!Bowseir- Mmiliaited He Prepares io Surprise His Wife oi Ancient History, but She Comes Across His Notes, and He Meets With zl Complete Failure at Her Hands ! Copyright, 1904. by C. B. Lewis.' "I'm not- You intimated that I knew THE other Sunday afternoon Mrs. nothing about Agrippa, and I simply Uowser hotlced a rather queer ' wanted to show you to the contrary. , action on -Mr." Bowser's part. ! Being that we have started the sub Ile made sly notes with nencil I iect and have all the evening before and afterward consulted .several vol-j us, let me ask what you know abouc ume9 in the library, and his desire for i Archimedes?" concealment was so evident that she. ! "I know all about him, of course. He of course, determined to solve the mys- i was the man who said 'Eurekar " tery. How she secured and made a "Why did he say 'Eureka?' " rnnv of his memoranda must remnin a "Because because he had found family secret, but for the tfext three . wmething." days "she was preparing herself for "And what was it?" what she knew must come. J3n the ! "Woman, do you take me fdr a kid third evening, after Mr. Bowser had learning my A B C's?" demanded Mr. been reading the newspaper for awhile, be laid It aside and carelessly said: "I suppose you are reading a love sfory, as usual?" "If you call a history of China a love story, then I am reading one," she re-' plied as she exhibited the title of the volume. "Humph! Taken up something new, eh?" , "Not so very. I have read the his tories of England, France, Germany r; CHANCES AND DANGERS. I HIGHER SALARIES PROPOSED. A YtThat May Happen In Cotton A Time to Keep Cool ana Hold the Rein. . The present high price of cotton will prove a blessing or a curse -according to the use we make of it. If we decide that we ought to strain every effort to produce cotton, even to-the neglect of other crops, it will be a curse. n Senator Gallinger Thinks the Presi dent Should Have $T5,oao. Washington, March 5. Sena- j tor 'Gallinger , has introduced a bill, which; was referred to the committee on the judiciary, pro- What has produced this sudden irise i viding for increases of salaries hin price? The staple is no better, and as follows: The president of the the goods made from cotton do not United States, $75,000; vice-pres-last any longer or do any better serv- ident, $15,000; speaker of the ice. ne rise is rne natural consequence House of Representatives, $12, fromthe scarcity of the cotton.-From (XX); Cabinet officers, $15,000; senators, -representatives and causes is that we have quit planting delegates $8,000. The bill pro all cotton and began to plant a variety vides that the new salaries shall of crops. take effect March 4, 1905. We are giving more of our time and . Bfl . p--ifn, thought and land to producing food A Y s OmpOSiUOn. crops and? cattle. The result is that Water is found everywhere! es- we are very much better off. We have pecially when it rains. There is something to live on, at home. At the L jrnrvl manv lrinila nf water in Wh EM HE WAVED AND MOTIONED AND GESTURED. and Russia within the last year0 and .found them" very interesting. I wonder that you don't pick up a book of that sort occasionally." "It would be useless, my dear worn, an. I have read them through and through a dozen times. I will compli ment you, however, and yet at the same time I wish you would post yourself on other things. People seldom talk Bowser, who would have given $50 to ! look t his. memoranda. "It isn't what I know, but what you don't know1." "When and where was Archimedes born?" she continued 1 tit A 4- - n tri f mo T !"- X.L y JX Ullic LUUl luuc 1 fuse to answer." . v- "Then I will answer for you. He was born at Syracuse in the year 2S7 B. C. and was the greatest mathemati cian! of the century. His demonstra tion' that the area of a segment of j a parabola two-thirds of the inclosiag parallelogram is the first real example of the quadrature of a curvilinear space. In his treatise on spirals he rises to yet higher investigations, which, however, are not very easily un derstood, even by masters of the sub ject. He first established the truth . that a body plunged in a fluid, loses as much of its Weight as is equal to the weight of an equal volume of the fluid. It was by this law that he determined how much alloy the goldsmith whom Herod had commissioned to make a crown of pure gold had fraudulently mixed with the metal. j "The solution of the problem had . suggested itself to him as he was en I tering the bath, and he is reported to 1 have been so overjoyed as to hasten home without waiting to dress, ex claiming: 'I have found it! I have found itr ('Eureka! Eurekar) Prac tical mechanism seems to have been an equally new science in the days of Archimedes, for his boast that if he had a fulcrum, or standpoint, he could move the world betrays the '.Npthusiasm with which the extraordinary effects of his ' newly, invented; machines in spired him. Among the numerous in ventions ascribed to him is that of the endless screw and the cochlea, or water screw, in which the water is made, in a manner, to ascend by its own gravity. u i , a i.1 1 same ume me seasons uuu uie the vorldrairi water. Soda wa hole water, and brine. Sail- If the seasons had been about the ors use it to go to sea. If there same as usual and the boll weevil did was net an ocean the ships could no damage to the cotton we would I not float and they would have to now be selling it at 8 cents. stay ashore. Onions make your We can bring the price down to 8 eves water and so do horse rad cents again very easily. All that we need to do is to plant a very large area and buy a great quantity of fer tilizers and have a good season and, it will be down. . iskey and . ISeer tnlabit PERMANENTLY CURED BY ' ABSOLUTELY SAFE, SURE AND HARMLESS. Physicians pronounce drcolcesness a disease of the nerrons system, creatine a morbid craring- for a stimulant. Coa tinned indulgence in vrhiskey, beer or wine eats awaj tbC stomach lining' and Ft.peSes tie digestive org-aas, tbas destroying' the digestion aad raining the health. No wil power" can heal the in flamed stomach membranes. -' ' "ORRINE" permanently removes the craving for liquor by acting directly on tfc affected nerves, restoring the stomach and digestive organs to normal conditions, improving the appetite and restoring the health. x Can be given secretly if desired Cure Effected or money Refunded. . Ask yoar druggist whom you what he thinlcs of ORRINE; hi will indorse our statements as truthful in every respect. If ORRINE fails to cure we will refund you every penny paid for it as cheerfully as wef took it. - .' No Sanitarium Treatment or Publicity! Mo Absence from home or loss of time! Mothers, wives and sisters, you cannot cure those who are afflicted with this most terrible of all diseases by your fervent prayers, or eyes red with tears, nor by vour hope that they may stop drinking. It can be done only with ORRINE. Yon have the remedy will you use it ? 'If yon desire to cure without the Knowledge of the patient, buy ORRINE No. 1; if the patient desires to be cured of his own free will, buy ORRINE No. 2. Full directions found in each package. . Price 9 1 per box. We will gladly furnish a treatment free of cost to any physician Z2ff ty2S to demonstrate that Orrine is a positive specific for drunkenness t All Correspondence Confidential. For free book Treatise on Drunkenness and how to Cure it write to THE ORRINE CO., INC.. WASHINGTON, D. C.a or call on A PATENT BRICK TRUCK. The Fertiliser Frenzy. ish, s?hen you eat too much. Wa ter is a good thing '.to wash boys with, and to catch fish in. Mv 1 LTw Invented and Patented by Mr. W. Lee Harbin, ; an eel ! Nobody would be saved 1 1 ' a : Z i. I Vice now which will be ruinous to the num uiuvymug u. moro wasu t fanners of the south if we heed it any water to pull them OUt Of. Some are advising tilizers than ever. This take: We are already buying, more they are put out. This is all I land from the drv kiln to the kiln. 4-V o v. vrrrk o m "nelrtfr r rrrfi' 3orTfT1 o 1 1 . l j 1 j 1 i ttc uomb i.v ji.wt.. -v-vi0. ktiow aooub waier exeeDi; tae There are many writers giving ad- of Lexington The cuts printed below represent a Brick Truck, invented and using more fer- Water xis used to put fires out patented by Mr. W. Lee Harbin, of Lexington, N. C. The device lis is a great mis- with. I love to go to fire's after is made to handle brick from the machine to the yard or dry-kiln, In particular went wild on . fertilizers last season We do not need to buy more fertilizers, but to use what we buy more economically and wisely. We should use more per acre, but the acre should be better prepared so as to get more profit-from the use. We should not buy any more fertilizer than we flood. Proof Positive. Willie -and Tommie are two Micmgan youngsters wno are pugilistically inclined.- The other day the following conversation can pay cash for. Buying fertilizers pn took place between them. you're afraid t' fight that's what it is." - , "Naw I ain't," protested Tom my, stoutly, but if I . fight my ma'll find it out an' lick me." "How.'ll she find it out, eh?" "She'll see the doctor going' t' your house." Died at Dowie's Zion. time is a hurtful business. It is not good farming. Every note given for fertilizer is a mortgage upon the crop before it is planted. These notes hurt, us in many ways. Again, the cotton seed from last year's crop will pay for the fertilizers for this year. . The farm should be self supporting. Buying fer tilizers on time encourages laziness and thrif tlessness. A Golden Opportunity. Now is the farmer s time to seize and hold the reins. If we keep our heads cool and do not rush madly into BRICK TRUCK, SHOWING LONGNITUDINAL SECTION. This is one of the most complete trucks for handling brick that ni r Trill r Afr, q Afioc hn.s pvtvr been invented. It saves from three to four laborers per Clara Barnes, an invalid, daugh- day, which alone would in one year more than pay the cost of the the trap of "all cotton," then we can ter otMrs.Sallie Parr ish, died car. Llstory, but.any day 5'ou may be asked PE "iS IixllvUuals of ancient times. , "omaus lb "tinu " Hip office a eentleman ; tno aerense or city, iroivus, xivj Only today at came in t9 make inquiries about Herod Agrippa, and I was the only one in the whole building who could tell him whon Agrippa 1. died. " Suppose we had been out to a party and the ques tlon had been asked you. I can. imag ine how small you would have felt." 'But I can't," she quietly replied. "1 'think I could have told them a thing or two. What year did you say he died in?" , "In the year 150 A. D.," stammered Mr. Bowser, who hadn't looked at his notes for an houf and had forgotten several dates. j "You are wrong.'- Agrippa died in the and Plutarch speak with astonishment of the machines with which he opposed the attacks of the enemy'." l Mr. Bowser sat benumbed. He had come out to slay and had been slewed. He. tried to' rally, but before he could t do so Mrs. Bowser went on: ' -"You are, of course, familiar with the history of Aristippus, and if you went out to a poker part and anybody asked you about him you could give him ail be reduced- Then next fall we continue to prosper. But if we go wild last at 7i0n Citv. 111., where on cotton because of the jump in price she had been for several months and proceed to plant an increased area der treatment of John Alex in eotton and buy increased quantities , , . . mL , , - of fertilizers and pay increased wages ander Dowie. The i young lady for labor and succeed in raising a large has .been badly afflicted for a vield then the whole face of the thing long time, and was once treated win be changed. " . in a sanitarium at Battle Creek, We, tIll have on hand a crop that Mich. has cost us more than usual to raise, and the price will go down and down and prosperity will give place to ad versity. We will work, out our own ruin. First the cry will be raised that wa have increased the acreage and the fertilizers, and on that cry the price - T Ti 1 snrtS'Of pointers. You may tell me what you know about him." . "Woman woman" "Perhaps , you are not feeling well this evening. Mr, Bowser, and, if so, I ' i will see a wild rush to sell. Every man will be afraid that the price ,will go down before he gets his cotton sold. This very rush will cause enormous re ceipts, and that will cause prices to go down, so that at every step we will be whetting the knife with which to cut our own throats. This should not be done. We should appreciate the fact that diversity is the only safe plan for the southern farmer. Everything shows It to be to our interest to plant a very moderate crop of cotton. Do not Imag ine that you are an exception. You are v The Name Witch Hazel. j The name Witch Hazel is much. abiisfid. E. C. DeWitt & Co.. Chi cago, are the inventors of the original and only genuine Witch Hazel balve. A- certain cure for Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Eczema, Tetter. Piles, etc. There v are many counterfeits of this salve, some of which are dangerous, while thev are all worthless. In buy ing Witch Hazel Salve see tnat the name E. V. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is on the box and a cure is certain. Sold by James Plummer. The insurance companies lost $2,200,000 in the fire at Roches ter, N. Y.Feb. 26th. The tgtal loss was $i5,2UU,UUU. Tne Jiew! York Journal of Commerce say's this loss added .to the tremen dous Baltimore loss is giving the insurance companies great con- ' " 1 ! ' : : : .-. , ' ; ! : I . . r . -, . . j - . i - - - J- . i , .f - - r-. ' 'I ; ; ; ; ! 9 ', ' " '" ? AUV W V J W V w - - . . a - wM ' ' ' j O I one of the items that make up the Lern. Many certainly will have I lever. whole. Southern Cultivator. to go into liquidation. A Plan For a Good Farm Garden. Should the ground slope to. the west, plow or throw the land up into sharp MORPHINE, CROSS SECTION, SHOWING CAR DOWN OR CLOSED The car is raised and lowered by simply raising or lowering a Bv nulling lever down the top portion 01 me car is raisea 2 inches to lift brick off the platform. t r -. .- --T- ' .-:-r " r;--i S - UE MADE A DASH FOR THE UNFORTUNATE TRAMP. forty-fourth year of the Christian era." "What! You dispute with me?" 'I differ fron you. Let me give you a few pointers. Agrippa, who was the son of Aristobuius and Berenice and grandson of llerod the Great, was edu cated at Itorne. He lived there in a very extravagant style, giving splendid entertainments, especially to the prin ces" of his Imperial family, and scatter ing his money lavishly in gifts to the will take the job off your hands. Aris tippus, who was the founder of the Cyrenaic school . of philosophy among the Greeks, was the son of Aritaces, a wealthy gentleman in Cyrene, in Afri ca, and was born in that city about the year 424 B. C. Having come over from Greece to attend the Olympic games, he heard so much of Socrates that he was filled with an eager desire to see the sage and hurried to Athens and became feet apart. The ridges should run from OPIUMWHISKEY AND ALL east to west, the object being to have the south side exposed to the full rays of the sun very early In the spring. For an extra early crop of potatoes, peas, bean3, etc., take a spade and throw out the dirt on the south half of the ridges and cover with the richest dark colored soil that 4i ElKLT PLAHTESG. DRUG HABITS CURED WITHOUT PAIN AT YOUR HOME. tS W pTantS Or at Our Private Sanitarium for Complicated Cases. You cannot quit the use of these drugs unaided, but you can be cured with proper treatment, as thousands have been. Ask your neighbors who have been to us. The cure is attended with no pain or suffering. The treat ment builds up your health, restores your nervous system 10 us normal freemen of the emperor until his debts ! one of his pupils. He remained with rendered it unsafe for him to remain Socrates ud to nearlr the last moments longer in the city. He then took refuge In Idumea. From this period almost to -the death of Tiberius he suffered a va riety of misfortunes; but, having form ed a friendship with Caligula, the lat ter, on his accession to the throne, gave him the tetrarchles of Abilene, Ba- tanea, Trachonitis and Auranitis. Hi government was mild toward the Jews, with whom he was remarkably popu lais ' but he severely persecuted the Christians. He caused James, the brother of John and the head of the died at the age of sixty.' church at Jerusalem, to be beheaded When Mrs. Bowser finished, Mr. Bow may be at hand. The north half of the condition ; you feel like a different ridge should remain undisturbed so as PStto? to shelter the young plants on the south uYoFraEOPTES side, and in case the nigh are very AFTER THE STKYouwm cold or there Is real danger from anun, mindthat youwifl be cured, expected frost the plants can be easily ' T m. Brown, of DeQueen,Ark., , auaa .,v,,-,r,iTr h.. Waal and ouicklv covered with large sheets . tover seven vears ago I was the. obiect of stron- dislike both to of dally or weekly newspapers and the cured Qf the opium habit by your med tiAS!Jt Stoic He Plants thus be effectual protected. icine, and have conUnned .in the very Whenever tne mercury in uie uieruwwi- oest oiuwuju . T , vintrtn ,na n lnw fta 34 decrees tne vr. vv. ivi. iuusw , w of the great teacher, though he does not at any period seem to have followed his doctrine or practice. passed a considerable part of his life In Syracuse at the court of Dionysius . . . ' - . 1 A. T the Tyrant, where he acquired the rep- plants should be covered ImmedUtely JJ "gtgS f am entirely and utation of a philosophic voluptuary, as ' . . permanently curea 01 me unu. uauu, to the date of his death, It is not given and two or three inches In. height scat- g j haye never eveQ so mu?h as want- and Teter to be thrown into prison. He died at Ca?sarea, In Palestine, while celebrating games in honor of the em peror; in the fifty-fifth year of hia age and the rne-teurth of the Christian era." -. 1 ' Mr. Bowser's face haA been flushing from red to white and back again as Mrs. Bowser spoke, and when she had finished he sprang up and exclaimed: "By thunder, woman, but you are trying to make a fool of me!" utation of a philosophic voluptuary. As 1 . . . . - . - mva nltnfv aan I ..... . : T in history, but he is supposed to have xer enougn mwu : eda lnKinany ior i--; Blue oi tne piauu w I your eraaicaiur, uuw cigucc uiv - grayish appearance and work it Into I affQ. it was the best dollars I ver in- t - 4- a Tr.T-.Ph nitrate I Mrs. Vireinia Townsend, of Shreve- with the stem or roots oi uieuus ; " "and x make no mistake when I As originally outlined In Farm and J" . lthl better now than UMrside- this plan was for the fall. .. ' m- ijfe. and I owe it to when the soil If of clay and not under- ou and youP remedy. It has been 12 drained received a heavy coating of year8 since I was cured by your treat well rotted barnyard manure which ment." . aft-ht. Woolley, 201 Lowndes Bldg., At-' sr stood up and waved and motioned and gestured and tried to say some thing, but as it was impossible he pass ed down the hall, put on his overdoat and hat and banged the door behind him. He had oo sooner reached the gate than h etpled a tramp, and with a yell that was heard a quarter of a mile away he made a'dash for the un fortunate and had run him seven blocks when Mrs. Bowser received the latest dispatch. ... . M. QUAD. . . : ; : : ' ; . : t : ; : : : : : : - t s '. ' I ' . . ' I r .1 i . - J.l.-,.. ,j.:v,.'.Ivi : - 1 - - -i i : : . : ; j : ; : ! JJ : : : , ; !..:; i! ( Y ! M ': j II ill'r Urn" ; .'.Is f E 'Iff - .SI r A : . - VI TTX ' " v CROSS SECTT05T SHOVVJr U uaiiv-aox.. On man rin hanl 500 brick per load with this car, which makes a difference of 420 bricks over other trucks. .f The invention was patented February z, iyu4, Dy xar. uu . JrFNEUMONI A It now prevaent an over me country i i ih T.i2. o m-ladles. and It U alwayi most total between Jaa oary est cola may Dnne it on, ana accoraixiK i ft fVlliitVir the turnaiiy are powerless against ii. ine "u.c" VI. . disease make Imperative that you oe always prepared. A bottle pi GOVAli'S PHEUrjOrilA CURE qq pjj intermix It with the soil and was aft-1 M. wooll om-rl rWcred. as shown. Uanta, Ga. Cure Colds, Grip, Croup, Sore Throat, Inflamatlon of th Lung t 60V7AI1 HEDICAL CO, DURHAM, IU C. against Its contraction, and a sore and speedy care in cases already developed. H It tor erUrmsJ ippllcxtiea. On sale Dy su arugguu, or bj m-u. A I ll M M.IIIMIIl'