DAILY TRUTH INDEX. ad Btr la to toCe at B&'tabaiy ef. C, m eood ! mall matter. PUBLICATION office: IS DIVIi WILXT BA5K BUILDING -I95I8S BTBEET, IOOoaU 88 0nUi 4JX) Sm.-Weekly, On Dollar . ft WMk. for four Wkm. - Pr Vmt. Per year. Vi. II. STEWART. Editor ani flutter. NOTICE TO PATRONS. JLvTBRTiiiMtitTt to appear on the lay of publication should be delivered at the office before 9:30 a. m. AdfertinemenU contract! for by the year and ordered out before expi ration of contract will be charged tran sient rates, and when time is not given thecharee will be for time inserted. Hates will be made known upon appli cation. Communication! of public impor tance are solicited, but will not be pub lished unless the nami of the writer is iriven. Subscribers are requested to notify the ofliee of anv failure to tret their pa lter: aluo when change of address is ue vired to send in both the old and new uJdreM in full. V ' All communications should be dressed to TKUTH-INDEX, Salisbury, N. C FEBRUARY 1, 1901. Tho only animal that Gov. Koodevelt failed to tackle on liiH wentern tour, was Mrs. Carrie Nation. Give her a rap. GENERAL VEWS- , 'Uc3ei.il Sccctei St-Jsia Topeka, Kansas, Jan. SO. Norfolk, W, Jan, 80. Ther Chief of Police Stahl an- now appear to be but-little doubt nouncwl tonight that when that .WE. IfcBee, former auperin- Mrs. Nation raided a joint Went of the Seaboard Air Li-e I 11 . i f Pi Tl ! Lerebe would arrest her w mfucctwar'M " . as to make a test case. present and general -an.ger o: . line jsiem. oincfc wr. oi. juuu a Chicago, Jan. 30. Fire this retirement CaptMcBee hai besa evening destroyed the build- performing the duties of his posi- ing at Milwaukee and Ash ai well as fulfilling his own as laud avenues, occupied by the general superintendent. The i- Continental Clothing Com- presaioo prtrails that it has al- nanv. Total loss. SI 10.000 of ready been determined to placs vch'.rh HCl nnrrent. is injured. him permanently at the head of the operating department of be lopeKa, Kansas, jan au. g y8tem. Mr. McBae is expected m - m m . T j a "t I Mrs. Uarne INauou louay or- to return to Portsmouth from ganized a hand of 46 women Tashuigton to-morrow . and it is to follow her leadership and btliared that some anLouncement assist in wiping' out "joints." will then be made. The band was organized at a mas meeting for women T Decide till Flte if tbe Bill. cailea oy 3irs. nation ana WashiLgton, Jan. SO. A con- presided over by her at the ference of Democrats and their Preibyterian church. associates of the Silver Republi D-H!, r on can faith will be held .to-morrow i' g i r e i j ai e result of the declaration yes riTiFnl cnrnnma nf frinrnT arm I J v , . lL nrr terday by Mr. Frye that he intend- groans .of pain the 75 or more ed Q pujh cou,iaeration 0, animals of all descriptions the ,hip iabgidy bill to th, ex. cuuuucu ui oagcsai nauiv v. elusion of all other business excep Bostocks Zoo, which was in by vot of the Senate. This con winter quarters in the old ferencce will determine the fate cyclorama building in. this of the bill. city, were roasted or burned If the opponents of the measure to death tonight. 1 he fire decide to continue a stiff fight and nrobablv originated from adbat the measure at great length a m u The Atlanta Journal says Senator Pettigrew is a mighty hard thinker, that he knocked hits arm out ot socket while in one of his deep studies. - TertEfti AWitsess. Intense sufferiiip !ured by witness T L Marti, . of iixietiKy, before he gave this vi In. ": I coughed evety iuighi ut.i ii my throat was uearl)' ra Y tliei tried Dr. King s New Di e-rv which j?are instant relief. I it.vr used it m my family for four v:r nd recommend it as the ?ral nn- edy for coughs.coldsand all tiaoat chest and lung trpoM-s. It will stouthe worstcoueh.ru d not only prevents but absolutely cures con sumption. Price ow ai:il f 1 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Tbeo F Kluttz fc Co8 dnig store. Subscribe to the Truth-Index If you want the news. Only 10 cents per weeki- SCHEDULE. The following is the schedule of- all passencer trains on the Southern Railway as revisad Feb ruary 18th. 1900. "VOKTH BOUND. Local No. 8 6:17 am Vestibu r " 86 11 :04 an Local 12 8:09pra VeBtibule 44 88 9:80 pm 84 10:29 p m - v w $r fe m COM it MrE. Nation is still wreck iug saloons, and now has an organized band something on tho order of the James band of out laws. She seems to be doing a nice business. A Iteuuhlican exchance says Mr. .loo (J - Id well is a very decent t-ort of a man, notwithstanding that he is a Democrat. There is no tel ling how jjood he might be if his politics were different.: w . This is a nice note to carry to the captain. It is from the Durham Herald. v44We arise to ak is the dog - tax in tended to ari.-u revenue or to l)rotect tm' sheep, for it can not bi'botli? The more d s, tho more revenue, but the more dogs the fewer sheep. ' badly insulated wire on the outside of the building. Mr. Bostock estimates his loss on animals at about $440f:00. Loss on building probably is $15,000. Boston, Jan. 30. Mis. Ma it will mean defeat at this session with the short'term remaining to pass the appropriation bills. Some of the opponents of the bill on the Democratic side feel that if the Republicans are determined to pass the bill the majority should not go further than to ry Green, who seemed to be 8tate their objction8 fully familiar with the methods of te gainst it, but Jet the Re Vru norr! M.ain f vpublictiw take the responsibility PARTITIOH Sale of Land. . By virtue of an order obtaii.ed in the special proceeding entitled Thos. C Orrell. Victria Correll, William Penn inger and wife, Anne Peuninger, vs. G D Correll and Frank Correil, the undpii?n- ed as commissioner, will offer for sale at the court house door in Sal isbury, on Maj, Fehrnary 18Qi. 1901 the following described eal estate to-wit: Beginning at a stake' on W F Hall's line where the road leading to Anderson Burk-y'sfrom J C Jo'inston crosses llu- same and runs with said road m-t ii it inter sects Mrs CheabireK lr thence with her line S 10 E to a stake in throad: thence SI E 00 poles to a stake; thence S 5 E 118 poles to a stone, her coruer; thence S 88 W 115 poles to a Btone, W F Hall's corntr; thence with his line N 2 E to the beginning, con taining 165 acres more or less, ex cept the following, which was sold on the above tract ana is now own ed by Henry Lippard, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stoue on the road leading from Renshaw's ford to Krider s mill, running W 58 poles iO a dogwood bush corner tree on F Hall s line; thence about SE 03 poles to said road join- SOUTH BOUND. Vestibule No. 83 6:66 a nr 44 4 4 8 7 8:12 a m Local 44 11 9:85 am 44 7 7:55p m Vestibule 44 85 :24 pm WESTERN. No 11 leaves it 85 ti 44 86 arrives 12 10:10 a m 8:40 p m 10:40 a m 7:85 p m YADKIN ROAD. No 17 leaves 11:10 a 44 4 7 44 1:80 p ' 46 arrives 9:80a 18 u I 7:86 p m (i ovum mental ext avngauce is something fiibuluiis. Yet, every man who was ever kicked by a nightmare while snoring over an appropria tion wants a pension, and lie generally getw it. The only way io knock tho props from under false sentiment, 2.. II... .. I' . 4 1 A A it iuw realization inai its- an expensive luxury, and you've got the freight to pay. , - - fpi" . i... ii inis oroinur wuom we quote was born in a newspa per otliee, ha lived and will die of starvation there: "Uring us some wood. Why are you waiting so long about it? Also weare need ing the corn meat, meal am: other stuir that was promisee us- e with i neea tnese things after we are dead- especial ly the wood." Hayes ville Courier. saw, wrecked a Cambridge street bar room last evening, and today was sentenced to serve a term at the house of correction. Mrs. Green not only laid the bar tender low with a plate, but also jeduced the bar ware to mbleculies, shattered several plate glass mirrors and drove the fright ened patrons of the establish ment into the wine cellar. "I'm Carrie Nation," she yelled, 44and I'll leave no rum riliop in the city when I get through." H-rliu. J in. 80. Prof. A. ;ibY, of t'lu Brliii Tech- !iiseii nocli-.-cliule, in tho course tit' a re narkale inter- view cn t4the coming electri cal revolution," which is to appear in the K rthcomr.jg number of a new technical p Tiodieal, asserts that his re- ent invention, multiplex wireless telegraphy, will prb duce a vtry great transfor- mation in existing methods. It willfbe possible,he declares, oappTy the principle to sub marine cables in such a way as to send hundreds and even thousands of messages simul taneously on the tame wire. thus enormously cheapening rates. Prof. Slaby believes that the problem of direct production of electricity from coal will be solved. Germany he predicts, will be the fore most nation of the 20th cen tury in technical production, and electricity will be the poor man's source of power and light. ABEKDHEIITof the Charter of the City of Salisbury. Noticed herebv given that ap-1 plication will le made to the next General AssmMy for the passage of a law amending the charter f the city of Salisbury . S F. Loro, Mayor. Dec. 5, 1900. RECEIVER'S NOTICE to Crd- itors of the Dutch Crtk Mining Company. In obedience to a judgment of the Superior Court of Howan eounty, rendeped in the case of W. Murdock Wiley nndJno M. JuMmii, aduitrg. of J J Newman, plaintiff, against the Dutch i rt-ek Mining Company, Ue- eudrint, notice it hereby given to A Cyclone of Low Prices that wil 1 sweep all opposition before il. A Great Shoe Sale - started at The Burt Shoe Store Yesterday - Morn in sr. tUXi The Original Burt Shoe Co. sUxik, together with $5,'000 worth of new, goods added by the Craddock-Terry Co. of Lynchburg, Va. who bought out The Burt Shoe Co. was thrown upon tin;'' market yesterday morning at J o'clock at . 75 CENTS CN THE DOLLAR. And this is what it means' All $5 0" shoes are going at this sale at $3 75 the pair, and we have the best lines at this price the world produces All $4 00 shoes at $3 00 the Pair. 4 t i . it r l i i 44 4 4 4 4 2-63. 2 2 1 88 1 69 1 no 1 32 1 13 66 75 r, 4 1 ing said Hull's land; thencn up AO one wanti an extra lewion , o Dutch Creek Wining Company, to and that will be avoided if there is j Tbe following will also be sold any possible way ot doing so. It j with the first named tracts describ n even laid that the Spooner bill ed and bounded aafollows, t-wit : will be passed in order to avoid ' Begianiug at a Cedar at Cra,if,,rd' UWIii'n I'll t I. uuoaci 5 line uiiu runiiiiit thent;ewith his line E 163 uch lession after the 4th of March, ttspubheans liaderi say . poles tu v stake Dysf)jj's corner; that they believe an extra seggion ' thence with his line, S 2 E 50 polet can be avoided. They aho Bay toastakb. thenci V162pule6 to a thattht Danocrats must decid Pi.n,Pru?SRnlme1; . , ... A . i with his hue 2 W 50 pol s to -,he whethe; they will take th. re-, bt,ginnillgf containing 50 acres sponsibility of defeating the gub-' more or less. The above described land is sit iuatedin Scotch Irish Township and is in two separate tracts. The widow's dower has been allotted to resent the same to me proterly au- nentiCHteil ttigether with any lien.s n or before theoth of January. 19U1 This the 4th day of December, 19U0. Wm. Mukdock Wiley, ;iteceiverof the Dutch Creek At iing Company. sidy bijl mid if they ars redy to taVe that responsibility then oth er necesnry legislation will be i . ...mi., a. - i ' . i pre.uriiu.y to avonian exira;h(M.in th first-immed tract and will be sold subject to said dower. IJour of Sale 12 m. Terms cash. John J. Stewart Commissioner say fou have had good VhjsiCih day olJau. (J0t. 1-I04w Why haven't you oaid . session. You trade. What's the Matter? your city tax? You contractors, ' fiQffll Carolina ) February Term, 1901 vou clerks and laborers you say i T , iji e , Rowan Countj ) In Superior courr-. rill i uuu linn ii I nil T ir gw n'vLr K.ATIB jlmanuel, ) Action iorunorce hy havent yo -paid yours? You vs. fro-i the E jnds who have been andir.fr on the Martin Kmaxckl. ) of Matrim,ny- i. i ... l i ). . i lilt; UrlrHJi:ll U llli: nunvr fli- streets, why do n t you go to work .ttled H,.tion uU, take UHtw thal ana pay onaver yours, ana aon t the idaintiff h commeri4-e'' thi- c have him looking so sour at you? tion at aini him for ihe rurio-e f He is not hard to find and he will dissolving the bonds of ?natrinnny beonly to glad to accommodate heretof.ie t xl.-tin? be.ween th anv nf vin i iq I'lainiin a u aeiei nani on inj fcll IJU1IU ,U"(MIOUIIIVU Uliv bame leturnableto February'erm Pn..n nriK u.,. X of Ilowun wporior ouri, same lie. Burt McNetly has motd his shop to East Mtin it., oppo site court houst. Workmanthip secand te none. Giyt kisi a trial. 1-1. The News stint Obervor and Morning Pose have had sever al crots fir4 rcc iiHy. Hre is a little . u -i. of the Post which is m-at and not gaudy: In reftTring to the insane criminals in tlie penitentiary, MordeeaF asserts in vester day's. Kews and Observer, evidently with confidence and without fear ( af any nort ol contradiction: "For the News and Obser ver and the criminal insane department are but a short distance apart." Rather short for a fact, but doea this indicate a purpose to plead insanity in erder to get over into the insane de partment? MAGNETIC HEALING. Part of my spring order for mat ting just received, fancy patterns ,ot all colors. Call sarly and maie insxt fall Lumbertou will be buy- a good selection. O W Wright, iug cotton iusUad of ielling it The Bond Election Fostponed. Lumberton, Jan. 29. To-day was th day on hich the citizen ri lAiino rvon were to v te on issuing bonds for electric lights,' but owing to the fact that some one had stolen the registration books no election waa held, It was first thought to be a joke som one was getting off on Reg ister W. O. Thompsonand that the booiis would be returned to him, I ut when the time came, to open the polls thev failed to turn' up. The election has been post poned for SO da) p, and the alder aien will order a new registration and election at their meeting to night. Miss Fannie. McNeely, of Wash ington, i visiting "her brother, Mr. T. C. McNeely, superinten dent of the Carolina & Northern Railroad. Gej.T. F.Toon, State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, and family left last week ft r their new home in Raleigh. Work is progressing nicely on Eterj Known Disease Cured Without Medi cine or Surge!- It matters not with what disease you are afflicted, you can be cured at home through our nysten? of Magnetic Healing. We. have pre pared a practical course of instruc tion which will not only enable you to cure yourself, but those around you as well Anyone who can read can masterour course and become a healer. The complete and entire course is embraced in eight private lessens (typewritten) all of which we send to any address upon receipt t price, fJ.UU. li you are sick or in bad health, through our ure of instructcn you can be cured ; or if you are in the enjoymei.t of good health, and desire to enter the best paying pro fession of the age, now in your op portunity. There is no disease that will not yield to this magic wand this marvelous, subtle, un seen power that enables you to banish sickness, suffering and ill- luck. It has no connection with Christian science; it is 6imply knowlege of he most modern and advanced stage of science, a thor ough and complete understanding of nature. Not a theory, but truth, and the marvelous cures ac complifihed by it astound the world, . .Learn una wonaertui art aa taught by us, and you will find yourself coming into a new life and power, and will kuow that this power is able to add unto you al you need, all you can desire, al tiat you know how to en joj. Write at once to Ik! BruJJss listititi if Htiliig. AMICUS. GA. commencing on the 2ml, Monday be fore the ls Monday in Macrt 1901 At wnich time and place deferdaiu can appear and ausuer or demur l her complaint or planum will apply o the coutt for Ihe relief sought it said complaint 'I lia January lOib , W.G. Watson' Cl'-rk Superior t?urt. John I. R xih em n. Attorney for i'biintttf. 1 ;2n 2 AliS3fO All $3 00 AU$2 50 All 2 25 All 82 00 AIU175 AH $1 50 All $1 25 All $1 0)t All 75 And all other goods at the taine proportional prices. ' The priitrRt nsKortmt'nt at the lowest prices v?r hIi .'wn iii S.ili l?i: y 0 r i i out u...t i)t ing it with you.) TH BURT SHOE STORE, MAIN STRKET, SALISBURY, N. C. Craddock T rry Co., owners. 'JUL P I CT URE (jN THE PEDESTAL OF POPULAR APPROVAL Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. iitierbamn makes Picture Frames. Iiuerbaum makes Picture Flames. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Office at T. F. vouug's. JOS. you will find the Jellico coal with everyone in yalisljury that lias teRted its high grade quality and economy in use. Rich and p.r Mill find that they get the worth of t heir tii'Miey in evry .R"utt ie of C';! that i- iiMHfl :s it tivi nl nvTe heat. leaves lens clink-tH and gives out warntth.and irif.!it-n-s. iiiKtead of cl'gjdng U your stove or range. . SliVEN OARS jUHt reee.v.Ml FRAMES DEALER IN CHATTEL 3 TGAGE LE Of vaUiai.-l- Personal Prop erty. PursuHi ! i ' I e i wtr contained in the foHv p' ! trilnd h&ttel nmrt- cuije rxt'i.'.i'U by luoa. lirnigje, to .Joseph . K i r. dated- February 26 1900 and totcri in lioofe .No. lo Pace 687 i i iliv. ffioe of th li eiter of l)eeds :ir RoHn County. The un;or Kn-d mirlga?ee will fell nt nublir hue imiat th. court . hoie doorint! town of JSalisbury at the luur of 12 in SalirSay 2Stl. flay of Jan. 1501, the follow i a descnlHl articles of ptT- gonal pron rty, to wit: All th iur ;'- Hire ami ti mm res formerly utl in tin Bar-room n the Opera Houm bn Idmr and cos.di v-.til byThu. L. Bri f3e, l -gether with one large refrigerator, ope heating t.. one cooking uv. one nearly ne a combinition lock aie and other arttci.' of peivonal property Ufed in tifidlmr-room. The alio v de cribed pmperty was forncerly vnel ap 1 uted by J. T. Harrison & Co . and i in gt d condition, the same being practically i-w, aUo two mule, four years old em-h, one two-hor.e wagon, oae mi of hartiens nd one buggy Jottftpn W KESLra V.rtgaee. Waltkh H. WooDtox, Attorney. January 5th, 1901. Staple and Fancy Groceries SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. A Trial Order is Solicited upposne tne Mt. Vernon Hotel. Soil Defers Tfec 5 K?TOtc Brceklast fcol Purines. Health Flour -BR.AIN BREAD.- KIKDU MILLS. St. lOUU, M9. SALE Of Land for Partition. By virtue of an order obtained In the npf-cial proceeding entitled O. T. Carter, If. N. t.rter et !. v. je rome t'artie, Nannie (barter, et alrtf the underit;ne, as Comrni?irnrt will offer for ale at public auction at the court houe door in Salisbury, N. t '., on Monday, 4t h dy of Fehru ry, 19()lf the following decriled e-tat, situate in Morgan town tiio, K wan county, bezinninf w ith John t'rexler's corner, tnenc went to BrdvN line, thence South with Irndy and ither line to liimer'n corner, tnence witn tutners line Ea-t to 10! corner, thence north to Trexler's line, thence . west to Nancy Ifcrter heirs line, thtnee atouiid said tract North to TrexlerV crner to the beginning, containing 133 acre more or less. The above tract being ihe dower axahrned li. F Carter, Wife of the late John E Tar ter and Is sold subject to tb aaaae, Alo another tract begioaing at Trexler'u corner, running Houth to the Trexler corner, thenc East with the Kirk line to tba Kirk corner, ehence South with the Kirk line Im the Snofer corner, ttaeac with riho-ber'- line to tbe llerab land, these with the Horah line North to the Trexler corner, thence west with lb 1 rexter nue to ine oeginnior, con tatuing 124 acres more or le. aaitj land adjoining the lands of John I rexler, David Trexlera beir? land Hnrati aud Sbober land and th It F. Curler dower land. Wovr: aata lim. Terms nf 8t'e casb Tbia 2nd a ay of January, 1901. George T. Carte. Comralmioaar. JOUS In BCVBLZMXN. AtC?. r TABUIES A Good lor 1

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