DAILY TRUTH-INDEX. And eBtered.il) tbe tofilee at Sr linv f. C. as, seond class nail matter. j . publication orncx: JS DAVIE WILXT BANK BUILDISO I5NI88 oTRKfCT. lOOeMs . B5 Oents 14.00 !ml-Weekly, Onelmllar per Week. for tour WNkl. Per Year, reryrar. - Wb. H. STEWART. Editor and .Imager. NOTICE TO PATRONS Adtiitihimiwts to appear on th day of publication should Ik? delivered at the office before 9: 30 n. m. Adfertiiument contrn-ted for bj the year and ordered out U-fore expi ration of contract will 1 charged tran sient rates, and when time i not givei the charge will 1 for time inserted. Kate will be made know n ujion appli cation. Communications of public imxr lance are solicited, but will not be pub lished unlen the samk of the writer ic given. Bubcribers an requested to notify the ofllce of any failure to get their pa per; also when change of addreHs in de aired to set-.d in both the old and new aldreM in full ' ,. pw - All eommut'icntions should be drfc.ilto TKUTIMNDEX, - Ssliabury, N. (J FKHRUAUY 8. 1901. "WITH SILKEN CORDS. i 80 EHOULO THE FISHERS OF MEN MEND THEIR NETS. Dr. Talma Warn Christiana AsalMM llnreb CrlMe'eea He !- t ll.nntalnKllnntl Strife I jp- a w v w - I Gees! ork. , WAimxfiToi. Jan. 27.-In this dis course Dr. Talma xe decrlles the gua rwl net and how It I to I repaired aft er being diimugrd; text. Matthew I v. MntnoM tlm '!) Of ZcImmUt, .Hid John, his brother. In n ship with Zcbc 1fe. thrllr father, t.ieudlii their net." "X go a-tUblng!" erled Simon IVter to Ma comrades, and the um-l of the Io ties had hand hard from listV.ng tinkle The flalnTleH of the world have always attracted attention. In the third cen tury tb" quoeu of K;rypt hud for pin money $ I7 . n reived lloin the tlnli erica of I.ke Mreii. And. If the time hould eter come when the Immensity of the world' p"Milatloii could not be fed by tin ve;: tables and meats of the laud, the ea In . an amount of auliual life that would feed all the population cf the earth and fatten them with a food that by it p'.iiwphoi-u would make a generation brainy and Intellec tual beyond anything that the world Las ever Imagined. My text take us nmong the C.illlean tishcrinen. One day Walter Seott. while hunting in an ,M drawer, found among isoine old ti s 1 1 LIJOrTui 1"", iinimt,!, .... - Lad put nwny lliere a of no worth, and who know but that today we may find aome unknown wealth of thought ,t Idle booking at the llshing tackle In tic text, it Is not a good day for fishing, an J three men are iu the bout repairing the broken fUliing net. If you arc fishing with a hook and line, and the Ash will not bite, It I a good time to put the ougler's apparatus Into better condi tion. I'erhaps the last tlsli you hauled 111 was so large that something snap ped. Or, If you were llshing with a net, there was a inlghty llounderlng of the scale or an exposed nail ou the tdde of the boat whii-h broke some of the threads and let part or all of the captives of l he deep escape Into then natural element. And hardly anything Is more provoking than to nearly land a score or a bundled of trophies' from the deep, and when you are In the full glee of haubrg In the spotted treasures, through some Imperfection of the net they splash lm k Into the wave. That Is too much of a trial of patience for most fishermen to endure, and many a man ordinarily correct of speech In Mich clrcumstunee comes to an In tensity of utterance uujustitlahlc. Therefore no good tlshcrman couslders the time wasted that Is spent lu mend lug his net. Now. the llible again and again represent Christian worker as Ushers of men. and we are all sweep ing through the sea of humanity some kind of uct. Indeed there have lieen enough nets out and enough fishermen busy to have landed the whole human race In the kingdom of Cod long be fore this. What Is the matter? The gospel Is all right, and It has been a good time for catching souls for thou sands of years. Why then the failures The trouble I with the nets, and most of them need to I mended. I propose to show you what Is the matter with most of the nets and how to mend them. In the text old Zebedee and hi two boys, James and John, were doing a food thing when they sat In the boat mending their nets. f VmmU of tbe Kfti. The trouble with many of our nets Is that the meshes are too large. If a fish ran get hi gill and half his lody through the network, he tears and rends and uoik his way out. and leaves the place through which he squirmed a tangle of broken threads. In our desire to make everything mi easy we relax." we loosen, we widen. We let men after they are once in the gospel net escas Into the world, and go Into Indulgence and swim all around Galilee, from north vide to so nth aide, and from east wide to west side, expecting that they will come tvack again. We ought to make it easy for them to get Into the klugdom of Cod, and. as" far as we rati, make it Impossible for them to get ut. The poor advice nowadays to many is: "Co and do Just as you did lief ore you were captured for Cod ami heaven. The net was not Intended to be auy re straint or any hindrance. What you did before you were a Christian do now. Co to all styles of amusement, read all the styles of book, engnge in all the styles 'Lf lehavlor as before you were converted." And o. through these meshes of permission and laxity they wriggle out. through this opening and that opining, tearing the net as they go. and soon all the souls that we expected ta land In heaven before we know It are back In the deep tea of the prorld. Oh. tvhen we go n-goiel llsh ing, let us make It as easy as possible ar souts to gft in and a hard as pos sible to get out. la the Bible language an unmeaning Terblage when It talks about elf de nial, and keeping the body under, and about walking the narrow way. and entering the strait gate and about car rying the cross? Is there to be no way of telling whether a man is a Chris tian except by bis taking the com munion chalice on sacramental day? May a man be as reckless about his thoughts, about his words, sbout bis temper, sbout his amusements, after conversion as before? Alas, the words of Christ are so little heeded when he said. " Whosoever doth, not bear hia cross and come after me cannot be my disciple." The cbnrcb Is fast becoming as bad as the world, and when It gets had as the world it will be worse than the world by so much, as It will add hypocrisy of a most appalling kind to Its other defects. Ree Fr All. Furthermore, many of onr neta art torn to pieces by being entangled with other nets. It Is a sad sight to see nsn- erraen tlghtlug about sea room, and pull ing In opposite directions each to get hi net. oth nets damaged by the struggle and losing all the fish. In this land, where there are more than 70. OOO.OOO people, there are at least 30, 000,000 not In the Sunday schools and churclies. In such an Atlantic ocean of opportunity there Is room for all the nets and all the boats and all the fishermen and for millions moreTbere should be no rivalry between cburcbea. Each one does a work peculiar to It self. Hut there are cities In this conn try where there Is now going on an awful ripping uud rending and tearing of fishing nets. Indeed all over Chris tendom at this time there Is a great war going on between fishermen, min isters against ministers. Now, I have noticed a man cannot fish and fight at the same time. He either neglect his net or his musket It Is amazing how much time some of the fishermen have to look after other fishermen. It Is more than 1 cau do to take care of my own net. You see the wind Is Just right, and it Is such a good time for llshing. and the fish are coming In so rapidly that I have to keep my eye and hand busy. There are about 2o0,00O,(o0 souls wanting to get Into the kingdom of Cod. and it will require all the nets and all the fisher men of Christendom to safely land them. Oh, brethren of the ministry, let us spend our time iu fishing Instead of lighting. Rut lf I angrily jerk my net across your net. and you jerk your net angrily across mine, we will soon have two broken nets and no fish. The French revolution nearly destroyed the French fisheries, ami ecclesiastical war Is the worst thing possible while haul ing soul into the kingdom. My friends, I notice in the text that Jam', the son of Zebedee, and John, hi brother, were busy not mending somebody else's nets, but mending their own .nets, and I rather thiuk that we who are engaged In Christian work In this opening cen tury will require all our spare time to mend our own nets. " Cod help us In the Important duty! Need of Co in man Sena. In this work of repair we need to put sense, ucu w e eaii prVwiift -rengmu as a great practicality, we will catch a hundred souls where now we catch one. Tresent religion as an Intellectu ality, and we will fall. Out iu the fish eries there are set across the waters what are tailed gill net, and the fish put thejr head through the meshes and then cannot withdraw them, because they ar, caught by the gills. .i!t gill nets cannot be of any service in reli gious wink. Men are never caught for the truth by their heads; it i by the heart or not at all No argument ever saved a mau. and no keen analysis ever brought a man into the kingdom of God. Heart - work, not head work. Away with your gill uets! Sympathy, helpfulness, consolation, love, are the names of some of the threads that we need to weave In our gospel nets when we are mending them. Do you kuow that the world's heart Is bursting with trouble, and if you could make that world believe that the lellgiou of Jesus Christ is a soothing oniulpoit-nce the whole world would surrender tomorrow yea. would sur render this hour. The day before James A. Garfield was inaugurated as president I was In the cars going from Uichmoud to Washington. A gentle man seated near to me In the cars knew me. and we were soon In famil iar conversation. It was just after a bereavement, and I was speaking to him from an overburdened heart about the sorrow I was suffering. Looking at his cheerful face. 1 said: "I guess you have escaped all trouble. I should Judge from your countenance that yon have come through free from all mis fortune." Then he looked at me with a look I shall never forget and whis pered In my ear: "Sir. you know noth ing about trouble. My wife has Jiecn Iu an Insane asylum for 15 years." And then he turned and looked out of the window and Into the night with a si lence I was too overpowered to break. That va another Illustration of th fact tlist no one escapes trouble. Why. that man seated uext to you In church has on his sctil a weight compared with which n mountslu Is a feather. That woman seated next to you In church has a grief, the recital of which would make your body, mind and soul shud der. The Silken Thread. J When you are mending your net for this wide, deep sea of humanity, take out that wire thread of criticltm and that horsehair thread of harshness and put in a soft silken thread of Christian sympathy. Yea. when 'you are mend ing your nets tear out thoee old threads of ?ruffueM ami weave In a few thread of ixOitenen sud genial ity. In tbe house of tiod let all Chris tian flues Uatn with a look that means welcome. Say "Uood morning" to the traupt r as he enters your pew. and at the vIihm shake hands with him and say. "How did you like tbe music?" Why. you would be to that a man a panel of the door of heaven; you would be to him a note of the doxology that seraphs sing when a new soul enters heaven. 1 have in other days entered a pew in church and tbe woman at the other end of the pew looked at me as much as to ay: How dare yoa? This Is my ew aud 1 iay the rent for it!" Well. 1 crouched In the other corner and made myself as small as possible and felt as though I had been stealing something. So there are people who have a sharp edge to their religion, and they act as though they thought most people had been elected to be damned and they were glad of it. Oh. let us brighten up onr manner and appear In feDtlemanllncss or ladyhood. The object In By fishing Is to throw the fly fsr oat. and then kt it drop gently down and keep It gently rising and falling with the waters, and no plunge It like a man-of-war's soccer. and abruptness and hsrshne of man ner must be s voided In onr attempt at nsefulnees. I know a man fa New- York who Is more sunshiny and genial when be has dyspepsia than w bra he Is not suffering fnm tbst depressing trouble. I have found out bis secret. When be starts out in the morning with such depression, be asks fer spe cial grace to keep from snapping up anybody tlat day, and pats forth addi tional determination to be kindly and genlaL and by the blp of God he ac complishes it. Many of our nets need to be mended In these respects, the black threads and the rongb threads taken out. sod the bright threads and the golden threads of Christian genial ity woven In. In addition to this we need to mend our nets with more threads of patience. It is no rare thing for a fisherman to spend one whole day before be can take a St. Lawrence pike, or an Ohio salmon, or a Long Island pickerel, or a Cayuga black bass, or a Delaware cat fish, and be does that day after day without particular discouragement. But what, a lack of patience if we do not immediately succeed in soul catch ing. We are apt to giv it up ami say, "I will never try again." Into all our nets we need to weave all along the edge and all through the center great, long stout threads of Christian patience. How patient God has been with us! Can we not be patient with our fellows V Tbreadi f Fmitk. Again, In mending our nets we need also to put in the threads of faith and tear out all the tangled meshes of unbelief. Our work is successful ac cording to our faith. The man who believes in only half a Bible, or the Bible in spots: the man who thinks be cannot persuade others; the man who halts, doubting about this and doubting about that, will be a failure ! In Christian work. Show me the man who rather thinks that the garden of Eden may have been an allegory, and la not quite certain but that there may be another chance after death, and does not know whether or not the Bible Is inspired, and I tell yon that man for soul saving is a poor stick. Faith In God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost and the absolute neces sity of a regenerated heart In order to see God in peace is one thread you must have' In your mending net or you will never be a successful fisher for men. Why, how can you doubt? Tbe rottenest thread to tear oat of yoor net is unbelief, and the most Important thread that you are to put in it is faith. Faith In God. triumphant faith, everlasting faith. Oh. this Important work of mending our nets! If we eoqla get our nets right, we would accomplish more In soul saving in the next year than we have in the last 20 years. But where shall we get them mended? Just where old Zebedee and his two boys mended their nets where you are. James and were not flshtujp for funTas you atKTl do in summer time. It was their live lihood and that of their families. They mended their nets where they were In the ship. "Oh." says some one. "I mean to get my net mended, and 1 will go down to the public library, and 1 will see what the scientists say about evo lution aud about tbe 'survival of the fittest.' and I will read np what the theologiaus say shout 'advanced thought.' I will leave the ship s while, and I will go ashore and stay there till my net Is mended." Do that, my broth er, and you will have no net left. In stead of their helping you mend your net they will steal the pieces that re main. Better stay In tbe gospel boat, where you have all the means for mending your net. What are they, do you ask. I answer all you need you have where you are namely, a Rible and a place to pray. The more you study evolution and adopt what is call ed advanced thought the more useless you will I. Stay In the ship and mend your net. That is where James, the son of Zebedee,and John, his broth er, staid. That is where all who get their nets mended stay. Avid DeaMiaatlnnI Strife. I notice that all who leave the goypel boat and go ashore to mend their nets stay there, or. If they try again to fish, they do not catch anything. Get out of the gospel boat and co up into the world to tft rour net raeuded. aud rmi will live to ee the day when you will - leading to Anderson Buckey's from feel like the man who. baring forsaken J C Johnston crosses tbe same and ChriAtlaultT. glebed, "i ' would rive a;rui:svuih .;)! road uDtil it inter thousan.l poumls to feel as 1 did In ! p M , H t heshin 8 line ; thence 1820" The time will come when you - wit, j:pr JM ,. v; 10 h: to ft sti,ke in would ie willing to jrive a tnouwmu pounds to ferl as you did in 1901 Theae torn who have jr?ven up their re liglon cHDuot help yoo a bit. The- drar brethren of all denomina tlona. a dieted with theological ndjretv j had better go to nx-ndtng nets instead! of brvaklrg them.. Before they break op the old religion iet tbem go through some great nacrtflcr for God that will frove them worthy e-f auvh a work. 1 taking tbe advice of Talleyrand to a man who wanted to upset the religion of Jesus CtirUt and mart a new one.: when he mi id. tIo and be crucified and then rale yourself frota th grave the o8 pole- . j d ; wood bush orner third dayf Thoae who propwse t 'tree on A" K Hall's line; thence mend their neta by secular and akep-j about w p d-s said ruac j. in tical books are like a man who haa:iK Paiu !H;l-? lua; then, e t:p Ju.t one week for fishing and lx f . Ke,!ghjU ; u rd to the beginning, win n-' VS. IT ?- leaai! content: u about 7f acres m rvlr N alton "Complete Angler. and , 4 Wbeatleya-BodaiK! Unaml Scott't - r .. ... . "Fiahlng la XorUra Watera." and! The f ib wiug will also be sold rullcuan'a Vad lleeum f Flj riab- 'withtb first named trscts cie crib- Ing For lYout," and then m Satn. led aud b unded as follows, t -wit : day mot-wing, hia lattt day out, goes i : Beginning at a Cedar at Cran ordV tU river to ply ala art; but that day 'corner on W A Luckev's liu and the dab will Mt bite, aad hit .m Sat- j runni,,g tl,,.u.:e ith his line lGJi empty basket. Alas! alas! If, when the Saturday night of oar life dreps on oe. It shall-be foniKi that w. kw. oar time In the lihrarie mt wsridw phUoeophy trying to mead onr neta, and we bars only a few sonls to rerart as brought to Uod threuga oor htstrn - . . n"i7. wane some bumble ffoepej 'IMwrm. bhi hbrary made up of a ,Dle and manac. haU a borne much wim me rerninn. ni trooniw au the souls within 15 mile of his log cabin meeting L.ne. Tfce Rlsker CsTvaa. In the tine of great rbanei la Naples In llHU. k'.a.anietlo. a ba: - e - footed fisL-u bo.r, ort;-p-.i h'w Ihtmg rod. and bv raue luaaxetlaniUook command of that city of GOO.OOO souls. He took of his fishing Jacket and put an a robe of gok: i. v. - : ence of bowling mobs. lie ; ;t i .-. band on ! kk Up as a signal a nc ivy :e t-llcnL j He waved his bsuu ,i -v; v t . m lum tuu l j icureu to lul if rt..;.-. Al . i . . . . . - mles passed la review LiT.re- : !. He became the nation's l L 'ii. rapid rise and complete sup ;.-twy. i that yonng fisherman, Massac .10. :..ive no parallel In all history. I'm s.:.r thing equal to that and tx-tti :i:ac t: : is; an everyday occurrence in Lea.nu. God takes some o? those who !i this -vcc'.d were fishers of men ar. : v. 'to :o;l ! rery nuinnly. opt becatiht- ol the way they mended their neta c:.i '-mployed their nets after they were mended, be suddenly hohfts them and robes them and scepters them and crowns them and makes them rulers over -many' cities, and be marches' armies of wived ones before them in review Massa niellos unbonored on earth but radiated hi heaven. Tbe fisher boy of Naples soon lost his power, but those p?opie f God who have kept their nets mend ed and rigb'ly swung them shall never lose their exalted place, but shall reign foreTer and ever aud ever. Keep that reward In sight. But do not spend your tim rVh!ng with hook and line. Why did not Jr.mes. the son of Zebedee, sit on the wharf at Cana. his feet hanging over the lake, and with a long pole and a worm ou the hook dipped into the wave wait for some mullet to swim up aud be caught? Why did not Zebedee ppend his after noon trving to catch one eel? No. that r work was too slow. These men were not tneudiug a hook and ine: they were mending their n: - .o !et the church of God uct be center. t with hav I ing here one soul and i:i,ri ;::;n!h an other soul brought int. t kin;;.lom. Sweep all the seas with u- ts. scoop nets, seine nets, drag nets, all eueom i passing nets, and take the treasures in by hundreds and thousands aud mil lions, and nations will be born in a i day and the hemispheres quake with I the tread of a ransoming God. Do you know what will be the two most tre mendous hours In our heavenly extst- i ence? Among the quadrillions of ages which shall roll on what two occasions will be to us the greatest? The day of our arrival there will be to us one otA the two greatest. The second greatest. I think, will lie the day when we shall have put In parallel lines before us what Christ did for us and what we did for Christ, the one so great, the other so little. That will be the only embarrassment in heaven. My Lord and my God. what will wejlo and win:: will we say when on one sid are placed the Saviour's great sacrifices for us and our small sacrifices t'u him his exile, his humiliation, his ajronies on one hand and our nonr. weak. i:isulli- t dent sacrifices on the other? To make ! the contrast less overwhelming let us quickly mend our nets. aud. like the Gaiihau fishermen, may we lie divine ly helped to cast them on the. right side f the ship. Copyright. 1001. by Louis K!ops h.; $500 REWARD! AVpw-ILL dhv the d'oovp f. tin. Sick Headache. Indigestion. Cor Rtipation or Costivoress .v r .rm.. cure with Livprita. the up-to-dat !t tle liver pill, when the direstioi ? are strictly eomplied with. They are p;s. Ij vegetable rind never fail to civ-1 r-at-ifction. 25c boxes contain 100 p i' 10c box-- contain 40 pills. 5c boe con tain 15 pilU Beware of substitution? and imitat ion, sent by mail. Stamps, token. NKUVTTA MEDICAL C . Cor. Clif'ton Hid Jackson St-.. C hic.n Ko. III. For pa"- by T. F. Kiuttz. Co Drus?tri9ts ' burv. N. f PARTITION falff of Lan-I. By virtue of un order obt.-n'-ed in the special proceeling entitled Tho. C Correll, Victoria Correli. William Penninger and wife. Anne Penninger, vs. GDC rre!l and Frank Correll, thf uiider-ogn-ed ns commissioner, will offe for 8h' at thecourt house door in Sal isbury, on Htuflij, Ffery 18111, .'801 1 ,o f .-... p described rfal -m'-to-wit : Beginning at aetake on W.F Hall's line where the road t h" road : to s stai-.' to ) S 8b w l : ' h -nee SI E 60 poles I ence S 5 E '118 poles her comer; thence S i e-3 4u it. tslt. lit-. VY t -I- ; thence uitj hi E t. the bMiiinimr c i - Haii line t i 1 1 i t . p. Go res nmre :r ex cept ti e ol. owing, thich wa- .!,; otl the ove i ract nd is nov sV ti ed by H :, Lippard, boutu d r follows : Keiiicii g at a stone on the r:o ing from Renhaw'p ford to Kririf r's mill, running Y thence with bii line. S 2 h ot, pole " aauiKe upi c? io pon i to a Pine " Crafords line; t ience 'vith hi- line N 2W 50 pol.s o ,he begin t;jr;g. containing OU acres ; more or "e--. i t i. ..i j :i i i i oe uencnuvti mnu uated in S-otch . Irish Toaehip and i in two separate tracts. The ; widow' tiower has been aHott-d to hr in the first named traci and wi,, guhject to 6aid dower. n i , 'rr l HoUrul ule 12 M Terms cash. 1 JHX J. STEWABT j Commissioner ' This ICth day ol Jan. 1901. l-104w SCHEDULE. 4 . Tin- following is the schedule of - all passenger trains on the Southern Railway as reviffd T eh. ruarv 18th- 1900. VoRTH BOCNI. Local No. 8 6:17 a in Vestibu.-i " 8G 11 :04 a-m Local 12 8:09 p m Vestibule " 83 0:H0pm " Jtt 10:20 p ui POUTH ,BOUM. Vestibule N 0:5 a m 87 8:12 a m 11 9; 35 a m 7 7 :55 p m 8o 8 :24 p m it Vesti!nl WESTERN. No 11 44 85 leaves it 10:10 a m 8 :40 p in 10 :40 a m 7 :85 p in it 80 arrives 12 44 YADKIN ROAD. No 17 leaves 11:10am 4 47 44 1:80 p m 4 46 arrives 9:30 am 44 1 8 4 4 7 : 35 pm ABIEKDMEHT of the Charter of the City of Salisbury. Notice is. hereby given that ap plication will be made to the next General Assfinhlv for tbe passage of a b'.w nni"?ding t he charter of the city of Salisbury . S F. Lord, Mavor. Dec. 5. 1900. RECElVcR'ci i-iiJTsCt to ml- itors of the Dutch Creek Mining ('oinuan. In obedience to a judgment of the Superior Curt of Rowan county, remle el in the case of W . M unlock Wiley iimiJno .M. Julian, adtutrs. of J J eMiiHii, plnim lit"-, against the Dutch t n ek .u mini; ( .m any, le lemlant, notice i- hfit by given to all person- In vinjr ci ini- HgHiitM the Dutch tSreek .:itiiiig Com .-any, to resent th saiue n me properly au thenica!ei together wiinany lien- ji or beiore tlieoth of Janmry, 11)0! This the 4tli ilay of December. 1900. Wjvi. Murdoch w ii.ey, ;; Receiver of the Dutch Cre.k M'.-iing Company. Buerbhiim. makes Picture Frames. btHTrmuui mak'iii l iclure Flumes. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Buerbaum makes Picture Frames. Sill Sv'!t !?ibr. Of I.atol tr Partition. By virhjpof n order .ht4jned in tbepcial on i p ir e:-i f t r!rtrfpr. H. N. 'ar!er et -d-. x. , -rme t'artif, n'i'" ' 'i-V"-,- ft -.il-. tb umlerxivrtM I, 'ti-i'?ie r. will offer for sho? n' i u .1 noc.iy,:: at the urt houi" m or tti l-mrv, X. ? on Mondav. t li :y of l-Vliru Mrv. Hi, the f'H vuM-.' le-eri!ie(i i-mI e-ot", 't n-o in Inrn 'iwn- '1 1- RoV;l f ci'tiiit V, lc rjnnlijr jt h John Trex er etirner, .thenc" uf! tti Brady' 'ine, tbenee sinth with Trdy and tber. line to Rimer' corner, tbence ui'h liimet' line Ka.-t to I lolme- e rrter, t henci nor b to Trexler' liin. tbeni-e we-t to Vhih'V t'rfer's leirs lit e, trienee -tnninl -aid tr-tft X'-rtb n, Trexler'- ; eriier to ttie t)egiT,nit:g, mt Hinin j '- :TC- Hinrp or lt -.1 tret liti; ih ilou er"Hijfned M. V) farter, wifof f b iat John K. f 'ar-! tr md(J is ol( ui."t to 1 1 -satu, ! Alo atmfher trnct liimi'g at ! TrexlerV corner, runntnir iuth to! the Trexlercorin-r, th-j.e Knt wit;; the Kirk line fo ihc Kl"k e-irne, i sheno Sottlii u ilii the K;rk lint to tbf S'tof er orier. th iiC' vith Sht br'-line to tbe Mnrli bind, 'thenc j with tb H-r-il lin North tf the Trexler con. er, thence 'itt it hi he Trexler lit fo tbe lieirinnin, co;r-j tsitUUET 124 Mere- more or le, -d'dj lan fMljointr'g the Imii of John I rexler, l av'nl TrexierS bejr- land, Horab Htifi Sholier lattd and the M. F. terser rbmer lrtnl. Mwz sale 12 in Terms of .-i cash ThU ti any of Jahti-ry, J C-KOltfiK T CaiItf.i:, i Coin nii inner. John L. Henuleman, Aii'y. mm A Uaadri Ageacj at Speacar- Messrs. Dr. J. S. Bryan and J. C Henley, of Spencer, have b c me n gents for the Leon Steam Laundry, of Chariotte. A basket will be left at Dr. Bryan's drug store to r-ceive all kinds of wash able frabrics. where also orders can be left to call for and deliver articles. Basket will b shipid Wednesdays and returned on Fri days. Orders may also be bftj at J. C. Henlev's stables. Desserts flavored with Blue Rtb botv lemon" aid -vanilla extract a ar appetizing. Have vou tr ltd h:o Ribn : lemon and vanilla? If not you ha e missed two good thing. The increaaed Blue Ribbon lemon hows they are best. demand for and vanilla, ON THE PEDESTAL OF POPULAR APPROVAL ' Office at T V. xounff'p. Phone ld-'i JOS. DKALER IN Staple ana Fancy Groceries SELLS-CHEAP FOR GASH. . ! A Trial Order is. Solicited i . Opposite the Mt. Vernon Hotel. WE FOR MOTHERS. The F-"i-i immediately following chlW-birth is frsogbt whh many dxnr-. The strength has been used In the painful ordeal throofh wbkii the mother Xs pissed and she finds herself helpless sad weakjeei. Many mothers, like Mrs. Ford, dstc the berinalnr ci their ii!n from the birth of their child. Indeed the frequent spectacle of healthy young woman becoming a chronic taralid sxter motherhood is one of the tragedies of life. All this k unneces sary, whea Wine ot Cardui is obuinafcle. It rehabilitates the 13 snauer. a nervous system, strengthens the organs and ligamccts, and re-establfcues a healthy, natural condition- -m savfrjg y.-ar of chronic sickness and suffering, wine of Cardui taken )ust before confinement jrrtl! render the ordeal comparatively painless. It wiii re-enforcc and strengthen the organs for thir work. For every trying crisis in a woman's life. Wine of Cardui L the medicine to take- Ask your druggist for Wine of Cardui and take no substitute. If one is offered send 51-00 for a bottle to the Chatta nooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga. Term. frf-l WINEo'CARDUI . ' . ClarKon, Ark., Jnlr 70, 18W. After my baby was born I took the whtUs and falling of th womb, and was in a vary du rcrous oonditt . I rd on of tmi hnm. croatraent boo It, and eommenoed to treat with M toe of Cardui and Black-Draarat. I am thankful for what the medicine did for me, and 1 am bow In better health than I have been for a long time. Mrs. MA&UaKET POKD. for edriee In emMi reealrtac pe el ai airecUune. eddre, sirtnc srup torn. -The INdla Adrlaory Dep&rV aieut," The CbattMOoce Medicine CeM Caauaaoog a, Tenn. Boctors flmd A Goocll -.a- 'e-sciriptioii SOT AWflBaa's Aifol Peril. "There is only one chsnce to save your life and that ia through an operation" were the startin g words heard by Mrs V H Hunt, of Lime Ridge. V'ie., from her doc tor after h nad vainly tried to enro her 'of a frightful ens f siorriach trouble and yellow jann dicel Gallstones had formed nd she conn.'tiitSy grew worn. Then rih 'began, to use Electric Bitt"- which .who' !y cured hvr. It's wonderful stomach, liver tjul kid ney remedy. Cures dysp-piu, loss of Hrptit, .Try il. 'Oniv'&o m G'iriraute!. For sale by Th'eo.F Kiuttz & Co druggist. FOR SALE A good cheap hand wheel. Antrim second mis oiuce. W iat g es into the home must b's pure. Bine Ribbon ienuu, vantlta are delicious. pure, whois nie and you will find the Jellieo cn everyone in Salisbury tint v iih tested its-high grade quality and economy in use. Rich and poor will find that they get the worth of their money iu every scuttle of coal that is used as it gives out more heat, leaves less clinkera and gives out warmth and bright ness, instead of clogging up your stove or range. SEVEN CARS just received H. RII1EELY. 31 mreelf art 4