ALL EYES ON THE SOUTH. Land of ffleif and Cotton - at " - Last Coming to its , ' Own. Yorkvllle Enquirer. "All eyes are on . the South" has become a common expres sion. The world is intently watching the wonderful growth and development of this section. The progress of the south is amazing, and it elicits the admi ration and praise of all civilized nations. . The following interesting ar ticle is from the Railroad Record and Common Carrier for Au gust: With an enormous cotton crop ripening, the largest fruit crop in its history, and prospects for a great yield of corn, the South is reasonably sure of a prosper ou8 fall and winter. Twelve million bales of cotton is a con servative estimate at this writ ing. The price for fall months is really better than we could ex pect. Peaches brought into Georgia alone nearly three million dol lars, and the South 's melons and t A A A vegetables nave netted two or three times as much. The South's cotton will give us half a billion dollars and there will be very little corn to buy next win ter. In the west, corn prospects are fine, but wheat will be 20 per cent, short. So the west wil barely hold its own. Last winter the South's cotton money went a long way to avert a general panic. Now it looks as if the South will again furnish the money and the prosperity for the naticn. On June 30th, last the South ern Railway completed its tenth year. ,' One decade is a short period in 4-Vi n l-S arw tt rf o nArrmrof inn ry a. 1 i. a a I pcusia V U IC 13 suvu umiwoan a country, uut mauy iiiiporwui . isfa-etionaBdls so surelv, becom- C Millions Lost In Corn Stalks. Saturday Erenlfig Post. Professor H. W. Wiley. of the department of Agriculture, be- leves that the stalks of the sweet corn might be turned to most valuable account. They contain much more sugar than those of the common field corn, and the sugar content is at its maximum at the time when the ears are pulled. Sugar, of course, is readily convertible into alcohol, and. inasmuch as each 100 pounds of stalks will yield six and'a half pounds of absolute alcohol, it is easily seen what a good thing the ignorant -agriculturist has been allowing to go to waste. Say that one acre will yield from ten to twelve tons of grains stalks, or about 20,000 pounds, and you have a quantity of raw material which will produce 1, 300 gounds of absolute alcohol, or 216 gallons. Alcohol at the pres ent time is worth forty cents a gallon. Ground in a wet condition and dried, cornstalks may be kept in definitely, and are ready at any time for conversion into alcohol- Professor Wiley says that the alcohol derivable from the corn stalks that now go to waste in this country would not only drive all the machinery of our facto ries, but would furnish the re quisite power for all of our rail roads and steamboats, run all of our automobiles, heat and illumi nate all of our housesand light the streets in every city in the Union. i . i A Heavy Load. To lift that load off of the stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It di gests what vou eat. Sour stomach, belching, gas on stomach and all dis orders of the stomach that are cura ble, are instantly relieved and per manently cured by the use of Kodol DvsDensia Cure. . f. btorrs, a drusrsist at 297 Main street, New Britain, Conn., says: v'Kodol Dys- Reflections of a Bachelor. A reformer lays himself up for repairs whenever he gett in office.-... , It is foolish as well as wicked to play ards for 'mbftesr If you don't understand the game. A twoman doesn't want you to be honest with her in . making love. She wants you to be en thusiastic. things may occur in that brief span. In the case of the Southern, the system has grown remark ably. It has jumped from 4,140 miles to 7,104 miles. Its gross earnings have in creased from $17,000,000 to $45, 000,000. Its common stock has risen from below 10 to above 45, al though at present it is about 27. Its preferred has advanced from below 50 to 92 and has been to 98. ' Pour or five years it did not It is stated that the story pub lished last week about the ticket wagon of Forepaugh and Sells Bros; circus being robbed of $30,Q00 in Tarboro, was all a blind. It is said that the circus did not have enough to pay off the! employes and that to gain time until it could be gotte, the story of the robbery was given out. ., v y -, Revr W. Li. Grissom, of Greens boro, is engaged in the task of writing a history of Methodism in North Carolina. He has been laboring on the work for the past four or five years, gatheung data and consul ing authorities, and hopes to bring out the first volume of the work early m the coming soring. There will .be seven volumes. ' 1 1 1 1 1 i The Supreme Court decides that if a man is acquitted of mur der on the plea of insanity and is committed to the criminal insane department at the penitentiary he shall remain there even if he regains his right mind until a special act of the Legislature shall restore him to liberty, is unconstitutional. This law was enacted in 1899. " - THE GOOD OLD WAY A severe cold or attack of la grippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to over power it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treatment such' as .would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's German Syrup, which was always liberally used in pnnnpptinn with the home treatment of that 1 am always sure to satisiy anai colds and is still in greater household ing the positive relief and subsequent cure for this distressing ailment, I feel fcono Paino, Itching, Scabby Skin Diseases, Swellings, Carbuncles. Scrofula Permanently cured by taking Botanic ElooJ Balm. It destroys the active Poison in the blood. If you have aches and pains in bones, beck and Joints. Itchinc Scabby kin. tfiood teelshot or thin; Swollen Glands Risings and Humps on the Skin. Mucus Patches in Mouth. Sore Tbroaf. or offensive eruptions: Copper Colored Spots or Rash-on Skin. a."l run-down. of nervous: Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair of Eyebrow, falling out. Carbuncles or Boils, take Botanic Blood Calm, guaranteed to cure even the worst and most deep-seated cases where doctors, patent medicines, and hot springs fail. Heals all sores, stops all aches and pains, reduces al swellines.makes blood pure and nchxompletely chang ing the entire body into a clean., healthy condition. B. B. B. has cured to stay cured -thousands of cases of Blood Poison even after reaching the last stages. Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczeica are caused by an awful poisoned condition of'.; Blood, B. B, B. cures Catarrh; stops Hawking arte Spitting: cures Rheumatism, with Aches and Painsf heals all Scabs, Scales, Eruptions, Watery Blisters. with Itching and Scratching of Eczema, by giving i pure, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Cancer Cured Botanic Blood Balm Cures Cancers of ell Kinds. Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Tumors, ugly Ulcers, it kills the Cancer Poison and heals the Sores or worst Cancer perfectly. If .you have a presisterv Pimple. W art,swellings. Sfcootine. Stinging Pains take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. Many apparently hopeless cases of Cancer cured by taking Botanic Bood Balm OUR GUARANTEE. Take a large bottle o! Botanic Blood Balm(B.B.B.)as directed on label, and when the right quantity is taken a cure is certain, sure and lastina. If not cured your money will nromntW be refunded without argument. Botanic Blood Ba!m B.C. 15.11s Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for 3C years. Composed of Pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens weak Mdnevs and stomachs, cures Dyspepsia. Sold by all Druggists, $1. Per Large Bottle.with complete direction for home cure. Saiiipla Sent Free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Describe your trouble, and special free medical advice, to suit yoy case, will be sent in sealed letter. crratifv mv customers by recommend- insr it to them. I write this to show how well the remedy is spoken of here. ' ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was discovered after years of scientific experiments and will positively cure all stomach troubles. ' Sold bv James Plummer. The State Election Board,com- posed of K. T. Clay well, Morgan- ton ; W. G. Lamb, Williamson, and A. B. Freeman, Henderson ville, the last named a Republi can, met m Raleigh last week and LOW RATES. On Tuesday, Nov. 22, and again on December 13 and 27th the Frisco System will sell one-way excursion tickets . from Atlanta to all points in Indian Territory and Oklahoma at the extremely low rate of $16.00. On same dates one-way reduced rate tick ets will also be sold to points in Eastern and Central. Texas. ' Write for full particulars to S. L. Parrott, district passenger agent, 6 North Pryor st., Atlan ta, Ga. - An electric 'bus to convey pas sengers to and jf rom the depot to hotels, is now in use at Greensboro. v Refused. This word will be recognized by all newspaper men. If yon have not seen it, it will only be a matter of time before yon do and mm, M. 9 AY nine cases out oi every ten it is by men who are due you fbr the entire time they hate been taking the paper. If a man does not wish to take the paper any longer, let him come up like a man and pay for it and ask his name to be cut off. This is the way to do; have some manhood about you. Don't try to get through this world by see ing how many people you can beat. The debt you owe a paper should be paid just as the one one you owe for provisions. Younj: Bob Glenn Monroe Enquirer.. Two weeks ago we said that Mr. A. M. Stack had named the first Union county boy for Gov ernor Robert Glenn. Last week we had to takeHhat all back, for Mr. Luther Williams, of east Monroe township, called , our at tention to the fact that he had a boy 2i years old named Robert Glenn. And now Mr. W. D. Hawfield. of Vance township, comes at us with the statement that when Governor (Jienn was campaigning in 1892 it was de cided that the baby boy at his house should be named Robert Glenn. Robert Glenn Hawfield is the senior Robert Ulenn in this county. ' Mothers Praise It. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved and the lives . of their little ones it has saved. A certain cure for coughs, croup and whooping cough. A. Li. St afford, fostmaster, of Chester, Mich., says: "Our litt srirl was unconscious from fetrangul tion during a sudden and terrible at tack of croup. One Minute Cougn Cure auicklv relieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly." One Minute Cough Cure relieves coughs, makes breathing easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out inflammation and removed every causae of a cough and strain on lungs. v . ' Sold by James Plummer. s STUART'S GUI A11D BUCHU Gores Kidney and Blad . der Tronbles. .We have set aside 15.000 bottles of Stuart's Gin and Buchu to give away to sufferers who prove to them that Stuart's GitT"and Buchu will cure the most deep-seated cases of Kidney and xsiaaaer xrouoie ana ttneumatlsm Many people die. from disease be cause so many overwork themselves. Other folks suffer from Diabetes.Drop- sy, oweuing oi ine t eet ana Ankles, Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Innamation of the Bladder, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Nervousness, Headache Neuralgia, UrineX looks badly,' with stong odor, frequent de sire xo pass water, Dizziness. Stuart's Gin and Buchu will des troy, the poison so that a permanent cure is made after all else fails. All the sympoms promptly disappear and . you reel better from the first dose. Thousands of the worse cases ever heard of have been permanently cured "n-rr Chtavt'a r( ox,) T.. UL!.L tjj KJkuai V o VJ1U UUU UUUIU, WHICH gives energy, life and power to the kidneys. They cause the kidneys to purify the blood to make it redder and healthier and more nourishing. Puts new life into vour bodv. new colbr" into your blood, new arabition into muscles and cures all above named symptoms of kidney trouble. Sold at drug stores; or by express prepaid, $1. lnorougniy tested for twenty years, Stuart's Gin and Buchu. nleasaut to take. You can relv. on this crand cure for weak kidneys. To get a free sample bottle simplv write (a request on apostal card will do) Stuart Drug Co., Atlanta., Ga., 24 Wall Street, and Stuart's Gin and Buchu will be sent at once prepaid. There are no .other conditions, so don't hesitate to write us at any time. For sale by all druggists. A Sure Thing. favor than any known remedy. But even without the application of tne ola fashioned aids German byrup will cure a severe cold in quick time. It will cure colds in children or grown people. It relieves the congested organs, allays tne irritation, ana effectively stops the cougn. Any child will take it. It is invaluable m a household of children. Trial size bottle, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale bv James Flummer. The valuation of white prop erty in North Carolina nas in creased 32 Der cent, during: the I . i i -i i . a i past year and that Of the negro ?ry tnen curea me aDsoiuteiy " - I info 1 1 o h a frT mi n w I property 50 per cent. One Made Young Again. of Dr. King's New Life Pills nav a divirlpnd on nreferred. elected a State Canvassing Board rrviori if. hotra-n w Twrino- nnp nor of four members who will meet ront. n nrl fnr fVia In at. two rpars in Raleigh December 1st to can Viao nairi nor nont. nnrmniiv nn vass the election returns. Those v, ntn--nA elected were Lamb. Clay well and MUlions. of dollars have been LeweUen, pl Surry, Democrats, each night fortwo h mjta snATit nn rriad-hed hrid?es. rails, ana larenue d,u, ux tiic&, ivc- - . iw...,. pn. Thsv'rft thp. shops, tqrtninals and equipment, publican. If there is any contest be'st in the worid for Liver, stomach mu v.. muiAtinniin fiRTrJTi- Lms nnaru. UHiwbtiu ihcw ana ooweis. irureiv vtiietauic. cv- 1UC luau uaa uecu icn,uv,aajj i r 7 , , , I . n t land and 5iacKDurn tne latter gripe, a xx 6&io. will get cold comfort, for the lone Republican member is fierce ly anti-Blackburn. Statesville Landmark. rebuilt, and it is now a high class property in every respect. The Southern has advertised the South all over the globe and it has brought in millions of in vestment in farms and manufac turing industries. The. company s service has been wonderfully improved, and1 is now equal to any in the land. The Southern has reached down into Florida and west to St. Louis. It has been progressive and lib eral, and the public has shown its appreciation by giving it abundant patronage. Thousands Cured. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has p.nrfid thousands of cases of Piles. "I bouo-ht a box of DeWitt's 'Witch Ha- Salve on the reccommendation of our druggist," so writes C. H. La Croix. of Zavalla. Tex., "and used it for a stubborn case of Piles. A It cured me permanently." Sold by James Plummer. Maybe a woman's idea, of heaven is something like a bar gain counter big enough for all the angels to fight over. If a man's pipe could tell all the meditations it has shared with him they would make the wife's hair stand on end. If she is young and pretty, a lone widow is seldom alone. ' It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not al together true. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption is a sure cure for all ; lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. VanMetre of Shepherdtown, W. Va.. says 'I had a severe case of Bronchitisfond for a ye&r tried every thing I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New D4scov It's infaliable for Croup, Whooping Couerh. Grip, Pneumonia and Con sumption. Try it It's guaranteed bv all Drusreists. Trial bottles free. Reg. sizes, 50c, $1.00. Mr. J. C. Caddell, editor of the Raleigh Times, is sick with smallpox at his home at Wake Forest. A Good Complexion. "SDarklinff eves and rosy cheeks restored by using Dewitt's Little Ear- Iv Risers." so writes S. P. Moore, of Nacosrdoches. Tex. A certain cure for billiousness, constipation, etc. Small pilleasy to take easy to act. Sold by James Plummer. Man's love is of man's life a thing apart; 'Us woman's whole-existence. Byron. It is impossible to love a second time when we have once really ceasea to love La Rochefoucauld. No. 5. $35.00. No. 7. $50.00. I fill I M BLICKENSDBRFER TYPEWRITER- . EXCELLS IN Speed. Convenience. Everyday Swindler. "There it goes again," said the trol ley conductor as he rang the bell to ,let off a passenger who, had only rid den tor a square. "You'd be astonished," continued the knight of the bell strap, "to know how many people try to beat the trolley for a free ride when they want to make a call a square or two away from home. "They hop on the car, wait till it has started and then want to know if the Kase of Operation. Price. Durability. Perfect All.Tnment. BY Merit. " Haviusr the most S dentine ally Arranged keyboard By belnsr an up-to- date Typewriter. If you are using or have use for a vv riting Machine you are do ing yourself an injustice if you do not Investigate 'the BHckensderfer Typewriter Send for Catalogue t-dar, THE BLICKENSDERFFR MTg CO. 15 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. car doesn't go to some pace which they . Wpll-Tffpd RfimfidV, In this way they get tnelr .riac ror nothing and go on their way in the be lief that they have "fooled the conduc tor." Philadelphia Press. The fellow who is the flowing bowl is best bowler. addicted to seldom the Sisifl Governor-elect Douglas, of MaecsarVhnsp.tts. certifies that it cost him just $34,300 to be elect- nomenal one. ed Governor of that Common nrMH.h Tf some of us had $34.- 300 do you suppose we'd want to Governor of Massachusetts ? The job doesn't last longer than two years (it used to be but one in Massachusetts) and doesn't nav over $5,000 a year. To some x: w tween a nominal fee and a phe- ful disease, Blood Poison. It gained inch 0f Us an old governorship WOUld 01 tne tnTOat, A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of There is quite a difference be- No. Mehoppany, Pa., made a startling writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcer ation of the stomach. I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gain ed from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Bit ters are positively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kldnev troubles, lry mem. w ly 50c. at all Druggists. Discretion a Failure. "I was at the husking bee one day. Great fun." "Find a red ear?" "Yes." "Kiss the prettiest girl?" "Nope. Didn't dare. All the pretty girls were engaged tp husky farmers. "What did you do?" "Kissed the homeliest girl. "Did that give satisfaction?" "Not a bit of it. Each of the husky farmers felt that I had personally snubbed his best girl." Cleveland Plain Dealer. ha LrtM-n uaed lor .ver SIX l'Y YKAK by UlLLlONd of MO rUEKS for tfcfir CaiLDUEN Will DC TEETH ING. WITH PKRFlicr bUx;Ej8. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS tb OUXS, ALLAYS &U PAIS? CURES WIND COLIC, ami U thr bet remedy for DIaurHcea. Sola by dmglau In erery irt or the world. Be sure and ak f or - . MRS. W1NSL0WS SOOTHING SYRUP, AND TAKE NO OTHER KIND. Xweaty-FiTe Cu m Dottle. i i s ID Dr. WooIWslSJKSaa PAIWLE03 AND VfMsjCara opium, I&adamuris' ouiii oi opiam, eo ealoe or wnlskey.a larz book of Dr ttealtrs on home of eanstoricm treit tnent. Addrni. Q. M. WOOLLEY CO- UA N. Prior Street. AUdU, tieorctf, Mm -T'.iS Kind Yen Han Always Bontft sit no luaooaui dq moaj Saplpnf headway that I was forced to resign mj position and seek relief at Hot Springs. After spending all the means I had I went tp Memphis. In less than three weeks I was in a hospital, and after nine weeks of suflerincr I was discharged as cured. In look like 30 cents alongside $34,- 300. sore and swollen tonsils, loss of voice, and other throat tronbles should never be fc. The Chatham Kecord says that a colored man. named James imw than a month cTcrrbone in mv body Soruiil. was accidentally killed teemed to be affected and felt as if they week in the COal minejat would bresk at the least exeruon. Again c k He was at WOrk in t!!?? I the shaft of the mine when a Many an artist would rather paint the town than a placid neglected. These ailments quick-1 landscape often end in consumption or pneu monia. Quick Arrest ' Gulled&re, of Verbena, Ala., HAMLINS When I came out I was advised to try farming. When I first went on the farm I Srevailed on the only firm who handled nigs to get dozen bottles of S. S, S. . At that time both of my hands were broken out with blisters and I was covered with boils and sores. In the meantime my druggist had gotten two dozen bottles ol S. S. S. for me and I began its use, and after taking the thirteenth bottle not a sore or boil was visible. R. B. PowxxA. East 9th St., Little Rock, Ark. Of all human diseases, Contagious Blood Poison is the most hideous and hateful. The victim is tortured with eating ulcers, sores and abscesses, unsightly blotches, eruptions and other symptoms of the mis erable disease. S. S. a has been used Burreufnllv for ne&rlv fifty years for j "O- . - - T1 J uoniagiuua iva;u Poison. It con tains no mercury, potash or other mineral. Our horns treatment book gives all the symp toms of this dis ease. Medicalad vice free. Tke Swift Specific Company, Atlaita, Gx niece of iron piping an inch and a half in diameter fell irom near the top of the shaft and went en tirelv through his body ana tnen through a plank two inches thick. WIZARD 0' JUL! used. as a gargle, and externally Charlotte cotton mills are seri-1 on the throat, is a marvelous rem- ously hampered by the lack of operatives. Prosperous iarm - - m. . in c conditions have induced . many to go to the country. The fellow who likes to hug the girls doesnt care so much about being forewarned as fore armed. - " ", A thing is generally fashion able because it is expensive, and expensive because it is fashion able. - It doesn't do any good to draw on your imagination when you have no handy account t draw on. edy for these painful and danger ous disorders, and effects relief rand cure after everything else has failed. J. A. was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of piles causing tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Riifklen's Arnica Salve Quickly ar rested further inflammation and cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 25c. at all Druggists. All work and no play doesn't appeal to the theatrical manager. CASTOR I A For Infants nd Children. fhe Kind Yea Hare Alwajs Bchf m ir says ueniy wane, oi uarnn. sears the Mo.; "I am under obligations to gignataxeof jruu xur uio great gwu wiuuu TTaTnUTi aittv1 Ail AiA ww vrri-fo ffria enfrarri watm mr TvvnV,! There seems to be a bond of rA rrn. n-A 4irr..i. .1. I cwmrathv between tne oiacK M. U.MML ATM W H aW 1IBM mltUMMMU ! r I I MM I U W ! tored and doctored, nothing did sheep and the fatted calf her any good, until she tried Ham lins Wizard OiL,,' Price 50c and Jta Imd Yaa Haw Ahnys Eca $1.00. x j Sold and recommended bjj All Druggists Rmm til Good intentions with a guarantee. never come S nrrq JOJ SH nvam inazanip a eirab svq MopniJi aq) n q9n da;8 XpBa;sira qjjAi mSf Cigaatu af owe iTts liad Yea Haw Wtrts Rcr One beauty about being: a millionaire tfi that a man can wear' Old and com fortable clothes. Perhaps you have noticed tnat a soulless corporation ma be ireli heel ed. Speech may. be jrilver, bmVjoudcan't always collect on' IU Any man who'wantj it can finrVjrork, btxt some are e6 -trticularygJ jgiey want pay connected with" it. ' " Ivory Woman U iotereaea ni thotiui k.iow aboat the woiuWrfal MARVEL Whirling Spr lTb new Mtarf IjHmi. Inyrc- tion owl Annum. iit Hr Htiww ixwilf. Uk mr Irani! tyr k. ' If b cannot qddIt tb MAKVKL. aceeut do other, but aend Wamp for mL,. Ulastrata book ititlTe f nil MrtleiilAra and direction ! raloable to Udiea NAKVKLCO., AirarkOtw.Sewltrk. - "Queen of Sea Routes" MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANS. CO. STEAMSHIP ' t TNTJC RCWTWN Norfolk, Va Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. L Best Koate to Hen tngiana. r- m. "VT L. TP 4. t. Accom modations and Cuisine Unsurpassed! Through tickets on sale at principal - points. Send for booklet. R. H- WRIGHT, Agent, Norfolk, Va. J. C. WHITNEY, 2d V. t. andT. M. W. P. TURNER, Gen'l Pas. Agent. Gen'l Offices Baltimore, Md. Go to SULouis via C L t). Route. . . At " Now is the time 10 see ine greai World's Fair at St. Louis, Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposl- tion complete in all its beauty. An opportunity not 10 De missea and never to be forgotten. See that your tickets read via the C. & O. and Big Four Railways. Shortest. Quickest and best route with fast vestibuled train serrice. Old newspapers for sale at thi ofSoe. r '