YOL. I NO. U. SALISBURY, N C THUIISUY EVENING, DECK31BKR 10, 1891. PR I rE FIVE t A DAY IN SALISBURY. A It ECO R D OP T HE PAST T WEN TY-FOUU HOURS. Sial Events and Matters of Interest th ! City and Vicinity. - ' -- -I A heavy frost this morning. The weather still continues beaui fciful and bright. ' ' ' y ' Read Marsh & Krider' a rip w ladi vertisement in this issue. Tl bey have something good to' say. The Daily Herald has a larger inbscripcien list than any other paper in Salisbury and is a splen did advertising medium; We understand a certain young man in the city will "introduce a new style of winter neck wear next Sunday by comiug out' in a now white tie. Work 011 the Baptist parsonage is moving along rapidly and will be completed this week. Kev. N. S. Jones, the pastor, will move into the new building next Tuesday. "It. will rain before tomorrow night" was.a remark overheard at the depot this morning. We don't lay a wager on the statement coming true but it may do so, if it should accidentally cloud up. The man who killed himself at Newton Monday was Purnell Elli ott instead of Joe as first learned, nd the shooting was the result of careles-dy handling a pistol. It was therefore accidental. The St. Ccelia society will hold an entertiainment at the residence of M r. A. II, Boyden tomorrow evenings ;A novel and entertain j yiLffTTramsr-rneocietv are cor dially invited to attend. Thau kg to the finer sensibilities of, our young men the regulator system has passed into the realms of innocuous desuetude. The past few nights have been spent in pleas ant quietude and the soft mellow ravsi of a lovely moon have shed its light upon a peaceful and' un disturbed people. Thanks. Mr. M. P. Moller, a representa tive of the Church and Concert Organ Company, of Hagerstown, Md., was in the city Tuesday mak ing arrangements with the mem bers of the Lutheran church to build their new organ.- , A drawing of the organ with the dimensions and other specifications were given Mr. Moller who promises to have the instrument ready by February. On trial yesterday evening Max Chambers was fined $30 for carry ing a concealed weapon and $5. for assault on Prof. Goler. To this was added the cost which raised the amount to $37.50. Last night, his girl, Iola Coofc, was sent to Con cord by private conveyance, where she wasmet by Prof. Goler and taken to her home at Birmingham, Ala. Max was on the lookout, but missed his girl. He swears now that he will have her yet. Look Out. J. B. Sheets has been remodeling his store room and filling it up with a nice line of fresh t groce ries and Christmas goods. These goods are going to be sold by the first of Januarry, so he can fill again for the new year. He is going to make nrices to suit rich ana poor he is go iDg to sell during the remainder-of this year, n you are poor ana nave no money go and .see him, he will ve vou some time. All customers clear of my books at New Years will 1 3 given a nice present; M. S. BROWN ASSIGNS. Salisbury's Largest Clothier Closed Ills Doors this Morningund Assigns forth Benefit of His Creditors. Last Friday morning our.. city was startled by the announcement that H. & L. Wright, clothing dealers, had made an assignment, and tbej were further startled this morning by the announcement that M. Sr Brown had closed1 his doors and made an assignment r for- the benefit of his creditors. ' For ten years Mr. Brown-has conducted the largest clothing buse in the city, and has done a good business; .but owing to dull trade and 4the .stringency of the money market,, was forced to as sign in order to save his creditors. His assets are about $28,000 and liabilities $22,000. The preferred creditors are W. B. Smoot, $50 for clerk hire; T. B. Brown, $425 for clerk hire ; R. J. Holmes, $400; First Natioual Bank, 850; " Mrs. E. A. Holmesy $600; Davis & Wiley Bank, $700: O D. Davis, -700; O. D. Davis, agent for the Summertll fund, $300; Mrs. E. W. Brown, $1,000; T. B. Brown, $459; Ella. W. Brown, $300; Mrs. Lizzie Jones, $654; Brown, Over man & Williamson, $254. Creditors of the second and third clas3 embrace the largest majority of the liabilities. c t , . . . From the si&all amount of pre ferred creditors! and the fact that the assets are largely in excess of liabilities, it is believed that all debts will be paid in full.- The assignment was made to Messrs. Kerr Craige and Lee S. Overman.' A Liberal Donation, r This morning Mr. G. W. Wright ' "wiy-v Katij .ixui 'OU1U ; Ul, pUipili cbairj to th tjrg . - . lO ntt tit t. ho ninor . - ? ,. uja, into in vr jiuerai donation or tne Kino mauvin s0t;t. V Kjnonury, ior many years. The .,tI8t nhnr , at this place is in a st&w , f Pros- est manifested by the memberKv Another in View. A certain young lady in town, whose life of single blessedness ends . with the closing year, was out this week choosing her best ladies maids to serve at her mar riage. She called : at the home ofi one she desired but not finding herj in, told the other members of the family, if she faiUd to get her sh had another in view. The bility is she will get the since this fact is know Death of An Aged X Early this morn saddened bv the death of at her horn She died after a whicl pner Br pai kin ten ToW honeV anyon account what th I thy r f f ley? r 4 ICS AND VISITORS. ra a: nd Go and Get Their In the Paper. Rev, F, J. ast night. urdoch returned home I Mr. F. Arendell returned from Kaieigh! day. Hon. L. Overman returned last night frdi Greensboro. . Mr. G. Biard left todav for Charlotte on al short business trip. Capti B. H.Kewland, of Lenoir, speut last nighj at the Mt. Vernon 1 hotel. Mr. Walter d'Neil came up this morning from louroeand returned on the. noon trttn. Mr. Sadler Brown came down from Ashevilie ijist night and will spend a few daya at home. Mrs. W. S. Prost left today for Norwood to spend a few days with her friend, Mrs;Wagouer. Mr. Harry McCoy left early this morning for a several days business tour to Montgomery courity. Mr. J. N. Maxwell came over from' Danville last night and will spend a few days in the city. r . Mr. C. M. Cook left today for Concord to visit the bedside of his father, who is lying quite sick at that place. Mr. Coulter, State Secretary : of the Y. M. C. A. is in the city, and will meet with the members at. their hall this evening at 8 o'clock ; A attendance of members i& desired Mr.and Mrs. G. S. Watte the parents of Mrs. C B. King accompanied by their daughter, MissA. GCiWatts, ar- HOME FO - w People Who rrna a tewyVith'evVPiRWUaA- at. fi rtV.lftftk.Wr niaht at" "King, ' 1 . , - . - 'Sheriff Monroe left fkr au! arle today in -charge 0f ,-".- wno was arrested hert- j?l8rattJ lor'Bhooting. Will-Cha vers near New- Xond6n aboKt a ujuiicn ago. A Nobby Clothing Ketablishment. r. T. L. Rodgers, manager ofi the Macadam work, yesterday i-1 cided to open a clothing hfiue, with the public fountain as the scene or nis operations, lo ue-1 cide was to act, and by 3 o'clock in the evening he had the entire rock around the fountain strung with about fifty coats and vests. The display was quite nobby, and drew the attention of-every body passing. His sales did not amount to much until late in the evening, when a placard was placed npou the coats announcing that thsy were closing out at cost. This caught the eyes of I. Lichten8tein aud Jule Whieh ard as they were meandering by in quest of a cigar, whn they decided to examine the stock and, if ' a suitable fit could be had would make a purchase. They were not long: in picking out several stylish looking coats and in a jiffy were trying them on. Lichtenstein made a dozen comical gyratory mo tions in getting in his, which $J amused Whichard that he tore o sleeve-entirely out of the coat had selected. This ridiculous the uatiou in turn so excited the fBX bility of Lichteustein that hhfnhX bursted open on the back som oat on: the. order of a spring e showing' to disadvantage ;ar ' .slit in liisUast year's unn u A feWminutes later theyvrwear rested by the police who i , ..took them for two , tramps and dif v - , - -, .! not dis cover the.mi8take unti r .fined a dollar and cost wre , A fri. for disorder ly conduct. They . , - r . , , k V .'. laid"the bill cbeertuny but promise X , , ' . fled in the fu ture to keep shy of : , --Id clothes. Married. Mr. - .-. tdlTaml unit y ro- - 7 r the home of the bride, v The cere- mbny was performed by Kev. C. B. King in the presence of a number of friends.' An elegant wedding dinner was ; given to the happy couple today by Mrs. Trexler, rnotner . 01 tne groom. yuite a crowd of invited guests were "pres ent 40 enjoy the hospital board. The reception was highly pleasant to all; Several -nice, presents were received by the couple, among them a fiu e bureau, a nice rocking Chair and a beautiful hall lathy. , . Hi Didn't Know its Value. , Editor Herald: On- Saturday when T handed yon 'the article "Facts," 1 did it asa . joke, ;- riot thinking you would value it highly enough to give it space' in your pa per ' Nordid I think -how - much good it would do in giving your neighbor, the Concord Standard, mattor wit.li wniftK tn fill nn ' half a UtMVVVt . " - ' column of its . space! What it would have done without it no one aver will known. But I think that the editor of the Standard ught tolteep his source of news a usiness secret otherwise all the ea- hots in zne oiate uiigni, bouu ue found dishgunng alamanacs. rom Urtlier UOUIUlCUtO tllio duwicu j. mst abstain, as an " over-Cooked ;hing is most distasteful. n . -tJ-X.. 41 We are ix It." From now ntn tne nrstoi January wearegoiu lost comnlete line of Staple and t sen it. we nave tne laiKsi ancy groceries, uonieciioneries, otu., at we have ever onerea to our lends and, patrons Deiore. Yours respectfully, CHEELY & JMCUUIiliOH. ForSae -A valuable lot on Main reet, four blocks from the lublic nuare, upon wnicn is a dbii auu pmfortaDie six-room cottage. a ue rable location and a good invest- Unt. Will be sold at a reasonable rice. For terms apply to J A KealUm. At last we htj HlonHl'1 11 was the n,Ul who sPckp . i ne woman irvmnungiy iittcu in-r eys to his fm-e. Tfipy were b-autifuJ eyes, but ih'v wre tremulou eyes ys whit lt liMk out fnim a heart which is irn-s-olute, tearful. r ; The echoes brought back in iln tr invisible arms -the sound, and U-l it ripple out Hirain until it struck fi; walls once more, ami vast void of silence. into A bat, disturlied by the Hctiyity, darted from a nu.-iru blindly darted fin ett sio s about thedu riei fonvui- 'fy building. . Great ropes of the ceiling, a v-obwebs hungacro-!j- the room across the Corner of the ha nies swung lightly ui mocks the spiders had : - fas tened Th' h dust rose in listless clouds fmni 'h mock of the heavv footfall, and ik again, overcome by itsown iii- rtia. Even the air was resting. The spiri t of desolation seemed to pervade the place. ,- 1 he woman looked furtively around upon her dim surroundings and shiv ered. . The man laughed harshly. "Alone, 1 said," he growled. t "Yes," she murmered. 5 A faint light struggletl in through the great windows in lront, thick: with dust.. -Whereare we?" she whispered a the bat dashed into her hair. . ... ? . - -"Listen," he replied hoarsely ; "wt arelnastore which does not adverr tise." MlV- A. " Miie country jiiuiiur. - 0 The Winchrster (Kan.) J an.) JZxi' I akes five-pound snappyv If Tin-T -i-t n n n y. , 1""' 1, 1 orx ironicle allg L uPPiy Him with rails. Gen. John Afi who edits the NewHw V?aiboclfl (Tex.) Times, annourioegfaam wins, and the Times contingent saw wood' But in spite of prosperity of his paper, the genera spells Africa with two "f's," vitriol without the second "i," rabbit with one1 "b," and writes "chairitable,,, for charitable. ' The Pecos Valley (Tex.) Newi has at last a building over its head. The editor proudly says: 4Thig winter we won't have' to publish a ; paper with the wind j blowing through our whisk ers;.we will bt inside.,, : The Hiawatha (Kan.), Democrat whose editor has been ill, has; th following local: fSaai Rush, ;wh now buys hogs and cattle of "the farmers around Leon a, came' in. Mondav and eat peanuts and vscat- tered the shells all oyer our Brns- sels carpet." s Just Received; A fresh lot of Cocoanuts, Citrons, Raisins and Cur rants. JNow is the time to get tmngs fn p VM11 frtlit cak , m v. Christinas goods are coming in daily. Candies i irOIU UU. IU -tvn; MCI iy., . lui" tiij.vj cheaper than ever before.- coineone, come all, ano Duy r resn uoous. I 1 foil I. lill v tJlU. BlillC tilliuiC3. nncu t I .... ' O U rXAl., Xfiito you Call luy riran auuico, nuio ui all kinds. Fiars. Dates. Orantres, Rais- in pears. Annies, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, etc." Also uakers unoco- itt fnr haiciner. ah mese ooas are frh RovstprH Candies are the best anij always kepton hand, come ana 1 me before vou buy. It will pay you. Respectfully, i J. AV. Habris. Subscribe for the Daily Hxbald The loaf of bread that won the pre mium of $5.00 in contest last week. Lrs made fronv "century -ianj (our "sold to the trade only by CO" swt BW 1(1 1 i h the sal u on 9 old , Jt JOHN K. IDS. A i.J. XX. UVCimnu.

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