i r- : I , . . - - - - . I : - . Salisbury Globe. 1 ss heins dead. A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. A WONDERFUL ENGINE. RAILYAY GUIDE. DEPARTURE FKOM HAM8BURY. MAIN LINE vORTHBUUND No 8 Tocal, Charlotte to Rlchmoud 517am No 38 Past Mall At'ama o Wash - Hi atu No 30 Fla Llin Jacksonville f Waah 1130 am No 12 Local At anta to Hlcmond 8 551 m No 38 Vestibule At an a to Wash 0 Opm NogtFlaxpJa.kon lile to Wash 1107 pm No 40 Atta Etp Atlautl to Wash 1145 pm no 3i ralm LI in l tea 130 am SOUTHBOUND. No 39 Washington to Atlanta 5 80am lio33Fiaxp Washington to Jax 7 35 am No 37 Vestibule Wshtugtn to Atta 8 17 m No 11 Local RlchDGni to Atlanta 8 30 am No 7 Local Richmond to Char otte 3 07pm N 19 Fla Llm Washington to Jax 8 30 p m Wo 35 Fast Mall Wash, to Atta 8 48 p n No 31 Palm Limited . 318 am WESTBOUND Noll Localto Chattanooga 8 25 am No 35 Through to Memphis 8 50pm FROM WEST. No 30 Through From Memphis arrive 11 25 a m No 12 Local tfrom Chattanooga arrive 8 35 p m All through except marked local Died Suddenly Thursday Morn ing in far Away New Mexico. Salisbury was shocked Friday to hear that Miss. Kathleen Hems had died suddenly in .New Mexico Thursday morning. It will be re membered that Miss Hems and her father E. C. Heins had recently left Salisbury for Albuquerque, In Honor of 'Squire Tarrh; Man- Overhauled at Spencer. Mr. Al ning Farmers Not Crazy Cotton. mm k A m on len no uener. mr. auucimju Won't Return. Correspondence of the GtX)BK. Spencer, March 5. J . X. An derson, who left here about three weeks ago for Columbia, S. C, on a 30 rlav leave of absence, has de cided not to return to Spencer, but will make Columbia his future school a pic- Correspondence of the Glob. "March 5. The Linglc closed last Thursday with nic crowd. , , . A "Leap year party" at A. B. Petrea's last Satnrday 'firght was New Mexico, where she sought a well attended by the young people, h ditterent climate tor a tubercular -A musical entertainment was Vuncannon has taken the trouble fast killing her every day given last Wednesday (night by position of time keeper for the She had been improving most Messrs. Jacob Menius and J. E. shorn and besan work this week. gratify mgly and assurances every Briggs, Esq., at the latter's house, Walter Teague, who has had the day werethat she would recover.The in honor of F.r M. Tarrh, Esq., job for the past six months, has latest message nau Deen mosi, en- whp has so successfully conducted accet)te(j a position with the Hen couraging. without any intimation the public school at this place Liprsftn Telenhonc Commny, and ot a ehange for the worse, a tele- during the present term. TheJhas aiready left for that' place. gram came r imaj niat one na event was. highly enjoyed oy an died Thursday, no t cause for the Dresentv ; sudden death being mentioned - Messrs. j. D. Shank, J. H; M. .Miss neins was a loveiy young T, t t R0v a V -Rnft.v "Rp.v. W. P. Campbell, who has givren up his Work at the shops to so to the pulpit, has-accepted call from Seven -Springs, .Lenoir THe Big Cheap Store. Our buyers are now in the. northern markets looking-for bargains. Buying as me do for six different stores, namely: , BELK BROS, Charlotte; W. H. BELK & BRO., Monroe; R .1 RRI K A fin Waxhaw: mm mw m mmW mmm mmm m m wm m w KINDLBY, BELK BROS, go., uastonia; ttftftRY, BELK BROS., Greensboro, and OUR PLACE, FROM NORWOOD, No 22 Passenger arrive No 48 Mixed arrive TO NORWOOD. No 21 Passenger Leaves No 47 Mixed Leaves 7 15 p m 6 a in 11 25 am 12 00 p m lady just seventeen years oiu-dmi jj Jim Barger.have recently had county, ahd left yesterday for that begin C. L. Allen, on the threshold of beautiful young by Y IT I . J- Amiiv 7 I . i 11 off bv death's untimely frost is the spent several aays- witu xqim " .rr ulIUl j OUIlg 1 -rxloorl in thftir hnmftS. I nloQ r 1-korrin Viia now rliitiPS. womanhood. She was adored by n t nr, ' atrinlrpn all Salisbury people and hertaking M- -F. Randle , of Salisbury plucking of a fair flower - Cheers for the living, tears for the dead. LOCAL NEWS. . T. B. Bailey, Esq., of 'Mocks ville, was in Salisbu ry last' week. II. S. Trott, Esq., of NewT Lon don, spent Friday night in' the SHAVERT0WN NEWS. Briggs and family last week. Mrs. E. M. Sifford who has been so very sick for several weeks is slowly improving. ease known as anthrax, is still m a verv serious condition and it is feared that he wiil not recover. One of the largest, passenger ViVk t w engines in the world has just been f fVio clirre Viorp. aft,PT s kjut prosperous ueiguuur,ju. . . ci. v, foV ThiWc r.ettin? in Some' Work t la.s jv A" a complete- overhauling. The en '"mZ: -II " , i to-date -fianetdr." riaing cuiti-r. wa Down mere, rerunai nuu. vator Messrs. J. E. Briggs and correspondence of tne Globe. L. W. Sifford have also ordered March 5. The exercises which two took place at the Casper school T M Airun'crHtNhaQ n nrohnsed a citv. . Miss Daisy Cowan has accepted hoV?WA B' fine young 8100 mule. a position in the Globe department store. : Robert Carson is back at his work after several days illness with -measles. , : br. Gaither and wife Grove spent a day, in last week. . 'i W. L. SilFord, bur correspondent, was in Saturday. Mrs. W. T. Kainey has returned from Norfolk where she had been visiting relatives. .... Gabe M. Royal;' after of several days,is back at his work in his printing office. Mrs. R. G. Kizer is steadily im nrovimr after an illness covering JL j of China Salisbury Planning Salisbury " 1 1 J J. . , , A -. 1 T'Ui-..rt l.ovn Kaon fwPM'-p rhrkT ent. Owing to such a bad and sleety day, there was not so krge pmgs m our community. Six a crowd as would have beenUf it more to follow. -- ; . i,n,i iwon n nrPtt.v rlav. Thev had Very little ploughing has been some very good dialogues and they done by our farmers for the past ,rc woli nntorl six weeks and a very busy season tx 'll u rir,w is upon us. About the usual acre- A h . ... i xi. : -i,t ao-e will be nlanted in corn and rosentative visiteti nic ueiguuui- - tlv AW -think he se- cotton. i 1 n?. I -WVioof and on.fe aro hponnmnrn nnvnM mTl' 1 1 lis;!-1-1 I it-" i 1 1 1 1 L11G I ii "vwu .v " " ' e- nmnP to show up considerably. We r """" i . ,. i Afn.v ATillor T.nrphnsed two nope ior a goou crop. You see we can buy in very large quantities and, always getting the very LOWEST PRICE, and our way of doing business is to add only a small profit and sell for CASH. Ydu'll always find bargains at BBLEC HRRRY 60., CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH Come and see our J. Lmules recently known as tne alii- ler Company mules. D. C. Arey our clever merc- n' Aimr.f loiriT rnrfl 1 mi sin p.s's alonff an uiness uailu , tr , 1 now. It keeps a wagon amiubt busy, going to town and Gold Hill depot to supply him with goods. Some one has been doing some .nminmr 1 - -nY infinite i i fit i Tl J IU"UC1.V- 111 VJiii , 'w ii. k,t - several wceKs. pne is now auiu Sl- e had some sweet potatoes, be up. Sheriff Julian is making his tour of the townships collecting taxes. He has much money yet to turn over to the State." : 7 - INIrs. Jas. E. Turner, nee Miss Mvrtlo James, is here from Char- cabbage and canned fruits stolen recently. .'. - "1 . a W 11 Lentz. ot '(Joncord vis ited his brother, C. C. Lentz re cently near Pool. The school will only continue the Success readers. to the Globe ' and its X. MINES NOW-RUNNING. Gold Knob in Full Blast. Mr. Prrctor Very il.. Rural De. livery to be Changed. Correspondence of the Globe. v v March, 5. Capt. J. M. Proctor on last Monday received a tele gram announcing the illness of his father. Mr. froctor lett on Mon gine is trom tne v asningura ui- vision of the Southern and weighs 125 tons. One of the particularly interesting features about the en gine is a contrivance for putting the weight of the entire engine on the main "drivers, which is a great assistance in going up grades. W. H. Burton is having a hand some residence built on Eighth St. and when completed will move from Salisbury to his new home. E. Dean, who has been confined to his room for the past ten days, is improving and hopes soon to be able to return to work. Machinist, W. V,. Houchn is off on the sick list. -Machinist Thomas Bailey has returned to his work after a six months absence. A. Z. Heehler, of Johnson City, Tenn.s has accepted a position at the shops and began work this week. - Everett Hall, who has been at his home in Virginia, oh the sick list, has returned to work. It am It. .. Rockers, Xhairs; single and in sets; Beds, Buffets, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Bureaus, Washstands, Tables, Matting,. Rugs, Pictures, Lamps, Bed Springs Mattresses and General House urnishmgs in abundance; . Our prices are reasonable, terms easy, and you are cordially in vited to give us a call. Respectfully, W. B. Summer jeit9 - 108 West Innisj Tlreet. :Jk.Watch TicKs Bucklen's Arnica Salve. . TTaa world-wide fame for mar vellous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns.Burns.Boils, train No. the French Broad, Bridsrenort. Tenn. ' river near His car es- the Great nhmit. two weeks longer at lotto visiting her parents, Mr. and p0nd. It has been successtully . Mrs. W. L. James. tausrht by E&gene Reid. ' , m' -"Rfttsv. our Millertown corres- caned the waters of ;i SST4, Pondent passed through our town ri;er by a large stump at the edge Vrn. t h, r flnHi nf the recently. Let's hear trom your dJKT VJ UlyUVl . town lieisy. . W. A. Kirk is on the sick list day night tor - xennessee. , r, a v,nR mcerg. Tetter. Salt 1 1 j i-1 1 n nn noT ra ttitci o Trie I i - ' ' irrOCLOr tCllO ua, mau no co uu tuv i , I. f VY W JL VX1 111 from .141,912,0Q0 to 157,680,000 times every year. The arious wheels revolve from 8,768 to 5,250,000 times. "Apd yet we commonly find watqhes that have been allowed to run five or ten years without cleaning or fresh oih. If your watch is a good one, treat it as you would any othr piece of machinery. We do all repairing prompTLY-asonsaly ana satisfac torily. We are now better prepaid to turn out work . promptly than ever before as we have lust added and com pleted a new workshop in the rear of our store. Give us a trial X GORMAJ SSL'G'RE&JX. Successors to J. Horah. Leading Jewelers and Opticians. Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skiu Eruptions 'infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c, at all drug stores. County Convention. , Denutv P. A. Flenton was here last Friday "morning taking Miss1 Maud Blalock. a demented wop- able to be out soon. liss Sattie Taylor, the former an of Durban county,' to Morgan- saieslady, of the firm of Taylor & at all frightened, but was awful night consisting of songs, dialogues and recitations. ton. Miss Annie Kizer spent Satur day and Sunday with lier sister Mrs. A. L. Patterson in Albem arle and returned to her home Mondav morning. Capt. AV. II: Burton attended BoE; Sons of this place,butwho recently scared. moved their 'store to Davidson, is vittitincr iri onr locality.'-AVe are irlad tosee Miss Sattie in our limits again. Almost everybody takes tne only a few don t and - ; FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE - GLOBE'S SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. Owing to the great success of our 15 day clearance sale, we have decided to extend it. 15 days longer to give every resident of Salisbury and vicinity an opportunity to save money at our great clean sweep sale. m UT . Tw ' dffria daily on some section of theSouth- closed Wednesday. They had quite Kememuer wc "f""' Notions Trunks em'Railway. Capt. Proctor wasn't a,nice entertainment Wednesday Clothmg, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, runKS, of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Etc., Etc. One Word .More. Our Furniture Department, on the second flour of our mammoth establishment consists of a full line of anything in furniture. Can save you 40 per cent, on every dollar's worth of furniture you bqy from us. m m m m n rm mm. m mm mm, mam of the waters, while the car behind ri cc oyuuui vWv,. him went completely under water. The free school at Morrison'8, We nresume it was a horrible which has been successfully taught this week. We hope he will be sight, which it seems is occuring by Mr. Swicegood and Miss Miller, they are very scarce in our yicin- a good colored attempted last itv. Everybody thinks it anup- mj mj - " to-date paper. School. Boy. m- Mr. Price Enters Race. A. H. Price, Esq., assistant dis trict attorney, announced Saturday the executive committee s meet ing of the Inter-State Y. M. C. A. in Charlotte last week. $o,000 were appropriated for the extcn tion of the work. William Stokos, man at Snencer, week to kill himself by cutting his throat. Ilis son prevented the act. Grief over his wife's death is ad vanced as the cause. , , W. Si Pickle r; with lus bride who was Miss Lillian Estelle Al len, of Greensboro, has arrived in Salisbury and will board for the present. Mr.Pickler was married Wednesday of last week. Professor A. L. Smoot, Regis ter of Deeds, says marriages are growing painfully few and that during the thrte months just past, he issued but "98 fcpairs." AVe congratulate the ladies". Chester Wise, an old Salisbury boy now with the Southern in its bridge and tunnel work, was pain- fully scalded near KnoxvilleTenn , v b-fit last week, il he - burning : ot, the a thorough camp commissary causca ui mjui . - The contract for the new graded cpbnnl buildintr has been awarded te J. M. McMichael of Charlotte. It will be 125 x 126 feet long and will face on Kllis St. It will be large and beautitul, containing n.lasa rooiiis, a siiperintendentts ofiice, a large library room, teach ers' room and an auditorium with a seating capacity .t of. 1,000. It, will have a mcklerh fire-hghting equipment with safe egress in such continn-encv as a It seems that small pox is the is sue of the day . It is coming near er and nearer everyday. It seems that-compulsory vaccination will be inevitable. Now that might be ali riffht Iwith a villasre like Sahs burv and suburbs their citizens, but in a city A large crowd was present and ey were royally entertained. The children did credit to them- lves and teachers. This has been e best and most successful school that has been taught for years and I 11 1 ATioct to vaccinate tne patrons are wen piea&eu. liVp Miller will continue to teacn a X. ... ti flip 4 'Knob'.' we would rather have montn 01 suosenpuou suiuui. of the. so called small DOX" than to have a genuine case of vac- CARD FROM MRS. PERSON. cination. How about it Zekef ' " f The Gold Knob mines are in full Can it be that M0St Of the HlS Of . . ... 4 mi. blast. Capt. J. Gill, of Salisbury, Life can De curea i nrougn Remember yours to serve always, : THE Wholesale as well as. Retail. GLOBE Main StreetV Salisbury, N. C. 4.14. i. iri 1,0 n pjindidat.fi for I is with us drawing plans and plac the Kepublican nomination for mg the stamps as fast as possible. Congress in this district, Mr. The ore on exhibition, is of the Price has not sought the nomination finest type and is promising to as but the circumstances under which say well. Troughs hava been he enters the race are peculiar and laid to convey water to the mill find solution more in his candidacy ior tne purpose 01 juiuk.ic. fl,nn in nnv other. Mr. Blackburn After all, trold Knob e ir0t,ron' liimplf and Mr.Linney, thriving little town U.O kV Ul.v vi.-.- - I , ooast 01 tne ricnest county. Runior has it that Rockwell R. F. D. No. 1 will be changed to Salisbury R. F. D. No. 6 on Mar. ofi'erin"- candidates tor the Kepuo- 14th. We endorse'tms cnange dui, i;p;m; and this and the other fact we want our old carrier as usual that bad feeling is being engender- and no other. 1 1 ll . AniiA Vinf All is douoiiess tne cihjh.u, Blackburn is a non-resident. The nomination of a non-residential candidate is both unusual and un nnnocaiirv. Rowan has not been llVVV- o.if ,r will be a and we can mine in the 1 ed in rnce s uiai. thp rjimnaiirn. make 3ir. candidacy logical and nat- Hnsj we don t want to De must be done, we end to do it. With best wishes and kindest re gards to all readers and publishers of the "Globe." ., Lee. Church Notes. The finest city and village churches ere painted with the Longman & Mar ti nr Paints .and we ant every church to accept our donation whenever they CoQ hg and Colds. W. H. Brown, vin2 mftkP 14.' therefore when you of Leeaville, Ind., endured death A Boi's Yif ;ld Ride For Life. . With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life,0) 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, a fire. It will be utilitarian in every .respect, being so arranged that eight rooms can be annexed to the main building; It is a splendid piece of draughtsman's skill and the house will be a credit to the city. 1 want fourteen gallon 01 painr, ouy only eight of L& M and mix six gallons of pi re Linseed Oil with it, making ac- falcostoi paintaoout. per ai- l Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when hur nthpr naints in a can with a paint label on it. . Many houses are well painted with four gallons or L & M. ana wiree gal lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith. Wears and covers like gold. Thoco oplohrated Daints are sold m Rowan Hardware Co, . l J. J. I asouies trom astnma; OU6 ,u wonderful mediciue gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep80undly everv night." Like marvelous cures of ChnsumpUon,Piieumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds ana ftrin nrove its matchelss ment mtjm 4m, my mf m- - . forall Throat and Lung troubles, Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00 Trial , bottles free at all drug i stores. the Blood? confined the recommendation of my remedy" to troubles that" toad their origin in impure blood, or a 'rundown" system, and yet I know it can do more. Fiye years affo my remedy cured Mrs. J. s. Thompson, of llasty. xm. C. of ladies' trouHe, and since then she has used it as a family medicine, and now I have her testimonial showing hat it carried two of her children safely through an attack ol typhoid fver. My remedy eured a case of kidney trouble in my own family, of six months' standing, after all medical treatment had failed, and the pariy was regarded as a doomed man. Flnd lne that he was rapidly declinin g, we tried the 5- tw.-. vpfka n. mreat chansre was apparent, ana in iu mumuo ihe cure wa permaeot: - 1 have known it iried in a well known fami ly in th s state, (whose name I am t liberty to give,) for puerperal rever. when four doc tors in consultation said the patient could not live many hours, and it cured her. The reac tion was immediate. I gaw Fred Howell, of Qoldsboro.N.c, when he was down wr.h consumption. 1 saw him irftin rer.n Iv. a well man, after using the VAWIArfV tV1 V Aft. J , . i.nil. i-mn. 1 nave seen two iwira, uu"'6 - cer of the womb, (and know of a third.) and 1 have seen them perteci iy curea, aner nawujs ased my remedy ana wasn ior auouv j I halknqwn it to cure a great many cases of stomach trouble, that had fiiled to yield to any other treatment I nave Known Hiucurnm ... - ----- sore mouth, after a?l medical treatment had failed. . A . I have known th wasn w cure m, ki...MnM. vhiii the Dhysieian said operation , alone'could reach it. In ths Degmning ox , .t . r V ...Mum. reaiizinsr what a pow- erful ag-ncfor reliel f tojhe ,letfd n,n my hands, went 10 uie " ial3lgh, ana mvuea iucm . ,"1 .iT., claim that 1 had a specific for troubles that came from blood impurity, l invuea exami nation, to the end that it migni ne used by the prof essiou.n icoufiuui""' my Claim. 1 offered to accept any tet cases that would satisfy them in regard to the merit of my re me ay. rn.au. m. them free. 1 only asked hem to watch the result of my remeay, sua iturcu ti,, for theiu to agree to acknowledire It publicly. But this they said would be ' unprofessional anl an lireguiar proceeainj, wujiuwi therefore) delined. although I offeed to fe them officially my fuU formuuv This goes to prove the unbounded Ei"l; dence 1 had io my remedy in the beginning of my work, and it Is now established on a ped estal none can shake- v r. MRS. JUS r ftftsw 3 , vuartuiic, v Kellam Cancer Hospital 12th and Bank Streets, , RBOHMOND, - - - VIRGINIA. "We cure CANCERS, TUMORS AND CHRONIC SORES, Without the use of the Knife. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE. Home and see what we have done, and are doing. If then you are not satis fied that we do all we claim, we wui J rone Distance Bell 'Phone No 266 1 to all parts of f U. S- RfiED (REED THAT ll LAY PAY of an the ry IS i HE U 4 t S. G. WHITE LEGHORNS. January 1st, YA. Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock. Eggs for Sale. FIFTEEN FOR ONE DOLLAR. Mrs. D. M. UL-L-KK. Dr. R. Y. Brawley. Practice Limited to EyeEarNose andThroati BaiisDury. n. v. Office over Wachovia Bank. EGGS $1.25 PER 15. rlauden Clement, SALISBURY. N. C. a SHJbub yihsket HaZdta cured at cry Sanatorium In a fw weeks. Too caa return to your booM is 30 daya well, free and happy. I bars mad theae hablU a specialty for 25 years and cnrd tbooMBdt. PfFC Bok oa Uome Treatment seat T 11 Lb 10a V. Pryor 8trt, AtlmaUi