NOKTE-IMROHMA HEM EXTSTID TO X3CS XZST Z3TXZ3t29ST3 03T rO5Tt O IQlIgJu Vol. II. .Salisbury, ST. C., Thurwday, March IT, 1887. Ko. 24.. Always Esad? W fit, nolle: to IIm public we an prepared at ttnirs to do any kind of CASTING AND REPAIRING of all kind of Marhinety, BlKkmiiiitif. Hon Modi. Waca lUpaS'O'C Kn irloM. Be Mill, 3rUt Ml". I lil skarpmd by th brat Improve- KcUiod. MXXUO MACHI1TEHY, AND OAS jrX'XTl'XJNTC. W abo eaad Mr to th CO--try U do rrfwlrt or put np necklet ry . Wi keep m kaad tk FAKMEHS' FIIIEM), Merouoy Plow, i lis onikR nowa. . , I Casting Grrtes POS acal WOOD Oft COAL. fara)ly dow In first Cbue .. SVSH jND BLljMD ESTABLISHMENT CV Hartnf accural Um MTrk of PVm 'Iom Wntkaara. -ermle eai- rrtia Ir-ih ta tegmJ to' li-ij J IKKONEY&IIKO. SAW'S CM', X. c. 47 if. . ormmniit Furaitiirelooms OX KTRr.ET. )ifr'. coffix. It r li IM. HtihFS. AT R. M. DAVIS' jiidertaklnsr' lt-.inH, OP-SI50 O.X IS.MS FT. tT lMirMM. ktr-4 male to or er, OU Mtln Ifccpaired. 3: na a a ''Hit, ku from ike l a ; Maklaa asil rWo.trt(i; hwv -rk- ( Willi., i AH coatintM tbe In ot br tk. Pubjtr will tiaA tit Ha, of S-Mlkfia .nd II. nile Mln, aa4 tm ka.( all kiao. of KMlr H a-4 1'pik.ibMriaf aM " " LEE BOOK' ' : ansiM or iut m. in, t a. L .a A Ml kltorr of M, MlliUkT wrrl-o Kl namtnt wrilto-n U m M tut HIIrtM -Ml. a aumVr uf I, rnaal tulf of Urn. t. and from $tM a-4 nv.Mri.1 roatributrd br tk. t ii.. OotsmnxM br th- ,lor- m of Virginia .art .rnima, ann t mnrf b, lt ix.ulU.m I la , .. . , iV-iiji Abimi of tho w-tr, tfrnn anil II a prtraw. oaMniie aal prMoaal ' H rommaniratiorit bp t kwr,. froia loformaiioa krti a . j- ,,,.,) eitl,r Lf it at Sain- k i-alk. eill-wd a4 f-lllwl wb th atAaaao of Uf, I Mwcaa i. o rigin. ka fcaW fonalaf , Qiiiiiili-iiii XaasU tai Btaadaid I'M "i hMaaMt hmbM. akMrf TUB ptjm. f. ithaMM mmpt. ttt. U i i.t-rif ali. Ac i)mmvCh rater MrM J. i. ITOBOm ft M., hMm. aa F Straat, Waaktngtou. O. a W. B, BAUKKK, t fa, K... Coaatf. MT. VERNON HOTEL, 8AX-DSBU T. W. a ttoaM4 Mat tha Junction of tha K. O auHt W N a. RallrMda. Ivw-ly WvmimMu. Sb ITH-SiiCTa CAS AND ELECTRIC BELLS. a am , tM4-atmtSl.a Mcttan of NTia iWte t.lL I. Il rrT-cM uvaat ntaix if -SAi . TtlHOI, Pnrrkar. ' VflTTTZ'B ioMSS AM OATTLl POWDIBI Min rrWtN will )t-rM tha ananlirT it mk M or mmm ptr MU ana MM liM rmw:T04r9 wfll frvM a-it avsa - WtttCl rVrtVW Marl I US r tHlrt. ri-m ro-rm-N -. ( AnrcT-ajr. iM4 ewfvwa. Mmw 4 Bra. hav thirty Twura eape- Wskee la in Htm Mu4kM (iwr pea imwv& ftl tears. 1 eer.rinn. UJ nlie U i wU Bone huUhe ltmt- "W Imps Wei 4t r rmua. ww e vem fm UI3 PURELY VEGETABLE. lakaMMwtaiiilMHioi TIVEHt KDNEYi J - no Bowels. m tmcniM. ntanc fo. MM Ml It hmMi Should bt 1 ItSont It, Md . by tnl d kfH rwwly lor .imiiiMMrU um, will r iy to lt;r if tiifhrln th naa mtuiyq Ife Uqm o4 Jortor' Wit. TMCRE UT ONC EIMMOKS LIYEB RIGULATOE t tfM tMM rHh n4 2 ' rVf fr PrMt4 fee J H.2C1LIN 4 CO.. ! i.sie. BrooMyn -LOTS- In that part of town known as Va have ror sa!e lots ranging' 535 to OHO. Th LOTS an wiling tcrj tw. and it will b in tmt intrmtt to j(TO lot at nni. Vnr tl, irtt. miiuev v t" )"ty for a lt in nn oilier i'r -f tlw torn, Ton ran feu j a lot aud Lu:IJ a houvr in OlvLYN Tin Btil fc'.tfii'i taat ilni. ni ki:b.4i m a, v.xxy.s Special Attention IS CAM ,nti TO TH OUmSUY t.T:4E,4 US.vA, IOAiD K'lTlOS, W. I. 0. B, B. HIGHLY KF:)M M;:.iJlt VY LKADISH VHYH-UHA SS A LI. 0 VEtt THE ST A TE I .ACC0MM'KAT10S'- J'on BOAED THI! IlKST fx wnsTnnx s, c . ark count- r. 31ER0NEY & BRO., : ; tt Vaortii etob." Banner Tubacco Warehouse. Balon .Uy. Uf , t.W!K i )(ritf0I. WUOLKSALE AX 1) RETAIL DRUGGISTS. mo. -XUTTZ 4 00. ""irt D0ST-iTcb7 - zajLZBm ir Xaeetl Tohaooo. SALISBURY LODGE. ' Rati thlr.1 Irhi of lfnnt. Waettni nlbU Afft awl MuacUy tu Mli utuutit. 7I JOHNSON RAMSAY, Huifictirtrt ef flK ni Tu!r Tobacco. i-ij farmers mraofsiT tAUJ OF TOBACCO EVERY DAY. 7 If tWl. 1km t OMit. Prmrlabn. Lee S. Overman, A ttorney and Counselor at Law SALISBURY. If. C. PtjcUcos ii Rut uti Fiilera! Court Will attond the rourt of Itowsn, Itarlit on. lmlrll, 'liarra, bunly aud jdunt aMrtfT WtlHltiM. r-w" om Ho. , t'miBcii rtow. ttr ! THE BELLS OF EABTH, BT IKCHE.iKH, TAUBOX, The brill of earth go eouniUnff on From many an ancient atecple, TV Hi of their lairs uf Joy and woe . . . To all the waiting people; In man; amine of foetal mlnh They eheer our Uoure of glailneee. Or wall tb-lr cry when midnight fUuiea Arr raging in thrir BiMlnewi. on tb.-y riiif, thaw Witt of eartfa, ' - WHfa ont tlitJ. Btver ckanget, But over all tbe chorda of life Tiirtr tuyic sssic rang -a. To day thry mourn a natl.m'a loaa In ht-Avy ninan of sorrow, But chant tlw tripping wrftdlns; tcarrh, In itladsome Ipuea, to morrow; Today they ring of victory, With banners eaily flying. To morrow mjuWms fur the slain On all the winds are sfgjliinfr. So on they rlujt, tbt-ac betla of earth, M iUi note that U'ver chamrev But over all tli chorda of life. Their myaiic mtulc ranyn. TTow cetitly Ine mnmlng air The Hahbaib bells are callinf; How j)ftly at the hour of (traytT, When eventog dt ws are faliinn; But wivrt 4'.'tih a si! .'frtrsii'jn tuevca And elU are ilowly tt'llinic, How mournfully u;ou the. car l tw wam of miuJ come rolllu?: boon they rioz. thete'lwlhi of enrlh. Vtiih not that never than gee, But ovtr all Uio rhords of life Their wysllc muaie ranra. Thfilr note la oni . l ut tamao aoula. All tfc"!-t; SHU pMliua tilCUUUt, Can turn the imrio at tlirir will, t o each emotion bending: Tw e?? frost trrrt aad from tower Which o'er the lud ire rinyintf. Are e hni froni t)t'lf wime ug Wltk-tt cvrry ht arl in tinginc, K-i nn I hey riti. tlicw brlla t.f earth, W iili n.te that m-ver ehont-a, But on nil th" i.honhi nf Hie 1 heir myatir ouic ranea. A w lk; rrr.ancnt dniuk itr.Is by so many pvparato drink. ! v bt-vrnt' BtimU hi tho morn!, itxl HUthuntj.-a nt cxrrrt itt tin i i:n tnal aoictiliflc short-a, by 'i niahy tcp.rit! b)-.'!9 Jiaurs of work. (I'ruf. :lli;ini Jnmea, . It in nut t)f nuiialioti which make tlie mun, but the mart who mnkua lite titunlton. A freeman may be in chain. A stave may- lit on a throne. " Ho' who fills thejituatinit fcrmt-d t lie rrota from a giblf-t iutu '-K. IV. Uobi-rUnn. CITY DIRKCTpKY. M WOIV-t B Xaiva TtiWX rlllfoNKIUI 0 K Jaltaa. I A Atwrlt, H I' M Imim Hrn-it T A ( "(mi -lirn-ii r -J W 'M. krrr Crsipv. It i ilotH. R Jf nrrtyT uid t W Pool TOWN TAX lOl-LSt TUH : GoO Sk.vrr. ntrwTT nrni iM : Rhlilf. (' (' KrMrr: Krtfrt. II N l'naiiKa.t'l-r.n the ( c.ort, 1 M II rl Ht-prv-u(jilhf. L H Ovrmao. t'(QLrrt MMik.Q if iUi IH.frk-t Hon I B I UeBdrwiO, Hallstury. SC. B-uJrog aad oaa AaMttatk-. Tko r Klniw. Hr-HMiii H II rh. Vlco Prrlib-Dl. 1!" r J MilrUix k. Srti urv amt Trr.tinr; T Mao. All"m.r Ihaai-Toiw V V Mi.-nnrv. A 1'arkrr, i Allrn Hrowri. It tminn if, J J Brunrr, J IMiMklll. W hiruih-ic-.f. W L Klulti, E II .Nrarr, D A Al.rll. TOST OFFICE DIRECTORY. A II Hovdt.X, I'rwtmaaU'r.. Midi rlng aorUi, etoses 00 a m, and 7'5 p m Mail eofrtg snath, closr. lo4o a n.and t mi p m Mali gdnr. Trnt, nian l w p m Mll fr MH-kiTlllr, Jem-iilrra, &-b. iVmlb Itlrrr ami KanniDfEtna, SuiHliiy ex wptrd, leavr ; no a ni, arrle. a (Hi p m. Mall for A D-mark-.. Gold lllll. H k wrll, ) '.liurrmile. arel all l omeeii in Staulrv eounlv. r-uudav excelled, leave J( a ro. arrivr ou u ni Mail tor Yadkin t'ollege. Tyro Phopa, Fthtlee, Tuewtar, Ttiurwl.y aoa Saturday, Ua.a 7 Ou a m, 'arrive Isl'p ro. tlall for Ml Venu.o. Wmalleaf. Tortile. Tuewlay, Tkuwlav and Katuntay, k-ave 7 00 a ai. arrive a iio p m. Mail for llriru aad aUonvtllr. Mon- dar ad Friday, leare t U0 am, arrinS 00 pin : .- malt lr jacsum mil, nnniiie, fool, Millnlcevlll.. B.ln, (;rlVUI. (loalitiK fpringa. Mlllrrtown, Illley.rit.w. ( b.a.1 Wr'a Urovc, kvi Monday and Kriday at 7 an a m. Arrive Toewi-j and Saiurilay at I 90 p a. CHURCH DIRECTORY. . : Mrranmrr cbcbtb. Iter C W Brrd Panlnr. CundkV m-rvin-a at I" Wl a m: ?nn.v hVlioo) al S pro; Kvrnlng aerrlcea at Bp in; Pray er niMttng nan- raaasTTEaua enrnr il Hot J Rumple. T I). Pantor. Rim. day aervlca moraing at t0:!M o'rlm ki ISiinday aehool al 4 o'clock. Evi-nlna aervici at a o elnrk, arery Tbcndaf aifbl Prayer meeting R. I-ta (I'MCOrAl GBCBCI. Re X I Murdoch Hector. Sunday i i- ..... ii.-.. a i , .. Sckoolatkp m. Kvenlng acnHeea at 7, p m. fcrenin arrrif-t-a nninrwiar al -V8i) p m. UIMe CUaa Wednesday avea tug at 7 to , gai.iar.raT BAmar encaca, IteT J F Taltle. Paator. Senrleea evary rtunday except the third Sunday of every ninnib; mornin: service at tola) mi ftonilay HchocH at l: a-enin; wnrlcea at $ pip; Prayw nwetinj every Tkuraday atNpai , ciitraru or Tni aacaan bibt (cstwolk). Her. WaVim lhy. O. t. B., Paator. flervicm on mt rualar of every month: morntna; aervlrea al II a m, veaina aerrlcea al II p m. Bt. Jona'alOTiirju- Cnraca. !-.. C, B, Kin. Pator. Buodsy ser. vhva at It a m arxtl ao p. re. riahhaik rVkool al p m Irinre and pruver met'tir g WidncsnVtp cn at 7 c crocU- The Kailrofwlx to KiHrfit by tho ftcvr Law. ttftlllniore Rua. It will not iiirpnuo thoac who hT for ycara nrgfd npon CbhirrcM the pitMuge of a luw ta rt-fiiluU inti-r-atutu cornrrn-rco if, 'six motitlia , hence. the ruilroads of tho oonnlrv . ih on Id be found the firmest frienda i membcry of the (.'abiuct in the cvi-ut of the law whi.h wiu rtcvntlr pass-1 of a r.iraucv in tin- oWl-ik of l'rci ed, and which they hare till now ao i dent mill Vice-l'resident; the Cul-crn-aly opjioscd. Aa waa indiout-1 Uim-lJeagan bill to regulate inlcr ed in tho auecml diaiatch of the ' ataie commerce: for the retirement Sun a INew iork corretpoudent on Kriday, the corporations engaged in the work of transportation already i brgin to MirceiTe that they hare aomothing to gain by exchanging i the barbarotts lawlessness which has j hitherto -baracteriji d their relations I tu each other for a civihrcil condi- tion in which rights and duties are are of office act; to increase the an rigidly dcBtied by itatnta. 1'he i nual appropriation for tbo militia; cut-throat phase of railroad dovel-ito legulize the incorporation of opment ta undo a thing of the tiast i trades unions, by the iutrr-state commerce law, ! The following are the jninnrtant and tna railroails do not wholly re-, grtt it. 1 ne railroad men now in conference at Commissioner Fink's office, saya our Xew York corres pondent, aeem to agree that under the new rates, brought about by tho passage 01 the law, the companies will ! in position to ii.u-e more money than ever before. To this 1 no one can well object except the individuals here and them who have enjoyed the favor of sjiecial rates at the eix-nsc of their rivals in busi ness. The chief complaint of the pnblic lias not been that the aver age rates were too high, but that thev have been iiihihI flitr-rinilnat ing improperly, between persons fcioti for cavalry nnd light artillery; and tlaun, to the ruin often of the I for a lightship'off the entrance io persons and plane, discriininated ( heaapeiike Iiay; t.i proltibit gov against. High rates all nmuud, if eminent employees from luring or reuanniule, are" preferable lo rates ! contracting out the labor of I'uited now high and now low, and always ! States prisoners; tiling a close sea out of proportion to the extent of j sou for mackerel fishing. thcaorvico retidered. Hie eveeu tivc committee of the trunk lines have adopted, after chwe study- of tnc law, uie impurtaiif prnii ipi BrmMM-et. t that the rates for eaat-bouna tind j The legal status of the strike and west-bound business shall be the the boycott is being gradually tiled same, Tbejf have decided also that ! by the" courts. Two decisions of iho namcrvw classiOtsotwusfTdi! aiorelbau usual imnortjvnetfr have: froigbtat jimetiVlrf-jrasAli-tt Wert reteijJiifebV jjrdgS fc'dflcc'd tosix, will) rifftlAsto.'tBit.nrftheM-Tntca States Dii-ririt--!i, JJ oculs -r fmndrtd trict Coirrt, and the other bf the (Miiinda between New York and Chi- j Supreme Court of Krrora for (.'on-c.-igo; second .but. 62 ixiite; third , uectient. In tho fotmer ease a cla, .10 cent; fourth class, 35 number of men were arretted upon oenta; fifth eliua 30 centa; - aixtb a auit by a ateamship company to clasa, -S cents. Au immrtnnt fea-1 recover damages for interferancc ia ture of the new classification ia the j its business. The defendants were rate of VJ cents par hundred pounds j charged with causing the companv' for grain and 30 cents x-r hundred ! workmen to quit work in a body, pounds for provisions, a reduction j declaring a boycott of the compa of 5 cent for both. The evil of ny'a business and endeavoring by reckless rale cutting whieli Com- means of intimidation to prevent miesioner Kink has labored so hard other persona from dealing with the to correct, is at pwnt general in company. The court held that the the west. The Chesapeake and j act of the defendant were notonly Ohio is accused of making a rate of ; illegal, so as to render the defend iO cents on grain from Chicago to arits liable in damage, but were . Newport .News, with the object, j 80 misdemeanor at common law as pcrhai. of advertising its terminal ! against the section of the New York facilitie at the latter place. Other penal code directed against conspir lincs, it is said, are also taking ,,ey. The court characterized the freight at figures far below their association of the defendants for the publisbtd tariffs. Ti e new law I purpose mentioned a au illegal dnea not f rubibit making luwr J combination, and declared that all ratcaat any time, pruudrd ten j acta doho in furtheraiico of those day' notice is given, hut it docs I purposes were actionable. In the prohibit, under aetere penalties Connecticut case the court aflirmed any departure, whether a reduction I the conviction of three member of or an advance, from the published and posted rate. V pon this re quirement of the law, according to our correspondent, the represctita live of the trunk line inly with ' anme confidence for a reformation i of th chief vi! of r.ite cutting, j Temptations to indulge in the pruc - tice will evidently be greatly leas-, ened when ten days notice lias to i. ...... lu.l. i r. . .. .' . ing railroad presidents and direc tor will find it leas easy to make quick profit on their transactions by suddehly advancing or lowering freight charge on commodities which they operate, if. other have over a week in which to buy or sell before tho new rate goes into effect. I be railroad will itoubtlen in time ducortrr other war in which tbe inter-state commerce law will protect them from themselves, ami thus proTe, after all, to be their very beat frioud. Tbe Appropriation. Washisgtoji, II. C, March 8. A statement of tbe footing of th appropriation bill passed at lhe last easion of Congress was com pleted by the clerks of the Senate tand House committee en apprupri atiou to-day. It i a follow : Agricoltural, H.OiS.STO; army. J3, 724, 7 lt; tliplomatio and consu ( lar, 1,4'.'!),94; District of Colom bia, 4,-U.89tl; Indian, i.iX 8117; legislative, ,0,701,221 ; mili tary academy, t419,:iC; navy, 53.1CS; pension, . 76,252,500; poetoflice, o5,n04,630; sundry cir il, 2t,383,4!0; Mexican pension deficiency tS, 900,000; public print ing deficiency, 107,000; mice!!a neon appropriations (estimated), J, 500, 0(H) the total of actual ap propriation, e24?.W,144. The river and harbor bill, which was not signed, appropriated 9,91-1,-800; aud the" deficiency bill, wliich did not pass, though it ws agreed apon in conference, carried at) ap propriation of ft, 20,02-1, A LNl uf tlm Iiiiiortrtitt Mean. uro FkKsctl by CoiigresK. (rtwlotte Ubtirvir.) The following ar tljo, important, ncnate uilla pl.ctil on tlio mututc booka by tue irt'snit Congreaa : Prcaidcutia aueccasiun bill, di-volv- ing heirahip to the l'rcaitloncy upon jand r-coin:ige of the trade dollar, I the redemption not to cumc out of ' the monthly bullion pnn-liiise; the lelectorMl count bill; lor the allot- tnent of lauds in scronilty to In- thana and extending the protection of the laws to Indiana on the vari- oua reservations; to repeal tho tcn- IIou6e bills wliich have become laws : lo increase the pi-unions of widows and dependant relatives from (8 to 9V per month; to abol ish certain fees for otlicial services to American vessels and to amend the shiviliin. laws lb )Mn"!ev isliinniue bill): to nension tbo Mm. ican veterans; imposing a tax upon aud regulating the sale and import- aliou of oleomargarine: to extend the immediate delivery letter sys tem; to provide for closing of the business of the Court of Alabama Claims: extending the free delivery system to towns of 10,000 ::ihabi t ihta- to t.rnvide a school of instruc- 1 ni Kir taut Dec talons. a VyH)graphical unjpn for conspira cy in boycotting a newspaper for refusing to pay union rates to it printers. J he broad ground upon hich the courts nrucceded in those cases is that association formed with tho design of interfering by overt act with the freedom of employers in the proper control and management ot their business are illegal combinations. A SlierlTa Dwlttc Asiikvili K, N. C, March 8. A fugitive from Tennessee, one Climles Ooodlake by name, was not long ai nee arrested on the afli- ) davit and identification -.-Hberiff Connor, of Chattanooga, Tenn. Connor yesterday boarded the train with hit prisoner, after four trips to this place and after having o-en his prisoner held here -under writ of iniiw rnrpvt several time. Before reaching Marshall the Sheriff heard that a writ of corpim had been issued for him, and leaving his prisoner in cttstoiry of his dep uties, be exchanged clofwing with lll,n llmntnti nn ilia Atimn. Al j Marshall Sheriff Chandler", of Mad ison, boarded the train and de manded the prisoner. Tlii officer, being incxericnced, upp8cd the writ must be served on the prisoner. Unite a scene ensued. Half a dos eu deputies were guarding the pris oner. A half dozen more wore with Sheriff Cbandley, and iu a moment a duxen pistol were seen gleaming in tho lamplight. The counsel for the rii'i!iriiiir rutin. aboard the train, reminded the , fresh Sheriff that tho writ must Srst be crred on the person to whom it wa addressed J. K. Connor, Sheriff of Hamilton county, Tenn. Sheriff Cbandley failed to find Con nor, and the train moved oil bear ing all tbeao; officer. About the time tbo train .reached the next station Cbandley heard where Con nor was, but by the time ho wa enabled to reach the cab the crafty Tennessee Sheriff had been landed iuto hi own State. This luticau. id much excitement, and i net yet cuded. . Meetinir of the Hoard of Com tnihsloners of Rowan County. The board of commissioners for : said comity met, according to sd jottrnmetit, on Monday March Tt la. l'reavnt Thos. J. Sumner, chair man, V. I.. Kluttr., C, I", llaker and J. S. McL'ubbins. Tho minute of last meeting were read and approved. H. X, Woodson returned tlo for hire of Willis Savage (col), a pris oner, for the month npni . tnrnrd 1.35 1 from A. M. brown, for 8-t feet of1. 18 ,,"!' lumb, r and some paint, left over at ! 'v I?""1 ,"" !'p","k4t '" the poor house.' Also returned j "7 kv newspaper. 97.40 collected from the liailroail , or ""''Viduals. Couiny, being part of the bin- for j .liali mh is to have its local option a prisoner by natiio of Xoah Dcd- Campann over again; more than man, making a total Of k08.i5, ! !-'0 names have been signed to aud which aaid Wood sou aaatopav 1 lue .ctiliou asking fur the electma. into the band of the county truas- Jt i estimated that over ix hun nrer, to go to the general county , ,lr0,i ,,crsns fr,n a distance havo a'"'" , ' settled ill Ilaleigh during tho past A jietition for a public rond in ; eight or leu month. Atwell Township leading from a j Aw,,ri , ,,,-, f1nU.. point on the lleatie s 1-ord -road, . ... M . . near Mrs. harah Uampton ., run-1 ning thence ... a south-eastetly di- ror-tion to a nomt on the itew ronjl between V. j, iiwrancc and Knoch-' ville, and over the hinds of Sarah and D. A. Hampton. Jhos. Watt, i lfc" "I''"'g r some time in Jack Host, M. K. Dobv, Alex. I ),""" lu"; 1 Ih-l.ii.,uirer and Ovcrcash, 1). F. right and others, I Mi.agiiu s that they must be were presented to the board and ! "'"' eotisiderablu success it appearing to the satisfaction of i d,'ic1""'-v w"u1, "I1"1 80 n,ut;l4 the board that said petitioners have ol t"" t','rt' complied with all the requirements I The suit of a polieeniati in Char of luw, it was ordered by the board j lotto tigaiust the li. it 1. If. 1., that u warrant be issued to the ' Company, f--r en amount due him slierirr ot Hnwait cotiuty. .' j for handling i far the daily trains ing him to sunimou a jury of lire : and for wages due him for nine free-holders, who after being duly I months, he having been discharged sworn, aro to lay out a public road 1 that long before his term of twe between the above named poitits, years cipired, was decided yester and said jury are also to assess such : day by a verdict of .".." 1 against the damages as the parties over whose i'lload. Judge, .Monlgoimry presi lands the proposed road may pass, ! ded. shall sustain by reason of the laving 1 ,w i i , j , , , . , , tiovi-riinr Si-aks has commuted and clearing out of said proposed .t . t, , . , i.i ..I i , ., , the sentence of Aliiwoi Speak. wb road, provided that the clerk of this ,,. .,,,,, i 1 . ,.,v . , i ,. . . -, . ' was sentenced to bane on the IStn board shall not issue sunt warrant ! , . . ,. ,, . , , ... , . - ii. ... . : i ust . . -at Statesville. .siieaks, after until the, t,t,oners .hall nave 1.1-.; 3t,lt,ctd lo dUt-, tt -u ai joflicerr eoat,- fees; and also hi n. .f-. , , a ' . . . ...tild and-aecp- irrpa, H m bridges, necessary to ld on said , r,n(. ou hjj trm (1ut , jlk.n,u,J road for seven year from the ly-, !ni,r,i,r lvl,(,n til0 mmt. aa com. -ing out of said road. mitu,(1 Messrs. A. A. Sbepard & Co., I , ... . , were granted retail liquor license at I . Igtalature has e.iablishcd .1, 11. Nail s old tand, on Main ! !,T p-'"al act, a syntem of sav gtrt , .ings banks for the State, which Ordered that C. C. K rider be al- ! "uKht t0 co"": in 'mT:l U5- T1'ir lowed aiitil the 1st Monday in April i ""anagemeut is intrusted to nine in which to settle the school and ,"ec.,-nd pmht are to be dm county taxes for the year lHSd. ; I .f an,n"K ""' . 'lepositora. Ordered that John II. lliec, one i ,Ltro "H" t' absorb of tberoad supcriiitendenta in Unity i far. o! ,"'e l'n "1" he Township, bo furnished with sulli"-' '"T I'UnbnU-d on the mutual plan cient dynamite fuse and cups to ,,J depositors. blast ome largo rock out of the ! In obedience to the Inter state public road in said township. Commerce Law which takes effect Ordered that the poll tax charged ! April "'. tbe C. F. A Y. V. against Monroe Fleming (col) of ' Cnmnany givrs notice to all franklin Township, be remitted. i shippers and to the connecting line Ordered that the Shi-rit! remit ; llllit tariffs and special rates now in the" county aud school tax on :)00 i etlect will be withdrawn on or ho of solvent credits improperly ! fore that date, and new tariff made charged against Miss Julia Heard I accordance with the requirement for tbe year 188.V Ordered that the poll tax charged agaiDst Dan'l Liun (eo!) for the year 1886, be remitted, he having produced satisfactory evidence that lie wa over fifty years of age. A copy of the report of the (irand Jury for the last term of the Siiie rior court, was furnished the board, which wa read and ordered filed for futuro reference. Tho county superintendent of health made his regular monthly report, which wa read and ordered filed. Ordered by the Hoard that tbe bridgo commissioners build a bridge across the east brunch of Coddle creek, in Atwell Township. C. l, Krider, Sheriff, reported that he has collected on the tux list of 1880, 23,000, aud has paid over to tho proper person entitled to receive the same the sum of 19.000. J. M. llorah reported to the board that the Salisbury Water Work Company ha paid to him the corporation tax of ;.". 00, and that be ha paid tbe sanio to tbe county treasurer. A. M. Hrown, keener of county poor bunsc, reported the average number of pauper, during Febru ary to be 3:J whites and Hi negroes: the exiiensei of maintaining aaid paupers during said month was 30.11. The following allowance were mode to outdoor paupers : Faille Cox and isler, i.OO for their sup port for two mouths; X 1) Klliott, 4.50 for the support of Klitahrth Cline for 3 months; Mary Kimball, 4.00 for her support fur 2 mouths. Permission waa granted to Itnfe Parkor (col) to go to t he poor house. The following account were or dered paid out of the funds for the poor t W T Fry, 100 for repairs on poor bouae; I'r J .1 Snminerell, Snpt. of Health, Ki.GU ; A M Hrown. 93c. for onion and krant; W II W illi, 7.20 for four ooifine: Jamr Lanier, 1.80 for 2 bag of ?e; Wnn. Brown, 80c., tin ware; M Knox, ;'.25 for one sack of flour; C'oiighonour & Shaver, H.H8 for beof; W Bmilhdcal, l.PO for hardware; V Wallace, 48 for sup plies; k J Holme, :i.8, for tun- plica; J W" McLean, i.lO fori cof fin; J 1) McN'eely, 2M for tack of ntvnr; U-nls a 1. ingle, 93.. forsvp pile furiiielied outdoor pauper. 01 R STATE. Tiiirdcn pecs are in bloom at Kew berne.nnd tlu-v are shipping radishca from that plane. The Oxford Tonhlisl:t ayf that coal hai Itx-n dincovcicU iu the nt-ighborliuod of Oxf-jnl. A hotel is to be built at Mount Molly, on the Carolina Oiilral liaiiroad, eoatitifc f.'.O.Wid. A Xew York Company have taken the contract to erect a hotel at Ashcvillo for the Kontliern Im- provl,tnMll Con.j.any. ... ' ... , (r ,,, ,,;,,, a, V(.r to 4 , ; A hj diffcrIIJC, . J a A couple of Mormon elders b oi mat lua- win he K -uctl to taku effect on or previous I hereto. Tbe New College. The Legislature of North Caroli na has seen tit to establish a College of Agriculture and tho Mechanical Arts. The funds for tbe mainten ance of this institution are provided for in the follow . ig manner, o we have been informed : 0,(N)0 from the tax on fertilizers in execs of the amount from that source net apart for the Agricultural Depart-. mi-lit. ami 7.N0 interest on the ! 'and script given by tho I'mted States. Some persons sav that tho fertilizer tax will fall far below that received in average years. All over tho 27..WO given for the mainten ance of the Agricultural Depart ment goes to the new college, a stated. The college, beside, gei a large tract of laud, tho Kxpoxition buildings (which cost 13,1.00). and 8,ti0 from tho city of Ualeigh. Scrofula llue of the mewl fatal wonifrt wMoh afflict malikiiii. It Uoflrn InLfPtitfU. hut ni.iT tri the rt'.iuli of improwr vru-olnatdin, merrurial K)lonii, uDckwillww, ami vnrtuus oilier rauu-. thrunie Horva, l'Wr, Aljuceamro, tQmtjnrtis HtttnofK, and. Iu tonic eaaea, Kmari.troii, ai4 C. sumption, rvmii from a srrtifuluua condi tion of the bkMKl. THU ilirae eao be cuml br llic u of Ayt r'i barsaaiina. 1 InheHtrnt a M-roftirtw mmlittna of the Mttotl, wltH'lt t-uuitf-t a (It rrti-friiiflU uf tuf whole aikts-m, Aftr-r tHkiiiK liia Ivur uoutvu t( A)tir' ttarftaiwrl lla I aiu Entirely Curtd nl. for the pt v-ar. have nA tnmnA H tt.f .wiiry to u any ni- Id-tit- wtt8tv4v, 1 am now In In-iut ImmIiIi, ami wi-uBifer, tltun evi-r iN fnn-. it. A. M titan. , 3J I n-ioout at.. IttMuu. Mm. . 1 waa triiibl-d srltlt UtrofutoM Srre for Use j (: bur. nfirr i.f a fr Kli.s f A-ra Mrwttnu flia. tlir laini li'-alcO. anj I tuive ihw k" (tealili. KMntwlb Waruuek. &4 AlMtletuU kinct, Lowell, Man. ftotua montfn are t was irwiHM with Vrnir.r itri- on m br. i'be limit Wrt Iwttlr rwntli'n ami .iitViin't). nml tlitj mrv llrkrFjfi if big Tiitiititiitv of iftt ih alve matir-r. Kry rm-4lv fniKtl. utiul I u-xtl ArprV frMvrmrt. Hv tuktnx three botlln of ttii iMiicli flW aue a kiave bevm entlnly twatfri. ami my hru'ib Is foil iT-tori-d. I aiu vriiirful ffi Hm ftwl lhl limht tue baa dr ni. Hrk Aao U ttriau, tin ullh au L, fcw Yerk. Ayer' Sarsaparilla, rrfwiW VrJar.J. C.ktf fTO ..w-M.J. loi ( aii lru(ri. tV'c 1 , au iMMikwa.a.

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