rra ear.zri Vol. III.-"-so. 18. SalislDuz-y, iisv C, Wednesday, 3 1S8S; "Whole 3So. 122 y i . i '.V ? . DYSPEPSIA. ISIlinl i c-s wrift:r-l when we und-diatMlii-al itri'a.r.'tiH iiUMnsHi. J lie Moiuru h i li n'rxxir (nun ti-Wch every f,ut mxi liMn? i.iust b t:ourihfd,ti' micf utiy Iniil!c wil H i? Inmn t 1 1 1 it r ,y -r l)'HpoptlJ! liirtwo will f.avo tJr-Wto' f1(Hiilnaiit (.y i:iN.iiim. lyxp-i;,Jrfi4ivft inculal wer atirt a M!tou4Att,&ramcijt. ht u.jft to hick IleJrl.c; Jfjos' , J!ehyaii(1 t hU KMaltchaVc Crliystloii while the thin itervuu4ur.er.rjjntl tgliNmy fiir-!...lin-. K.mir. (ivi-t!c!i f ru . wonderfully Jur. tfl; utliirk hav Ktontlrrilabniiy of t itijrf-r. - 7 yi.atfvcr fir'ui' i)n-ui inay'tAlsfL '' Olio tin ug is certain. ? ' rri. - i underlying: c nit i:iiiiiii; nun? nwr! ina?u.ujy rcrtayi.no tni win remain a iiyii;iiuc ylo w ia 1 It ylU correct A'litx of the . ! Stomach, Epel foul g: !! Allay Irritation, AvUtDiCTtlon, aui.at the name' time Start the tArer to tcorklng9 tchen tit I olhtr ' trouble 1 soon disappear. ''My'Wife Wav' cimfiViwcd 'dyiHr;t5c. Some .' three year ago Ly il-e a!v.e ol Striner, of Aiigutu. h5 w; iiji'iii";J to try Siinmum liver KrguUinr- , I 11 J;i jVtf;-,l fjr the chcf it has S'ven licr. and may ail .ho -jread f!ii aHd are alTlicird ia ajiy wy , witcihcr 'chronic or er.her (, use Simmim Liver Ke'jfulator and 1 fetl .COiifilrut heatiK be restoreJ to all who will be aJViicU,' Wm. VL Kki. Kcrt LV alley, Oa.. ... . . ,1.. ; r -. Sec Ihal tjou atl Ihc, Jtnuinc9 with rcl on front ! Vriier. J II.ZKII.IN Jt CO., I liiU.lclphla, ta. w . -That Wondarfyl Comb.'natlent I VI LUi'a -O 'UE&VICCY of -2 t - t (Jeea more than ory prcccr!pt!on vfrlt .ionj both pJariiaare Mj-ijiji madieknaS." . 1T.-B. Tho BwMt Qum eotne from V- Southern Evrimp and la highly Erjxctorsnt, whUa the KuUeih ., I Mudilaelneus nd tiiua,oombired thty aro-ei&'pl A COU pcgleoiocl leads to Berionu reon"its,.CTlOTrP CttAcka your homo wltLotit TvsmLrj-, WXIOCI'Ii'iC CUT7QH bo airnoytrr end psiaftJ", AIAj yiold rosdl'y tothe- aoeiiilijffly rt!ACIO-POV R of Otoylor-a Pwoot Guini and UailcJu. UBOiTCiC't'IS od AflTH JttA left unattended to, v31 3ead to CCIJ8njITTI02?, Aud tUcsa it Quickly relieves nd ixwitlyt-ly oursa. S?iSIS4 CN -KAVEKfi YT. ' Dr. duElian, tho lwiAinst phyoician ct Ore?, Srlt. ain, oil lAiTLtf and Bronchial Xrouha, reaamiuenda . 'Uulleln" oe flff.y per rat Vee-r tbaa Cod ia-or Oil "for CoTisumption. UTKoepitinthotouee. ." IT 13 PLEASANT AWD. PALATABLE nd Is theilxxeet Veottq. remedy Ca the wcrld for oil - Throat and Ivs'troublea. It, Trill etii-iulate the . throat and exiable you to throw off all obctructlona eaaily, aidinz expectoration and relieving tho couh at onoe. Aait your drnfrvist for lt.U6e. OOj. & IL sizes. . If h does no kosp it. we will p&j , fcr one tima Only, xpreea ohsrgea on, large Biae botUaa- to any part of the TT. 8. on receipt of H .00. Tfco WALTEU A. TAYLOR Co., Atlffc?, Ga. JOB Alili BOW EL T jiOUSIXa and Children Teeth .tax, bn Uiat great Bom them remedy Vr. Z2c" HuoJcleberry Cordial. 60 oonte ac Drurs3ta. "UYUMJgEHUiMOlfiSSS IS THE BEST. MiA.TTPwESSSS OF ALL KISDS AT B. :M. DAVIS' ON INNIS' STREET. CASKETS, C0FFf:YS, BUR- IA L 11 OBEX, A T R . M. V IS' Uiiclertakiiig: Rooms, - OPENING O'INIS ST. -0- EST Mattresses of all kind' made to'or er, v. UJs. ilattrisses Repaired tcrinor done. ' ' Upbol- riiiture-repaired .-and Cabinet done-tefprdcr. . - - . - - C trorji 'SStf THE SASH, BLIND AND PQOIi MAX, ThC: foundry Mm, Ths'Clieap?3t Eagine;Man nreDared to t;;""" llA - cneapess - 1S mate on all plain and fancy any xnins You mnv ""tj wnu , to aXocmod ve 5 Sl Jro a bootjack if you can't con.eVoSfaild him and or write. Repairfe?rSda-i:hanfr ? bacco mill and mining.f Pes to cialty, ... machlnery a- spe- oipdly L3 U 'BEST IS TirtvtPnri." Its wearing jnaliM ' " K 1 tA YKn DOCTOR SAY 3 1 "I recommend arsj USE ,Jr.-F0n mm. ... En:T:.r53 b l i I rn U O 'A rim- MM, ontlatl.g. two boxen of infl ot' MtllsnT' Oom. Animal oil. gUET Til ASffiU ..TO BALIS EY MAL ogg- ...... ' ' " . - 1 ; . r EES ID EXT I A L POYE if Estimates Preside11 v !".'! Wealth. " Alluding taftliv faCt'tr iuce ! teSentimaMeil'1' utl hirQ recently )euvig sever! . grauu thUilrr-A tn.ne with the worM -"Onef'ner .fic. . 'owing to; a wyr s sJekne5, is au tcror. nie I Ullj. On' f her daughters is not', , well en&uh to worV, the otlu-r Is leaiplo'je'i in one of the UoTeriunVt.t uepHrtnents;. 'Another- gre-t-graud daughter of JtfTt-rson has ehara of -'a school in Bakitnore, tirid Moutieeljo ha long inee pass ed out of the hands of the f.unilj. Just before JblTerson died he wa? a o - ni u c h i u d ub t t U,aU a . luttcri Echemo whs gotten up' to stll his property and rcdiere his necfljitiea. He left prHctically nothing to his children and tha'y rcceired (some two sums of 10,000 ch from the Legialaturcs of tio oflthe Southern States. : . : Joh'n Tyler left 6on8 property, but' it all went to bis second wife. Oneof his sons, General John Ty ler, who drove a four-in-haml while his father was in the Whitq Honee, and who was then, called th'e hand somest in an in Wnsljington, liea on ap03ition in ."'the .Tyeasuy. de partment, and one of Tyler's most accom p"I isht d , d au gh t e rs a lady who presided orer tiie Execnti?e Mansion after her mother's death and until hsr father married -tulia' Gardner,-i.3 a guejt at C-orcorAn's Old Ladies' Hone ,here. A man who claims to be one of the Waih i ngton family, and who, by the way, has a face strikingly like! that of the Presi dent, pe"d ii I es trinkets in a little "booth building. Dolly in .the ' Pen'sion Madison, the President s wife, was, during-apart of her last days, fnrnUhed food by a colored man who had been in President Madison's service. She got, however, a. large snw of mono from 'Congress, for Mudison's pcrs, and it wa3 this tUat caeed i ' . t : ' . ier ueeiiuiug years. Most of thje President's have died poor, and' few of -them -hve - made n i u c.li' o u t . c f : o ffi c e - h o 1 d i n g . Mon roe!' was so )oor that hia latter days were spent with his son-in-law, Samuei'L. G-ouveirneur, and there i ' -'" ' $' he died. Iliurison left nothing to speak of. Pulk loft about lO. OOO, "including Polk; Place atNa'sh-j villc, where kisi widow now lives. It is a valuable ;bloek lof ground in the center jf the town, - which has risen. largely in vklue - since the President's death. " j ' 1 - Martin ran Buren made money out of politics. Hestarted life poor and died well-to-do. 0ne es timate puts his estate! at 4'800.,000, and he made money iu real -'estate as well as 3U the law. j Both of the" Adamses were raos: pavcig if not money-makere. The leir" cf John Adams to his ;wifo Abigail, repeatedly urged her to put down the household expenses 'and to prac tice . ecqno'my. lie luRched him self on oat-cae aud lemonade, and he walked softener' than he rode. John Qaineyv Adams received nearly half a millron - dollars from the Government in salaries during his lifetime," and he possessed the x an k ee t tin 1 1. The Adams family, at present is one of the. richest in New England, and I was told at: Kansas City -that Charles Francis ; Adams'had more than a million dollars invested in real esttptf .IIe railroad stocks and bonds in addition, ami die" makes money breed like Australian rabbits. Andrew Jackson spent more than his salary . while in the White House and he had , to borrow, money .-: to : "keen ; nn. with his expeneea. Thomas Jelfer son borrowed the money that ear ned nun out r Washington when he left the Presidency, .and - Andv Johnsou, '.though he1 .entertained considerably, is - supposed to havt; saved at least 5o.oob darino-! hie Wite. Uouse careerA lie died, I ,a;n told, worth about ilnn nnn and the most of this came from economy, Jit was a paetty' good estate for a tailor to lea?"e. - Janla Buchanan was making about 7,ooo a year at the law- when he entered Cojigress, and he spent during hia Presidency what was left..fronK his living, expenses , in charity.1 He waa not, however, a rich man when he;di?(1 and his estate of Wheat lands was sold.a year or two ago. President Eillmore began life as a-wool:carder. .During the three t , v r". eiISagl to his sweet- heart he had not enough money to pay ,t,uo - expenses nf tujt .A,i her ifn 7 m,'c Wbich M'betweeH her.home m Saratoga ' county. N. ere heT had. begun to jear of their rjwtrriage his'wife did the housework and- taught school, andtrll he died one of the riehesi of the Presidents.- 'The greater part of b13 fortune; however, came from bis second marriage to a rich woman of Buffalo, whom bo nrti tafter jiis first wife died. - - of AndrawUiV,n rec-!lJ h to ' rcer. Hays mde mosej out of be" froigHs j-Jsrtnjr in aUhe Presidency and is neb through Vahir5h'J,ott1, New York (inheritances and economy. The HVr7rarretnd n- p: j Pmidcnts, a a role, hare not sav- Th4mii lfFW''a grandaugh-Jed mcnev during their Presidency; ' ' President Cleveland is supposed to be worth about 1 00,000', and 'he owns, I am told, real estate in Buf falo which is rapidly advancing- in - . - .-. -; . . ,.: -. value President Arthur Itft mnchiAIlbTIIIJi ORESlI GOODS" less than he was supposed to be worth!. GarCrld shortly before his death, owed 3o.ooo to (Jen. Swaim. and Grant did not add to his fortune y hisj. White House ca but. the iarne Urn frictHrnU tL'iilt Wl . if IllPV had been ucei in .v.,...v.. ! the ueid or. monev- lnukiug anti inoneT-sarinsr. have given them fortunes. The Electoral Vole. On the opening.of the President tial yfAT, thefol!pwing list of the Stares which are Democratic, lie publican ahd dbiibtful, with the electoral Toteof each, is interesting. The Totfe of the Electoral College ia' 401, ind it requires 201 votes tou secure -the election : DEW( Aldl-atTra 10 California " 7 Colorado, 6 Illinois. ;', 3 Tlowa. 3 Kansas, 8 3 10 13 9 6 14 13 5 3 4 23 Ark&nsh; Connecticut, . Delaware, Florida, Georgia, - a Kentucky. Mitryland, MlhiiHsippb AfisMour!, New York, N. Carolina, ' S. Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, , Virginia, West Virginia, 12 J 3 - 8 0 16 20 11 9 12 13 12 6 Maine. -Mawactusetts, Netraika, Kevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, I'enDgylvania, Khode Ilaspd, . Vermont., r AVisconsin, : .30 a: A n 172 Total; Total, Indiana, MinDeaota, 185 DOUBTFUL. 15 New Jeray , 7 Oregon, Tctal doubtful, . , 34 Any one. of the Uoubtful States, save Oregon, would giro the Denu? crata the Presidency; The Bepub- licans must carry, Indiana,- New Jersvj and Minnesota, all three, to win. ' - - v . ' . ' y ' m Mr. Henderson Work. The hofise ' judiciary' committee unanimously approved and will re port to the house favorably, the fcubstifutcfor the bill to amend the internal' revenue laws introduced by llepresentative Henderson, of North 'Carolina. In its present shape the.bill abolishes all mini mu rri penalties for infractions of the revenue laws and confers on.the court's discretion in the Imposition of punishment within 'the limit fii-ed by the statute. It forbids the issue of a warrant in - such cases .upon information and belief j except ipon affidavits made by the collec tor, or oeputy collector, or revenue agent; and with this exception no warrants are to be issued, except upon sworn complaint, setting forth facts aa within .the personal knowl edge of iirliant. "The payment of ieesjor warrants is lorbiddcn, nn- less there be conviction, or. prose cution has been authorized by the United States attorney, or unless prs.At4on .was begun) by reforma tion or Inunient. The bill makes all warrants retm .l'de before., the nearest judicial ofnoer, I'-10 may make preliminary examinations discharge, -bail or commit, to prison thepcrson arrested. , ... 'Tiie circuit courts of the United State and the district courts are also authorizi-d to appoint a! niany commissioners in their district aa may be necessary.! Ycloeitjj-. of Earthquakes. The course which an earthquake runs 1 usually very rapid. 17. the niomcut when the '.first shock wa felt at Lisbon ' to the" -period when all wan oyer, and nearly 30,- 000 people: were killed; hot more than four minutes elapsed. A few seconds, wo learn from. "Our Earth and Its S tor if,", are usually a more frequent time for the . shock, or shocks to lat. ; Yet, while Caracas in Venezuela was almost destroyed, and 12,000 of its inhabitants killed' by the esrthqaake of 1812, within the limits-of half a minute, there are cases in which constantly . re curring sjiocka- lat fpr - weeks, months and even yearg, as if the laboring earth., was still trying to relieve itself of sonmof its snpera- ountiant energy. jsor example, tne palabri an earthquake of Fe br ary; i783, was raot qaitefinished before December, 11786, and it iV a com mon observation that the prelimi nary shock is usually, followed by one of greater sevarity, and this in its turn by others less in tfiise, like j the distant claps of thunder which herald the passing storm.' But in this brief 6pan the most frightful havoc can be wrought, and the wave" of deetrnction propagated .from the most distant' -regions.. The rum bling earth sound- travels, for .'in stance, at the rate of 10,000 or 11.000 feet per second, . and the" earth wave," on an I average, about 1,200 feet in the same space of time, though in" .Charleston," as we have seeii; a'tnuch higher rate' was attained. Toronto .Truth', u-m ' ' rr '--" -1""''' The EfTect cf SleepifliIn Cars Is tiie contracting of cold.- "which; often results seaiously to the longs. Never neglect a cold, bat take in time Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet .Gum and jlulleein naturels great ouh incdkine. abilities that wade CASxl AJrorthCsrollra -Greeny"'' isTtkea , In by a Grocn Qcods liaa Will Fools Never Learn. 4 Philadelphia, J ati. man giving the name of josepn L. Poal, and stating that he w a 1 amber and Hour merchant of Bethel, X. 0. called at Central police station this morning and informed Chief of lctective Wood that he had been J . . . . . t ' f , uuin;a out oi Siiu ot a cynuaence man. Peal said a few weeks aero he received a letter at ma home from a man m New York named J. 11. Vard, who gave his' address at 1&0 Mulberry streei (care of the barber). The writer informed Peal that ho had a lot of greenbacks which had been printed from a stolen Government plate and which he would sell to Peal at a liberal discount. A correspondence fol lowed. Ward informed the Bethel merchant that he would meet bim at the Pennsylvania ra i I fb ad Nata tion in Philadelphia. Peal placed $500 in his ocket with which to purchase. tho goods, and left Jbome for Philadelphia on Suuday. f, Here the old familiar confidence game .wa3 played qpon him by aniffable stranger from Tarb'oro, X. Ci, who knew all about Peal, and was glad to meet him'so far from home;, took him to dinner athis hotel, Jfoand himself uuaccountably shoH of ready cash, and (would' Mr J Peal oblige him till the banks opened in the morning. Peal obliged him with $210. The next morning he began to think something had gone wrong and told his story; to the police,and left for borne with the remainder of his money. Peal pro fessed to have no suspicions that the mortey he proposed to'pnrchase tit a r ' i -i-r nugnt oe counterfeit. - i About the Statei The W. X. C. R. It. Co. has built a handsome new depot at Conover. I The trestle on the Chester and Lenoir R. R., where the recent ac cident occurred, has been jre-built. "'Applications for rooms! at the Battery Park Hotel, Asheyille, are pouring in so fast that it seems the hotel will be full by the middle of I?Vbruary. '; ..' j The Lenoir Topic says that it is generally believed in Mitchell coun ty that Ray, the noted character who escaped from the Asheville jail, recently visited BakerWille in dis guise and that his family ; left the country with him. j ' r Pattie Lindsay, a coloied 'woman who died at Greensboro a' few days ago, surpassed anything ever known in this part of the country for bulk of avoirdupois. She was sixty years old when she'died and when she was las weighed, she tipped the beam at 625. She is said j to ( have been too helpless for locomotion for soveral years past, and -i; supposed to have weighed about 700 pounds when she died. : . M This scribe would like to suggest a plan for reducing the,, surplus-in the United States Treasury : Let Congress appropriate it to the states to be expended .in baildirxg good voids. ! It would give; employment to thou6C,,, an"K if appropriated according to the C:itions of the road, no fear but that Norti. 'i'0- liha would come in , for her : full share. This would beat the ''Blair Rill" all 'holler," besides being of real" benefit to all Classes Char lotte Hornet. - Ex-sheriff Wiley, of Caswell county, was in the city yestcrdaj'. He is now a .resident of Hickory. TT.- - H iinnn wlinm tlin hpavipst. bolt of the iloldeii-Kirk War - fell. He with Dr. Roan, Judge L.err"ulid Josi ah Tu rn er were arrested and . t .... imprisonea; and desperate effort was made to fix tipon Sheriff Wiley tne guilt 01 tne muraer 01 Stevens in the court house at xanceyville. His innocence was clearly es'tab- iisneu. in iaci, tne cnarge was part of the then current .sj'stem of persecution. Asheville Citizen. , Kernersville, it is said is one hundred and twenty years old. It was first settled about the year,17C0 by Caleb Story, an Irishman. . ..Tra dition sayr that - be bought, the original tract of 400 acres, on which the town was'built, for four galloua of rum. He sold to. Dobson, and for many years the town was known by" the unpretentious ..name of ''Dobson-'s X Roads;" Dobson sold to Shober, and Shober to Joseph Kerner, a native of Germany, in 1818. " A Dream of Fair Women. Tnnyson, in his exquisite ( poem, dreams of a long procession of r lovely womtn of ages pasL This is all very well, but the laureate would have done the world a greater service-if he had told the women of the presept how they could improve their health and enhance, their charms. This he might easily have done by recommending the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Health is the best friend .of beauey," and the n nuraerabie ills to whieb women are pecul iarly: subject,, its worst enemies. Long experience has proven'that the health of womankind and the Favorite Prescrip tion" walk hand ia hand and inseparable. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druarsistg. mdet a' vo'sitite guarantee from theTnac.ufacto.rers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money- will be refunded. - Tins trnnrnntpf. " has been printed on bottle wrapper; and faithfully carried out fur many years. ' Items ;f Sens, The snow in New York is from fonr to ten fctt deep. There were 2,33 recorded tnnr dtrj an(d botntcidjtf in 1SS7. There were 701 legal txecation and 1?3 lynching. V Internal Rereane collections ?for ths first six month of the last oiTi cial year were 102.4 i3,60Sf an in crease of f 4,910,104. Denntv Sheriff Antrer. while trr- ing to arrest a negro under a war rant at Halls Station. Ala,, was shot dead by the negro. A fire occurred on the' 2-'tb. in Philadelphia.1 in the military ; tstab lishment of Marks Pres. The Joss is estimated at one million dollar:. Great distress n rev ails in the ex treme Southwest .portion of Kansas. owing to the failure -of the crops list year and the rigor of the winter. The Inter-Stato Commerce Law ha3 not-diminished the receipts of the railroads. All over the country they are larger than they were last year. , !. The combination among firfc in suranco. companies in New York to keep up the rates has broken np. Now there will be a chance for com petition. ; .. Governor Davis says there is a deficit of $115,ooo in Rhode Island's yearly revenue, and that there are not enough courts to nforce. the liniNir nrnhihitinn 1:iw A. Diebold, a Louisville, Ky.t coal nealer, wbo had run .out of coal, was found frozen to death in hh ofllce last Saturday, morning. Nineteen hundred and thirty-six dollars were found near him. The Cumberland Gap tunnel, re cently let by contracts, is to be com pleted by the 23rd day. of August, 1889. It will be three quarters of a mile long, and will pass through the corners of three States Virgin ia, Kentucky aud Tennessee. Another blizzard) broke loose northwest of 'St.- Paul, Minn., on January ; 24th. A Neche, Dak., special to the Pioneer Press says the mercury went down to CO0, below zero and the wind reached a veloc ity of forty miles an hour. Leave hope behind, j rt ' , All ye who enter here ! o ran the dire warning which Dante read on she portals of .the 1 Inferno- Bo rttaf thecruel Hrdfct of your friends if you are overtaken by the first symptoms of that terrible disease, consumption. ?'Leae'hopeC bjgbhul I ,yor days are numbered r 1 JAndlhe "Struggle , against death is given up in despair. - But while there is life, there is hope. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has curft hundreds of cases worse than yours; and it will cure you if taken in time. But delay ia dangerous. No tower can re store a wasted lung; the "Golden Medical Discovery," howaver, can feed will -.arrest, the disease. ", . : ' ! Pharaoh's Tomb. When Ihe tomb of VRameses II. , the Pharoah of tle le,, was discoyered and its co'ntentifniade Ihiown to the world, among the many curious aud yalnable articles it contained were found some im ages of porcelain; ciUdlriibtiJH ror more man 6,)w. Ayearsjjtue8ef images had. remained where those ds had. placed them, which were moulderen IZt0 dustcentunM. Ago. It was a custom ot iut M me tor the friends at the funeral" cerempiiic to place little images of porcelain, representing Servants, in the tomb of the deceased, in order that at the i great awakejiing he shonld not want for help. Brooklyn Standard- Uti ion. ' . ; ': " --"-;: : . An arnnsing incident, which re sulted fatally to a dog,' occurred at Lewieton, Idaxitj, the pther day be tween . Profesaor MacAllister, !be magician, and a. band of Indians. xne inoiana nad a small dog which the Professor took quite a fancy to, and he made himjself quite familiar with the brute by patting and pet ting him. He asked the Indians how much they would take for him, to which they replied that they did not want to sell him. The ! profes sor said, Mlim very valuable dog," and at the same time rubbing him lown the back to his tail length: at each stroke taking a handful of money from the end of his tail, also from bis mouth, nossnd ears. At these strange proceedings the Indians stood in awe and astonish ment. After the professor left the Indians premises they took the poor brute to river brink, where he was doomed to die an ignominious deatbV There they killed and dis sected him, with the idea that from hi3 carcass plenty of baodle" could be taken. Tali Enousli. You must remember, my daugh ter, yon are only ia little girl.r I cant think of letting you wear long dresses yet.'' ' ' "But,' mama,. I am as tall as'yqu are. . . - 'Is that possible?" They measure. 'Sure enough, my child, you are. How fortunate I Now you . can hang out the washing jast as well as I can." , " , BUY THE BEST . - H ERDQU H RTERS- ron Tin: rrnnsT and jiost ccliaclc FiElRiTlIlLHIZlEiRlSo-r TIio Tindciicaitill ltccpa tho old reliable torn r!a, viat TIIE SOL. PACIFIC axp ST.C'-ilUAND GUANO, LISTER'S CELEBRATED BONE GOODS. PACIFIC I) IS, BONE EOYSTEIVS HIGH GIUDE, axd STONO ACIP, also cmtMAX KAEfT. , AH to be sold at boiunn pHce. It will W to your trry rrrat a!vaMftx to fI. and ace 50ml. aad get rricc and term before porthalnf eUtwbera. 20ij 0". - A T iT iTHTT BROWlTl MECKLENBURG IRON JOHN WILKES, Manager, CHfLRLOTTE, N. Ci ::- BSTGITSTES AND T3C ILEE S of aix SAW AND A SPECIALTY. "1 WRITE FOR CIRCULAR AND ESTIMATES. 7 BMRLGRURTOR THAT 5AVES ALL TnE FREE GOLD, AT A COST 61 iivOT OVER 25 pi'S .PER.TON , - This Amalgamaloris anflvcntlon whereby b pulverised, pulp 'or aaad ' Is forced to cor? in contact with qoicksilver ia motion. Long explanations ara tu. I less. "For facts, prices, etc. address UESOBIPTIOiT. The ore to be treated passes by means of an antomatlc feed throujrh the hopper in the stationary disk, the bottom of which is covered with a aeries of broken ri flea. Directly beneath this disk is a revolving pan containing 'a reservoir 'of quick silver, and when the apparatus is set in motion the disk Is lowered to within i-16th of an inch of the bottom of the revolving pan, upoft bottom of which the quicksil ver spreads and forms a wall round the periphery. A very -'thin.' stream of water suffices to moisten the Sand or ore ere it falls through ihe hopper ioto. the center of the pan, where it is forced backwards and forwards between and coder the rifles; try this process the gold is freed from Ihe sand -or quartz by difference to specific fraviry, vnd so brighten ft that it will immediately amalgamate in comfn; in contact with the mercury, itself kept bright by the action of the ri files. Any particles not taken theon the surface of the pan are caught by the wall of 'quicksilver formed around up eri phery, by centrifagal force. - - ' ' " V 1 J. A " -, SELLS THE pEST ' AND . ZTTEATZSl jHdKf . MACHINERY, df ALL KINDS, t:ii TO 1 WORKS I ' itrrro. GRIST - WJIjLS, T Agents for North "Carolina and Georgia. SALISBURY NO tot ' R, KEEN, 0- BE FOUND IN '. THE STATE. GIVEHIM ATRIALBEFORE BUY- Ii UW ELSEWIIEK2.' ,v.':- 1 A. i

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