vU - P )) 3 SoU 1. S AT.ISBUBY, 1 C.5 1 OVEMBER 21ST, 1899 '"NTo. 25. INDEX. ': " " - y ' - X -".,;y" ::. -. U -:- , -' , . . v in : -. ' ': v -- --:; - J V' ' , - :;;"Vv ; ' ' .:.-r.vry X'X:-:X ? '- ' - " " "' "" """ " II W . I . II m I p. .. ....T , 1 -Mil t 5v Salisbury Fenci Hn s. If any x of our .suhscri hers fails to receive 7 " l.iJ, f ;,""''. ,.. vapcr, )ic will confer a favor Jjy jccpprtjnrl fl same.' : - . ; Cotton brought 7 40 today. A. W. Calhoun, of Atlanta, C a., Is In the city today. , ' V. S.McDuHle, of Concord, tct yesterday In the city. ,-. . Col. A. B. Andrews parsed throu'li :-lat night In his private car. - Dr. Atkins,- of Asheville, Bent lat night with Ilev. Dr. Weaver. " Col. Tauin. Mcnfl, of . Concord, '"-came In !.- t night to attend court. , ' Llvinlon Cotton, of Pontop, Montgomery, county, U In the city today. - '. Joseph JrtcV&on. who spent a few days Iiero has returned to his home. Concord. 1 . . ' ' - -. ' - " K. . M. Crtirgatt, of Gastnnla," Onston county, npent . last ulxht In thecliy. J T. JHmo!, wf Asheville, who has hceni eiifJir.p a fewdnyH In th clty, left thin morning '"" " - " . ''' ' :' Unlud KtHten irafhal MHlikan U through this morning with ' , 5 federal prisoner, going to Halotgli. CM. (JarnpGelf,; Pietldiiig Ilcr ' '"-of the AVentenr K. (J. Conferoiuo, lcnt lat night In the city with llev. D. iM'ttte.' , .! V " lUiv. T. FMarr, Vro-sldlng' Klder of the Vn.vnfrVf,no lltrUf,J who .was for f'ur ynrf "tstor of Church Street M. L'. rhuiCh; jpeiil ttt nigUt with ltcv. Dr VVcuvit. ' ':'t The B.'uthfry . Binv hig :Mai'hlne company l(j a new eutirprHe Just or iraiilzecl In city.-'. i V,.iiyder will d tho repair. woife wiul ' W. M. Jtuth is Ihorepreairitatlv- and tli' inun. '.-v . .',':-'- s Abodes GuflVy; of Halhhury, spent feundHyi:re-Vt-tho, ht'iUido of'hl ; brother",. Puytmi UulTy, wlio la skk with typhoid fevrr.V JJrJ (Juffey's tnnthci;H,Ht his In dslde. Concord Utandardw . " ", 'u'- - iv-v." Mrs. Vunco vvljf. tot ct with' 'the United Daughters of. tlm'-Confederacy at .3 :! o'clock Xi 'evuilng at thj home of Mr. V.n'Oyonuaii. frihe will pj-rak on the nut Joct of the . Lee Uioiiuti.ctit assocl;"itlt';iu . 1 ', ,. Miss Badle 'Colsbh; Avha has been attending tho fcilato formal "coilegr ttt Qrcfniiboro, .iaKet - through this . morning, going to-Jir -home At- Au " dersonvlllc. : She v accompanied by her uncle. Dr. Dunlrtp and Alls Allen, who llvc m,ir Ax'adcehoro Fireuuui Heali - 1' rry,-: who hai "l)Ccn-.runtdng. ( f t:, High Point, llundleman mmI '-r' .-.railroad between High l int . a"d Ahboro for Momt tlme, w'm in the Ity a short while I h I.s airuing mid returned I High Point gu No. ;- .., Ho t Hntii that he has been on furlouli ulout three 'week, and wllj rctut u to Id dullrs In a'day or tuo, . wo nm micnr.v'i ny jamea 1 , . Mowery that hi father has open d a gravel pit -:' ir town and they are reucy t ) li II orders at any time. ' " ; " ;" " Dr. W. II. Wfllu f. 11, of Charlotte, Vf,?.r,0re! N.C, wilt be in Hotel on Thur"! ' , jury a veumu r . r. Hth for one dtiy only. lli -clico i limit od to Kje, 1-ar, .Nu-! nuJ Throat. s All iork. sauge at Jaclr-.on'i. Try them. v ' Go to Jackson'. ' meats, ; . iv. u' ct .for nice I Go to Wrights Iviuit : o Srore for nice Xmas present., : D. W. Bnlder ha.s'a no .1 horso for sale. Can be frn JuiiiL-s' t-UtLlo. - Is the tona of yut;r i ' ' t:uc fatlsfac toriT Does tl.w.tuut.i full your flngtrh? U it In tunc? I: not only tunc ihu;n$ b".t tn.'.ko fp. d lty .f regularity at! J . it inr t rvqulreiutnts if IL, Give me a tri lar. 5 I v. luicl the t thstr.s. uuamnteo satisfaction. l it i : : N". Phlci.r. vases are m formerly. I 'A ' ' : tn h ! li: . . t ) t. rv increase in t' and partlcuL: are not kcj t tt; to the doctor ; your ucr v. i. . Norfolk soil's mai! TKE SUPERIOR COURT. j.:r C3s Set Ust Of Cass is c posed Gf S13C3 YESisrr v Iti this court the 'C.icaiust ' ill-Edward and Tom Carrr wij - oi,. cnargea witn ine rauruer ol ; iceman" "Kerns in "Concord; I rought to this countyfrora Ca ' rrna on change of ventto, Ava3 t ' for Thursday. The ; case i pwt .Jim.1, FarrowjT colored;. ' arged with the murder of ' a col: . . d girl in this city la8tummer set for to-morrow. , The ol ! .ring are the cases disposed of :;ce the court met yesterday af- moon: . . ' , " Henry Winecoff, for -rernqving crops, not guilty. j T. Charles Roberts. and 6HCoV? an assault, pi ad guilty.' Jadg rnent Busjeiided Uxn payment of costs. - I - ':f 'V Thomas Parker, selUn1liqiior without license. Parker ' was found guilty in two cases aii4 plead guilty in one. IIe,wji3 eent to the public roads for six months? --Kd Host, carrying concealed weapon, plead guilty. - Judgment. stispended upon payment of costs' Charles Karriker, -assault . with deadly '"weapon, pluadj guiltji Judgment suspended, upon', pay ment of costs. ' .iV -r'TJiouias Click, larcency. ;12 months on the chaingangiV;-, Joh n Trouf man , t reipassing, plead guilty. Judgment suspend ed upon paymeut of costi; v V Adam Cauble, " treSpasnng. Judgment susponded upohpaying costs'. ' ;';.':'a"-v' II a n 1 1 i I A 1 M cC u r rei r. a tut' Itob or t , C rov'l 1 , i n j u ri tg-r d vXlhig, plead guilty. .Judgment fyijjpend Led irpon payment of co8tV"J Four parties wiw failedolmt their; poll tax--?, pleaC'iuilty.H Judgment sufpendud upbjjpayi ng costs. i'-4Vr-'.; f Charle.s Hall, larceny A .'plead guilty. Judgment suspeivoledtup: ont paymei.t pt. costs." trr 'vXi E. H. Hamilton, lliV; selling I liquor to minora. ua ,iiAiHgwiw qnor: wit hout 1 ice ase, ple'a$ feiuUy j augment suspenaea upoiiipaying arreo iuriee, assault twin mu- lery, plead guilty. Judgment u3j ponded upon iaymentffef!tsr.' P.- C. Holshousor -and. "TIiomKV Artz plead guilty. . Judgment -sril peuded upon pay.nient of 'b..f it. in.- McAllister, assauit-ianq Imttery, continued. ', P. O. Henderson and jjllyllfriv i. .1 i .iu;yi..iii-i uci.on, niuay, pu-uu guiuyu nint suspended on payment ,of co:::?. hamo iieienuantppieaa and " P. O. . Hoiidei'soh gu i 1 1 y , a t id . hot h 2$tit jf tho pnblicroad for four inontIr5;.j;. i':in iRol torts , Laf ceny; .plea d guilty) Vent to the publi6ro:lds for four mnnths. ''l'r-'f At a nWlar meeting of "Jcrdou Lo!io, Nb. 108, 1. O. O.Y:itLs derod that a committee AW, ap pointed ftir the purpose of is)dic4t-- ing and receiving 'morieyv r-ioo4 and clothing uir the benefit .f tho orphan at the Odd iVIllows- Orphau Home, locatedat Cfdlds boro, N. C. v ..f This is a .laudable effprti should, and we hone will. v-jneet . , r.n -j. -Li vr . 1 n(' approval oi uu goouj.)jjy;iH a ? ulstautial way.'.Tij .vjio give unto the fatherless; and WkloSr givo unto tho Iordrv- V? . J R. IV. Leonard A: 0: "N6rrir;: J. J. Stewart Nt Jacob FeIrip Yn v G. WVReedi A:;:rt:scrs Take Notice. Owing tb the fact, that'rf ,vTai nf (ur customers" rnav." -r.itt t .r ;o their advertuemcutthe f day and as it is likely-t ilp- ! t!:o paper, wo must'a'sk.; Itr t ; -i t o be governed by Hi ' ; -fol Z notice iii'every rrt4! y-. , T!.o udvertlinj patrons tif-TnE ;nr::, who uesir ihetrau cliauired should" be-jr - to their copy In this ofilce t ;firo: . in. to insure an Insefllr i-t-he y. ' v ' r I; next at fh Lclise.vUnco U you come ugaln. v . - . . ... iruifiV. r founvl A RUSTY CLO PISTOL Causes Tfee Dcat& of a Vblte Bcf Hzit A fatal accident of a most dis- Vti?wk c.hpwwter. occurred at, thf home of J. Ch Miller, oi well-known I farmer Jiving 4it franklin; about bur miles from this city, late yes erday afternoon AOlhat time Mr. Miller's son, Henry," a boy about 10 years old, was in the house alone and, picking up an old jrusty pistol lying on 'the. bureau, commenced '.'fooling with it"- af ter the fashion of boys generally under, such circumstances." Not knowing the weapon to be loaded he was .snapping' it in a careless way without paying much atten tion to the direction in which it was' pointed, and while so' doing the weapon- was discharged, the ball passing through the back of his head, causing death in a few minutes. When the members of the family who were outside the house at: the time, heard ' the re port of the j)istol they rushed in and found the poor boy dying , on the floor. The father of the boy vwas in town at the time serving on the grand jury. The funeral took place this afternoon from Bethel chapel. From Biltmore- T'he fly is in the wheat so says our.farmer, B. C. Trexler. More building. Julius Frick is building a granery and James Holshouser is shedding his crib. Qld.aunt Peggy Peeler is visit ing at B. C. Trexler's this week. Mir. Trexler tells "113 he buried away for winter uss a fourth crop offf one. piece of grouud. First, a of op of onions, and second, early cabbage, third, late cabbage and Vstill later crop. 'Aii outrageous hawk isdej)redat- ing around Biltmare. There is a reward, for 1 him by some of the ladius Of the village. 4.ijliuuUng expedition is expect-; a..i)-some or, tne village tms weeki1 '-- - -C : " vv' . ' "' t'Boinmunion at Christiana Siin- Done ScJiedQle Changes December 10. There. will be a change of sched ule qj tho Southern Railway the "10th ..of December, which; will ef fect : several important trains. The -'-'following changes will be made:' ; . - Tram No. 35 the Washington an Atlanta fast mail that arrives in. Salisbury at 8: 45 p. m. will ar rive at 8: 30 15 minutes earlier Local train No. 7 which arrives at .8? 10 p. m., will, according. to the hew schedule, arrive at 7: 55 p. ffc ' J 1 1 il l in.., tno. 00 irom Atlanta inai ar rives in this city at 10:40 a., m. will arrive at 1 1 : 00 a. m. ;.While there are- no material changes all effect important trains and are therefore important to the traveling public. Rs:ept:oi Last Night. X reception was given last, night in-honor of Mrs. Z. B. "Vance, of lAsheviMe. who! is' visiting Mrs. T. I'Klttz.; The recepfion wasgiv- eiCby Mrs. A H. Boydrn at her tdo gqnt home, corner of Church ana 1'isner streets, iiier? were quite a number, of callers present nil of whom enjoj'ed the pleasure 'Of tle evening very much. 'Mrsr Vance will go to Charlotte Thursday. ; P.ltaleigh, N. C. Nov. 20. On . Saturday ex-S li e r 1 II Fritchard and Jacob Blay lockVof Mitchell county, at tempted to arrest a man named Honey eutt, who mur- ,dered Greer Phillips some time ago in Mitchell connty. lloneycutt shot and killed Blaylock, and a moment later tPritchard killed Honeycutt. Fritchard is a brother of United States Senator Fritch- l;.4l - 1 I ulin.-'Wia Y l" I found at it. J. Holmes' closing one saie. Everything sold strictly cot.'; . CIiCMiial Hill Hews, OJfell Li inby, of Randleman, is ; father on Chestnut vi?itin hi Hill.v ... Jiiss Lou Cook, of Forest Hill," Concord," who' lias' bedn visitihg several friends on Chestnut Hill, has returned home, ' : s::dt m tesee times: mft Sr.i;ii Perfsratss Kis' Brctler-Ia-Ls7, Si Y. CcCauis '. Al out 1 o'clock yesterday after . 1 noon there .was a bloody affray at Bear Poplar in this County, -whicl resulted tn the , serious 5 wounding of one man and the swift depart ure of another with fan officer in pursuit. S Y. Goodmau and Harvey S m ith are bothera-i n-law, who,with their families, have been occupying the same house inBear Poplar. Yesterday afternoon at the hour mentioned the t to men be came engaged in a hot dispute over some cause " not ascertained and words led to blows; after which deadly weapons wer4 resort ed to.' It is said that during the row Goodman -struck SmitK over the head with a shot gun aiid the latter pulling: a 82. calibre pistol, shot Goodman i three ti wei. one ball going through his leftihould- er, another grazing his heck and another hilt ing his wr ist. It is said that after thus" disposing of Goodman. Smith proceeded to break up the shot gun and , make his : esc a. e. Goodman ? w a s brought to town last night and taken to the residence of Sam Henryj near the depot, wher.V he now lies suffering greatly from hi3 wounds. Drs. Whitehead and McKenzie - are in attendance. Sheriff Monroe- sent-a -deputy in pursuit of Smith, when informed ot tne anair. iotnmg nasi oeen heard from him. ' Good man 'a woiuyU are painful, fbut not nece. sari I y fatal. He claim that after he was shot down Smith went througljuthe pockets of his coat and took checks for $115 which he carried atfay with him. . '; '".':':, Jhe Bazaar. ' ' Tho ladic3 of the - Lutheran church who have been for the. last week engaged in making prepara tions for their', bazaar and chry santhemum show, threw the doors open to . the puldic today. Al ready quite a Iage crowJ has visit ed the Shaver and Woodson build ing in which the bazaar js' being held, and the unanimous verdict is that the exhibits have not been ! surpassed in any exhibition of the kind held here. The fancy work alone is valued at $500. Oysters and lunch .will be served until 11 o'clock tonight and the - public is cordially in vit ed to patronize th is undertaking. r - -.- - Health. Hints. For life is not to live but to be well. Martial. The higher the life, the: more distant the approaches of age. E P. Whipple. 'A brilliant intellect in a sick ly body is like? gold in a spent swimmer's pocket." More lives are blasted from un trained nervous systems than from almost any other cause, i 'The civilized mac has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet." Street cars and elevators rob us of our muscles and give us dyspepsia. Aa Aged Eloper- iinpres?el with the advantages of polypamy over j auperism, the Rev. Dr. Sharrett, a nonagenariau inmate of the oor-house in Knoxvillc, Tenn., departed from that institu tion on Saturday night, taking with him no less than five female paupers . It is the declared intention of the a jred clergyman and bis infatuated followers to walk to Utah, where, under the protection of the Mormon church, they hope to be permitted to enjoy their new faith iu peace. Dr. Sharrett'a followers are all w(H men of advanced years. .;, Ur. Sharrett; who not long ago celebrate t his ninety-first birthday in the poor-house, wnieh had been his borne for many years, recently received a circular explaining the ! nnliar l.trinea f the Mormon i - - - - - . cnurcn anaaavocaiinz lunrai limin- mony. Exchaugc. THE STATE'S SURVEY. T&3 Litest State KeWS CaHeil Frca era scientists;" once said of a OSf ElCiilSgeS. - friend, IIe has traveled more A special from Norfolk to a "d seen less than any man I Rhode Island paper reads as .fol-. no.w-" IIow many tne are to lows i Wesley James, colored of hom might be ascribed similar Charlotte, N. O., is in Norfolk achievements! Having eyes and (October) upon his' ninth "wed- ears,-they see and hear not the ding tour. Wesley has just mar- many Offs of Wonder and inter ned for the ninth" time, having st about them, as they pass buried his ekht-wives. He is 75 through life.' ; , years old, and has 5G children, he says, of which two, aged 55, are twins by his first wife, and two, 1 year old, are twins by wife No. 8' Albert Hull, a white man aged 55, was found dead in ; Monroe township, this county, on Satur day. He had been drinking heavi ly, and on the day before, he was on the verge of deliriumremens. "CUiCU m au UJU "em u lUB Bmt; of the road -m the middle ot the night and alone. -Greensboro cor respondent Charlotte Observer. On Sunday morning Rev. W. C. Alexander made public his de cision in regard to the call extend ed to him a short while ago from theMaryland avenue Presbyterian church of Baltimore. After ds- ( liberation over the matter since iie was there two weeks ago he has de cided to atfeept the same and will take charge of the work in' his new field about the first of next month. A congregational meetiug of this church will be-held next Sunday, Concord Standard.- 4 It is understood here that in all - ' . ... . -'-'. i.- there have been nearly, or quite one hundred cases of sickness at the Normal, A great many of the ailing students have gone home, and some of them , have recovered. Yesterday it was stated positively that there were more than 80 stu- dents on the sick list and that four of these had typhoid fever. v The number of typhoid patients has not increased today, and there are considerably fewer other patients owing to the fact that a good many of them have been able to travel and go home. It has -t been decided to suspend the Normal until 1st of January. On Satur day, yesterday and today large crowds of students left on every train ; and this afternoon there remain in the institution only about 32 students that are well. These will have.. departed by to morrow. The college authorities and a number of physicians and trained nurses have done j every thing possible. The utmost sym- rnliv hna lioon- mn n i foet orl hp ... . .1 . , , tne citizens oi pi Tn-piace, wno have been, and ara, gladly-render ing aid necesary or requisite. Ladies from all parts of town have volunteered their services, and many of these are actively en gaged in caring for the unfortu nates. No authoritative statement has been made as to the cause of the sickness, but it is generally be- heved to be due to defective sew- .... . erage. lit. Melver says today that it is his opinion that the pipes leading from the sink under the dining room. These, he states, were made pf terra cotta piping, when they should have been made of iron. They have broken in ten or a dozen places. It was found that the stench from wno ,i U t f , . Charlatte Observer, 21st. PreYeatesf a Tragedj. Timely informatum given Mrs. Geore, of New straitsviiie, h ?,rye"te1 drdu, and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had irlcd many remeiles and doctors -but, steadily crew wnree unin unreu- inr ur, Kings New Discovery- One bottle 'wholly cured her, and he writes this marvelous mwJicine also, cared Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneu monia. ouch cures are . imjsiu ve cures are prwf of the matchless merit of this grand remedv for curing all .throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and it. 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial botttes fre at Theo. F. Klutt i & Co's. drugstore. , Wanted A position as salesman in some mpreantile establishment. Have hevral years experienco in i this apaeity. Any one desiring 'G.h . .f!.l iw mo lu(hm mmi. rr ::v 7 Vr.,. IJ V" - mm wiiit-. auuiim hip iu wic c the Ixpkx. F. P. Katts Humboldt, "the prince of mod- Knowledge depends more upon the disposition to gam it than upon any mere advantage of cir cumstances and surrounding's the individual may possess. Jona than Edwards went further into the mysteries of learning .while sitting- in the rustic bower in his father's lane, than hundreds who pass through the universities of two continents. But Edwards had the will to o-n in bottom of the branches of knowledg-e he attempted, and this combination of desire and determination did more for him than gTeat libraries and professors could have done.' .The person who has this dispc-sition-to gather facts and ideas from the books he peruses . and from the objects and people he encounters, does not loose this in the midst of the hurry of daily labor nor in : the diverse af fairs of life. He does' not neg lect the task .before him, to be sure, for he knows that these ma- terial thing's demand rigid atten- tion and painstaking care, as they are the - foundation upon which must rest the higher attainments for which he hopes. .But in the intervals of leisure that come to him he finds the path to progress -and "self-culture, and resolutely follows it. V - " A gentleman saw a number of books, including several acknowl- edSed classics, in the window of a friend s store. - books?" 'Yes," was the reply; dry goods for bread and "I sell butter, and for the purpose of doing some thing useful in the world., Idon't try to live on dry goods:" The growing man or woman sees something more than the i He who ' would develop for higher, attain- ments and opportunities must do - this. -Advanced fields of labor come only to those who are wor thy of them, or, if they are gain ed, they are -restrained only by those who have the readiness and skill to improve them. The lndi- 1 . world of common duties and com mon necessities, and sees nothing beyond these, rarely possesses that largeness of mind and strength of will that fits for high-, er duties and opportunities. Look for something more than the material in life. To be sure. make your daily tasks the object oi careiui. atienxion anu earnest t labor. But in the midst of the common duties of every-day life, gather here and there fragments t iL.i 1 1.J it-l. -.1- 11 1. 1 u """wicugc mat suan neip w ju me to a rounaea ruiiness, Manila, Nov. 20. General Wheeler has decided not to return for Congress." He is writing a letter to President McKinley with a request that it be forwarded to the House of Representatives, in the course of an interview with a correspondent of the Asso ciated Press he saidj , 4 'Con gress, if it occupies the first day of the session in passing a resolution declaring ill UI1- mistakable terms . that the sovereignty - of the United ? . 7 Y i , States n to be maintained in the Philippines, thus dift- pelling Aguinaldo's delusion ii, 1 ji, . : ... that the anti-imperialists can assist him, Will be perfonn- ino a sacred (IQiV. ... The bam and gin houe of V. A Lucas, three miles south of Char lottp, wrs burned at 2 o'clock this morning: One mute, four balr of cotton and a lot of farming imple ment were lost In the fire. Char lotte Observer, Hth. 7" "' i ' ''-o--. 'r-.'.' THE WEATHEK. . The weather forecast: Cloudy and wanner. bpenccp UepaFimeot, : ; f vv 1 - ' ' , : ; . ' r . , .. v . ..7 : ; - Mr. jWoodard is oh the sick, list ' ; ' Mrs.! W. A. Smitb who has, been very' etck for- eoinetime is improving. Lacjr Sharp and John ; Rob inson y ill spend next Sunday in Asheville. Samuel Qrierry left last evening to spend a few days in Norfolk, Va. '"-';"' . ..-... .. .- . d . powdy, fireman, is on' the 8fck list, aa is also l4I)iek" Turner, fireman. . Vi' jW. Caldwell, of the general office of the Southern at Washington, is in.the city. 7 The paintings of-;, John's ' revelation,exhibited last even- ing met with quite a success. M. O. Licy is wearing a brca$ smile on .his -face. He now has an heir, a nine-and- a-half-pound boy. Miss .Lula Cook, of Con cord, who has been visiting her father, Frank Cook, re turned home this morning; Next Friday nightLthe la dies of Spencer will give an" oyster and ice cream supper at Eagle's hall! near tho post omce. j : t , J " " " :. j y AV. Q Laughlin, who has : "VA oeen.worKing attue snopsior sometime, has , given up his poslCion and bought but M; L. La wing's meat market . We learn that the wedding bells will soon be heard ring ing, and that two of Spencer's most prominent citizens - will plight their troth for Abetter or woseer.?' MayJoy go with, them. I - . ,. We learn that twp of Spen cer's popular youag ' ladies had "sonic words "and a little .halr pulling" about one of cur . most . prominent y0ung . . affair. Another Solomon in his wisdom is needed to decide the matter. Two new passenger engines, Nos. 330 and 331, arrived last night from Schenectady, N. Y., ancl are being put ln run ning order today These en gines are very large 10-wkeeK ers,- with a tank capacity of iOOO gallons. Tbey are dif ferent If rom the other passen ger engines in one respecT7: that; is, they-are equipped with Heel cabs" We learn that others are expected soon. , Can ppencer not be, incor porated? Every day "we learn, of soipe good family , that s. would jmove here had-wa any -protection at alL 7 We think it absolutely Unnecessary : for a body of people some 2,500 or moreliving in a ra-' r dius of one-half mile, as we - are, to have some self -made laws and regulations. But v as we ire now, such is impos sible. J Let every citizen of Spencer wake up to the fact . . thatwb can have self -govern- ment and that we can stop some of this miserable ? degradation now existing. 1 - Go to W. O. Laughlin's markets at Spencer, below Bobbitt's store, for fresh beef' ; steak, porksteak and nice sau- sage. - j Ytol: Ercptlcai ' Ate grand, but Skin Eruption rob 7 life of joy. liucklen's Arnica Salve, cureslhem, also Old, ' Hunnlng and : Fevrr Bores, Ulcers, BolM, Felons, Corn, Waru,.Cuti, Ilrules, Scalds, ; Chapped Hands. Chilblains; : lleit . Pile cure on earth.: Drives out Pains hnd Aches. Only 25 certs A box, ure guaranteed, fcioldr by Theo. . F. Kluttz &, Co., Druggist. f 7 .v,.' - ..:-..v--.;l-:;-:';''.''v.?.5 W aro not too busy to write an ad, but simply to lazy, but we have plenty of every stylish Ulr CuU . still om hand; Call ; aud get one at . t the Eclipse. ' i , - : t 7 V Y'