SALISBURY, N. G., WEDNESDAY; AflRG 9, 1904. V' ESTABLISHED 1887. VOL. 17. CLOSE OF SEVENTVH WEEK. And the Vote is Growing More Interesting. The Coratest from Now on Will be in Eatrnest. inc ijLonB's oner io iriie young ladies is of course drawn ng sub scriptions and renewals?! Alan.v who have paid have not vot ed yet. and in baseball parlamce, w say the wonld vet." At this stake, howeer, itfjackson, a highly respected far- is hifrhly essential that the votls mer. Weatherly immediately fo ,ue begin for your favorite. the ladies now "being .voted fd most; assuredly going to win. ' . . . . 4. 1 V -44 There will be no dark horse candidates. You have been telling young ladies just what you think of them. They'll never beleive it unless you spend that dollar. Vith DUAL KILLING IN ROBESON. Alonzo Weatherly Slays Dol Jack 1 son, a Farmer, and a Croatan Indian Girl. lied 'Springs, March 7. The most atrocious crime committed in. this section for years occurred yes terday afternoon, three miles east of this place, when Alonzo Weath erlv shot and instantly killed Dol 5,647 2,093 1,412 1,288 1.068 752 421 307 307 .211' 162 nrmnn Jan nexfir nnn hp. rat- " . : ' .'- . . - - -- - , i . -r . . . A - . . I VVf i. J V O Jf V - V I VV- v. K ---,.--,.., -- -- .'1 Pm W V..L W H. S. Barrger, of Wo6dleaf,was an office visitor here yesterday. them it's put up or shut ijp The vote now: ' l . COUNTY AT LARGE. . Miss-Esther '.Shave r, Gold Hill, , Miss Pearl Kern', Salisbury, R. F. D. 4, Miaa Lucy Sherrlll, Mt. Ilia, . Mtas Roxie Lingle, Rockwell,.!. F, D. 1, Mabel o9 iian.ijniiiarove. Miss Pearl Rendleman, Salisb'y, R. F: D 8, Miss Zula McCanless, Granite Quary, Miaa Myrtie Patterson. China Grove. . Mies Myrtle Greaber, China Grove, ' Miss iLena Earnhardt, Spencer, Miss Minnie Eairle, Pool, ; . HALISBUKY, 8PKNCER, CHJSTXCT -HILL, Mias Ethel Ward, Chedtnut Hill,'. , 1,977 . Miss Annie Kizer, Salisbury,' 1,610 . Miaa Bf sale Henderson. Salisbury, ' 817 Miaa Mary Puryear," Spencer. .' Miss Flora Wbrtheri, -Spencer; . , .'523" I RULES AND REGULATIONS pT 'THE contest: First -Any youn lady over 16 f years of age may be nominated at .any time, provided eh is endorsed by two well-known citizens of Kowan county. , Second. Three judges aggreea ble to the candidates .will be se Iected to officially announce' ths ' winners. ONE oirl will be ch. mi ex FROM THE' CITY. , OF SALISBURY, Spencer and suburbs, -and one from the county 'at large' out side of Salisbury and Spencer. The contest fortne lady frorn the country wjU , include Gold Hill . to Aii sxt nae Third. Matters DroDerry con cerning the tour, will be settled by the wishes of the majority. Thf winner shall have the right to name a proxy if u'nable to attend herself. Fourth. Only oie namo. can be written on a cQiipou. - The vote of one candidate'eaunot be trans ferred to another. Ballots will be placed in the box only by the publisher of the Globe, or by his book-keeper: ' A coupon like, the one here printed' will appear each week, and when cut out'and prop erly fiTWL will count as one vot at this oflice.. Fifth. Voting will commence Wednesday. January 20, .100-1, nd will close Saturday, April' 80, 1904, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Gou . A. J h . r-k "V 1 . -i IJUIlO UVCl LCU uuijo vim vuu,v v . . i i t ' li i i ' voted. V otes win oe conn-tea eacn '. week and the totals announced in the Globe. No coupons will be - . soldi but to each new or old sub scriber paying one dollar will be , given a coupon wYiich will entitle the holder to fifty votes, if the dollar is paid before the first day of March; forty votes, if paid be . B , 1 1 11nMy.h 11 .rt Its'. ihirtv votes if paid betweeu Apri '1 and April 30, at 7 o'clock in the evening, Fvor every doHai paid on subscription the subscriber will be entitled to fifty, forty or thirty votes, according to when the dol lar is paid. The object of this distinction being to place a premium "on early paymeutaof subscription, Hurry up and pay vnir subscription and vote for the lady of your choice. . sought refuge in the Croatan set tlement, where he becamp involv ed in a quarrel with a member of that race, Joe Locklear, resulting in the killing of Locklear's daugh ter,' who was acting in the capacity 61 peacemaker. ; At this hour re ports are meager, though it seems unfriendly feelings have existed between Jackson antP Weatherly for some time, -owing to a misun derstanding in a business- trans action. Two deputies, with a posse and hounds scoured the swamps in which he was hiding, ancl Weatherly was captured today at Purvis and lodged in jail at Lum-berton Instate and nation; Ex-GoVernorRussell is very crit ieally ill in Johns Hopkins Hospi tal, "Baltimore. :" Thirty Russian sailors were shot Friday while trying to escape from rorfc.Arthur. The A. and N, matter will not after March 17, C. receivership be i heard until . The Jews of Durham, are pre paring to build a synagogue which. i4o cost several thousand dollars. v William A Goodman, Sr., One of the greatest bankers of the United States, diVd in Cincinnati, Satur day at the advanced age of ' 8 1 . . Senator Overman has been quiz zing; ijoe Smith, President of the A RUNAWAY MARRIAGE. Trading Ford Items. Mr. Kerns to Move. Sam Snort Accuses The Frogs of Dying. The frogs were heard piping in the ponds a few days ago, but rvve fear they will yet look through glass windows. -' J. P. Crowell has purchaseij six more" lots in Spencer. He thinks of moving there this. fall, t 4 T. M. Kerns is getting Teady,t6 move to Salisbury about the first of 'April so we learn. Mr... Kerns is one gf the leading .farmers of tne community ana one ojpurioia standbys We are' quite sorry 'to see hini leaB. - WORK OF COMMISSIONERS. Two Days of this Work Taken v in the Hearing of Petitions and General Work. ! Mrs. L. H. very sick at1 this writing but is-not fatally ;jll we nope, -v k t , 4 AmosiBeuver who was reported very sick last; week is still ..very low. We hope, to seehim'geE weJl soon. - . ,z- - Trading FdrdLschool has decicTed. since our t last ' report to ' have no exhibition. .Some, one, guess'who is to blame?- ; ' A very small crop of spring oats will be sown here this sprjng. Ev erything for cotton this year. .O r It is sometimes very ifiicult to convince the world that you liaye brains unless you have plenty of money, but most of our worry ' is due to the anticipation of things that never happen ' ,? Ernest Miller, of this place: and Miss 'Agatha - Elle'r, of "Craven;- eiopea to poutn Ayaronna last wees and got married. They returned to the -groom's home 4 Saturday; 1 nis is what we- call a runaway match and would -note .that, very often the consequence occurs ;jusf this way. Vlt is of little use to ob ject to the young people getting married because such things ,wiU happen as they, don't . mind taking a short trip on the traml K Thjc Board of County . Conimis sioners isjan institution .much ma lignjd arid generally little under stood. For this reason it receives abTu to which ordinary individ uals : are not vouchsafed. A few tiniites with them will convince aiX5rbbdy that. this work is( ardu ousTand they deserve all charity.' 13yrjvone of the unpleasant con ditions in the county are inconti Sntly traced to the commissioners. Mjut itbout tliis'week's work. hTJri'Crump reported the small pox situation to be satisfactory, therlbeing butt three cases in the confiiy at present.? Much of the Boavdts attention and time was taJretf ui In the liquidation of ac- fcoulits.for the suppression of the disease., h The change of public . roads was discussed. The Salisbury-China Grove road is dangerously near id the .railroad in many places and Surveyor Miller was ordered to lnake a:new survey of the road from here to China Orove. the ob feet oeing to straighten the road as iniict as possible and remove it fromthe Southern. ' XhC Xiincolnton and the Sherill's Ford, roads are to be re-located. '-TJie-Board heard many petitions relative to tax exemptions and the likfj C 1? matter of tremendous interest f lawyerSv ludges and to the laity, i? the ordering of the Board on tl. 5 cDurt house. There has been mi;Hi" complaint as to the way it .'s has been kept' and the lav vers have denounced ' its un anij ary condition no , little . The pedple will rejoice to know that a netf-janitor will be installed, the building cleaned up, and no ex 0uhc spared to make theroom comfortable... A lumber loaded schooner Dun- nock, .was wrecked off Eoanoke Island last Wednesday morning. The Captain and crew were saved. 75,000 feet of lumber were lost. State reports are that 39 coun- 1 11 A 1 ;-ies nave smallpox. Alamance laving 122 and Davidson being second with 92 cases. Rowan is DEATHS AT CHINA GROVE. HOW THE NAMES X0ME INI Two Recently.; - A Marriage Sun day, 'Deputy Rice's Work. Big daytorthe.Globe. Correspondence of the Glob. lOn last Sunday at the Lutheran Parsonage, T. L. Noble and Miss Lula Richie were united in mar riage by Rev. J. Q. Wertz. Tlie contracting partiesHre well known and to them the ffood wishes M he community are heartily ex tended. ; R. W. Gray, spent Saturday night and Sunday at home in Thomasville with friends and loved ones. Returned yesterday evening. Floyd Austin and Tom Littleton of Albemarle, spent Sunday in town with T. L. Ross. Luther Gillon and Miss Mary Kimball spent Sunday in Concord with relatives. N . Commissioner H. C. Leritz went to Salisbury today on business. The four year old child of Mrs. G. C. Smith was buried on last Friday at Concordia Lutherau church. The relief came after more than eight weeks of intense suffering. May God comfort the bereavedjones. 1 James Smith, near Enoch ville, was buried in the cemetery at St. Enoch Lutheran church on last Sunday evening.. His illness was of short duration. He had been confined to his room for only a few weeks. Galloping consumption having laid hold on him without much warning. Elmer Wallace, of Glass, spent last night in town with J. L. Smith. The Globe representative was in town Saturday, and to Mr. Dor- sett came the reward of a very successful day. He did more work in securing subscriptions than any day here before. He is a natura born newspaper man, and selling an paper as he is, - as sures success. ' . ; Deputy' Sheriff Rice made his The Week Past Has Been JVlost' . Encouraging. The Glooe Grows Rapidly and is Flattered J It may not be in good taste. though i tastes-good to us, to re mind our readers weekly that the paper is adding large batches of names every day. It should have its -weight with advertisers for the worth of an advertisement is in '. prbportion to the number of readr ers that it has. The Globe is not putting everybody on its list just to make it an imposing one, but A J it never lurns down a good man. In this connection, we desire, to say that if any subscriber whose name has been taken by our agents, .whether he paid in advance or not, fails to receive his paper, please to report the matter to us. We make mistakes but never .in tentionally do we refuse to send the paper after we have agreed to do it and solicited the subscription. Some names have been madver- ently omitted a circumstance we don't wish to repeat. But we were talking of names and here they are: C. A. Deal, Mrs. Sara J. Deal, Jacob W. DealL. A. Freeze, H. L. Stirewalt, rJM. Dennis, A. D. Sechler, Aaron Linke, VJ X A Beaver, C A Lipe, J A McCnb bins, Jno R Brown J L Smitti, J A Barnhardt, II J Eddleman, J M Beaver, Dr G A Ramseur,; Hols houser & Sifford, A V Sloop, Levi Deal, W C Parks, E L Karriker, E R Blackwelder, G W File, J P. Beaver, F C Cress, AW"Albright, D L Gorrell, T L Nobles, T 1 Funderdurk, W E Weaver, J R Patterson, rA bhinn, J X) -Long, D M Myers, CVM Linn, Jas Over- cash, JMrs Jennie bnuth, D A Propst, J J Barringer,"D. M Linn, J D Walker, T A AlbrlghtJ W S Spears, J B Roberts, :E- W Ed ward J L Lentz, II M Fagart, J CLyerly, Nat B Drury,; J K Owens, J M Glover; RLSiraerson, Mj-'J' A'Brown; G,H Li taker, J J G. H. Litaker paid the Globe a call and a subscription yesterday. J. T. Patterson, of China Grove, gave the Globe a pleasant call Saturday. H. E. C. Bryant, of 'the Char- about a tailender with less than ten lotte Observer, was in Salisbury cases. The residence of E. C. Jones, a prominentman of Alexander county was burned Monday while he and his family were away. Policeman Lyerly, of Asheville, also' lost his Monday. ( ' .i Ohio was treated Ionday night to a lynching with up-to-date methods. A negro Richard Dixon, who killed Policeman Collis, was taken from. Springfield jail, the authorities having been overpow ered and shot to death. For 30 mintes then, he was riddled with bullets while the mob went wild with delight as they reloaded their pistols. The' dispatches say the negro's limbs would fly up when a bullet struck a muscle, and this mikcled very greatly the mob: . B. B. Parks an Elizabeth City farmer, mysteriously - disappear ed ' Thursday. He was taking a load of produce to Jsorfork, Va., and twelve miles from Elizabeth his horse was found dead near a creekT Nothing was" missed from the wagon. The horse gave evi- Correspondei March 7.Mr.:andvMrsr H: H. Sells and four children, who were poisoned about three weeks ago, have entirely recovered .from the effects of the dose. 4 There' is nothing morel serious in Franklin' now than therneasles. This is contrary to repent reports- Miss Ethel Ward, of Salisbury, - i. fn Ttr u j t. - r i 11 iKr'ir iid " mmmrt - u e r ' . . - . . LLientz collected " turner thousand I T Vr. t - . ---"rXEi LXr. Jphri Holshouser, EingleA ewv, - iciiui. xux 7- M Glover, Mitchell Ca Rice, and a fine showing for the citizens of China Grove. J. L. S yesterday. R. L. McCrary, Esq., of Lex irigton, was in Salisbury Monday afternoon and night. Mrs. J. F. Gaithor and Mrs. J. Frank McCubbins spent a day in China Grove last week. Miss Mattie Griffin spent Sun day with her parents and returned to Greensboro that night. Mr. ' Everett Walton has re hpught of Mr. W. H.Wallace, the grocery store iil the Bell Block. Prof. G. H. Thompson was pre vented playing at the Methodist church Sunday. He has measles. Miss Maggie Cecil, of the Dis patch of Lexington, is in town to day and doing good service for the Globe. . Mrs. E. C. Heins. with the other members of her family will next week join her husbjand in New Mexico. Julius A. betzer, who has re cently moved from Georgia back to China Grove, was in the city yesterday. spent last Sunday with her sister, gress in the Asheville district. who is teaching the public school , . m . , A .. -v . An unconfirmed rumor m Tokio 5f" f. i i j says the Japs captured or destroyed Rev. R. S. Arrowood preached Russiim shiDsr. Whether true or a very aoi sermon ouuua aii noon at Franklin church. Carsort, Hattie Austin, Climax Shop, E L Heilig, Henry Agner, J F Pence, Noah File, C Goodings, WT II Link, R L Plnmmer. J H Cornelison. W E ucicnrtL hluj. Kusseii, T tf. etmore, William Col. V. S. Lusk denies that he tester, WGRidenhour Mrs Mary i T?pbhVan randidatn far Con- aru, ucaer, j r wmax, - - - -- W L Beck, Jno A Hedrick, D D Harwood, J D Misenheimer, A. E Beaver, W W Weaver, Edd Pethel, J M O Rimer, J A Weaver, W L K.mhnll. J A TWirxoi,. " C M Harold and Archibald Cauble are at the home of their father, J . A. Cauble. They will remain here for sometime. . Miss Julia Snipef, of Salisbury, has been a welcome visitor in our midst. v not, a big sea battle is expected Kimball. II J Freeze. U A Bos almost any time. tianT T M Wagoner, C L B.aver, Dan Teachey, convicted of mur- J Lomax, Rev A L Aycock, dering R. AV. Rivenback in Duplin Albert Hartman, G A Barger, T county last March, will also be Ross, A R Eller, . Alfred Menius, . ,1 rr' T " V T hanged, the Supreme Court affirm ing the sentence. The Governor will in a few days set the day. Upon urgent representations 1 0 . & . : 3 ? 0 .o2 v .CO 5. 22 9 i a H. r : f g ill -: i; 1 r f; i ? l 1 Q : il g J 15,53 . : ? 1 6 :? 3 " S 2 ! 6 x-3 5'5T 2 ' S : 5 1 3 t s ? 5 ? i2 iV B OA Q c-B.p " -i - w A P. 6 dence of being choked, a habit common .wui x arK. Jn0. M. Julian, Esq., editor of to control the balky anmmal. c, , L t creek, others that he was robbed but no one can furnish any clue to his whereabouts. 1 .if j ' L ,;Xf.- T toirv Mayor Bowlus, of Spring spent Saturdax night with Mrs. J. f . A I V r-m o crm ' ' A. Thomason. The public Wednesday. school will close YOUNG BOY SHOT. D V Garner. Will Furnish High Point. , B.Fesperman& Co., closed a con tract yesterday to furnish High PninfTN.C .about 125 cars of rran . nent, as a result of the lynching of jte curbing for street work. They the negro Dickerson. Governor w:n have a switch nut in at Cres- Herrick to-night ordered eight cent, x. C, to ship their curbing companies ui oiaw; niauua iufic as they have a big lot to iurnisn. to preserve order. The aftermath to the Ohio lynch- Mrs. C. A. Bolich is visitingrel- ing is the usual northern way the atives in Norwood, her home town. attempt to exterminate the race. Rev. Robert S. Arrowood, of Mr. Rice's Great Work.. in the country. Messrs N. B. McCanless and T. H. Vanderford Sr., are in New York on business appertaining to the street railway. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. ' Bolich have Delnitv Sheriff A. M. Rice, broke all previous records last week returned to Salisbury after spend- when he visited China Grove. In 'ms several days in eastern citiesf a single day, he collected more Gn their bridal tour. tlmn OWl in taxes and this isnot The store 0f Mr. Sam Bringl li e. ues. mone; ,8iu ng Uvas broken into last Wednesday ino mora to us is w . ht and robbed of 2a Mr n snows mat onenn Juuansuep- ,.Mtr,,, . Accidentally Shot Himself With an old Unused Pistol. Yesterday afternoon, Joe Wright Many negro houses ve been fired Kvoodleaf; spent a day here last the young son of Mr. G. W. and general terror reigns in opn ig- week. Wright, and John' Arey, likewise field. The mob has warned the E I. Frost, manager of (the a young son of Mi:. WiU Arey, 7m .;Ty Electric Light Company, took a were playing marbles,, and young jail is to be dynamited. northern trip Tuesday night. Wright opened his trunk in which There are reports that the Dela- j. H. McNeill is another avowed was an old pistol. Little Arey ware is rising rapidly. I his morn- candidate for the Republican nom picked it up and in putting it back jng it was five inches above the ination for Congress. struck the hammer against the highest stage ever reached before, mantle and discharged it. The load The pumping station has stopped struck the thick part 01 the boy s ana the town is threatened by a leg and made a wound from which lack of water. The Pennsylvania blood flowed ireeiy. injury , rauroad bridge is tnreaieneo. At 9 o'clock this morning the water in the Susquehanna was twenty-eight feet and four inches above the low water mark,and was Will, not Make the Race for the still rising. This is the greatest uty pulls finely the county's purse strings, and the county is in fine shape. When the people begin to j look over the county for a sheriff 11 l i well - to iojr their memorv occa sionally, and if they are really earnest in their desire for a good man, they will turn instinctively to Mr. Rice. W. H. Wetmore, father of Miss Annie Wetmore, of the Graded Schopl, has so far recovered from his recent and long illness, as to be able to visit now. Mr. Wet more came in from Greensboro Mondav night and went to Wood- however, is not a dangerous one. MR. JULIAN WITHDRAWS. T. B, Brown, of the BrOwn Clothing Company, .lias returned from the northern markets where he madq his spring purchases. Mrs. E. H. Heins is today sell ing, and will continue the .sale to morrow; her personal effects pre- paratory to moving to iNew Mex ico. flood since 1902. The Fennsylva- Jfeck's liad lioy played here last nia and Deleware and Lackawanna week. The Bad Boy was not bad roads are cut off from the city. for he was a girl. If the whole The supreme Court Tuesday world had been swur for burf'ns, handed down an opinion confirm- 5dln Culd -n0t r I 1 .1 P A 1 T I I I Wt'M I I lllUlltl. drawn trom the race. That Mr. mg the sentence to aeatn or Aiirea . i Julian would have been nominated, Daniel, the negro convicted of the William Culp, col., a grease hardly admits of a doubt. The dis- murder of the father of United wiper employed at Spencer, liad appointment falls hard upon those States Senator Simmons in Jones his right arm badly shattered Mon- friends who urged him to make county last September. The ne- day. He had thrust his -arm be the fight, and who indulged such gro waylaid the aged man m a field tween the spokes and the engineer 0 " . .. m J 1 1 1 V " A. JI 4- - 4Ka f hinb-inrr Ktn ho- 4iric-ltr'l 4-V- an active interest in his behalt. The town and county are decidedly Ugislature This Year. For reasons best known to him self and to his friends, Mr. Jno. M. Julian whosejegislative candidacy was announced last week, has with leaf yesterday morning to visit his disappointed that his intention to brother, Jrrof. (i. 13. v etmore. ? withdraw is final. mrA cint Vlim tf dpkth. At the I thinkinir he had finished the work- first hearing Senator Simmons put the engine into motion. The personally urged the people not to poor fellow's outcry saved him. attempt to lynch the negro. 1 The arm had to be amputated

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