A DELIBERATE FABRICATION. THE TEACHERS' AtEETING. ' Mr. PARRISH RESIGNS. i Mr Cleveland Thus Character- Held Yesterday at the Home of Pastor of the Baptist Church i7M the Story That a negro Lunched With Him at the White House. Washington Dispatched, to Charlotte Observ- causmsr gen- Sunday Parrish's Rev. Dr. Rnmcle. Pacers on Will cro to Shelhv N. C. Aivuuaacau. - An announcement The Primary teachers of the eral sorrow was. the one Salisbury frraded school held their declaring Rev. 4-;-,-r4.-j-.-. t I rAsicmatlnn ivf hie -nictvrtt nrni T?nnrpentative AY ebb, Of JNorttl h, tm- tu-:,. i. thp Rniitist. nhnrMi TtVw Carolina,today diverted the minds the home bf Dr Kumple. prepared for it. Mr. Parrisli had or ma y 4 . " rr, "vy routine ot teachers' work was dis mon place District of lumbia charged and the for the appropriation bill threading a let- evening were read. Misses An te r from former V11?? ni Kizer and Eleanor Watson con land, who in athmg ermsckm- tributed criticisms of Rousseau ? vm?n::Vr: "S .1 a these were pronounced by a Cotton Seed- Wanted. If you have I an j cotton seed for sale hring them I in at onse, as the oil mills are prepar-! ing to close for the season and we will ship our last car in a few days. ; It J. H. McSEELY. Taylor aiuie u gentleman of competent critical ML0 -?rn ' nn fii, acumen as the equal of anything "Mr: Chairman, a man in troub- he Kad Qyer j .Qy nt. hv'trvinir' to pull others in. Thi& was evidently the intention of Salisbury's teachers doubted if any town it m, is to be the state been ill for some time and the ser vices were conducted by Rev. Dr J. M. Stallings. v Dr. Jno. White head read the resignation couched in tender tones and the congrega a ' 1 ' ' i j 1 J T it uon reiucianuy severed tne con nection between the pastor and his flock. ' After the resignation takes effect, which is larch 31, Ir Parrlsh will take charge of Shelby Baptist Church, one of the strong - f 1 , " " . , . . . In Superior Court. t Notice of Execution Sale: ind diveis to the ur- lor court of has so intellectual an nrWnintinn est congregations in the State and the gentleman from Kansas UUr. and they are a bredit to the earth, nowmnder Dr. W. D. Hubbard's Scott,) when he stated on the floor After the papers were read, Miss ministrations. Dr. Hubbard soon of this House (on his own author- r..f -R , cWfc ff0es to Georgia. 5fA-i that, Mr. Cleveland had invi ted a negro by the name of Taylor to lunch with him, and that Tay lor did so. . The gentleman', in terms, makes this atatemeiit sev eral times in the course of his re marks. On Tuesday, morning, as soon as the Congressional Record reached me, containing the 'gentle man's statement, 1 wrote to Mr. Cleveland to know if it was true that he had lunched with the negro Taylor, as stated by Mr. Scott. 1 enclosed a copy of what the gen tleman from Kansas said, and this morning I received the following reply: ming style. These meetino-s are nrodiir.ti vp. nf the greatest good, and if the spirit r'upled his congregation, of Salisbury's teachers could be- gan with 65 members and - ' 1 ' a .11- i 1 QArt TTrt lino tsrn s come universal, world over. it would" win the DEBATE AT WOODLEAF. r Mr. Parrish has been a devoted worker and has more than quad- He' be noxt has 300. He has seen during his pas torate the erection of one of the handsomest houses of prayer and he has done most to put it there. We think we are safe in saying Mr. Parrish is the most popular ministers tljie Baptist Church has ever had here. He has done seven years of great service. The town Speakers Show that our Morals are in First rate way. Correspondence of the Globs. March. 8. The debate was put will regret to lose him and his ad off on account of tfee inclement mirable wife. They have the best weather on Friday but come off wishes of the town go with them, Tuesdav. Tvercispa watb nnpnpfl and the beautiful ehureh will keen PlUNCKTON, March 2, 1904. UV aenntr. then the nnpetinn whiph fireen the memorv of Mr. Parrish's tr. t. w irv,u xi . j.iu ""r."" " , . 1 " - " uon. cj. a . reuu, nuuse ui ivep- was; "Kesolvcd that morals are flock. resentatives: ( I rpfrricrrnfl ho,, was jiKIv disn.iisep'rl 'Dear Sir: small concern with Miss It is a matter of on both sides. The - speakers on Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Taylor, of to me that a Mr. the aff. were Clarenpp Tvprlv. Abbeville, S. C, are late acnuisi- Scott has seen tit to use my name David Alexander, Watt Penning- tions to Salisbury citizenship. ton and iu; U. lazenby. The neg. J-ney are ooaruing was defended by Floyd Lippard, -kmma Hutchison., v linn Arro wood, Dare Wetmore and Clifton Lazenby. Theverdict was given to the neg. and although the singing was compared to the in display of his evil propensities on the floor tf the House of Rep- resentatives. in answer to your inquiry, however, I have to say of his statement that the colored man, J. ii. j. layior, iook lunch with me at the White House, that buzzing of a bumble bee in a tar it is a deliberate fabrication out of the whole cloth. As far as Mr. Taylor is concerned I understand prior to his appointment as Regis ter of Deeds at Washington that he had, served as an assistant in the office of the city attorney at Kansas City. His nomination as register was confirmed by the Sen ate, and he i served in that place with intelligence and efficiency . He has since died. Some people restrain themselves from abusing the dead. My inquiries concern ing Mr. Taylor before his appoint ment, my observation of him during his incumbency and the Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over fed millionaire is often paraded in the public prints as a horrible example of the evils attendant; on the possession or great weaitn. JSut millionaires are not the only ones who are afflicten with bad stomachs. The proportion is far greater among the toilers. Dyspepsia ana indigestion are rampant among ment at Morrison's school house these people, and they suffer far worse bucket, and some scoffed at the manner of speaking, still the de bate was voted a grand success. There was a school entertain- last Wednesday night. A good many people went from Woodleaf . All seemed to think that for Mor rison's, first it was excellent. , S. F. Lazenby is building a new cottajre. tortures than the millionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard medicine like Green's August Flower, which has been a favorite house-hold remedy for all stomache troubles for over thirty-five years. August Flower rouses the torpid liver, thus creating appetite and insuring perfect digestion Willie Rice, the son of W. G:JpJOTeMyiizSftenireBy8Jfm sick" but is Rice, has been very better. - The weather has been vorable for farm work. Sunday but Mohday morning very fa- Itrained and makes life, worth living, no matter what your station. Trial bottles, 25c : regular size, 75c. For Sae by James Plummer. we , little l nave Known or mm since, satisfy me that his character is un- j hope it will clear, off warm justly attackea in the diatribe of Mr. Scott. One charge is made against Mr. Taylor by Mr. Scott, which he doubly J clinches with truth when he declares: 'He was , a black negro.' I am led, howev er, to doubt his familiarity with his subject when he adds, 'as black as yo.u ever saw' Yours very truly, ' 'Yll " I i i aT i one who uses DeWitt's Little Ear ' around the earth, while truth is lyjRer prefer them tp all other , .r '4.-u u t. t 4- pills. They cure biliousness, bold want this truth, stated in Mr. . by James Plummer Cleveland's letter, as far as possi SALISBURY MARKETS. ; PRODUCE. Corrected by D. M. Millers Mar. 9 Happy, Healthy Children. Any child can take Little Early Risers with perfect safety! They are harmless, never gripe or sicken and yet they are so certain in re sults that robust constitutions re quiring drastic means are never qisappointed. They cannot fail to perform their mission and every Com, 561bs per bush poison, per pouna, Ducks, Eggs, per dozen, Feathers, new, per lb., Mour, straight, sack, 44 family, pat., 44 (jruineas, Apples, per bushel, Beans, white, 44 44 mixed, 44 Bacon, sides, per lb., 44 , shouluerr " 44 ham, 44' round, 44 Butter, choice yellow, Cabbage, per lb., Chickens, ble, to travel in the same channels COUNTY COMMITTEE CALLED. H?y, per hundred lbs. as the falsehood has traveled, and jm . it may be, in many minds, the me uemocraTIC txecUTlve U)m- f abrication will bo overtaken and destroyed. Mr. Cleveland was a friend of the negro, but not a 'fool 'friend.' He never by. word or vact encourageel the dream of mittee Will Meet in Salisbury on tne 26th. The Democratic Executive Com mittee of Rowan county is hereby called to meet in the court house Ta',ty laJ brvfaSlf ife at Salisbury, March 26th, at 12 M. friend of the colored i man, but ' he was also the friend of the South crn white man, and sympathized with us in our race problems and race burdens, and that, sir, is more than Mr, Roosevelt seems ever to have done." Readers of the Globe please file this cop.y, and when this charge is made again, just rfer to it. It goes tha round of the State papers and we have no apology to offer for the purpose of ordering prima ries and a convention and the trans action of such other business that demands attention. Every mem ber of the committee is urged to be present. J6hnM. Julian, Ch'm. James H. Horaii, Sec. Hides, dry, per pound rlides, green, Honey, per pound, Lard, N. C-, Meal, bolted, per bu., Oats, 321bs per bush., Onions, select. 44 Peas, clay, per bushel, 44 mixed, 44 V'4 Pork, per pound, Potatoes, Irish, per bu Tallow, per pound, Wheat, Wool, washed, 44 tin washed. 100 . to' 2 00 2 50 to 2 75 1 90 to 2 00 10 to 12 11 to 12 IVz to 15 12 to 15 15 to 25 4 to , 5 20 to 40 ; 70 to 75 15 . 20 to 30 15 to 18, , 30 to 45 2 75 to 300 3 00 to 3 20 15 to 20 50 to 60 r7 to" 10 5 to h 12 to 15 .11 to 12K 65 to 75 50 to 75 125 to 1 50 100 to 125 60 to 75 8 to 9 ; .100 to 125 3 t o zy2 1 1C to 1 25 N 20 to 25 12 to 18 NORTH CAROLINA, ) Iiowan County. Almah Kusdl. Admr of Royal Russell. JK. Fag gart. Standard Oil Com L. D. Peeler, et al . ".; VS. . ' Union CopperMinningCo J Ky virtue of the above other executions dir cted dersignt-d from the Supe Rowan countv. I will on Monday, April 4th, 1904, at 12 m., at the curt house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy paid executions, all the right, title, and interest which the said L:nion Uopjer Minnmg company has in the following real estat", located in Gold Hill ioriif hip, said county, bound ed on the south by the Cabarrus line-, J SQ on the Past, bv the lards of W. G: New- PZ man and Gold Hill Copper company, on thenorihby the Gold Hill Copper company and John Moiehead and n the west by Albert Earnhardt and the Whitney Compny,containing231 acres upon which land is located the follow ing fixtuies: - At Shaft No 3. 18011 P hoisting en gine, mfd.by Earl C Bacon, N Y 140 hn hoisting.engine mfd. by Earl C Bacon,N y. About 650 feet wire rope on 80 hp engine, and about 600 feet wire rope on 40 hp engine,. 1 coil wire rope about 400 feet and 1 coil wire rope about 250 feet. A lot of piping connected With hoisting engines, 2.3. 3 and 4 inches in diameter and about 75 feet 6 inches, 1 30 hp engine mfd. by Erie City Irdn Works, Erie, Pa , with all connections, 5 air drills columns, 3 arms and clamps lCornifhpump engine at shaft No 3 and all connections, 1( 0 hp small un derground pump, 1 frmall hoisting en gine mf i . by Earl C. Bacon, N. Y. 3 log boilers 30 feet long, with piping and all connections, lot of piping .from 1 to 6 inches in diameter, about 500 in pile, 1 Howe p'atform scales, 2 100 hp boilers, mfd. by Erie City Iron Works, Erie, Pa., 1 30 hp engine mfd. by Meek lenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. C. and all piping and connections with the above boiler , 12 Wifley concen tratmg tables and all pulleys, shafting and belting, 1 small engine about 20 hp mfd. by Mecklenburg Iron Works, 1 150 hp engine and piping and connect ons, 1 leather belt 30 feet lorg nnd 2 feet wide, 3 shaking screens and all belting and shafting, 2 sets high speed roflls, 2 sets of low speed rolls, 3 elevators com plete, . 1 automatic feeder. 1 snail crusher, 1 large crusher, -all belting and shafting in concentrating- mill. mfd. bv Earl C. Bacon, New York. with rope, belting md shafting con nected with said mill 2 revolving screens complete, 1 30 hp engine and all piping and connections. At Big Dam: One Uameron steam pump, l wortmngrton steam pump, 1 Dean pump and all piping from Bip Dam up to mill, 4, o, 6 and 8 inches, i forge and anvil, and castings in black smith shop, 2 two ton skips, and rail road iron from ore dumps on trestle to mill house, double track, 1 lauroad tr- ck from ore dumps to mill house for ore cars, 6 ore cars, 1 20 hp engine, mid, by Erie City Iron works, 4 ore. buckets and about 500 railroad irons, 1 door piece for Cornish pomp, 2 cages, 1 tackle block. At Shaft No. 4: 1 hoisting engine complete, mid by Legerwood, 1 Dean pump and fixtures complete, 16 20-fpet railroad iron, 2 tanks, at shaft 4, 1 slag not, l gasoli e stove, 4 tables. At Shaft No. 5: one 40 hp hoisting engir, m.td. by rJ U. sacon, JN. Y. and about 300 feet wire rope connected to engine. , At Shaft No. 12:. 1 40 hp hoisting engine, mfd. by Earl C.Bacon, N. Y. D. R. JULIAN, ' Sheriff of Rowan County. March 1st, 1904, SHOES. E BEST SHOE -I AMERICA 6? 0 0 0. q . 69 0 0 69 69 - Girt99. to be & Ixxtely solid and reliable, and fully equal in bvearto any Ttvo-fifty shoe on the market. , 2 V . FOR TAME NO SUBSTITUTE MAKERS CRADDOCK TERRY CO. 1YNCHDURO-VA, Shoe - V -r r that is i . ..... .. : . "' ' ; Great Demand I:- all oJer the Jouth." Famous ''Sotrtherh the best Shoe in America for $2.00. We (Guarantee - Children's and Misses $1.25 and SUlfttj. ft Salisbury, N. C, and Elsewhere. 6? 6 . What is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is for printing it so late in the day. under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain resulte. Irreg- ADMR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All-persons having claims against the estate of James J. Clendemn Deed, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned, on or before the 9th, day of'March A.J). 1905 or this notice wll be pleaded in bar for their recov ery. Da ed at Salisbury, N. C. this 9th, day of March. A. D. 1904 JOHN S. HENDERSON. Adm'r. of James J. Clendenin Decrd. A. S. Hkilig, attorney. ; , FAITH ITEMS. Two Injured Men ate Improving and will Recover. George Grant and Lawson Bo ger, granite cutters, who were hurt by a falling derrick last week, are doing well and will - recover from their injuries. Several teams are hauling gran ite to jthe railroad. . Mr. Lentz, of Norwood, passed through Faith today , on his way ular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipa tion. Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjust this. It's gentle yet thorough. Only 25c. at all drug! stores. North' Carolina. Iiowan County, F. W. Siebert, of Lexington, was in Salisbury Monday. The Name Witch Hazel. The name Witch Hazel is much abused. E. C. Dewitt & Co. Chi- cago. are tne inventors ot me To A. I. Smoot, Entry taker for ) Kowan County. The undersigned, John L. Saunders. of Rowan county, North Carolina, en ters and lays claim to the following described piece, or parcel of land in Atwell Township, Rowan County, State of Iorth Carolina, the same being va cant and unappropriated land, and subject to entry, viz: A tract of land situated in Atwell Townfhip, Rowan County. N. C.Ad-r joining the land of J. F. Steel and Ca line and C. P. Walters and E. P Spring's and irlass place. Beginning at a point at J. F. Steel's and Glass' corner and thence with eaid S eel's line bouth to a stone Cabarrus linf and thence with Cabarrus line to C. P. Walter's corner and thence with the said W alters to a stone on K P, home from Franklin, where he had g been looking after his property at original and onlv genuine . Witch . that place. , Hazel Salve. A certain cure for Faith is one of the best places in Cuts, Burnes, Bruises, Eczema, Spring's place and thence with the said tne couHiy ior a young man to i A cuci , x ic3 o. iwio md moujr "p- -7 - .1 tu Umint.orfftitanf thia salvo, anmft nf place and thence with the said Glas WUID uu tvaiu vuvuiiKiauibUt -1. 11 w ' I lina tr. writer oeneves t-nai nve mousanu people could find employment along on the granite belt. Venus. J. C. Morgan Esq., of Rockwell, Wad in town today. 11. L.'l. il wmcn or aangerous, wnne tney are all worthless. In having Witch Hazel Salve sea that the name E. 0. DeWitt & Co,. Chicago, is on the' box and a cure is .certain. Sold by 'James Plummer. the beginning at J. F. Steel's place containing about fifteen acres be the same more or less. Kntered this the 20th day of Febru ary iyu4. Jons L. Saunders. L. H. Clement and Hajden Clement. ,N Attorneys. SsE1)0LLMliS K A It IS A Fact. COMMISSIONER'S 3 ALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of and in per suance of a decree of the Superior court of Rowan county.-made in the special proceeding entitled S. A. Wag goner Adm'r of O.J, Waggoner, vs J t). Waggoner, F. W. Waggoner etal.; empowering me as Commissioner to sell certain real estate to make assets to rpay debts, and pursuant to the direc tion of said Court, and the power vested in me by said appointment, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Salisbury, on ( Monday, April 4th, 1904, at the hourpf 12 o'clock m. the follow ing described real estate, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at'a stone on Back .creek and runs thence S. 31 E. 3 30 cha ns to a stone, thence S. 4 W. 7 23 chains to stone, thence S. 6 E- 9 chains to a stone thence W-30 links to a stone, tbence S 7E. 24 63 chains to black gum. thence S. 53 W 7.75 chains to a stake, thence W. 33.78 chain to a persim mon, thence S. 89 E. 6.25 chii.8 to a black oak stump, thence N. 38 E. 9 08 chains to a stake, the N. thence N. 22 W. 6 chains to a maple, thence N. 68 E. 1.66 chains to a sta e, thence S. 26 E. 5 chains to a stake thence N. 58 E. 1-40 chains to a stake, thence N 2L 65 chains to a stone, thence N. 78 E. 8.45 chains to a stone, pile, thence 11-2 W. 15.20 chains to a stake, thence W. 75 links to a post oak, thence N. 11-2 E- 32.75 chains to a stone, thence N. 56 W 4.50 chains to an elm, thence N. 41 W. 2,f 0 chains to an ash. thence S. 8 W. 11.68 chain to a stone on Back crek. thence with the manderings of said creek to . i - . tne Deginning, containing JoU acre more or Jess. See deed in book 99 page 47 for iurther particulars. From the above tract one and one-third acres have been sold off. which leaves 14S2-3 acres, Margaret R. Waggoner," w riow of C. T. Waggoner has been, assigned her dower, and the purchaser of, said land will get immediate possession of the same Kubject to f aid widow's dow er, and at her death he will get posses sion of such part &s has been la d off to her as dower, as' well aa the other in other words the parchaser will get possession of the entire tract except said dower, and will get title for the enth'e tract including dower upon con firmation of sale : ' Terms of sale cash. This Feb. 15, 1804. S. A. WAGGONER, " Adm'r and commissioner. R. Lex Wbight, attorney. . That no man ever dared to meet these price on such a- splendid and large va riety of home goods and notions. Ev erything that is wanted for the home, the family and saves you 15c to 30c on the dollar. 1 , CHIN AWARE, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, '. ENAMELED WARE, WOOD WARE, HARDWARE. STATIONERY, BOOKS, JEWELRY, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, TOWELS. NOTIONS, NOVELTIES, AND FANCY GOODS. ' . . . . All at lower prices. Just as well et in line. 4tA dollar saved is a dollar made, " but whose dollar is it? Can you tell us? Might as well be yours? a anybodys Our motto: Underbuy, undersell.; "Your true Friend, I I xjli kj uju j 111-113 East Inniss Street Pianos! Tlie merits of the pianos made by the , Old Reliable Weaver Go.9 of York, Pa., extend beyond a beautiful exterior They contain the Wessell Urchal and Gross ac tion the standard of the world and hare a perfectly even scale, and they starjd in tund longer than most pianos Prices moderate. Terms to suit. Drop us a card for particulars. We take in old pianos or organs as part pay. Respectfully, 0.FRl)60.9ali6S)upy9 6; 109 South Main Street. 1 i i m