A i - f'Vttcg Urrit5e Juice,- II -AT s0 .. N P. Murphy. WEATHfcR FORECAST: Fair tom'tfit and Sunday Circulation Books Open to All. Ljt Best of Newt. Fall Telfgrtio fcef via .V .V-h 2. "No. 87. SA1ISBUEV, K". C.. STTJTOA.Y, TJG-TTST 4, .1900. j:d. u. j:ux3, c:j ci cm L:::r, -A III OFFICIAL. VOTE OF R0WAN1CQUNTY, iooo; Mv-- 4 Salisbury; Norlh.Wurd, . . 1 South J -- ( ' ? East "V:!.., Vet 4 ; .. Sidney, .... Southern City.. , Franklin, .1 Cleveland, ............ Unityf. Scotch Irish, , Amount .Ulla, , Stelft,.....".. . ... Iock , . ... . ; ; . . . Atwell, JiradsliawV, . j ?, Knochville, . China Grvvf . Litnkcr, lUrilig's Milt,.....-; 17 - Bostian X Koadi, . ... li- Gold Hill, IJernhardt'H box,. 19 14 . Gold Hill.... 20 Morgan, .... 21 rrovidencc, Hatter Shop, .... 22 Rowan Academy, 25 4 r i 0 101 n 12 13 14 lf 10 Totals, 2i 274 288 M4 1JC4 00: 157 12C 81 80 CO 79 88 .67 2530 01 G3 85 85 118 127 41 2027 09 tc 48 .50 a 05 -14 112 80 81 98 71 11C, 95 89 I 141 47 Gl i54 - 82 100 '102; 49 171CI .Goienor O 1 271 259 288! 832 100 100! 187 127 81 97 . 84 03 9Ji 95 :)1 222 04 i t (X) 80 120 142 52 c 3157 38 24 41 80 44 8d C8l 88 91 701 114 91 13S1 25 51 52 88 99 08! 31 1570 Sheriff c: a 200 250j 208 817 83 91 52 29 93 89 190 74 07 82 j 125 48 1119 .2 - 3 - 38 31 02 07 10 52 88 74 10M 83 10G 48 54 00 94 9CW 43 Register o S.1 7J 209 201 293 80S 108 101 50 '66 89 93 851 95 79 93 89 141 03 I 85 49 ,8 44 89 90 81 29 57 5G 77 81 29 Treasurer iCot, Wr. C2 w 5q 3 - 0m 207 200 284 807, 109 99 50 98 89 93; 848 97 78 94 88 145 01 o O a - 801 90 81 20 501 54 77 75 28 iG9 23.02 4fl 800 9 107 4& 91 89 349 92 79' 92 89! 121 02 c o u T" aj fx. 85 22; 9d 27 501 54 70 ias 28 Ssrrejor 1 w So :270 202 I 108 101 89 851 ; 87 '79 ' 92 88 143 ; go 22 9 43 90 83i 501 -77 78 28 Coroser a t-, --I CD 3 800 202 400 117 153 188 89 853 123 128 149 100 221 90 a - -j - o 40 o a Q4 13 S go 90 272 202! 1 . 803J 107 10a 1244 v 77 .001 95 94 220 ' 92 70 93 188 55 ; OS - O c J3T 272 202 . . . . 801 107 100 18$ 180 123 78 , 00 9 05 93 24 -92 75 93 142 ,54 83' 19 .. 71 -40 40 95t95 8i -;S9 t84 184 52; 7CM 20 a K S3 4 1 07 sea S2 1341 ;-2(M 51 2a "- o pt y r 1 f) S 3 W 271 200 :i07 ,?- 4 25 . 70! ;,92 58GH 188 57 '578 - "-'a- '107 - - """V-v, V93! 225' i4)l - .75; s93 81 140 50 a o 31 ;4 f88! 384 51 70 29 . 0 - 19l - v. -82 551 48 79 sol Cczsljslssers Ctz::nll5 jo 0 o u 27$ 261 2921 2901 298 107 99 V'91 "49 95 .17 93 850 96 ju:74 185 49 : C 2091 201 298 COS! 15 J V - '93 852! '90 ;78 89 ,88 127 45 c 270 201 29,1 29S, 93 858! 95 78 92 , 88 185 551 N a 269 262 286 298! 94 851 97 78 91 88 148 59 4 o O 270 261 .292 298 99 87 842 90 79 931 .88 134 ;57 d S O O 87 22 501 8 45 27! 47 50 .77 . -. j -74 81 ej 80 24 ,49 45 81 28 501 54 77 78 81 fi 87 22 501 93: 79 26 49 48 .77 82' 83 o 87 24 491 4a '2 5X 5 ,77 77; 82, .9 24 491. a J3 O M s 0 P5 43 81 28 50 55 77 79 84 1 2 C 4 415 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15- 16 17 18 4J10 120 22 28 24 1 22 fi MUIY OF 59.000 FOR THE CONSTITUi'lONAL A - AMENDMENT. . KILLED V SOLD 'HILL, .Thj State Ticket is 5,000 Abeal. of the "Amendment. The 6eneral Assembly is Strongly Democratic; f From latest return, amendment lius majority of 439,000, with 9 or ten cfoao counties to hear from. Tho returns from these counties cannot elToct the ahovo figures ma terially. Tho amendment ran no mow hat behind the. Sta,te ticket in. the Western coivnties. . Koraytho iagaiu rodeo tAod.wiJJH an avTngV minority of 550 Tho Democrats have an i.ver vh'lming majority in the General AKsomhly counting all that is doubtful against them. The dem ocratic majority in tho Houso is 70 and in tho Senato 20 with a reit chance of increasing this. j From the latest returns tho leg islature stand an follows: House Democrats, 95; Repub licans 18; doubtful 12. Senate Democrats, 88 ; Repub licans, 9; doubtful 8. In tho doubtful counties it will rcquiro the oflicial vote to deter mine tho result.' Irregularities in Itandojph, Chatham,. Pamlico, Harnett and Wilkes by tho Fu . KiomstR. These may be contest ed: The following are tho county 'majorities as received at Demo cratic headquarters and revised and compared up to 8 p. m. yes terday: Democratic majorities: Ala mance 250, Anson 1,025, Ueaufort l.LW, Hertie 1,545, Bladen 300, ltuncombo 000, lurkc250, Cabar rus 250, Camden 7, Carteret 250, Caswell UK), Catawba 50, Chath am 100, Chowan 400, Cleveland 1,513, Columbus 1,000, Craven 1, 500, Cumberland 1,000, Currituck 500, Duplin 727, Durham 700, . Edgecombe 3,5(X), Forsyth 500, Franklin 900, Gaston 800, Gates Ci50, Granville 000, Greene 500, Guilford 800, Halifax 3.000, Har nett 151, Hertford 975, Iredell 400, Jackson 100, Johnston 2,010, Jones 250, Icnoir, 1,050, Lincoln 200. Martin 1,023, McDowell 200, Mecklenburg 8,050, Montgomery 500, Nash 800, New Hanover 3, 010, Northampton .1,263, Onslow 800, Pasquotank 800, Pender 850, Perquimans 800, Person 800, Pitt 1,200, Richmond, 1,500, Robeson 3,500, Rockingham 807, Rowan 1, 500, Rutherford 250, Scotland 1, 100, Stanly 800, Tyrrell 100, Un ion 1,800, Vance 450, Wake 1,400, Warren 800, Washington 400, . Wayne 2,800, Wilson 1,800. Fusion majorities: Alexander '100, Caldwell 100, Dav:e 800, Henderson 125, Madison 900, Mitchell Polk m wiIkf8 000, Yadkin iUO. " . . . Democrats have carried David son Pamlico and Raudolph. Roth sides claim Orange. Macon is close. A Negro Last Night, The Fose Goes Off Before HeTnew it. ' Last night a , negro, named Cowan, whila working in a shaft at the Whitney mine Tat Gold Hill was killed by a, dynamite charge going off before Jie. wasready or it going olf'ciicker than he thought. Baseball. . Salisbury and Faith VilJ play a game of baU at evening at 5 o'clock. Faith this IfflR BOARD MEETS: '" . -. CANVASSING THE COUNTY RE- TUNS.V -: CHURCHES T0U0RR0W. All The Registrars are busy.; at the Court HouseToday Examining ihr Returns, the Result. The county board of canvassers met this morning at the couHi house. Representatives from every precinct in the county were pres ent and the board began business by electing Prof! I. C. Griffin, of I AT ill TlrultTA rVin irrhn 11 Mr. W. G Morgan "has opened t . ... f - . , ; ti roi. n. u. rvizer was eiecipa A New Store.. up it grocery store on the corner of I -o-- - . . , Julian's majority is 1119.: At 4 o'clock : The canvassers are still counting and canvassing the returns. The vote for govern or shows Aycock's majority at 1, 038 and the amendment's majori ty 1,851 in this county. The vote for Senators was : For Hon J. S. Henderson 8148, and for I t 1 ml - 4 fOk A ha idanmo ffold watch will be Jnn ' nomas 010. rur vreo. , , . .1 . W TTnnf. A$& nnrl-f!rtnt. Jnhn A 'Mvcii t( t in indv recivinff tne ""v " r irreatest number of votes at the Ramsay 1472. lawn party .next Tuesday night at majority over Capt. Ramsay is the court house lawn. Lawn Party. The Daughters of Liberty, "will give a lawn party August 20th. Tho Daughters of Liberty is an auxiliary to tho Junior Order and is growing fast. Let all come out. mm - 6Iien Away. Times and Places to Worship Suitable for tbe ConveBience ofail.i V Sunday ,1 scirool , Leo', street chapel -at T) o'clock. All are in- vited. 5 Vance mill. Sunday : school at 10 o'clock a. m. . Services at 11 o'clockta! m.- V'-' - . Kesler mjll. Sunday school at. 8 p. m. and church "at nigUtj: Rev! F; j. Mwdoclljjp; ifewili hold the usual services at St. Luke's Episcopal church to-mor- ? . . . - row. Rev. H.L. Xtkinsvill preach to-morrow morning a:nd evening at the First Methodisi church. rvT cjerk to the boarfr andUhe officiaf-F . Spencer Baptist churih-Ser-I count began'12 oclockV ! ' - '(M 1070. TWO KILLED. Appointments. The 1'rcsKlent vesterdav an- li il. iifLii. t i a. aiil Dointed48 enlisted men in the 1 108 Alps nnilc I rjing IB ullBlD. wliu- dirossa. Lelongja, Switzerland, Aug Way, C. 1 son and 4 thirteen regular army as second lieutenants in the organization aiid assigned them to various arms of the ser- vice. Ex. A Party. There was a big watermelon party last night at Zeb at the res idence af V. B. Lentz. Miss Irene Shuping, of Bingham furnished a m ktli.lltMi A f . X t tin' I A 1 1 I ?, 1 - , , t , . I turned with great difficulty but' Ilia I. UUC1IUVU icinJl b u liivuoaiiv I . . . . 1 r was recovered. time. Sunday school at 10 a! m Services will be held in the hew Baptist church. t ' There will be no services at the Baptist church tomorrow morn ing and evening. Rev. G. W. ,Reed will preach at Chestnut Hill to-morrow .morn ing at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. L. Bostian will conduct the usual services at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening. There will be no services at the Faith Reformed church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 8.p. m. Sunday school at9:45. j The usual services will be held at the Spencer Methodist church tomorrow mornii-g and evening by Rev. R. C. Craven. Main Street Metb d'st church. service, m rning and THE FEAR THE ALLIES EN c TRANCE TO PEKIN. They Think They Will Placate Tts Pcrers By Takfig tie Ulalsters to Tisei Tsia They may meet the Allies.. ; -Washington, Aug. 4. From An officilfpdrta received today it is evident that the "Chinese govern ment is frightened over the conse quence that would follow on the arrival of an international relief column- getting ready to go to Pe kin;itLi arranging to i send the foreign ministers to Tien Tsin in Oicr Which i aiSto ci: Strlprt. Cu t a a a ryrcg u. 5- ic:::i surs. . - Bloemfonten, August 4. A train ' carry ing U 8. consul stowe and over which stars and stripes were flying- wk deraifed and burned at Ho nogs Bniit, south of Kroonstad by a flying patrol of Boers, no prisoners were taken. H. V, NO BOBBEBT, Americans accompanied Mr. Dell arouse, an Englishman, had start- f Usual ed to climb Cimdirossa without a evening by the pastor Rev. Whis- guide yesterday, near the sum: ner mit Way slipped on a stone and '. fell over the precipice. The rope ' off noViiivcr Vim in Hia orif tirokp v , inr, n 4la hnnra nv t in nna ! tor. BUDject 01 morning service j "Shadow." Subject of evening service 4Recouciliatio,n. Services will be held at the Lu theran church morning and even- A Negro Excursion. ; i A negro excursion of eight cars came Here yesterday from Char- Mr. Kerns' Position. Mr. T. M. Kerns, whose name appeared on the fusion ticket asjj0e anonnnee lor county commission-hotte basball teams crossed bats er said to the Tkutti-Ikdex repre-Lud regulted iu a victorv for Sal sontative today: 4My name ap- isbury g to q It is rerxrted that pea red on the fusion ticket with- i:aKf,. 'pnnna" rinri..ir (ho trn m o out my knowledge or consent, and against my protest, as you will remember that l had a card in the Tbuth-Index at the time I heard of my nomination declining to accent it or allow the use of I my name in this connection. I have never vottnl anv other than the Democratic ticket in my life The latest thinS and havo never scratched a name of a man of the Democratic party, nor have I spoken one word For Rest. Two new cottages, a ..,. .,.w; tuJ 4 and 5 rooms. See W. H. Neave. ticket." The statement is cheefully made Death. Mr. James G. McConaughey, !rl ikio mnrnihff nf hid HfJITlft Otl The Salisbury and Char-j "T 7 i " "a V.,Hn street at 11:80 o'clock. The fun eral will take place at 5 p. m. to morrow evening at the Methodist church. The remains will be in terred in the Lutheran cemetery. one bansbury "coon gun on a crowd of drew his Charlotte A good many of the excursionists were left here last night. Have you seen those jeweled horseshoe pins at" Thornton's? ft m a i in justice to Mr. Kerns since va- , roB, ourinei cieauesi ana . . i- i.. best plastering sand near the city, nous reports regarding his posi- Atm .t th:9ffictt lor fnrthpr a: ... i i : I r " lion nave ueeucireuiaieu. 1 formation increase Wages- The Southern has raised the wages of the machinists out at the hops. It is a raise of 5 ceuts per dav for each man. come into etTectAugust 1st. The Coit home school will re open on Monday, Sept: 3rd. For cerms apply to Mrs. Y H. Coit, torner Bank aud Fulton sta. da Fob Sale : A lot of first class tar. Apply to J. C. Hamilton. tf Carmel, N. C. cate, the powers and and cause aF lied trooops to stop before reach ing the capital, but thera is every reason to believe the allies are ad vancing and that the minsters r - ... may meet them half way between Tien Tsin, aud Pokin, Shanghai, Aug. 4. It is discov ered at Tien Tsien and they are making it blacker fur viceroy who ruled before the bombardment, )roufs have been found that the viceroy offered to pay rewards fori the heads f christians. A cage made for foreigners was found in thejfljcjal house, RU8SIANS DEFEATED. Shanghai, August . 4. A dis patch says the Russians have been defeated sevoral times by Chiuese North of Newchang. 5,000 Rus sians are surrounded by 40,000 Chi nese at T-ah Filo Choo. Four Russian steamers, are sunk or damaged. - BATTLE EXPECTEP. London, August 4,--Nothingdi rect from the allies operating be yond Tien Tsin, but a news agen cy dispatch from Shanghai says a battle is expected tomorrow with Gen. Ma's troups of 10,000 Chi nese at Yang Tsung. Russian and French contingents are guarding the communications. -The Ameri cans, British and Japanese form the advancing column. MUST ADVANCE QUICKLY. London, August 4. A dispatch received from Sir Claude McDon ald, 6ent from Pekin July 21 re- peats the statements in his last letter, but .adds that despite the armistice agreed upon July 16 the legations are shelled occasionally. He concludes m follows : 'It is important when the relief force gets close to town that the troops should advance quickly and pre vent the retreating Chinese at tacking us." The same oorres pondent says a dispatch reached Tien Tsin from the Japanese min ister at Pekin, dated July 23, sta ted that the forces at Pekin had only 25 rounds of ammunition left. New York, August 4. -?ostffi- ce inspector denied this , morning that there ' was - a' robbery - of a registered letter containing twen ty eight thousand in transit from the station to the general postoffi- ce as has been reported. tt. fcm't ' CniitKi Stndu AFt? tit) Er a frczi tij.ry About 8 :C0 o'clock yesterday ? ijfternoon, f lightning stnic th residence of Postmaster Win S Brown, at Woodside, thii county. A seven atorm was raging some miles to the eastward at the time, but no rain fell at Woodside before or after the stroke. It might al most have been termed " bolt f rom clear aky. One of the large chimneys to Mr Brown's house was demolished and the lightning entered the sitting room and alter takibg a small circuit ripping out a section of the plas tered wall passed into the ground On the opposite side of the house a portion of a piaxza post was torru away. Two bicycles on the porch. . were merely . touched but not in jured MrsBrowu, her daughter Mies Zulio, and Mrs Brown's niece, Miss Sarah Bailey, of this city, were in the- sitting f room, at ; the time, but most Providentially es caped any injury. Miss Brown had but left the room a moment be- fforethe accident. '.Our esteemed ' euiCP you jonn.A noit, was sit tingi the veranda at th time but f ortAeiy escaped jn jury. ITob Sale Magistrates'blinxj. trespass i notice, mortgage ana trustees' sale notices, blank re ceipts,- drafts, chattle mortgage blanks; etc., at TnuTn-LNDix. Or fxcs,: Salisbury, N. O. ' . i ; : ' BOSINESS -LOCALS. TWO sevett'Coluinn hand- prwsi ' forsale. Apply to TauTn-Ii, - -dex. Salisbury, N. C. - POJI desk-roam near the publle ' iKEUt Ol the Tkutu- FUSEBAL OTBXT THUB8DAT Rome, August 4. The King fun eral has been fixed definitely for Thursday pext. ' - ALL QUIET AT CANTON. Hong Kong, August 4. All is quiet at Canton, but great activi- tp is gom on &t Pogue forts which is fully manned and flags hoisted on the walls. There is constant practice with big guns in the chan nel at targets. . The Chinese at Canton are in fear of an attack by the Fiench. COTTONlf ABKET. New York, August 4, Cottou bids Aug 852, Sept 20. Oct 800. At Kartell Ian Yart A report comes from Norfolk that the force of mechanics and laborers at the navy yard is again on a war footing, and is as large as the force employed during the exciting period just before the war was declared against Spain; vU., 2,400 men. It is known that men have been taken quietly for seve ral weeks past, aud a great deal of work is being done, particularly on the colliers, which vessels will be valuable adjuncts to the navy in the eveut of war as the result of the Chinese trouble. Ex. ? Aosoiuie Faith "Have you faith in your theory about Mars being inhabited?" inquired the skeptic. should say I have faith in it 1" answered the man with the telescope. "Why, that theory is good for $50 a thousand words every times I choose to write an article on it." Washing ton Star. V' Ladies' and Gents' elothes ole&ncd and repaired. Satisfaction ruaranued. MK8, HALLIB BKOWN, Cor. Fulton and Franklin 8ta. SEXTOS Penny Photo Man Excelsior Studio. Mam Street between Public square and Postof&ce. HOT AUD COLD DATUO, V- Slower crTiK at tic Main 8t. ; Opposite Postofice. Give us a Call. Furniture Repairing, Upholstering, Cabinet Work. PRICES LOW Add-WORK CUAD AttTSt9. C-8UOP in rear or Wright's FornU ture store. ' D. L. SIDES. W. H. Wallace has just received a lot of Haven ner's cakes, crackers Kingan's reliable California hams at 9c, at W II Wallace's. i - ft Oo rp 1 CWIMinO Bit 2 to 1 li.Olinm O ry g Freab Cakta ax OroerUr. P SO LOAVES of BREAD $t i - Cor. Main sod Council Sts, ' Holler Bros., rroxB ajo omrm coittxactoxs' Rough and Dressed Oraaite for buildings and fbonda- tionc, cement walks and cellars. , SATISFACTION :: QUAtUOfTZZO. Spring Gleaning OF Your :-:3T3ieyeler ."IffiACCfcl"" process, theo&lr way to dean wheel right at BEANCYCLE CHOP.