, Pitliskci Evc,rr Ercilng Exccjt SanJay. 10 0flU 400 pr Wk. for four Weeks Par Vr, gress is wise it will let Gen-ttcntion. .We will stand for J. N. STALLINGS. Sh. - - Editor. V JJ. STEWART. - - - Patlisbr. TllUMHtiAY Nv. 21, 18!0. For President, 1900: Hon. W. J. Bryan, eral ' Wheeler attend tcr: his '"fighting", and, instead' of adopting his ideas, pass a conciliatory declaration and nettle the Philippine matter upon principles of right and justice. If this Congress does not, there will be another, and probably another execu- ive'who will follow the gol den rule. . Of Nebraska. VICE PRESIDENT-DEAD. Vice-president Garret A. Ilobart died at his home in Paterson, N. J., at 8:30 o'clock on Tuesday morn ing. At his bedside were Mrs. Hobart and hi son, Gar ret A, Hobart, Jr., together with Dr. William Newtdn and his wife and Private Secreta ry Evans. Mr. Ilobnrt'fl death 'had been expected for some hours. The beginning of the end came yesterday afternoon, when there wan a sudden fail- N lire of the heart; and from this attack Mr. Hobart never rallied. Gradually the fail ure of the heart's action be came more apparent, and soon After midnight hint night Mr. Ilobart became unconscious. He remained in that condi tlon until his death. Mr. Hobart's death was due directly to angina pectoras, complicating mycarditis. ,The body will lie in state, at the City Hall,' in Patt rson, Friday or Saturday morning, and thl) funeral take place iio:n the church of the Re deemer. The interment will take place in the family plot at Cedar Town. The coun try mourns and the bereaved have tlio sympathies of all. these as long as he will. We" want to see the negro in the peaceable enjoyment of his every legal right except the right, which he has hitherto exercised with so free a hand, o ruin his white neighbor with his ballot. has ceased to be a we draw the line at that. Charlotte Observer. C0X6RESS AHD GENERAL WHEELER It is stated nowThaY"Fight-j lng" Joe Wheeler will not be in Washington when Con gress meets next Monday week; but that he will have a letter there urging Con gress to pas3 a (leclaration that this government intends to hold the Philippines with out any regard whatever to the wishes of the natives. It is given out tfmt the fighting little general I hinks that tvill end the war. General Wheel er haa a right io think as he pleases and to- write all the letters he likes, but there are many of his countrymen that Ij?ink otherwise- Manv nos- 3L- A It 1 J 1 e. ,Ta majority uiuik me GEORGIA AND PROHIBITION. There ha'? , been a fierce fight in the Georgia Legisla ture, now in session at At lanta 6ver state prohibition, The vote was to have been tak ri yesterday. As there was to be a vote taken upon a substitute, possibly a final vote was not' reached. Be that as it may, the ques tion, as far as this legislature is concerned; has been setd tied, or will be decided very soon. It is a difference of opinion amongst Democrats, since nearly all the members are of that party. The re suit will be very close. .The opponents say it will not be more than eight or ten, and while claiming its defeat, Hpeak in a Ibph confident man nerthan its friends. Jt certainjy should nerve the heart of tivery friend of temperance 'to know that in the great empire State of the South one-haff or probably more of 'the. represei ta'ives of the people are friends to the measure. There is another fact that is ehcouiaging; the advocates of the measure are Democrats. The editor of the Index has always thought and contend ed that the only way to se cure prohibition in North Carolina, is for its advocates to contend for it in the Dem ocratic party. Let all be pa tient, stand fast by the party, and bring the majority over v) temperance views, as seems to have been done in Georgi. The example of Geor gia should be an inspiration to the friends of temperance in North Carolina. Keep hope and use proper effort. Star? of i Slave. ro be bound hand and foot for year by the chains of disease is the wornt form of slavery, ueorge u. William?, of Manchester. Mich . tells how euch a slave was made five. He t8: "My wife has been so help less for five years thai she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottle of Electric Bitters she Is wonderfully improved and able to do her own. work."' This supreme remedy for female di.eaes quickly enre nervnunes.. Heepiessnes, melancholy, headache, backache. fainting and dizzy ; npells. ThH miracle working medicine is a god- wnd to wHk. sickly, run down eople. Every, bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents Sold by Theo. F. Kluttz fc Co. Duggist. . f WOD.dDDD'o KI1!DL!G VOOD! I have just opened a wood yard at Finger fc Anthony's electronlatinc works, where Forbearance"! I will handle wood 'in quaii i virtne andjtities and by retail of any de sired Kind and legnth. Trices will be in accord with the market. I will also handle Cedar Posts. Soliciting your patronage, I am, respectfully, J. H. SLOAN. "Our Native Herbs" TUB ORIGINAL HERB COM rOUXD, Tie Great Mi Pariflsr, lite M Liver Replalor. i (iu irar.U'cd I'y oar UoHsterel Guarantee to cure nil dispukfM .rnyfroin Impure lilood and louctlvlijr or tii Llvt-r aurt KiJnt j 200 Days' Treatment $1.00, . And (he Dollar Hack if You Are Not Cured, I, HE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., 8 le Proprietoi . J. r. PESSlElus, City and toty Agents. ; .vlilury, N. C. prompt attention given 10 mall civlers. Not sod l.y uiugglsts. J let t M in X Kuu"Kg 'ngon. fjl ww or hi tlii -t U IV'JIK !... Tl of the Demo- V vnlr n rb.lnrn. lit n I A V AgrcoT Win. ffu..H lei Probably a and aseu- nce upon opinion "Sihlicans X xtisati - T i f " disfranchise- Congress may do as Gencw Wheeler suggests, but it will bo opposed by nearly all - the Hftmoerats and by some Re publicans. General Wheeler is padly out Qf line with his party, anyway. Jf he were euch a Democrat as the peer less Bryan, or Bailey, of Tex as, the Democratic, leader in the last Congress, he would not violato the constitution by holding two offices. If his political principles were as good aa his fighting qua! ItleR. ho would resign his seat in Congress or his com misjsion in the army. To hold to both shows a lack of tnje Democratic principles. His Imperialistic views put him in line with the bulk of Republicans. General Wheel er's heroism on the battle field, as exhibited in .the war between the fetates. and in the recent Spanish war, Bhouid not be perniitU'd to hide his false political , views The Negro and His Vote. Bishop Walters, of New Jersey, of the A. M. J. Zion Church, sends the Observer a communication in reply to a recent editorial in -this per upon the ment of the i negro in the South, and it is printed in another column. Its-.writer thinks that if .the negro has been slow in seeing that his interests lie with the domi nant party in Yhe South, it is because this party has been slow in enlightening him upon this point and encour aging him to co-operate with it. Therein Bishop Walters shows himself not well in formed.1 'from. the time the negro became a voter until ery recetitly it was custom ary td hear Democratic stump speakers urge him, m the Uiost persuasive tone and lan guage, to cast in his political V 2 II 1 1 M k rtunes with his real friends. speakers1 words were re- ither snllnlv nr wW-li .iaivirs vl- j i-:..:. i iaugnier and ue negro went (Republican m ticket againt ItWannot oe wild, with a fair rWra Afa i.nt fiiA kontnern A ROYAL FEAST c m be enjoyed from one of our juicy and tender roasts of prime beef, that has a de licioushess of flavor that makes it thoroughly enjoya L - - ' ble. We have a tempting stock of Fall foods in Spring Lamb, Veal, Double Chop3 and fine Norfolk Oysters. uur meats are away up in quality.- M. L. JAGKSON. straightway and voted COAL! GOAL! Don't forget, when in need of Ooal to leave vour ordef at At well's HaiUware. As to quality there -0 NONE BETTER. Any order left at Plutnmer's drug stre will be attended to prompt ly. Phone 118. R.L.C0RNELIS0N. the facts, mat tne Democrats have left V WlLL G. KlRKM AX, any means to win theSV?0.'1 --rtvTT. SALISBURY. N. C. or;i?i tun- repair- Calls country tf any means cal favor of the negrq. Ev ir) cuuiuuuo Phe and lie bly. The negro has voted D)r rrguiating viu-i. ! SfrKr frr KniV cnvHm- ln- Ail work guarnnl , .-.Ilnlnlfltf tons an ment and the conditions prompUy attended. have become mtoierabie. i - , - . m m a There is uotning len me ..... . n. nrn i?' 3 BeMtifn white man but to disfran- W ALL rttl LUflDESIGlIS chise him or move out. We. - 1 say this in sorrow not m an- 42 W Ifisa-ii JU X MIS AX J) tin a - 1. tV T IE ' ger. v naiever iiiaj uo mo . - "v facts as to Maryland or New rj jjgj pfjj, York, we have stated them i '7 ' xi. rrnnn "iiiol,. I can sav y u nu.ney. I pooda a? iu xxuiiu vaiuwuo. l(it made. See graphs beror.Q yoa 6p Walters plea tor justice buy. 5c to 91 per rou. r U E3 00 a a a a Sniul LE n ISen?$, Women's arid Children's ...Sample Shoes... lilCLUDiHG ALL GRADES AND STYLES. ' a- COP.v0m 69 Com? AT in CO.- CO" CO fs ' CO ! "id : w 1 :' CO " - - . i " . ' Prices 25 to 50 per cent less thai! regular oods, ranging (from to THE-PAIR. i. '" S . s a - v A ureal Assortment of WoinenV fine Sln.es in sizes 3 and 4, ud iik diuiii jfrdes in size 3, 4, 4J aiul o. In innN shoes Hie nizes, run prin cipally C1, 7 and 7 iu thn finest shjes mid 7, 8'hiuI 9 in t he lurdiuni guides. - . - i WHITLOCK & RftiKEY, I. LEADING - ..SHOE DEALRES.. SALISBURY, N. C. 11 i - Main Street, (Jo'.-djHSwort ment of sizes in rhif dren'o (ids-si's Had boyJ?t ?ho-. If yu want a hurHin in i irov ?dr 6f.fh-, yu can certainly jjet it in tlis lius! of 8injieH.' m co., SALISBURY, N. G. VI 00 d f BEAUTIFUL m WARE "A housewife's delight A nicely 'arranged table" Buy your goods of us and get a set of this ware. The following is a list of pieces from which to select: 1 soup bowl, freewith cash um:na-soi W 1 13-in plotter " 1 pie plate with cash purchases of 3 00 , 1 6-in rouul veg'ble dish " i breakfast plate 1 dinner pla'e 1 handle tea and saucer 1 individual butter 1 aucedish 1 sujrar bowl 1 cream picher 1 gravy boat . . 1 covered butter 1 8 In -covered dish 1,9 in platter 25 00 0 00 I 11-in platter with cashpurch-is 1200 20 00 4 00 6,00 10 00 12 00 GOO 10 00 -6 00 15 00 15 00 25 00 15 00 12 0u 15 00 4 00 1 7-m 4 00 1 8-in 4 00 1 S:in .. 1 00 1 7-in oblong 2 00 1 " 15 00 1 pickle dish G 00 1 celery tray 10 00 1 cracker jr 2000 1 l ree fruit dish 1 cake plate . 1 7 pint pitcher 1 tea Mt i it . Resneinber we stll every tliiejj ju-t as cheap and many thin4 a &reat dral citeaper than anyone el-e in town. Heinember, we handler-nothing but the. best khU for the least Uioney. There is no reason why you .s!i"uM not buy yonr dry wkhIa and ;?hoes frotn one of our stores, f Yiu get the Itpit rr Ihe money for the money when you buy of us.. Ak for coupons at either store. K.vpi-ctfuily. Tells You to iuv lice Slothes! Good Clothes becoining Clothes- Chothes that will look well on you ' Clothes that will wear well Clothes that have and outward iiidex of your good taste j. ' T . your good judgments l ' Appearances, go a good way - CLOTHES MAKEj THE m First impressions arq the best tlio most lasting Clothes do it J The right kind ourf Clothes will. t: Good Delirered to Any Part of the City fr?c! H A V W Wallace i: . Leading ClothieTS. Good. J"osr Of Saltsbary or any other town, you can have your andiron and r ender, etc.,. tebriiit.cU. laaerrd audtnade'asrood a new, lat jut a lonfr. (The Lacquer prevent the tra. fdAn turning dark. It i true you can have yo-r t.-a cleaned at; home tiuab - it will not look wii; in a n ji i ii'iic lurq uiiK. Cannot be done without machinery. The Finger & Anthony Plating" Factory hav- the macniuery, and will du the work at a very small cot. Give them a triai and ee what they cm do- They will eJl you ntvr silver ware of their own make very cJurap, and guarantee name to be first-class, or they will repiate your old sil ver at half what new col grnaranteed to be a t'ood. ' Your to pleae. " ,- ' and cause xuo couniry iu uc- and fair play ior me peopio J, X. HAXWCiLL, i cept his 4iipse dixit." If Cou- of his race commands our at-

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