h6ptactt Price Cash Dealer la Grnertl MrrhindlM " Vlrla INnv-IS. KTjr B ui , qt. ' , , Pltan 4CqL"., Lci::i Prices ci ErerjlMafr Nil WEATHtR FORECAST; Fair with light frost tonight ; warmer Sunday. M lO All. fx , . , y . yjgcJ?est of yetys. Full . .... .. .. ' 1 Z "JjL .. ". ' f .... .' rc : . :v"; 1 n j j-z . . 1 ... -nx I ( Vol. 1. TSTo. 148. SALISBURY, IEBEK ID I ram. oiinii GOMPLETEO. ' V ' THE OLD HIckORY CLUB COtt PLETES ITS' WORK. I H Mllll .a ami - S- n ItlllBlllPlilD. u ii V i WOMEN JOIN IN THE DEMON NO I1IUEDIATE SETTLEHENr IN SIGHT. MR. RENDLEIIAN'S '-VISIT TO WASHINGTON EXPLAINEDA? 3RinGS ;-A' IRAIN FLVlNG i THROUGH SALISBURY; FREIGHT TRAINS AREOW THE PEOPLE STRATION ALSO. :' uui. GO; LITTu - A X , V ni . w a- 1' - 1 Hn CIS K t ! t. t, I: I "i ! 1 i ' A Crati Eetteea tia Srikers and Depafles la tiles tu Depitles arewaaaded. Uara ccsln . - Cronton.April 14. The night wan mad Hideous by the Croton Dam strikers and -by women carry ing cluln and inarching to the music of drums and trumpets ahout-d the chorus and stopping now and then to deliver impassion . ed speeches. The iuen hold pos s ion of the works and swear they wont give up until their de- ma lids are met. One hundred ad ilifionul deputies arrived this m imiii.;. Th? sheriff has gofjo after the militia. (. Croton, April 14. The strikers i attempted to cut the bridge cable thin morning. Deputies charged and a lively fight enHiied. 7Two deputies were wounded. Ca li$ Kcirlir.lo' ajElector-at-hrgs' ty Cuienthn. lion. Le S. Overman hifs len the recipient of many congratula tions fince hi nomination aelec-tornt-largo by the Slate Denio- t...L" ct.rtvoniion. Mr. Overman's nomination van particularly gratifying to his friends in view of the fact that ther were those who had solicited the honor while Mr. Overmun had not Jinked for it nor did lie expect it. Mr. Overman wilt make a thor ough canvas of the State both be fore and after the August election. I NEW AGENTS. Usssrs Sharer ted Clement Tikt'Pcsl tioas ca Yidkla. ' '.-. Mr. Charles Shaver and Mir. Hugh Clement, both of the freight dejtot fore here, went doyqjLhe Yadkin rond today to take jaehJ ci' which have beo:i vacate.! tjy the recent strike. Mr. Clement : taken charge .at AllxMiinrle unl Mr. Shiver at Kockwell. Theno gentlemei were accompa iitedby agent W. 0. Crntchfield, .f thin city, and it is 'oxpected that IfiMinens will go on uninter ruptedly on the Yadkin line. Ur. Oternan Sick. Hon. Iao S. Ovrrumn caught a very wiverecold on his return from Raleigh Thursday night and was confined to his room yesterday. He 14 able to Im out again today. Hare For Treitaeat. Mr. Henry Huil.Hteiucrj of " Ma rion, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. lluthxteiiwr CMiiifH for trsat ment in the Whitehead-Slnkes san itarium and will le here powibly several weeks. ... .. ... Gold Hill Scrapper. A negro, Kd Jones, was brought up from Gold Hill last night, where ho was engaged in an affray several day since. He was committed.to jail. ' rOLR TLEAD9 TiUlLTY. Boston, April 11. Charles H. CoIe,pleaded guilty thitf morning to thtvminnj)plicution of funds', at the Globe National Bank. The bail was increased to $25,000 and he will bo sentenced later. PX. WHITE ARRJVtjJ. Southambton, Anr'd lLrrOen w lute nrriveu tins morning, lie was greeted 'y fifty thousand people. EXIOSITION OPKNKP. Paris, April 14. The . Exxsi- tion was oened at 2 ' o'clock 'to day.- Ur. Keafmsi Is EluttJ Prtlftit i:i 111 ?mlii t:zzntt lacafs Cj Gii era!tfE:inl. A meeting of the members of the Old Hickory Club "was held last night and the organization completed by the election f the following officers: President; Hon. John S. Hen derson. Vice-President, W. L. Rankin. Secretary, C. & McNeely. . Treasurer, I). L. G ask ill . The governing board is to con sist of seven members and the pur chaning commitle composed of MeBsraT. 11 Brown, Theo. Buer lmum, 11. I j. Crawford and H. B. Burriefj with the- president, secre tary and treasurer will constitute the board for' the present. The committee on constitution and by-laws rendered its report and after considerable discussion the report with some amendments was adopted. The club ts now well under way and starts with a membership' of about ninety. The rooms have been handsomely Titled up .and have leen greatly admired by all who have been in them. JAPAN UAX KICK. SbMsajBot Tolerate Agreeat Betwees Russia aod Korea. . Yokohomo, Japan, April 14. Seoul despatches say that by a se cret agreement between Busiia and Crea the latter pletlges. her ielf not to' alienate , Kodjedo Is- lami, aominaiing xsi aanrpo .irar bor.. On account of tne strategic value of Kodjeilo it is iKt believed that Japan" ill tolerfctrf J h flgre1 nieiit.. .. ' . - . tOTTOK SITUATION. RipofkRictlied frca Y&rfras SicUom fl4c6aaif. ' "... ' " New York, April H. The cot ton Exchanged is closed but many. houses received reptrtp from var- 1 ions. parts of the South. There have been lieavy frosts considera- lily in the middle northern cotton lelt in the past forty-eight hours. The temperature thii morning is higher and tlie skies are clear. . A favorable condition' is' indicated for tomorrow. ; I?uv Tip 1 Rnmnln ia iinnrikVfvl "'... .' . today, we afiJ glad to larn. He is uoiu iu inj iipagmu. Esquire Ahdrew Murphy is con fineil to his' home with the imooe. III. tr.nr4 rBJlilaa : WWW There ia practicafly no change lu the condition of Mls Carrie Crawford t'mlay though -she grows weaker each day. Hope for her recovery has leen almost aban doned. i PROF. Sl'GIFFKBT PROPOSED. New York, April 12.-Ata meet ing of the Manhaltar conference of the North Congregational church Wednesday the name of Prof McGifTert, who resigned from the Presbyterian church, was pro nounced for membership. The proposer said he was not advised whether MqGiffert would accept menibership or not- REQUISITION PAPERS. Raleigh, N. C, ApriL14. Gov ernor Russell nas granted the re quisition of the governor of Ten- nessee ior. uaxter onemweii. a wealthy citizen of Ashevilje charg ed with default ing a Knoxville uajis. ior xour mousana aoiiars. nrSIc. A L I Batltiiesari Still Uakl:: CWs asl Est) art Sazsiiza tf sccet ta ttj Ed. The following is a statement of the situation between the strikers and Southern Railroad assent out by the Associated Press thia morn ing: President Powell in his state ment to-day says : ' "NVe are highly elated over the the success of the strike. Th member of the organization went out to a- man. My information shows that the traffic on the South ern is almost totally demoralized. Not a freight train is moving and dozens of trains are side-tracked. My reports show that Alabama Great Southern is unable to run freights and only the principal passengers are moving. WVild' ordert have been put into effect on some of the divisions and I am in formed this morning the engineers and 4rain men of the" Columbia division have refused to run on them, declaring that they will not endanger their lives by so - doing. On the-Washington and Lynch : burg and Charlotte division the situation is more than favorable. Nearly all the men went out be tween Charlotte "ai.d Washing. Western Union operators . inform me that the railroad offices cannot be raised on it he lines from here to Charlotte, Chattanooga and Bir mingham. 1 ' .'"I have received telegrams from P. &I Arthur grfltid chief engineer pf the p Motherhood of IHjqnjot Jye Eugirieen P, H. orrisgey grand 1 fiVAtf zMM htrheThood n ;tai ! road Xratrt met-; .if rank IrSargenfr grand master of the Brotherhood of liticoinotive Firemen, and Sam uel Gompers, president of the Frd eration of ilaboj, epressing theft wish, and hope that the telegrap hers may be successful in thi strike, and offering their support in every way consistent with the laws of their respective orgauma tiott from every standpoint .' Tho following from General Sup. erintendentJ.il. Barrett presents the attitude of th railroad toward ne8",Ker": A I " - Balisbwry, If. C. "J. S. B. Thompson; Assistant General Superintendent, Atlan at, Ga. : "Referring to the sensational reports of the situation at other points, you can say that every thing is moving on the enlire sys tem as though the strike had ' not Peeu oraerea. iess tnan iu ter cent, went out on the entire sv I . - ,. . . rum I in noma i triiiiiiiia Mat n 0ipgie man went out. BOBBns u.vnvn suBVEAifcg. hl(ftiro. Anril 14. -Tho mpn I . " ' 1 thought to have robbed the residence of 0, W. Patter are un- 1 der surveilanee and will le arrested j n a few hours. RILEY IS BETTER. Indianapolis, Ind., April 14. The condition of Jame Whitcomb Riley is'much improved. He ia still confined to his house but will leave in . few days for a nearby health resort. PRINCC OF WALES SICK. Copenhagen, April 14. The FfnSP P.f W! ! Stt'fTerir.g- with ap affectjon of the throat and has beep obliged to consult a special- itt. millionaire's death. New Haven April 14. -Mark II. Hooker, a millionaire was found dead this morning in bed. He weut to bed' in good health and , spirus. Seiatsr ferj iatesis is z;;:tt ui lejlsfriratita Bfyai Ii Ga ED-tlsltltiTia Washington, D. C, April l; Mr. John L. Rendlemen, of Salisbury, North Carolina was iu the city Ihe early part of. th if week. It is said there is to ,be a change made iu theCenim Sober visor of that district, hejireieot Supervisor of Census, Mr. Bing ham, has leen quite ill for ioC3e time, and it is understood intends to retire, and the frienda M Hr, Rendleman are urging him for the appointment. ' While iii.Wasninjr ton he had an interview with Director Merriam of the Census.1 His application is now on file, and will be considered when thel aptjoiutment is made. ..-'At lh Census Bureau it was stated till other day that Mr; . Bingham -Jb$l not resigned the offic v httt titlA other sources it learnecf that he will "probably do so in a ahdrt' while Mr. Bepdleman 'k U Xttfot Clerk to Supervisor ' Bngliarut aid it ia understood that he, i higfcly endorsed for the promotiop.' ' He i. y Rifled mm appointment, aud by.yeasOn o fijt present position of Chief ,Clerlc;Ci tho'utrht to stand the best 'ahow $bf the promotion. The . selection' Will be made, upon the recommen-' dation largely of Senator prlcaijl it is said, and whether he has! en dorsed Mr. Rendleman ? conld- not be learned. The appointment will be made'Cy the Direot6ji';of th Qposyg, Mr. Rendleman rinain headquarters at th Metromltian Hotel. ' -' : I Representative KauBdell, of Louisiana has just: , re turned to I r':.i- -2 nnsuiugiuu irom u inu w u home. He has been away from w-u:.. ,v- stumping tbe SUW. for the Dem- :U& t..o eaystheStale ticket will be ted by a large plurality. ' The dell elected opposition candidate U a son of I Kenator I anerv. aim ia beiner buu- 4 pofteA by thp Rebubljcans and . r T - O X poping. , It is said that Senator Cafferv. k : i.i r 4 ; of the, re-election of President Mc- KinleyBpdtliat w? will euppoit him next y(&ap in preference to vaji : orjruu.- v Mr. Ransdellon his way to Washington passed through many pouthem a, inaluaiog jssis- sippj, ooum Carolina, ana norm Carolina. He sayd that all oyer im aoum vne senumenv is oecia- eaiy n ravor qI nryau ror rresi- i m m A r- ent .. A petition ha3 been presented to the House of Rpreseiital iveg by 1 Representative Otey, from Mr. ' t mt .i: w r rf. t .r n.. .v r . '.. ' ill trtatAtr I A OAPtnin h o mS.B - . . . Ungres9man Bellamy, of North r t; i a . .i Carolina, nas pre?nieu a pen uon of the United States Brewers Asso- ciation, and North Carolina Liqu - or DMlMt DiHill.. and Gratu Growers' Association, fqr' the repeal or reduction of the war tax on malt liquors. The petition has been-referre4 to the committee On ways and means. i Senator Daniel has introduced a bill to erect a monument at AVin- Chester, va.. to, ne memory or the r. . -v fepeciai oervice in rorth Caro- lina has been discontinued as fol- lows:-; Cecil, Hay wood County, from Lavinia; Mercer, Edgecombe County, from Lancaster; and . Spraule.; ; Moutiromery County ! from Marcus. in i Wftsbington for milyU few Aiys? - A 18 PurPW lo nave noneir rosiondenof the 4 Charlotte Ob rftrttsL tlpgoxtteutureatt server-: . at Salisbury some days ago.-Ikirin Ji t vSjJMeliievfe his stay iu this city he made his, 1)6 he?rd- " 1 : . after-- hoTug suieresince ' f . Tlxklt t:Zx C:rti ta Wart, tad tSe To!a HTlrcrila SUhSari ; at pi- f The South era depot was crowd ed this m6rmnxat;ilV4lTJ 6clock with. passengers awaiting the arri Val ofithe fjwt mail from the South: " .- ' -t " Wheo-it did come it came with a shriejt of whistle and flew past the station at the rate of forty-five ilea an hour. v The passengers drew pack in antonishment and yvatcbed it until ; it drew out of sightiaround the Henderson curvei As it shot by the fireman could be seen standing on the front of the engine hammering away at the air pipi. Word waa immediately hished to Spencer that ; the train fwas coming, but before it got far the engineer had it under'control: It .came back to Salisbury and left the station aljout an hour late. SFEU1K6 LAST NT6HTS- 5 LiteTnicj laterfered will Arrlnl of tba 4'YWtm,';;-- ' ,4-: ; There was a large crowd at the coajlfouse last night to hear the spechjwij6n the objects and work-' ins of the Jr. O. U. A. M. -IA sore disappointment, however,' wis in store fc -ihe audience in ijiaVitab eit b- er or the out-ofrtown sieakers troni getting here m time to par- icipate. . ;. Two speeches were made one tiy ft.; Lee fright and one by Jno. I Julia". r ' A Fine Speech. Won. Theo ,-F. Kluttz ,rtadfejL" speech ia if ha TT mma n nr lMniAti,ThnnHlAV nrv .ho-"tola. " i Mon bth people. OITie , Washinon corpoiident of the . Charlotte Observer sava that f'aa . kri ver ready all-round debater Mr. Kluttz is rapidly forging to the front f in the House." . U"A FSt U" . ' Mr. Richard L. Thomason, one of Rowan's bright vount? men. is 1 ,!,... w, ' ..! fk- I vidsoir Col lege this; week. . JMr Thdma&V iabjai?lA,Mt hLife." Mr. J, ArThomEsou is at, ioYiuson anenainjg tue ".spea.King. . .. ' , - JlB UeitiM tt Speacef. :. ' hVn.eetfng at .the, Methodist church nt Soencef is continuing with guccegg. Kv. Hpl- nnmt uVnirani nrher i.ul. in I . . v teregt in his sermons is attested I by the increase in attendance at leach service. I Ur. UtT fieatf. I Mr- a well kown citi- I Pli rf Chestnut Hill Hinl voelar. 1 . . I u& y . - f ' . ' " - - in Yadkin county in 1&14 aifd' I ... I twice married. 1 M '' x " CtKafcri OIUIJ. Capt T. M. Crumley brought in the Ytin tram this morning for Capt..-Wood rum. The latter will be off for several days. .. - m - ' : Ta Httgti. nu.-t. Kr, .1 I VfUBJWUC, U.. AUril 18. Mftck Pesterman, colored, was ted and sentenced to- death to - day. The trial consumed only 6 lan killed his wife hours. Festerman on account uf jealousy, January ohn Wakefield A fuU-UiAr 1C. Judge: Moore refused' the .jance is desired, - 1 quest for a new triaL arid sen . I teuced Festerman to i'fiiiiron Mar gist. An appeal was taken. Tta New QperatsrsRecelTiBezsh Treat .': cent Aid are EscortcJ est at Tcra fcj tke citizeas. 'ftV-? ..' -1 . "-. Atlanta, Ga., April 14.The . , . . ' , i situation in regard to the tlegra phers strike on the Southern Rail way shows an improvement early this morning. ; Freight; l . begin ning to move and the car rexrte of the officials here say thutnear- Jy every branch of -service shows a better condition X. new. opera- tor at Flowery liranch, Ga., was run put of town by the citizens. At Corona, Alabama, dispatcher CoX" of Columbus. Miaa.. was verv ;ouglil Imnilel and escorted out . -. - - - j - 01 the lacf- i ; Charlotte; N. .C April 14. Genra' Passenger Ageiit Turk tel- egraphs that the strike has in no way affected the.movement of traf .fc; Less t hah 10 per cent, of the operators left but their places are generally" supplied. No appre- nension as to the - movements of trafficneed be felt and - unofficial reports to tne contrary should be discredited. : v, SHEUWELL WILL BE TRIED. Gaienor - Ruself Honors tfel. RelsWoa Tcwasiea- - . Mr. Baxter ShemwelL whose case has attracted so much at ten tionn account of his acquaih- taiice 3'ith -many of . our people. will hai to staud.triaf in Tehnes- eeetor his connection with the i)inlcMiAfhprA TKttPuUUV,. March 27 th. t tjio matter of Jb,req4 usitibn.of the Governor Of Tennes- Baxter Siiemweli;ii . wealthy, resident of Ash'vilhj; 1 decided to IJOUOr It. neHWUl'l9 CHima Wlttl . . .vt r t" .:. loutf Ooyesiior RusseJ. cites as a precedent for the honorj ingof thg requisition, a requisitio requisitio1 fone Cohn by the Govenor o, 7' U e case. were similar anu auas mflt JI "in such a case he ahmild not hon requjsitiou, how can he exect hj cwnto.be "honored? . ' . Tfel BSfltitt Sinir.M. There was a large congrega at thOaptist meet h g last V Dr. Barrou preached anoiJif I stirring sermon. There v. 'greatdeal-of iuterestrmani and n were received foh 17? " ' .. 7-4-vV A conduct the services toi morning. a,n.d evening and j announcements with referei the future. Sunday school at at ,t 7 hour. Urs. Oieraaa Lems- Mrs. William 11. j this morning to vjt the Moravian enttthatt) MV 1 1 tA 4 X A ACT Whitaker, j; U. D. C. in Von, alo prp B.Gordon th'e Confedi em, whichj chapters ijv 4 CMtt&l Etv ThedhX . V W T-in tb of its 1 in nu"ng, Uom i 1 and Prai service tomorr. ! ninS at 7 o'clock.. Leader I The Juniot Endeavor Society will hold an Caster service at half past 10 o'clock a. m. lfzn cf him st C: ' f) T . Itsii tf a Cxi- Mr. Joseph HJ ed from Raleigh! Louis Browu, in the city this W. G. Crutch at points on the Maj. W. L. I ton, was in the The Western; this morning, i late today V The local tra' came tn about! hours, late last 1 Miss Julia Eaiter at Golct er, Col.'&M;) Mr. V.X. et agent, is it at the passer Ur.KiuFur Wa Ion rn v this county r a full ticket of Clevely noniinat5iN J v YcsrTL.-iv; . - . If your city tax U not paid with in the next few days I will be com pelled to levy aud advertise you. Let me beg you to pay now and saye yourself from being exposed -to the public and extra cost. 1 : ; J Respectfully;- . .' Qi K. SHAvra, 0. T. C. April 8rdf H)00.: : , U . BUSiSESS. LOCALS. 3 'X i vox 7 1 ' s S er to have .dorio for til Offers It Ji who want a f (jr. Pi' V yfer tol i ..." : M m m ; V n ; ing service. , t . '... . 1:

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