels, 2 bottles ink, cream pitch- the charges of rioting and con- er, lamp chimney, etc. spiracy. Six of the men arrested . . . -t- will bring suit against the Passen- IvJ UeiltS OTiyS ger and Power Company for false Childs plated knife, fork and imprisonment, as soon as the sec- poon set, box paper and enve- ond indictment shall have been tried and the vindication of the accused made complete. It is .announced by Attorney Wendenburg that he has a strong er case than ever against the com pany and in favor of the inno cence of his clients. He says that since the verdict of not guilty yesterday, men Jiave come for ward to whom Newman talked in inch a manner before the 'riot" was pulled off, as to prove con- ciusiveiy tnat tne conspiracy was by no means confined to streetcar xren. Richmond, a., dispatch. Yea KH77ht Yea are Tali:; When you take Grove's taste less Chill Tonic because the for matted ire on request. 25 3 bo t- ( mula is plainly printed on every tl-s at all drug stores. Hum- bottle showing that it ii simply , j - , - aw.. mm mm u.u.uw m mukm W- IWBO j bam and Johu Sts., New York., j form. No cure, no pay. 50c.' lopes, 50 visiting cards, cloth, bound book, linen or turkish .tow- el.plated watch chain, gent'i belt, C . large bottle ink, lamp, etc. j . 15 Cents Buvs 100 page ledger, rolled plate cuff buttons, 0 tumblers, 6 desert dishes, gallon pitcher, pair geuU drawers, bottle 25c perfume, flat bottom tea kettle, etc. 2Q Cents "Buys Side lamp with reflector, hand and stand lamps complete, largo . ' pitcher, etc. From thir price "up tho line and prices are marvelous. We are always glad to show you. 'Your trueNWend, " SPOTCASH, 115 East Innis street i i V II - i IT

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