0 Jhltebimi ruth-SttcIcx. hMIsM Taesdajs ar.d FrMai's, , ' and entered in the post4fiice at Salis- l.. n v" ... . j i . . : .. 4 I Rackisll. 1 -August 14thf 1903 We are having plenty of rain T bury. N. O ,as second clas -mail 'mat- now. Hope it will continue tor. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: H.25 peryear. ii laiu in aavanee, onir.fi.ou. PUBLICATION OFFICE: Up .tain, in building next to Jam-' Li rry . Sta ble, 120 Wen limit a Street. CROSS 0C MARK: It is ourcu.-tom to senu me paper to renanje parties un- ui noiiiKHi io jue conirarjv Acro mark after vonr n&nc indicate that you are in arrears and is intended ts a pome requset o ettuv or 11 you uo noi iniena to pay, ao us tne Kino nei Unironiua anostal to that effect! It iht ii not done it ia supposed you want the paper and we shall expect i We wish a acrent and orre.Brinde.nt in everv neitrhborluxKl in this and. sur- roundinir counties ' The naner will be sent free to co-reapondent and a liberal commtgsio i paid t'i agents. or runner inrormation address, M. li.bliJ.WAKr. i Editor and Proprietor. Correspondents and Agents. reliable agent and con AUGUST 11, 100. G. II. Peeler, of Rockwell, is erecting an addition to his houe. Mrs. Linda Smith and Anna Boat, of Mt. Pleasant, were visit ing L.-W. Gant Sunday.' Eli D. A. Sifford, of Rock, visit ed L. W. Gant Tuesday night. The Holshouser mine has shut down for a few da vs until. some machinery can be put in. - '1 ' ' - ' :- Sister Crab is visiting id Frank- in with her uncle, Kev. H. A. Trexler. jGreo. Brown has bought' the Mi senheimer house and; lot for $650. Jas. Holshouser is building a parsonagate Granite Quarry. - Luther Fespermau, L. Reeves, Jas. Mesimore and Mary Hols houser, entertained a few friends Thursday night at. L. W. Gant?, with some excellent music. A largo.crowd gathered at D. C. Holshouser's on the 13th to cele- - . - . . . . pij wi .. few Ivjl rilAi i JiJLzzi i in ' ft , Owing to, the sickness of a por tion of our force, tho Truth-Ix- dix has Kottenolfits usual davsof publication and therefore has gone brate his 50th ' birthday. A nice to its readers a little late, but dinner was spread which was en- containing the latest news right joyed by all. Mr. Holshouser re- up to the hour of going to press, ceived a number ot gifts, and he Wo assure our patrons this con- enjoyed the occasion with the rest dition is only temporary and ask of ns. -We wish him a long and tint they indulge us with as much happy life. i;awcr "fiir31"1" y ' L. W. Gant and Moses Hols- cuinstances. , . . nouser are nauiing . wood to iiran- This is the fate of, sufferers from Kidney trouble; ,as the disease is so insiduous that often people have' serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their-illness, as diseased kidneys allow the impurities to stay in the system and attack the other organs. " This accounts for the many different symptoms' of Kidney Disease. : - , You begin to feel better at . once when taking as it stimulates the heart, increases, the circulation and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the urinary organs and gives you new life and vigorV TWO SIZES 50p and $1.00, ; Chlcsrjo Ccslncss Oan Cured Foley & Co., Chicago, Cantlemen: About a year ago my health begin ... to fail, I lost flesh and never felt well. The doctor thought I hij stomach and liver trouble, bat I became convinced that my kidneys were the cause of.my ill health and commenced taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. It in creased my appetite and made me feel stronger, and the annoying symptoms disappeared. I am now sound and well. J. K.Horn, 1354 Divcrsey Blvd., Chicgo. June II, 1902. Curad ,, VIf0 ' v ' E. C Watiins, sexton of the Methodist Church, Springfield, Pa., writes: " My wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors without benefit. After taking one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." . .Ono Dottlo Cured lllm . . A. PU Davis, Mt. Sterling, la., writes: I was troubled with kidney' complaint for about two years, but a one-dollar bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a permanent cure." . SALilSBTJRY DRUG COMPANY. Faith. . - There is more granite work be ing done here this year than ever before. Six cars were loaded one ite Quarry. Nobody's Honry. imprisonment for Life. 1. 1 i tT i ' . j davi thia wp1t ftnd Kpv0rnl nr W1 N AUgUSD 1. ji . j Jett and White were found guilty .'II J J I I II V I r uuu weie Hoiiiwnutju 10 imprison- t . . . m i In - I r jonas anepnara win soon move ment for life vesterdav. after the into his new residence. - . inrv had Wn nnf for Bomi I Edward Gilleland, a ook bv . hours The verdict caused sur trade, has gone to Ilickoryfcr prise iii some quarters where t was thought that the jury would disagree. Jett lost some of his jaunty air when the foreman an- nouced they had agreed, on a ver dict. "He. assumed a positively Muiidi o A nuaUi tence was passed: White: who J. T. Kimray went to Concord seemed at all. times to have fear- a few days. Mrs' J. T. Vyatt is spending a week with friends at Henderson, N. C. Prominent Citizens Mix. ; : Asheville,, August ll.i Whfie wrangling over tax del inquents late yesterday evening. Dr, J. A. Burroughs, one of themost promi nent physicians of this city, and Police Judge Thos. A'.Jones became iuvolyed in a personal, encounter, and when finally separated it was found that' both men had' dran blood. Judge Jones who was at torney for the delinquent tax col lector, Mr. Baird asked Dr. Bur roughs a number of pointed ques tions why certain property was no t listed fbr taxes. The doctor gave a heatetixaiiswer whereupon the judge struck him in the face. Dr. Jones returned the blow, splitting open the tower lobe of Judge Jones' ear; . Several blows wer exchanged before the cdmbattants were part ed.' Dr. Burroughs' nose was con siderably damaged, while Judge Jones' face suffered blue marks. Charlotte. Chronicle. . . 1,. - to-day on business. Wo had a nice shower Saturday and a fow small showers since. Lizzie Good man is on the sick list this week. Her speedy recov ery is hoped for. ed an adverse verdict, was the pic ture of despair. During tho afternoon Judge Os borne heard the motion of the de fense for a new trial. The reas ons set forth consist of objections to evidence admitted for the com Quito a number of people pass- monwealth. on various nointH Wnrl od tins place this morning on their to the ruling out of certain affida- way to the old soldiers' re-union vits. at Concord. .' - Attornevs for th There are nine rural mail boxes have not yet decided whether thev at Kimray's X Roads. I wonder PPose th motion, claiming that if Liberty X Roads can beat thai. i ;. Jf ' ' 'v 1 " I had a very severe sickness that took off ail inv 1iair. i pur- How about it Bro. Dodger. . A horse belougjig to Ira Bost, Tho Hopkins Threshing Ma chine Co., has one crop of wheat of by the court. to thresh and they will bo through if a new trial ig granted they will have more evidence in addition to that submitted' at tho trial just closed'. ' llie militia will continue on guard until the motion is dispos- for the'season. We failed to learn the number of bushels they thresh ed this season. y Willio Kimray, and family, vis ited his father, J. T. Kimray. Daniol Hopkins went to Concord to-day. Mrs, J. T. Kimray and. Mrs. Dora Watts visited Mrs. Josie 'Troutman last Sunday. - Peter Grievous. Slayer ot Auten Captured. Charlotte; Aug. 14. Chas. Shu- ford, tho negro wh,o last Sunday shot una fatally wounded Alexan der Auten, a prominent farmer in Mecklenburg county, was captur ed late this afternoon about seven miles from Davidson. Shu ford was in a deserted hut and was sur rounded by a small poS3e. Tele- phone messages for aid were sent to Cha.lotte, Davidson and other places, and all the towns called upon responded. Sheriff Wal lace Vvent up on a noon train and i i i chased a. bciile or Avcr's Hair Vior and it brought, ail my hair back again." W. D. Qi:inn, Marseilles, III. One thing is certain,- Aycfs H a ir Vigor m akes the hair grow.' This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, thats all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores, color to gray hair. $1-00 a fceMe. Alt drojslst. If your drnpgist cannot siplT yon, semi us one dollar ami we will express yon a lottle. lie enre and pi vo the name of joar.nearest express office. Address, j.uav I'O., Lowell, Mass. Grand Gxcarsion to , HorfolK, Ya., Aiimt 18M903. L ' Southern Railway .will operate its popular Annual Excursion t Norfolk, fVa., August 18th, 1903, leaving Charlotte at 6:25 p. m ; arriving at Norfolk at 7 :80 a. m"; August 19th ; returning leave Nor folk at 7:00 p. m., August 20th, giving two days and one night in Norfolk. Tickets will be sold from branch lines to connect at junc tion point. Round trip rate from Salisbury, $3.50. Approximately low rate from other points. This is a grand trip, don't mies it For further information call on vour nearest Tailroad agent bt write. S. II. Hard wick, G. P. A., Washington, D. (X . R. L. Vernon. T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. T?T.TrATt7!,TtT TTTPXTD f7 ' W - ' WJinf. fhft lioira rvf "RMiynl-mf h Tnrf - bow, a widow, who came to Texas from , North Carolina in 1834 or 1835. Address J, W. Lawrencbfc Son, land agents, Austin, Texas; DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Crescent Academy Business Coliege. ; i. CRESCENT, N. 6. The ighth annual session of tbii institution will open Tues day, August 18th, 1903. Tuition .90 to $2.25 in literary course, music $1.75, art $2.00, .complete business course $20, stenographic course $20. Board in institution hall, from-$4 00 to $4 50 per month. Health3' locality, good morals, no cigarettes- nor liquor. Excellent facilities. Total cost per month need not exceed $5 to $7 per month. Total enrollment last year 28G. For catalog and particulars. .Address, . '. Rei. J. U. L LYERLY, A.U., Ph.D., . 7-80 2m. . Crescent. N. C. : new f4 "yyi'i FOimEOIJEr'TAE tops tlie cougH and Heala longs SALISBURY H ARK ETsT PRODUCE. Corrected August 14. Uncle Kilts his Nephew. Peterbure.VVa., Auc. 13. Hen- ry Abemathythe young man who joined in the man hunt. Shuford l a. 1 l r n l A t I - 1 . l ''' . a " was suos ny nis uucie, jnas. An- capiurea wiinouc oiooajned ernathy, in Bruuswick couuty, on The hut in which he was in hid- July 81st, died at a hospital m ing is located in Catawba county this city yesterday. The uncle Auten, Shuford's victim, died late overtook his nephew ou the road Wednesday night, from the effect and charged him with robbing his ot his wound. store. A quarrel followed, in tho 1 The trouble with Shuford oc- course of which the uncle saysiio curred Sunday night while Auten shot to defend his own life. Tho and a number ot neighbors were young man lay all day m the hot returning from Reck Spriugs fill II nml if. trflS tKroia ilavn .. : j r-.., .v ....v.. ,"Jf. camn meetiucr. The necroea wern SJ . - -C7 ' his wound received surgical treat ment. Charles Abernathy has not been arrested. driuking and disorderly and pur posely ran into Auten V vehicle. The latter remonstrated when6 Shuford shot him and escaped. VlMltEd.--SOO peonle to. do work at Jvyne. From $3 to $10 per day. 4 ... - j - w w ' . w wn C yclop to Tne Home V orkers As farm or town lot. write to n first sociation, 1014 25th street, New-1 No charge for advertising unless a -X- . I . . " . i . puuiws, va. sale is made. Truth-Index, Ajples, per bushel. Beans, white, , 2 mixed, 4t . 1 Bacon, sides, per lb., ' shoulder, 44 i ham, 44 44 round, 44 Butter, choice yellow, Cabbage, per lb., Chickens, " , Corn, 56Ibs per bush., . Ducks, Eggs, per dozen, " Feathers, new ner lb.. Flour, straight, sack, 2 " lamily, pat., Guineas, . Hay. per hundred lbs. Hides, dry, per pound Hide, green, 44 Honey, per pound, Lard,N. C.r 4t 5Ieal, I Kilted, per bu., Oats, 321 bs per bush., Onions, select. " Peas, clay, per bushel, 44 mixed, 44 44 Pork, per pound, Potatoes. Irish, per bu Tallow, per pound. . Wheat,! Wool, washed, 41 44 unwashed. 50 25 iDO 11 11 15 12 15 1 12K 75 " 20 V2'2 SO 15 50 15 50 7 5 12H 12 70 50 -10 75 75 m 75 3 85 20 12 to to' to to, to to to to to to to to to to to, to to to to to to to to to to". to to to to to to to to 60 50 00 2 15 25 2 SO 80 SO 15 45 S5 75 20 60 : 10 15 15 fO 75 50 00 OC 9 00 90 25 18 Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads tho news. -papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures made bv Dr. i Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ine great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. it is tne great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der sreefaHtf anA wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. ; Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It -will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free-by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this gtnerou? oiler in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y.. The regular fifty cent and nom u Swap-Rocc dollar sizes are oid by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. - Cox Ccldit PrertsU PcssszssUk ' olored Photos Giving Color of Eyes, " Drapery, Etc. 6 PHOTOS AND A IICE BUTTOH FOR 2SC ENLARGING IX CRAYON, PASTEL WATER COLOR, ETC. Yon get them at Garfield, made by , W.V.ELLEE, 7-30 lm. Photographer. NOTICE TO HEIRS AT LAY. North Carolina, JiksuperiorCourt. Ho wan county. J J. J. Stewart, Admr. of Mary -Mebane. Deceased , ex parte Notice is hereby given the heirs at law, and kindred of Mtry Mebane, de ceased, f any there be. that John J. Stewart, administrator of her estate, has filed an ex parte petition to sell the real estate of said deceased, .to make personal assets to pay debts; therefore all the heirs at law of saJd deceased, if any there be, are hereby notified to ap pear on or before the 14th day of Sep tember, 1903, t the oflice of the Clerk of the Superior Court in and for aid county and state aforesaid, and answer said petition, making themselves par ties to the same, or jndgment will be tukMi pro confesso and heard ex patte as to them. This July Slst, 1003. J. FRANK AfcCUBBIS, 8-4 Cw. , Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of CarHe Crawford. I hereby notify all creditors to present their claims to me for payment on or before the 17th day of July, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. - ' . JOHN J. STEWART, July 16, 1903. (6w. Adm'r. LOOK OUT FOR THE IIULE. - Being now engaged in conduct ing a public dray, I respectfully ask the patronage of the. public I am the only drayman who drives a mule which fact will as sist you to find me. I do a gen eral dray business and guarantee prompt and satisfactory Eervicc. . - Respectfully SO eoi 8m. THE UNIVEBSITY v of North Carolina. Academic Department, Law. Med icine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholarships! Free tuition to teacher and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 608 students. 63 instructors. New Dormitorier , Water Works. Central Heating System, Litrary 40,000 vol-, times. Fall term, academic and pro fesfiooal departments, begins Sept 7. 1903. Address F ' F. P. VENABLK, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. FARMS FOR SALE. (2) The bic farm, 8CG acres, be longing to J. A. Setzerlyingnear the thriving village of ChiuaGrovtv is offered for sale, Mr. Setier be ing engaged in another business in Georgia. - This place is in a high stato of cultivatin, has an abun dance of timber and water on it, a largonumbcrof first-class dwell ings, barns and other necessary out-housAg ou it, also well of "feocd' water and two creeks'. 125 acres are open for cultivation and the balance is in valuable timber. It has a fine'meadow and ,25 acres) oi uoiwci iana. a vein oi goiu and silver bearing ore runs through the place. Good wages can le and have been made panning gold in the branich near by. In short this is one of the largest and most valuable places in thecouuty. Price 20 per acre. (8) 100 acres, a portion of No. 2, will be sold separate if so de- sired. Same price as above. (4) 4G1 dcres, at Gianito Quar ry, right among the rocks, this county. This is good, level farm land with a good two-story dwell ing, a barn and other out-houses. a well of splendid "water, a good orchard of chnir.M frnir. inH ntmnt 15 acres of thick wooded land. This tract lies just to the left of the raHroad, of a mile fiom the postofflce. Owing. to the many granite quarries at this point and the constant increase of workmen, tho location and price of this prop erty makes it an unusually choice investment. There. is(a good pros pect of gold on tho place. iu acres, jl mneoi uranue Quarry, on the Yadkin Railroad. This tract is divided into three p.nts: a 20 acre, has a good two-story dwelling and outbuild ings on it, about 10 acres timber ed ; price G00. h SO acres, no buildings, 15. acres timbered, 5 acres splendid meadow, fronts on Crano creek with enough water for a mill ; price. $500. c lGf acres open land with 4 or 5 acres of good meadow, fronts on railroad; prico $200.- This property can 1k bought as one tract if desired, or, if a larger farm is wnnted, theoj acres meutinrd al ow, which .ad joins this," can addd, mnkirg 112$ acres, a very convmitnt place ing property, c-ntaiiing t-vfrdl undeveloped vtii.s rJ j;h d. cold bfaring ore. Tho ore tl.i.ux a cold vuiuu ijo jut ion nenr vlo sur face. This property is m a gold bearing bet ai.d prt.miscs to bo an excdl-nt dividend payer if .t is worked. 'Prico reasonable, v CITY PROPERTY. :'" No. n Than lots COjISO fronting on the Lincolnton foad, just L: yound the ci4y limits. Excellent neighborhood. Price. $150 each. For f uther information concern. ing the above properties write to Wm. II. Stewakt, . " Salisbury, N. C ADUINISTBATOR'S NOTICE. Having qi alified as adminitrator upon the estate cf Mary Mebane. I hereby notify all creditors to present their claims to me for payment on or before the 27th day of June,. 1904. or this notice will ba plead In bar of their recovery. , - JOUN J. STEWART. June 27. K03. 6w. . Adm'r. U THE HORTH CAHOUriA STATE IIOaiML AUD IITDUSTEIAL COLLEGE. Doml Commercia r ivecoureleadinff to Diplomas. Advanced coarse leading to Decrres. Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty nunkr.V S laundry, tuition, and fcesior ue text books, etc.. M0 i uT i dents of the State $100. Twelfth annual VoZte&nl SeptVmbTr To snre board in the dormitories all Iree-tuition applFcaUon should iU' made before Jul j 1Mb. Correspondence invited from trSe desinnr ct tent teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other infcrma7io5 adrlTs Mox, CHAS- D MclVER, President. . J Greensboro, JJ. C.