ft CtrittfiWii .TXratfcSfnAtv. IdclpWa paper aport honor Fatlistei tver? Morn'ias: Except MonJiy. Ac. tittered In th tofflc at 8?. Utury et. C. cond elm mall matter. I'UM.IOATION OFFICE! it IN DAVIS WILKY BANK BUILD1KG INNI88 8TBIET, 10 Oertta . . . . mm A ptrWMk for four Wki IB uvnn , 4.00 .... ml-WeeUf . One D Mr Per Year. Feryear Wo. II. STEWART. Eiilor anj Miiiger. NOTICE TO PATRONS. A dvehtibemenh to appear on the day of publication should be delitered at tin otlice before 9:30 a. m. Advortifprnenti contracted for by the year and ordered out before expi ration of contract will Ikj chargt d tran sient rate, and when time is not Riven Him charge will b for time inserted Kate will be made known upon appli cation. Communication of public iropor tance are solicited , but will not be pub lichcd unless the samm of the writer is given. Sulwcribert are requested to notify the otllce or any I allure to get their p oer ; also when change of address ia a sired to send in both the old and new addr In full. p All communications should be dressed to TKUTII-INDEX, Salisbury, N. C JANUARY 25, 1001. We believe Mrs. Nation is a more dangerous individual than a bartender. Do the people want a law thaf will, or wont solve the whitfkey problem? a The Bible say all men must die. That doesn't ap ply to the pensioning. The number of killed and wounded in. Kentucky is not known. Official returns are not yet in. - - -. The intelligent people of the State of Mars c mtinue to wink at us. They must think that we are awfully stupid. An exchange says the "Re publican partjv has neer betnijed a trust' Nobody ever said it had. It. makes em. Mr. Tom Herd, of Maine, HtTiii pacified now. It Cer tainly ought lobe easy enough to do as much for the Filipi nos'. - - . ... With Kansas white men to lynch negroes rind Mrs, Na tion to cut up barrooms, vice lias a poor chance in that State. It is not thought the Fedei al (lovernment will interfere in Kentucky. It has had about enough of the interfer ence burineps. There is no end to patrio tism and pensions in this country. That Chicago sci entist who predicts pjrpetual youth, evidently has in mind the pension roll. Th ere is h fatality in nuni liers, evidently. The mem bers of the lower House who opposed the presence of Dr. J.-M. L. Curry might be called the "unlucky 13." Mrt Neely is not going to maktlany further fight against the .Supreme Court in his ex- tradition. In this respect, lie is more law-abiding than our platform once was. J An exchange objects to (iov. Aycock's address be cause he'll carry out the "will of the great Democratic par fcy." Whyn-jt? It's the only party in the State that has much will. , We thought we'd soon get it. We have a bill to protect logs, etc., boys from cigar ettes and now tlie women from and by their husbands. Verily, the Democratic party has gone into the protection business. Senator Beveridgebasbeen writing articles for a Pliila! and hoi-esty. Oh, yesl Os car Wilde discoursed most beautifully upon morality and Ephraim Hitchcock pass ed for an austere Puritan. The Durham Herald Ob- la serves that' "the Goldsboro Headlight says there are three people in that town who i.nvu rTA iUon oon. I turies, and asks if there is i KA. a a a . a a a a aa a j m. a a a i another town in the State that can beat it. We suppose there ia. We could beat, it ourselves, but we simply do i. i. n vi7 ,1,1 ui I urn waul iv. ?e tuuiuu ig I'lie Annanias Club here is disbauded, and our rex men- dacisnnus has pneumonia. o i.. ii. .j i. mil ; I f aBnsiui. nenaci0B dim- She Striate Judiciary Committee last afternoon had a stirring de- bate on the divorce question and it arose over the bill by Senator Henderson, which grants a wife alimony even if an absolute di- vorse is ebtained. Thobill won bv a score of five to fuor. Mr. Henderson thinks this is a step towards an equitable solution of the divorce evil in the light of I Christ iati civilization. The bill encountered strong opposition, Senator Woodard contending that granting alimony when she had obtained absolute divorce would be encoui aging some women to be lax towards their husbands and increase divorces. Mr. Ward op- posed it vigorously. After much discussion the com- mittee decided bjf a vote of 5 to 4) to report the bill favorably. Those supporting the bill were Senators Henderson. Vann, London, Mor- nson and Warren, and those against it were Senators Woodard, Ward, Webb and Foushee. Tho bill will now be fought out on the lloor of the Senate. This w w is a most important measure aff- ects society, and is a departure from common law,aud its full text isas follows: An Act to allow Alimony in cases - of Divorce a Vinculo Matri- monn: Whereas, at common law where a divorce a vinculo, matrimonii was granted, no allowance for the future support of the wice was giv e ), and, WiiiTi'MS, ih. ntntsite in this State has changed the commou law in that re6pect, and, Whereas, thn Legislatures of many of tie States of the union have nd.pted statute? changing the common law in this respect, and allowing alimony to the wife in casss of absolute divorce; which policy seems to be just to the wife and. in harmony with our advanc ed civilization ; . Therefore, The Ceneral Assmbly of North Carolina do enact: - Section 1. That where a di vorce a vinculo matrimonii is granted, the wife may be allowed such limony, in solido, or in in stalments, as the court granting the divorce shall deem just and proper; considering the estate of the divorced husband and his means of paying the same; Pro vided. That when alimony is granted in solido it sball not ex ceed on:-thirdof the husbands estate- And when the allowance is to be paid in installments, it shall not exceed o e-third of the reason able income and earnings from his estate labor and employment. Section 2. That the court grafting sucb divorce, shall have tin power to make provision for the custody of any child or cbil dre the said husband and wife may have, and shall also have the power to provide for the support of such child or children out of the estate, income and -earnings of sa d father as shall be reasona ble and just. Stction 3 That ill laws and clauses of law in conflict with this act are htreb repealed Sect tod - 4. That this Act snail be in force from and after its rati ticstion. A LtQfi-rj Agencj at Spencer- Messrs. Dr. J. S. Bryan and J. C. Henley, of Spencer, have be come agents for the Leon SteamJ Laundry, of Charlotte. A basket will be left at Dr. Bryan's drug tort to receive all kinds of wash able frabrics. where also orders can be left to call for and deliver articles. Basket will be shipped Wednesdays and returned on Fri- days. Orders may also be left at J. C. Henley'i publes. ?8ljzirj b i r.:;i. Washington J Jin. 83. A.pirited incident :-ocea in the senate this afternoon when th legislative bill was taken tip. Mr Rawlins, of Utah, read a Dswspaprr article saying there was combination formed in the Utah legislature to elect a Mr Kearns senator, and that it was being for- warded by the Mormon church which was now working with the Republican party ' He intimated that the church had received certain prmises from the Republicans, relative to the nractice of nolveamv and he said he thought aVoice should go out . ... . from wasninexon in conaemna- tion of the program. Mr Hale; of Maine, replied to Mr Rawlins vigorously. Mr Hale said there ought not to be any ex- nrpsainn of frifl United States genate upon a matter ,ike a sena- torial election. It was highly im proper to send a "voice from Washington," while a legislature was performing its constitutional duty. It was paternalism of the worst sort. Mr. Chandler also took occasion to say that he was of the opinon that the action of Mr. Rawlins was not in good taste and that the senate should not attempt to in fluence a state legislature. In reply Mr. Rawlins charac terized the action of the legisla tura of New Hampshire, where Mr. Chandr was defeated, and said the result was, according to Mr. Chandler's statement, brought about by combinations similar to those proposed in Utah. Mr. Chandler smilingly retor ted that while the result in New Hampshire was greatly to be de- plored and the methods of the late senatorial election In -that state to be candemnedr yet it would have been ery bad taste if his colleague. r. Gallingor. hnd - - - - n w made a nrotest while the elt.ci was going on. This allusion, owing to the well known differences existing betwen the New Hampshire ssnators. raised a laugh among senators and the galleries. Senators Elected. Springfield, 111., Jan. 28. Shelby McCullomwaB today re elected to the United States senate by the senate and house in joint session. Charleton, W. Va., Jan. 23. The legislature met in joint sesio at noon today and declared the election cf S. B. Elkins to the Uunited States senate, he baviug received 61 votes and Colonel Mc- Graw 23. St. Paul, Jan 23. The two houses of the legislature met in ioint convention at noon, when Q,lflUr twi; fnrm.lW Hlnr. r ea Knute JNeieon -elected to inei Upited States senate for the six years hegining March 4 next, and Moses E Clapp elected for the four years remainiug of the term made vacant by the death of Cushman K Davis, both having received a majority in each house. Topeka, Kas.. Jan. 23. The legislature today at noon in joint session ratified the election of J. R. Burton, Republican, as Uuited Stages 6euator for the term begin ning March next. Trenton, N J Jan, 23. The New Jersey legislature in joint session today confirmed the re election ef United States Senator Jewell by the house and Benate in joint session yesterday. The news was received yesterday of a fire which euvolves a loss of 11,200 Senator B. F. Aycock, of Wayne. His barn and stable wasr burned at his farm near Fremont. Three mules were burned, two hun dred barrels of cnru and valuable farming emphmetits It is a sev ere loss ti Senator Aycock and his friends sympathize with him in his loss. - Banker Rants a Robber. J, R. Garrison, Cashier of the bank of Thornville, Ohio, had Itrvpn rid lifxl nf bpnlth hv n. aprinna lung trouble until he tried Dr. j King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Then he wrote: It i the best medicine I ever used for a severe cold or a bad case of lung troub e. I always keep a bottle on hand." Dout TsuUer with Coughs, Cclds, or any Throat, Chest or Lung trouble when you cau be cured eoeasily. Only 50c aud $1.00. Trial bottles free at Theo. 1 F. Kluttxa & Co's. Drug Store. Little Rock, AtIc., Jan. 23 In joint session at noon the legisla ture formally re-elected James II Berry to the United States senate. "Does this climate agree with you?" said the solicitous person."1 . "Very seldom," answered! the man of serious mien, "I'm a professional weather proph et." New York Press. How would you like to be the lucky lady buying Blue Ribbon lemon and Vanilla extracts. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as admin i trator upon i he 'estate of Frederick Waller, I hereby notify all creditors to present their claims tome for payment on or before the 29th day of December, 1901, orjthig notice'will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those who are in debted to said estate arn requested i o make settlement. JOilN J. STEWART, Dec. 28, 1900. 6 w Admr. ADMINS1TRAT0RS Sale Make Assets. to By virtue of an order obtained in the special proceeded entitled Geo. T, Carter, aUiuhnMrator of John K. Carter vs. H. N. Carter, Jerome Carter at als tl. undsrsigned as commissioner will otier for sale ttt the court houe door In Salisbury, N C, on Mon iav-, the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1004, the following described real estate: Located f in Morgan township, Rowan county, beginning at Rimer's corner, running South with Rimer's line, to Rimer's corn er in Mill line, thence East with Mills and others lino to Morgan's line, thence North with Morgan and others line to Morgan's corner,thence West in Trexler's line to the corner of the Holmes land, thence South to Holmes' corner in John E. Carter land, thence weet to the beginning containing 130 acres more or less, said land having been bought by Jdo. E. Carter from John Kirk, Wi ley Kiik et ah. The above pronert is situate about two miles from Gold ' Pi and is well tiuitered. Hour of s; Mm. Terms of sale are cash. This 2nd day of January, 1901. Geo kg e T. Carter, Commissioner. Joiin L. Bexdlemak, Att'y. OUTHlRI ..Railway. THE STANDARD 1. AIL WAY OF The South The Direct Line to All Points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Purlo lUcu STKICTIiY FIKST CLAl'H. LQUIPM 1- N ON ALL. THROUGH AND LOCAI TRAINS? PULLMAN PALACE hL.KF.P INGCARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS; PAST AND SAFE SCHEDbi F. Travel by the Southern aud you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Rates ard General InV- mation.oi addrine R. L. VERNON, r . R. DARR x , T. P. A., C f". & T. A., Charlotte, N. c Asheville, N. C. No Trouble to .n3wer Questions. Franks. Qanjon 3d v. p. Gen. aian. J. M. Culp, Traf Man, W. A Turk, g. p. a., I). WASHINOTON.C. Kortli Csroilc I'ei.i irary CoU rt, U-Ol.'Teria. linvvan Coui KvttK H. pETnEL ) Action for Divorce v from the Honda of Iattie PETnEL J Matrinony T ie Hfpndant in the above entitled nftion wiil-iake notice that tbe plain till h. commenced thin action agninst litr for the purpose of being divorced froui the bonus of matrimony and to have the marriage declared null and v id ' cause of a prior marriage of de f. ndunt. and pme is returnable to Feb r:nry ter.n of llowan S iperiir Oourf t ie name cumir.encine on the r.d on riny before the 1st Monday in March S1. At which time and place delend nnt c-in appear and answer or demur to his cjmpfaint or pla:ntiff will apply to the court for the relief oupht for in said complaint. This Dec. 8th 1900. W G. Watsos. Clerk Suw-:r Court II. I.EE WHIGnT, Atty. for Plaintiff. 6: pd ERasSfOB Hie 5 hZw&vt&f&t fool Ptirina Health Flour -BRAIN BREAD." MJRUSA MILLS. ST. ICCis. Mo. NOTICE! Any one wishing to buy a splen- did stock of dry goods, groceries, i hats,shoe3 and general merchan dise at Pool, N. C, will de well to 6ee me as I will sell in small lots or the entire stock to any on wishing to buy as I am going to c!ose my business at that place. t ,f11 Respectfully, T. J. LOFTIN, Subscribe to the Truth-Index If yon want the news. Only 10 cents per week. SCHEDULE. The following is the schedule of all passenger trains on the Southern Railway as revised Feb ruary 18th- 1900. OBTH BOUXD. No. 8 G:17 a m 80 11:04 am 12 8:00 pm Local Vestibu Local Vesstibule 33 9:80 p m 34 10:29 p m SOUTH BOUND. Vestibule Nor3SV6:55 a m "37 8112 a m Local " 11 9:35 arm f .IS Jm u 85 8:24 pm Vestibule WESTERN. No 11 leaves it 10:10 fa-' 8:40 p m 10:40 a m 7:35 p m 35 36 arrives 12 YADKIN ROAD. No 17 leaves 11:10 a m "47 " 1:30 pm ' 46 arrives 9:30 am "18 " 7:35 pm AMEKDHEIIT of the Charter of the City of Salisbury. Notice is hereby given that ap plication will be made to the next General Assembly for the passage of a law amending the charterof the city of Salisbury. S. F. Lort, Mayor. Dec. 5, 1900. RECEIVER'S NOTICE to Cred itors of the Dutch Creek Mining Company. In obedience to a judgment of the Superior Court of Rowan county, ndeed in the case of VV. Murdock Wiley andJno M. Julian, adtntrs. of J J Newman, plaintiffs, against the Dutch Creek Mining Com Dan v. de fendant, notice is herebv triven to all persons having claims against the uutch Creek Mining Company, to present the same to me properly au thenticated togeiher with anv liens on or before the 5th of Janunrv. 1901 This the 4th day of December, ll00. Wm. Murdock Wiley, Receiver of the Dutch Creek M'l'iing Company. ICTURE Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames, Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Buerbaum makes Picture. Frames. Soli ty All Dealers. SALE Of Land for Partition. By virtue of an order obtained in thespfcial proceed intr entitled O. T. Carter, II. N. Carter et an. v. Je rome Cartie, Nannie Carter, et aU, the undersiirned, as Commissioner, will offer for pale at public auction at the court houe loor in Salisbury, N. t., on Monday, 4th day of Febru ary, 1901, the following described teal estate, situate in Morgan town hip. Rowan county, beginning It h John Trexler's corner, thence wet to Bradv's line, thence South with 5rady and other line to Rimer's corner, thence with Rimer' Hue Eat to ll ol me corner, t hence nor' h to Trexler't line, thence wt to Naney Carter heirjs line, thence around said tract North to TrexlerV corner to the beginning, contMiniiig 133 acre more or !es. The above tract teinfr ihe dower ewiirtied M. F Carter, wif or the late John E ar ter and is wld subject to the same. Also another tract beglnningat Trexler's corner, running South to the Trexler corner, theuce Lait with the Kirk line to the Kirk corner. .hence South with the Kirk line to the Sholr corner, thence with Sho ber' line to the llorah land, thence with the Ho rah line North to the Trexler comer, thence west with the l ft' Air i nun iu in tnriiiuiuu, con iniinuji lii scire iuuic ur ici aiw - rH, i!llin. tha ,,rtj r r..i. taining 121 acres more or 'Ie., said Trexler, David Trexler'. heir land. Horah and Shober land and the M. F.Crter dower land. Hour of sale 12 m. Terms of sale cash. This iiVi1' U EOEGE i.VAKTER. - ...... Commissioner. Joms I Bilxdin, Att'y. FRAME 3F3 A Cyclone of Low fey "Prices th'at all opposition before U. A Great Shoe Sale started at The Burt - ".... Shoe Store Yesterda y m mm rni rig.- The Original Burt Shoo Co. stock, together with $5,000 worth of nw gooda added by the CraddockTerry Co.; of Lynchburg Va. who bought out The Bnrt Shoe Co. was thrown upon the market yesterday morning at 9 o'clock" at ' 75 GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. And this is what it mean3 All S5 0"; shoes are going at this sale at S3 75 the pair, and we have the best lines at this price the world produces All $4 00 shoes at S3 00 the Pair. All S3 10 4 it ii i t t I 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 All S3 00 All $2 f0 All S2 25 A11S2 00 All SI 75 All SI 50 All SI 25 All SI 03 All 75 111 si And all otlier goods at the same proportional p: 'ict?s. T)e great e,l .isortment at the lowest prices ever bliow'n i:i S iiUbury. Cut tli;s out and bring it with you.) TH; B?I8T shoe store, .MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, N. C. Crad'dpck -Terry Co., owners. X,jrr ON THE PEDESTAL OF POPULAR APPROVAL 3 Office at T. F. Young's. rhone 158. . JOS. DEALER IN Staple and Fancy G SELLS CHEAP FOK CASH, A Trial Order is Solicited Opposite the Alt Vernon Hotel. - 17 ' ill will sweep 2G3 2 2 1 88 1 G9 1 50 1 32 -1 13 60 75 53 4 4 m you will find the Jellico coal with everyono in Salisbury that I.ms tected its high grade " quality and economy in use. Rich and poor wiH find that they get the worth of their money in every s.uttle of coal that U used os it. gives out moro heat, leaves . less clinkers and gives out warmth and bright nes, ii. stead of clogging up $vur stove or range. SEVEN CARS just received rocenes l 9 l - J v v m r r ii i . z 4 i .