, ,! t ' 1:;. '3 ; . v. ' . ;. v. if- 1 t '- . .. f? . .-' if-. I . r , I f -'.- . ! -.' -V . Jt'-'y". j. C '. i ' -a .; fit . - v. ; ' A ,7irs ! i t . - If 1 f - a f ' ; . : . : mm CAROLINA lltfi.LD. M.l-tl l:l K till Tilt's?!' A BY i;i khuu M i:.uii:s. Editors and Proprietors. Till KSDAY. M.MtCIl 10. 1587 IMiKFS. Snow in Washington, D C. (wo inehes deep on March 4th. Hot. Henry Ward lteccher died in Brooklyn at iH o'elook, a. i., on March stli, a'-d ?," yeais. Congress adjourned nn M.tr : 4th, at 11 o'clock, having passed all the nnlar a-tri -jrt.t i-iii too. Dispatches ffnin ChiVnjo, March Mh, reported snow drift in parts of Mirn.ecvla twuiity Hvo feel dci p. A slight shock of earthquake was frit in Charleston, Charlotte mid other places about two n'clock Friday morning last. The wife of Senator Beok died on March lilh. Sin- was the erratic! niece and neari.t living relative of George H as.!iiiigton, I: id I'll! twenty-one years since tiio aar was ended, hut in thati lime. ?. '.',. .o.'.o vii have oeen distributed lv the lVnsioti Office. , . 1 i.ie Inter ana Harbor billlias 1 failed to become law. The l'rcsi-1 dent had not time to examine it be- j fore Cimrens adjourned, and . be lieved iie had no power in tho mut ter after the adjournment. Iletween the years 1S67 and 1S70 republican administrations expended i71.oll,4S'J.62 od our navy. When the republican party went out of power the country had no nary. What waa done, with the money ? The vigoroua assault of Got. Gordon, of (ieorgia upon the inhu man enncii.'t h.'Ssii v!e0 c? thst Ktato are well timed and do great honor to that illustrious statesman. The system ia nothing less than lavery and a atandintf reproach to ' the Commonwealth of Georgia. ; 'A-gi-eftt Heal adont the (lolenselpa state f t oitr flc-acact, but the dt'ftiificlrsa ainto of ofur Nationul Trousiiry iuia ntver bwn moiUioni'i-1. Wo neH furtifi catioii3 of the strongest kind aroniul I'ncle Sam's safe, to protect it from ihe encroachments of profliRate Congresses. Washington, March 3rd. Mr. Henderson mored to suspend the rules and pass tho bill abolishing all tax on leaf tobacco and abolish- ing the oflico of store keoir at distilleries, having a capacity of less than fiye bushels a day, 4c. 1 he motion waa lost, u.t havinu two-thirds necessary to pass it. Yoai 138, nays 112. Vn necessary taxation ia uncon atitutinnal, and is thrtfors unjust taxation. All taxes, no matter from whntaotirce, direct and indi rect, come from the people. The people feel the paving of ta-xea. And all that the Congress just ml , i . . ,i Journed has done, ia to increase the .hnK.l;.,.. All rf,.i. rt the internal revenue or tihIuco the tariff, hftfl failod ou account of re publican opposition and democrats' .disagreements. Senator Van Wyok, of Xcbras ka, made a strong apeecli in the Sonata Friday in favor of electing United States Senator by the ieo ple. TIiq. proposition ia bound to twin eventually, bat it will not get a aucceasful rote in the Senate bow. Senators are "partita in interest in maintaining the- present system. The ton of Van Wyck'i apoecU ia Jndicateu by thi extract : - The Democracy carried alavery atn4 fell, aHhoagh iu falling it did not entirely perieh. The Hepuhli cau riarty baa carried monster cc r jiorationa equally as unrelenting and etaeting and are reeling, atombling, falling with the terrible load. And tho humble warner, waving the aignal flag of danger, ia run down and crushed as an enemy in the path of bloated, unrelenting and nnreaaoning power. Year by year the party becomes rroaker and weaker, oven'bere. The desperate remady ia prescribed that tho intlu e!e nnd wea'th and tools of huge corporations shall ue invokea to OTrthriw tho people and secure a temporary rictory, while the loadwa 1 ppeaar aa unconcerned aa to the auea of Uasiger and aafety aa waa Vtfo when be Odslled at the destruc tion of Borne lluring this time waning power ia departing from the f5nat, and in their wild delirium lo savo they oontribute to the cer tainty of dafeat. And thse it be- lOonea 9r necasary that those ......Ine awaU in this body should i ,J.'m ilatir commission directly i from tUe hands Pi th pple. ,'f. I .1 e.,..ii V.n nVk knows what"' we " "a V prevaillug ,Ure after takinr: no loss of time. It Is; . Seiiator .anMycIt kimws on olu.r, t() j ,0 ? ll.. best prevanlatlv. medlelae and safe I it U to beorwebed lum.dr, "humble Qat ninn for u,e pnst 'year ! lu "' n"iu't "hnt le "leknesa may j rner" as he is. The Union. Ta- have been fio.noo If we can pl'";, i0C ittf hit JW ' ' ' I two si-fics of stock this jear, one geoaine.liavldj the Zaismp no wrapper. I IT.UIM.Tl A I. lil II.DIMI AMI ' 1 LOAN ASSIM J A1IOS OK ' SALlSHl'll Y. Si'fflinl Seml-Aiitiiial Ki'i'iirt of dm. . to the tlu.GW nlrondy re SiTrelary mill 'rn-nsnriT. iciivid. 1 If our success continues the anie I npictfuliy iubinit ilie follow- ,lls yrM Hs ,lUrtii the one ' just ing report : , . ii u.tu-. i.mhso inncii 1st, 17. Kiilrrtiiro Keen on ?n. Si-ri-s. " :li.j " todttte In-il.dMi.-iiH on 1-1 Seri( Vml - Srd " licn-t Ko,. 1.1 S. rtrs, '.'nd " Trin-ftT Kei-n, so :is HTM 3HS-J 7S ' 2117.00 Ji.50 304 111 4 irt 5 IM R00 $V4S1 .J Add to lids annum', to lie Hi cor.i ted tor in In: rejkTl Iiisi.sUm.-iiIs, 1 .t s,t!i 1'ruUi Its rt.im UI1 t.n-li 08 3. 4(115 M ! 10U.UH i . It .'.mire nf .iiimiiiit nrriiv,i.-d .il H; mo lie. Amoui.l ef drnlt iitie Mi-!i -"..;h Amount lo li- ai-rountrd for, i, A'-KUTS ii.v"tMilil f.nii. Iliil. of Int. " line- 111. ")'. no ;.nj'n!il l-'t t . 2nd S., 1 10 11.MW uiiiirnfifs. ! r-.le Siiv l.lrili'.rrs of l.t Series i I t, si;,: m.-ril -i . ! Pur Si. ii k!ioii!pr of 'ud Ser'e a 1 lnsia!i:ifiit--, ! Hue klioldi-r.of Sir I Series I lii-t.ilno-nt., 3,117 V1 , 57 no' Fund ri si rved frir ..'xpetiscs. pr,os m, i s,.ri,.s deelared Aik. lst. 109 Ofl 27 TC I'ritlu on Ntu-i rpttut h ?itl dcclaml Miirrli lit, ls;, Dm' lHiik Murcli M, Draft tint Mfirr'.i St'lli. I)u Sir. it Trriw years' nnliry " Sec. t Truua. for pontaiio, ie. Tho profit's iiwohwe.,1 now aro 4C rentn on vihM slmra in the lirnt Bt-ripn And l.ri cents on och ahiiro in tiij second fricd. Tin? tola! pro u for the yt-ar on the first tvr ie 01 ct'iitd on each sliure. The n urn her of fiimrua in the firnt scries i litJ, in the Becii'l is'J.i, and in the tliird to.Murcli 1st, 31. tt tntul of IV.r. We have thoroughly examined the honks of tJie Corporaiion and find this statement ejrrcct. . Ij. Km it, ) ... Bit. Neavb, ((immitteo iOiniy.hiriT its hor- the sum oorrowc'l and no more. No borrower has lo.pay a honiM'or premium, or intetvid on. money wliieh he does not uhhiin. The profits to investors ar less than the would he if we violated the ' hw"iu this matter, but thevare safe Somo of our tock holders during ithe year have be,.n compelled so sell their stock, and all parted from it unwillingly. An arrangeim ut I hris now been perfected by which ! Btock can be pledged ns. collateral to the hanks or to private individ ual. Ill till tLIV tt,,..L 1, ll.l.TJ i (mgt to bo able, when pressed for i want of money, t.i borrow nearly I the full amrmnt they have paid In. i In any case tho motiey cn ho had in from thirty to biity daa by withdrawing. No man, however, has yet been compelled to resort to this means. All have been abie to i sell more speedily or on better terms than they could withdraw. I hope t!iat the power of pledging stock as collateral will prevent our stock holders from having to sell in fu ture when they need money. The officers of the association ' nave tneu lo ii'j it ree tilings : isv. ; ,,, , . . . 1 ii muue nnr invest.iiii.niH liprrectlv I . .. . . : ' . J. safe. How far they have succeeded in this you can jndtfe from the re-1 port of the investigating committee I which is now to be read. 2nd. To ! keep down expenses and make our! prolits large. The profits on the' first series for the whole year are marly 10 per cent, and on tho second for the half year nearly at tho rate of flj per (cut. per annum. n hat other lawful way of lending ninnn. ia lli.r. whnr. llm ,iaL' i. c """"J ".' ' 'V ,B -I. , small and tin proti'.s so largo?! The expenses have been kept within tho amount of the entrance fees. Kvery cent of instalments of fines, interest, transfer fees and release fees that wo have ever received isin safe keeping for the stockholders, The only expense for the last an months has been the aecretary and treasurer's salary, and ti.Ol for postage and postal cards. If this course is to be continued we must hare a large number of shares taken iu the Third Series. If you induce men to tako stock in Uio Third i. -ii . ti . I Senna 1 1. .ill lei I wlii.11 toiip tiron ' i ... . , .i I that tieo. H. bates was substitufert are counted out at the end of tl' j fr j. j. jjn.ner. whndeclined, and T,'i"l!??r l i jTlieo. Uuerbaum for It. Karnes, Jr., Tho 3rd thing we hare endeavored ! u it tUmnl . i to do is to make the Associatioi. a) A committee, consistfng of Messrs. credit to the town. 1 he houses HfnilMn, Uuerbaum! I) K Julian, year by our help. th. homes that Hi at, na.e uitrn uumij mirine ion have been purchased, tho mortgagea I tb,Lh7 "I "ljrei of the things that wo havo done. u- i . We have given scores of men a re. . , i mx i . ' ., ' , , 6 , T their own,. Vte have provided a secure place of deposit for savings. We are teaching habits of thrift and business-like promptness. He arc helping men iu the best possible wyy by teaching them to help them selves. O'ight not our pride in the welfare of our town lo induce us to dn H e can to strengthen this : -,"" aiK ' "'" " i now ami one in Svitinih.r. nd u liirj.'!' a tli i-orrrimiliiijf onfa wtii) lust venr. our rruripta for this vcar will he ncnrly -iS,UUti. ill d- rlosnl. the BtocklKdilem may look for the following profits in adiITrfoi I tu what we ha e a! ready on lepleni : her 1st: First Serin, H cents ft, share: Second. 4ii eentu; Third, 13, eeutj. And in addition to that on j the 1ft of March next, 1.11 cents a ahare; 2nd, 1st Series Ts cents: Urd. lo cenl, nnd 4th. lo cents. All of which in respectfully jub tiiitted. K. J. Mriilon II. Sec. and Tre.M. Salisiu icy, X. I'.. March 1. '87. We, the uiidersinned. a comuiil- 1 tee appointed by the liirectors ot the Hiiildmi; and I .can Association of S:i!i.!jiiry. X. C. to eiaminc the books and ail.nrs, in cvneral, of AaiJ A.w.oiation. Ug Kayo to re- f.. l... -1... L-lwil.l.i-fl " , i 1st I hat we (md from the records tr; it llie decretal v ihhi i ri ariini'i una . ' I r. miner ms i"i t ' . , ' and has ke, t the aocout.U in a clear and correct manner. nd. Thai, tin directors have held I re'iikr monthly meetings, and that ornmntee eonsistme of three di- re.-tors. each of them experienced ' in t.i'Kinn aecout.ts, has eiamiutd ' eorreetly, once each month, the re-. iMrt ot the tu'erctary ana treasurer and has found the same uniformly; I nrrert and worthy of approval. ! i ;ird. We find, furthermore, that J " a competent committee has exam-j i ined tlie real nronertv noon which' i'ju 00 I ('!H0 appraised tho same, fixed the! 7,,no maximum amount to be furnished 2"3 I the applicant, (subject to the ap nt ! provftl of the Hoard), and . the , nniAuiit of insurance to he required. 4th rhe comm.ttce are Pleaed to find that commendable prudence ami caution has been oh-eryed in yaluution. and tnat the average1 amount adyanced on the estimated j value, in the wav of loans, has not exceeded s per Vent. 5th. iitlrstothe proierty hare in all cases been examined by the i Attorney of the Association, and ! all trust deeds have been duly re-j corded. Insurance has been rlTee- i ted on all con?umahle protiertv tc, t the lull amount of 'he money ad vanced, loss, if any, payable a$each insfince to thei.sssK'iatirln, Otfi. Jiiinuiui? pyr in review. tliPiajeneeM.f- i-ty' paiypsr, iitt noting the exceileiil shiiwing inude. vour ommittce cannot refrain from coitiuiendinir the manaevment of alfairs, "all aloiiR the line"; nor from expressing the hope tlint'suoh faithful custodians as you have h.id in charge during the past year, will bo retained during t lie enduing Very n spectftilly, I, 11. KtifST, P. i. lltn.ti!, Committee. A. L. I.BUTKK. A N N" t A L MKETIVti. M A lit II 3rd, 1K87. Aceording to previous notice, tho ! Association uiet ut Merotiey'a Hull at 7J o cloclc, p. M. Tho roll baying been called, it was ascertained that a o,tiornm was present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer was read, and also that of tho Committee of Investigation, and both wore received. Mr. Murdoch moved the adop. tion of the following amendment tu tho constitution, which had been on file 30 days : That a new Article be added to the constitution and numbered "ft," tho present eighth Article) being numbered "9." "Whenever more than one hun dred shares of the stock of this As , sociation shall bo held in any in 1 coriorated town otber than S.tlit- bury, the board of directors may make loans of money on property with'n two miles of the center of I t'. of sub-directors among the stock holders iu that town to ascertain the value of property offered as se curity, and an attorney resident there tdTlivesrtjprtr! titles, and an assistant treasurer, there to receive and forward the monies of the As aoeiation, and may rcqniro him to give bond for the faithful discharge of his duties." ; The further consideration of this amendment waa postponed to a special meeting on Thursday March, 17th. . The entire old board of offlcera l ll lilllll iiniuoi. lv-uni.1111, l.l-li . . . . ... J . ' . ' . '.',:, pll , ,... fh. 1f , . tt-;ii: t , ' " ," ,T rrT'lj l i . i n i,. i n m i A vote oT thanks to tho omcers ... .... i loi .n'-ir iiiniiiu:uiiieiii ui ine auair. . of the association was passed, ,ri .1,- i F. J. MlKPorn, .Sec. and Treas. A Family Bleaalng. Rimmons IJvcr Itf enlator. the favorite ' hoMie reieeily, la euiircly veireuhle, and is tho purest and heal family medieiuc that Is compounded. No error tn be fear- el In ndrainlnterinir:no Injury from expo- The Mutual llulldliig utvl l.onn Attention ia called to thcadyer tieeiuent of A. (1. Heuiier, neere tnrv and treasurer of the Mutual Building and Loan Association, in On Saturday night last fourteen tilts iwue, from which it will be coniicts cepod from the Mockltu seen that the first series of this ns- burjr eoiinty stockade. Only one .Tiimiiin ia eliwed and the alork ii them has been captnml o far. worth par. I. c.t one hundred dol- lars per share. This result lias been attained in A years and 11 months without one dollar of-loos to tlie association, and ulToidin a yield to the (lock holder, of ldj per cent, per annum, for the ayer- lite i inu ui mi; in i em men v. This and kindred associations e'nii.ui..o ...... hare l.n of immense h.-nefit to" to beam tr. Ins barn with this city, not only in buildup n,.. tumble at the lo. the waste places, niaiutaiinntr the of Ins wife. ,a,uro, re., .,, poor iiii'u w proviiif rinmrn i"i theniNclvcs, but in itfTinlii. & wift I U Li A 1 L I .. ' . 1 , t , , Kavi!i7 ni refill nf TniKii'mr ' rr" nienTin on which tlit'V have received interest at the rate of l'U r cent. ' ' per annum. 1 n,8l)cia(ion ulh s t10 ; fifth, : nr.i-Unir L.f a hnK ,,j anil an opivrmmty n now )ur u , n. 1..,,.. ,i ...i .,., ... offered j in the 1 of this popular system u bankriiir, each ,,.,., ,, ,,,,' ,n ,wl ',; "" -t j 1 . UDOll CXaminatlOIl OI WJ SXOCK 1 , ... . - . find, thllt the SpaCG IE. 1117 SlOrC 13 , . , - ;a.i j T tOO XUUCI1 CrOWUGO. Willi gCOClS. Ill I--. order to Jiecp up ray Bosk and Statioiij Business I will discontinue the - t3,j : 1. , , : v As I need the room at once I concluded to close out all my Ohinaware, Glass ware and. Lamp Goods AT AND Isly stock in that lino consists of Plain China, Lustre Band China, and Plates, Deep Dishes, Flat Dishes, Bowls, Covered Dishes, Cup3 and Saucers, Coffee i Pif nTl Am "RllttAr 1 es Bread Plates, - m . T nmn fr.rAe jjilmt) uaOllS. All first-class ware and must be sold in the next 30 DAYS. Theo. Buerbaum. STATK ITVMH. I t'liariey BU.kburn. a drs.Tinan aHireenstioro, ws uliot ly Allen Usirslon, both colored. A tiro at Osford last week de stroyed a machine aliop; loss eati maticl at seyea thousand dollars; no iiuurance. Twin-City Daily : Mr. Henry i Motmni; . of HiiTidon cwunly. ' , . . , , . , (,at ,.,.,,, t in Tlre was ereat (.'omurtl last wcwk over hill in r.'riuiTRtinc (Meil'p Kactorv and tho vu imty umler t tie name ni rorrut : . J . Hill, and prohititiiig tho sale distillation . of liutiors within 1 miles of the new town, except with- j in the corporation of Concord. j .... I T.kc Ayor i Srsirilli tn tht Spring 0j tIla ur to purify the bloml, InWRor ths system, tn ile the ller t action. and restore healthy loae and rlg-w to 44 wum I1"'""" ""'"' u.t quality, not iuntlty. constitute, the U.lus ot mcdl; due. .. . have BELOW Pots, Tea Pots, TlifilTiAa RfiflTi TliofS rxwu Glassware aud ' . . i INSURANCE nGENCY OF j -:'J, ALLEN BROWN 4 ON E OF THE OLOKST AS WELL AS LARGEST AOENCTtS 15 TttX ITATX. : FIRf , LIFE, AUIQEIf , II8HTNI6, WIIO-STOm All Ifllllll, nCGREGSTE ASSETS OVER - $150,000,000. . T, .T , u-. .. , .. . . ; j r . . KrPrrwnllnjg tK tvwUnf Ars in nml Fnrfis CompanlrB, wKIrk Utf i-T Vikk lui. IV . ri.if .A U Uusur"), m well MlbrUiTwl LrrsTtM. Co., ' fimm of N. Y..) in tlt world. Alt of rtlu pltcrd M net tl kmmk kiwnn.it rtc. lMtwa jvljHult-! Mni)tly ami tiaclorily. orrif K i WmI Cor. MkIb and Flhfr KU l Surire Fmal ItM, BAU6BUBY, H. . p. r f- l-DoNT FAIL TO TAII. PEPoRt iXMramti jn . ; ITLOCK SL'CCESSORS TO OVERMAN & HOLMES, , THE OITLY EXCLUSIVE Boot & Shoe House X2T THE CITY. PRICES THAT We arc now prepsred iiim-H jiioil. .i the imlilii:. ' We rordialtv Innie pur cn.t out Inimenw stor htrerr pur-.-htsni ; anil lie eonflk -ed. that m- -.ll iln evrrv SMALL I'llOKITS AMI i;l'h'K I SK1.I. AT IIDTTOM KIi.TliKS. Facts will iak Uvu.lrr Ih.n mirii. wm till tU.l ft.nnrflr rarrr.l i.n 0rfai mImm Smlti fin noil WAKE ?EM UP ! CALL AND SEE THE " . 1,000 ARTJCLI30 IN THE DEPARTMENT Goods never before otlered at the Figures.' Salisbury C. 0. D. Racket Storef IV It i7 riabiuhsksi t; A.C. t I A H1US. Fiaili CfsitilK tf all ihtu R '.!' ROLLER jViLLS TLOLR Pmtn on. pemwl psfiiirs In UrreU. t'tlN'FKt TlnNFItV TOYS, nr.ARs. TtHI.U f'O. TKASaa.l '(iFr'f'B, SK..VH si :i ( ANNKI) GK)D8 i :i..i I ! ttvIt'h -t' km lit fr-f J-, ttnf m..ki".i-i -;''',:'(-,'.. :.; ih. t.J etio tut.iijT flatiy aii'l rr l-f(isT i-'irttd cn i tw-ap gnf it.! ? -tj -anf I'liMM if alt Ui ttmilim wttb I flrl 'J fus'la f rV.H.irlfj iWI. All (i.a of tvi Tn e tHU-sj. FORSALEl Hotiae trlth Three Rooms. Ifouar nd !,. for aate; houae has Hire, rnoma, let enctaina two acre.-, well of eond walrf Niuit.1 10s) mile, fmoi Salial.ury In tlirtvinc mil. mrnt of Mill Hrid(, oearTlivatira ( hureb and Aesdrmv Apply w K. IIIUIOKKIKI.n. Hf at Mill llrldrt. Or st Itirket Stiir.. RsllalrarT, K.C. WILLIAMS BROWN. STOVES. ! MI StUVII tl nil biuiU. , IX M you wenf t m t in rt-i.1i n nlir at nd tht hml loi At in (hv t it. ALL KIMIH OF ni Pf R ffoilR mi hii!l mrfW, fiillU h niKvUHf. A Iwi Old tnitr taken id en-Uanum k.t wort. bsVLMl. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I Ilsvlne qualified si'mlnlstrstor upon the fitnle of UcrT J (ionilniiuj, derraeil. all tursnns liavinj; rlalirs asain.l rsmie are h, n hy nollfl. il to prearnl tliem fur Inympiit in or before the tilth die of Feliniarr, or this nollee will be plercl in liar of tlielr reeov ery. All persons indebted to the said es tate h re risU(steil to uu.k linmeihale pijiiinit. KAItl.EY Kl.l.lilt, Adininlstrator. T. ' l.i.n. Annensf. Ketj. l'Sb. 1HVK. tflsTlilllf. 1'EFV COMPETITION. ii pne low. Ii will tonlh and rlrars utio. i. i the pul.hr to esll aMl .assnla. .ii 1 w will ,n. vtoi sn shliij lli.t we .-Ivrtiie. T'nuBit' t. (m lil.T! i;S KSABLB C8 TO S,-i' fur voorM-lrf. bv ealKaK at n.orK & VKiGiiT, HAUSbTRT. If. C. mm 0 a n.w inocn LOTS! Kipiv' rrsfik si- r a few Vf rr aestraWe Jet. ter sale .Anytiily thai wuii tvtsif a welliltalssM. fn.uM-t hx al a Ktrf rewoimi'ls rirlet. hinatrt al life nasc il tf IslLKUACM EAKKS. J. D. SMALL, Contractor " and Bildep, Planing. Mill. ; PrrMp I,awW flforlnr wl fVifW. Bwh, lKxjr. Hlintl4, Moukliag , 6m. IHOK FOUifBRT AO livtt 4 Cutiaf is Ins ti J. R. BILLIMAN, C0NTHACT0I1 k LtlLDER . SALLsiiVKV, . N. C. , ! Residences a Specialty. WRITE for ESTIMATES. lUrcog. Wertsaisllp Ut Wu. Go To ' ' BCRIvE & J0HXS0XrS Aucu'oa Boom for A. L. Joaaaws'a Pure Ap je Vinegar 1 AND FUENITURE REPAIRIMa, Also a full Hoe of , , . GEOCElffiS A5D OOUIiTBT PBODDJB always on haixL '

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