t 5 . See tl cHO M) le and g ,,lir price . on them, i .We esll -p'c!.il ttftenthm t ur : r- Lounge End Oouch Sale For the next U dsvs you c m grrt one at i great reduction in price, a vv e are oeriim ked on them, and nnist cll a pan of them it once, it wil pay you to iret our prices.. We have Just received a large shipment o cheap and medium BEOS, BEDROOM SUITS & 803 DRESSERS at 10 ier cent, below regular priees. BEAUTIFUL or sun WARE if 4. .housewife 's delight A nicely arranged table:' uin mg uiuvu ouiiu vi; ilk 11) f"l - ' .-I tm-im f r..l Buy your goods of us and get a set of this ware. The following is a list of pieces from which to select: 1 soup Ifowl, free with cash purcnases on w 1 13-hi plalter -. I pie ptate with cash purchases of 3 00 1 C-in round veg'hle dish " 1 breakfast plate " 1 dinner plale ." I handle tea and saucer " 1 individu il butter I sauce d ish T 1 sugar bowl 1 cream picher , 1 "gravy boat I covered butter I 8 in covered dish 1 'J in platter it 1 ll-in platter with e;sh purch is 1200 20 00 4 00 6 00 10 CO 12 (0 G 00 10 00 G 00 15 00 15 00 25 00 15 00 12 Oo 15 00 4 00 1 7-in 4 00 1 6-in 4 00 1 8-in V 00 1 Trhi oblong 2 00 1 " 15 00 i h'kledish G 00 1 celery tray 10 (o. 1 cracker jar 20 oo 1 ' 'a rt-r f'"u t '1 b nil 1 Crtke ' a,e -, uu 1 7 pint pitcher G 00 1 lea j.ot t ii tt tt ii t ii tt tt ii ii ii ii ii it ii T) eatcliinp them nil. AW. have Htuves jruarnteed fr 15yenrs for the mnull Hit iii of J7.50 to $50 00. Now Ciiute hi d kc us uiul we will .wive you dol ' ltr. oil ai'.y elite btove you .want. . . Five line Bedroom Suits at cost to close them out. Younse truly, House, Stoi laemire a Go., i JACOB r A Stock iii Touch With Nature's ncjuircmcnts.' Hemeirtber we sell everytliieg ju-t as cheap ami many things a great deal cheaper than any one else in town. Remember, we handle nothing hut the bent goods for the least money. 1 hero is do reason why you 'Should not buy yonr dry goods and shoes from one of our stores, Y'uu get the best for the money for the money when you buy of us. Afk for coupons at either store. Itepectfully. 1 0 I For Bed-lloom Suits or Extra Beds J . . At prices that will astonisliy ou Don't fail to give me a call when in need of anything in the . . . . . FURNITURE LINE It will be to your interest. COSRESTOrlSSCS- -In truth, the wholes vear been kind and fruitful. The iliclcment winter was but n preparation for all the boun ties that havo been showered ppon our people.. Prosperity has crept in between us J una wares and now Mts stnilinq upon those to wh im sho has been a stranireiv All the ac- ti vities of the country j have been aroused from slumber and - are displaying renewed energy. The rise in the price of cotton alone represents the difference between debt and dependence and comparative comfort. The rfse in . the price of iron represents great profits fo its producers, and higher wages for all concerned in its production, and so with all other products .for .which there is a renewed "Demand. The e irnings of the people have lK?en so large that the speculators in Wall street have been hard put to it to borrow money to carry on their traftlc. The demand for money, to pay the people for products -of their labor has been such as to cut down the holdings b the New York banks? antfthiB it is that' -.has produced the stringency in Wail street! This stringency has been so acute that the government has been compelled to do what it can to prevent. a speculators' panic. First it issued certificates on gold deposits to the extent- of 810,000,000, and now Mr. Gage proposes to take up $25, 000,000 of government bonds. Tliis will relieve the stringen cy for awhile, but if the earn; ing power of the people con-j tinues to crow as it has been; growi ng i n the p a s t few months, we shall soon see the cy for more money" trans ferred from the agricultural regions to Wall street: and this will be a 'ery good j thing. When the people cry for more money. 'AVall street says they are after a depreciated currcn cv, but when WTall street takes up the cry, it will shout it so loud, that the government will be compelled to pay. some at tention to it. Atlanta Con stitution. The Richmond Dispatch says that the rumor that Ad- . - f i - miral Dewov has deeded to his bride the hotrse which the public gave him has caused 'no end of comment andcrit- icism;" and that Min Wash ington some of the remarks have been verv harsh.' No doubt, no doubt. Wre can very well imagine what the omrtiqnal )ersons who contri buted to buv the Irs. Dewey home now think of their hero it would Iks interesting 'to know what they think . of themselves. Charlotte Obser ver, r .- - ; sun f isuw. rohelKuhrl himl andfvt fir, . years by the5 chain of dis'"se th worst f.Srm !of slavery. Jerge Ii. Wiim.ii-sof Mnncheter, Mich , Jells' ho- p :jh ft UN ve ;m nnde free,.v -He pays: 4y wife ha? been s help- f IrsM for five years tha f eould not turn over inj bn1 nlon. Affr USinjf two bottle f Klectrlc Hittis, she is wntHrfilly Improved and able tf do her own i work." ' This supreme remedy for female dlscflej quickly- cures nervousness, - leep1'SHne. . melnt.choly headsch, iNjekacbe,- fainting and llzzy spells. TbH miracle working luevlicino is a fjod " , fend to weak, f ickly, run down leople. Every bottlt guaranteed ?. Only 50 cents Sold by Thexi. K. fc Kluttz A t'. Dugist. . . . fOo to Oe Wrlght-4 fof ntceXm-t- preseiitshe has the uicest b of Hocking Chairs and other present that has ever been In Salisbury. 5 PUSH IT ALONG YE HAVE PUSHED I IT. - ' I - - away into popular favor lonff ago by supplying our pajtrona - with the best Jellieo coal that eould be 'secured. That, is, "i i we serve our patrons with the liest eoal on the marKeti, well screened and of high . grade quality, at prices that; you pay for inferior grades else where. Try it Fill tjins at once," as pries is advancing. j Jos. H, JlcWeelyJ & Co.. . Office atT. F. Youiig's. QP s 1 o ) o) o ) U! J u ii u u ii I i i . i Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. OLUIBUS must have been surprised when ! he discovered America arid so will our competitors when they discover that SewiM I Bedspreads,-'. Pillow" Shams, Towels, Lace and cheanilla curtains, chair tidies. Our ftock was neer so U-re nd nttractlve as at the present time; in numerable additions havitnr been iir ihe past few days added thejeito, and the if Icees are certainly not the least tempting feature. We are showing ana heiung . Bedspreads, pillow shams, towels, lace! and .V cheanilla curtains, chair tidies, is doing business in Salisbury and have machined of every kind for everybody which are bound to please anybody. Now, to con- jvince the public of this fact, we only ask you to (jail and examine our stock. ' ' . . i That cannot be duplicated at the figures a-kcJ. Every one Is .perfect In style, substantial, 'me careful finish, choice material, they are in the best unnroved niotles. and there is enough oftheni to give you the assurance of the least possible prices if you aim to have a nice house furnished do fV TSTlrr--r-r-' not pass them by. UjJT0LP(DL JS Bedspreads, colored and white, curtains nfco itltllO ILOL(l3LlLO lace and cheanule, muslin pillow shams, stamped antjl worked, towels, bureau cov- ers. chair tidies, Jambrequins, linen table! cloths, white and colored, ehcanill cov ers, sizes. lyon't forget our beautiful displny of Christmas dress goods and ready made clothing ror men, hoys auu cniidien. , Call and examine our line before buying elsewhere. Fisher St., Near Standpipe eemff is B elieivm The purchaser of one of our machines will receive careful in structions, by a man of considerable experience and an expert ! with the attachments. ! ME B REBUILBIWG and the most delicate ad- iustinff of all makes. You are cordially invited to call and see our stock. . we nave Of Salisbnrj or any other town, you can UaTe your andirons and "Fender, etc, reburnished, laquered and made as good as new, lasts just . a inner. The Larauer nrf ?eats the brass from turninsr dark. It is Xctl? not look two places of business next door to the Central hotel, and corner -'of Main and Fisher Streets, over HuflTs : store. I Cannot be done without machinery. The Finger & Anthony Plating Factory have the machinery, and will do the work at a very fmall cost. Give them a trial and see what they can do. They will sell you new silver ware of their own make very cheap, and guarantee same to be first-clans', or they will rvplate yoyr old silver at half what new cost- guaranteed to be as goou. oura to please FiHGER D. W. SNIEER, W. M. RUTH, Repairer and Rebuilder. Representative and Salesqan. i Respectfully, j i a ahtmbv, SOUTHERN'" SEWING MACHINE G0?S. ' F (

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