BOETH (MlOLim HEEALB Vol. II. .'Salisbury, IST. O.,' Thursday, March IP, 1887. No; 23. Always Roady W give aotles to the public ws ar praaarad at all timet to k) any tied of CASTING AND REPAIRING at" ill kind of Karhlnmy. Blecksmltbing, Hum Uiwtu Vim Kenairinjr . Kn- (1m. 6ur Mill, Orit Mill, Cotton Giu aaarpaaed by the bn Improved Mel bod Knrzsro machinery, ' ' ' AND - OAS PITTINa-. "W iTkj imI km. in lb ontrntry to do repair nr put up marklnery. . Wt keep oa kaad tbe FA KM Kl W F.1U EXP, At K'oMeyy no'W, . AU OTHlk PLOWS. Casting G rates 4 ' sue airasiao wood ob coal. ' W tho do at) kind of Wood Work fuorall; ion 1 first Clau ' SySH fiNQ BLIjNO ESTABLISHMENT ty Rmtsf mml lb Mrtlrt o( Pint Cbue Workmen. g-Jrolr u krfnrUo Balk In regard 10 Quality nod lunoxEY&imo. nAiisniiiy,-K. c. ft. a. DAVIS Fmitos Rooms OS HAIX STREET. C4WKT1. cnFFjys, n tr ial n-ut: at R. M. DAVIS' U;h'rt;.!;!:i;j it:n.ii:s, OPESTNtl OS IS M8 sr. JT Hivim of all kind made to ar te. OM aUnnsaMS Uepmnd. BT m.'AI. AOBPEWKKT W. H. WIIHa haa alikiirawa (ma tk l a awrtakiag and hVpnirinr bawne. work- ff ariv Ik. am of Davi Willi,, ad I a anelina tbe bantam in my tn nana. wkrallM Pahhe will Snd a fall Mm of Nnrthev and llaw-nwk (".Aim. aad can kav all kind of Rrpir k( aad Upaabterlag don. Kit "THE LEE BOOK." miM or unm a ui, Br swmi a. l. Tiiiwi ' . A fall klawry at bl mlliurr anrlc aad amMi(it. wrltlra by Oea. L"a. Irani daia eolleHrd wkila n uiemVr of Iba nmfaoa al auff of Uca. LW. and from lattota and nlUI eonlribirtrd by Ihr Lnafaaiilr. GoioivikW h. lb. Garer onaf Virginia and Norta Carolina, and pprDTtd by Ik eontkrra Dlgatai in Congrtnn. . Hi arltat. doamlia aad paraon) klnnny from infnrmatioa knratofnn an pabittned. fiiraiahxl br prrwmnl friend, naimliint la vim, and trading men of bn Baaib. oollaud and vUtad witb lh amartaaca of Oaa I Marcua i. Wrlgb. Ta wkom fomaing A OauiW"knlT, iMnmt and Btandarl .. Miaiin- af tatll aauion aakUar. ' Camalaw a awatlaaM, tat ftf. fUm dvfUd mli wtrtrxtf. ian. le. AWd antn'riatwa .nig. Vtr 4irifn awwiw addw - J. M. STODDaRT 4 CO Pakllslira, ; aa r Htraat, Wanhtngtoa, IX O. ; W.B. BARKER, Agaat for ftawaa County. MT. VERNON HOTEL, - JaXISBXTRT. IT. C BltoaAaxl Br ton Janotloa of tba E. a and V. N. a KallrokdA. Tvwty T-in1aWin ai-l..i nana GAS AND ELECTRIC BELLS. tr tn t will t.4 Mlahary KtraM to tin jatit t4wnt4bootki iMikm of Hunk CarvUaa. riaurr-CLAM livhet stablh. l-ly CKaB. D. TEESOH, Frcnmur. . FOUTZ'3 tnmt1fl af Or. iVrtt at LVTC f FvwtB'B I'owwwTa will mrw BtHt rrTBi fKrtrAfaaA. riM rnairn win pmrwi rw rn ! 'artt Pv4. IH lart (to akntnr PaWVr4WAM ll ! T fdwat aJaiWwM taw. tO Nrri. HntMa) Mn) I uja Br wnlaar, r mi rMH wtAi. air A-mraTiaaT. . ., ta4 aTyaaM. jMirointf-.iruin nUOTKOtta. KD. MAMWaV It Br, twn thirty 7rt u . ft9T-! BO ram ib rTvinnj. iny CaMin, Sptdlle for Liter Disuse. I I-rUNllh ' .(nana Mimical VhIUorwvrnd wtthkbruwarur; a.. In In bar. (!. ur JoInU much DiUiwrn Ilm- HtkranuLlua : ww .u.ajw-I.i W mvMmti Ki4rtlmra Miitw awid wafer tmb, or ituHKMka ; ttatuWncy aod act nir-ttu.Aftni; litwwla alternately enatUa otlUi; baadaelMi loMtrf memory, with ft iNtlnrul M-t.wtlkiit of lift vine talicd to tl fctBii'thlnc wttk-ltAUcht lu have lwn dona; Vwiltyi low aplrtti: thick, rUw ap sraiu! of ib akin and vM; a dry ruuvb; frvtr: i:Lmi?tui; the urtoa ts raniyand hiehrolorod aiuJ,U aiiowad lo -Maad, ftv-anaila ft atJlnwul. SIMONS IOTREGUUTOR ' tlvwniLf VCOKTAftLKI 1 fteralty Mrd In lb KhiUi M ftf-MUft aw (wrytn uvT Mi a miw; bvhuui RIM EL" no fcJOWEL3. MalaHft, ttawrl ronplalnta, piaawpflla. Kick Halaci, i iMMitlpMkUnn. BUiuaM, audit! A(Trrtlifta, Jauall. Maalal IK-prvMia, taUa. adafa bp m 7 MiJUaaa af M. a THE 8EST FAMILY MEDICINE tm CUUm. tm ad.ll., fc. A- ONLT CENUINf a r X Saap r4 a. k Wnf. " . . ! 4 Ca.,Phildtlphia, Pa., Brooklyn -LOTS- In that part of town known as a ';'., ar-v. , : ' ; in price from $35 to $110. Tle LOTS ar K-Uinn'Twy fiwt and it will be to J-our inureat lo tcruro t l"l st nnif. For the aatne iminrf you t;ivf to fwy for lot fn tome oihvr irt of ilie (own, jou can ktt.r A ))! anil Lu:M A lidute in UHOOKLYN. TlI Host (Jtai'i Urst civil. HI KiillAt 8 1 Special Attention 18 CAIXKP TO Tfit "Connelly Springs Eotel,M IOAED 8TATI0H, W. 1, 0. S. 1. UiaULYHECQXMESDED BY LKAD1SG MVSMAXS All OVEtt THE STATE 1 AUCOitXVDATlQSS FOll 230J1ZT TBK BEST IS VSiTEnX JT. 0 Analyi of the walor, Irrma and II cooimanicjiiinim will by prompt ly aniwrrrd titiicr br u at Kalia- bary, N. v., or at lfajipy Home, Dttrka oouuty iH. v . . MEI10NEY k BRO., I'RorUETOUI. Banner Tobacco Warehouse. Balon Xally. -1 - . 8WIHK d. IHjtl-IBON. WHOLESALE AND UETA1L xmua gists. THEO. f. U.DTT2 4 00. ii. a cost km., Xjfioat Tobaoco. SALISBURY LODGE. . fnlfbu r nnnor. Mmtlu alikU trat i tbtr kuodar In ok mualk. . JOHNSON & RAMSAY, Hinfitttriri if Pint in. Twist Toticci. T-lf FARMERS WAREHOUSE. SALES OF TOBACCO EVERT SAY. T-ly : . BMn.o Poara, FrnpMMon. Lee S. Ovehmrn, A ttorney and Counselor attain gALlSBLBY, nVo. Prartler hi Stale nod Vwlafal Court - Will atlrnd tl court of Hnwan. IH'bl ana, Iredrll, Cabarrua, BUnly and Mont gomwy founllrtt. tW OiaraKa S, C-otioH! Bow, ' WHAT LACK Wl TET ? Wk Waaklnirtoa wna pmidtnt, A cold an any icicle, He nerer on a railroad wml,? And never rode a ktcyckj. lie wad by no rlechlc lamp. Nor beard abnot Ik YallowMone; lie nerer Ucked a pontage atamp. ; And never aaw a Ivlepbone. HJs tronaer ended at hla knee. 4' By wire be couid notwordadfpteh; ilt nllcd bia lamp wllb whale oil "rrate, And never bra a match to icralch. Bat In the day It' come to pan,' All work I with ucft daahlng done. We've all theae thinjfa but tUen, alat ! . We aeem to have no Washington. SOBBBT J. BCBDITTB, Wolnelry'f Eulony of Gen. let. ' Lukdon, March 1-On'L Lord WoltelcT. in an article on Ueneral Robert K Lee, speaks with on- bounded entlintitsm of the personal character and military gen i in of that officer. The article iav : 'If ho had not been controlled by the political leaden of the Con federacy (ieneral Lee would have captured Washington after the bat tle of Hull Kun. lie wn tne greatest American of tli century, anil is worthy of tn equal pedestal with Washington among the world's greatest generals. He was the most perfect gentleman of t state cele brated for chivalry. Just, gentle, generous, whero else in history is there A great man whose whole life was a record of duty nobly doue i" Hard Tlmwt. We do not see bow it is possible for A favorable change except under four conditions ; First, higher prices for prodnee. Second, cultivating less poor land and enriching the area devoted to cropping. Third, greater economy and in dustry. Fourth, multiplying, diversifying of cropa. If the farmers do not raise their own. wheat,- oats, corn, haw root rapi. v3fLub!-Wl)?y will be. out it iwM-tet aiiff Will' havd 'to. huv rhf'irbaeou anj "pork and 'butter, and lanl or go without them. Witfi good prices, nigcr farmirtg and bet Ur crops, tlie futmers can gradually work out from under lite yoke of lien laws and high interests. Wil mington Star, , CITV DJRKCTtlUY. MA TOIt E B Suva. Town roiruiNainXKRa: D R Julian. D A Atwell. V 1 Mernnrv. Jamea llarrrlt. T A fouKhcwur, 0 W tjate, kcrr t'rai;, It J liolme. It X Barrlnger and C W Pool, . Town Tax cuLLKt-roa : Geo BUaver. rtirsrv nrrn-Eit : . Sheriff. C V K rider; Kegitter. TJ S Woilon: Clerk of the Court, i M Horah. Keprewnlfttlre. L 8 Ovennaa. CongreMman of .lh litrict Iloa J Henderion, Biibury, SC. Buildiog and Lo&a Asaxitlioa. Tbeo F Klulta. Prmldent: B H Marah.' Vice Preeidrnti Iter f J Murdoch, rleere- tarv and Trcaftun-r; T 0 Linn, Attorney ftinarTonn H P Meroney. A Parker, J Allen Brown, K Eamea Ir, i S Bmner, I IXiadiill. W Sniitbdral, W L Klniis, EBIieeva, UAAlweU. . POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, . A It IIotdb, l'oatmaster. Mall going north, chwe S 00 a m, and Toj p nt tl ail nolne aoulli. eloanstOtO a m.and a w p tn Mail gtdng weat, clone 00 p la Mail for Mocluville. Jerusalem. Zeb, Souib Hirer and Farmingtno. Hunday ex cepted, leave 7 00 a m, arrive 6 (W p m. Mull for Albemarle, (iold Ii til. Uock weil. Palioeraville. and sll post unices la Stanley cotintv, Hunday excepted, leave twin, arrive 6 fkjj tn. Mail for Yadkin College, TyrA Rknpa, Bridgt, Tneaday, Thunday anil Saturday, leare 7 00 a m, arrive A 00 p m. Mail for Mt Vernon, Woodlcaf. Verble, TneMlay, Tbumlav sad Saturday, kav J OH a ai, arriv U0 n m. Mail fnr Han and WaUnavllla. Mon day and Friday, leave ? 0V n lu, nrriv 4 00 ' Mall far Jackaoa Hill, Brlngle, Pool, Mllle.lTtlle. Bain, Carneld. Healing ttjirinci. Millertown. Bileya Store, ( hand ler'a Grove, leave Monday and Friday at 9 00a m. Arrive Tuesilay awLSaturday atilWpm. : CHURCH DIRECTORY,; - : , MBTMontrr cnmrir. ;' Rev 1 1 W Byrd Pastor. Bonday seTvices at 101 a at; Eundey Brnool at I p mi Evening aervloas at a p m; Pray ae nweting stest raawarrcwta mirs. Rev 1 Rnmple. D P, Pastor. Rua day aervlrf morning at 10:00 o'clock; Hunday acbool at 4 o'rlock. Svenlug amices at H o'clock. Prayer meetina very Thursday night tr. Li- apiarorAi oarncn. : Rev t i Mnidoch Rector. Bundsy Services in morninir at It ami Sunday School at A p tn. Evening ervlce at ?t p m. Evening service Wedneadsy at km p m. ' Bible Ctaa Wednesday even Ing at 7 JO .r uuaavaT aimer ctrracn. Re i F Tuttle, Paator. " Bnrvicm every Bundny except the third Sandav of everv month; morning nrvioa at 1(1 So a m; Samlay Brhool at 9 a m; evening tcrrlomat A pi Prayer meeting every Thunday at8pm rirtinoa or ma rscbbd iMst (catbomo). Rct. Waller Leehy, O. B. B., Paator. Service oa snd 8undy of every month; morning services at 11 a mi evening aerviens at A p at. Bf. Jona s Innui CwracB. Rw. O. B King. Paator. Sunday srr. vice at II a. m and 7 AO p. m. Aiilhalb Ht-bottl at 9 p. m i.Mmra and prnrer Bteetiitg Widamday i.nug at 7 v'elock- BISHOXEST DEBTORS. Sonfi Fertinont Fact Set Forth I pon the Niihjret of Paying Ucks. Covrngaiao X R. C. rretbvtrlan. Tha assertion, or rather the opin ion of your correspondent, that failure to pay debts was doe nino case oat of ten, not to inability, but to A want of honesty, I do not believa is At all exaggerated. I did not (ay or mean nine-tenthi of lhoe who are in debt arc dishonest, but t had reference to that large and increasing class, who come tin der the head of "slow nay," "poor pay" or "no pay." Inability to pay a just debt implies, honesty, strenuous, persistent, salt-denying, self sacrificing effort. Is there one man oat of leu who are known not to pay their debts, that if making such an effort f It is not the hard working, poor man, who is willing to live on corn bread aud water, and to wear patched clothes, that does not pay uis debts. . lu many cases, if uot in nine ont of ten, it is the man that knows nothing of hard work or (elf denial; and not it few bare lands And houses (in their wire's or children'g names). 1 will give A few cases : Here is a man, besideshavingtho nse of property, I will not call it his, has a1 oilico which pays nearly 1,000 a year. Ho employs the best laundresa, keeps the best cook and is one of the best livers in town. He is badly in debt. Among many o there that hn owe., is a poor brick layer, who baa a large family of girls They are very bright, though they hare been to school very little. Several of them are members of the Presbyterian chnrrh. Their father is often out of a job, and they have to work hard and live hard. He wears patched clothes, and some times his feet are on the naked pn;i:::tl; but ho is stiver and indus trious, and pays his debts. LU does not belong U the church, but thefnan who o him is a Presby terian. Here is another case, a minuter iof She Gospelr; -ile Banted MMfcaft the BriStah-tatesVAntJ' ao he got up the money, and spent several months and several hundred dollurs in grat ifying that desire. At horn? ho owed farmers, merchants, teachers, artist, and nearly everybody else. When a bill was presented him be seldom paid it, or socmed to care nothing olwnt it at all. These are real cases, and could only too easily be multiplied. Charge it up tu extravagance, or good natural negligence, or what ever else may eounif must charitable, but when brought down to 'its last analysis, the extravagance which lead to living beyond on&'s means, and consequently on aome other person's means, and results in A failure to pay jnst debts, is sheer dishonesty. There may be no de liberate intention' to defraud. Ferdinand Ward perhaps did not mean to harm anyone, he only wanted money; aud so the negro who steals the farmer's corn or his hog, may do so with nothing but the best feeling toward the owner. Is it any the less fraud ? A friend in North Georgia writes that the Hardshell Haptists are about the only class there, who pretend to meet their obligations this year. And why is it? llccauso their church discipline At least, if not their religion, compels them to pay their debts. The trouble with the merchant is, not that the people will not bny his goods, but that they will not pay for what they have bought; what the country needs and what the church needs, is not better seasons, or more banking capital, or railroads, but more industry and more honesty and good faith be tween man and man. --- -A Ians Trade. " The ancient Jews required every body to learn a trade. St. Paul, though one of the most learned men of his nation, was a tent ma ker. It was a good rule, because it prepared every man for actual service to society, and placed him in a manner beyond the vicissitudes of fortune. We believe it would be A tU better rulo if adopted in the education of both !(. A girl can learn stenography and photog raphy in the time now spent, and often more than wasted, over the piano. A boy with gome talent for that sort of work may, without being a great artist, learn the prac tical art of engraving, an art which is now brought into requisition by nearly all the trades, and which is of pecnliar value to the advertiser. And, after all, it is better to be a self supporting mechanic than a briefless lawyer or a hungry doctor. A mother gave her little boy two bright new pennies and Asked him what he was going lo do with them. After a moment's thought the child replied : "I am going to give one to the missionaries and witb the other I am going to buy A (tick of candy." After awhile ho re turned from his play and told bia mother he had lost one of his pen nies. . "Which did you lost?" she asked. . "I lost the missionary pon )' P'omptly replied. I have an elegant, Ladies, MIsms and Children's Shoes, which 1 will sell at from 15 TO 25 PER than they have ever I have made arrangements by which 1 have become the sole arent for ZIEGLER BRO'S nd J. FAUST & SON, Ladies, misses ana tniiaren s bnoes, wnicn 1 win also sen 40 TO -45 PER CENT. LOWER than they have been sold heretofore. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A MADE GENTLEMEN'S SHOES, OF LATEST 8TTLE3. Also Melville's Soft and Stiff Hats. SILK UMBRELLAS, AT BOTTOM FICVRES. VERY ATTRAC TIVE LINE OF LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S F I ILST 32 T II TJ X Iv S . Valises in Great Variety. Come and see for yourself. I sell fvr Cash only, at one price. and can therefore sell very low. TOW-HE PUBLIC. I hausold to Mr, Scbultx my entire line. of and agency for Zieg'ar JJrayst tytieg(;M aclf entire'lyf to (ieutlemen's Goods. to my lady patrons and frieuds, who goods from mo. ' Mr. Cameron's Tludicatlon. The verdict of 9(000 for plain tiff in the ? f"r !! against the New York Tribune ex cited A lively interest in Maine. It was yery gratifying to Mr. Cameron's many friends. The verdict is one of the largest ever obtained for a newspaper libel. It was not limited to the actual dam-1 ages in the case, but exemplary damages waro given on account of the gross and malicious character of the libel. . The Tribune bore no malice to wards Cameron personally. It as sailed him from purely partisan motives; its object being to discred it the Administration. Fur that purpose, lending itself to the malig uant spirit of ltluineisin, the Tri bune in May, 1883, published a grossly libellous despatch from Maine, attacking the Administra tion for the appointmcut of Mr. Cameron as special agent of the lreasury Department. Ant con tent with that, it followed the de spatch in its issue of May 9, 1885, with what Whitelaw lieid, its edi tor, termed it on the stand "a screaming editorial" the spirit of which appears in the following ex tract : "Cameron, the swindler and ex convict, is just appointed treasury agent at tho request of Pillsbury. It gladdens the hearts of the mug wumps, docs it, to learn that a man who has served bil term ill prison for swindling is now chosen Treas ury Agent by arefonned Presideut?" The animus of the attack is evi dent. Its partisan malice assailed the President for the benefit of the mugwump. Hence it struck down Cameron, reckless of truth and honor, and of the consequence. Cameron requested the Tribune to retract. This it refused to do. Then Cameron returns his commis sion to Secretary Manning, aud, constituting himself especial agent of the de.nartment of iustioe. viudi- catee ai onoe himself and the Ad ministration, triumphantly, before a jury of his countrymen. .In this, Mr. Cameron has done the public a service, find it entitled to a vote of thanks. The sun rises and seta at six o'clock the year round at Quito, the only city in tho world on the line nt the eqnator. Clocks may break down and watches (top, but the (un never makes a mistake there. When it disappears for the night it is six o'clock, and yon may. set jour watch by it. "What is yonr husband's bni nrssf" demanded the census taker. 'He has no. business, replied the woman of the house. "Visit, what does he work at ?" ' "II doesn't work at all; ho's a labor reformer." "Hore enough; and what do yon dor" "Plain aowing and washing and ironing." entirely new Stock of CENT. LOWER been sold before. NICE LINE OP ADI.F.B'S HAND Respectfully J. Z. SCHULTZ, (MeCubblns' Corner,) SiVIlSBTTTlV, "3ST. C. .1 freartily recommend Mr. SchuJtx bare heretofore bought this line of M. K. BROWN. He was a Uod Listener. The KentuckiansHell a good sto ry of cx-GoTcrnor Magoffin, of that State, who is a good talker, and likes to do moat of the talkinghim sclf. One day in making the jour ney from Cincinnati to Lexington he shared his scat in the car with a bright-eyed, pleasant-faced gentle man. The Governor, after a few commonplace remarks, to which bis 'companion smiled and nodded as isent, branched into a description of ', the scenes that he had witnessed in ! different parts of the country, grew eloquent over the war described with glowing speech the horse. rAces he had witnessed, talked learnedly of breeding, and told thrilling sto ries of his battles with Indians in the Northwest. The hours slipped rapidly away, and when the train was uearing Lexington the two ex changed cards and partedf" with a cordial shake of the hands. The Governor drove to an inn, and to a number of friends he remarked j that the time had never seemed so I short before. "Then you must bare had pleas ant company aboard. "You arc right, I met a gentle man nt nnntn.l it.t tl 1 -on.... U' 'nnnrnMn .11 1. 1 er was brought in contact with a more agreeable mao." "Indeed! Who was her "Wait a minute, 1 have his card," and the Governor felt in his Cket and produced a bit of paste rd . "H is name it King." "Not Dob King?" (hooted a doxen in one breath. "Yes, gentlemen Robert King thai the way the card reads," waa the proud reply. A roar of laughter followed, and the crowd exclaimed : "Why, Governor, Bob King is as deaf as a post. Ha was boru deaf dumb!" The Guinea fowl is a great forv I ger, and destroys many insects that i hens will not touch. They do not scratch the garden, and though not easily kept near the home they make known the places where they lay by a peculiar noise which en ables one accustomed to them to find nil the eggs they lay. They really oot nothing to raise, and when roosting near the honse create an alarm should intruders make an apitcarance. The discovery of an aqueduct which probably dates back to the 1 time of King Solomon is reported from Jerusalem, and it is confident ly anticipated that the further ex cavation of it will bring to light (ome extremely Interesting and valuable inacriptioiK. ;- This is the war to cultivate courage, first, by standing firm on on conscientious principle, some law or duty; next, by being faith ful to true and right ou small oc casions and common events; third, by trust ing God for help and power. .Jamea Free man Clarke. CuHi'trny Toward Oar tjws llonaebold. One thing do remember, to have your home, every-day table just a attractive as the one to abich you invite your honored guest. It is yery hard, sometime inn possible, fur the mistress with but one maid of all work to demand that one (hall be a prac tical waitress. It is much easier to have the food jumbled on the table in a helter-skelter fashion than ta run the risk of making trouble bf insisting that it shall be served in courses. But the matter is not so difficult after all, if the servant un derstands from the beginning what will be required of her. Iet the table, when no one is pres ent but the home circle, be a modal of what it should be when surround ed by guests. Lay a piece of thick, canton flannel under your table cloth. Even coarse napcry will look much better with a sub-cover than if spread directly over the bare table top. Avoid the cheap trick of bottle and restaurants in the arrangement of napkins and table utensils. Sim plicity s never ridiculous, while pretension usually is. Place the napkin on the left side of the plate with a piece of bread on its folds, the fork on the right hand, next to the knife, witb the sharp edge turned from the one who is to ) it, beyond this the soup-spoon. At the point of these set the tum bler and individual butter plate. Mats, tablespoons, salt-cellars, and pepper-cruets may be arranged to suit one's taste. Banish the heavy castor from the centre of the table and put there instead a vase of flowers, if it be nothing more ambitious than some bits of ivy or evergreen brightened by a ipray of bitter sweet. At the carver's place spread white napkin, the point toward the middle of the table to protect tba cloth from snlashes of irravv. Let soup be served, by tlie. mhj i tress with no accompaniment except j ffemdritig is olily lceTf vulgar than i thickening the contents of the plates j with crumbs. Wlifn this course ha been removed the meat and veg. otables may be placed on the table. The heavy part of the dinner eat en, the maid should be summoned and should commence the clearing of the table by carrying out first the meat, then the dishes of vegetables, and after that the plates aud butter plates, placing one on top of the oilier and using a tray to trausfer everything except tho platters. Do not permit her to go through the operation of scraping off one plate on to another, with a clatter of knives and forks and then bear ing off the whole pile at once. Two plates at a time are enough for one load. Next after the soiled dishes, bay taken oft mats, saltcellars and other table furniture but tumblers, water bottle or pitcher, uapkin rings and ice bowl, and then have thecruniba brushed and tray used. Tho dessert is then served, and, except at a ceremonious dinner, the tea or coffee, which should ner er apiear earlier in the action, and the work of waiting is done. When ouo realizes the exceeding simplicity of this much-dreaded branch of domestic service, it seams incomprehensible that in so many families dainty waiting should la unknown. Shakespeare and Cervantes died ou the same day, i.e., April S3. Kit. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. George Eliot. Coaches . were introduced ink England dnring the reign of Elisa beth, aud were at first only used by ladies. Tea. coffee and chocolate were introduced - into England during i no reign of inarlea 11. Your Children tVi eonfttavntly cxpoMrrf to duixar ftota Colda, Whooping Cough, Crnap, a4 duttiutji peculir to tiie tluoM ftoai lung, for fwb esilBMDta, Ayra I'ht'rry Pertonl, fronptly t4-Dlatr-tered, ftlTurda tpetAy nlif Mk4 mn. At imHlv for Wbijrt1iM Coagli, with whk'h mmnr of Mir rniMra fHietwl. UavrMl, inrlng put win. ttT, with twu'b atttfifautkkn, Ayw' t'be-rn rrsfiravi. for titw affMlfci, w nmiiiter this rtprttioB Out mart -etv-skHw ot ll tli iiiMilrtntki fAffctct fcr cum tn our know littlee. Matr Jtlt tiunt, Pronu-tsMi, Hirim fa ImUm V ntiTnt( lac.uti-. Mil. T My children hvr Wn MrrnfaH tuW Wt to .wt.H-k ot Ci-stup, Ad I hultvt to mid tuiv ff.-riv rmtMty until 1 svha fite'iffd vtrafnutfrrfng Aytr'g vhmrr Ivvtorfil. Tali rreta it?m thm (!:! trf hrnatliirig ts& tarrly cum th eomitlAvtRt. ! Id O, Situlvi. i'bihMi, tautauiba Co., a. y I hftw WHtfl Awa Chofrr NdM In ty huiMly for tmvny , tol hav IrMind it tiH-wlly Vaaumhl) ht V' htiottni (Viufcb. Thin Urexltrina tUlky All trniMttntt, praventji aittliHBiiittMi fi.m kfUgidluif to th luniiii, aiul Afufcktv tuh tittm iiv tendency to Lum CtwiplalBt. tl. B. WfMliutoa, PUbittrUle, MrIv. t find bo nMtritM as effartiwi, fn Cri. and Whtooiii 'ttff. aa Am C'httrry Pectoral. It waa tfaa anna off BsiririaT tb life, tV Mr Mttta fcw. uir atK IVHAttw old, mrrrtaat htm wlrly tfifoaffat tfewiMt.w4kf Wtwopufef (afncaJa.aff aaw. J MaKtMt, Put ft-via, Taa. Ayer't Cherry Pectoral, NrM V IVX O. Am h rx,Tw4l, Via. feuM a ii ImmtKAb riswftttaaisWa,.,