""4.,- J: .. ., 4 p 1 , ;V .-r- 1 - BOERS RETREAT Brisk fighting Around Lady- smith To-Day. Other Skirmishes. Csi.alc PUgst DlusrereJ Assag Katlrts ; it Uullt Prefiwtlofis takes bj j-:' flezltk Oncers. I j JUN8 CLIPPED IX. Durban, Jan. C Special, Eye witnesses state that fifty cases said to contain piano, were landed jn Delagoa Bay last week. They re ally contained Krupp and Cruezpt guna. BOERS BETREATINd. 1 Pinantzburg, Jan. 8. The shelling at Lady smith has been 1 " r severe sinco last week, but tpe garrison is confident. The mcr tality if alight. j Naawpoort, Jan., 13. There is brisk fighting today on the hills Around Colesburg. The Boers tubbornJy resisted tin British it veryLpoint but gradually retreat ed. The British held the extreme position smth and east, overlook ing the town. Hl'RONIC PLAQUE. Manilla., Jan, 3. Spe cialThe health officers have found a native with all Bymb- tom8 of the' bubonic plagile in a hoiwe in the walled city, where two suspicious deatfcs occurred. The patient is iso lated and every precaution taken to prevent the eprez.d of the disease. Tbt Seaboard Wants Salisbury. A gentleman who is interested ' M a s I in balisimry and upends a great deal of his time here has received I . . t or . m . i n icuer irom an oincmi or, t ie; Seaboard Air Line looking to t le Connection of that lino here. No definite plan has yet .been' formu latod but it is possible that t to matter may bo taken up later on1 And something of. interest to Sal it ttijy dev-elope from it. Sid Clt. " W. D. Folk, a white laborer, eut his foot very bad badly this morning. He was chopping wo id Then the axe slipped and strusk his foot.' Tho left foot was cut clear toll bone and Mr. Folk hid to bo rcriKA'ed to home in a buggy. He will probably bo laid up several weeks from the aif'ident. s At liala Street ! Rev. Dr. V. IV. Bays, presidi ng alder of this district, will con duct service ii nd administer co n imitiion atMain Street Methodist church Sunday night. f . tllll Notes. The Sal'iBbury Cotton Mill started up again this morni After standing Hie two ddyg for repairs, lirs. Brothtricn III. I Mrs. Matilda Brothonnn, Wilk'osboro, who visiting nephew, Mr. G. Wright, Kat Salisbury, is quite ill. .MS. Br.thertou has u severe attack of the grip. . Knocking a friend dewn is iobo a sure way of acquaintance. dropping fan iiiirtlstrs Taka Kotict. j Owing to the Juct that several cf our customers may want change their advertisements aim day ajid as it is likely to de lay the paper, we must ask advpr tisers to be governed by the fol lowing notice in every instance i The advArtlnlnfr patron of T Index, who desire their advert I meuts chantred should be furn to re have their copy In thisoluVf lef 9:30 a. m. to Uvure an insertion the asms day. Story cf a To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is be worst form of slavery, George D. Williams, of Manchl ver, Mich, tells now such a slave was inde free, lie aayw My wife han Im en hi helpless for ove years that h mu'.a not tttiru ovr la ikmI alou. After ulu two iMitties of Klectrie Kilter', ru Wonderfully Imnroved and able Is to do tier own work." ThU wuprejoie remedy for retuale diseaMet Uuirfcly cure nervousness, sleeplei-n, tnelaneholiv headache, fnliuhu dizzy selb. VU mirscle work nd WiedicliiH is a icoleitd to ueik, JKklj, run dwn people. Kvfcry CHitMe? ifurtrntel. Only 6U uim BoUl by Theo. F. Klut'z A d.,dr- - - Yo!;:a!s Ercptl$ ' - Are grand, but 8kln Eruptions rob life of Joy. Bucklen's Arnica Halve, cures them also, old running and fever sores, nicer, bolls, Mon-i, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, barns, caldx. chapped hands, chilblains. uet rile cure on earth. Drive out pHins and aches. Onlv 25cts. a box. rre iraaranteed. Bold by Theo. F. Kitiiiz A Uo., druggist. What could be a more acceptable Christmas Present for a friend than a nice PHOTOGRAPH? THE EXCELSIOR STUDIO...., Second - Door klm . tie Post OIUcs SALISEUEYi d The place to "get the latest, up-to- drtte Fhotograiihs.of mmlern . -j ' styles. The public Id .''.-.( Invited to call and inveft- tlgate. , ' Al-o special attention given to EDLARGINC! Yours to please, . MARTIN SHIVK .Prcp'r. 9 o KINDLING WOOD! I have just opened a' wood yard at Finger & Anthony's electroplating works, where I will handle wood in quan tities and by retail of any de Bired kind and legnth. Prices will be in accord with the market. I will also' handle Cedar Posts. Soliciting your patronage. I am, respectfully, J. H. SLOAN. Phono No, 1G2. You may have heard about SCOTT'S EMULSION 0 and have a vauue notion ?.thct it is cod-liver oil with a its bad taste and smell and 6 all its other repulsive fea 9 tures. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the d world, but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it.' Nearly all children like it and ask for more. . ; SGOTF'S EMULSION looks like cream; it nour ishes the wasted body of the baby, child or adult a J at Dcuer man cream or any other food in existence, ft bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. I f you have had any experience with other so-called "just as good' preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypophosphites that are co:nbincd with the cod-liver oil 've' additional value to It because they tone up the nervous mtem and impart strength to the whole body. ' oc and $i OO. all drvnhu. SCOTT & bOWNE, Chcmbu, Ntw York. "Our Native Herbs," THE ORIGINAL HSRB COMPOUND, Ik Great Blood Pariftr, Xlihnf aiil Liter Seplator. Ousrante4 by oor Rrfclftml Guarantee to f uit all llae.8j arising trora Impure Blood sua IoacUtIi w tne Liter and fctaneja. 200 Days' Treatment $1.00, And the Dollar Rack If You Are Not Cured. I HE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., 8Ue Proprietors. v !. r. rEimcTji, cin hi cstitr uutx. Salisbury, N. C. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LITE AND Aeblernnent of Admiral Dewey the world's preatest naval hero- By Ma nit HaUtead, the life Ion friend and admirer of the 'nation's Idol. Biggest and bes. book: over 500 pajree, SxJA Inches; nearly :M peeve halftone Illustra tions. Only SL.&9. Kuorraoas demand. Biff foraml.-nloiu. Oatfl.it fiee. ChaiiCeofa life time. Write quirk. The Dominion Company itf Floor Caxton Bldg.. Chicago. Dr. R. Li. Ramsay, 8UR0E0N DENTJ8T, KIS3 STREET, D7ER.EUESS CxTICE. OFFICE 110 UBS From 9 to 6. Salisbury, N. C. Will G. Kiukman, SALISBURY, N. C. Piano. Piie and Reed organ tun njf, regulating voicing: and repair- tig. All work guaranteed. r Calls to aujoinitii: towus and country prom illy at tenaea. ; ti ITUID OP THE Clerk of the Board of Commis sioners for the County of Rowan to the first Monday xn December, A. D. 1899. Amount and items audited by the Board to the member thereof durinz inesaiayear: ' W Li Klultz. per diem, 16 00 4 2J diys extra service 5 00 7 mileB travel at Bets per mi:e, " 85 J H la Rice, per diem, 6 00 1 day extra service, 2 00 104 miles travel at 5ctt iter wile, . 520 T M Kernf, per diem, 6 00 tt 2 days extra service, 4 00 it 07 miles travel at 5 - events per mile, " 85 W O Rose, ier diem, 6 00 u miles travel at 6 cen its ier mile, 4 50 J A Fisher per lium, 6 00 " ai) miles travel at o cent- per mile,' .195 J. F.'Mcl-ulibius, per diem, 80 00 vl days ex. service, 24 00 P D Linn, per dieiu, 80 00 z oayi extra service,. 4 00 840 miles travel at 5 cents pr mile. 17 00 Sanford Hen ley, per diem, 23 00 560 miles travel at 5ctier mile, 28 00 P P Meroney, per diem, 24 00 4 days extra services ' 8 00 W A Houck, per diem, 2400 " " 2t4 miles travel at o : cts per mile, 13 20 II N Woodson, clerk, per diem, SO 00 1316 55 H. N. WOODSON, Cleric Nov. 24th, 1899. ; I Tho Gcmterj cf Baby brings joy or pain.' It'a for, the ftinttipf -! AeiAk With cmnA VioltVi and a strong -womanly organism, motherhood but adds to a woman's attracUveness.'' takes away all terrors by strengthening tne vital organs, it nts a motcer for baby's coming. By revitalizing the nerve centres it has brought chubby, crowing youngsters, to thousands of weak women wno feared they were barren. It purifies, heals, regulates and strengthens, and is good for all women at all times. No druggist would be without it. ' $ t oo Foradvice in cases requiring special directions,- address, giving symptoms, 44 The Ladies' Advisory Department' The Chattanooga llecucine Co., Chat, tanooga, Term. MRS. LOUISA TT A TJC, of -Fefferfton, qL UTit-"W'l:es 1 first took WIm of f'.lnl w had been married three years, but could noz nmv any cntiare. Mia montb latex I Bad a fine girl baby." OUTHERW Iailway. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF Tiie South The Direct Line to All Points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. 8TKICTI1Y FIBST-CL.A83 EQUIPMENT ON ALL THROUGH AND LOCAL TRAINS PULLMAN PALACE 'BLEEP ING CAES ON ALL NIGHT TKAIN8; PAST AND SAFE SCHEDULES Travel by the Southern and yon are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey Apply to Ticket Agents for Time fables. Rates and Ueneral Infor mation, or address R. Lw VERNON, Charlotte," N.C, F. R. DARBY. CP. T. A., Athe vi lie, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, -Sd F. a Gea. Man. J. M. CcLP, . Traf. Maa. W. A. Turk, a. p. a WASHINGTON, D. C. ' . $3,000 SH,-PRZE CON i th i- The Atlanta ConstituiidnVG Cct'- n" ceipts at New Or loans from' September to April Fti:l rr. tics Given for Your Guidance Ari , Unoaralelled O.fdf :or 0. Readers. V Ths Atlanta Conftlttirtn ffr n cash prize for Janutnr, ptbrrn-r and March. 1500. a foTtows To the pervon --nlnr y uV crlptloa to The Wvcklr CV't1fuMr. -rtber with tb corrt nfmit n th cotton receipts at f SVr Orrn. duHnj tho first month rj -Ah-:trn April J ' r ; I, 1300) v.J - 1X600 If estfmat' Is reAelred, J armJ janaarr. H.000 if estimate l-f4lrl darfnsr- eoruary. -i "v - 1506 If estimate In r4r4ltnr1rr Mror xne iMre are for th eArt etlma-: there are beMe iheee nlJ prises, ranr tor alone $300. fli anl amounUnc to J1.600. that aft I h paid ont uro tor tne alx - oereffll rKjImatee . to - rtw OtImiii cotton r'ce'pta aJ an time 4vr1nx the fhre mnA m t the ctn test. But yoo hit It exarfj AjHne Jan uary and secure the fill' fiJoo prise check." The Cnn1twtV. H"vm enrolvxlr ir' hit the flmirTertlv end expert m o pay oat- the fu1t atn'xint M the Wx offered 3.on0ln -ill. . tn tr?.nutj- contest upon the eawie Mbe In Mr. R .T. Poole. ifCwir tV.U, N. C. hit the exact flmr and received a Check for r. vi nr Mr Porle did not try t ire-it r but rerr reteem nal n mrt- gg on hie hr nd "Uh the hal'e he r1'- i,r4 self at Trfnlfr ivK V r T Is now dotne etl hn r Vor Carolina jin' eti'' . d Hrvr It la neertTem. tt eeyhe le wrm fHenJ f The "Vm""KU - As a smldo wiVe - the New Orleans - ret. ni)',oi. stttnt'on ptve the fo'!oTfTi"- ."- rom rHed from utatlloa of the purt fnnr years: : SEASON. "P. o. V . V 'I. WfH. e r r"ei M-K. 1V-T ..1 vrr eee , .Lt.ra jr Tho Contlnt!'n, "e-7. ..rj; et Iflve each weeY te irM"oln. fr ie cotton aeeeon'fTm irVh von m aire see the New rVrVT rert . rt fi September 1. lW? nn thrneH pht Iramedtately predl tH T,,'ett This will Veep y rot! m wtn "or three dere f the t1r nd In your eittmate. It Is believed-nr rf "r'- crop, that h i m'e l nt fn b-1V t New Orleans. wll h- divert tw vr to other poln hf nnren tlne reetattone arfC4eT.- Www The effort of Ti,,n t hev n.ieran tlne raised by nM'n fro- T'led States court wll? no have ve-v Mre effect upon the fllrrtlon of eottTi Mt ments to New 0e"ar. Th TenMon1 simply a a f'ee in mVlns- nn eetl mates; how much" to allow. If anvthlnit. for this cauje mn"t ieft to each man's -Judgment. The $3,000 con ' f vt- r ito which The ConMtntlon wl?l tTd !n eyery partlctiTsr. Tet W ts In 1t naMir Simply an advort-w.'nt bv erhrh Th Constitution, tomblned,, with th'.s pnner may be made better 'known' In thK. com munity; Send the. jrabecrlptlon to Th Constitution apd . our paper at th ad vertised price of the I two and .with .It your estimate on the-.New Orleana nor receipts, and we will ferward all. totret.hr for yotL On April 1st we trust a tt.lM check win reach eome of our euborther to help '-ake. tlmar. even more easy round about tie.. , I,-Vs'! , . The7XVeeWyConJjttt1on for will be better thanever before.' Its-'apeclsl pews features are unfnaaeed.,The .Roeri. British war. the PKfllpnln' and . Cuban .operations, the busy session ' of the mt In oet-atot''ihe:)enefit of 8Ubscnptiong to.this office It is s givt n the snbseribers of a, local nit ' rHE' Sajjsbuot. Truth and;the Constitution, we?kly papers, mb only p-i.uv I'Aiv in AOj(AKCB. AQaress - - :' .''Ml. - v ; r-v . . - t- v " The WaslhiDOTio Vcnicn's Best Friend. Dirt's Worst Enetrty .'r"""'Ot. enee- t ,t' vr' . he nern-n-. -if,, ne lr.e " f v rMrt4Mttnt earine'en, of 'thl er nl fheMe and nwh. df-fnv 5ta. rrrr - be fln-1 hi!1 of the Nove hr elertlone. - the deve1twnt f th otrVe ereat lndntraT rnovepn: ' dl " r 'aT and vfar hndnrte an4 !wm, of other important thtnev wr.' oid 'rr and filv djlewed In Thr "Tf? "neritw n for the veer. The ---1n.":th ffnntftert. TnlTt. the Chrt 'T. r end other Intereettnr denart-y-e.tl :wtn be ehlv- condnted 'end 'wf1 K.-wnmTvr ,),T frt eddrewaed -7e nrnr dtoris1s of The ?ontltuton .Vlnr rlrtt out In metfne; evaetlv "'hit It wmmvit ' tn th aAmmtrT f- tm ,,""f,'H doetrln and n behaTT of th tntereett nf the manses of our plah Tt. and protectlns; them from th v.rnr rn4 of those who would wr'ng heir eemlnre from thefr hen1ee hands. a a Ion worth the enhrlptlon Trte rnn vt and' a re In. - v. Oonttrnt1on h lonr etoed a ennion of the neople and has ent tte e. deo mto the' errors and ev tha, Vn and feeeef the maeee. - Tt em 'e vr.oae of the methods of NeW. -of Orleans; and the shatterlne of the 0nnee of this prophet of htsr cotto aTd aooetTe of rtlnon1v low nnVv ' a hf rrit of rohherv. who has roe 'h ontrn fmini hndrde oe mmton. do"ere. onrhtjo win for The Constl Mon the lasttnr sjratltnde of the whU oMth. The advice to farm era to orran ee!nft the triat that wou'd Increase h f fertnisera and fertiliser ne Ha la tor the home compost heap, and "vtnev'wp fbe wdael tn behalf of th 'tirmere aralnst the combination the vould pt a freah burden upon them. t i-Tid .'and valid, and oorht to he heeded "TT' bulwark of the people's rlrhta an- h heat method of defenae will often b od in, a ereat paner. ahlr and fearless v M'ed. urton which the peonl mav rely rof nniy r news of the ordinary even f roverr.ment. armr and political life to?t aUnvfon an alert fore1ht of fh tren nf futnre Wenta that -nay operate to n rt!r dsrofse.; The1 downfall of Neill; hVie hre!kln down of the fertlltxer trust he junhnj flin of ail eouthern interssts md the enllsrhtenment-of everv vll'ar farm and mminta!nhnm are amonv TH' "nt'titon's many hlch alms and frea doae for 1W. That these intereat mn all b 'eH eerve1. and with the mid. on rwerrlna Sdellty to the people that Th Conetttutlon has always shown. icoe without saylnr. The manajement of The Constitution with Mr. Clark Howell as edltor-1n-chler and his well -disciplined crp- of s:a writers, brllilant coniTibutom and npcia correspondents. - still undr the fafthfu leadership of Colonel William A. Hemp hill as business munaisur, will remain th same for the new year. The Consiltu tlon'S long and honorable biins course keeping- talth with the peoirte in ail It. contracts, contests and engagemrn;s. e well as In Us conslmeni a .einp..-"-' editorial fairness, places it Hin. ng iho reliable Institutions of onr.-ct umri wrSoh th ptop.e may lep:d. . ,- With such a great genernl awp.(: covering t be world ntwi and ortJ national. usiloue. yi.d wlli. t ned the bast and Jlvesi. loca. pai-ai lug current . local Ulle add ti.e Us.' and new wl Iif.i'i fuai.r.ui--u.w.n reillS 61 local lli rrr.l.v W :li vnu comblnaton secured whli 'lire Uu ' biUutiwn will be lo-jiiu. fcu.ei u , our readers. Tut once at-vi jihi when 4je service Is er: nl; Including your eatliiisie m Tn ..nii.i lion's W.XK .-h . c-. T v ! 'k benefit, of the high pnr frr.J In ubscrlpti'li n Th 4 :i-:ll:'ii,f ii receive it 'darlngJanuai y n-J ivJ to your credit. "' Melt vonr. nui v. pimn. uitnii' iikhWy iiio this great offer you must eend your not often that such an opportunity paper. ; The price for the two paper? auoruera to . '- . The Truth, . , . -' . ; 1 ; . cpaiisD.ury, . u. Best, iPowdIeir V. J i I i 0) r ir ir J Ir W hat would make a ; nicer Christmas Present for .your wife or daugfiter than a pair 1 .- . - " ' . ...., of good Gloves? We have the best $1.00 made. "Le 1 ' 5 , Is the name and every pair is guaranteed. If they rip ' i j . or split the first jtimeyou put them on, you pair All the latest shades: Caster, Tan , Bro w n , Grey, Black, White, v Yours for Gloves. get another - j 1 -..1 i