Hoods! Stnnilttrri Appl! Karly June Pea Limit HeatiH . Ktrintflfsj Means Strawberries -Da lay Lye 10c r cun 8Jc tfr ran loc ptr can 10c per can 10c nor can A Sjot cf Perp ttaallj Frczsa . Grc::i ia uzrjlifiB. Cumberland, XI d., Hpeclal to EJtimor San George Stafford, a farmer and country school trustee, - residing on the Williams road, .six miles east of Cumberland, recently told of a remarkable freak of nature on his ground iii Alleghany county. A cave dug years ago, used for pre serving vegetables and other edi bles, kept them so cool that Mr, Stafford's sous concluded ai - t.i : -- k i inmiues. in a.iitinu tuuuiuwu mere was acorn BlniuS mcm . iu, imimrlti- ,ntn tup surface. In June last the boys started to dig, but were amazed to find the ground frozen so hard that it was impossible to penetrate it Uiscellaseoss News. The electric plant at the peni tentiary has Ix-en completed. . Compulsory education in North ;Corolina is gaining in favor very i II II IS' Thfl PPulation of Charleston is i..ll.V VjtW JH A V 1 44 1 J increase of 857. Mr. Bryan will be invited to j speak in ' the first Congressional district of Maryland. A family feud in Mississippi 4c ier can I brings on a pitched battle between I the factions. Udl ridKUt i rdlKdad German, Austrian and Italian troops will remain in Pekiu if the It,, von..,f IleaVV and fariCV GrO- UU83lanS WltharaW tempt was made, but the ground - for ine weeK ending August zoin was iouhu vo nave vuaweu omy - CCricS at prices that there were 7,0G0 deaths from chol- inches, being frozen hard beyoud eraiuinuia. iinai poim. une uav uiw wee, a third attempt to. dig wa3 made, to find the condition of the ground unchanged. Mr. Stafford is of the opinion that there is a lake of Chung Li, former prefect of po- ice un(ler the ground. He says lico of Pekin, goes to the Austrian the 8oil j9 of the gravei variety and headuuarters and is arrested. :ul-) : t-,.. ' -.,.. :i ura The political campaign in Ken- are made big cracks out of which tucky was opened Monday in near- the coal ajr rushes in great vol- lv every '"count v in the State." ume. mm m General McArthur reports a battle with the natives in one of Shirtwaist Wfiddln2. i u the Southern Philippine islands. v t Spnt. a -Th Two cases of plague have been marriage of Morris Blumstein and discovered in London, and more Miss Annie Jacobs,' of this city, in cases are reported at Glasgow. Philadelphia last night was a Thev have a three-cornered cam- shirtwaist affair in every particu- paign in Tennessee, there being 2 Kobbitt's Chill Pills cure chills and all malarial troubles. That U what tliey rc made fur. Core after other rem edies fail. No Cirre..no pay. Price -25 cts. per bottle. All druggists. A" Tablets For all URISttY DISORDERS. The most Fatal and Prevalent of all dhases are those of the Kidneys, Liver anI BUddf r. - The kindeys are two, little sieves through which all of the blood In the that body must pass once in every three in will please you. Very truly yours. B. CLAYTON OUTLAW. A St. Louis company recently received an order from New Zeal and for 08 passenger coaches. tOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MrsV Winslcrw's Soothing Syrup has been used fr over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teethiiiff, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and. is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It win relieve me poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druireists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ak for- Mw. WInslow's Sooth ing Syrup,",and take no jotber kind. Bladder, thence out of the body. If Diseased they clog and smell, , de positing Uric Acid and, other poi sons into the system, causing uuii Pain in the Back. Biliousness. Hhe- umatism, Gout, Dronsy, Gravel, Painful and Frequent Urination, Loss t)f Albumen (the life essence). and finallv Brivht's Disease and Death! If you have any oTthe above symp toms. " A" TABLETS WJLL CUBE YOU " Try them and be convinced, lie cent Discovery. Phenomenal Suc cess. Hundreds ; of Testimonials. Cannot be Substituted. By mall $1.00. Send 8tamps for Pamphlet. Addrew Pan-American Drug Co , New York, JAMES PLUMMER,Sole Aet. Salisbury, N;C. Mexican Mixture ii Ml -Tr- :-;We take pleasure in vami6unclrig to our old friends and patrons thii : we have just neatly fitted and opened; a first-class barber shop, for whites only, in the :;i6his over Moyle Bros7, bar, on Main; Street. air Cutting for. 15c. sclicitcd. Very Truly Yours, BURTON McNEELY-cV'SON; lar. Rcisncr Jewelry Co. JHWKLKY, WATCHES CLOCKS, SILVEUWAllE, SPECTACLES, Salisuury, N. C. . m HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE GROCERIES. Republican candidates for govern or in that State. 18 stokers of the British trans port Mautcalm were, arrested in New Orleans Tuesday charged with mutiny. Two weeks ago Miss' Jacobs hit upon the idea and the cards an nouncing that it would be a 1 'shirt waist' V wedding. Five Jiundred invitations were issued, and the church was packed. . -Every man but Rev. --Jacob Levy, -who mar- The Whitney Novelty Works at ried them, was in his shirt sleeves, Aberdeen, IiuL, was destroyed by The' church presented a novel fire recently. Loss -$10,000 on aitrht. The- ushers all wore white machinery. cambric shirts with gold studs, man chanred with robbing the the gift of the groom, and the " I . i . i ll 1 l - !itl l hunt- f -v;ilimahiiro Vinrinin onue eiuereu uie cnurcu wun ner ill n i ti,a Ri,.L father, who mond city prison recently. Rev. Dr. -Pearson, the distin guished evangelist, is suffering FOR (HEN. A QUA.RAaTKKD INVIGORA.JiT AND IN- rALLlULK CUKE For nervousnean. lack-ache. d8iondency inttoinuia, sexual iwpoteucy. and all diseases rpnlt iiiff1 from eariv errors, later excesses. over worker worry, rhleb. If uerlected. com pletely andenntn tne gyetem, ouen resuit iu iu "INSANITY an l DEATH! if you have any of tbe above symptoms Mexican Mixture will cure . JT UA3i0 EQUAL. , , North Carolina College, , MT. PLEASANT, N. C. ' C(ilegiate aai AcaJemicDcfartments. rocxDBD 1859. 'oe'.""!. Liie Datronaesr or ine dudiic is ruatct-s, Cti era leal and ruysWAi Laboratories, Tbree large inck tmiwings. nocms wiinsau Me fariiUaro. Free access to 4000 Tolume, Fln empus of elgrbt acres, nice MH a r ac uity of flue Profesiiors. wlh b- of creden Uais. iDatrtietion ihoroarht Expenses very reasonable, Smotlor, priukln;. I ntoxirants and nambttng- not tolerated, Buanl In frest, dent's dining ball lor aU well behaTed at cost. Dally Mall. Connection by telephone with Charlotte, Concord. Salisbury and Albemarle. rail term begin sept. 4tbt 1900. For Cat lomie or fartber Information address REV- W. A LUTZ, A, M. Pres.. . Winston. N. c , or Mt- risasant, N. o. 1838. 1900. Greensboro Female College, NORTH CAROLINA. Fall Term Begins Septcmtcr Uth. 1900. OATAJWTJE ON APPLICATION. - W o - WMTO H o All kinds of Furniture. outhtul Mrenpth and vigor to Kefuse suhatitMtes. Get MEX1CMN Develop yoi part of tl every Kefus TUi;E he body. Avoid quack doctors Immediate effects. Permanent re. sultf Recent discovery Phenomenal success llundre'ls of testimonials. tl.OU box. for t'MKi. Positive guarantee with each $5.w order to refund the money if cure isTiot ef fected It is uot a stimulant, but a re-builder Try jt and le convinced. iend fur painplet Address, PAN-AM EhlCAN Drutf Oo , New Yoik. JAMEs PLKMMEU, Sole A?t. ! ' Salisbury, .X. C from very serious heart trouble. Ho has cancelled hi9 engagements for some months to come. was attired as the ushers, with tl.e exception that he wore white studs. The grooiu,' in a white silk shirt, white tie, black trousers and black belt, was at tended by his bt'st ' man, Morris Auerbach, in the same attire. Baltimore-Sun. in! attention ia culled to our I'OUCKLAIN PATENT FLO UK. .mi inek(id CnnnrU TonmtooH and Ap u nan ruiiHHPil, eucli can guaranteed oilier Canned (looda in great variety iiul quantities. I lein.'s linked Beani), Catsups, Soupa ii ml Pickles. Labor day was more generally observed in the bouth than ever before. At Chicago Roosevelt and Bryan lunched together and then addressed the men celebrating the day. . , Raleich. Sriit. 4. The hand- Saicd His Leg. WALLPAPER. A new line, elegant patterns, low prices. large assortment The University . -- V. of North Carolina. The Head ot the State's Edu cational System. v Three, academlo courses leading to Degrees. ': '." - Professional courses in Law, Medi cine and Pharmacy. . . . Summer School for Toachers. " f Scholarships And ' - ' i Ixans to Needy. J Free Tuition to Can. ) didates for Ministry, Minister's Sons and (.Teachers. - ; 512 students besides 161 in Summer School. 38 teachers in the faculty. For catalogues and information ad- dress : F. P. YEN ABLE. President. Chapel Hill, N. C W. R. SMITH'S COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, KY U wW manvyouTtjmwn. after hivuunf irom 903 to $90 far tultloMnirfctctav Nt IucU fuhm. and now nctim tnm Mmtuhf m- ear. Kentockvl Unlyenlty DipMWl WWW Inspection ".Syn? ' .Invited; a-I Patronage Solicited. Chairs, , Rockers, Tables, Sofas, Lounges, , Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Tea Sets, Lamps, ' Curtains and .Curtain Fixtures, I . Baby Carriages. Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. ) Embalming. ffi LJi (I ( Purchases Delivered I f I ( . thecity, JSiSIaS P. A. Danforth, of LuGrange, Ga., sutTered intensely for six months with a frightful . running gore on his log, but writes that Bu'oltlen's Arnica Salve wholly rur1 it in ten dflvg. -For Ulcers. some Presbyterian church here is Woui.ds, Burns, Boils, Pain or about completed. It will De aeai- pes it's the best salve in the cated the last of this month. A world. Cure guaranteed. Only memorial window is being made 2oc. " " Sold J,y llioo,. .Aiuiu . I 1 .n ii rntTcriatu. I. . a m ,m P m. ' 1- I 'W V a. was-- l ull nsHortment of Langdon's Crackers for It by linany, 01 rew lors, - mid Cakes. L.wi;0,'n momnrvnf t.h lfttfi.Dr ' 1r . . .. ..J 7 dienn n niF A oni I very best Mackerel offered on the vni am McPheters. It 18 heme 9UUU nLKK Hnui Il.'ll'ket. I , 1 U! I f . 1 1 1 r- fra I W nw la nlinva t-iT ft rA fnr 1 niiY. 111 iiv iiin liiuiiuiutiioii 1 o nui i"u u"v .... . I'" J ' I . ,t T Mountain Buckwheat, Georgia and ,im Tlimo vflW Yrk. V I iAr, .""'Vr 81a, DICK ijenuuciic, iiiuijiroiiuu, M 11 pie Syrup. BEST- LINE CORED MEATS. Sam Iijman, of New ork. Says that : Atlanta Journal: . 1 1 .1,. st nation or Uostiveness we cannop ays tnat auiy euneu paper, vuv cu -e with LiVerlta, the up-to-date AT 3 NAUit this ctaaaptn4 LaH hUzraaua tea. WerM'a Exp Jt (CKful graduate. pioat Influential Collcgc.' otforrdcMM. Reatfaov ulara aMraaa Uily W. R. 5mlUu I Embalming and LTndertakinjr. in mmm this fir WartiC BuEirli aum's. ASK FOR TH WALLPAPER. SHOE FOR MEN $350 lit- Ill Atlanta's tie liver pill, when the directions are I . -v 1 I HtriCUY COUlUHtru vt I- inrj icpum- . . - 1 1 Ixsxm 1 1 a r iVAnoQQinTi n i iriri- iiiiiii i ,- lliuhest crade Coffees. lliRhlana i - ly vegetaoie ana never iau m mvb m .t.. '?rn ' I'rpminm h pnu. har nf iwxrrn worKinptneii iiiuivu lsiaciion idcuuriuuiftmiw ...... .. 1 o , .: rtrn r. k ... iuu. xu ouvu dihv.v. tain 15 lills. iieware 01 substitutions 1 . - .1 a . . 1 . . -. 1 .,.n:i . n w . K, ... 11 ovprvth nir n a Hrst-class grocery senteil 111 anv nonnern or weisi-eiij ana inmanoiis. Dt-i u, "iauJira 0 w I Vl'DV More.-! o D.-M. Miller, Ktreet. I'hone 78. BICYCLES! . . e taken NEKVUAMtUiUALUU,, city, nor is anything of the kind gn0 .J and Japkson Sts t c'hica. possible there. o negro working- . go, 111 man would dare to ask for a place in a labor procession anywhere in the country except in the south. For sale' by -T.. Kluttz, & Druggists, Salisbury, N. C. Co., ' The Appetite of a 6oat- Is envied by all whose stomacji mid liver are out of order, lint A New Shop Opened. 1 keep a First-Chs Line of Wheels for rent ami for sale; Do all kinds of "repairing and Cabinet work of Every Description. Work Guaranteed to Give Per fect Satisfaction. W. B. HOW AUD, -Lee St., next to City Hall. ROGERS' FAMOUS CHILL TONIC . MUratUe nn.t Laxative. Guaranteed cure WANTED ! "One YOUllg man Tlic State Normal ni Industrial Collega OFNOIiTII CAROLINA Offei-s to vounu women thoroueU 1 terary. cla-vi..,li.al-r-niinr! ar.d industrial education and special, pedagogical tratnlDg-. Annual expenses cmia vxn lor Mon-re8ldetiis.$152. Faculty - tich should know that Dr. King's go members. Moretnamw regular si udents. lien B"u,v . Has matriculated alut student?, repre senting every county in tli stale except one vr,i.tipc uutl Observation School ct about XU 4 New Life Pills, give a splendid ... 1 j : a : .. 1 appetite, SOUntl aiges ion aim npii.iirforMure bu.ird ia dormiiorles.ril regular bodily habit tnat insures free.tultloa applications snouta oe maae or nerfect health and great ei)Tgy. '"corresiwndence invited from those desiring UnlV W at ineo. r. iviuu 0aulogUe indtber luformatlon ad CVs. Drug stire. u?u"t5, .-..M COAltLES D. MclVER, PksidkT. Call aud inspect Harry's line of carpet. The North Carolina College Your Face Is Your Fortune! mm Throw Away Cosmetlca American women spen over Seventy-flve Million I Dollars Annually for face . J lA.sina atn . juj wucrn, ivuvud. roost of which are made of Ttniannous substances and j destroy ine m, 10 bc- nre a National, Rosy, Healthy Complexion t.et a Vixgira. Zla.l3Ter Saale. orlo-lnal contour, rermaiiently re ! moves pimples, freeh lew l.la klieads, and al complexional Imperfections Absolutely Harmless. Renlts Ouarauteed Write for particulars. Price $3tK t7 inftu O lot ea $2.00 and VIRGIN KTJBBKIi CO , No. t w-st 14tb, street New Yorfc. JA IEHPLUMMKR. Sole art.. Sillabnry.N.C FHI3HINGS ATTRACTIONS! A great many people who had been 'accustomed to going elsewhere for their furnishings, for old ac quaintances sake, after an inspection of 'our hand some hew stock of Gents Furnishings, expressed themselves freely at being able to find such an . un usually attractive display of Gents Furnishings' at prices so more in reason than they naa lormeny paid, and we are still pre par ea to meet tneexpecta tion of the crowds who look for special bargains at The Closing Out Sale Sold only L y There are still on hand a good assortment of . Dry Goods, Ladies Hosiery, Iawns, Ladies Skirts', Waists, Wrappers, Corsets, Baby Caps, Ladies and Child rens Shoes, Oxfords and Sandals, Counterpanes, Lace Curtains, Pillow Shams, GIassware,Chinaware, Tinware, a few more pieces of Sample Carpets left and etc. Youra to Serve, A. S. HE3LIC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OfTers his professional service? to the citizens or uowananamijoininir Whitlock -v. & Rainey. Leading Shoe Dealers, Main Street, J. FBLDUffAN. l Hedrick Block. THE OF t-u tnuiiilf It a mi re. il-aant an 1. . ..... t ii . .... u-. ...a.. t 1.1 rn 'nr V4llltT Ir .iic. ill-ill'. ttv m........-. j.. on. 1 nil lu-rnin. wtu we nvntMii In weak or run I .li. It contatnHiio ihNoh. It Is not 'lt I MaIL iii iiie.iu-ine.- mil a iriiTi. iuuuuh, mr-1 . . . .....1.1... .."11.1.. 1 ..1 .l.la 1 1, a ul.tm. I IlirillBIl . 11. .Nof.imuy su.ni.i evM wiiht rhi- it v it Mah. AuUliens, enclosing Ki.S1 ,'Mol s CHILL TONIC and LAW- Kf o. lft,lflnfl ki'.m ks it taken in time tuey win gtaini,IntT-btate Correepouuence sue utt'.ii'ii I .-tutu , in uiiTMiruiin"i'i-' in li.-i'i.-, teli to one hundred Umeniiirir cosi f rruuumd Kover and all Malarial and BUI- ' n v n tirp. AHDirri TURF AVH MFC! AN C . ARTS d enec- I I rOlll iJjiu vji'uui Y iii 't w i " muiii.i.iui.M .. ------ fur the ouniinc uahava CL-m-nu rvollliimtillll. We TECHNICAL EPCCATIOX IM v.ry thing, including iSr,uVKM In if, Texuie jauu-wj, vufuiohj, chlteclure. PrcticlTaimso 1: t?..rnentrT, WtJ-lui nti'g. HUcksmHbtBSr. M4CIHie-WCM V, lli-i'i, w' - B.iueieiHllnv'tnd Mnanio-iemlicz. Tuition. 426 a year; Boa1. iaolb. KextsloaopeiwHeiteuilMretU. Kuirance examination iw fJt-n CouDty Court-house, Jul 1" ocuva a. x ; iwu Uie Ptrt'ese 8pieniixr fiaami m. For rail iDiwnn uoo. m.i , PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON, -mm- 1 Tt . 1 n.liT IT n 1 sj countie,i.romUtanf careful atten- mTiY K.nPT rT SaUSDlin. It. U. O I tic n -no n I :n v . , mm . . i .- . l . ya v... tion given to all business entrusted to him. Commencing tofday balance of cur stock of vc will sell the nU iv Htldruifx'lxis and oouniijr stores. M inuf u-ture.l ny Aex Manufacturlug- O oni- 1' tlty. ..rx. N. C. Jll. S. IlKYtN, MHiiicer. M. ta'- Qnffof Thn KlectroDoise jiMics nmn, iuv., tfaUaDory.JH. C. u lilmnt the iisp i;urPM mi ui.'r.inr7 .... . ofmedlcine. A pure Oxygen treat- nient, by absorption. 11 cures ,nere everytbitiRclsH fails. It neeled n every latnny, ior ik him every weakness or ailment, to ine most persistent cnronic uiaot-, without the usp.of a grain of medi cine. Thousands of eopie au over the United Slate, iroai pnvBiovi.- iien to Lawyers, Doctors, rreacn- ers. Supreme Judges, Editors, etc.. ovon rrnwnwl tieMUS OI r.urupe nc ei ven written testimonials of these fat. hook oi lesuniuuioi!', nwu mutter of ereat interest with price of instrument sent free. Every fam- i.. tthrtiiiri iiflvn an Ji.icvii induces health: 7 Send oaivj , , w4 ....... Aililrooi aI onofi ana see unm tf oav who have thoroughly AM RflQin0er. tesfedlts merits. Agents wanted. iU. DabMllWl ITHE ELECTROPOISE CO., 513, HORSE SHOEING,;, REPAIRING, BUGKSMITHING, RUGGY and WAGON PAINTING. Kirst-class "work-Low prices Give-mo a Call. Don't Stop fl Scott Emuulon be cause Ifs warm weather. Keeo takine it until you arc k cured 4 I) It wiUheal your lungs and K T0 1x1 sum: 1 met as in winter. Ifx cod liver oil made ear V 50ciai$l. Alldnitttos. I Total GO CARTS and BABY CARRIAGES - ' . - ' . n't F,Ynpflv f!nst tn o.losft them out. Wer f 4.. M W V J -www - " have a nicsetock and do not want i;o car ry them over.1 Just received another lar lot of Mat tings in all the nice, fancy pattet ns. A full stock of Ruggs of all kinds on hand ' hat willgo cheap. : HouseStondemire & Co. $1,157.9)2.97. fei,. ' '-gML;;; Ket Surplus, $361,753.52 (ORGANIZED. lSQo.) Your to SERVE, Central Hotels MAINISTEEET, OldReliable Home Company . SEEKING HOME PATRONAGE 1 Liberal and prompt in payment of all losses. J. ALLEIl DtlOVJll, AGT. Nuar City HaU. 1 4th St, Louisville, Ky. i

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