JTCE STATE'SUSYEY. Uhusual Attractions For An Uhusual Bdsiiibss. Our Attractioiis W.' ' Are the Low Prices - 'I'M to) 0 Limit Aim W bil 1 1 ne ir rice Cash Store VERY ARTICLE in our store is made to earn its own living I by moving out rapidly. When you consider that,we have hundreds of different articles in our store to sell, you can readily 6ee there is no necessity for us to put a big profit on any one ar ticle it easily seen that we can sell 'you goods cheaper than a merchant depending on one exclusive line for all his profits. ft V10:,1EN, HISSES AIID GUILDDEU'S WRAPS. J ' : . . . When buying winter wraps for yourself or children it Is perfectly right that you look around In search of the bent goods for the least money we really prefer that you do thl; because you are more apt to appreciate the values we are offering jn winter wraps after comparing them with others, and nine caies out often the com pa r- Ison will make a sale for us. Below you. will find a few lots out of our mammoth tock partially described. -.1. , ue lot of 15 in light and dark tans, brown and gray mixed .plain fancy lining, sizes to to 83. rrice z.73 to io. One lot- contaiuing 12 Jackets, bargains in navy blue and black, siz 31 to 40, silk lined throughout. 'Prices $7.50 to $12.50 One lot of 14 Jackests, colors, army, navy blue and black, plain and stitched seams, size 32 to 40. Price $2 95 to $6 One lot of 18 cape, extra vol ties, made of guaranteed plushes only with plain mid fancy allk and fatin lining. Prices $5 to $10. One lot of 18 i1iih caes St.25 to $4.50 . ' ' Jt lot of 20 plain cloth and golf t apes every cape a bargain. Price $4.50 $12.50. jLe lot 5 doz, canes, value tnat can not be equaled. Price 85c to $3 .25. 1 .Ink nf HO natrttlrnn rmips. fur trlmmpri. biimimmI vmmip4. Priit SI m II nil r- : : 7 Our Business Is Founded Upon the Solid Principles of Right and Justice to All. The prices which we name In our advertisements are for relable goods and should rivet your attention until you have investigated for yourself. Remember you are as -welcome looking buying. ' ' ' Juit opened a new case of those widely known blankets in three sizes 104, 114 and 12 4 at three prices, $3, $1, unci $5. It will be Impossible for u toduplate these blankets and sell at the muiu prices. Bo don't blame us if you miss some blanket bargains. We also ahow aome extra values in mixed blankets from 50 cents to $2,25. JtW Tks , Utest Stite Ksis - Culls J r Frca C:r Ex:iasgs. ,Wake county has a citizen 107 years of age. Ihi3 individual, who will likely have the rare dis tinction of witnessing the two cen turies, is . a colored man "from House's creek township. His name is ; reter Uyrd. ; The lact that Wake county has a citizen of such extreme., old age was discovered at the sheriff's office when a son of the old man came to his faxes. The son gave his age aa fifty-two and he paid, $2.63 tax for. his father, .who owns a small pieca of property in Housed creek township. The jailer. O. L. Parham, recognized the son T)IlOSrERIT Y among our customers means prosperity lor ns. That s what we 'are driving at in this talkr-pros- perity for both of us, We want to say to all who ' , A ROYAL FEAST can be enjoyed from one of our juicy and tender roasts and . of prime beef, that has a de I , that we have the largest stock of B obts, Shoes, Rubber Boots and Shoes ever shown on this market, and we shall continue to offer to the Shoe buyers of Salisbury rind he corroborated the statement that . liciousness of flavor that KOWan COimtV sllOCS that will fit the foot WZi and purse, and at the same -time: give Ml stated that Peter was an old man, M e "'iv a leuiyuug Vnliir tor ovorv P.ont. thnt ,vmi nnv fhr thnrn when he first saw him as a boy, i stock of Fall foods in Spring xr t 11 xi r n . ii i and that was long before the war. Lamb, Veal. Double Chops "u iiailUie UlU lUllOWing AVCll KUOAVH lines, The information was obtained ' r. vT..rii. r. nn1 nlnim tliom hn "RT?Trn?.T flio nw from Petera son that tlm nlrl mnn I : - . v . , 1 is active gets about weii and is I meats ar6 awa up in blioes ol the same price on the market. very hearty. Raleigh Post, quauiy. Washington, Nov. 15. W. C. L. JACKSON; Deen asked by his wife to hunt hini up Mr, Chesser is of an in ventive ' turn of mind, and left home some time in the latter part of October, for this city to take out a patent. Whether he reach ed here is not known. Inquiries at the patent office develop the fact that no annlicationa Vfor i i :- . - - patents by Mr Chesser j are of record not later than in Jul v. No one there recalls him. Mr. Cheseer is represented as a sober, staid citizen, So far as knowni COAL! dOAL! Don't forget, when in need of OoaV to leave vour order at At well's Haidware. As to quality there NONE. BETTER. Misses', and Children's CLOAKS, REEFERS Aii 0 JACKETS. 1 lot doz. cloaks, teUel down, flannel tiued,: sizes . 4 to 6 Price cents. . As: trakan, fur trimmed and . plain braided reefer collars. Price $2 to $2.25 Reefers cad Jackets 3 doz found in plain cloth, beavers, ker seys and astrakans, some with plain col lars, others richly braided with stitched seams, in 8ize from 4 to 18 years'.! U?5 to $6 fay.order feft atPlummer'ff drug store will be attende d to prompt ly. Phone 118. R: LfORNEUSON: I nero Ins domestic relations at home were, pleasant but still the fascinations of Washington's beau tiful women are known the world over, and Mr." Cheaser is not adamant. At anv rate the ixlice Famous Tinrrt nlvvsiva crt riv tliA thonrv ilinf I line of . - . . J J-J w V ' J 111 t W there is a woman in every case, and are proceeding on in Mr. Cheaser's case. f In Ladies', the old reliable ZIEGLEU BROS., WILLIAMS, CLARKE & CO., E. P. REED & CO. In Children's . R. T. WOOD & CO., and ' In Mcn's- JAMES A. BANISTER CO., WILLIAM S,KNEELAND & Co GEO. E. KEITH CO., W. L. DOUQLAS, and 7 ATTL i A If known as ,the bosto on earth 3 Advertisers Take Notice. j Owing to the fact that seval of our customers may; want 'to change their advertisements the same day and, as it is likely to de lay the paper, we must ask adver tisers- to be governed by the fol lowing notice in every instance. The advertising patrons of The INDEX, Who desiro their advertise ments changed should be ure to have their copy in this 411ee before 9:30 a. in. to insure an insertion the same day. . . . .. t Give us a call and examine our stock, aud if wo don't satisfy you that we have, the largest and best line of shoes ever shown, we don't asx you to buy ot us. w e carry all styles m lilacks and Tans Coma ana see us ana we it uo you. gpou.; -v.' :" WHITEOCK 4 1 mm Leading Shoe Dealers; Murphy's Granite Block, SALISBURY, N. X B. B. MILLER, v Attorney at Law, s : I IT. C, 'Offers his professional services to the citizens; of the town and com munity. Temporary office: Over Young's drug wtore I illilli 18 1! r i Ladies' Hose. Outings rind Daisy Cloth In light colors, Just the thing for wrappers, dressing sacks, night shl rts, Ac, at 7, 10. 12) and 15c. Ladies' fast black and gray mixed hose, full length, 3 pairs for 25c Ladles' black and gray mixed hose good values 5c - ' Ladles' hemsdorf stainless black -l l xi. hose, high spliced heels and double Jb lannGlCttCS tnea.eltni valnrti nt I Every article of interest tp you. Men's Underwear. :i Men's heavy fleeced jersey; ribbed Undershirts and drawers, ' ip; gray and national- colors, special Values each SOcts Children's Underwear Childrens Union Suits, heavy jer sey ribbed fleeced lined per suit 25c. 'In plain and fancy :colors. The Infanta wool vests, allk finished proper goods for serviceable house fleece ribbed, worth 35c ts. Our price wrappers at 7J and 10c 25cta. v i il ne of Gen n : 1 St J. A 1. W m A a ' a, a . a. . I uur enure siock, consisun oi a nne cias ot trfoa, will te -.old regard less oi cosi, u iow prices wni move mem, tor csti only. The ol jectof XuU sale is dissolving copartnership. Our stochconiisting of theso goods BEAUTIFUL Capes- Plush, a.strakahnand cloth. Jackets All colon. Skirts Silk, crepon, mohair and worsteds. SEMI Waists-S'lk and Satin. ' Dres-H Patterns All qualities. Petticoats At any price. ' ' - yilks All colors and prices. . WARE Linen Goods, Chenille Goods, Comforts, Blankets, Bed topreaas, uarpets, Matting, liu&s, Cloqks, rictures, Pictures, Albums,. Watches, Etc., Etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION' IS CALLED TO OUR email Including acomblete line of gentlemen's neckwear in all- the latesl styles and cbmb&iations of colors, in Puffs, Imperials, Four-in-hands LluDs, etc., (Jollars, Cuffs. Dlain dress and fanv ShirtT Onr lina Fall Underwear is worthy of srjecial mention, hnt call and ask to examine it We are showing a strong and well selected line of men's dressed and undressed kid gloves We make a specialty of wijuau giuvca m DucKBKin, asDestos, etc A8K to see asbe&tos fireproof iwimuau uauiiums, epciai values at $i.uu Ladies' Kid GlovesA lieu Department. ' ; Xwentvthr i!nrtn k'M nim-A.- t,..i ....i.'L- r . .... . i v order from nnrThVrn H.ilV.T! j vea iraponea direct from foreien factories. Now unneewsarv to Aiik to im ,Lrt iTi : :v raa urnisn yoa with almost any color desired. fnm $1.00 up. O ) V7 UM LfirU j Young's Old Stand, llain Street, SALISBURY, N. C "A Jwusewiftfs felight-rjl nicely am-angeci table." i3uy your goods of and ffet a set of tnis ware. The iollowmgis a list of pieces: irom wnicn to select: WE SELL SUITS FOR S2.25, WORTH 05.00. soup bowl. free with cash ' purchases of - it 4 W 1 13.1,, i.Ltfbr I pie plate with cash purchases of 3 00 1 6-in round vec'ble dish Wo also carry a better line of Suits and Overcoats, but we cant quote Prices H SDace is too small. VVa invHn v.it tn nail nn.l Imnaot hmf IIa Ka 1 11-in platter with cash purch is 1200 -fore the best gaod- re old. We will continue thit Half in nor room. Ji and b. Jnd floor, Btil Block. . Remember theegKd will positively be eold for CASH ONLY: ' Yours to serve, ' - . t breakfast plate . 1 dinner plate 1 handle tea and saucer 1 individual butter 1 sauce dish I sugar bowl 1 cream picher, I gravy boat . 1 covered butter 1 8 in' covered dish 19-in platter ' n it fl IV , f ; it fl ( 4 00 1 7-in 4 00 1 8-In 4 00 1 8-in " 1 00 1 7-in oblong ' 2 00 IS-in - ' 15 00 1 pickle dish 6 00 1 celery tray 10 00 1 cracker jar 20 00 1 large fruit dish .km 1 cake plate . -17-pint pitcher b W I tea Ht it it 41 II It If It tt tt tt' tt tt it I 20 00 ; 4 oo , 600 10 00 12 00 , 6 00 1000 - 600 15 00 15 00 25 00 15 00 12 00 15 00 Remember we sell evervthif i,lji M rJlMti flnrl inanv h ? n era a rrraM deal cheaper than any one else in town. Remember, wi handle nothing but the bet goods for the least money. There' Is no rea.-on why you SEH!d no buy yonr dry oods and shoes from one of our stores, You get tue iur me money ior ine money wiieuyou buy of us. . rkatk. Mil cuupvus ai euner 6iore. Rejiect fully. mm N B10& average. Fast no Longer. The season of abstinence .from meats has passed. You can now in dulge in all the good things we have ready. ' ' Prime" meats are not occassional offerings here; Every day we have for jour selection Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton and Pork of superior quali fy; rich in th& elements which make fetrong bone and mnscle. 0kx1 meat is not dear at any price, butwr charges aro below tho Pa.

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