: - -Wv : v - - ' ess"" I 1 IV - -DAILY TRUTH-INDEX. And oUrl lo tba atoflee at fli fibary ST. CMiMond ilui mall mtttrr. i , publication OFncr.: ' , IN DAVIS 1 WILXT BA BCILD1XG X55I88 STRUT, lOOflt I OtnU 4.00 .... Snl-WtkJr, Oae Dollar for four wks i Par Yr. Pryr. Wi. II. STEWART. Editor ni M.u?ei. NOTICE TO PATRONS. ADT2T(sgtfivr to appear on tl.e 4ixj of publication ahoiild b delirered a. the cilice before 8:30 a. m. Aflvnrtiementa contracts! for b; the j far and order! out before expi rlun of contrnct will bo chirked trnn sUnt rates, and when time is not Kivei (lit chartv will bu for time imertt r atet will be made known ujKn appli cation. Communication of public imtr tane are solicited, but will not 15 pub lished uule the ham a of the writer a g Ten. fcubicribera are requested to notify Hih iltif: of any failure tt ffet their pa pr ; aio when change of axidres is de sired to end in both the.ojd and new a'4" in full '. pa - All communications 'should be ".treated to TUU ni-INDKX, Salisbury, N.C JANUARY 29, 1001. Th Charlotte- Observer downed tho Norfold Land mark' emeatriuy remarks com? piv?y yesterday morning. We know that we haven't paid our subscription to the Durham Herald, but that's no excuse for it abrupt atot lait week. . THE STATE UNIVERSITY. - v ' - ' ": The needs of the University a3 disclosed by President Ven able, are deservipg.of the mod serious consideration by the gentlemen of the Legis lature. W 5 know that there is much to be said against : this increased appropriation, .for tljq.finaiices ot this state do hot now permit of heavy drafts upon it. But it should de remembered that the Uni versity has long been living up jn a small amount of money and its needs are now. so great, that the old appropria tion are wholly inadequate. Xlie great objection to the LJiitve;s't'8 state aid, has bjeii ill founded, we think. We have often heard people say that they would not ap- pose state aid it tne uuiversi ty were reallyia University, if its standard of excellence were very high. They for feit hat they are the ones who are doing most tol6wer and to keep down its high stan dard.' The Unirerity is the state school, the state's insti tution, as much so as the pen itentiary and its revenues must come . from the state. We hope that the Legislature will consider ehe bill of Mr. Gattis favorably, CERYERA TO H03S0M. Text Bf Uitmt cf Spjjitij ti His Ftr- un Pmoper How would it do to inserl in tho wed ling ceremony these words: uUntil death, divorce or the devil us do part." ELEErirs mm. Subscribe to the Truth-Index If I you want tha Dews. Only 10 cents We love the W O T U, es pecially tho W., but we don'.t believe that the Kansas wing of it can hold its job with Mrs. Nation as preuideni.. Mrs. Nation says all that you need to destroy saloons, is'hatchets and votes. This, is.a slight improvement upon Diek Ciokeis baseball bat method of carrying New York, V e confess that we canm t "point with pride to the 7.000, 00(j voters that supported Mr. Bryan, when over half a mil lion more who supported Mr. Mcblinley stand out to be "pointed" at too. .'vAHarwd Student Killed. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 26. Curti L. Crane, of Brookline, was accidentally killd during a boxing match with his closest friend, George, U. Ainsorth, in the latter'i room in Graigie, Har- New'. York Special, 25tb, to.Btl timor Sun, Lieutenant -Richmond Pearson Hodbou will to-morrow laTe iha Preibyteriau Hospital, wbsre" he has bea for toTeral weeks ill from typhoid fever. ; ; The young naval conatructor tent a cable message today to Ad miral Cervera in reply to a mess age of sympathy recently received from the commander of the Span ish fleet at Santiago. 1 When Admiral Cenrera learned of the illness of him who had gal antly attempted to imprison . the Spanish warships by sinking tne Merimac, he promply expressed his regret orer the news in a mess ag dated at Madrid, December 5, 1000. Because of his weakness Lieutenant Hobson was not able, until a few days ago, to read Cer vera s message, it was: j '! am greatly afflictedjto .learn that the. fallant Hoibon is in an unhealty state. Iam praying to God to return him to healtk, and if he dies to receive him into kis presence. In addition to his cable messaga of thanks Lieutenant Hobson will in a few days, write a personal letter to his former enemy and present friend. When your correspondent called at the Presbyterian Hospital Lies tenant Hobson was preparing for a drire. His room was tilled with the perfume of fresh flowers. There was a basket of fruit on the table and near by a pile of letters from relatives, friends and admir- rs, ,I am still very weak from my long siege of sickness," said Lieu tenant Hobson, I am just learn ins; to walk: now. lam training weight howerer, and shall soon be du- SCHEDULE. W . , .... Taa CoaaarratlTa. . . . In ltOKew England waa send- e following la Cie schedule in Yankees.' Beacher. riflta andlof all Dassenser trains on the Bibl..to K.n.in M lotf " "Tuea to jnk il irM Sui. "'Thi same year tha slaTs-hoUing fioutk ! itAiy 18tk. 1000. U1TB 1WDID. 1 "M 10:20 psa , - SOUTH BODJD. Vestibule No. 83 6:55 a m " 37 8:12 am Local " 11 0:85 ax . i 7 7:55 pm Vestibmle 85 8:24 p m knWes., guns an scan lol of I Local 13 8:00 o a ftiUffau v aatawwAW vw t. M.aBW Sf SJBf slave state. Thus the Gossoon wealth of Lansas came into axis tauce through turmoil, strife and bloodshed. The territorial or pre natal condition of the Stata mad an indelible 'birth-mark upon ; its emotional and intellectual nstur-. Kansas has always been from the m m . m ..a ' a date ox its aamisson to trie Union Jfo 11 learet . 10:10 a m in 1801, phenosaentally hystoncal. tS " 8:40 p m It hat gone from the ' paroxysmal convulsions of prohibiticn- on one day into thauidiotie aontortiont and syratious of Populism I the next day, It feat been most radi cally "Republican one year, giviDg eighty theusand majority for that party, while 4novncing. with it tenssit higol ty ani intolerance, ADEllDUEUT of the Charter an ea-conr.der.te eoitieia a. of the City of Salisbury. wnrtnT of dannakinn. and annttat ' colonel to represent it in tke Unit-1 General Aasembly for. the passage of a law amending the charter of tne city of Salisbury. S. F. Lobo, Mayor. . Dec. 5, 1000. " 86" arrives II . 10:4CTam JT:t5pm TADXIN XOAD. No 17 leaves 11:10 ax M 4T 1:50 put 46 arrives 0 :S0 a m "18 " T:e5pm ed States Senate. UASIETI! KEiUII. Eur bin Ustu Slfti TTItint Utj- tin ir Sinirf. It matters not with what disease you are afflicted, yoa can br cased at home through our system of Magnetic Healing, we have pre- vurd C"Yw, tins atternoon. , i , p iiorvnrrl strong enougn to resume my rhere were, a number of Harvard tJeg ,? 6 J Students present iu mo iuu - Lieutenant Hobson said lis ex frlo.wlW nmtchtrB. and pected to leave the hoepual to r r I vYfrrrM TTq will rorn naru t o t the knockout blow was entirely khe home of a fnend S Riding unexpected. The circumstances Betrom, a banker here. an explained by the following tatemeni ma? u7 ' mi AQStlll Oil Life Of QUICK YlCtOHl. "I una snarnne with Crane. We iul snarred about three minutes Alfred Austin, the poet laura .a-hPi. 1 touched Crane with the -ite publishes a long poem enti buck of my glove upon .the face, tied "Victoria," in which bt tra it ...i. .ni,ist.fli'fi mantle--ces her life. He thus describes 11H 8UUK UllR. jtnow - i . niecH and to tjie hearth. He wa her character : .......(.miii. A doctor was sent Queen, Empresa, more than Em- f .r at arrived in eight -tninutes. press or than Queen, woiki'd on him fr half an The Lndy of the World on high hour when another physician ar- enthroned, rivedl Both doctors pronounced By right divine of duties well ful ,uin iliJ. The medical examiner filled, w.is sent tor -and the police were T be the pattern to all Queen?, notified;" v U Kings, Dr. Marshall 11, liaiiey, me ah women ana tne consciences or NCTHl The New York world says that it will print an interview its representative had with Antfinaldo. This wa3 done Sunday, we believe. There n not possibly be a 1)!?km ie in the interview, thai; that which saysone has been held with the Filipino Chief. ' Some paper snested sev eral weeks ao that the Con ressional Record containing Mr. Linney's speeches should i ...i . .i r a i ?i . rxnuutu irom iiuv mans. You couldn't do so much f.i the speeches of Senators Haw ley and Chandler. Hut they illicit be incorporated in tht Kecord as classic billingsgate. We agree thoroughly witl the Durham Herald's ters statement of the libel law and - its intent and justice. Say colleo physician, who was nrsi men called, .said Crane's- death might Who look on duty as man's only at Ton know how to enjoy. Write lave resulted from heart disease. right. Having referred to the Queen's widowhood and the experiences of her later life, Mr. Austin con tinues: at once to - . ... Tha BroiddM listiUtl if Rnlli- AMERIGUS. GA. Rirt) CtroIIit ) rj T.ra, ; Moonshiners' Yietins. T. .vitutt.io. Kv.. Januarv2i. A Jis;)atch from Jackson to tin u .. : ii.. l.l utatua i Hit. m n I And nnc and late tins nfiDDT seat JlUtlllll nitvu v... O XI 'loodv imttle with moonshiners at on wore. Rowan Countj la Baferi.r eoerf. Klkhom Creek, United States The mellow, gracious autumn Cl Katia Emamcsl, ) Aetioa for Divoree . . i i n. i .i i va. iro-i me aonoi MarslKil lom llutneiu auu iuMe- mjruaj., I Ma an if Kvixcil. i . of Ustrtanonv- man Simon nonius ere ruru uuu mis Brk, iUUlflU ourM dftfMni,ant i tha aha .;ja'nie Comba was captured b till we grew titled act lo will take notice taat nioonHhiMers. liutus woi,taii anc To deem it limitless, and nan lor rr"t'""m. I iiwtj rTSjimsasrxfl i'suj aui rHisov .a KUb ! dis"oi vii) a ti e bonds or mstrlasony Murtulitv'a decree, and now there heretofore ellrtlns beweea the rnil. ipiaininr PRflES. Ambrose Amburgy, other nien iwMi.f t.!i ti were shot ai d .vout;d-d. . a :d deraudsnt on the around of abandonment aai'the! A Budden rauness on our lives, same i) returnable lo f enrasry rerm the Herald: 'There is not nevspaper in the State that object to a law that puuishet the man or newspaper that knowingly .makes a falit statement to injure the! cbai ncter jf any person, but majority of them do'tjiink that the law as it stands.a present works to their injury A They do not ask for refwnri because they helped to .elect the Legislature or; becanlso they supported the Denrocnrt ic yarty. but ask it as slmpV juJtice, f ; Wo move ,fliat .the divorce business be taxed. It's de cidedly a' profession. Chicago, January L'7. Arthur il Barnard, tell.-r cf the Zioi Citj -ank, the priate financial insti ution iHtablished by John Alex l)oie, fouryenrs ago, disappear Saturday, " His father, Mr. hnivin ami otl.ers believe he hah been kidnapped and held for rat The ivjhc3 think it mole .rohnble that youug llarnard h j K-en held up by ryb1 ert and' pos- siblr injured seriougly it not ia- tallv.. . and we Can only bow disconsolate heads and wep And look out from our lonely hearths and 6e. fhe homeless drifting of the win " ter mist, And hear the requiem of the win ter Wind. London dispatch. ri Sill t!AU Dwlers. Howati Harler Shop. Hair cut lfc. Burt McNe.lv haa iiiotmI Ji ia shop to Kast Main St., optxj aite court house.. Workmanahip awcond to non.. Give him a trial. ParM," Jan 27. Hcently Le Petit Sou, a Sicialit journal, an- iHHUJCeU mill It wji ., jnejiaicu tv sail. uud t4 its 'subscribers at a very noiler:lH figure, being per-Hjadeii- I hut an n-fined nation was i.tuisipentf -ble to the welfare of the puUic anil thte country. The gov- ernuwV .watchevi the proceed u g of i week,and linally decidedii.g t'mta depot of arms were not safe ih fhek hands of - ihoe w.ho were only tho willing : tti ' attempt a tjup'rt'etat, seized the epJLjre lot A Cyclone of Low Prices tHat, wi) 1 sweep all opposition before it . .1,1 ' i' i ' - 7-"' A Great Shoe Sale started at The Burt Shoe Store .Yesterday Sx" o 1 mi v4 Morniriff r QECEIVED'O CDTICt to Cred itors of the, Dutch .Creekl . Mining Company; In obedience to a Judgment of the a J 5nlr ir nfTnatE; 8Prior Court of BoVan county, pared a practical course of instruc- nVTarort in tk..uaa w miv tion which will not only enable Wiley and Jno M.Jaliau,admtr9. of you to cure yourself but those J J Newman, plaintifc, against the around vou as well. Anvone who Dutch Creek Mining Company, de- can read can master our course and fendant, notice is hereby given to become . he.ler. Th. , coa.pl .grglUgj nnd flntirft noiirae is smhraced in " .wr . 7 . . , tL 'ir i"eenfc me same 10 me propeny au- eight private lessons (typewritten) thenticated together with any liens all of which we send to any address on or before the 6th of January, 1901 a an aa T m nriLS il JiL j m a i.ia upon receips Ol price, .UU.- li iuw iueo unyoi oecemMr, jwu. yon are sick or in bad health, Wm. Murdoch Wiley, through our course of instruction 'Receiver of the Dutch Crevk you can be cured : or if you are in Mining Company. the enioymeLt of good health, and desire to enter the best paying pro fession of the age, now in your op portunity. There is no disease that will not yield to this magic wand this marvelats, subtle, un seen- power that enables you to banish sickness, suffering an4 ill- luck. It has no connection, with Christian science : i is aimniv knowlege of she most modern and advanced stage of science, a tkor- ouffh and complete mnd.rstanding of nature. Not a theory, but luueroaum makes rictnre irrames. nnmnliahftl hv it a.atound the Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. -i a Lea'rn this wonderful art a. Buerbaum makes Picture Frame.. ( taught by us, and you will find Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. ! yourseii coming into a new me v-. - t and power, and will know that this Buerbaum makes Picture Frai power is able to add unto you all s you need, all you can desire, all Ba.rbanm saakee Pietare Ccai ' The Oriffinal Burt Shoe Co. stock, together , with (5,000 worth of naw goods added by the CraddockTerry Co. of Lynchburg, Va. iwho bought out The Burt Shoe Co. was thrown upon the market yesterday mornings mt 9 o'clock at i ; . ' ' - - ; - r. ;tff : . ti -r-(f. 75 .CENTS Oil THE DOLUB. And this is what it means All 05 00 shoes are going at, this gale atv 7i thje pair, and ' we have the best lines at. this price the world produces. AIl U 00 shoes at $3 (10 the Pair; All $3 50 All S3 00 AU$2 50 AU$2 25 All $2 00 All $1 75 All $1 50 All $1 25 All $1 00 All 75 263 2 2N isa 1 69 150 1 32 1 13 66 75 53 I. And alither goods at the same proportional prices. , - Tho greatest assortment at the lowest prices ver shown iu-Salisbury. Cut this out and bring it wittj you,) THE BURT SHOE STORE, . MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, Ni C. Craddock Terry Co:; owners. "r Otl THE PEDESTAL OF POPULAR APPROVAL r'4i t you will find the Jellico coal witk everyone in Salisbury , that has tested its higlf grade quality and economy in use; . Rich and poor wlll find that they get th worth of their money in evry shuttle ut coal that is used 8,8 it gives out more heat, leaves less, clinkers ness, instead of clogging- up your stove or range.- - SEVEN CARS just received Office atT. F.Yotng't., . fhone 163. . JOS. H.TJicWEELY. Staple DEALER IN 3 . 5?.! r -- WqoIH lU) "Yotis ind HitcSttt." Topeka, Kansas, Jan 27. Mrs. Carrie Nation addressed a large aud ience at the United Brethren and First Christian churches i t this city, tonight. She.nid: , 'The issue in Kansas is 'Down with the whiskey trost.' The best rocks t throw are votes. We women cannot vote, but you . men with your ballots and we women with our hatchets will clean up this awful traffic." -Mrs. Nation will probably ad dress the meetiug of the Kansas Women's Christian Temperance Cuion organization, which will be held here tomorrow, An attempt ia alIbo beinz made to have her - . speak to the Legislature ' on the subject of temperance, , Mrs. Ka tion says she- will not attempt to break up the joints in Topeka sin glehauded but if the women of Por Upnt Two houses Brooklyn 1 the town will aid her she will also two furnished rooms. Mrs start out "joint smashing tomor of Rowan Superior Court, the same commenting on the 2nd,' Monday be. fore ih lt Monday in March 1001 A nlrh time and place defendant c t api-wnr and anwtr or demur te hr complaint or plalntlfT will apply to tha court for the relief aoudHt ia sd tMmpIsint. This Janaery loth I QL Of, Und fof Partition. W , fj. w a.tot i,.., I By virtue of an order obtained , la ' Urk Snrerlor Cosrt. the special proceeding entitled O.T. J.K5 I. Ukkolima.v, ' ! I Carter, U.'rf. Carter et als. ' Je- Attorney fur Plsiatiff. 1 1 w 1 rome Oartle, NannieGartr, et als. the aaderslgned, as Ommlstooer, will offer for sale at penile auction at the court koise door in Salisbury, ary, iwi, tne mi lowing aeecnoea and FancyGroceries ? SELLS .CHEAP FOR CASH; A Trial Order is Solicited i ; jOppoilte the Mt. Vernon Hotel , Ladies, don't fail to wateh the grocery stores for Blue Ribbon lwtnuu anal vanilla extracts. G.H.Uilig. 1-24-lwk. row." ruavm nnaTrinr nil b latin UUftl ILL I.1UAIQHQC OALClN.C.on Monday. 4thday of Febro- tc i il i i i lary, iwi, tne mi lowing aeecnoa Of valuabltj Prsonal Pror ,rif Mtatei sUaaleio Uorgintown rtv. 'I hip. Rowan county, bcrlanlng with . I John Trexlers corner, theac west Pursuant to the power contained' nil n nimAa llnp. th.nr- Hrmh with the following Ueacribed f battel mortal mnA ntkonkf Una , to Rf mera Ke executed bj Tfeo-. Bringle, to I oorjier, thence with Rimer 'a line j.eph W,K.aler. dated ebraary tw. to Hoi mfi corner, theaee north a r-tr. j - - - m, . - w w - mT m m m. i iZZSEr nYThTZ. Sr Xl Trexler'a Una. theacw- wot so IftSI Rnfn tr Nancy Hrter'a heira line, thebca ofDeeds for Rowan County. : I m9nA mM in Imi. at public aucrionat theibnrt tou.el?lne io th beglpaing, nUinln hourofl3ra. r w UWDf lngine aowerswraa u. r the folllwig deeenb-i artiel- cf iHTJVt-?! aonal property, So wit: AH tke feni-1 Je VZVu?? w ture end fixtures formerly used la Us llTz "T Bar-room ia the Opera Hooae ballstiag shiea. Boatk wltk lhs Elrk lJae tt and conducted bTaoa. L. Baivgla, tk G&ohcr CTrBf f, tllfssa tTfta Cko gether with ole lsre te ftigetatot. occ fear's rfas ta tia Hcrah UzX teae heating atove. one eookiag esove, owe wtt tie Hnrak Hae SevCS So - tke nrarlj new eombineMen lock aafa ao4' Tsexlcy tOfStr, IkCSO Vd Vltt lt other artieles of persoaal pvepcm ITftxlar Haa te tha bcnaalntr. uaed - in aaidbar-room. The above ace-itaialnj ISi sersi ssora or leaw, raald eribfd property jm formerly owned 1 Ikadt .sdJolplng the laada of John d i uaeu uj j. . nwrwou a yu.. man ITrfXlfr JjavlO XTCXlSf'S SlrS Und is in s-ood condition,' -the ame'ctea I nriaK and hrtber fauMlaod the It pracfcally ".T 17. OCTtST dOWtT 1X1 d. HOOr Of C1& je ars old each, one two-Jorse wagoi. w ,Tereu of , oae set of hartieac mad one bacy. aja tod day of Jannary, lfiOl.. . JoaaraW Kasxsa sTortcajeee. OCUS3B T. Q&E5Z Wiltsx H. WooBtof , Attorney. Ouatis!os&. Janaary Stk, 1601. H&U Xtl&USi A tsSSafil ft to