ttttK-JutlN, - next March. - There can be PjHishtl'trtrt EKiing Exctit Sunlit. And ntred In tb postofflc at 8l!bury N. C. u second cUa mall matter. publication office: in davib & wiley bank building inni8s 8trekt. J. N. STALUNGS. Sr.. Wo. II. STEWART. - Editor Manager. THURSDAY, SEPT. C, 1000. 10 Oentt 3S 0nt . . . , 4.00 . . Semi-Weekly, One Dollar pr Week. I tor tour Wks. Par Yaar. I'erjear. NOTICE TO PATRONS. day of publication ahouid be delivered i ... . ,. 1. A at the oftlce before 9:30 a. m. yent fue election of the form- Advertisement! contracted for by the year and ordered out Ik. fore expi- er ailU to elect the latter, ration of contract will b charged tran- I?pHff:miH m mr would hpt nient ratei, and when time is not given UellglOUS paptrs WOU1Q Dei the charge will lw for .time inserted, ter let .political matters alone. JVBit'H Will IJIOUV miunu uwu ai;un- i cation. t..r:fffi linhed unleag the am of the writer i g,suucriber. are requeued to notify the offlc. of anjr failure to get their pa- ir : also when change of addrea u tle- mid rpHrf t dt- I Bi'rl to send In both the old and new addren in full. All communications should be ad dreaaed to TKUTH-INDEX, ;f Salisbury, N. 0. DEMOCRATIC IIOMINEES. For President: -Hon. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-Preaident: Hon. ADLAI E. STEVENSON, of Illinois, For Klectors-at-Large : Hon. LeeJ3. Overman, and Hon. Daniel H. McLean. For Congress, 7th District: Theodore F. Kluttz, of Rowan, For Elector: J. R. Ili.Am of Montromerv. I riM,t.,M rn,wiior trroo o actlv riKht when he said the ( a 1? o fn4i.u Hepublican party. While the Czar of Russia declares he wants peace in China his soldiers are looting, burning and devastating Chi 11a. A line way to obtain! The rebuke given by Mr. Bryan to those who hissed Senator Wellington was timely,and from the way Mr. Uryan was received, was ef fectual. Lord Roberts claims the Transvaal for England and annexes all the Boers. The burghers are still fighting as bravely as ever. A supply train was destroyed a few days ago by these brave fel lows. Advertisers will do well to note the superior advantages to be gained in advertising in a morning aper. The TmTii4NtK' will bo more able to serve its patrons' in terest in the future than in the past. . The battleship Oregon is repaired and again ready for service. She is to guard the transport servico during the existence of the Chinese trouv' ble. She may be counted on to do her full duty as she is one of the best boats we have in our navy. - - . iieorge White, of North Carolina, says he will prac tice law iu New York, where ho will receive a cordial wel come. Recent events show what kind of a cordial wel come negroes receive in New York.. North Carolina will certainly welcome the day when he takes his departure." WHO IS TO BLAME? There is no race issue in North Carolina. That was Fettled in August. There is a Presidential issue. Many questions enter into it One question is: Shall there be m,.i.i.i- uuy uuiu uuitcuumera aiier uu ouiLo negro omciais. inai was decided August 2nd. S3 hall there be negro Office holders after next March? There are such postmasters now; there is such a collector at Wilmington. If McKinley is elected there will be others for four jears to come; if Bry an is elected there will be none. Which shall receive the votes of white supremacy men? That is the only polit ical issue. Which? All religious papers in the State, and all other papers that go with them cannot keep White Supremacy men and women from thinking and talking and acting to pre 3 We condemn all immoral and illegal methods by any party. We do not believe any considerable of our peo- nlH fVftr them. The relio - ious papers may aeciaim as much as they like about fraud and illegal methods and race issue; but the white people will see to it that McKinley shall not carry North Caroli na, by fraudulent registra tion of floating and irrespon sible negroes. In so far as there is a race issue in North Carolina, who raised it and who is to blame for it? Let the registration laws be faithful ly executed. . . If there are no fraudulent negroes registered, McKinley will not carry North Carolina and she will contribute her electoral vote to prevent Re- publican success, wThich means negro Federal Officeholders. - ' P4 ARRANT HYPOCRICY." Hon. Carl Shurz calls the viie uarusan euon 01 me 1 A A i? .i 1 8ecretary of tbe Treasury, Hon. Lyman J. Gage, to aiarm the uusiness men 01 tuo . I. ... 11. . 1. - country by proclaiming that Mr. Bryan, if elected, will have the power, and exercise it, to have his Secretary of the Treasury pay all daily k,jvimi"c"1' 1 nun n 1 1 "' ut ima Nrrmrrer and so, he says, bring ruin upon the country, "arrant hypocracy." The phrase well describes the action of Gage. His ac tion is "arrant hypocracy" and he and his aiders and ?K abetters are arrant hypocrite; and should receive the con tempt which all honorable people have for such charac- J ters. I To convince any just and candid mind that the above is true, it is needful only to remember that Gage and his associates in knavery recently proclaimed that the gold standard is absolutely fixed for a number of years to come, which every intelligent per son knows to be so. This re cent, statement of Gage is only an attempt to divert at tention from the main issue, and, by alarming business men and property owners, to induce them to vote against Mj. Bryan. Gage knows that he is a hypocrite aud that this statement is an absolute falsehood. Besides, if Gage and his associates in hypocracy de sire, McKinley can call Con gress together and fix the mat ter, so nothing can be done by the executive. Now let them do this, if they fear that Mr. Bryan will bo elect ed and do as Gage , says he can and will. If McKinley fails to do this, it will be ap parent that Gage is a falser hearted knave, and that he has made "his recent state ment merely for electioneer ing effect. Trade And He The fallacy of the theory that trade follows the flag hai been ex posed often, but the reports of Porto Rico's commerce for the last fiscal year give fresh and in teresting evidenco on this point. . . . . rorto Kico lias been absolutely under our control for twv years and . being so near to us it would seem, according to "flag" theory, that no other nation could possi bly have made any headway withr ' - - - 1 m, . its trade on that island. ' r But the official reports, show that during the.12 mouths ended June SOJast, Germany's imports from Porto- Rico increased $100, 000 and (what is far more import ant) -her exports to Porto . Rico during the period increased $1,000, 000. " With our flag over the country all the the time Germauy's trade there increased much faster than our own. - This fact becomes all the more discreditable $0 us when we consi der that our export trade general ly increased enormously last year and yet we permitted Germany to come from away across " the seas and increase her sales in Porto Rico, which lies right at our door and belongs to us, to the extent offers $1,000,000 more than they were be fore we acquired the island. " Our poiicy in Porto Rico has re versed trade and flag theory. In this instance the flag seems to have driven trade off. And if we depend upon the flag to bring us trade ; if we rely upon conquest and imperialism to ex- tjnd our commerce we shall have more illustrations of the follv of such a course lik'e the one Porto Rico has given us by increasing her orders for German goods.-A t lanta Journal. Thinks Bryan Will Carry New York and Be Elected. Hon. George D. Wise is back from his vacation. He spent some time in Nova Scotia, where he met Bishop Jagger, and Bishop Kipsolving, of Texes. Captain Wise spent some time in New York on his return home. He said to a Times reporter last night; "I firmly believe Bryan will be elected President. Four years ago when Ijwas in New York all the talk was in favor of Mc Kinley. 1 was surprised to learn this week .f the remarkable changes 'that have come about. It is Bryan now. The people realizu that free silver is a dead issue. Probably 84 per cent, of the gold Democrats in New York are for Bryan. I mixed a good deal with the people. I talked with them on the street cars, iu -hotels and gathered information from 'my political and journal friends, Bry- nn. in u -IK ill .. fit nyf ni;n 1 via uuikCi Cagtain Wise is in fine health, and is ready to lake the stump for Bryan and other Democratic nomi- iioes Richmond Times 2d. Could Have Sunk the New York. wjort. R. I Special. August 31, to Phila delphia Jiorth American. The big cruiser 3Tew York, "the llasishii) of the North Atlantic squadron, could have been sunk tonig-lit as she lay at anchor in the waters of t lie Narragansett Bay from a torpedo fired at her by the submarine boat Holland. Not only would the New York have suffered but the tug Leyden would have gono to the botton also. Rutjt was all practice, a night attack, and it was, most success ful, proving thatthe Holland boat is a valuable. part of the United States navy. 1 After dark the torpedo boats Morris, Rogers and Holland were sent outside the break water, soon to be followed by the Leyden, the last named taking up a position at the entrance of the harbor. As the others made the attack an at tempt was to be made by the , Ley den te pick thsm out with search lights. So far as the torpedo boats were concerned it was successful, they being found at will, but with the Holland it was a different matter, and after she had plung ed under the" water she was not seen again until she was found al her dock when the Leyden went in. . ' The crew of the - Holland say thatthe deck of the wonderful craft was dry all the1 time they were under water. The Holland approached near enough to the Leyden. to fire a torpedo, and then turned, crossed the bay and went within a short distant of the New York without detection. 1 The boat was operated by a full naval crew in charge of Lieutenant Cald well. Naval officers are more thau pleased with her performance. Dr. W. H. Wakefield of Char lotte, N. C. will be in Salisbury at Central Hotel on Friday. Sept. 2Ist for one day only. Ills prac iiwc iu iiUiiicii 10,, iiMe tice is limited to hye, Ear, aud Throat. $180,000 toVRegra Cfilise. : Atlanta, Ga., Sep. 4. John D Rockefeller has made I Spell man Seminary, a negro college of this city, a present of $1 $0,000. - The money has - been paid into" the treasury of tBe American Baptist Home Mission Sociptv of New York, which institution has charge of the college. - ; " -y- Pcjtofflce CierkiUssecliiE. ; . - Atlantic City, X. J., Sept. 3. The first national convention of the reunited Postoflice Clerks1 As sociatioii, embracTnjfin its mem bership 10,000 of the total of 15,- 000 clerks in the postoflice service of the United States and its pos sesions," met here today with 100 delegates present. ' About 75 sailors are retaTned at the Naval Academy for duty on the Chesapeake and Xewnort . Was it a Mlrcle- 'Tne marvellous cure of Mrs. Rena J. Stout of consumption has created intense excitement in Cam mack, -Ind.," writes Marion Stuart, a leadingdnujgist of Mun cie, Ind. She on'y weighed -90 pounds when her doctor in York town said she must soon die. Then she began to use Dr.: King's New Discovery and gained or pounds in weight and was completely' cured." It lias cured thousands of hopeless cases, and is positively guaranteed to cure all throat,chest and lung diseases. m 50 and $.100. trial bottles free at Theo: F. Kluttz & Co's., drug store. I 9 $ $ $ $ t RHEUM ACIDE CURES RHEUMATISM to stay cured. ' THE MEniCAL WONDER OF THE... NINETEENTH CENTURA! A vegetable remedy tliat positively curea recent and long standing' cases. The greatest blood juritier know. Has the hearty endorsement cf leading physicians alter thorough trial. Cures S3 Ier cent, of the cases treated Sold in Salisbury by -T. F. Kluttz & Co., Edwin Cuthrell, J. W. Cornelison & Co., Jas. Plummer. Isenhour & Bean. PRICE $ i t t I I I c f $ I VI ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE! Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. L. Odell, deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before June 9th, 1901, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons owing said estate are requested to call and settle at once. ' 11. Lee Wright, Adm'r. of J. L. Odell. This June 14th. 19p0. . . - i SOMETHING A large assortment Sterling Silver Bracelets, Horse shoe Pins and Fine Brooches just received. You never saw handsomer designs at more reasona ble prices. Call and see them quick.. ..... W. P. Hednck Building, Main Street. SAT iIB JJ UU Y, INT. C. JrwaH. i-v - l xf ' r " I CJ Iiftkh bail - Tea jnpB mt Uia Tcrccd Yellow. 1 Great consternatiou was felt by the friends cf M. A. A. Hoirartv of Lexington, .. Ky:. when they j saw he was turning yellow, llis skin slowly changed" color. ; also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doc tors but - without benefit. Then he-was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful stomach and liver "remedy, and- he writes : "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured.' t A. trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 50. .Sold by Theo. F. Kluttz, fc Co's., druggists. SCHEDULE. The following; is. the schedule of nil passenger trains on the Southern Railway as revised -February 18th, 1900. ; NORTH BOUND! Local No. 8 6:17 a m Vestibule "8G 11:04am Local 12 8:09 p m Vesstibule 4i 88 9:80 pm , it &4 10:29 p m SOUTH BOUND. . Vestibule No. 83 G :55 a m 44 44 37 8:12 a m Local 44 11.9:35 a m V 44 7 7:55 p m Vestibule 44 35 8:24 p m WESTERN. No 11 leaves 10:10 am 4( 85 " 8:40 nm 86 arrives 10:40 am 12 4 7 :35 p m YADKIN BO AD. No 17 leaves 11 :10am " 47 " 1:30 p m 46 arrives 0:30 a m (t 18 " V 7:85 p m DON'T WAIT A MINUTE. Good Watches absolutely free. We want your name . for PAS TIME, a brteht, clean, illustrated story and humorous paner for the family circle, 1G large iagest only 75c a year; on trial 4. months, 10c. VVeKivea nicKle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat medium size walch guaranteed for one year. Will keep time for many years as aceu ratelo as a $100. And for a little work we give Gold watches, Bicycles Sewing machines, Guns, etc, Sam pies and particulars frfe. Send us your address today if you do no more, and see how . easily you can get someling nice you want. We will surprise you. Please don't wait a minute, send now. Betterenclose 5 stamps for trial subscription and present, or 38 stamps for watch and paper, while the watches are going free Addj-ess,The PASTIME Pub. ?51 TO SEE! ' THORNTON 1 JEWELER, Otm Starr A R.rK. kitm tln ftkJ ...I tJL . . i"wwri ana on rtiimif4 ImC LBtlOHL soil FA ! jfcf i c2 VE SHALL LOOK FOR YOU. Yes, the season of the oyster abd the buckwheat cake is drawing near and while the moth ib- taking his last bite out of your winter coat ana uie ruuuy pnrapkhi is Tbaskinj? in the autumnal sunset we wani to remind youlhat itV time to begin thinking about mr fnii nnVi TOinttT hie. T.ike cood care of your 54 fM'HAa ..nintr ivintor. thpm ifnrM tlift rnhins nest do so much for you.deserve your tender care and sympatuy. m V We have been thinking of your feet for months and we are providing a stock of FALL AHD tlflTEn FOOT-VEAH that will." please every man, woman and child in Rowan county. v Our nhoesare such shoes as every body takes pleas ure in wearing. We have no room in our store for shoddv troods. We have exclusive sale in Salisbury of the productions of some in America and we expect shoe money this fall and winter than any store nere abouts. ' We feel sure that, whn you get-:ready for your fall and winter footwear, yourYeet will turn towards our store. MAIN ITBEET, 1 - " 1 1 i "i ; - " . - ... . ... J A close inspection of our stock vail teach you how to dress well on little money. In fict, you couldn't dress badly from our stock if yoa tried, because we sell only the highest cla-ss mer- chailflisft ?inrl n 1 W.nvs nf ent with the values we gi ve. We are getting in our Fall Stock now. The Palmer' and Phoenix Hats have arrived and they are ' beauties, too. Lots of our fine clothing has also com in. Ex tensive line of Tailoring Samples ready for in spection. We make lots of fiue suits to order and guarantee every fit. - In' h. t m Since Taking Our Semi-Annual Iovenlory Wc have culled from our stock about 100 suits which will be sold at 5.00 to $7.50. Thby were 12.50. 15.00, 20-00 aifd S22.50 and worth the money at that. The ent price is equivalent to jrivin away nearly. SfvlflOT BROS. & OOuLRS,- m 0 BELL BLOCK, Cor. Main and Fisher Sts. scr i3 tit THE EC0P SE BARBER . UNDER JEW nANAGELlEftT. First Disss WM Quaraateed. THE PATROIIACE OF THE PUBLIC IS RESPEOT- FULLY SOLICITED. VOll Will eXDeCI lOlB Ol .i train and your feet tliat of the best mannfacturers f ' to give you more for your SALISBURY, N. C. : nrirAs n Inner na-i'o nnnciot. tvAl were I re thonv Leading Ciothur, SALISBURY, N. C. - w 1 m