... (Mi rT TT .'..:t N - V i M I o "Vol; IV.ts TO "XV.kt.fcJ SST rxTT: rs?3 CP STOSTS CATSC: vo.G. Salisbury, Is". C, "Wednesday, .;!N'ovem1)ei,-.'.-7': ,1886 "Whole aSTo. lG2 -"at W U. - 5rv i 3 TIIAXKSUIVIXG. &4hpyMr?t4 Mail ': -.A f n 1 .'1-1-. tr? ' The President Issues His Pro clamation On Novem ber 29. tV A S 1 1 1 X (I TO 5T , D. C, Not 1 The President this afternoon iisued the following proclamation! Constant thanksgiving and gratitude are due fro4, the Ameri can people to Ahnighty God for, hb goodness and mercy, which' have follow J them since the day he maflo them a nation, aud vouch safed to them a free government. ...v.. luiiii- imiuiicss lie nas con MRS. ClJEfeLANU A P0L1TI- CIAN. 9tmtl Ic'J "sintbeway of pros- 15w"ffe r,Vnd 'greatness. - :'f .-.' , , ,--.. phuadelphi'a; IttfM uouar ..PrioCOHE I fli you value health - v l;f Parage and b sr ' """ecH qo Other "ni" ' . 1 mciiifKr ther Bow 8he Kef P9 Her Husband Stir red Up tdAff areas! ve Action. Washington Letter la IodiaDopoll JooroaL "Mrs. Cleveland is very aggres sive. She djes not believe in a man or woman or party being on the de fensive. She believes that the en thusiasm is ilways with the army m THE GREATEST DEAL YET. The Richmond end Danrllle , Ar ranglng to Get Control of the Coast Line Ncu IHood in the South. Charlotte Cbronkle. i The Bihimore San it authority for the statement that tho Rich mond and Danville is nowabsat to gobb!enp its only Soqthern riral, the Atlantic Coast Line. If true this will bethe most important ic deal she is "spiukyV If I were going to pick out the acts of the President in which Mrs. Cleveland has a hand; I woald select thoso which show most spin-and which threat en to oTerride party and personal lines, b'.e has her life before her while the Pxev'6"1 13 always think- are but TOFI'LOT.q He Las-nitlsited wUhswif ,pnriishwent our short comings but with grains re he has warn ea us of iur lonPi.lpnri nnnn Mo I forbearance and has tanirKt n hat linSotthe past comparing it t . V. I with what li lo. Men .w ma "Oiy law JS the v""6Uk price of a continuant nn,;. Jproe to regard what th. VS A. 1 0 Jlv" I . . -"i I - i i v "a 'iitucuUJ in acknowledgement of all that omcn. God has done fori us as a nation "WhSfdo you think will beco hand to the -nd that ."oil fin annnin of the Cleveland family in the event , ..l HltltVlll- I . - u-.ij, me united prayers and democratic party is defeated in praise of a grateful countrv mav P ovembei?" reach the throne of grace, I, Grover "l do,lt know any more about Cleveland, President of the United nat than 70U do from d,rect know- Mates,- do hereby desiVnafn nnAleil&e replied the woman. t - O f - - m aking the charge, and if there is! move and the most giganti anything for the good of it is with yet made by this great company. the offensive side. -In other words, The Sun savs that the Richmond and Danville railrosd syndicate is negotiating for the purchase of the control of the Atlantic Coast rail-. way ystem--'i oe negoiiaio" have assumed propotions that are of such importance as to lead per sons who know what is going on inside to believe that the deal will be an accomplished fact. Presi dent William T. Walters, of the Atlantic Coast Line System, said yesterday, "It is a true fact 'that ncgotistions are fn progress of tlfe chrsieiernijicated. General Man- -r UL my son, i3 in afc djite if&y, and Tvill be in PhiU tfW iitat fciness tompr- NewYo. has atwsys row. The - iWifeftai railway oeen a careiullj .f: rJl , ' v;';x-ti:- 1 '' at the - ' ft Lr,.W di,"r. !,i y to the set apart Thursday, , the twenty ninth day of November instant as a day of thanksgiving and praise. to be kept and observed through out the land. . On this day, let all uui people .suspend their", ordinary work and occupation; and in their accustomed places of worship with songs of praiso render thanks to God for all his mercies for the abundant harvests, which have re warded the toil of the' husbandman iUlAgs to (lunnS the year that hag passed. hasrair or OUt atifam o ,1 ,1, a . I have my impression from what I LWfl mnnv u. L-T . . j. vo oiut, 'wfce eao EaI i invert MJSlifcturt-r' rxd. The easy-going days of the South have passed away, never to return. Its people, especially its young men, have learned to do with their might and at once whatever needs to be done. An instance in point is re corded in the local columns of the Charlotte (N C.) Chrouiele. On the first day of September the cot ton compress in that city was burn ed. Two davs later the contractor began to lay bricks where a new one was to be erected. In five weeks after the fire the new ! house was ready. The machinery was put np in six teen "days. The blows of the big machine now resound through the ci ty . 1 1 was put up by J . O. White, of Xew Orleans, and A. A. Hand, of Charlotte, did the fitting. The Chronicle says : "The new press is owned jointly by the Carolina Central and Rich mond & Danville roads, and cost 40,000. It will not only do bet ter work than the old i one, but will press a greater number of bales in a given time. 3Ir. White 6ays that under ordinary working pressure it will flatten 800 bales per day. The platform is now loaded with cotton, and the pres3 will be kept busy faking up for lost time during the remainder of the season. Another illustration of the same LEPERS IN HAVANA. A Stroll Throufih the Ward of Cuba's Leper Hospital. -..vw uiine iamiiy. JWrs Uleve and . . l i.!- . t.n n from' Tullannnsa. ,i . u uiicl imu uu one on. "wssla tunu cc " " 1 18 wuru! a cooi nair a milium dol- onf ;ta vna n. An.. a' - rdavs since the class At once lars. iiiiC Uest In,!, , r cj-i C. 5th Day cf IJovV, 1SS8, Mii;iot iroilllli r OH '-;-: ii srMf. u . p. . jur.ie it.i'.l -;t uers. j CrS! S-Vf i'1 for the ricl1 ards that have iit.J .1111.4 I, 01.;-J1 ;lt 'PilOl ti'J jvni day Ane t resident is worth and Dnne.iu u. most three quarters of a m;n;rt ' . utnooves I nil flLIlPr ntharn ; I 1 ;t . I i nrnnoptit' ' i . . I uuuviivtii lUIIIUilU iUlCreSt t.tvibJ lol(J paying Condition, tn irarnl, 4, Jin. ClereUnd alWavs that i, J--"" r. ""' ra0' , . .uV ueiimu mat mey can knowl- sell n L- . edge of the entry and foreign pow- " " " ' 3"''. T ers. It IS mv onininn that Xf- N,.- - w:jr win I i j.u.1 . i ni annua nf I :i i ; ClfrelanVl U aa . "1 ir rauroaa interest at followed the laborers of our peorde of aa!t: ut tijI.L ju r c-.-til . r iiiinuia. . . ,ai, ai,d traffic. Let US give l - cJuarVi'iar j t"ai,K8 xPr Pe and for social or- 107 feet front , ! ' ' " ,ls 'Jiinent within our eveland is defeated in November and New a ri"i rf " 11 FTil i he will take an extended trip, and lh X ' n ,Way 8J"Stem .. . . ... cu triP' ana Which is the Onacf. I, no-nnnnMt; 1 "v utuiciiuii tVi'if fk,.., .:n ..hi. i hjcj win seine uown in York City. Thnir oetween bavannah. and Pf,iridft A-uitk. ijiiv. i nnir m.n I - makriem. 0ll ti " H V were enffaged in the recent deals make them-all the competence they bv whi.h h p;Ai a , want. Keithcr of thenTi, extra Z tme e d f Lf T gan. They ean .ive on -h.lf aa an" The leoa tntS X much money a th r..rfl.u - a . antral. ne Oct 2d The Lois are bu-S.i ,200 feet devp. f.i T r rt L. j' ' r v- A- ai J. V C. A full aiid Complete stocli ci .line Im- Jiorteil Goods for u ; ier and contentment within f bordfer aud for our advancement un ni;tL illilia to natlOJl.ir irroal K 4J t ncss. . And, mindful of the afflict ive dis pensation with which a -portion, of our land has been visited, let us while we humble ourselves before the power of God, acknowledge his mercy in setting bounds to the deadly march' of pestilence, and let our hearts be chastened by sympa thy with our fellow countrvmhn - . nng l rti-.U', iojl- W120 nave SUiTereci and who , . . . . . . " "'". .oi i- rcucii. inr.i'.sli am S.-n 1. A J j . , , -tiuu as we return tnanss lor all Hu,1'uai associates or Bulimy -ot all colors, wmcu wii be made 1 i ' , . , , biisinnM Mmmnmn. t.,. i. ip;ijhVn;fion;t!.,ty!e3 i the which wc'have' received I If f ?"1?"8: , But lf he 14 ' V ii. t . i . l . i would Ha loaf. iIil !. --i.-i! ..vj atj . uic uarueiu or smUnon n i ... (Jrant familv nM ---.. a..way ousiness under rli..; ua I r ' tne interstate commerce law is to their econmoy might b3 said to . "v m to rival that of ii V i make greater corporations because rival mat ox the Hayes familv. The fW. n Prc,vi i J 4"'jr. -tne the smaller ones cannot cope with rresident need not do anvthintr t- , 1 K . , . , anytning, the questions as they come no but he would practice law or-rasim. ti a t.- , J ,c UP aiiw o,i I "ce jaw occasion- The recent Richmond and Danville a y and would be , he represents, deals have curtailed the proport s tire of important interest. f They 0f the Atlantic Coast system None would getalongdon't worry abont of a -i , a" sm- -one that Tt triao K worry about ofthe details of our negotiations that. It may be, as you suggest can be made public now, -but the that they would attract np political fact that thev ' 7. 9 attent on hn.aon nlL-.-j. ? . ' vu ,e " vwuoc wac xfe6iueut is longer a secret. aSTerl ,nnf not mo n.J U: l , I " - . ... vumijuj- ,.cu u.mseuio maKe ardent h... hr f.,i,Q .... ' 1 . 'ro burned. f rebuild, and th. m,a'. , . sses from w -.,04s. nVV '-iugA..tctorjr of c fire by ere. contract te (hat effect ana iron. Ac :oh thc yWu was signed, in wh. snish UjJ b bonded themselves to . VnnmeN in thirty days." These, anu " vf Q ous other instances that mign. ' L adduced,'' illustrate the spirit that prevails through the South. It is no longer the rule to put off u.ntil the morrow whatever cah be post- a- There is t leper hospital . vans, and one dav Dr. Barren roe thropgh itiVards. H i. devo ted exclusively to thecare of lepers. no other class of patient being ad mitted. The slghta that met ray eyes wire far more interesting than pleasant. Persons that hare read "Ben flur do not f need a ip tion of the ravages qf this horrible disease, and nobodyjwants at. One fact which I learned during tuyvsit may be a surprise to many; 'it vas that never since thefonadatiotf d the hospital, and during its occu pancy, has there been known an in stance in which the malady has been propagated by contagion. Never theless, 1 observed Uhat when Dr. Burgess gave a trifle of money to some of those who; were more se- verly afflicted thari others ho did not offer to shake hands with them. There were about forty inmates, male and female, the majority be ing males. Among them were per 8ous of all nationalities represented in the island, many of them being Chinese. These poor creatures do I not enter the hospital for the pur pose or with the expectation of be ing cured, there being no successful method of treatment known. They go there only for the purpose of bo ing cared for until they die. Subsequently, during my stay ' saw in Havana and other parts of Cuba as many as a dozen other ers in whom the disease was in lt stages of progress. Some varlou . engaged in selling tf thoe Wet fd r lottery tnalefitg,. aftiekt 4 downright token, 1iih-Hthm.. YxZ 'y.g&it8; The ft-ev-aJ an , a. . . mi mint. freei, s X , uJf-p-ZKS, t . none of u "PPtfred to1 miifc I '-s All AfcoatlHri. Tliere are girla and' j;iri.- One is the girl who appcariWst at homo who helps tar mother, and takes unfinished tails 'frtun the tirel" hands that falter at their work. She is a cheerful and congenial companion, and all Icr iriendi ar.l relatives learn to regard as a littla saint and comforter. The other girl is the one who !ctit others work for her. "I just hate house work," she jays, "and 1 let ma do most of it. You make your own bed of coarse? says her fricud. "Well no, ma makes the lels generally. I harn't the f trength." !i)oa yon dost the pailor.? VO nol xnasayi I break the ornaments when I dust, so she prefers to do tt , herself. Vho washes the dials- V "Ma docs or sister Jcunio. It makes my hands red, and red hands look ao horrid when joti are playing the jiano." And you don't do anything?" Oh, yes I doI do the shopping. Ihat such a help to ma, you can't think! Then I recieve all the company, because ma is so tired she wants . t go to bed right'after supper, and' it would be real cruel to keep her up. Ma says I am lots of 'help to ,her." There is not much trouble in choosing between these two sam ples, if the girls will only stop to The Mind Cure. The theory ofthe ndnd cure rosy do for aotne hysterical caw, but for chron Ic bowel troubles, croup, colic, ,rUrrhr, dyscnterry. Dr. UiieerV Hucklclcrry Ckrdlal is the surest and boot cure. Kef p it. Ml its opposite.,,1 The is poned, but cvmtli has learned that "time moiiey,"-and its people propose to use their newly acquired knowledge for all it is worth. Herein consists to a great extent the assurance nf their continuous prosperity. .effort, to LVo7tiKm: MU3NC3. - , 'i. ; mon baa risen, hclf 1.' !t'J tn trrf AJ wcm ry c!oih!s, bti I fsMn a mxxJiiy 11,-hC, LiUc miuhliin 1-ml. o or nil Uk tlii.-l nlj.'li'. tiua i! wairLI tbat t n naa fair liny i -enilul with SitHmnU-rt hmlft Jcny Im pmn-DOt, l'nfiful nntl ItriJit, leirkttd to iIjo alLt, . Km of cL.y. -rt (drin-TS Arc a hita fl'lH, MaWSiw for h W'-MabS for naftttu ru. t .. . . Ami K. , "I: "".rporw Ih-iw friends of hia political associates iAu ITasTijpriS.'red Lire cl.Treu serin r. All are con invito. fo cuVl ami ex- irom the hands of onr TTeavenlw " j Father, let 113 not forget that He ! has enioined cnon .ua i-h-iriru. .JnA f . . vj j a. 11 J. iiiuiuc inj -M..e;, una limy v;i sm at imflii? TH, i a once that I kepjlu best in the nWket. ! hanksgiving let us laie.beat ot worUinaiUip snd' a Perfect 'generously remember the poor and rrERMS Po.si lively Cah.. 22tf PJ1V 1TP iTE SALE! 1 .Via ij.l.iijij i jL . " a it . -t-W, If .XiOlt IVfl i.'aX The uadervr; at piivate led will oiler ' '. ale a . ; VALUABLE FLOUIITXG AND GRIST '. MILL. AXD VATER POWER, " situate in' Rowan county, on tiw Yadkin :Iiver, sif miles from fen;ie.burv, ;k1 j - mile from .he R. & I). 11. ,, and known - as the St. - John's iiil. ,Ti-.iti valuable mm is located m-a-iuie-whcat sectiou and near a i?.Kd market. The water-power -is situate in a pood cotton section, and would make A fine site for a cotton factory. Apply to Ofeu- j Jc ..CJLmeut for further information. , Dalfd tills June llh, . f ; ; t FUAKK a llATRSTOX.r ' Ij.v'lr If IV it-r V- Hnirsrim ,ltM 44:lf . . ' r needy, so that our tribute of praiso and gratitude may be acceptable in the, sight of the Lord. Done at the citv of TViish; on the first day of November Eighteen hundred and Eigty-eight and in the year of Independence, of the United States, the one hundreth and thirteenth. In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed my name OEAL.J and caused the seal of the . United States to be fixed. Groveii Cleveland. By the President. . " T. F. Bayaud, Sec,y of State. would be lost sight of in the politi cal and commercial world, neither the President nor his wife would lose sight of each other. l' dont re li.ia been some correspondence upon the subject." " The ; Atlantic ' Coast Line, of which the AVjlmington and Weld on railroad is thc be3t known company controls probably i,uoo miles of railway. . It has a Iear AVhlstl- Shelby Aurora,. . Tiff - . a - .. " n'stiing, an innocent amu8 Sh aa. . , . . . ., ment, brought last week jrricf and' -n.lZtVnr ' only cost t5. A colored mjni'ster psr. ,h. ttZ,u at Dallas, Kev. Montgomery, wb ' . nt few ncr.oaa rcs tie Wotrst sentence was being passed upon twoln mieves lor an nacrr.Av.,taA ' 1 hot'n. Tbonn wh, ,1,. : ; : : -eo'"""vu taw 01 ry . , -w "ui. minut It 1.1 arceny of meat and flour. whi.tM 2 .W'Ih. Tho long and loud his surprise in Gas- f016 'y would ratherw ton court. Judge Gilmer arraiVnrd country' the Whistling parson who thought favorit rapaners. . As a rule the newi that it was an involuntarv einlo.T SEZ'i1.9 rcadn of regret and not of con tem nt of !f k,on? at t:csto avail tkirnS court. Judge Gilmer fined the nar- ItKS SS son $5 for his contempt of court 1l?Pcr3atthe stand and hie themselves to t.hinlr oif-Vioi. F U . n. ... u ' . i . ,, woum wane 10 terminus at or near Washington D. cut any figure in the social world C-and fin after they left the White House. V. "Z i"" " 'vuvno vuc wasi line ana i Pt ? t a V Cvi; FOR S. The public 'w hfTel.y notilled that the nder.sined 0fwj for-private-g rfe t IXiURTKHN tJIUN'l) liKI) ANDTWEX TY, ACBE5- OFTALBACLE 7-p iv' WYEI? LANDS -5 ? If r How JacksojiTille Hot the Fever. WashingtoH Post. v The proposition that all the world loves a lover probably t does not hold good in Jacksonville now. This whole yellow fever business is a love,-' affair. Mftf'lo'pmirtir i ' IlllOaa . 1 U V man who brought the yellow fever to Jacksonville, was lover. Ilis avetftteart lived at yanipaand Tarn pa yasCisolated on account of yel low vr.. But yeilow fever ore no ytJlow fever, McCormick wanted to W Uite House. Va i 1 vwfo a, i An1 Mtnv itrauLl Ka i i. i- I - : -vj WWttI vo uouteut ro nve reaches Wilmington, . 0. Charles- ton, S. C. and Savannah Ga., with The Illustrjoua .Enfflish Cardinal conncctlon t Jacksonville, Fla. Seriously I1L ; - making the great passenger route London;. Nov. lst.-Cardinal betweeP the North and the South- Newman'a illn niM r ern Cllies oi "ie Atlantic Coast. v wo KJKJ HlZij serious. Viwing to weakness the Cardinal fell and struck his head against the wall of his room. Much fri!? n Rowan cAnnty' on ' the Yadldh Illli Mf t n n 11 . . - a-. . f Hairstoa and knoWn as the 1 . j Placs. The land will hp di to small 'tracts .to suit the con purchasers.; For terms of ;- :SaW;, and ' uruier intorm&tion -m' regard thereto ap ply to Crai-e & Clement, Attorneys at , Law. SalMbury, N. C. Mr. R. Win or, the present occupant will tak picas ;iire in showio .the lnds to persons do f siring to purchase. . v - Dated t!ii, Juae '18th. ISS f- : . 44 FRANK C. JLURSTO 7 Ex t r of Peter -Vf.' Hairstoa, J) - ' Tns,Qsr;SAi.riu the world for Cuts Bruise.Sores, Ulcere Salt Rheum, Fever Gnrtic Tnltf.i. O?. .ITT t " -St. eJTpirliy1 0r0H an(i steal an interview iiin1iifrn'iWVove: .Then he came back sale-, ahd.ior .tftV-acksonrille- and brought the Vellow. fever w ith him. Surgeon General Hamilton i3 authority for this short history of the spread of yellow fever. It i another confir mationpf the ? wisdom of the sage who once declared that there was a woman at the bottom of every mischief. ' " Corns, aii.1 all. Skin ICraptioas, and posi- &ent men ask before taking hold of any lively cures i'lk-s, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give erfeet satisfactio'n. or money refunded. Priee 23 tents rer M. . TX"- JJOi. X b,WC .O.AaiCO. Jl-. la-iUlia. iii CO Is There any Gum in t? Is there" ony gum in It? is "what all pru ne w enterprise. Taylor's Cherokee Ecm- cdy of Sweet Gum and Mullen has gum in it and tho finest stimulating principle known. It cures coughs, colds and con sumption. A Train Jumps The Track. Last Saturday afternoon a lorisr anxiety is felt in regard to the nn. freight train came boom in v aiona late. - down the Western rnad. Vhr,- T uvx.a v; 11 a high hill about half wav between a. rui 01 un ii I 1 1 ;i j a- . -aj-iavvij uu uonover tne engineer vwjsxsboro, Hy., Moy. l.An- looked back and dlSCOVftrod Rf-worfil drew Johnson, a rr.nnlA i;T;n ,. 'ir "'""""s . iv. ixc miew .open near lied Hill, this county, on yes- the 'throttle, and broke loose with terday, while digging in the ground, four cars attached to the engine, unearthed a copper kettle filled with The rcmainint? fonrtpen cars tnniVi. gold aud silver coins. The kettle led ' down th ivmf was inscribed "October. 1788." were shattered to tliofXVJ. One rena The : treasure amounted to.; orer loa'ded with pig iron and the rP- 2,000. - I maindcr with nnttnn Tn il,a ; " " AU , VUC I' & iron car twn frAmno igA AnPAA,s l ' ' " 4wa taj 4caaa CUOlyUUCU Henry Clays Grandson. L Uhcoio .i Atwivnnn Vo Va i ir. I n,M . t .1:. i .. I . .a.a.. , . A, j-, tiuo i,u oaiisuury. as the car C M. Clay, grandson of Henry went to pieces one got mixed up Clay, of Kentucky, was released with the iron and had his arm brok- this morning from the detectives, en, and head' and shoulders prettv room ac me jaiyiere. He had beeu 1 badly bruised. , The services of Dr. nl..l J" . . ' x - 1 rrr '. ' " ... S fiovcu mere uauer ine non-resident West wre called in, who set his debtors law for nonpayment of arm and sent him on to Salisbury, fifty dollars, due Mr. Clarence His chum a one legged fellow, was French, of .this city, but satisfae- more fortanate. .He emerged from tory arrangementa : haring beea the ruins without a scratch. Xeic made, ne was released. That man will never repeat the ex- TTtmiB penment in the court house. !."!' tSfLi dJos5d V)f.8,JW0daiij ra ... va.- UJ.. x ao income each dar. sue nald, amounted tn nonriv n . . th(3 la nn . 1 a. "T ' Au w. icu-jjrsm 10 If . , 1.1 i esiauiifinea stand ton Enterprise. it is said of Samuel J. Randall that there is hardly another man in public life who is so poor. The plain brick house in Washington is A Woman's Disocvery. "Another . fwadcrf ol discovery - has been made and that too by a lady in this eoimty. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood itS Sl'YP.tPKt tASta hut l.or v;tl ! n. owned-br Mrs. EandalL 1 Tlifi Ban. ffans were undermined and death neomprf ll tate doea ow,, a large trt of M HS8'1 ovuvuetu uuai auuxoai janus wmcn oouie 01 ur. tuug aew he hones some dav v;u ,,1, j discovery for Uonsumptton and was so ue nopes some aay will bo worth 1 much relieved mi tatriJU something to ; hia children. The I to leP H "igftt and with one bottle land. re not derelopcd.. Wfcen i?5ini'S they are they may be worth mil- C. Ilamrick & Co., of Shelby. N. C Get lions. - atfee trial bottle at . Theo. F. Khittz & A Word of Caution. There is evidently a disposition with many members of bur order in this State to engage - in the mercan tile business. They are anxious' to establish- Alliance Co-pperative Stores. Standing amid the wreck of hundreds of co-operative stores and with the fact staring us in the face, that twelve out of thirteen men fails who engage. in merchandizing in tne .south, we would beTunfaith- fiil to our trust as the organ of our order did we fail to seriously ad- the New York i.raWsavs: -Amonc l0" 8alrU ihopopu- mon.sh.oar brethren to ao very slow the cotton received T,.' tad.Sr.'SS. V' , i . - - J w 4 I VOVVlUdT 1 . w VUU AVtUilllir ww.u6.j . iicitruou? vuiTaw, winch was covered 7 Timff press u ror sale before noon business, do so icilh veru great cau- in bagdnir mad frnm I !IeI7 Jf7!. r? retailed at a few Ordinarily, if the amount of The entire Jot was quickd pa --iif.il vr,-.'. ,1 a i i- , I -. 1 ' Irom thA nmnrlafnn ..r tk. i .... ... -r-..c4eu w. estaonsn a co- or ana readily accepted by the ex- ithy; a few u operative store, was employed in es- porters. This Wa" stre-Xew York Hail " UW1V1 IV mil V r W I tablishing a judicious business sys- the bagging pu22le and puts a onie- ' " iwwwihra Marvel. At the Cleonatra unHnT . . ... I . . -a- r a vtl 1 IVCO ten-fold safer and in the end much cieved yesterday were shmnr-dfrn 17? more profitable. Go blow, breth- Liverpool - . nmr? ns is rnn in tho rt.a-.Af;J-a-'i..- f ' the vah- .-T1 U4 cruauiifr ... mv vy-vunautc 6tUfB UUSI- . ; , i . - wu are solil u i " "teau la me vaney. The Charlotte ffl, a- tf'fcO ilir. IL. I , I 41 v UaJ.CC9 JonP. nno nf th .fv.ut.m, baala tbot ! , .in. uwiicn ui liip now 1 "ubwijt uy a hoc enrfn t'.n Hickory Clipper, 22 nit: Henrv Muing.mills jn this cit lpf, STi801 nPly as oae approaches n.,v,;n .ia . ' I .. " . r .wa - auu ne -streams v,ai.,i, rtuu years, me son of a rlcu,uS ior ine northern markets mm as-na retain an farmer living about four mira to bnv the machin eveu at a considerab: v . .... . .. ... J ".Lucu. uwa me main terrace.. Ati , irom town, leit His father's linns. IQr the mills. He will hnr patra spring bottles are nv yesterday morning about eiVht shirt machinerv in 'IW v.i. S!.tlJ0driPPlD .wat between the o clock. He came to Hickory and and the socks machinery in Phila-; Lours' thc7 are overed with a ci- about eleven was stowed away in delphia. The mills will be in full otSZ1 nl't uie upper story of a bar room in a operation by the first of January 13M5? w a suitable bath in this state known as dead dm nt Ttte milla will ri a, t." 1. fP"2? Hk bit fcf - - iUUUk I " --- gt w VlilJJIDJ lllfll b lO I five o'clock he was fnntid K 4 8eventv-fivft hnnda l.an ln - - IVS SJC3 I " wa ti ucu 1 UillllllV f . . " dead. He had Vath-rpd i' under fnll Mn.,;. & !i" .truptl"n' "8ed,..?J. dustf 0 . wava w 1 . 1 -j I - aauxia c-LUX 4.WJi,ieU in IS IS leaving home and his father savs - ----- ' - '' : - raised in incorruption, a thing of beauty U l,..i .... , .. J ' "d joy foreTea. It Is in rerv truth ucuauuoiurunK any liquor and An old Writer ..r. . itii-i.ijiwj"'1 was ,n perfect health so far as he lUr . , V ulllJJJ krt rr , , "" ue peaceaoie. 1 , . . J ueposji your souve- nows. lie came to town on )We I - i,ut t t .. . . . - : -ura in the Cleopatra Boring on tha - - T I jci it uauuiiT. 1 nOV f haf hat I - i , - i . ' :t V back and some say he was s'drnnk u 1- .1- . J. c. "J"' y.you ready t , . ' . . . - I i aaaiaN,u IU UR aTHinPH I " aaaau wnen no reached here while others and taken hpd nf f c.t. I. , .1 ' ' . I " " OIB 1UI1 ov UC was cooi sooer. lie was a nf .-m; - i. : . firt 1 1 - - ouu w.uaveuuess, ana are fine looking young man and was snies lik nnfn c. w. . . ..va vj wis v.-juajiatauces. tern for the Alliance or Alliances tus on the hopes- of the jute bag which go into it they would find it ging trust, The fifteen bales re- in me end much cieved yes Go jslow, breth- Liverpool. rative hi ness. Progressive Farmer that flow agreeable e distance them whiter hna snow. Cor. Saa Francisco Cliroiilcla Pullman Passenger Cars. We learn with pleasure that the passenger trains on the line betwten eud of the chin be round, it is the sign of nice manners ; but the chiu of a real man is square." Salisbury and Knoxville are now A Family Blessing: Simmoas Idvar Iienlator, the favorite Stocked With elegant and luxurious . e remedr ?s entirely vegetable, and demirfrod the south and sonthvrest for day coaches of Pullman build and """'P"5" na Dest rarnily medicine f nTra epeopio intiiatpart a 1 . W aDd that is eomponnded. No rnr t ofe conntry, have: had no me for ona Demn4 for ! 1 Chang. ' The demand for Jsmall bills end coins. H sayu a Pniladclphla fiubrtrcasnrr offlciaL is such that we cannot bia to sar.nl w 1 and $2 billa n faijt ii3 tliev ara csilll for, .rail wearew.Tr bvLiixl la the matter of Koiall clianire yennJes. lire cent nieces. dimes, quarters and half dollar bits. One . of the peculiarities of the day ; In the new equipment surpassing an vthinir of - -H-..Jli' , . T 09 . cent pieces; they have rather i raclifced ta tho UnA hitli V- ..i m "r".1" If0 ! n.'h?srsat crowtU.. ( ..wv.v ji, wcnenn jApoaw aiter laituss: no loss 01 time It ! ui liveliness in iraae Ciovm there eeeins tj use on this road.. It s the constant H tne best prevendve medicine aa.1 f hae clianged naTairs materiaUy.' And aii efTnrt nf , ' . . . . to take nn mLtt Ter Me foonrry it worua eem this - ""r!-"" xnase me may 1 aemana for sraajl line worthy of the large travel it in- ntcs.AiJievi'l7e' CiJizen. 0T rrcfiw I a prove to be, and In any ordinary diseare. j tlon that there is a boom to retail businesH. will effect a speedy cure. Demand - the Tt&t would explain the demand for tln Genuine, bavin-fheZ tampon Wrapper. I K tfJT 1 V

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