Salisbury Globe. II. B. Yaiineu, I pronr:Ptnrfi' H. W. DORSETT, W. Thomas Bost, Editor. Published Every Wednesday at 120 West Inniss Street Telephone' No. 274. Subscription price $1.00 per year, strictly cash in advance. New York, Office: "220 Broadway,! St. Paul Building, Frank K. Northrup, Mgr. LABEL Salisbury, N C, March 0, 190,4. Mr, Cleveland's "White Su- primicy" record is not bad. ' ' 1 5- " , ' The Panama Treaty ratification is one thing, but digging the ditch is anouier. If the Panama canal isn't a good tliincr. Avhv. it wil luirt only our grandchildren. t. v : The injection' of the "hog!' into Spencer politic is cruel treatment to an innocent brute. Govenor Vardaman of Mississ ippi like Senator" Hoar of Massa chusettsvotes as he doesn't pray. Senator ReedSmoot is not a po lvramist and therefore deserves ' more credit than some past sena tors and congressmen. What we Democrats need in the shape of a candidate is not a man who will read everybody out of the party, but read someone in it.. There is no special reason why the railroads -should ; oppose the i ll ii i' it is . built, railroads will have gone out of fashion. ' Opposition papers call the Dem- ocratic party an obstructive organ-. tended only tmagnify the trou ization. It's so and if there ever bles We had been led to believe wiia n finio wVion cnoli n rmrfv wne ,1 , .1 at ,1 . ' .. - , t, VJ " I needed, it is now. Mormon President Smith's de claration that he ' 'walks with God, ' ' if true, will pause even the most pious , to question infinite taste in the choice of associates. .Mr. Bryan's $100 Democratic piatiormanaw blooded heiter aiu,Uim.w,...t,iiiWiiii.duuie. Most any plug of a jcow is worth i ' Al 1 L ' . more than a political platform. The Greensboro correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says: "The Democrats are in a quandary and want a candidate in the eighth." Thought we have eight .already. The famous monkey, Consul; ,of Berlin, has. died recently and J his o wner carried $1,000,000 on his life. He was therefore a more valuable animal than Harry Lehr. The Japs' word for "hurrah" js M)ansaL" and the Russian is "kze strovokosoffvrisky.,, It is not to l)e wondered at that the Jap is in- spired to light it that thing is shot at him. The Washington Post tells of several Northern concerns that no longer employ married women. Day-by day do the soulless cor poration rob a man of his only chance in life. It's awful. Of course it's very nice and char itable to think Mr. Scott. was mis- imyrmeu as to .Mr. t ovp qn( 's luncheon, but it doesn't bankrupt our imagination to conceive a Be- publican congressman's lying. vnaru ana Children" calls Mr. Varnei- 4tthe Willie Hearst of r Al , "iMi iorui Carolina. ell, it, could have been worse. Sa 1 i sW,, Globe. It may be, but it strikes us with an average jury Varner has good show for a verdict for . damages. Raleigh Times. Not in Rowan county. Probably the Supreme court Globe has hundreds of good sub went back on Editor Hoery's Anti- scribers whom it would not mark Jug Law for Cleveland,, Gastoni off-it's list for anything unless or Cabarrus and -Mitchell counties be- dered. Many a man doesn't wish cause it violated' the democratic doctrine of "equal rights to all and special privileges to none." ine n asmngton rost referring ne snouia write us, not let the paJ to the Mississippi legislature's de- per come five years and then order bate on the question, asks ''Should it stopped by a postmaster. Treat a man visibly intoxicate, be al- ing all subscribers alike and taking ml -1IT -1 j - - m Il lowed to voter Why. 'certainlv. A drunken man votes as intelli - ' - gently as anybody else. More than one person has ob served probably despite the repub lican orators who . desire to discuss business politics only, that when there is a revival of the ven erablelie about Cleveland's nigger dinner, a Republican does it. That was a mean insinuation in the Charlotte Observer that the Rowan jury "laid down" because it couldn't soak it to both the nig ger and the company: The editor or tnis paper was witn mat. jury three days. He has strong plu tercratic arid hegrophilistic prOT pensities. Not that he hated the nigger ripr the company; less, but he loved them both so well. See? The Sun, our afternoon daily contemporary, saw its seventh natal day- last week. Each year ha? A brought vigor and addqd growth to it. The Sun has passed the state of infancy, but its parent, the town, will take care ot it. Much of the paper's good stand- ing and favor is attributable to its smart young editor, Jno. M. Ju lian, who in two .columns, local and editorial, does magnificent work. The oroblem of child labor in- the United states and especially in the South has been one over which mis section nas neen mucn per- plexed and the North has agonized sions of meddlesone Matties from EnfflamHrrto this section have rhor, t 10 North is a nmt. in its ' on- position to child labor, but the speech of J. W. Jenks, manager of. the American Steel Hoop Com-1 ' pany, last Wednesday bef ore the House committee shows that there is nothing true but Heaven. He opposed the eight hour bill and passionately exclaimed, For God's sake don't legislate to stop a .boy working . He is not going to hurt himself. Boys are kept at school too and we cannot t at them. T 't'en or eleven hours a day is healthy exercise." Of course, no very sensible man is go ing to regard this declaration of Mr. Jenks as reflecting the real sentiment of the North. But it will be interesting to note that this astonishingly mediaeval utterance will not be seriously challenged, ftid the abuse and misrepresenta tion of the South will continue just the same. . Our people should clear thc mills of the children and carry the missionary spirit into the heart of the North. The Globe receives occasional letters from postmasters notifying it that certain subscribers have re fused the paper. We have no quarrel with the man who doesn't want the paper. . It's his blessed privilege, and we would deprive hm of it for the world. But it does make a difference whan a sub scriber allows the paper to come to him weeks, months and years, and alter entailing an expense upon me ffi Ai covot-nl ' nllnra' nrlrls im- "r . - - . pertinence to his ingraciousness by h - .ovln,, o at us. In nine cases out of ten, the man who refuses the paper is from one to five years behind in his subscription. In ninety-nine cases of a hundred, the paper nas not made a visit over his protest. ... i Anv man with a senseoi iair oeai- incr ttinws it is not risrht. No pa- per can make money on subscrip- tions alone The stationery, the typesetting and the mailing cost the price of subscription. It is no doubt thoughtlessness, but such negligence costs money. The to have his paper stopped and we never do it until they ask us. But the subscriber himself should do it. When he takes a notion to quit, 1 J 1 j . 1 . I for erranted that all are ennallv fair in their dealings, we must suf fer when one allows u to send the paper year's at a bad loss. . a . , X 7 v e always ieei sorry tor a North Carolina jury which gets hold of a case in which a black man is tne plantiff and the South ern Railway Company the defen dant. A jury in Rowan Superior tourt last, ween: naa sucn a case and must have )een greatly per plexed about wThich party to the suit to decide against. After due deliberation, however, it decided how do you suppose? Why against the railroad. But the prob lem was one which called for fast ing and prayer." The above is from the Charlotte Observer and has been modified upon miumiaiion mat mere was a mis-trial. Our information is 'that there were two the Southern Railway Co. tried at the last term of Rowan court. One was' the case of the negro who lost a leg and the result was a mistrial. The other case was by the administrators of a while man who was killed at a crossiner m Spencer. The action was for'!510,- 000 damages and the verdict was in iavor or tne railroad. ' The jury system is a much abused institution, and much of the abuse and unfavorable criti cism is unjust.. One of our great est judges (Caldwell) has said: "When you impeach the imparti ality and integrity of the jury you X? " uy anu im partiality 01 . the whole body of the people from whom they are drawn and of whom they are a representative part. Our idea of te prejudices of men is gauged by our own prejudices. The difference between- a preju diced man and an enlightened and impartial man is the difference be tween the man who opposes our 1 X 1 1 views, ana me man who agrees with us." Juries are oftener right than they have credit for being, and facts disputed axe hard to decide. Even. With the Senator. The Washington Post's 'Capi tol Chat" gets off yie following on Senator Overman: "Senator Overman was recently in North Carolina to act as attor ney for defendants in a murder trial. He climbed into a boot black's chair in Salisbury one day. The negro boy was rather bright 1 ii O l 11- anu me senator engaged mm m conversation. Who is the governor of this State?" asked the Senator. ' T doan no, ' boss, ' ' was the reply, for which the Senator chided the bootblack. Gov. Charley Aycock is very popular in the old Xorth State, and Democrats think e very- body ought to know his name The polishing of the Senator's snoes proceeded, and tne negro lad seemed to be in a mental ab straction. But he soon broke the silence. i3oss, ne inquired, who am de gubehnor of Mississippi?" The Senator had to admit that he could not remember. Letter to Sheriff Julian. Salisbury, N. C. Dear Sir: A b.E mill-owner Dartan bur, S Cwanted 5,000gallons ot paint, it ! . ?J - . i ana ooucm "!y price; paiu o c?nts je?s than ours; ot a "lead-and -zinc''paint but the lead was sulphate of lead, not rrhfnt,p. Sulnhate ahstsnhnnt-. half and. covers about hair. That paint was adulterated six timeg ag mUeh as the 5 cents paid for He ' saved" 5 cents; and it con him 30 Oh no ; it cost him more than that we forgot the labor. Can't work it out exactly; don't know how long it'i wear. . Short measure besides; that alone wat twice as much a3 his ''saving" 5 cen ts. ' . don't know ho much. There w too much dryer in it. The maker made something on that; he didn't. Taking it altogether, he didn't make much by that 5 cents Go by the came : and the name is De- voe lend-and-zinc. lours truly F W Pevoe & Co New York solicitor . j. nammer was in the city Friday night on his way home. illsokteli mm o pound of Hence produces flavor and A DAVIDSON DIVORCE CASE. Plaintiff was Relieved by Death of Suing in Superior Court. The Greensboro'Telegram says: G. S. Bradshaw was relating yes terday to a circle of brother law yers a novel and interesting expe rience! -with one of his clients at this term of the court. The said client now lives in the-N county of Davidson to which county he has moved since his marriage in Octo ber last. Mr. Bradshaw had in stituted a suit for divorce for him and a few days ago notified his client to be on hand at this court with his evidence. Promptly oh he first day of the term the. client appeared with the Squine of his county as star, witness. On Tuesday morning of last week by the time the court bell rang- the said client had taken several drinks of the ardent and was - advised by lis attorney to repair to his room and sober up" in time for next morning. When the next morn ing came, the said client again ap peared loaded for bear. ' Again he was advised by his attorney that there was danger if he went into court in an intoxicated condi tion, h or Heaven s sake bnuire, said the attorney, "take this man to his room and lock him up until tomorrow morning and get him j sober and bring him back tomor row morning." Promptly on the next (Thursday) morning the client again appeared so full he could scarcely bat his eyes. The attor ney, now fully disgusted, advised the accompanying squire to take the squire home where, he could get sober and bring him back this week, lhis advice was taken. The said client and the squire aforesaid pulled out for home on Thursday of this week. Instead of their return a letter came on Thursday morning which is in words and figufs as "follows: Carlisle, X. C, Feb. 23, 1904 Mr. (j. S. Bradshaw. " Greensboro, X..C. Dear Sir: I drop you these few lines to let you know that I am very poorly and threatened with newmonia. I 'taken deep cold while in Greensboro lastTweek. I drop you these lines to tell you that I won't be there Thursday. That woman was buried yesterday She died from newmonia. Tell the jedge God has done the work and I won't trouble the court any fur ther. This is better than court di vorce and don't cost as much. She won't pull my hair any more. Rp'in i slip's crnnp this wav von i i can send me back what money you think you have not yearned. Yrs. Happily, Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedrid'den, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J J. Havens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney dis pase and neither doctors nor med icines gave him relief. At Jengbtb he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his teet iu short order and now he testifies, "I'm on the road to completa recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all formes of Stom ach and Bowel complaints. Only I 50c. Guaranteed by all druggist. V .Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active principle of every Royal Baking Powder. it is that Royal Baking Powder food remarkable both in fine wholesomeness. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW A NEW STAMP MILL. To be Erected af Rockwell. Rock Well the. Storm Center of Lovers it Seems. Correspondence of the Gi.obk. The school at Barger School house closed last Friday with a few recitations by the small pupils. Mollie Holshouser received the prize for being the best speller, after which a nice poke of candy was given each pupil by the teach er, A. M. Eller, and the school dismissed. T. J. A. Barger and wife visited A. L. Kluttz Saturday night. C. M. Miller, and wife of Salis bury, and J. C. Trexler .and wife of Rockwell, visited Jr M. Trex ler Saturday last. ; The Gold Knob mine is still on a boom. The stamp mill has been erected and wTill be put in opera tion as soon as possible. X. J3. Drury and wife visited S. A. Trexler Saturday and Sunday. Henry Trexler has purchased a new buggy. Look out Roxie, you will see that new buggy and that mule coming down the road. 1 wonder what has become of Sister Crab? But I guess she has her mind on that fellow that comes down from Salisbury. If you will take the Globe you will get the news and don't sad dle your horse and ride around hunting the Globe when its rain ing so hard you can't hardly see like one of our boys did. Jumbo. Do Yon Yarit Strength? it you want to increase your strength you must add to and not take from the physical. Ir other vyords, the food that you eat must .be digested, assimilated and ap propriated by the uervs. blood and tissue before being expelled from the intestines. Kod'd Dys I pepsia Cure adds to the physical. 'W - .1. It gives Btrengi Q to ana imiius up strength in the human system. it is pleasant to tne taste ana palatable, and the only combina tion of fligestant8 that will digest the food and enable the system to i appreciate ull of its health and strength-giving qualities, tpold by James Piummer.. Holman Not Dead, .Morgan iioiman, coioreu, wnose name is not Holden and who wasn't burned to death sometime i r. (rn i ?n rises to remark that he is still in the game. Morgan who is a vender in herbsrand has earned the title of "doctor" was seriously burned some time ago, but by one of the tricks of his trade refusal to practice in his own family, he was brought around all righOJS'ow Morgan . wants to know how come" his name was butchered and his death such a horrid an achronism? It's up to you, Mr. Julian. Capt. Richmond Pearson Hob son will lectue on the navy in Char lotte, Monday night April 25. In the lombardmentof Vladivos tok Saturday,, the Japs killed five Russians. Snow is now retarding the progres s of the war. YORK. A NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. One a Credit to the County. News From Verble Correspondence of the lore. t Loyd, the little son of M. A. Powlass who has been in- bed for the past o weeks with an affliction of some kind in his foot is irettinir sonic better. Adam Cauble, formerly an em ploye of the Salisbury cotton mill, has moved out in the country to farm this year. . There has been quite an epide m ic of grippe in our neighborhood for the last few weeks but all are getting better at this writing.- Miss Alma Powlass, a- 'popular young lady near AVoodleaf , is teaching school at Gheen's school house this' winter. We have a hew school house at Gheen's which is a credit to the community and to the contractors who built iU , J The school at Hall's school house closed last Thursday, Feb. 25. There was a game of base ball in the afternoon between the Hall's and Gheen's school house nines. At the end of the game the score a 1 -I "i i n ! e "II 1 sioou iu to o in iavor or ijneen s. r -i : i. . i i - i i uur vuyx are naru to ueat, es pecially when, they get away from home'.- At night there was an old time spelling bee at the school house and a big tap hand game at recess; which our boys enjoyed more than the ball game judging bv the. latpno;s flint, snmo f thom got home. J. M. Shuping who taught the school this winter is a very popular teacher. T. S. Kincaid,' our photoghapher, went down with the 4xys and photo graphed the school and also the bas,e ball nine. M. A. Powlass has purchased the black smith tools of tin; late Mr. Malone of Franklin. He contem plates putting up a shop in the near future. We wish him success. Andrew Kirieaid has lost Several hogs in the last vMkl or so by giving them poke root tea. Ernest Miller, our hustling mar ket gardener, is going to build him a new dwelling house soon. ' The Salisbury Globk is O. K. That is the verdict of the people around here. ' Thosias. Woman's Brave Deed. But for the unusual bravery of Miss-Annie Appelman of Peters- child of Mr. and Mrs. S. J .Ircli of Spencer would have ln-en burned V V 1 to death; Hie little girl was stand ing near, the heater -when the draught drew her cloths into it and caught them." Mis Appelman threw her cloths over the child and smothered-the blaze. In doing .sov Miss ApjMilman wrs painfully burned alxrnt the hands, though the little girl and her brother Raymond who assisted Miss -A-pelman were very slightly burnt. Senator Fairbanks is a promis ing candidate for the vice-presidential nomination on the Repub lican ticket.- ' Three sons of Mrs Lewis SavoL of North ;Dakota, were burned to death in a fire that destroyed their 1 home last week. "