TTiiusuAL Attractions ' For An Unusual Business. Our Attractions . . . . AftP TITft TiOW pRTfiPIR - . juL-AuQuQii ULb Continued from 3rd faus-l Oner btore rice vuasn YERY'IiTICLE in our store is made . to earn its own JKyiflg :!y.'hioVing. out rapidly. When you consider that we have hundreds of different articles in our store"t(Tsellr5nirean readily see there is no necessity for us to put a big profit on any one ar- U7 ticjio it easily seen that we can sell you goods cheaper than mcrcnant depending oiy one exclusive line lor au ins prums. a woLiEH, nissES and cintoRErrsTweaps. When buylnir winter wraps for yourself or clilldrpnlt Is perfectly, right that you look around In search of the let goods for tha le;nt money wc really prefer that you do this l ecause you are "re apt to appreciate the value we are oflferiuc: In Winter wrap atier comparing them with others, andaiine ca-es out. often the compar ison will make a sale foi us. Below yw will find a few hits out of our mammoth utock partially described. One lot otl5 In light and dark Jann, hrown and gray mixed, plain and fancy lining, nizes 32 t to 3. Price $2.73 to $10. One lot containing 12 Jackets, bargains in navy blue and black, alz 34 to 40, u!lk lined throughout. Price $7.50 to .9 12.50 . One lot of 14 jackest, colors, army, nav blue and black, plain and Mltched tceaim, ale 32 to 40. Price $2 95 to $G One lot of 18 cape,-, extra vol lies', made of guaranteed plushes . only, with ulnln ami fancy filk ami tann lining. Prices $o to ?:(. .... S)vm lot of 18 p!uh Chpes $1 25 Jo ?4 50 One lot of. 20 plain" cloth and golf eat, every cape a bargain. Price $4 50 $12 0 One lot 5 doz. cape, values that can not be equaled Price 35c to $3 25. . -'I lot of 30 astrakan capes, fur trimmed, special values. Price $1 to $1.50 o) Our liusiriess Is Founded Upon the Solid of Itierht and Justice to All. 1'rineipies T10 nrlcen which wo name In'bur udvertNeinenlH are fur rel.ihle cood and should rivt ooking as buying. Just opened a new case of these widely known blankets in three size 10-4, 11 4 and 12 4 At three price, $3, $4, and $5. It Will be iuiponnihle for us toduplate these blanket ami ell at the name prices. Ho don't blame n? if y u miss pome blanket bargains. We al.v show some extra values In mixed blanket from 50 cents to $2,25. Misses' and Children's Cloaks, reefer s- AND JACKETS. I lot J doz. cloaks teNel down, flnue ined, sizes 4 to G Price 50 vents A trrtkan, fur trimmer and - plain . ri'iuer Conors. 1'iue 'l to $2.2-1 4 J. " F.sefers nnd Jackets 3 doz found in plain cloth, heavt rs, ker seys and astrakans, imie with plain coir inrs, -othera richly braided: with stitched Villus in' r'7.kA from 4fot8yars$l.7;ito?G Ladies' Hose. i ' l . ' , ' Iadiea fast black and gray nil xed 'lidfte, full length, a air for 25c Ladies' blairk and jjiay mixed hQe gbod values 6c Ladie' liemsdorf stainless black - Hoe;.hlKh spliced heels and double loWJ extrrt values at 26c. i ' Kvery article of interest to you. Outings and Daisy Cloth Mens Underwear. Men's heavy tleeced jersey ribbed UndershirtH and drawers, in. jrray In liltl col rs, jut 4he thing for aiul national I i-iJors, eciai values wrappers, dressing" sack-, night' eeh 6(k?ts -shirts, Ac, at 7i, 10 12J and 15c. . , Clnldren s Underwear Flannelettes Childrens Union Suits, heavy jer sey ribbed fleeced lineil per suit 2oc. In plain and fancy colors. The Infants wool vests, silk finished proper . gMid for serviceable house fleeco ribbed, won h 3octs. Our price wrappers at 7 and 10c 2;"K-ts. ' i Full Line of Us' f iiroilis fn'il .-. .1 ! " I . A. . 1 It ' , . . . . xiiuiuuiij ii cuinpiuio line oi genuemen's neckwear in all the latest Biyies ana coiiiDinations oi colore, m I'uirs,. Imperials, Four-in-hands, ii tt i ' U,fiirwi vims, piain are9 and lancy Kliirts. Our line of all Underweanis worthy of special mention, but epace'is lacking so call and ask to examine it. 1 We are p1 lOwine n strnrio ntifl line of men e dressed and undressed kid gloves We make a specialty of 'u,"ua,t 4$L"vc m,uucKMu, asuesios, etc. Ask to see asbe&tos lireproof wuuau uauuufis, hpwiUl iillltCS at $i.UU , . Poly K amy cau never be renounced by the -Morinbos without rencortc lug the eysteui. 14. It is n fact that MormonHiii holds that all who die without In - cuniiii-j Mortuons are lest, but they will have an opuortunity of accept- tnj? their teachings In the and of being snved. Bat as they teach ' that withwit water baptism the ecan tejio sal vat Ion," they bap tize the living for their departed friei.ds and relatives. 15. It a fact that Mormons re ject aU.-allfgiance.tcL anyarthly government save as a uiatlerof p( ley -They.- hold .that no man tan rightfully hold an civil onica with- ut iird i na t inn tot he priest hood ; hat all civil laws are null and void, that civil courts have no junsdic- ion and lliav all who reject Mor- monism are liable to punishment- r 1C It is a fact that Joseph Smith was a false prophet lie prt phesied that the saints were'to-build a tem ple' V.t v.jndei-erujenee; '. Missouri, which -shoiduVlanrfofevei:?,; Tfii fulnl when he was d"iven.from the State, but he confidently prophesied tbit the city ; of Kauvoo, of III., should "He to the saints an everlast- habitation." His , trief stay there showed that he did not have the secrets of God: 17. It is a fact that Mormon elders claim lobe preadmsr the gosjel free of charge; but they do not tell the ueonle that they have left their wives and children behind to pro vide for themselves as best they can, thus praclically abandoning their families. 18. It is a fact that, while Mormon elders declare that thfy offer the gospel without, money and without price, in Utah the tithing law is en forced, requiring, the tenth of every thing pV dueed, eten to garden veg etable!, and "also the tenth of time work on Mime church enterprise. 19 It is a fact that Mormons prac tice duplicity. ' They present a;nonr strangers '" their - oiore - ceeitahle teachings.'. holding back their nefa rious doctrine until they have m ide a proselyte. In this way many an unwary 'soul has been led by fair promises to go to Utah to endure a burdensome life, deceived by plaus ible teachings the unsuspecting are ensnared 'Into a vile, system from which they long in vain for liberty, held.hy the power and threats of the priesthood. - 20.1 It is a -fact that Mormon uiis- sionane are trying, to subvert the Gofipel of Christ," however- tt.uch they may deny it, and should not be iven hospitality or aided in any way in their ; infamous"-For humanity's "sake?, when In sickness or l it e need, thej should be helped, but no lbver of the Lord Jesus should receive .litem: as a disciple. "It there come any unto you. and bring not thiS 'doctriiic. receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed; for -he that biddeth himGod speed Is partaker of - his evil deeds." Secoml John 10:11 21. Monuouism is a -detestable compound of Paganism, Mohammed anim, Judaism apd Christianity so vile and contradictory as. to be un wnnny ot Deing cauea a reiigitus system. The State Mission Board is Cing its best to counteract the inflLenci bf thtee false teachers Courier. . v v - t A nOYAL iEOSPEIvITYL ainoiifr our customers means prosperity for us. .-That's .what' we are driving at, in this talk rpros- perity for both of us, : : Vo 'want to shy to i all who I t. " FEAST J ( can be enjoyed, from one of our joicy and .tender roasts that" : xrer have: the : largest stock of Boots, - Tr rf4-ct "ktt of prime beef, that has a tie- ivuu uuuw iwovtvi. . Hciousness of: flavor that on this market, and we shalLontipue J(V j makes it thoroughly en joya- offer. tothb Shbbuycrs of 'Salisbury and hie. We ha-a tempting" R0wan county slides that will lit the foot Btock of Fall foods in Spring vr1 ni-i -f f1m cnint Lambt -Veal, .Double Chops , fe!- and fineW6ik ciysters. value for every cent that you pay for them. ! away up in Wc handle the following well known lines, and claim them to be BETTEll than any ; Shoes of the same price 6n the niarket. , .v. ' . Pur-'hfeata are quality. : L JAGKSQH. . After a delay of six weeks we are prepared to deliver in quantities , ..TO SUIT BUYERS Iu Ijadiea. the old reliable ; T Men ZJLEULEK HHOS.V s - WILLIAMS, CLARKE & CO., E. P. REED & CO. - . In Children's V R. T. WOOD & CO.. and - - . JAMES A. BANISTER C0 WILLIAMS,KNEKLAND & Co ;0E0. E. KEITH CO., : V. DOUGLAS, and Fiioirplslhliiigs ' t A most co oplt-te stock of Furnishing Good, such as Carptt. ,'MiiUinjr, liugf, Curtain M. DeltA'nre, Glassware, Tinware, - UPHOLSTERY, DRAEEHY, DctiitiP, ill nlttH'S, if'i.rtnin Swiss, LMce Curt;his,-Tov .-Is, Table Linen .IU!ymit !c TableCi jths. Pillow Sliam3.phoinlIe Table Spreads, &c Curtain Poles. 5-fot K)len "with wooten fixtures lit oak, walnut, cherry und mahog n colors. Each 25c. , Lamps. spread nicely I e -n tried f Window Shades In All A larjre and varied assortment hand, and rarlor lamps. From Ci tits to $ G M. 'Lace -.Curtain 10-4 hed ready for use, fu cents. of 51 fcpecial a large inarseillea pat 25. tern white lefl spread, 3-ply yarn, - both warp and Gliinir. not unrted with miy KultKtHnce whatever. Call Tor the "Bridal Quilt." Only ?1. We have many P'od things for Rhowinjr this Benson I v,hu- w ? !u l. 1 5 -v "f bleat-hwl and un colors, with and without have them in u ki. id . .... pfcneti tame narnask at 25 centa t Floor Oil Cloth. 1 and 2 yards cents. , : wide at 2-5 and 50 Red Star Felt, . t ., - For qse under caret. A cents, . . . : Per yard h roni 50 cents to f 5 tK-r nalr. Toilet Sets In p'ain and fncy ware 175 to Tapcstiy'arid Chenille Table Spread. 25 cents to 5K25. Linen buck and all toweling, 12J to So f 1.45 r yard; linen dxma.-k cents each. Carpets, Matting, &c. slt;ir"e tn eetio i wiii ctnivince the most skeptical that wenreshow ing the ist line of carpets, mattings rug-, art squares, etc., ever offered in SSalishury. We a!g' earry a full line of sam ples from uhich tourder. tirpets inaile to tit any Vliape i.miid, ready to tack down Ui live days. Th(MX) are many more articles that vou1(r:t)e of interest to housekeeper- m tnv n . at prices beyond a qustion of douVt lower than can be found anywhcTo, morestirrinc "Our Native Herbs,". . THE ORIalSALUEBB COM POUND, Tie Great looi Parity -. KMn&y; and Livsr.Beiiilalor. aunwrteed byonr BpRistered Oaarar.te to enre all dlsea&es orisiiig irom Impure JBiood and in.icuv iy oi tue uver ana - 200 Days' Treatment $1.00, And the Dollar liack if You Are No Cured. 1 HE ALONZO O. BLISS CO. . - 8c le Proprietors. l. F. peiiiihoi, City ana cemtj Aeents. Salisbury-, N. C. Prompt aNention sriven to mall order. Not sold Famous line of . HATTIU Ml lirst quality, lump the city... coal in known as tho best on on earth. Call at factory or T. A. Cong! enour'ii Ice House. 'Phone 42. Salisbury Ice -and Fusl'Co. Give U8 a call and examine our stock, ami if we don't satisfy you that we have Xhd largest and best line of shoes ever shown, w'e don't ask you to buy of us. . We carry all styles in Blacks and Tans. Como a.nd eeo us and we'll do yof good. ''I . '' wum m mm I'M Leading Shoe Dealers, Murphy's Granite Block, SALISBURY, N..C KINDLING WOODV I. have just opened a wood yard at Finger fc Anthony's 1 electroplating works, where1 I will handle wood in. quan tities and by retail of any de sired kind and leguth. Prices! will .be. in accord with the1 market. I will also handle Cedar Posts, Soliciting your patronage, lam, respectfully, J.H.SLOAN. Just' Received :,TVY 1 J2111 Figs, Raisins, ' Prunes, Dates, Currants, -Citrons, Coeoanuts, and Mixed Nuts. A nice line of French Can dies to select from. A barrel of very fine Saur I Kraut. It will please you. Yours to serve. G. T. Mowery, Jfree delivery. - Fisher Street, Bet-aen Main & Lee St. Fast no -Longer. The peasotuof abMtinonco from ineats las. passed. Yon can now in- - ihilgo in all the good .things wo have - leady. ': Pri me meats are not- occassional f -tiirerings here. Every day wo have fcr your selection Beef, Veal, Lamb, " button and Pork of suHri(r qunli- , My, rich in the elements which make . Strong bone and muscle: : Good meat is not dear " at any price, but our charges are below t lie average. . j . & 1 , - t ' ; . As-Li. SHAVER. V -1 T I .1 . 11 Ft mmm Am u THEO. BUERBAUM, I2003X STORS, Our entire stock eonsistinir of a fine line of up-to-date go ds, JCapes, Jackets,1 Skirts, AVaists, Dress Goods and Silks, Linen and Chenille Goods; Comforts. Blankets, Carpets, iuatung, uugs, Aioums, rictures, itc., will be OLD .BELOW COST .4. for cash only, oir; account of dissolving co partnership. The sale is going on at our rooms QneP nee CI B .X T Tl Young's Old Stand, Main Street, SALISBURY, N. C. rv l GOAL! GOAL! Don't forget, when fn need of Uc" l to leave vour urder at At well's : II aid ware. As to quality there NONE BETTER. Any urder left at Plummer'd drug store will be at tended to prompt ly. Phone H8. R.LCORNELISON. Will G. Kiiuotan; SALISBURY. N.: C. Piano, Piie and IUhiI ornn tim ins, reguUting- voicins antf reiir. inr. All uoik -uanntl. - :1U sALisDUBY, N.c. 5 and 6 Bell Block,:2nd Floor, FiDeCbioaaSpecialtil WALLPAPERS!!! OF THE States fall Paper Co., to adjoining - to its promptly at Unded. and couiitry tr I can save you money. Good. wst nrude. S?e samples before you liuy. uc to h 1 .00 ih r roll. The f ruth Printing Office V l)e&noowastcof&lDk.o- r (TO J A SPECIALTY.

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