OOCOCCCOCOCOOOOOCCnooodnnonnonnnnnnoririni ooboopoopooooooooooooooooooooooco o f '-' f.. p y - ------ ' - u a in n u 0 QES, I m UN o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o The wage earner who must make every cent do' its full duty asa 1; ar chasing power ought to take advantage of these bargains. Factory check for 3ic yard, 10c Chamftray for 5c a yard; Gocd heavy sheeting for 5c: ; v : K1S33;-G0B38XOW to attempt to mention, or -try tc describe, our tremendous stock of dress goods,-w6uld be a waste of time. Let everybody come tous and you'll gefrthe best goods at the lowest price. . H. C. Goodman Shoes are the.best CHEAP shoes made for. women: and ehUdrenevery pair guaranteed solid leather. ; ""' - LOTH!NQ: That's our; pet line. . sell.'. Men and boys suits and odd pants at rock bottom Prices NO I IONS: 25 envelopes for le, 12 safety pins" for le, 8 slate pencils for lc, cake soap for le 3 eakes 5c soap for. lOe, 24 sheets paper lc, 10 pen points lc, 1 purse lc, box school cravon lc Prices that tell on. goods that sftllc At : . - v . - 116 andll8SoutliMain Street, Salisbury, N; C. 2 Extra help to wait on the big crowds that will be-here on Saturdays. Cheapest Store on .Earth: O ' o- o:, o o o. o o o o O ' o o o o o; o o LOGAL-sMEWS ITEMS. Prof. Albert W. Tucker, for merly aasayer at the Gold Hill mine, was in, the city a f eW days ago." Prof. Tucker is : now con nected with the Seaboard Copper Company as manager. A number of emigrants passed through Salisbury Tuesday on their way to Mississippi and Ala bama, where they expect to lo cate. J. F. Hentlerlitev has returned from Glas3, and has resumed his former position as section mas ter on the Salisbury yard., J. D. Brown, who -moved to Greensboro when the, offices of Superintendent Collinswere ta- ken to that city, has secured a position . with the company at Spencer and will return to Salis bury to live. - T. A. Cqughenour has sold out his ice business, and in the future will give his whole attention to his wood and coal .yard, . -r .A patty of Salisbury -people will go to Charlotte this afternoon to witness a performance of -"The Taming of the Shrew.' J. Ev Eggleston, a former resi dent of Salisbury, but now a resi- , dent of Richmond, Va.. was in iured in a street car collision in that city last Friday. Cards have been issued annouu- cing tho marriage of Myitla James and James E. Turner, which will take place on November 4th. at the home of the bride's parents in this city, J. H. Jones, proprietor of the Climax hotel at Spencer, has sold out and will eo'to Albemarle - to engage in other business. ; R. J. Holmes has returned from a visit to Lexington, Ky. Charles, the young son of Mi chael Beaver, of the South River neighborhood died Wednesday night. The boy had been ill for several weeks with typhoid fever. Peace Warrant Sworn Oat. - ' A peace warrant was sworn out Monday afternoon against W. A. Codvjbya man named Stephenson The latter charged that Cody had threatened him on account of evi- "' ... ...... dence he gave in reference to the blind tiger case, of Sunday." To See After his Brother. , OfiBcer Ayers, of.Charlotte, pass ed through here Monday night on his way to Statesville. . He was called there, by a telegram an nouncing thatiiis brother, who is a railroad man, had been badly injured at Biltmore. ' Sudden Death at Spencer. A. C. Newell died suddenly Wednesday at his home in r Spen cer, heart failure being the cause of death. - The funeral' services will' be conducted .today, the ma sonic, order having charge of the ceremonies. . The Potomac Synod. .' . ; The Potomac Synod- of the Re formed church convened here Wed nesday night, at the-FaitlrRefor-med church. The opening sermon: was preaclied by Rev. J; M. Schick, ot Washington, D. C. Brief addresses of welcome were made by Rev. H. A. Holshouser, President of .North Carolina -Olas-sis, for the church, and by Mayor A. H. Bpyden for the city." At the opening session a cordial in vitation was extended to the pub lic to attend the meetings , of the synod. A number of the promi nent ministers of the church are in attendance, and they are a fine body of men. The following offi- cerSxWere elected to serve for oueu year: Rev. M. O. Nail, of Car lisle, Pa., president; Rev. S. H. Stein, of -Merchanicsburg. Pa., -4 it WtZQW RELIABLE ' V' ' SAVE THE PENNIES, . - 8afc3fc Will . take care of themselves. ' Is an Old but a true and Wise - - Saying. c : You will want money to huy Christmas things and you need man articles to make your home comfortable 'when cold weather comes. We can . - abd you will fine that Penniet Saved by dealing with us rwiirBoon multiply iuto dollars. . . Aboolutcfy Pure THERE IS KO SUBSTITUTE Ulss Et2 Deal " - rl -, .'..--'-, Miss Sallie Eudy died ; Tuesday at Morganton, wherQ shehas been several years for treatment.. The remains were taken to her former home in Cabarrus county for.in terment. Mrs. G, A. Taylar, of this city, was a sister of the de ceased. - Another Scheme. . -- At a recent meetiuff of the re- vice-president;. Rev. Floyd -fE. tail Clerks' Union, a petition was Cablentz, of Baltimore, correspon- presented from physicians of the ding secretary; Rev. E. O H. city askingfor a chai)ge in the Hem, of Waynesboro, Pa., reading J , , clerk. Sunday plan adopted some time agior i the government of the drug stores. After some discus sion the1 following was adopted : J 'That? all drug stores keep open frm B o'clock to '10:15 a. m., and from4 to C o'clock; p. m, and thdt ci3 drug store keep open its XSSTS 'volSunday iu, rotation Vas A Cure for Dyspepsia. I had dyspepsia Jn its worst form and felt miserable, most all the time. " Did not epjoy eating until after loused Kodol 'Dyspep eia 'Cure vhich hzs completely cured the. Mr3. :Y, vr. faaylo Hiliiard,- Pa-No-appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, head ache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, maigestion, ayspep mzi out Ope of ' ,y 'Easy Rockers Would matte Grandpa or Grandma mighty comfortable in a cosy . corner by a warm fire. The prices are so low You should let us show you our large - assortment of ' .. Carpets &Euors We, can Suit - Your Taste and Your . Purse," ; ' Take a Peep at Our ' . . Bed Room, Parlor and Dining Eoom Suits and you will buy, Because we can sell at PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. I One of Our Lamps 'Doii't forgetto comeaal loot at our " S Would add nuch to the Appear- Plctutres for Parlor, Dining Room J I t ance of your Parlor ? I ; and Bed Chamber Walls. 5 ? when your Beau comes to spend a I Winter'tfEyening. 5 W. B. SUMMERSETT, v Xjea.c3.ex iaa. Iqw E'xices ' a.aa.c3. Fine Gi-a.a,lltles, 108 West Inniss St., Salisbury, N. 0, i They would add Much to the Cheery V C v Appearance of your Home.' - . S V- Ih Married at Spencer. - Robert Poiudexter, of OklahO- ma, ana miss JNanme naming, oi Huntsville, N. C, were married in Spencer on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Torrence Hac kept, a sister of the bride. By a previous arrangement the couple met in'Spencer, and the ceremony was performed as stated. OUT FOR. THE MULE. 2'uow engaeed in conduct- sia and all stomach troubles are inK,ubliq drayv jt respectfully quickly cured by the use of Ko- aBk the patronage of the public, dol. Kodol represents the natu- I ami the only - drayman who ral juices of digestion combined drives & mule, which fact will as with tha greatest known tonic and sisf you to fiud me. I do a-gen-reconstructive propert i es. It eral dray business and guarantee cleanses, purifies and sweetens the prompt and satisfactory service, stomach Sold by Jas. Plummer. ' . " Respectfully 86 eoi 8m -Roland Kibk. Yon Knot What You are Taking When you take Grove's taste less Chill Tonic because the for mula is plainJy printed , on every bottle showing that it is simply ! Iron and Quinine in a tasteless i form. No cure, no pay. 50c. Was the Wrong Harris. . - . The negro, Will Harris, who was arrested, here Monday under the supposition that he was the atious in Moroney's . opsra house. For a New Opera House. Manager Marsh of . the opera house wil go to New York in a few! days; to look over some of the theater buildings there, with ,a view to making expensive alter- Senteicad far Thirreaa Maaths. . - - Milas Reed, the young man who! was arrested in S alisbury, on the charge of raising $1 bills, was con victed in the Federal court , at Statesville Tuesday. He wasBen- tenced to thirteen months ih the . . .- .. , - -penitentiary. . escaped convict wanted aj; Char lotte, has been released from cus tody, as the Mecklenburg au thorities did not seem to : want Architect Hook, of Charlotte, and Joseph Fels,' of Philadelphia, will accompany Mr. Marsh. 3 J&Vt J hi 8 BEST ifiiC I fih EVER . Prof. Coon Mairied.- -'),'-' ' , On Wednesday morning at Mt. Airy, N. C , Prof. C..L. Coon was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Sparger. Miss Sparger formerly taught in the graded schools here.- him. Webb-Wellman Wedding. ; Miss Belle Webb and Charles Wellman were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the First Methodist church.'Rev. H. L. At- kius oflBciating.' Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Wellman left for a short trip to Davie county. - where they will. visit friends.' v ' SlWLdDCliil Another Postal Scandal. At The Tabernacle Last night. The political meeting held at the tabernacle last night was not so well atteuded as usual though a fairly good audience was present. I.charges A fho aA:i nlovment of Mr. Landroiet's son drei of the eveumg." The Doctor !? the 0SP"?r' was very conservative - in his re marks. ' and made some strong points for the campaign against the saloon.7 Rev. Murphy of Hie kory, also addressed the meeting, but in that theoretrical and senti mental fashion we to often hear. Shylock was the man who Luted a pound of , human l here are many 5 hylocks now, the convales-:cnt,- the :- consumptive', the 'ickly child, ; the pale young .vcinan, all want human i flesh And they" can ' get it take Scott's Emulsion. - Scott's Emulsion .: is flesh and blood, bone and muscle, ltfeeds the nerves, Strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. .For nearly thirty -years Scott's Emulsion has been the wrM..rr. .M l ' : r A t- 01- patented resistery grcui. giver ui numau ucsnu the department." Mr. .... , . - Tip Times the Value of ; Aoy.Otlier. One-Third Easier, One-Third faster. t Agents wanted in. All Unoccupied . Territory. r Washington. Oct. 22. William 1 H. Land voigt, "Chief Qf the Glassi- fisation Division of Postomce De- cfartment today, presented his re-1 signation to Postmaster General Pa3Tne. The resignation was re ceived by Mr. Payne as the result j of investigation by Inspector's i growing out of the em- I Ihij Pa. which had a contract for a supply books to Landvoigt was the - chief of the registery Division - of Department prior to a comparatively recent transfer to the charge of Classin cation work of tho department. ounces f ree SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street. New YorUi WHEELER A WILSON Manufacturing Co., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. v J " . TFar saJe by. " - " ;D. AV.r Snider, Salisbury, N. C. ; There is no bigger cheat in anything than- in the jewelry business,; unless possibly it is in spectacles. There are so many ; mannfacturers who just.make it .to' look, and to sell,' without any regard to its wear, and so many dealers who buy and sell the very cheapest they can get, simply rbecause there are very few people .who can tell a cheap piece from a good one. When You Buy Jewelry, unless yon aro a judge and an expert, you. are simply at the mercy of the' one you buy from We have made the jewelry; business a study, for the past nineteen years. We Don't Claim to Know it All, - but we do claim to know la thing or two" about jewelry. A great portion of this time we have sold, jewelry in Salisbury and un- doubtedly the people should know a thing or two about us. Suffice it to say, our business is larger than ever before and we will Tell YouWhy Later. r - GORMAN & GREEN, Jewelers and Opticians. Succeesors to J. Horah Si nn. M o). oj rui VJL Opium, Laudanum, Cocalno mid all Orag tlabitd permanently cured, without pain or detention trom business, leaving no craving for drugs or other stimulants, - We restore the nervous and physical systems to their natural conditiorubecause we remove the causes of disease.' . A home remedy prepared by an eminent physician. " ' ' . : ? WE GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL. TREATTI ENT Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited. - Write today. Manhattan Therapeutic Association Dept. A . : - 1133 Broadway Hew York CKj Z-- The great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tha generative S.-3 organs 01 eitner sex. sucn as wervous rosiranon, wimgor.isi juanuouu. Im potency. Nightly Emissions; Youthful Errors, Mental Wi im lfU AFTER US1K6. potency, mgntiy. ismtssions, xoutniui errors, xaeniai v orry, xoessiTe use of Tobacco or Onium. which lead to Consumption ana insanity, witn every $5 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at $i.OOjper box. 6 boxes for $5.00. DIt. MOTXS CO., CleTeland Ohio. x c M!3 Cm ITo Formula tells the tory : r ; - : ' ) Not a patent medicine: a thin spirituous liquid, of a pleasant bitter Uste( made of ; - - :. Fluid Extract PERUVIAN BARK Flmd' Extract POPLAR BARIC Fluid Extract BLACK ROOT Field Extract PRICKLY ASH BARK Fluid Extract DOG WOOD BARK Fluid Extrcct S ARS APAIULL A : U Gnres: the Chills that other ChiU Tonics Don't irre- .13 DC5I oencrai ionic j . no AureL no ray rricu vu;,.r,-; h i v I "is t i t -:-'::'-'. ti