. : m -w r " ' - ' ' r Y ' ' IT m n i ,. , O m mm- m mmmm a ' If you are indtnou and capable you can make money there. 1 he biz ranches are breaking up110 smaU 'arms that nied more workers td care for athe increased product. Theyms cities are prosperous because the country prosperous. There ai1.6 Yac7 of the richest soil ia America waiting for you. If you hare a littl" you -can own one of the small farms voursslf, Of you can rent one hares and pay for it out of the product in a few years. We will send yoVscr'Ptlve booklets and folders giving full information about die money makingjpportunities for eyery member of the family. ; yT want to see what the country is really Bice; you can go; there, work a few onths, enjoy the delightful climate, the flowers fruit and scenery, and earn araam Cs-V Eyery Day March 1 to May 15 From Chicago Rates $(TT rrom For oneway colonist tickets. Correspondmyly reduced rates from almost any point East .."' The VP is easily and comfortably made via the Rock Island. Two route one through New Mexico, tlx other through Colorado, . . . rn Through tourist cars hours quicker than any other line. Double daily tourist service Txa El Paso tri-weekly via Colorado. Dining-car service and free reclhwng chair-cars, both routes. The Rock Island has representative throughout the United SfeUes; they are travel expert and canaVO yu money. You can have their assistance m arranging the California trip for the asking. Cr"ult your home ticket agent or write to tin; undersigned for our California book aad complete flder "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper." Remember the Rock Island runs more tourist cars to California than any other route. Many of taem are of tko latest pattern, with wide windows ana lavatory and toiletVooms for both men and women, mmaually Urge and complete in tbetr appointments. Cut out this adrertiaeoBent, fiS In spaces, below, and mail to JOHN SEBASTIAN, Passenger Traffic Manager. Reck Island System. '' CHICAGO. Please send me rates of fare to Ca&orsia and time tables also your illustrated California book, and full information ahoot yoar new service. p? EL PASO 1 expect to far CaSf ornia ahont and would Eke information abovt- Name. Address. Gry- ! I! : : . 5-; CSk&Z SECT10K) -State. EXTRACTS From Exposition Notes of In terest to Our Readees WEDDING YESTERDAY Kesler and D. H. Ma- haley Married. CABIN THAT Miss- Maggie ROOSE VELT LIVED im The Lewis and Clark exposition to . . . i i i . 1 ' Jj "I -r 1 i. U T j-v-nrS on oi auiaius .uernweiuei ucwio r.,1 -William riarlr whlph nrtflprt 207.- foraain of the United States, will hen Jan- 1. President-Roosevelt, at .'anvinton, will press the button, tod tne ureat chimes in the united iiatei -overnment uuuaing win peai the stirring strains of America, as the oyenins signal. The people of the Pacific norm west have spent $5,000, d'jO on their fair, and it will be ready tu time. Frank Hall, manager for John L. Sullivan, U negotiating with the L-.wis and nark exposition ; authori t.,.s for spaci on the Trail, the f....jsement street .of the Fair, where v.ux figures of men whom he twelve years champion knocked out will be s::ovn, witL the winning punch in dicated in each case. The former e.'iampion wants to spend the sum m r in Portland, and. plans to give boxing exhibitions. He would like to et into a f.sat with Charley Mitchell or Tommy ilv.ras. . me -iosj caam in. thiicji ns&iunai Yesterday morning at 9 o'cloclc at Roosevelt lived in for three years he .home of Esquire D." M. Miller, on ! miie he wet a rancher 'has been .vest Cemetery Astreet, Miss Maggie j placed in the agricultiTal ."b-uilding -at Ivesl'r and D. H. Mahaley.were united j the Lewis, anvl Clark tspostLtcn, as a in the holy bonds of wedlock, 'Squire part of lie. State of North Dokata's Miller officiating. j exhibit. The cabin was taken apart Mrs. Mahaley is one of the prettiest aivd the pieces numbered, -bo that it young ladies in Rowan county and could be put together again exactly :he groom is to be congratulated on I as it was when the President lived in securing such an estimable lady for a j it as a cotey. It staoids near the 'ife partner. : She is a daughter of - south wall of the Agricultural build- l lr. Calvin Kesler, of Dunn's Moun- i ing. , . who know . him. It was m"lSJ that lr. KOOseTert. by many fpr quite awhile, but not at ) west to Xoith Dokata and purchased This wedding has been anticipated the . Maltese Cross ranch, a place .on tain, one of the county's most pros- j the Xiittle Missouri river, eight miles nerous and esteemed farmer. I sourh of the town of Medora. On tak- Mr. Mahaley is also a. prospercras ATTEMPTED MURDER THIS MORNING Davidson county again to-flay came " very near being able to record an , other murder on her court records. 4 As H. Clay Grubb and Clarence Thompson were coming to Salisbury tins morning, they were; fired upon by two men hidden In the ambush. The shooting took place about 8:30 o'clock, 1 1-2 miles from the toll bridge, near the forks of the Salis bury and Tyro roads, in Davidson county. t The gentlemen were driving along j leisurely, when all at once, someone f hidden in the bushes by the side of I the road, opened fire "upon them with j a shot gun loaded with No. 2 shoL. I Mr. Grubb received 11 shot in the ; shoulder, at the lower side of the I right arm; 1 in the left side about'10 inches from the shoulder and 1 1-2 in 'from the spinal column; 1 in the ! forehead, passing under the skia and J coining out about 2 inches from the J point of entrance, 1 through the chin, j 1 near the corner of the right eye, 1 in the ight elbow, 1 in the right hand, 2 in the right hip, 1 grazed his throat and another his left leg about G inches above the knee. Vhen the first shot was fired, Mr. Grubb spoke sharply to his horses, and they started off at a swift pace. Someone then fired again and Clar ence Thompson received 10 shot in the back. In addition to the wounds n his back, four shot struck his left land at the first fire. Mr. Grubb recognizing one of his issailaats as NtJ Crump, ,a ngro. Crump is a desperate character and ms bfeh in trouble before, having shot a policeman ; in Lexington, some time Hgo. Ihe other ma had a rifle but none of his shots struck either man. The buggy was fairly riddled, hav- ing iz snot m il. Mr. Grubb was warned yesterday, hat an attempt would be made on his life, and, as a matter oi precau tion, he retired early lafet night, and put, extra shades over his windows. He "was apprehensive oi danger last night, but did not anticipate any thing " of .he kind this morning , and ihosmir 9ack was therefore not. prepared for such an attack. Ho naturally believes this is the outcome of his killing .tybe Davis and expresses as His opinion that the men who made this attack on him were I hired for that purpose. Grubb and Thompson drove imme diately to the office of Drs White head and McKenzie, where their wounds were dressed. The wounds, while painful, are not considered dangerous, Dy dt. , wnne head and the men -were aTale to walk out of the offitje- c;' - - - ' Thompson was more seriously nurt than nGrbh, notwithstanding th t act. that the - first sliot ynred: was , ciose 4 The Kind TTon Havo Always Bought, and. which has boca. in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its iftfancy AnntvtinnnAthnArAtrnrnn in thl(L All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good 99 are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wonni and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENU! NE C ASTO Rl A ALWAYS Beark the Signature of Tie KM You Have Always Bought , In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUri COMPANY, TT TflKrTt MCWTOPA OfTV. LCCAL BRIEFS farmer and held in high regard by ail such an early date. The marriage was a very quiet -affair, there being only two other per sons present ing possessitra Mr. Roosevelt chang ed the name to Chimney Butte, on ac coiiTit of a chimney shaped 'btitte, a short distance ' atvay. The rough cabhi which h bought "with the ranch was s'he future President's" only ' home Lb 1 us adiuc i n c ncouL-i This has been a strenuous week In Salisbury. The court house has been full of people and the Interest of the crowd has been Intense from first to last. What. will be the result of the Grubb trial, has been uppermost In the minds of a large number; who have watched the rather unininter- esting progress of the proceedings day after day. It's an awful thing for any man to be on trial for his life. If he is guilty and convicted, he. has at once approached the end of his career, and the world contains little for him. And even though he should not be . convicted, but should go free he is hardly, " ever the same man again, but must go through the balance of his life a marked man. We must remember that the law of ransrel and frona th side ?t thd laxiggy I the Lord is the. onlyperf ect law, nnd tv.i. nmTVH sat. . - . vt thf law of this erood land, ii Charlotte authorrtles . were imme- I properly executed, the ends or justice diately wired, for Diooanounas a-uu i are sure to De met. they will De put on the trail with the Rowan county dcrgs. . The roads are now being scoured for the men;-and if caught it is feared they may be lynched. ; Grubb left for home shortly after his wounds had hreen dressed and Thompson is at the home of; Mr. Mc Inturff. It is reported late this afternoon, that the posse who are after Grubb'a assa-ilants, are on their trail and their capture is expected at any hour now: The couple left on 36 for Washing- i for nearly three years, and in it he ton, on a bridal tour, and expect to j lived the life -pi. a. cowboy, be gone several days. j In -the cabin ihere'will be exhibited TTnon their return they will be at J also a number of interesting memen- home to their numerous friends at tos of the President's life at that per FORGED NAME OF HIS WIFE mammmmmTmm. " ' . ' M . 1.11 :n Notes Held by tne unanoueMiuc Banks Have Been Paid in Full. pretty, country resi- od. Ajq old eraw hat which Mr. Rooserelt wore when he went to the Dr. J. Howell May, a prominent physician of Waynesville, ' passed through the city to-day going 'north. Thtre will be a meeting of the Typographical at the Royal Printing Company, .this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock Dr. R. T, Vann delivered the libra ry address at Crescent Academy, on rM last. The address is said to be exceptionally good. Mr. Fred X. Day, the lay preacher, filled the pulpit yesterday and last night at the Baptist church. He went to his home in Wintson this morning. Rev. W. H. Rich, who has been In disposed for several days, is now bet ter and hopes to attend commence ment this week at Wake Forest Col M. Mahaley's dence. ThP Sun joins their many friends in wishing them a long life of peace , jf afterward -as unsuitable to tne and prosperity, free from aH cares ; Mnd of life he nrcut lead, was found and oversnaaowea oy um n. iwuuo i m an um mivh iu uv-i of eloom. but that the Rule of Hea- ! in, and wm he shown to visitors Charlottesville, VjL May 21. It is probable that the commonwealth will I justice can come try to subject the estate or tne late Samuel J. McCue, who in Feb ruary last was executed for the mur The lawyers in this case have done their work well. Neither side spared labor nor pains, and nothing now could be added to the efforts on either side of the case. The .men who compose the jury are strangers to us. However, it is evident they are good average citizens, and to all appearances will do what they think is right, rendering such a verdict as in their judgment is Justified by , the evidence. Whether the prisoner Is convicted or set free, the twelve men who have been so patient and apparently so anxious to learn the. truth, deserve and we have no doubt, will have the moral support of this "town and county. People ought never to. be encouraged to discount the sacred- ness of our laws, but, to look to our courts as the only source from which field and I must go; toer.'forc, I do now tender my 'es'gnaticn. May the 'dear Lord, in his infinite love and mercy, call a shepherd to this noble flock that it will lead them -out into the green fields and bestte the still , waters. It has been my heart's desire and prayer to G d to serve you iaitmuiiy, ana tie nas LSrently blessed us. And now what shall I say for you? Words are inadequate to express my feelings i you are a noble people ye3, you are some of God's salt, and you have stood by and faithfully and he roically helped in all my work. And may God grant -that this church may always be a preserving and saving force In Its town and In "the world. And when: at last, your work on earth is finished, may you all hear his wel come voice, saying: "Well done thou good and faithful servants : enter thou into the Joy of the Lord," Is the prayer of one who loves you. J. W. HAYMORE. Prof. Allman's classed are now - In the second month, and he desires all old pupils to continue that they will make doubly the progress this month. He proposes" to make his classes pro? ficient in the glide, waltz, and old two-step, besides teaching them sev: eral new, beautiful waltzes. Parents are invited to meet him at armory hall a 4 o'clock tomorrow evening. ven and earth may even smile on them, and bring to them the happi ness they both deserve. at I TTAfforn TTor1 A ' s: Pa ir. Other ' Telics include the President's old ! gun. his caps, boots and a war bag in ! which he stored these articles when GOV. GLENN AND STAFF j OFF FOR WASHINGTON j he gave up his cowbey life. CARRIED TO HOSPITAL Mrs. W. H. Dow, of Spencer, Taken to Charlotte Last Night said to ' Special to the Sun 175 of the Bargain Rings left at German & Green's. The sale will be continued through Wednesday. Wednes- and im- i aim tmv r wiff of Mr. W. H. Dow, AX i O -AS V ' " v manager of Gorman & Green's branch iewelrv store at Spencer, and has manv friends who hope to hear of The Bargain sale of Rings will pos itivelv end on Wednesday evening. Remember the place Gorman Green's. & CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Hit Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Raleich. N. C May 22. Governor Mrg. W. h. Dow, of Spencer,, who Glenn State Treasurer B. R. Lao, ! is so seriously ill with typhoid fever, Chas. E. Johnson. Joseph G. Brown, wag taten to Charlotte last night left this morning for Washington ;o inhere she will enter St. Peters hos attend Southern Industrial f arua- j pital ioT treatment mpnt. in session Tuesday, day and Thursday. Governor Glenn is to preside snv3.it nromises to be of great portanca. An announcemeni t hef early rec0very mode from the office of Adjutant gen eral Robertson, that the matter lo cating the third regiment band has been referred to Col. Craig. Greens boro, Charlotte, Ralelgn compels for band. It is announced that new military companies have been accept ed for High Point and Louisburgsub Ject to satisfactory inspection by in spector General Bain. The town of Louisburg was visited by another fire this morning. The big dry goods store of. Stokes and Fergu son was destroyed Loss 110,000. ranch, 'out which was discarded short- I der cf his wife, to the' payment of the costs, Indeedhere has been entered upon the judgment document a mem orandum 'of the fees and. costs, amounting to 3,097,42, made up for the following items: Jurors, $1,847.- 52; board of jury, $230; gnards, $426; Sergeant C. W. Rogers' expenses in getting a jury, $82.85; witnesses, $495.55; Commonwsaim s attorney, $10; clerk, $2.50. Auditor Applied to. rnmmonwealth's Attorney Gilmer this, mornig was averse to discussing the matter, and contented himself with saying that he had referred it to the Auditor of Public Accounts with the request to instruct- him as to what course to take. Under sec. 4087 of Polard's Virgin ia Code, the clerk of the court in every criminal case is required to make up a statement of the expenses incident to the prosecution, and his statement has all the force of a rmirt in faror of 1UU51UCUI, ill Olf'-i the Commonwealth against the con victed felon. The costs and expenses for which the convict's estate is thus made liable are jail fees, charg- for dieting, guards ana irauepui- accmine beiore convicuuu, The average man is. after all, the best juror under all circumstances. This is why 6ur present jury system js the best method for the trial of causes, of whatever sort. And just as the system Is honored and protect ed by the best people of' the country, just in that proportion will it remain free fr6m objections, and from Im perfections. o- - SPENCER. Which Is a BIG SALE Shows That Advertising Paying Investment Last week Gorman & Green adver- tunH for sale 1.000 rings which had es tation 11SCU iu - " 1 . 0iQ hepn secured by them at a very low compesation to Vitnesses, jurors, iees nrir and which they intended to sew j to constaoies ior arreuas - . 1 Rev. T. A- Smoot, pastor of Main street Methodist church, passed through Salisbury this morning,.- 'en route home from Asherille. Mr. Smoot stopped ove for a few hours and visited -his brother, W. B. Smoot. at a great bargain - As a result they sold 825 of these rings and only have 175 left. ed and summoning witnesses Attorneys Will Contest. Thfi attorneys for the estate, it is understood, even to the point of tak- ' . . x. ii .V mvr We are told every day nowUiat ( mg 11 10 me President Roosevelt is to visit Ral- The two notes on which It ta eTgh and Charlotte, It may be he leged; McCue forged Wjwrfe . will But 11 tne old Esneriiiyvtruoiuco . r - - - . win. Bui 11 . uie . Jefferson National hnnk, and an this way, anu we 1 - , - . . . . . ty.A Pciriip'o ston off at Salisbury. Watch if he other for $4,000, held by the Peo does not. WTierther there is a ball tNatloal banK, cav( game here or not by McCue's estate. al en- by MRs HAYMORE RESIGNS Spencer, . N. C, May 21 in the spring of 9103, as I was completing my work at Wake- Forest College, I received a letter from this church asking me to come, and look over this field.- '. . After accepting the invitation and - having preached here the 4th Sunday n May, the church unanimously called me, and I took up the work on the 4th Sunday in June, 1903. Since that time, it has been an In expressible pleasure to ' serve It I have learned to love you more and more as ; have gone in and out among you. yes, l love your- cnimreu auu vcu the timber in this house During my pastorate here the Sunday school has . grown from a mere handful to a large . and enthusiastic school, and the church has had- over 100 additions, which our pledges have. Incrf ased from $43.00 to $294.00. 4 4 Dearly beloved, as I thinK 01 fever ing my conLection from you, it makes , me feel as though my heartstrings i were being torn out; but I -hear the voc .f Cod falling me . to anctter An entertainment will be given by the Young Ladies' Relief club of the '.First Baptist churchh, an Ice cream v supper for the benefit of the church. All are cordially invited to attend. "znz RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man .of Me. prodacos the above result In SO days. It acta powerfully mc4 quickly. Ctzrea mhm Mil others ftlL louDg men Wll regain their lo3t ZBjafaod.ndol4. men win recwrer -their youtLlul rifr by lalct BEVIVO. It jnicklyn4earelywrtorMWer?oui cess, Lett ViUlity, Impoteocy. 9ichlly XpiiasloiH, Lost Power, Pllnff Memory. WMtlac Otaeuc. n4 all effect of Mlbaae or esceM a&4 indiscretion, which unfits one for tody. basineM or surrUc. It Dot only cures by storting st th seat of alsesss. but is s great nerve tonic and blood tilar, bring ing back the ptak grlow to pale eneeksandrs storing the fire of yonth. It wards off Insanity nd Conramption. Inslrt oh bsriaf XKtllOM other. It can be. carried in vest poeket. By xnau. lJOperpactage, or six for e&OO. witb POtV ttve trritten guarantee to eut or ratSJM the BmT. Book and 4riae free. AddreM Mil, MEDICKE CO, TSZZZ&ISjl'' -w riv . 7 -4 James Plummer, Salisburr V w lm ioterejied nA abould kiow bo6t Use wotioeiTBl MRYIL toRiritog Spray I The TW cWI S;riM. I)rb- turn att i!m turn. HeM -3iot Convenient. t rmrnr irmUX Tr H. it beraunoteapply the MAKVKIj. c-e.4 do cthrr. but rnd ataiap for f ui)urvxu)iarul rturt;om In- v f Tlal to UU:r IH tBV., VO Al rrk Kw, cwl era. on HUM eccAiriE am Y1II3KEY HaAitB evrtd at mr faaaWttoa la few weeks. Tew cab retara to yonr neM ia 3S 6r wwB. fee aad baery 1 ave auule tke aUts a aiteUly for a mm He t wf seat rhCL isterw 1R- M. K. WOOULJaTY, 19 y. ryor BW eea. AnTi.O. 1904-05 1793 f-Mff R!MfiHflS!1 SCHOOL Ideatiy located near Asartnle. MILITARY. Srj wis-wlrd by m JjSZ Qf&cexs and Army Xnapcctora. Kefaainc Paplla intoadof increathtf aewwniarnlaHnBs fl39 bafftaFm, . OOI R. BLNGHAM. ewpt, F. O Ko. 4, Asherille, 9. C