-V I J - . 7 i . : PillisKrtn EvcuiJ Eictjt Sttlit. And entered In tb yostoffic at Salisbury N. C , tf second class mall matter. PUBLICATION OFFICE : IN DAVIS k WILEY BANK BUILDING INNISfl PTREKT. J. N. STALL1NGS. Sr.. Wa.H. STEWAKT. - EJitor Manager. TUESDAY, JUNK 12, 1000. I0 0ot 3S Cents 4.00 .... Semi-Wee-kly. One Dollar per Week. for tour Weeks. Per Year. Ferjrear. NOTICE TO PATKONS. Advertisements to nppear on the day of publication should Ik? delivered .t the ofllce before 0 : 30 n. jn Advertisements contracted for b the tear and ordered out before exp intlon of contract will be charged trun nient rated, and when time I not given tho charge will, bo for time inserted. Kates will l made known upon appli cation. Communications of public impor tance are solicited, but will not Im? pub lished union the vamb of the writer is given. Bulcribern are requested to notify the olnco of any failure to got their pa tter: also when change of fuidrex i de- irl to send in both the old and new address in full. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. STATE TICKET. For Governor: C. Ii. Aycock, of Wayne. For Lieutenant Governor: V. I). Turner', of Iredfll. Fr Secretary of Stale: J. Hryan Grimes, of Pitt. .For Treasurer: 11. II. Lacy, of Wake. For Auditor: . II. F. Dixon, of Cleveland. For Attorney General: H. I). Gilmer, of Haywood. For Sunt, of Pub. Instruction : Gen. T. F. Toon, of Kobeson. For Com'r. of Agriculture: S L. Patterson, of Caldwell: For Corporation Coinnimisaioners : .Frank. McNeil, of New Hanover, S. L. IlooERs,of Franklin. For Com'r. of Labor and Printing : II. 11. Vaiixer, of Davidson. For Judgoof the Tenth District: AW P. Council, of Watauga. COUNTY TICKET. For the Legislature: K. Lee Wright, L. II IIothrock. For'Shoriff: D. It. Julian. For Register of Deeds : A. LSmoot. For Treasurer : A. W. Winecoff. For County Commissioners: J. Frank McCumhxs, P. I). Linn, Sanifoui'IIenly, W. L. Kluttz, W. A. Houck. For Coroner: Dr. E. Rose Dorsett. For Surveyor : C. M. Miller. Fjr Cotton Weigher : " 0. II. Page. CAPITAL AND CAP1TAL . ISTS DESIRED.' The Tkutii-Indkx heartily favors the coming into ourcity and county of capitalists to invest their money in the de velopment of our wonderful natural resources. Those who come for that purpose or to invest in the many de sirable openings in the city and vicinity for manufactur ing enterprises of various sorts, will receive a most hear ty welcome from this jour nal. That is one thing and en couraging capitalists to in vest in city franchises and create a monopoly to the in jury of the greatest number of our citizens is quite anoth er. We oppose the granting of any city franchise to any person or persons. Is it not clear that that person or those persons who secure such f ranchisesexpect to make large dividends upon their invest ments? Fifteen thousandMol lars will" not Lbe invested in such; an enterprise just for UthtfS'neut of the city. But ivfilx h aid it turns loose : that Viuch capital which will benelft every one. We would like tjf know, if the city can ir w . Ju the money and have the work done? That will turn looso as much money as a -rivatb corporation would do and the franchise still be. long to the city for the bene fit of the citizens, and there would be no incentive to ex tort from patron?. City ownership of franchises will bring in just as much money as private ownership and will be of vastly more benefit to the citizens at large, the difference being that the private corporation operates for its benefit; the city, for the benefit of the citizens. At the next municipal election no doubt, the candsdates will be called upon to .state their position upon this important question. Meantime, theeriitor of the Tkutii-Ixdkx will continue to oppose all grants of municip al franchises and to advocate their utilization by the city. The grant creates a graping inonopolj which grinds thbse who patronize it. The city authorities build and operate for the public good. We heartily welcome all to come and invest in any pri vate enterprise and shall aid all who come as best we can. No place anywhere presents better openings for the in vestment of capital. HILL AS A POLITICAL LEADER. New York, June 8. At the close of the Democratic State convention, which was held here this week, exSen ator Hill remarked that a platform had been adopted 'upon which intellegent men can go before the country and speak." That is true enough. There is good, old-fashioned Democracy in the platform, and it fails to endorse the Chicago monstrosity or to declare for the free and un limited coinage of silver at 16 to 1. But after adopting this platform, the convention in structed its delegates to Kan sas City to vote for Colonel Bryan and pledged the Dem ocracy of this State to sup port any platform the Kansas City convention might choqse to adopt, the Chicago sort in cluded. This piece of folly Mr. Hill was unable to 'pre vent. However, he deserves credit for what he did accom plish. A'few years ago the Democracy of this country had a greater leader than Hill, but today this shrewd ex-Governor and ex-Senator who has made politics the chief business of his life, is the very manner the leader ship of the Democracy. He, better than any other, could gather the scattered and de moralized bands together into a compact body. If only he could be substituted for the Boy Orator of Nebraska! That would be to tint the hopes of the Democracy with the lines of the rainbow. AN OBJECT OF DERISION. Naturally, at this time, the autMrust 'plank, in the State iVeinocrativ platform pro ductive of Uepublic.iii deris ion. In the very stronghold of the Democracy tliH chief men in office are large stocky Holders in ine noggin ice trust, and the country seems on the point of being treated to the spectacle of tlie remov al by a Republican Governor of the Democratic mayor of New York city because, con trary to the law, he holds fctock in a company which! furnishes supplies to the city. In the minds of the people Tammany and the ice trust are so closely allied as to be practically identical. It . is E-afe to predict that in the coming campaign :in this city not much will be Heard, from the Tammany orators on the subject of trusts. Last year they were told to say nothing about silver and they obeyed. This year their speeches will be wholly made up, no doubt, of fierce invective against William McKinley and "Ted dy" Roosevelt' The attitude of Tammany this year will be the attitude of the rascal who has been, "found out," and who seeks to distract atten tion from the blackness of his own character by smirching the character of others. In spite of all, however, - The Press newspaper, the junior Republican organ here, seems to think that the Republicans Will not have a walk-over in New York. It is very much afraid that, a good many Re publicans and gold Democrats are so disgusted both with the President and the Gov ernor that they will either re fuse to vote at all or will vote for Bryan. . The above is from the letter of. Mr. David T. Duncan, New York correspondent of the Charlotte Observer, taken from that Journal of the 10th inst. It will be seen that this prophet of evil to the Demo ciatic cause has modified won derfully. His malignity to ward the Chicago platform aid toward Mr. Bryan is as great as ever; but his doleful prophecies as to the outcome have changed. He now even admits that the Republicans themselves are in doubt about New York, saying .that they fear that many Republicans and gold Democrats will vote for Mr. J3ryan. This admis- sion frorh Mr. - Duncan gives assurance that the tide of Democracy is rising so rapid ly in New York that, when at flood, it will sweep the State. If Bryan carries New York, we suspect that some false prophets will be so chagrin ed that they will think life is scarcely worth living. Per haps though they may quit the business. No candid person, who un derstands the situation, will question the tact that ex-Sen-atgr Hill has fallen into line both for Bryan and for v the platform which is to be adopt ed at Kansas City and no one knows better than he- that that platform will virtually re-affirm theChicago platform. That is as sure as that Mr. Bryan will be nominated by acclimation. That Mr. Hill was given the position he now hold,8 was due to a compro mise in which Mr. Hill yield- ed to the inevitable. It was wisely done botn by mm ana r e ai ht i, r oy Danforth, Mack, Crooker, Murphy and all concerned The party is united Upon a truely Democratic platform which practically endorses the main features of the Chicago platform, while the conven tion by a unanimous 'vote pledged the party in the State to that platform by pledging to stand by that to be adopted at Kansas City. ' Mr. Duncan shows' his ani mus toward the Democracy by what he says about the Ice Trust and the connection of the Democratic officials with it. He fails to tell that those who br.ougt it to light and". are prosecuting those connected with it are Democrats. He fails, too, to tell that urobably three fourtbp of thoge in it are Re publicans. . But Mr. Duncan's prophe cies and Mr. Duncan's opin ions are alike neither worth anything being alike erro neous. ' Pfeieuted a Tragedy. - Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitesville, Ohio, prevented a dreadful trage dy and saved two lives. A fright ful cough had long kept her awake every night- Shehad-tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse unil urged to trv Dr? KingV New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured -her; aim she writes this marvelous niedicine also cured Mr. Ixmg ot i a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cure are positive proof of the) match less merit of this grand remedv for curing all throat, chct and lung troubles. OulySOc and fl Every bottle guarauteetl. Trial bottle free at Theo. F. Kluttz & Co.'s Drug Store- At Graduating.Tinr: The graduates are going forth God bless them everyone! To run this hard and stubborn . ; world Just as it should be run : But ranch I fea they'll find the faeU - Jj . Don't always track with dreams ; And running this old earth is not -'As easy as itTfeeems. '- : ;-' ' As seniors we are prone to think Our wisdom is complete ; AVe've but to ask the world will lay : Its trophies at our feet. But Bchopldays done and work begun, : , - We learn to our regret The College of Experience We have not mastered yet. Ambition beckons on to us . And eagerly we press Toward a distant, gleaming goal, The Temple of success. It seems a pleasant journey at The drawning of life's day : But as we stumble on, it grows A long and weary way. The world has garlands and ap- plause ' - At graduating time ; And theif forgets us the next day, When we attempt to climb." Life is a battle, where each one Must seek and hold his own. He who would rise above the v crowd - Must scale the heights alone. This is the rule of life today As it has ever been; The world bestows its smiles on those , . Who have the strength to win. Beith all outward semblances ooka for merit true: it little cams liow miicli little cares how you AfcX asks, What can you do? When you have left your college halls You're barely at the start, For Wisdom's height is infinite, And long the ways of Art. lou 11 find that in the school of life Acts count for more than dreams; And miming this old earth is not As easy at it seems. ' Denver News. The AtlrfnTa Journal gives us this encouragement: ?. "We have been fighting the Filipinos over a year and have killed 11,000- of them. If- we keep up the work of 'benevolent assimilation" at this rate and Fil i pin os cease to be born we will be able to finish the job in, something ' like one thousand years," K Helped Win Battles- Twentv-mne ofiiffers and jnen wrote from the Front to say that lttlue8 "lu,BW V"l Wpunds, Sore teet and Stiff Jofntgj fincklenB Arnica Salve is (the best in the world. Same for Burns, Skin Eruptions and Piles. zocis a uox, ure guaranteeu. Sold by. Thoo'. Kluttz & Co. druggists. Dr. 11. h. Uamsay, SURQEOH DENTIST, mi STREET, OYER EXPRESS OFFICE OFFICE HOURS From 9 to 6. Salisbury, N. C. doctors iimd ; A Good , PreseiriptioM Tw Um frre ceBtx.at Dthstti. Gfoccra, Stcattarata. SalOB. NttrvSuiMfa, Grneral Store mad Barber Shop Tbr buu pais, indue Wp. asd probjer We. Om nhti I iw sutler what "a the Batter. o ri3 yoa food, Tr Kwplea m4 m ihnwd tei. MMiahi est br Mail to aay idnm am receipt of prtca. fcy tha SJpaM Chmlcal C, iSpvMi S, Mtw York xSfi According.to Pritehard. ' SUte Jonrml, Rep OTgtn. According to ' Senator Pritch- ard's statement, there are twelve counties with . negro majorities. With honest elections the' negroes can and will dominate ' in these twelve counties. To vote for the Amendment relieves these twelve counties from negro rule, to vote against it continues them under negro control. Is thern a white nian in North Carolina who be lieves this state of affairs ought to continue? Squire Ileanery What's yor in my turkey-house, you black rascal. Mose Moodus Hold on dar, 'square I Somebody an . stole one o' mah turkeys las' night, an' I knew ef yo was an honest man yo'. wouldn't objec' to mah lookin troo yo'r.coop to see ef he's dar. o, he ain't dar. Ye'sexhorated, 'squire 1 Yo's completely exhon eated. Judge. Belle Boyd, the Confederate Spy, Dead. . - . - - j Kilbourne, .Wis., . June 11. Belle Boyd the femae spy of Con federate fame, died suddenly of heart disease, at Kilbourne, to night, where she bad gone to lec ture. She was 57 years of age and kuown all over the country. Uustrong - "Did he prove to te a strong candidate?" uNo; the second assessment broke x him."- Detroit Journal. Bobbitt's Chill Pills cure chills and all malarial troubles. That is vrhat they were made for. Cure after other rem edies fail. No Cureo pay. Price 25 cts. per bottle. All druggists. SCHEDULE. The following is the schedule of all passenger trains on the Southern Railway as revised Feb ruary 18th, 1900. NORTH BOUND. Local No. 8 G:2G a m Vestibule " 8G 11:04 a m Local 12 .8:09 p m Vesstibule u 38 9:30 pm 34 10:29 pm SOUTH BOUND. Vestibule No. 88 6:55 a nvf " 4 37 8:12 am Local u 11 9:35 am . " . " 7 7:55 pm Vestibule u 85 8:24 p m WESTERN. leaves 10:10 a m No 11 " 35 8:40 p m 10:40 a m 7 :35 p m " 86 arrives "12 YADKIN ROAD. , No 17 leaves 11:10 am 44 47 " 1:30 pm ' 46 arrives 9:30 am "18 " 7 :35 p m SOMETHING KEY Mr. H. D. Gooflwin of Winches ter, Vn who has b?eu in our city for some time, has treated by a NEW PROCESS, which he use, six $et of hnggy wheels for Foreman Bros , giving entire satisfaction. Mr. Goodwin's Process saves the expense and trouble of having tires cut in the dry season. All persons having vehicles ill do well to call on Mr. Goodwin, at the DAY HOUSE or inquire of Foreman Bros, for partic ulars. . , r n n n n n n n n nn n nirin n nnnn7iCl7tTi(& 'INDEPENDENT SALE' " '" . ------OF ... ' ' THIS SEASON'S FINE FOOT-WEAK, ..' :;".;..;;" . in.. ' ODD SIZES, SAMPLES and JOBS " This is not a "COST. SALE" but a LOSS SALE, (to somebody), as there's not a manufacturer 5; living who would make . way, at the prices we are selling them. ,1 et they were made by the largest and best manufacturers of high gradeshoes in the couutry; and ninety per cent of them are brand new goods, made this season. It's useless to pro into further details as to why or how we can sell them at such prices when we have g the goods at the prices to show for themselves. : 2 How long this sale will continue, we are unable at present to say; but we will say that when we can buy a bargain we will sell a bargain, and , when we say it's a bargain you c in depend upou its being a barcraiti with value attached: as we are no venders . .. r - .. J of shoddy stuff at any price. Keepjyour eyes open g for our "Special Sales" of8peciai makes. It will pay you well. R BURT SHOE CO;, I Main Street, Salisbury, N. C. g "Some young lrogs, having seen an ox, were telling, their parent about it. "Wes it as big as this?" asked the old frog, swell in jr himself out. "Ob. much bi carer." thev 'renliod..- The old froir continued trying to expand himself to the size of the ox until he burst!"' , Others are constantly trying. to imitate the quality and style of our Exclusive, Values, but al ways with the same result as above. We m e -s le agents for the - Athletic Suspenders, ' ; Atwood Suspenders, Hamilton Carhart Overall ...... O.G. Hausen GauntIeVGIoves,fe KNOX riacKeu, uarhart fc Ws inimitable things found only in our store. When you want theVery esence of va in? and style, come direct to headquarters. CSS 111 SiViOOT BROS. St ROGERS; m 11 TlVT T TIT APV Cor. Main and Fisher Sts. A OF WW 1 Just Received at Phone No. 79. these goods in a regular WORLD-RENOWNED HAT, clothes and ni:inv o'her R Ivt adin CUr Wur. SAL1SKUIJY, N. C. FINE pji flBMEY Lru Near St antt PoMs r r -4