PitluitJ Ercrj Ertiiu Except Suiij. J. N. STALUXGS. Sr. U H. STEWART. - - EJiicr. - ttiugtr. ' A4 tDUr4 la tbm postoffle. ftt SalUbarjr, H. C, m m99om4 nil oittr. rUBUCATION office: Fither Street, near the Stand Pipe Telephone No. 165. IOOmU MOmI 4-00 , fmr Wk t t-r Wk. rr Ymt. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 1900, For President, 1900: ! Hon. W. J. Bryan, I " Of Nebraska. . . ! Some anti-imperialists eay they cannot vote for Mr. Bry an because ot his monetary views. That shows that they love gold better than they do their country. They say that imperialism means a change of our freecountry to an empire. Yet they will aid it rather than help Bry an preserve the country's lib erties, because forsooth, it will, as they think, ' lessen tho value of their sheckels. - . - -mm m m w a m mmm mm m Brvan and silver will go ion in JNortn Carolina now t o g e t h e r, but not alone: and forever. Anti-imperialism anti-trust, We would advise Bepnbll anti-Protective Tariff; anti- can office seekers to emigrate government by injunction, to Liberia, where they Tdll will be in the platform too I find plenty of negroes to ma and as heartily advocated by nipulate and no white people Bryan as silver., The jour-1 to checkmate them. nafa nnc rtAmnnn flnnkfn nf .K 11 4tt orron tMnrl " " BUIUX1 inai rXHtOTH 7 r - Z T. -::;:: ;rJWattersonistotakea dollar Mr. uryanaoes, except uitw: dinner with . , R.T,lt yet they are playing into the hjet us hope that Editor Wat- a n d s of the McKinley terson will take advantage of crowd tho they oDnose eve the occasion to lay aside ; all 97 mm I m - ry thins he stands for except oninenaiy teeung ana re- thegold8tandard. Is it wiset lanta Constitution. w x eee, irom what pur ports to be an authoritative source, mat tne oeaDoara Air Line Railroad will extend their road from Pittsboro to Danville, Va. If this proves to be true, it will help that part of the titaje through which it goes. It will be come a competitor of the Southern, at the point at f which it crosses the N, G. B. 11. ci of is ELACKEUR1 K0U1IATED. The advices from Frank- BlsaarVi Ires Itm xort show conclusively that wm the. result of his apiendM Goebel is the traa man And health. Indomitable will and tre- f w tt i. -I Inieodc wen, r. VYau Xiaroin ine where stomach, II ver. kidney and traitor. The latter, WOUld bwelsRreout of order. If you want , , ' - , . I mwe quaiuim nuu ine success inpy have had a few Democrats brin. use Dr. Ktnr's Now ufr Sevi nly ioin with the ReDublicans to P""- They develop every powwr of w l nrain art si ixuiu I iniu mm rem mm . ril ' mm im m ' I mmt9 J Will W aeieai uiacKDurn; tne lor- F. Kiuttz A Co., drag store. ifojui ah IIIE MAPXPH FURtllTIM STQflE -r- -OI la now lavishly displayed with Gait from 10 to $125. Parlor Sails frca to $150, Slda'Boards from 1 10 to$12S. Hall Racks from tl.7S cti. Tables 60s. to $25. Rockers COc to $45. Pictures 25e. to $10. Oyxo Tsbls $35 to $10. Knss 50c to $40. Carpets SOc. to $1X0. Hattresses tl.75 to $23. Lamp 23c. to $10. China 8ets $5 to $30. China Presses $12 to 227X0. Extension Tables, Dining Chairs, Ladies Toilet Tables, FoUIcj Bs, Lounges, Couches, Moulding for Pictures, and in fiiet everything yon can conceive of. The largest stock in.Xorth Carolina. In Order, to Make Boom for More ! Having purchasQi my entire stock before the advance I can save you money. All invited. . . Yours to serve. mer and all Democrats exceDt two so-called voted for Black- ' ; ; Sl8rl cf SUlt. bnrn who wafl- trlnmnhantlv To be bound hand and foot for Dura, wflo was inumpnanuy VMrs bv tha -hsina of ditMSA i th. nominated and goes back to worst form of slavery. George D. the RtJnatft in nlarw nf X inHflaV Wl,,,ani, or wancnester, Mich, tells me senate in piace oi Lindsay, now Bnch a 8Uve WM made free Ht Who has been misrepresent- says: VMy wife has been so helpless !n TTt,irttrrr nnUai f"' flve 7n that she could not turn ing Kentucky. Goebel nom- OVdr In alon After two inated Blackburn and voted botti f Electric Bitten, she Is ViIy ririr. w,Mi. n wonderfully improved and able to for him, evoking much ;ap- duher own work This supreme Plauee. We are satisfied that remedy for female diseases quickly k. . . . leurp nrvtiiiBiiM. mlAAnlAMtnpftjt. the enemy have been Circula- melancholy, headache, fainting and tine? falRfthnnrifi nnon Oobl. dizzy sielU. This miracle workints ' i , ( . j.j We rejoice that the few dis- Uikly. run down people. Every Batisfied; Democrats refused nnVA'S"Z oM ?nUm . . ' j , . Sold by Theo. F. Kiuttz 4 Co.,drug- w uo ueeu aa uiBurgauizers. gtst. Every Democrat should be true to the organization; but UilNtlStri TiU KfltlCI. an true men should see that the organization is kept hon est and true. Owing to the fact that several of our customers may want to change their advertisements the lame day and it it is likely to de lay the paper, we must ask. adver tisers to be governed by the rfol- D. M. Lutbkb, of Asheville, has been, it seems, to Waynes vine and made a speech against the constitutional amendment. .- Mr; Luther as defeated at the last' mun pal election for the , office mayor of Asheville. He i now on a hunt for office and ieelncr! he thinks, a chance. by playing demagogue, to get something, he has turned his face towards the Hepupli can camp. Goodbye, Mr. Luther, You will not only be called a Republican, but you will bo one, cheek by jowl, with Pritchard and tihe ixest of that ilk, very BQon. ', Ocb City and News Edkor Bald iu our yesterday's issue 'that some gentleman, who ;eeemd to know, says tl: at the Seaboard Air Line is i looking towards this city, i As we pointed out in an editorial yesterday some o th ; er railroad system or systems besides the Southern will be sure to seek this field, when the immense resources till around us are developed. We will be glad to scp the Air be to as- ! we SATArS EMISSARY. Une oi oatan s emissaries Rp.nt the Intvex a Ramnlft conv of nn infill RhftP.f wTiIpK wa lowin8 notice in Tery inatance . , - I The artvertUlujr patrons of ' Ths shall not advertise by calling index, who desire their advertie- I ments chaneed should be surf to It - il J L. A mV nnve ineir ropy in iais nmce oerore 9:80 a. m. to insure an inaertion the same day. the name or by giving its cal habitation and dwelling place." In it is a long arti cle by one who sigus himself ah ex-minister. ' Doubtless he is now what he has always been, a minister of Satan, the only difference being that he was once a wolf in sheep's ciotning; now, ne nas thrown off the clothing and the 'wolf fully appears. . His article is full of falsehoods and blas phemies, and fully shows his bad heart. In it, too, a strong-minded1 woman has an article, show ing her desire to be regarded superior to the man. The ar ticle of the po-called ex-minis ter is disgusting enough, but the wailinga of this so-called woman are revolting. Grass is a synonym for greon; Blue Grass, no doubt, a nas tne same color, we are sure that no one, except one of the greenest greenies,: can be influenced by this foul sheet of Satan. j Line come. It surely will a more sensible thing than go to Danville, as ttome aert Is proposed, which I publish elsewhere. , What i? the matter with sour merchants and business j menl Do they not know that another railroad system, ter: j ruinating or passings here, lis of the greatest importance for ! the interests of the city? Npw, i mere is, as we are assured, a j great railroad system that is ! looking toward our city and ! no one here to encourage and S meet the . advance. What i should be done to remedy this defct? We think, that ! a chamber of commerce should ; be organized at once. Will i not some of our active busi ; ness men think about the im- portance of organizing so as : to aid In the securing of any and every enterprise which ; will benefit the city? What are those Democratic j papers and persons going to do who -talk against silver and Bryan. It is a foregone con clusion, they admit, that Bry an will be uominated, and! all know that mfians the Chicago You may have heard about SCOTTS EMULSION and have a vagus notion that it Is cooMivcr oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tures. It is cod-liver oil, th purest and the best in the world, but made so pabta ble that almost everybody can take it Nearly all children liXe it and ti for more. . ' looks like cream i -It nour- bhes the wasted body ci the baby, clula or asult better than cream , cr eny other food in existence It bears about the samareb tion to other cmuhbns thit cream does to tr& If yea have had any experience with other so-ceiled just as good" preparations, yea will find LSit .'thbba hxL The' IrypophorphlSa that art combined, wiia' Cs cod4ivtT .a five actional va!sa toll Ues they tone Cw esnrest tys!sa and impart strcnSt to th &s!a body. ':. "-r:,v-j:!-...':-'. SCO oc and ti.Mi. aH TT A SO WME. CkwnauT Hrm Ymik. REPUBLICAN POW WOW. The bosses of the Bepubli can party met in Greensboro Tuesday and held a pow wow with reference to the consti tutional amendment ; and other matters connected with State politics. j The decision was reached to try to obtain an injunction to prevent the sbvreign peo ple from voting on the ques tion. ' " ; We suppose they think the Supreme Court will go Re publican on this question as it has . on some others of a pernal character, where the right to office only :. was tin volved. It may be that the judges will be as subservient In this matter as in the oth ers. These conspiratoro k Mm" ' m ' , ' against tne people oi our good old State would -better stop and think before "they plunge our. beloved coun try into internecine strife. I cm u arwit rrparmpor nooa neroemner wiimingion; tnei - - white people of the State will, I 200 Dys Treatment $1.00, for their own good also for the good of the negro, vote on that amendment and elim inate the negroes from poll tics in N. C. Holton Pritch- ard,and that crowd well know mat, u ine amenameni is "Our Native Herbs,- run oxiowal hkxb costotko, Tt3 Great B!::I PsriZsr. Kiiisj ail lira RtTclala Gtr&at4 Vf eor mectaUrad OntratHi to And tho Dollar Back If Yon Ara Not . Cured. V THE ALONZO O. DUC3 CO., tut rmprtMonL LeaAJSg: Farnlture Dealer and Undertaker i 1 ill Fnplii. (ct nnn 9 m n Foil II T5m Ifatmz Is unit it. ca her own waref eras aoCka tael a uot:d sigh that !!iTURE ISiFrBUnS iT&TS r on nap. th tYttom ia acaywnfatra Imvuxtila t fliailn, oi cssrt ba sottoa rid of t tbar ara an atag ftbtt oao xaoi Mkfiilj tm tc&ored. Cjaaiei so jwu tu Mooa m itm titaD0TaaoaatfaMf&l bo! and U U(N impwioaa arr aooa UhrTrsi. thf oear. ailaestj Hsbh are mriiri tiAi wainm aad imaiaar. to and la OUR ;r-.,-;iSu " ,;. Wm.taie Placa - Saturday, ; ; February We Guarantee. ' 'I :' ' , i . : c icb Keys to Fit our iiioney Box v : ; : at this Grand Drawing Cnrfl fllCTAtnof Tnnhulng a pair of Bboet (t anj pHce) for iiacn customer ATIIi FEBUARY 3rd, win ba a ui. W tux: ium A Chance to draw a Cash Prize. r Oar New Keyi have Arrived, and thoae to whoa ; We have given Due Bills for keys can now preaent - their due bill and jget keys tit aaiae, f "i'',"----, Remember that f-W .will giveaway; 100 key that will fit too lock at This GRAND DRAWING, FED., Srd. The Keys Will Cost You Nothing farid ro will giver you the BEST SHOES BIJfT M(0IS3 (D(Q).9 Main Street, 8ALI8BURT, P. CL vcaaoiri cad Caicachl c'rw r unit IbiTmi rkli t v v uy far a kjr tiia with ptaalea, whk& taaf disantftd aay faoa raaifaqr, eoas vam. a a. o. pnats.7 or blood, asa sow i m w m m m mm I sraa oacaca,- Oq W. II DwkD. cftha A. a & OsWrafdufarVaBclca roka l Deal Hda aad aaaoyaaoa. llj Uoad a fftesottt oesdhkeu aad mothlng I mix bottlM Of 8. & & hat baea paftsotljr toe eataaad t9 do laar cl cay blood yOa o. o. Fon thc dile b the baa! Moad rwntdy. Iinaaii H b aad u laa oaiy t has ss acaoiotoiy tm mm poiaaa aaa-- niartmnr. w - raoattly wsiflet Cm Hood aad thorovsbr ckai sba mta. baliij 3 , tha rvnersl baaluuid itreagth. . It cures 8orof ala, Eostaa, Oaaoa? . &ema fctrlnic out all ha'pare blood. Books tfaa to aay address by the Swift SpsoiftoCov. Atlanta, Qa J. RHODES BROWS, Wa. C. COAST, PfMt - Iy The Qeorffia Homo COLUMBUS GAi Total ABsetei, 1,157,902.97. Net Surplne, 0361,753.52. OR6A1N IZED 1859. 1 OLD -BEUiaBtE MM1 SO.. 8EEIUII0 HOME PATH0IIA0E. Liberal and prompt in payment of all losses. j. ALLEN BR0WP1, M. 7 ' -'V-' - - SELLS 5."- (Bisa e. mmm lis Rent madft. heat whftt In iliA ArM. rlniiMlr In Knlllf timtmmA All Heaviest roaod edze steel tire and guaranteed to stav ti?ht. - Rit ikatns. steel toozoe cap that ean't break and only half weight o out caps. " All clip and bolts made of Norway Iron at double cost of kind MBfd by others. uaae or oest workmen in Deal muipped racuiry and of very 1 best ma terlal all throozh thai money will boy. They are made on honor, ramn. teed to cive aatls&ictlon and cheaper Jn end than lower priced wazons. All and best, and several hondred more will ba to ret oaa. 12, 23 pd Mil MM On a say they are lightest r on nine told this year than erer before, and will be lo yocr Interest Bemember crery piece) la every wagoo la warranted.- A SPECIALTY. M. H. Mluttz lo, FRESH "7-. v" ' : " " - - - AND PURE DRUGS. ALGO- Patent Medicines, Stationery " Jovcltieo Perfumery, Toilet Articleo, Ornamenta, Lamps, Cigaro, Tobacco, rc. ilait ' . .... . on ;-7,: vv.77:7;;:-' Dfislerlia 77 :r . Heavy and Fancy Groceries Ooiuitry Produce a Specialty. I keep only the best goods and 70nld bo pleased to have your brdero. P?.0:JPT AI1D POLITE ATTEflTIOIl " ; : to all orders Free delivery to aiiy part ..-... td at form will be Te-enActed. adopted, they svre ' out of the city. Ehoixe Ko 114. : of a BaliBfcury, N.C XIAR1 TM 8AL18BUBY, C.