-J. I . i - i V V 7- IT:'??. 1 I j 1 - J. VOL. V. NO. 199, SALISBURY, N. G, SATURDAY EVENING, MAT 16, 1896. PRICE CITE CENl DA J5l '1, 'ft-1 SALISBURY NEWS. THE LATEST HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT THE OITY. oclal Krenti and Item of IntereMCulled (..-. by ft Cocml Reporter. 7 ' - LOCAL WEATOER REPORT. . Commercial and Manvfactureri, Club Obterter. . ' Temperature," 7 a. m. , 65 2 p. m . 88. "Weather forecast : Fair to night and Sundays : ' ; - Miss May Stewart is confined7 to I her bed by malarial fever. Services in the CMholic church ,- ... tomorrow morning and night. There will be no service ;in St. John's Lutheran church tomorrow. Several of our local weather proph ets say it will rain by Sunday. Let it come. ' M . Bruner Stewart, one of the Her ald boys, is kept at home by an at tack of malarial fever. Presidrng , Klder J. R. Scroggs will conduct the services-1 for .the Methodist congregation at the Y. M. 0. A. hall tomorrow. The Salisbury Stars and Salisbury Cotton Mills teams are contesting for the baseball championship of Salis bury on the grounds of the latter this afternoon. A countryman going out of town thig morning lost a ham, which was soon afterward found by a blind man. The owner soon discovered his loss and returning recovered his. meat. v. The little daughter of Mr, W. A. Morris died this morning in Brook- lyn. 'We nnderstand that Mr, Mor- ris is ih very destitute circumstances and has no money to po vide for the burial of his child. Mr. T. J. Owen tells the Herald that while breaking some eggs today for cooking purposes one was found that contained three yolks. This was the first time he had ever seen of snch an egg, nor had he ever heard of one. Rev. Jno. E. White, secretary of the Baptist State Convention, will preach in the Baptist church tomor- row morning and night. Mr. White is one oi ine most laientea young men the Baptists have in- the State and will be sure to interest all who hear Mm. Mr. J. T. Wyatt, of Faith, brought in three wagon loads of granite yes terday afternoon and three more this morning for use in the Shaver build ings op Main street. Mr. Wyatt is one of the largest granite contractors in the county and has orders in hand for a big quantity of rock. A meeting of the Damon and Pythias Club will be held at the head Chapel Hill, and Thos. E. An castle hall at 8:30 tonight for the pur- dersonr Statesville, were elected pose of making arrangements for going to A8hevillo and to transact - - -- other very important business. All members are earnestly requested to attend. Mr. S. A. Hamilton, of Concord, has been awarded tho contract to erect two new brick stores for Mr. Edwin Shaver on Fisher street. Mr. Hamilton will come here Monday to sign the contract and to arrange for commencing work. The stores will be handsome two-story buildings, 24 feet wide, ,with granite and plate glass fronts. Rev. T. F. Marr left last night for ThomaavHle, where he will hold the quarterly conference for Pre- sidiDe Elder J; R. Soroses. From Thnmasvillfi Mr. Marr will on to Winston, to deliver an address at the Normal school, and to Kerners-, 30 Bread tickets at A. Parker's for trills to deliver an address at thn $1.00. Bake days Tuesday, Thurs ville, to aenver an aaaress at ine da and Saturday. All goods deiiv- faigh school. I w ... Clean up your premises, abate all foul and noxious odors, and thereby protect the health and contribute to the pleasure of your own household and those of your neighbors. George Murphy wishes the Her ald to say thac he is not a member of the Salisbury Stars ball team and knew nothing about the pro posed games ; until he saw the list published. We make thejeorrectfon, with the explanation that the names of the players were printed as sent in bv a member of the clob Toe ladies of St. .Peter's Sunday school will' serve ice cream and sherbefts tonight on the lawn on Hora'h street next to Miss Bessie Miller's. AH nre cordially invited to come, ih very one buying a 8ao cer of cres.m is entitled to a guess at the number of grains of corn in a' bottle. Prizes, silver button hook and bottle of perfume. Of the 1 -sixteen graduates of Union 'Theological Seminary, at Hampden Sydney Va., last week, seven were North Carolinians. Of these seven young preachers three -lees than .halfill wotk in their native State. Mr. Walter L, Lingle, of this county, was elected by the board of , trustees to assist Dr. W. VV. Moore in the Hebrew department and will return to the seminary next year. Wreck.on The Western. There was a small wreck on the Western road at Cleveland yesterday afternoon. Five cars in a freight train turned over. Conductor J. F. Rickert was hurt "about the head. The track was cleared in timeforhe western passenger train ,io pass on its regular schedule. Officers of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows At the meetingof the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at Goldsboro this week officers for the next year were elected as follows: . Grand Master W. T. Dortch. Deputy Grand Master J. P. Say wer. Senior Warden R. W. Murray. Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell. Grand Treasurer R. J. Jones. Grand Representive C. F. Lu den. Charlotte was chosen as the place of meeting next year. - Officers State Medical Society. The State Medical Society, in ; ses sion at Winston this week, elected the following officers: President P. L. Murphy, Morganton: vice presidents, J. C. Walton, Reidsville; A. A. Kent, Lenior; M. R. Adams, Statesville; B. L. Long, Hamilton; secretary, ,.D. JewettJ Wilmington; treasurer, M. P. Per.ry, Macon. Drs. R. E. Tayloe, of Washington (N. C); R.H. White- members of the Board of Medical Examiners. The Society will meet at Morehead City next year. There are no Flies on Jackson's meats. The only house in town where-Vou ,can buy the justly celebrated Earl & Wilson7s Collars and Curls. Smoot Beos. & Rogers. Wanted Applications for sealed bids to make so Ballot Boxes as per sample shown at Kluttz & tendle mans, in Oak or Pine. Bids to be opened June 1st, 1896. W. L. Kluttz, C. B. C. C. The Climax ia the only Barber shop in Salisbury working - white men. We are now "running four chairs. Your - patronage is solic ited- ' M- L- JACKSON, Prop'r I ered. Phone No. 37. RUSSELL WINS. Tha Nomination Made.oc Seventh Ballot Walser for Attorney General nd , Yl n 1 M .... Donglai ir Qaprcme conrt Justice. The agony is over, and the Re publican, candidate for Governor of North Carolina is . Daniel L. Rus sell, of Wilmington. ' vThe'nnminatidn- Was made on the seventh ballot, between one and two o'clock this nrqningi. The candidates before the con vention were Rnssell, Dockory, Boyd, Lusk and Moody. Russell led on the first bailot and .made steddy gains until the 'seventh, when he won by "a, vote of 119 37, out of a total of 232 cast. Zeb Vance Walser, of Lexington, was nominated - for Attorney Gen eral, and Col. R.. M Douglas, of Greensboro, was nominated for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Both were made, by accla mation. No other nominations were made, the offices of Lieuten- ant Goyernor, Secretaty of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Saberintend. ent of Public Instruction and one Justice of the Supreme"' Court be- J ing left open for the Populists to fill in case fusion is. effected.' H. A. Gndger; a recent convert," and Oscar J. Speares were nomi nated for Presidential Electors for the State at large. .J. C. Pritchard; J. E. Bovd. G.; M. Bernard and Geo. i4H White, I the latter .colored, were elected del- egates to the St. Lonjafjonvention. State Chairman i.fe. Holtbn was re elected wlthdbt A ihosition. f vThe,conventioh v?An n(jjth8 longest ever htld IK thetafe "The fiffht was between DockerV and Hus- sell and was long drawn out the " fight being, made- over seating con testing delegations. .Marshall Mott, solicitor of the Winston district, was permanent chairman of the convention. Every Democrat whom we have seen expresses pleasure at the nomi nation of Russell; Without excep tion he is regarded as the very weak est man in the field and it is believed that he can be beaten by a good Democrat. It is the general opinion that the nomination is a bid for Populist support, as Bussell is a pro nounced advocate of fus!on and favors free coinage of sil ver at the ratio of 16 to 1. The nomination does not set well on the stomachs ol the local Re pub licins, especially with the colored ones. Several of these expressed disappointment. One confessed that the nomination was a poor one ' and expressed the opinion that if a clean, able man was nominated by the Democrats he would receive 10,000 negro votes. ! 1 We have heard no expression of opinion from the Populists and don't know how they regard the nomina tion. Cigarettes have been abolished by Greenwood, Ind., authorities. Your dollar's worth and a for the $25 in Gold besides at guess Smoot Bros. & Rogers. Beef, Mutton, Bologna, Smoked and Mixed Sausages, at M.L.Jackson's.' Don't forget our pbemium of $25 in gold to be given away on June 1st, 1896. Each dollar spent with us en titles you to one guess at the un known j number. Some body will get the prize. Why not you? Smoot Bros & Rogers. FLOUR Roller King, Majestic and New South-Surperlative "Patent Flour same Flour under . different brands. ADVERTISES .ITSELF IN THE SACK and its excellent quality IS FOUND IN THE OVEN and UPON THE TABLE. Ask your Grocer for it. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. People Who Come and Go and are JZmt tonally Mentioned in tile Herald. Dr. P. L. Murphy, of Morgan ton, waa here last night. J. T. Rotan came down from State3ville last night. 1 Ttev. W. L Lingle of. Mill Bridge, is spending the day Tiere Mrs. A. Van Pelt left this morn ing for Enochuille, to attend. the bedside of her sick mother.. ; J. H. Ramsay and R. J. Haltom returned this morning from the Re publican State convention. Mrs. W. J. Woodrum came up from Norwood this morning and left tor Richmond to visit relatives. Maj. Chas. T. Jones, of Connelly Springs, came down last night and is spending a short while with friends. - Miss Mary Adams, of Danville, Va., who has been visiting her rfephew, Capt.W. J. Woodrum, at Norwood,; was here this , morning on her way home. THP FIRE LADDIES. Officers Elected at the MeetinK Last Might. rhe firemen, met in iegular busi- riess session at the Mayor's office last night, .Officers for the 1 next year vere elected as follows :. r G. G. Sjffert, chief ) U. V. B.. Capps, . assistant ; chief ;: 10. ? H. Swink, '.secretary nnd treasurer 1; rllaut Meroney, janitor ;.o. M. Penk and D. L.. Sides. c-tDtains of ' ' the hose reel comnames : Luther Miller, captain of the. hook and ladder company. Only two changes were "made. Hunt Meroney suc ceeds C. U. Swink and Luther Miller succeeds J. W. Glover. Haut Meroney was elected cap tain and Walter Linton assistant captain of the running team which will enter te tournament here in Aaga8t Who Should Advertise. Every one who has anything to sel 1, whether it is the product of the head, brain or machine, and in cases where those wish to buy, or secure, or exchange any thing that they can- not tret conveniently, should ad ver - tise. Advertising should be treated pre- cisely as any other investment, and in nine cases out of ten it pays a bet- ter profit than anything for which money is spent. The best evidence that advertising pays is the fact that millions of dol- lars are invested in it by all sorts and kinds of trade and by the most sue- cesiful business men in the land. Of course it pays. .. No sensible man can believe that successful business houses advertise and become extensive advertisers for the fun of the thing. With them it is business jusl as . much a3 buying Rtnnk or sellinc uroducts. There are certain principles of trade that men ought not to ignore and among them the principal one is regular, legitimate and persistent advertising. Western Stationer. Miss Ella Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, of Pino, Davie county, was burned to death one day last week. Her clothing caught fire while Rhfi was burninsr stalks in a field. J ' Wo hovo ruMrftl nn A lot of All ruvvt cnifo oiorront etviM And nfiwi tvrxrula xuhlhh WPflfA RPlHn? fTOm 25 to $6. They are easily worth $10. Smoot Bros. & TtOGERS. DEATH FROM HYDROPHOBIA- Are AIlhe Cur Dog Worth 6oeIIamTw. ' V' ' Being? Cherokee Scout. A gentleman who has recently,- , returned from Clay county, tolt The Stroller about the pecnliarl sad and distressing death of Mr. -Mack Ledford; who was bitten by a mad dog and who recently diecfe with. hydrophobia. ' - Ledford'8 dog ha been absent , for several days, and upon its re turn Mrs. Led ford told her hos band that the dog was -mad antV would bite some of them and beg ged him to kill it. Ledfo.rd wenr out in the yard to tie up the dog,, and again his' wife cautioneS hire and told him that the dog woald bite him. He laughingly rep-Ueft-that if the dog did bite him and h- went mad; he would bite no one but her. . ; Hardly had the words escaped his mouth, and just when he was is the act of putting a rope around the dog's neck, the brute bit him oe i the hand. ,. It. was not a great while before he was taken sick, and his poor wife was nearly crazed with grief. He continued to get worse, ; z& nothing would aflevia?"e his sufTe? ings, until even the aight of water- : would throw him into convulsion?! between which he was sane and lie cried and begged ' them not to & hi rn., bat to watch him -close He would get. down on his all foi and; walk like a dogsnapping; and . snarling A. cloth ! was finally pnX ' nvnr "K l o -." oron u n A f mm tn " tt r r". .- tercet-, r g hSrtBtti yictroI id it. lin, but no sooner had it toncbsii u:.. .i 11,0 "uo" a parody am woajiy strike him. This continued until the poor fellow found relief 5r death. . . '' Railroad men should not forget- that we have exclusive sale of the Brotherhood Overalls. Best in th& world. Smoot Bros. & Rogers How Delegates to Chicago Can be SleisflU In answer to an inquiry from 8.1 Williaras, chairman of the Dem- cratic executive committee of Dam vidson . county, r Stale chairman James H. Pou says that the dido- I Congressional districts of this States will elect two delegates each to be- 1 National Convention in such rcan ner as will seem best in eaeh ia trict. The Executive committee of any district can call a convention to meet within the district at any date prior to the meeting of tbe- National convention July 7th, for the sole purpose of electing delegates and alternates to that con ven tion, or'. for the purpose of nominating cans3i dates for Congress and Presidential electors, or as , is frequently d03 J when it is thought best to ha-va as- later nomination of candidates Tha district committee can call a convex- - tion to meet in Raleigh at the tkae- of the meeting of the State eonveii tion and this convention can elect' delegates. When the latter course followed the counties have usnaHjr J authorized their delegates and aUes-1 - nates to the State convention, a&e act as delegates to the district- cod vention. This was the course fol - lowed by the Fourth district in 2S02.- An exchange says that the-favoritfe y song of the political straddier on the financial question is "Silver Threads. Among the Gold." Those Bamboo or Yucatan Hs are the lightest snd coolest o& ztib ot sift sle I oMnr data UtfiAtlw hi art A rrP Isold only by SMOOT Bros. fc ROGERS 1 V.'t

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