zx. Vol. III.---2$b, 42. Salisbtiryj 3T . C, "Wednesday ffuly 18, 1888. 1-0:0. Whole 2no. Mm dent through which Mr. II all has pasled. ". . Mr. John Q. West, the mail agent, who is reported fatally in- I jnred, boardrd at the Central llo- PURELY VEGETABLE- : II acii with extraordinary cftcacy on iKa and E5ovnLw, AM EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FCS . llow I Complaints, Sick Headach?, . ALL WENT DOWN. Terrible Accident on the Yir Sinia Midland. ... .. . , 1 tel. in this city and is well-known Je..TJtl ' bc, .hero lllu man, friemi, J d Malaria, IrYaOfOftla.. .., .. Ilriirckiliun. . . t iC. Ko Honseliold Should be JilLost It, nl. Iy bci n k r t rwl v r r t rn m! 1 a t f -o. will save many an hour of nvj-vins :iul many a dollar in tt:no i.rtd doYors' bittn. THcr.e is cut cur. HHM0HSL17EEESG5ET9S cniiine with rfcd 0. front sr 8. that yo Bt .tn red frc cr Vrfrspscr. '."-; r- d aV by J.H.ZEILIM 6. CO-.s-trtpri.tart, Philidslphia, I'av l'liHJK, Ci.00. Wednesday night ana that was due here yesterday at 12:35 p. in., nev er reached this place. The train was destroyed bv falling through a trestle sixty feet high, near Or.inga; Court House, on the Virginia. Mid land road, at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. A nmde np train, to take the place of the wrecked one, arrived hero last night at 11:30 o'clock, and as it rolled, into the depot a large crowd was .present, for news ol tne accident nau spreau rapimy, and unusual interest had been in-onseU from the fact that several Charlotte people were "on hoard the wrecked train. When the 'train came in-last nieht, it brought ilr. who hope that his injuries may tut prove so serious as re At the End of a Hope. . !!.. j . Wilmington, N. C.4 Julyjll. Stephen freeman, colored, convict The llcpablican Commute. New Yoek, Jnly ll.-The Xst tional Republican committee met at noon today at the Fifth Avcnrio hotel. Nearly all the members of Ihe committee were on hand. Tem porary chairman J. S. Clarksorj, called the meetings to order. Mj. Sam n el Fessenden acted as secreta ry. After some preleminary busi ness the acting chairman was in structed, on motion, to vappoint a committee ol nine lor the purpose Derivation of Some Words. Qxz-HJh is a Latin word, mean- ALLEN O. THUHilAIX. ! Jo L. JT Germamt (.V. C ) Tim. ' - iog a "white toja, or gown." I n N doutt old si wc arc told, : as intended to claim the snllrages i aI hi bnrlt errt itf r. ol tne people ior any oi me at ate Tljea kt the cry be louj cd fcisa. ouicers, prejer.iea ittemseires lore- band to them in tckiie toga and and was called candUlatnn, and from this we hare our word "can didate, edof the crime of rape on a white wo- of preparing a plan; of campaign. man. wa3 hanrred here today. The execution took place in the jail, and only thirty-sir witnesses being ad mitted asjrequired by law. Freeman protested his innocence to the last. Winston's Normal; School. SALISBURY 1 V . rate Whtibj Wixstox. XC. Jul? 11. The Normal School opened here yester- ;dav morning and is in full working came in.iast nigai, il urouguw -ur. i uiuui tuu.ji j. John It. Hull, Mr. W. N. leather I Prof. W. A. Blair, is ably assisted and Miss Zoe Hunter, all of whom by the following competent cor pi: had passed safelv through the acci- Trof. E. 11. Moses, of RleiiJ dent, and it had" on hoard the body ; Prof E 0 Branson, of Athens. Ua., j of Vi. J.-N. Torrence, of GafTuey Prof Gedrge If McNeil, of Reids- j CVitv wlm-waa rrnahtxl tr ff:ith ln 'Vllle l'rof .IHineS 11 linVDlU. OI the wreck. 1 Illinois, and Prof John Blair, The nnsspnrrprs sav that it was a ! mston. most horrible afTtiir. The night was intensely dark a3 the 'iong and well-tilled train rolled out frotn Or ange station and proceeded . on its wav South. The trestle was nn- of dLTToinr? -renairs. and the engin eer rcducqd his speed oh apprach ing it, according to the require inonts, and was running at the rate of five miles an hour when the tres tle was reached. The engine had just about cleared the trestle when a wheel under the postal car broke. The car jumped the track and the trucks knocked down a section of j the trestle. . The postal car went I down and pulled with it the engine, J baggage car, expresss car, smoker, tirdt-tflaas car, and the three Puli- J man cars. The Pullman cars land- v. m . : Wc are now ready to -deliver at Itail i road Depot from our quirries IdDIENSIOX 1-OIt BUILD ING-, STEPS AND PLATFORMS, v PILt.MtS AND T3ASES, FLAGGING FOU SIDEWALKS AND CLKul2sj. j not badly injured, and the smoker WINDOW SILLS, WATER TABLES, j and nrst-elass car were split open. TheXeSi-oes Disatisiled. Washington, July 11. The in dependent. colored political associa tions of Virginia, approving-tho call for the conference Of independent colored men at Indianapolis on the 25th inst., have appointed a delega tion of fifteen to be present. The association has also passed resolu tions endorsing the administration of President Cleveland.; J. Milton Turner. ex-Minister to Liberia, says that the Indianapolis meeting will be composed entirely of colored men who have left the Republican party. A committee of eleven was appoint ed to formulate a plan pi perman ent organization, and recommend suitable men for permanent officers. It was decided to receive, the coml mittee from the league of Republi can elula At three o'cloilv and cori- fer with them. Thai committee tho-adjoumed until oigbt. o'clock tfiis evening r . t a v I The committee reassembled at p p.-ui. Senator M. 8. Quay, of Pennj sylvania, was elected chairman:, and Senator J. Sloat Fossett, of Elmira, secretary. From Maine to lxalInvt TUreecbeer for tbe graarf ol4 Itoman. And ibexurkej red 4ail&&ua t A cood as gkl, tbU man taikt hold ? Firmi place In our afTec-tlao; Aw rtH m Mrelr-wr H wost feet Iiupellclio hU dtrecticB. L , -Then let the Uout rin? foudly out. And rai!-e tb S&mlns baoner ! Three -cheers for the grand old Ilomaa ! llaxraU for tbe red baadssna t i id on top of the wreck and were "MONUMENTS .. -AND CEMETERY BASES. Telcrrinji'A address, j It all happened in an instant, and i with the screams and cries of the Saturated With Kerosene. Shelby, X. .C, July 11. There were twp bold attemps at incendia rism atRntherfordton last night. The stole of B. "A. Hampton, at passengers, the groans ol the in- C8lUM v"lu"" i jured, and the escaping steam to ! ago depot, was saturated witn Kcro- DUt mo men were inaicucu Chicago -de- , Music In Salisburx. ? To the Editor of the Chronicle. On last Monday night another very enjoyable impromptu Soire0 ilusicale was given in the Neare Music School, complimentary to some visiting ladie3 and gentlemen!. It was a , matter of surprise and pleasure to those present, to notice the fina solo and orchestral playing of "even the youngest pupils ; their exact timekeeping, clearness and precision of touch .and expression. Two vacancies on hhe programme owing to sickness, Miss Carrie Gold berg, of Charlotte, kindly consented to fill with recitations. "The Loi ter to Papa" and 'Popping the Ques tion," the first a very pathetic poepi the second ful of humor, to which the young lady did full justice. These frequent mnsicales, we take it, must be very Improving, to the pupils and of the greatest ad vantage to all participants, as thev certainly are a pleasure to the listeners.; - ; - . ; A. Guest. word much u sed at this time. "Mob, aays Trench, fit one of the many words ! former ly slang, which are now used by bejst writer, and received Tike par doned outlaws, into the body of re spectable ! citizens'' It jBrst ap pearance was in that interval in Knsrlish History, between the rvs.- toration and tc Rctolutloo, and i Let evcrr voice tprlsad oai at that time its form waa' V'ilobile .And siu? a strong hown - Valgus, meaning an easily moved (referring to passions ) crowa, oni later it was abhremted into ' its present form. Few would suppose that: Bishop"- and "Episcopal" had the same origin, yet it i cev crtheless true. I Bisbop is one to 'watch over," . or irtitr jrords, haye the guidance. , In "Library," ono is reminded that books were originally written on the bark (li ber) of trees: in "book" itself that they were' often beecheri tablets. J ness for yellow cloves. ''Calico is irom.uaiicui, or as u is now, Calcutta, whence thia fah ria originally came. In s the same way we have "muslin." from Mous- aruL-a city in Asiatic Turkey, "To bacco," we have from' the Island Hi ;ht at the front he bore h bruut , Of many a bsnl fourbt bait'e. And stoof when shoals of wrsker soul lUa off like frightened jettl;i i our euotce, Three choers fr the grand old Uomse t Hurrah for lUc rea b:nliia'!. This man would jrrace the highest place To which he ml?ht he Ueoni; Therefore, you see. ?h1 caue that he Shquld rightly fill the second. TUulet the crv ring loud and high. From New York to ladUna ! Three cheers for the noble Human, And the tarkry red bandanna ! PERSONAL PAItAQItAPlIS, Secretary Endicott has a fond- i w i w:ls n,u(ieu me lerrora ui . 1 l . :t...a: ' . : i HMio fl:ifT nf tlift j 1. ji juv v i j a. niv . ; baiibburv J. D. A. FISIIF-P.,-Foreman. Imrv N H. Firs Insuranco Company i darkness, the situation wa3 a terri- ; ble one. - j The United Press report of the i accident, sent from Alexandria, j ra., says : 'The So.ntbern Express, I No 52, in charge of Conductor laylor anu engineer v at Kins, ana drawn by Engine No. G91, . which '.left Washington at 11:20 last night T - . 1 Ct A 1 ior jjauvuie ana-iae -5ouin. over also saturated and fired, any ! pot was but was extiifguished--without damage.- xo clue to the perpetra tors. ';..-...-. :.,--. ;-.t--.v,-. To Boycott Coffee. : : Philadelphia, Pa., July 10. General Master Workman Powderly has written a letter for this week's Tobago. "Sincere," means "without wax' as the finest honey should be, consequently, "to be just as it appears. 'Imbecile" originally meant physically weak, without any special reference to mental weakness. Its literal mean ing is "on a staff" as leaning on a staff is significant of; weakness,' hence tho derivation; Uur voca tion" is simply'our calling. We might go on in this way and sneak of hundreds of words that are used continually in our daily conversation, but space forbids. : - - , ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indt- - Southern members of congress wear boots, northern members, shoes. Governor Jerry Rusk, of Wiscon- n, stands six leet inree in nis stockings. ' -. , Senator Ingalls always has a red kerchief peeping out of his breast pocket , rnonnrnox Koinxns. - clintox n: risKj vt XtwJtrsty; run TicE-ri:i!r.xT3 JOHN A. BROOKS. of Mitiocri. . rnrsiiikTiAL txtrror.s : 2od. James ijUWtbb,frf Un!r. 4ih.vJ..M. Trrapkloa, f Wske: 5lh.' Jtrl Itrwtale. ft CladfonL Tth, T.M. Ofcrreof Davie. 4 8tb. Iknjicda It. Uke. of Praia,, ! AT LAItaK. Titu James it Jf. f Ram!Jph Tta. Jstae Walker, i4 lUad4pa. For Governor t ' WILLIAM T4 WALKKltJ of GuUforvL For UeiU nsnMjloTrmor MOSES HAMMOND, of lUcdotph. . 1W HrtTrtarr f 15tste t " FRANKLIN) S 1U-AI1U of GuUfonl. Fr'Treasurrr r . HUGH L.jtllXON. of ChsiUm. For Sttjvcrtaieiiet f t lnl.Ue lMiri-tl Ti t UOBKuT h. AnKUNETHY. of Burke. Fur .iuonsif (iential i JONATHAN ,W. WlMDY. of Guilford. ' For AuJlior : JAMES M. WINSTEAD. of GuUfonL For fStmtxtm x X f. niAZIKR. of tU4h. ocsTt fnotuurrms TtrsKT. For 1U-preventative Ir. Faton. SUcrtff-Joha A lUlley. r Krister tff iVed Jec Folas. Treassurcr I it A LlpparJL f - i.-ortner-ii!iiarinT. t. i j.a Surveyor T I Johaiton. S Prohibition National Platform . i The Pfoklb&tnn psrTy, !n iistlonil ion. ' Tcntloa aniib'.cd acknowltHllnjr. Al. mlhty Gotl nj Uuisource of all power la government, dJ berely declare ; 1 That Hie j tnauf aetnre. Importailtm. ex jtorttion, transportation and ! tf alcoholic bevehtces shall be made public crimes' and piiuiheil as such. 2 That mch prohibition muit le seeur. ed through aniemlmenU of. our national and state consUlutlotis, enforced by ade qate laws adequately supporled by ilmin Utratlve authorltv; and to' this 'end lh Secretary Whitney is considered organization of the rrohlWtlon party is to he by long odds the best dressed l demanded in stste and na- man at present in public life. ' siiai , ' ' A JIarriage at TUomasville. Married in th M. E. Chinch at Thomasville, NX'.; on July 9th, 1SSS. Miss K. Carrie Cramer : to Dr. Charles gestion. Constipation. Dizzinei L of Appetite, ellow, &s.m l omiou s iiai- i :a ifthpws 'fi4 Ilar- izer Is a positive cure. For sale by J H . tBradJey 8, Mat,lb ' 4' En nis. - ' TJxiiqud ,Use for ; Broomsticks. Broomsticks are not such useless articles liFter all , Aside from , the the Richmond & Danville Kailroad, ! Journal of United Labor, in which Midland Division, met with a ter- Ihe calls attention to j an alleged this has the lamest Assets to it ities of any' Company represented iu the State. Orahffe Court lIoii3e, at 2:30 morning. The train consisted of Liabil- 1 1 seven curs including mail car, tlree Pull man cars, baggage car and two passenger cars. .... . rible accident two miles south" of ."corner" in coffee ;and advise abstention irora tne use oi cunee until the "corner" is broken His letter concludes as follows : "BOYCOTT COFFEE -DO NOT BUY OXE OUNCE OF IT t'XTIl, THIS Don't forrit it O when vou want reliable Insurance. " e - j j i in inis it'iii-iuu suuue usu uvj uswi . a . ... , m ion oj loveliness,- most- lasieuuiy hanino- o e J. S. McCUB'BINS, Jr., Agt. 1-tf Salisbury, N. C j "At a trestle known as Fancy's reigx of. pldxder is at ax end. t people were married with an hand ; trestle, a. structure sixty feet high, j "OrQ to your grocer and tell linn not some goia band, by the Rev. Mr. ' the mail car iu some mysterious : to invest in a pound of it,. and rask s y llovle. Tho bride was a vis- way became derailed and lett . Uie ; mm to waici tue turniui. uie uuc i track breaking down the trestle jin New York. To do as I suggest and.puliing upon .it -the baggage ! will work no injustice to me men car and engine, iwhicb had already ; from whom you buy groceries; Do saieiv crossed. j. lie rear car, me kjilitk , wuu wUJ ow,..lvi....fe) nassensrer cars and Pullmans fell I else in its stead : and when yon .ilsri 'nnon the cars and en?iiie mak-; invest in coffee again , . - ... - l T . ,.-? .1 1 ' I . 'I . xi. tiuuaii, oi -tiuuLTbon- Proverbial Use as a woman's weapon ville, Ga. : a i ;V Uthe PToipt-ti.inecl0ck,in'. the VktiV- '.Three of these width liple evening, to the exquisite rendition jored half way between the ends of Meudssohn's-wedding by Miss Alma ltichardson of High. tof...i into- tent-shape form the Point, . J . C, the bridal party en- j of a ycry unique little table. UTtd the church, thr6ng,itl by the an.irn rt- r.;tnr nr ihdd unv j citizens of r fhis and neighboring :8hape(3 piccc of board makes a top. j towns, well attesting th popular!- : Now cover thig top witiv pash or ,ty of and the high esteem in which j vevctv Crazy silk' patch work nsed the bride was held .by all acquain- j to Deenseen, butthis, likeits friends tanccs. Never was the church I the bedquilts, are being discarded. more attractive- in appearance, The broomsticks are pretty, gilded, j brightly Iightecrartistically decort- .Ti6 the le3 with broad ribbon: and ; ed, and,neath the "bell tne young , tian. 3 Tliat anv frm of llcene. "taKathm r. regulation ol the liquor I raffle Is contra' y to jroml goxicrqment: that any party which support rvgoUtton'. ikfiine or tax. enters into on salHunce with such traltte and becomes iho actual foe of the State' welfare, and that we arraign ltrpubUeait and Democratic parties for their persUt ent Iniquity, (whereby they oppose the demand of thd people, and though open cnmplicity with the liquor cause, defeat the enforcement of I ' 4 For the immediate nbolition of tho Internal revchuo system, whereby ourna- Uonal covemment s deriving support lan, 55; Blatchsord, C8; Gray, CO; ; from our greatest national vice. W.-IA i'. r;il.r V- and l.imr 5 That an aJwjuste puUic revenue h Jield, ?2, Miller, ii, and Lamar, ing ItCCeMaryj lxlnaj pperly be rabd 0d ; by import duties, but Impost dutic Kintr llnml.prt of Italv has should be so reduced that no turplu King Humbert, or. itaiy, nas AM accmnulated n tLe treasmy. and grown very gray of late, llo is vLat lhe bnraas 0r taiatkm shall 1 re- only 4.4, but he looks considerably rnoved from ;food, clolhin and other older. Humbert is not a handsome comforts auu nece anes or lire. Hronson Howard recently made the remark that he would rather be playwright than be president. " Gen. Von Moltke says that Gen. Boulanger knows - something." From such a reticent old pessimist as .Von Moltke this is high praise. Tho late Chief Justice Waite was 72 when he died. Jaatice place on the bow a bunch of grasses ior flowers. Broomsticks arranged man, nor does he look highly intel lectual." J v - Senator Stanford still affects tho low cut vest.,. of old times. His wealth does not show in hi3 clothes, though the. stuff is the host black broadcloth and bis shirt is of linen from Ireland. ' Pope Leo has ordered that the walls around the Vatican palace bo heightened. High buildings have been erected in the neighborhood which overlook the garden in which the pope takes his daily walk. 6. - That rivil service 'appointments for all civil oSicet chiefly clerical in their du ties, should be based upon moral, . intel lectual and physical qualifications, and not upon parly service or party necessity. 7. That the right of snffragc reals on no mere circumstance of race, ..color, 1 sex or nationality, and that where, from any cause, it haa been withheld from 'citizen who arc of suitable a .e and mentally aud morally qualified for the exercise of ait intelligent ballot; it should t restored by the people through the legislatures of the several states, oo 6uch educational baU as they may deem wise. 8. For thelabotition of polyiramy and the establishment '-of ; uniforn laws gov erning maniaiio and divorce. do have the wreck, 'article yon invest in analyzed to see TltS DOCTCa CAYS: "l rocornmend avid use mm' . !inr si ctnnolete and fearful I ; Luckily the train did riot . catch-; that it has not been tampered with fire. The suddenness of the acci- and adulterated, and then trace the j and CoL K n stith, in the con deut created the greatest conster-jauiterauon nnui you nnu ie, .an.u " f a "111 iV4( v,, wcj ? ? y. .y- . of the enormous size of Siberia by lion 9. For prohibiting nil combination Mr. Ivennan give one as good idea ; tue cost 0f prodocts for popular coniurat- basket. Commercial attired. Ihe grooars- handsome Af1.rt;pr face was wreathed. in smiles. . The h.v ? i - .-' '- y - , bridesmaids, Misse3 Mamie Thomas wirr "WILL, YOU emisch when Shi- l"Vn.iili lnnoo on1 NTnllia : ( nr r V 1,.V,' f,.r n-ilt iriro Tn mf1 ill tft relief were beautiful in pink gowns. T,he Pi ice 19.ct, oOcts, and $L groomsmen. United States j Naval J U Ennis: .: ; CadetS. W. Cramer in gUtenng ) uniform, Mr. James M. Dodson, for BRONCHI TriR "Wonderful CorKTiinatJon TAYLOR'S BSS assistance they could but a3 the night was pitch dark, they could do little ellective work before' day light.; Word was sent to Orange Court House and from there a dis patch was pent to this city. A wrecking train left here at 5:30. In the mean time the people in the neighborhood, ; and from Orange Courts House and - Gordonsville, hurried to the scene and T rendered all the assistance in ,their power. As far as can be ascertained the killed1, number seven and .the wounded forty. "The killed are Hunter, of , Scotland; Cornelius Cox, Alexau- jv., Civil Engineer, Pied- ACOInegleotlfloBeriouaewoit- rmnTTP m Ollt Air Line: 11 1 V hlttinQ-ton. ShSSSSS ! Greensboro, N. C, postal clerk; i'ayior-s H f). Jin p di twell . Frosnect. Prince nation and the holidpss rasspnepra 1 von mav be sure voir will trace were thrown 'in all directions in the ' it to the action taken in the Coffee cars. Few indeed, escaped without Exchange of New York." - . injuries of a more or less serious "Mechanics, laborers, miner. nature. Those not seriously hurt j farmers and Knights of Labor, gen iinmudiatelv bciran to "render whatlerallv. practice-a little self-denial for a time and break the 'corner' in coffee by refusing to buy it. Let us test the law and see if we!will be arrested for boycotting an j article made too dear by rogues"' who boy cot t the best interest : of the people." .". - SWEET- t daas more than any prescription writ ten; both plants are h?shiy medicinal." N. B. The P-weet Gnu comoa froa the Pouthcra Bwamp and Is highly Expectorant. , t.na tho ilulleia Ja llaeilactiiTaa and tb-oe ooxr.tlaei tueTaro tiaiply J c ril A PERFECT BPMRnu to the Boeaiinc-l-ir fc3Afi BflVI rt rst --.'-.-Z-f- Sweet 8oa and MaUeio. BaClTCEXriS and AST3. 2A left anatteuded to, wiU lead to COXSUMPTIOH, and dese it iiujkJy rcliaverj and poeitivaly cacs. INSIST OH HAVING tT. f Sr. QniTHan. tho leaainar pfeysioian of BrlU in, on Jjixng and Ercneiial Troubles, Tcocnimeadq acuUeln" a fifty per cent better than Cod Liver Oil for Consumption. tKoep tt ti tho hovae. JT IS PLEASANT AMD PALATABLE mm is the Sneat known remedy in the rcrld for a ThKwt and Inmg trouMw. It rEl stimnlata the throat acd enable you to tkrOTT cS aU obatructioii aally.aidifiV expectoration and relieving the coueb "iBiBiiort. zdo, (ajo.c 11. sizes. aogoep it, we will pay, for one sly, xpregfergea on large alaa bottlaa to any TUTVAMER A. TAYLOR Co., Atlanta, C. - rOS- Ali EffWL TB.OCTJL1S and Children Teeth toe. a that frpat 8onthern remedy Hr. xacsera' BnwWhorry Ciafdlal. CO cents at Drnggieta. : WLOE'S mm CDU1EHE IS THE EEST. Ed wnrd -County, Va., postal clerk; unknown woman, white; two un known men, white. "Injured : Conductor Taylor, internally; Engineer Watkins, scalded; Fireman "Kelly, scalded and otherwise hurt; Baggage Mas tor .Imnpq f lnnl m n ti rrnshpd and cart I 111 "uuij uic, u, u. iioiHimi, , QoaiMtecd not ui3 I reaataSuiatBrc. .V 1 t I Vretb I SnstCianiaSCi 'r -- 2 iii s Chicago, ' July 12. A ; Globe specistl from -Minneapolis says : Ariel C. Harris, one of the best known newspaper men in the north west, has eloped to South America with Mrs. E. J. Federick, a ladv who has for the past two years- fill ed a position as type writer for the Minnesota' Abstract Company. Harris leaves a wife and two children, ':fT:- :."..-! '" of V ashi ngton, D. C . postal clerk, both legs - broken; W N Parrott, Albemarle County, - Va.: postal clerk, chest crashed, may die; J Q West; Washington, D. C, postal clerk, crushed, will die; - Louis Jerrkins, of Lynchburg, Va. pos- tai ciltk, seriously mjurea; A Jen nings, Lynchburg, Va., passenger, badly hurt; Potterfield, Express Messenger, badly crushed." , Dr. Torrencv who wasiJled in the wreck, was Vbrother-in-jUw to 3!r. l)avid Wi Otes, of Charlo-tte. i II e had been North to buy m achin- If you wan, any job work, call at the U or ""e Lherokee lalls factory. ffsaAo offica; good work, low Pr! -eg. : Tjus.is the third railroad accr- Cumbcrland county, if properly organized, can give 1,000 Demo cratic majority The leading Dem ocrats of each township ought to organize a dub, and whe'n organiz ed, let it" determine to do . earnest, ellective work; We have, got to work this year; despite the predic tion of Judge llussel that the State will go Democratic by 40,000 major- . 1f ii . i a 1 it. ! l lty. 11 iiiai is true lei s increasn u, to 50,000." Fayetteville N. C, Journal. ' "... ventional dress-suits ' At the con clusion of the ceremony, the bridal party, accompiniea oy uosts ot friends, repaired to the hospitable residence of the brides .parents, where a brilliant reception was held the surrounding grounds illumina ted, strains of sweetest music watt ed on the . air, lovely women and srallants moviiisr to aud fro, form ed a tableaux not soon to fade from memory. The ;. .'spread" - .worjld have tickled the palate of an epicure to which ample justice was done, yet of the .fragments - theje, was euough left to have filled, eeveral baskets. Escorted to the depot by parents and troops of relatives and friends, the newlymade pair depar ted on the midnight train for the residence of the groom, . bearing with them the best wishes of he entire community,, and thus termi nated the haudsoraest affair of the kind ever witnessed at Thomasville. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each . bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price j , 50 cents, at J II Ennis's , ;iu stating that its territory wonld con- f , l- ffT tlie preservntion ana dcrcn o ka"tt:,i "' t!i rij; the Sabbath as a civil institution with tain the Wed States, mcludmg ! out opprefW,iD any wbo rciiruusty ob- Alaska, With all of the stAtes ,of j serve the same oh any other day titan the first day of the week. That arbitration is the Cbrbstlau, aud economical method of ettUng nation al differences, and the ntne method should, by fadfeious JegUlatlon, be ap- . to the settlement of .dispute be- -' 1 liurope, except"". Russia, and-'there For sale by j wonlJ still be 300,000 square raiies to spare. - Ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes was a delegate from Ohio to. the late convention.- 2o one noticed Ul5 O has given univer sal satisfaction, in the enre of Gonorrhoea, end tilcet. I prescribe It and reel saXe in recommend ln It to ait snCerers. ! 4. J. STOXEIt, B.D-, Doetr, IU, mcTs.si.ea. Sold t-w nmritf i - STEERE, AgenVS Kenews Her Youth. Mrs.' Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co.. Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which Is vouched f or by Uie residents of the town t "I am : 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint aad lameness for many yesarsj could not dress myself without" help. Now I am free from" all pain and soreness, and am able to do aU my own housework. I owe ra-r thanks to Electric Hitters for havins renewed my youth and removed corapleteiy all disease and pain." Try .aj oonte. oycnaL at liico. r a.iuiu v Co's. Dcug Stojc.' ' - Heii Who Harai a Town. ; It is hoped " that galisbnry has verv few. if any, . such men as . are decribed by the Lynchburg Advo cate under the Jtbove head : . , - T hose who oppose i mpro v qmen t -Those who don't advertise. ;, j Those who run it down to stran- rrora Thnse who mistrnst public men. , Those who show no hospjtality to any one. ; .1 ' Those who hate to see others make money.' -f ". Those who opposed every move ment which does not originate with themeselves. . - 1 -. ' Those who treat every stranger as interloper, r," 1 - : ' I Those who put on long iaccs when a stranger talks of-locating. Those who oppose public enter prise that does not appear , of per sonal benefit to themselves. r j ' nn ACKMETAC K." a l isting and frat CTant perfume. Pjice 2a anuv ficw a ' MEREY MOMENT3. : Kind lady "How old are you, ! my little fellow?" Youngster. 1 'I ain't old at all, ma'am ; I'm nearly new." -; . , . ,. - . - Itseems to be, settled that the Government cannot hold thej Mis sissippi .river, no matter how often it. levies ou it. ..-. , -i. . A young lady in Philadelphia is said to have had five lovers all named r Sarah el. Her2 photograph album must be a book of Sams. I V The ci vili zed world spent years In trying to break' into China. Now it is making strenuous efforts to keep- the Chinese from breakmg pnt. ft Hear the wailin; of the ladies,: ' See their faces worn and thin, :- i And the cause of all their sorrow Is the bustle is called in ! ; y ,: "And. so lhe ice-cream season is i j again .upon ns ueorge, sne saiu liylj.s-4 Yes V be respondedi "1 never pick up a newspaper now that I do not expect to una some awiui case of poisoning. ' i - 1 A aailoi Sot ea, 1 ; - - - - And a sninstcr for tea."? - A lawyer for talk and a soldier for fight ing; ' - - - A baby for noise, ;, - And a circus for boys, . , :- -And a typewriter man to do . autograph T -writirrjr. . A banker for chink, - -And a printer for ink, . A leopard for spots, t and a wafer for sticking ; " ' ' A crack baseball flfngcr, - An opera singer, - . t A shotgun a mule and a choir for kicking. - We T9ll You Plainly- - .": j , - ; ' " -. ' ' that Simmons "Liver Regular will rid you of lryspcpHia,-Headache Constipation, and Billiousness. It will break u? chills and fever and prevent their return and i a complete antidote for all malarial poison ?ret entirely free from quinine or -calomel , ry it, and you will be astanifthed at i the good results of the genuine Simmon Liv er Regular, prepared by i, 11. ZtMo & Co. nliefl tween laaie bodies oi cmnoyees ana em i clover: that the abolition of the saloon. him, and his voice never mingled j woufw rcmotc the burdens moral phy- oppress lalxr and rob it of Its earning. in the proceedings. The only con versation he is known to have lield during his six days' stay in Chicago was with a Texan aud related to hen culture. a - ,' I 7 Jefferson' Davis and his wife have gone to their plantation at Beau voir. Both are in fine health, and Mr. Davis weighs more than at any time since the Mexican war. Their daughter, Miss Virginia Davis, will spend the summer with friends in Central New York and at Bar Harbor, ,-y : , The following is a composition Written by a small hoy, who had jast before listened to a physiolog ical lecture : . . . , - -"The human body is made up of the head, the thorax, and the abdo men. The bead contains the brains when 'there is anyi The thorax contains the heart and lungs. The abdomen contains the bowels, of which there are five : A, E, I,, O, and TJ. and sometimes W,. Y.' ' sei. - - - " ." - ' THE REV GEO, II. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind.V says: ' Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S COX SUMPTION CURE" or sale by J II EaoU . , ' '. '. ' ' The practice of mixing the morn ing's and night'rmilk is detriment al R3.it often causes rapid3 chahgei It would be tietter,; if not two 'im practicable, , to . keep each cows milk teparatc, but as this is labor oul the milk of one milking should at least be kept from that of another. Republicans now call their ticket the on'! combination, namely; "Harrison; Mort-on, and Protec tion." How would ; it do to add "taxation." and protective "dam nation - Exchange. - FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Cora, plaint you have a-printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer Tl never fails to cure For sale by J II .Earns and would prove to be the wUe and sue cessful way of promoting , Jawir rciorm: and we will invite labor and, capital U unite with us for i the fcocomplishment thereof ; that monopoly In hmd is a wrontf to the people, and the public land should be reserved to actual settlers and that men and women - should receive equal wascs for eual work. ; : Tbat oar immigration laws should be so enforced as to prevent the Introduc tion into our cduntry of all convicts, in mates of other dependent Institutions, and of otbcrs.physlcally incapacitaied (or self support; and tlet no person slumM have the ballot in any state who if not a 'citizcttyf the United States. r 5 " ltccoulzing and declaring that prohi bition pf the. liquor traffic, has .become the doininaat iuc in national politics, we invite to full ' party fellowship all those who. on tbie : one , dominant uMite, are with us agreed, in the full InrUef that this party caw and will remove ' sect loual difference, promote national unity and insure the beet welfare of our entire land, . h- - - " ' ' ' . STATE PBOniBITIOX PX.ATFOSU, Th croblWtlon party f tlie state of ?orta Carolina bttmbJy an t fruitful f arknowled Almicl.tr tl aa the npren Fo?reiira au4 ijtw or-r irtrm wbo aathoritr all Jot powrre of tinman fcov-nment are dtrireJ. and wlta wboo rixkleoiis lawc all narnin ecaetmenta . s'tuuld be ia ifrfe aretutent. In or t to ot tata and anauitain tor toe peopte tue xtteamasa oi peavne, prwyeriiy and happen. t- We aie eomaatted to an 1 will Udlv contend, for, - - .. k ti 1. A atatotorr vroblbHUm law, wila effet'tire metltudaof euficiont, for itm minU ol SiortM 2. An asen4rot to tlw emttt3tlon of the state proirfiitorr oftli ljqa trudic. - rbite-i Mate rni4itttlnj the mauti fat-tore. ib-v. plf, !e,? uuv-irlatAia, of cijortatiuO w ail aboi e lievera-re. ' 4. A iutkmil t-t,j.nr.UWi 1" Incalre into an! reort ujn the tatutics asd cfievls of Hj aJ-oh:je liyurnr traTe. ' - - vTk Thtijil; -ut,c'M of tLe tnttmal revenua -y em uf tie t sited i-ta!e. r " a. Im.ue-liate protill:tioa of the Itraor tr!T! thrtwslKHit all trrrrtorf-nnder t!, extliire juriictJc ot tte Ufl;t4 biai prA vrumvui. in. cia-tintf iu.:itary- pov rervntiou, tolutcn 7. Tea bin In t1e paMie of lif USe roths vtotxmiuti the nature alfJ t.vf ulmfiiv beverrfea. .. . . --- - In aartmmy wna tfi!e pnrpsar we fituorM the iiatkwinf i-roWUtioa fmtj. and -Vi'.l wi'l lelejfates j ii coareutioi. - , We al- iwe oar lp latere fca T mnl-, tiform wora erf the Woinjwna Chr1t.utn lcBi(r ance Uuina, uai aoTOOia s tn tt Ut, vU IjW ; tbetn a band. ' - , - . -, , 8 Sur-tHit!iil alWmal aU to puLtt edaca- tion and puWie iniFovtwT- , i. fritkXiat.t sii'i !ir protection to home ln- Jnitru.- aga-nat foreign cirfat j,roact-tKin aud. pauper labor. . jo. Prit"-t'-.n totte hnnft free lalr of the state -'( nation agBinrt convict c :tl.tloa uni "-.'tai cLi-ison labor. j: r'V' 4 I, ti - 4 1 v. ill nl i n 1 4 i Or : r -

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