.r r - Vol. 3. No. 80. SAIJSBUEY. 1ST. C, FRTDAJST. : 25. 1901. W- TKOUAS EOST, Cltj ni Km Eflt:r. All. . BlfSCiiHllIE THE PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO, LITTLE LOCALS. Itics of interest Condensed and Boiled Dots Tin Persoaais md Brief News Itias of i Dij. Hot. 3 8 Bost went out to hit home in the country yesterday. Mr. J. S. Gaither of Cleveland was in town yesterday. Mr. Charlei Overman returned last night from a trip to Lexing ton. Mr. John Dav'.s, who lives in the North ward, is confined to his rom with the grippe. Col. Jere White, of Boston, who is well known over the South, was here last nigiit. The trains tint bring most mail were late last itight. No caute is assigned. Be surn to go Urhear Garvin Gil main. at the opera houso tonight. Admission 25 and 50 cents. Mr. Will Peebles, of Advance, Davie county, was in town yester day. Lwfsy says tell you that hs didn't .have time to urite n iew 'nd. llo is h dling too much. Anmner oiHiiieis cnangfl nanus louay. ve win let you Know to- morrow. J. W. lingers, oi Alexandria, Iu diuno, is in Salisbury."- His parents-are old Tar Heels. Go to see Gilmaine tonight. It wili bo a fine opportunity to hear something good. A Paul Gilbert, of Charlolt was in town yesterday. He goes to ILleigh this morning. Miss Blanch Carson returned to her home at Mt. Vernon yester day. 1 Mr. H. H. Swicegoodof Tenny son, Davie county gave us a pleas ant call yesterday, and subscrib ed for our paper. Rev. G H Cox of Organ Church returned to his home yesterday. Mr, Cox had been up to Cleveland to perform the Burringer-Morgan marriage ceremony. f . mm uongreiiman n. inney was in the city last night on his way to Washington. He wls eagerly courted at tho station. WmIsII? A prominent Salisbury young lady, who has often visited in Lex ington, will be married in tho course of two weeks. Cards are not out. Davidson Dispatch. A Death at Spencer. Maria Austin, col., ono of the moit industrious colored women at -Spencer, died Tuesday morn ing. Sh died with pneumonia. Brant Skankle Brought Back. Sheriff D. R. Julian sent one of his deputies over to Greensboro last night to bring back Brant Shankle to Salisbury. Brant has been in trouble in Salisbuay be- fore and was helped out by Messrs. Ludwick aud Black, He seems to bo into it again now. Dart Lladsij Sick. The many friends of Mr. David Lindsay wili regret to learn that he is quite sick, we suppose at his home. We hive tried t j find out the nature of his trouble but no oue seemed to know just what ' it is. We sincerely hop that uoth ing6trious will result from his in dispesition. 1 Lost At Salisbury or Spencer, one link cuff button (gold) with the initial, W. C. M. Return to this oflce or W C Maupin and get reward. For Rent Two houses Brooklyn also two furnis led rooms. Mrs G. U.llilig. 1-24-lwk. SCHOOL WES AG AM. Prof. Coca's Visit to Raleigh Erisgs est Socetklagto be Considered.. Prof. Coon has returned from Raleigh, where he had been atten ding a meeting of the school su perintendent. Mr. Coon showed the graded school charter to Mr. Henderson and in the main Mr Henderson approves the plan. . A meeting has been appointed for next week, for some action to be taken by the school committee upon the charter. Ar we . have previouily pointed out the charter provides for the raising of. the school funds by special taxation, if in an emergency, the revenues from other sources fails. We all kuow how much of the school money is obtained, and it will be a matter of interest to every one who 's watchii g the actiouof these committees to know just what they will do. At next week's meeting, the new- building in another, part of the town will be considered. We shall eagerly watch this. Young man Dead. Mr. Bonce Bailey, the only son cf Mr John Bailey' ofJ)avie, died a few days ivgo with pneumonia. Ho leaves n wife ami three chil- oir, isaney was wen known in i;avie ana ins ueatn causes many 80 r row. Hoosier Visting North Camilla. Mr. James Williams of Indiana is visiting rel-itive in D-ivie. and he also has kinspeople in Salisbury. Mr. Williams will be in North Caroliua some time yet. Deaf Mute Here Last Night. Ernest Menitt, of Pineville,was here yesterday on his way , to MorgaDton. At 'the station he showed signs of distress and in a correspondence with him, we found that his train had le't and he could not get to Morganton until last night, lie says .he is going to that place to learn to make shoes. Mr. Merritt is about 23 years old and is intelligent. He knows .manv eood neonle in Pine- ;i i n.,A i,Q iQa i,n,i,.tiAi.f - w ' I the State. 113 says ho is glad to get to Morganton and start to work. Garvin Gilmaine Tonight. Tonight, the people of Salisbury will have the opportunity of hear- in a real artist in tht person of G. Garvin Gilmaine. The press has heaped great encomiums upon .Mr. uumaine and many ot our frbnds who have heard him, have m sm glowing accounts of his ability. Mr. Gilmaine has been associated with Edwin Booth and Madieska. aud is the all found reader, hum orist and!impersonator. The seats are now on sale and go at the low rates of 25 and 50 cents. Salis- buriant who miss this, lose a great deal for few artists come our way who are so eninentlv gifted to please aud entertain our people. Ynn'll harp to trpf. n 90th Pen. tury move on you if , you get the ?u.wior Duying uiue uinoon lem- on aud vanilla first. Your money cheerfully refund, ed if Blue Ribbon lemon and vauil- la extracts prove unsatisfactorp. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts are celebrated for their perfect purity and flavor. Th 20th century flavoring ex tracts Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla. Wanted To rent a horse farm for cash, tkis ofEes. eooa one Inquire a . 1-3 tf. I White Rose cream should be 1-22 used by all who desire to have clear aud smooth complexion. It wPl soften the roughest skin. price 25c. For sale by J.' W. Cor nelson & Co., and James Plainer. ' 1.20-lmo DO. Ml I I HOD MAD'n MEMBERS ASHAMED OF THEMoELVES. Merer Lobbied for Anjbady but M Vmce, and Tbat was for tie Benefit of the White People. Raleigh, Jan. 24. Inthe Senate Glen a was announced among the members of the committee on Sen atorial districts. Majority and minority reports wert submitted by the committee on the bill granting 'alimony in cases of absolute divorce. The bill imposing graduated ta'x on corporation charters passed. - Allen, of Wayne, introduced a bill into the House allowing the governor to fill' vacancies on the corporation commission. The bill establishing a reforma tory was introduced- Whitaker, of Forsythe, rose to a question of ' personal privilege and said that his opposition to Dr. Curry's addressing the legis lature was based entirely on false information. He withdrew all opposition and apologized for his resolution and remarks. Craige and Curtis also withdrew their re marks, saying they fully believed Dr. Curry's statement. DR. CURRY SPEAKS. At noon the House and Senate and State oflicera assembled in .the House of Representatives and heard an address by Dr. Curry, who began by saying the only lob- bying he had ever done at Wash- iugton was with Zeb Vance to get aid for the white people of the South to bear the white man's burden. The SickonSS- The sick people of Salisbury continue to .improve. Mrsdames fimoot. Pronst and Watson are getting better rapidly, and the others seem to be getting off lightly. j,,,, Association tO Meet, mi Mil , , i mere win do a meeting oi tne Teacher's Association on Saturday morning at . the Graded 'school. A full attendance is desired at this meeting, as there are some matters of importance that come before this meeting, Too Mani Dinrcesin H- C- In connection with M'r. Hender- son s mil. inis item irom an ex i mi .i . change is interesting: 4We see it stated that there were about five hundred divorces granted in North Carolina during ine pastyear. ims is a lamenta ble fact. ' The Legislature which is in session can perform a great public duty by enacting a more stringent divorce law. The evils incident to divorces are many ana wnen tne marriage tie is re garded as of no permanent binding effect it will lose much of the sacredness which would attend it. and the home, the fountain head of ocity Christianity and civili- zawon, win ueeenousiy inreaineu. uivorces are too easily ootainea. The marriage Union it unthought- edly formed and as unceremon iously broken." Blue Ribbon hmon and. vanilla are the extracts for folks who de mand the best that money will buy. , The demand among ladies of re finement for Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla is'the bst evidence of true merit. Boarders wanted at P. S. Tor rence's, oue square below court house, Main street. a Rowan Barber Shop. Hair cut 15c. Burt McXeely has moved his shop to East Main st., oppo site court house. Workmanship second to none. Give him a trial. 1-1. A PRETTY HQUE YftDCIXG. Uiss Jennie trig Barrisger til Uf J. E. Uorgai Uarried. '. Correspondent of the Trutb-IaOx. Cleveland, N. C., January 23 A sweet ind simple home wed ding occurred at Cleveland th is evening when Miss Jenre Leigb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t Henry Barringer, and Mr. Jl E. Morgan were made man and wife. Rev. George H. Cox, brother-in-law of the bride, performed the ceremony using the beautiful marriage cere mony of the Lutheran church. The bride was becomingly- at tired in a handsome goiug-away gown made of blue cloth. Only a few friends and relatives were pres- ---... , . ..... r ent toT witness -tbesolisinn vows. Soonltfter teceivtDcobgratula tions the happy couple . '.took the east "bound Iraiufor Charlotte' wherfe they will spends the night, leaving there in theMiiorning for Charleston, Augusta, and other Southern cities. - The bride b s been the profic.ient postmistress vt Cleveland for sev eral years a:id has a host of friends. The groom is an opera tor for the Soathern Railway and is a most excellent young nian. This is the consummation of a true love affair and we bespeak for them much happint ss. A Va!t able Invention Mr Harvey L lieck, of Cid, this county, has recently invented a machine tha may revolutionize the chair bott Tming industry. Mt Beck says his machine will entire- ly do iway with the present mode of making whi e oak splits. At present these splits are made whol ly by hand and is a very slow and tedious busin-ss. Mr Beck claims his machine v ill split the wood, uress it up ai a prepare it ready or bottoming chairs aud will 4 he work of tn men. He says all parts of the Machine are not yet perfected, btt a patent has been applied for.--Davidson Dispatch. Verdict Against Wilmington. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 23. A suit against che city, which has occupied the attention of toe Sup erior Court here for three days, was ended with a verdict of $4,192.20. The amount demanded was $25,000 The complai it on which the action was brought was that of the testa tor of the lata W.-H. Strauss, who cume to nis i eatu uy a siumoung a L .' . il. 1 a . 1 1 ' at night intc an excavation i wnicn i i the city shoi Id have marked with lights. James Snr int. British vice-con- sul here, had the British coat-of- arms at the ice consulate draped with mourning and the flag half- masted toda Flaes of all shin- ping in the narbor, American as a t. well as forei ru. were set at half- mast out of respect to the memory j - of the dead Queen. Kins er Operated On- Utrecht, Holland, Jan., 24. President Xruger underwent an operation oi the left eye at noon today. The operation was per- formed by Professor Smellon. The result vab said to be satisfac tory. WThite Roe Cream is the finest and most elegant preparation on the market, for tan, sun-burn, chapped hands and all roughness of the skin. Contains nothing 6tiCKy or creasy, ror saie dv j Cornelison &Co., and James mer. Plu- 1-23 Ladies it will pay you to keep a close watch for Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla. Dontlet coin get away from you. The superiority of Blus Ribbon lemon and vanilla consists in their perfejt purity and great irengin. - i " r.very w-jf is uraujer 01 .diuv Ribbon lemon and vanilla. BySTKOLtiER. For the Truth-Iodfx. If I were asked the question for if hat U Salisbury noted, I should unhesitatingly say, for its pretty women and muddy streets. Of course there are ether institu tions in Salisbury, but it seems that, here, as in others parts of the world, the spirits of good and evil are about evenly matched. I never I , see a woman coming up the street without con trasting what she is walking upon, with what is walking upon it. ; Then too, Salisbury is noted for the men who think they have the best lookipg women in? the town. - ' I believe I like Mr. John Hen derson's bill for the protection of the women. I am opposed to di vorce, and in nine times" out of ten. I believe the men are to blame for domestic infelicity, and a premium should be placed upon conduct that leads tosuch results. There are many flaws that may be picked in this bill, but the worst that can be said of the bill is that on account of its forcing a man to support his divorced wife, women might encourages divorces and earn an easy livelihood: This would be a very valid obpetion, but for the fact that it is a wild, visionary theory' against a pretty condition women don't do things that way. lam talking every day with preachers and bar keppers. Each expects to demolish the other this orri"ncr T'll toll vim rislit. n'nw brother bartender vou'veot a iob r " - J"" . ,.. .0rf. on your hands when you tackle the ministers. They have inaugurate ed against saloons that wont end with the Sunday sermon. And then the women are against you. You could'nt ffo wroncr in that crowd, could you? I don't know what to tnink. I never did and never will take a drop of liquor, But I'm surely worried as to how I should vote. I often tjiink when writing of whiskey, what it is that causes its use. It is certainly an unnatural appetite, and yet if a .man once begins to drink it, it is much har der to deny himself, than it is to mus nis natural meals, lnere is an infidel newspaper in Kentucky wnicn is tne most uncompromis- inr o H rrrn t o rf t ho a Yt I ichmanf rf I 6 .v,w I f n,V.;Vo, lli.f T... -mA Ui "u,aj a . cyw icou from. But the editor, unlike the ministers assigns the Bible as the cause of whiskey drinking. I don t believe the Bible encourages it, never saw it anyway. I read Mr. H. S. Trott's on the "Wright Bible bill." There were I " some things in it that were good and well. I am sure however that Mr. Trott's article cannot serve any better purpose than to raise a discussion that would neer end Weknoffof him Well anough to feel certain that it was offered in the best of good spirit, so I hardly feel moved to offer an objection to hia' observation s. Still,! think he errs grievously in trying to prove by a reductio ad absurdum argument that he and his fellow believers are not given recogni tion. Very true. But it should be so. In this great State, there are probably within a few Ihous- and of voters, as many men in the Republican party as the Demo cratic party has. But majority rules. An absolute, demcracy is impossible, if there were more deists and wrnoatica in tha conn try. they should govern unless we change our political system. the Roman Catholics predomi nate, adopt their Bible. If the Protestants, adopts theirs. The j opposition to sectarianism is so nowerfnl. tht Mr Wriirht'a d- l ' o- i nomination could not irnle- I think Mr. Trott can not reasona oiyexpeci. legisuiuon in nis own j behalf. TO KEEP FAST U AIL Binnlcgbao People ire liach Disterbed Lest it U Cot Off. - Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 24. The threatened discontinuance by Congress of the appropriation for the fast mail service between Bos ton, New York, and tht South is causing widespread agi t a t i o n throughout the territory affected, and commercial and municipal bedies are urging Southern repre sentatives in Congress to work for the apf ropriation. The eastern mail which formerly reached Bir mingham at ten at night, and was delivered the following morning, now reaches the city at 11 :80 in the morning and is delivered in i tb.8 early afternoon. To go back i to the old order would greatly in convenience tle merchants. Moved to Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonard left, yesterdry morning for Lex ington, where they will live in the future. They have been liviug in Salisbury for some time. Mr. Leonard goen to engage in photo graphy. Mrs. Leonard is daugh ter of our clever country friend, R A ShOaf. Alas! Alas! So lately dead, so soon forgot ten. Tis ths way of the world. We flourish for a while. Men take uR by the hand and are anxious about &ur bodies and laugh at our jokes, and we really think, like the fly on the wheel, that w have something to do with the turning of it. borne day we die and are buried. The sun does not stop for our funeral evsrvthinff fitbes on in " the usual way: we are not on the streets ; men laugh at new oks; one or two memories still hold our names and forms, but tho crowd moves in its daily circle; and in thret days the waves sweep over our steps and wash out the last vestige of our footprints. Ex. Otdn't Han tbe Paper. When the Virginian who lived in a wretcned log cabin with a family of seven had told me that forty acres of his land was a sohd coal bed, I asked him if his deed was all right," says The Washing- ton rOSt. . w "iS ever had-no deed, san." he he rather proudly replied. r "But have you no paper at all?" "No paper 'tall, sah. I jett squatted down on this yere land , , . I - : J ver since. "But if you have no papers won't the owner come along some day and bounce you out?" "Not skf ssly, sah not skassly. That is to say. sah, that the real owner has come along three differ ent times and tried it, and every time he got killed and had to givu it up Deeds in sich things are all right miff in their way, but my old gun, with a bar'l seven fet 3ng is a heap!etter right around yere." Charlotte News. Blue Ribbon lemon and vanilla extracts have grown famous . in a short time. In two sizes 10 and 25. Did you ever stop to think rf the great saving in using Blue Ribbon lemon atd vanilla? " it wouiuu t oe treatine voa right if didn't tell you about KIuh Kibbon lemon ntul vnnilli extracts. 1 Why use extracts not eatisfac- I tory? Buy Blue Ribbon lemon and - vanilla. In two sizes 1U and 2o. " - If Blue Ribbon lemon and vamlia - eracts are a mtie tngber in P"C3 r rices iaix, ana tney nevee spok louder than they did at the i Burt shoe ctore yesterday, iadging " i from rrctvA in tht.ro nil Anv mrsA - ! th nnmhr nf mpW,, hA n!A Drougnt out with them. Tnia U. Li . i :.t " I rr ' sale will continue from day today.; " UiS U III 111 OF I III STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSES FOR AN HOUR. The Hew York ud Chicago EzchsgiCtni for the Prlnti Fin trilSerrlcu Our tit Qaaep. . ' '. Yesterday evening, a dispatch From New York told that tha New York and Chict go Cotton and stock exchanges closed down m for an Hour while the private fu neral service was being said over the dead Queen. This is one of the great honors paid to the illus trious Queen by this country. The funeral services were and will be as follows: A Private family funeral oyer the remains of the- Quean was held this morning atCowes- The King left London eariy to reach Cowes for the simple ceremony conduct ed by the Bishop of Winchester. The body will be brought ea-!y next week to Windsor; Castle. Emperor Wrilliam will accompany the remains. The funeral of the Queen will be conducted at Windsor Castle Feb ruary 2. The body will be rt mov ed from Osborne Houso February l. v It was the expressed desire of the Queen that the funeral should be military iu character. Several officers from Windsor arrived at Cowes "this morning. They brought State regalia. A naval salute of twenty rone guusVas fired aJL noon in honor of the King. The King lift- Marlborough House at 11:23 this morning for Osborne. As he drove through the I i iL . i. il, "eeis on ui.j w ue mu he was greeted everywhere with great cheering. While the King was on the way to Victoria station a man sprung forward unhindered and thrust a document through the window of the brougham. Tbe contents of the document are un known. At Madison Hous whtn the proclamation was rea4 there were present the Duke of Portland, Sir Mieary Ewwart, Earl Pembroke, Hon Sir: Spencer Ponsonby and Henry White, secretary of ' the American embassy. Finn Uf it! rot mit t liflt 1 fast, but the ladv that- eets the - 7 W W coin for Blue Ribbon lemon and' vanilla, won't have to be slow, Holler Bros., . STONE AND GRANITE C0NTBACt01 Rough and DreMed Gr&nlt for building and founda tions, cement -wfclki mil cellare SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CANDY KITCHEN. I have opened a firnt-clasi M. Miuer-8 and the Salisburj' ft. ryB a(ftrB : . - J T i'm thn K,t nnJ rrt nil i:n1 ne n;M-A; found in town. Lemon and Chocolate Bon Bona, lb . .20to40e: Same in boxes, per lb.. .25 to 60 Half-pound boxei -. . 162 E vary thing nico and fresh. AP0ST0L08 KARU808. ) It is not a V&ke )( But the Beit Dread on tlie Msx ket at T. L. SWINE'S, I 41 Fresh Cakej all the time. Call and be convinced. I TlfflTT WP A T W w I - - AJti iilljb APpL CIDER, IRISH POTA- toes, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Next door to Brown's Fish Uarkat aboTe.Postoffica, Main 8trtt, Jesse P. Lowry, ; Pnrmsrtc wiih'V J.rri-r 1

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